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Table of Contents

Task 01......................................................................................................................................................1
TASK 02......................................................................................................................................................2
Pass Word................................................................................................................................................2
Vender Order...........................................................................................................................................2
Indent Report...........................................................................................................................................2
MS Visual basic.......................................................................................................................................2
MS Access...............................................................................................................................................3
Task 03........................................................................................................................................................3
Development of Software:.......................................................................................................................3
System testing:........................................................................................................................................3
System Implementation:..........................................................................................................................4
2.Record Review:................................................................................................................................4
Task 04........................................................................................................................................................5

Task 01
Supermarket management system is the system where all the aspects related to the
proper management of supermarket is done. These aspects involve managing
information about the various products, staff, managers, customers, billing etc. This
system provides an efficient way of managing the supermarket information. Also
allows the customer to purchase and pay for the items purchased. This project is
based on the sales transaction and billing of items in a supermarket. The first
activity is based on adding the items to the system along with the rate which are
present in the supermarket and the name of the items which the supermarket will
agree to sell. This authority is given only to admin (administrator). Any
modifications to be done in the item name and the rate can be done only by admin.
e also has the right to delete any item. As the customer buys the products and
comes to the billing counter, the user is supposed to enter the item name he
purchased and the! Quantity of the item he had purchased. This is not a huge a task
Procedural programming is the most natural way of telling a computer what to do as the
computer processors own language and machine code is procedural. It is also referred as
structured or modular programming. Procedural programming is performed by telling the
computer what to do and how to do it through a list of step-by-step instructions. Therefore,
procedural programming involves procedures, which implies that there are steps that need to be
followed to complete a specific task. For example read a number, add 7 or display a specific
message. Procedural programming is quite straightforward and efficient as more than often to
begin with, the program is written in a common and plain language by applying logic before
actually writing the code.
The main features of procedural programming is that it is relatively easy to read and write
program code and maintain program code as numerous procedures can be debugged separately.
Furthermore, large programs are divided into smaller ones and that most of the data is shared and
can therefore be reached from any other point within the program.
Conclusively, taking into account that the main characteristics of procedural programing being
sequential logic, simplicity, easy implementation of compilers and interpreters, ability to make

use of the same code in the program by calling it instead of copying, ease with which the
program flow can be tracked, ability to be strongly modular or structured, it can definitely be
said that procedural programming is an essential stepping stone towards learning further
programming skills.

This can be described a search of a set of standardi7ed parts or independent units that can be
used to construct a more complex' structure, such as an item.

This is the administration of a business, organi7ation,

This is an identification used by a person with access to a computer, network, or online service.

Pass Word
This Isa secret word or phrase that must be used to gain admission to a place.

Vender Order
This Isa commercial document used to request someone to supply something in return for
payment and providing specifications and! Quantities;

Indent Report
This contains5rder for goods (placed often through a local or foreign agent of a foreign supplier)
under specified conditions of sale

, the acceptance of which by the supplier (or the agent) constitutes a contract of sale.

MS Visual basic
: Visual 1asic is a third<generation event<driven programming language and integrated
development environment from 4icrosoft for its 254 programming model first released in

MS Access
4icrosoft Access, also known as 4icrosoft 5ffice Access, is a database management system from
4icrosoft that combines the relational4icrosoft >ET 9atabase 8ngine with a graphical user
interface and software<development tool

Task 03
System Design is the most creative part of the Programming. In this phase of Project design,
flowcharts and pseudopodia are of great importance. System design is a transition from a useroriented document to a document oriented to programmers or database personnel. I went through
logical and physical design with emphasis on the following:
Preparing input/output specification. Specifying the implementation plan.c.Preparing a logical
design walkthrough before implementation. The various activities involved in the design process
1. Database design
2. Project design
3. System and program test preparation etc. Diagrammatic Presentation how this phase went
through is as below: Database Design Program Design System test Requirements Allocation Of
Function Design Specification Program test requirement Design Phase Walk through

Development of Software:
On the basis of analysis and design specification. I started the development of the software. In
this phase actual coding of the program was done.

System testing:
Once the program are tested individually, then the system as a whole need to be tested. During
testing, the system was used experimentally to ensure that the software does not failure. That it
will run according to its specification and in the way the user expects it to. Special test data was
prepared as input for processing and the result were examined to locate unexpected result.

System Implementation:
In this stage I finally planned to implement the developed software before I collect the following
required information by using the following facts finding techniques:
1. Interviews:

Under the guidelines of my training officer and supervisor I interviewed the persons directly
dealing with the manual system i.e. with salespersons and the manager of supermarket. I asked
about how they perform their duties and what steps do they take.
2. Record Review:

I also reviewed the complete record so as to come to know about the detailed procedure of the
supermarket that how they manually handle the complete process form the incoming of the client
till the delivery of their products.
3. Observation:

Observation helps analysts to gain information one cant obtain by any fact-finding method. I
observed the functioning of supermarket and got firsthand information about how the activities
are carried out in supermarket. I came to know how the documents are handle, how processed are
4. Discussion:

Another way to finding the facts and data for the design of the system is discussion. Discussion
is the best method to solve sort of critical and abstract problems that cant be solved concretely
by just observing and record reviewing etc.

Task 04

File->> add a new Java project, name it and->> next. This is where we are going to be
setting up our jar files. (you can get here by right clicking a project->> build path->> customize
path as well)

Under Libraries tab->> Add External Jars->> the Test NG jar from where you
stored it, and the Opium java client library.

Add the Selenium Jar file 2.45.0

Also, in the Selenium folder, go into the libs folder and import all Jars in this
folder. This may not be necessary depending on what you want your program to do; I just like
having them all at my disposal.

Now you are ready to start scripting!!!

Here is my code for the calculator application:
*For the PDF version visit*

Almost there! Now we need to set up our Emulator in AVD Manager. In the Manager dialog
select create. This will bring up a form that you will use to set up the device. I called my device
Emulator, but you can go with a different conventional name, just be sure it matches in you code
and in Opium. If you set yours up like this you should have no problem with your device:

Click OK, and start your device

Now we can run Opium! In Android settings, set it up to match your device and give the
path to your SDK

Make sure only necessary boxes are selected

Your server should be set up to default as below, so all thats left to do is run the server,
note this is the server from my code.

If server is started correctly your prompt should look similar to this this:

With the device loaded, we are ready to run the script by right clicking and run
as Testing. The calculator app will open and the functions will execute.

POS software is what brick and mortar retailers use to conduct sales. It's sometimes a cash
register, computer, or even a machine where cashiers input your products, tally the cost, and
conduct the financial transaction. Most POS software will also communicate with inventory
levels to keep everything in balance. A lot of big box stores have wildly expensive POS
solutions, some of which were custom built for their needs. Smaller retailers are moving away
from these traditional POS systems and toward cloud based point of sale solutions.

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