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Use Case Specification: Register

1 Register
1.1 Brief Description
This use case describes how a customer register into the Ware house management system.

2 Actors
The following actor(s) interact and participate in this use case:

3 Flow of Events
3.1 Basic Flow
This use case starts when the customer wants to register into the system.
1.The system requests that the actor enter his/her customer details and password.
2.The actor enter his/her customer details and password.
3.The system verify and submit the customer details.
4. The customer details is saved into the database.
5.The system provides the customer id to the customer.

3.2 Alternative Flow

3.2.1 Cancel Registration
If the customer select the cancel option for register, then it returns to the home page of system.
3.2.2 Invalid Information Entered
1. User clicks submit after entering information system asked for.
2. System displays information with appropriate message to correct invalid information.
3. User re-enters information.

4 Special Requirements


5 Pre-Conditions

6 Post-Conditions
1 Success
The user entered successful information and customer id assign to the customer.
2 Failure
User is unable to register and return to the home page of the system.

7 Extension Points

Use Case Specification:Login

1 Login
1.1 Brief Description
This use case describes how a user login into the Ware house management system.

2 Actors
The following actor(s) interact and participate in this use case:
Customer, Office Personnel, Foreman

3 Flow of Events
3.1 Basic Flow
This use case starts when the Actor wants to Login into the warehouse management system.
1. The system requests that the actor enter his/her customer id and password.
2. The actor enter his/her customer id and password.
3. The system submit the details.
4. The system fetch and validate the information.
5. The system logs the actor into to the system and display successful login message.

3.2 Alternative Flow

3.2.1 User Fails Authentication
If the Actor entered an invalid username and/or password, the following occurs:
1. The system display the error message why the Actor failed authentication.
2. The system prompts the Actor to re-enter the valid information.
3. The Actor can choose return to Basic Flow continues where the Actor enters new information
or cancel the login.

4 Special Requirements

5 Pre-Conditions

All user must have a User Account created for them in the system ,prior to executing the use case
or created by the customer(for Customer Account) .

6 Post-Conditions
1. Success
The Actor is authenticated and the system displays a home page based on the user type log into
the system.
2. Failure
The Actor is unable to log in into the system due to some reasons.

7 Extension Points

Use Case Specification: Order

1 Order
1.1 Brief Description
This use case allows the Customer to place order and cancel order.

2 Actors
The following actor(s) interact and participate in this use case:

3 Flow of Events
3.1 Basic Flow
This use case starts when the Customer wants to place and cancel order into the warehouse
1. The system requests the Customer to select the order state.
2. The Customer choose the order state.
3. The system check the order states and one of the sub flows is executed.

If the Customer selected Place Order, the Place Order sub-flows is executed.
If the Customer selected Cancel Order, the Cancel Order sub-flows is executed.

3.1.1 Place Order

1. The system requests the Customer enters customer id, item number and item type.
2. The Customer enters the customer id, item number and item type into the system.
3. The System takes the customer details and get the available location of warehouse .
4. The system stored the order details into the database.
5. The system display message that order id placed.

3.1.2 Cancel Order

1. The system requests the Customer to enter the Order id.

2. The Customer Enter the Order id.

3. The system submit the order id and update the status of order (cancel).
4. The system confirms the customer that order is cancelled.

3.2 Alternative Flow

3.2.1 Warehouse Location Not Available
If in the Place Order sub-flows, Required warehouse location is not available, then System return
to the order from and display a message Warehouse location is not available. The Customer
can then enter a different warehouse location or cancel the operation at which the use case ends.
3.2.2 Entered Order id Not Found
If in the Cancel Order sub-flows, the Customer specified Order id does not exist, the system
display an error message. The Customer can then enter a different order id or cancel the
operation at which the use case ends.
3.2.3 Place Order Cancelled
If in the Place Order sub-flows, the Customer decides not to place the order, the place order is
cancelled and basic flow start at the beginning.
3.2.4 Cancel Order Cancelled
If in the Cancel Order sub-flows, the Customer decides not to cancel the order, the Cancel order
operation is cancelled and basic flow start at the beginning.

4 Special Requirements

5 Pre-Conditions
The Customer must be Logged onto the system before this use case begins.

6 Post-Conditions
If this use case was successful ,the order is placed or cancelled from the system .Otherwise the
system state is unchanged.

7 Extension Points

Use Case Specification: Check Warehouse Availability

1 Check Warehouse Availability
1.1 Brief Description
This use case allows the Actors to check the warehouse availability in the Warehouse
management system and Customer indirectly interact with this use case when customer place
order in system and then system check warehouse availability.

2 Actors
The following actor(s) interact and participate in this use case:
Office Personnel, Foreman

3 Flow of Events
3.1 Basic Flow
1. This use case starts when the Actor and system wants to check the warehouse availability in
the warehouse management system.
3.1.1 When customer place the order then system check the warehouse availability in the system.
3.1.2 When the Actor wants to check available space in the particular warehouse

The System requests the warehouse location .

The Actor enters the warehouse location.
The System get the availability of location .
The System then return the message location available.

3.2 Alternative Flow

3.2.1 Location Not Available
If entered location is not available then it display a message that Location is not available.

4 Special Requirements

5 Pre-Conditions

All customer must be Logged onto the system before this use case begins.

6 Post-Conditions
If this use case was successful, the Actors checks warehouse availability.

7 Extension Points

Use Case Specification: Redistribution Control

1 Redistribution Control
1.1 Brief Description
This use case allows the Actors to redistribute the location, date and time of the Warehouse.

2 Actors
The following actor(s) interact and participate in this use case:
Customer, Foreman, Office Personnel

3 Flow of Events
3.1 Basic Flow
This use case starts when the Actors wants to redistribute the warehouse detail into the
warehouse management system.
1. The system requests that the Actors enter redistribution date, time and location .
2. The Actors enter the redistribution details .
3. The system provide the redistribution details.
4. The system update the redistribution details.
5. The system displays the confirmation message.

3.2 Alternative Flow

3.2.1 Redistribution Update Cancelled
If the Actors decides not to update the redistribution details, the update is cancelled and the Basic
Flow is restarted at the beginning.

4 Special Requirements

5 Pre-Conditions
All Actors must be logged onto the system before this use case begins.

6 Post-Conditions

If this use case was successful, the redistribution detail is updated in the system. Otherwise, the
system state is unchanged.

7 Extension Points

Use Case Specification: View Location Information

1 View Location Information

1.1 Brief Description
This use case allows the Actors to view the location of item in the warehouse from the system.

2 Actors
The following actor(s) interact and participate in this use case:
Truck Driver, Warehouse Worker, Forklift Operator,Radio Device

3 Flow of Events
3.1 Basic Flow
This use case starts when the Actors wants to view location of item in the warehouse
management system.
1.The system requests the order id .
2.The Actor enter order id of which order the actor wants to view the item location information .
3.The system provide the order id.
4. The system get the item location.
5.The system display the item location to the actor.

3.2 Alternative Flow

3.2.1 Order id not found
If the order specified by the customer does not exist, the system display an error message. The
Actor can then enter a different order id or cancel the operation.

4 Special Requirements

5 Pre-Conditions
All Actor must be logged onto the system before this use case begins.

6 Post-Conditions

If the use case was successful, the desired order id item location information is generated.
Otherwise, the system state remains unchanged.

7 Extension Points

Use Case Specification: Manage Item Location

1 Manage Item Location

1.1 Brief Description
This use case describes how Actors manage the item location into the Ware house management

2 Actors
The following actor(s) interact and participate in this use case:
Warehouse Worker, Forklift Operator

3 Flow of Events
3.1 Basic Flow
This use case starts when the Actor wants to manage the item location into the warehouse
management system.
1.The system requests the item number and item type .
2.The Actor enter the item number and item type.
3.The system provide the item number and item type.
4. The system get the available storage location and show the location to the actor.
5.The Actor select the item location.
6. The system update the location status.

3.2 Alternative Flow

3.2.1 Incorrect Item Information
If the Actor specified item number and item type does not exist in the system then error message
display. the Actor can then enter different item number and item type or cancel the operation, at
which the use case ends.
3.2.2 Location Does Not Exist
If no location information exists in the system for that item number and item type, the error
message display. The Actor can then enter a different item number and item type or cancel the
operation ,at which the user case ends.

4 Special Requirements

5 Pre-Conditions
All Actors must be logged onto the system before this use case begins.

6 Post-Conditions
If this use case was successful , the item location is managed in the system. Otherwise, the
system state is unchanged.

7 Extension Points

Use Case Specification: Item Identification

1 Item Identification

1.1 Brief Description

This use case describes how the Actor identifies the item by barcode reader and enter item details
into the Ware house management system.

2 Actors
The following actor(s) interact and participate in this use case:
Warehouse Worker, Barcode Reader

3 Flow of Events
3.1 Basic Flow
This use case starts when the loading and unloading of order occur into the warehouse
management system.
1. The Actor reads the barcode by the barcode reader.
2. The Actor submit the barcode reader into the system.
3. The system get the barcode reader from the database The system verify the barcode .
4. The system verify the barcode.
5.The system enter the barcode into the system.

3.2 Alternative Flow

3.2.1 Barcode Authentication Failed
If scanned barcode does not match the database barcode. Then Actor again scan the barcode or
cancel the operation, this use case ends.

4 Special Requirements

5 Pre-Conditions
All Actors must be logged into the system.

6 Post-Conditions

If the use case was successful then Item identified. Otherwise system state does not

7 Extension Points

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