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The Aztec Social Hierarchy

Subject: Social Studies
Date: March 17th 2016
Critical Inquiry Question:
How does the intercultural clash between the Aztecs
and the Spanish inform our understanding of worldview?
Time: morning and afternoon
8.3.1: appreciate how a societys worldview influences the societys choices,
decisions and interactions with other societies (C, I) What were the key elements of the worldview of the Aztec civilization
prior to contact with the Spanish? (TCC, I, CC) How did the Aztec civilizations worldview influence the Aztecs choices,
decisions and customs? (TCC, CC, PADM)
8D: Demonstrate Global and Cultural Understanding
8C: Demonstrate Global and Cultural Understanding
Critical Thinking
Instructional Objectives:
At the end of the lesson students will be able to
1. Identify the different components of the Aztec social hierarchy. (Remember)
2. Describe the roles of different groups within Aztec society. (Understand).
3. Compare and contrast renaissance and Aztec social hierarchies. (Analyze)
4. Show how Aztec social hierarchy is reflective of Aztec worldview. (Apply)


Key Questions:
1. What does the Aztec social hierarchy tell us about worldview?
a. How might similarities and differences between the Aztec and European
social hierarchies reflect similarities and differences between Aztec and
Spanish worldview.

Thick card paper.

Crown from Drama Dept.
Powerpoint presentation

1. Tape the social hierarchy onto the floor.
2. Create a story that goes with the social hierarchy.
3. Prepare and print worksheet and Venn Diagram.
4. Cut and label cards.

Have ELL students partner up for the worksheet component.

Lesson Procedure:
1. 10 minutes: Binder Cleanup and hand back important documents.
a. For 8D be sure to hand out the week one review notes that they
generated on Monday.
2. 10 minutes- Ticket to Class: Have students take a few minutes to complete a
codex of their own, covering what we talked about in class. Make sure they focus
on a key component of their own worldview. Call on some students to share if
they would like.
3. 5 minutes Social Hierarchy refresher: have table groups come up with a
definition of a social hierarchy. Call on groups to share.
4. 10 minutes- Create a school and/or Canadian social hierarchies on the board
as an example- have students provide input on this.
5. 5 Minutes: On chart paper, have each table create a social hierarchy based on
what they remember from the renaissance unit. This will help them with the Venn
diagram activity later.

5 minutes- Energizer: Have a student select an energizer from the list. Make
sure that it is one that works with tape, and tell the students to be careful of the
tape as they do the energizer.

7. 10-15 minutes: Living Worksheet Activity- Have students complete the living
worksheet activity. Students will be issued with colored cards and a story will be
told based upon that. Dont forget to crown the emperor at the end and have one
of the slaves bring him/her grapes.
8. 15 minutes Venn Diagram and Worksheet: Have students use pages 172 to 175
of the Pearson Text to tie up any loose ends on the worksheet. This covers
Artisans and such. Next, have the students complete a Venn Diagram- have them
cover similarities and differences between the Aztecs and the Spanish social
hierarchy. They will also write a paragraph about what the Aztec Social Hierarchy
can tell us about worldview.
**** NOTE**** In Section C (PM) students will generate their own questions based on
the learning activity and attempt to answer them- students will still complete the Venn
9. Wrap-up. Discuss the project for next week once again. Be sure to clarify any
questions. JUST BEFORE BELL RINGS send the students to the graffiti wall.
Formative Assessment:
Class discussion and observation: record any key discussion points that give an indicator
of student understanding in the folder.
Worksheet and Venn Diagram: Provide descriptive feedback to students- look for any
missing pieces in their understanding.
Graffiti Wall: Have students reflect upon a key takeaway from the lesson. I will go back
to this and study to see if there are any glaring problems.
Lesson Reflection:
This is a space for notes after youve taught the lesson.

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