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ACKNOWLEDGEMENT “Tae Dwaar,” says Coleridge, “‘sees farther than the giant, when he has the giant's shoulder to mount on.” Any book of this kind must be based upon the work of previous scholars, and I owe much to many giants, whose names will be found in the biblio- graphy. For the mediaeval section, one is outstanding: Henry Hewitt, whose Antient Armour, published in 1860, has perhaps more of real value to offer the student of mediaeval arms than any other book. This exhaustive study is based upon contemporary documents, and contains none of the theories which have so be- devilled later research, In my study of the mediaeval sword I have followed his example, for my sources too have been original. As anyone who is interested in mediaeval life must, I owe a great deal to the countless painters and sculptors who have left so rich, detailed and accurate an account of the costume and arms of their contem= pporaries. My work is based upon theirs; here and there I have illus- trated my text with copies of pieces of it, and though these lack the character of the originals, they are accurate copies. I have taken great care not to “‘improve” on the original, the better to show detail. Everything is as it was put on to the vellum ot carved in the stone. Having expressed my gratitude to these giants of the past, I find I have scarcely room to name all the living people to whom I owe so much. Sir James Mann, K.C.V.O., F.B.A., Hon. Vice-President Soc. Antiquaries, Master of the Armouries of the Tower of London, whose encouragement and interest have always sustained me; Mr, R. L, S, Bruce Mitford, B.A., F.S.A., of the British Museum, and Mr. Martin Holmes, FS.A., of the London Museum, who have firmly steered me into the correct paths of research; my friends Dr. Hilda Ellis Davidson, M.A., F.S.A., to whom I owe almost everything I know about the Migration and Viking periods,

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