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Unit 7

3. Teaching resources
Unit summary:
Plants are living things that belong to the plant kingdom. All plants species
are multicellular and have eukaryotic cells. All plants are autotrophic.
Plants have pigments that allow them to capture sunlight. The most
common one is chlorophyll. Thanks to chlorophyll, most plants are
The root is the part of the plant that grows under the ground. Its main
function is to absorb water and mineral salts (xylem sap) and carry
them to the stem.
The stems functions are to keep the plant erect and support its
branches and leaves. Apart from that, there are conducting vessels
of xylem sap and phloem sap inside the stem.
Leaves are the organs where photosynthesis and gas exchanges
take place.
The plants that dont have flowers or seeds are mosses, liverworts
and ferns. They are very primitive plants that reproduce with small
cells called spores.
Mosses and liverworts dont have conducting vessels, so they
absorb water and mineral salts from the ground, which is
almost always wet.
Ferns have conducting vessels. They are commonly found in
dark, humid places since they need water for reproduction.
Gymnosperms usually have a tree structure, with root, stem
and leaves. Most gymnosperms are conifers. The flowers of
these species have scales and are grouped to form a cone.

algaida editores, S.A. Authorized photocopiable material.

Angiosperms have flowers and their seeds are inside a fruit

that protects them.


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