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Is Humankind Up For The Global Warming And Climate

Change Challenge?

CNN, the History and Discovery channel, are always broadcasting programs associated with 2012.
As a result, people around the world have been preparing for serious climate changes, sun flares and
possible pole shifts.
The Republican Party in the USA has controlled the political discourse for some time thanks to
political consultant and pollster Frank Luntz. Luntz is the architect of the Republican Party's
language policy. It's Luntz who was responsible for turning 'inheritance tax' into 'death tax,' 'global
warming' into 'california climate change,' and 'eavesdropping' into 'electronic intercepts.' Control
the words and you control the conversation no matter what side of the political fence you sit on.
Is this a God who relegates women to second-class citizenship in the human race? Is this a God who
commands us to murder our children? And if so, is this a God who is a proper object of worship?
On the other hand, if we - despite all the warning signs - don't do anything to achieve a more
sustainable lifestyle. And this leads to an environmental catastrophe on a global scale, then we will
really have outdone ourselves in the art of arrogance.
"Anthropogenic": Simply put, "man-made." That doesn't mean there aren't natural forces out there
also at play. Of course there are natural forces that have impacted climate for millennia. So when
scientists say anthropogenic or man-made or human activity they are referring to that component of
global warming (or climate change) that is attributable to the things we do - most notably the
emission of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. And what 7
billion humans do makes a difference.
If money was all you ever worked toward in the past, then this Great Recession has shown you what
it's like when it fails. Now you know you can't trust in money to meet all your needs. No matter who
you are, you've seen it by now.
Reconnect with nature. We often lose sight what we are fighting for when our noses are in some
magazine or computer screen 24/7. Visit the nature, draw from its serenity, let it alkalize you and
inspire you with its gentleness.
Discussing the nature of God brings up the question of what character we attribute to God. Is this a
God of genocide, urging the Hebrews to tear across Asia Minor slaughtering all the way? Is this a
God who requires that his "only son" should be tortured to death even though he did not supposedly
commit sins?
What about processed meats? While we all love that ballpark hotdog or slab of bacon, processed
foods are extremely high in saturated fat, sodium, and nitrates. If you must eat them, make them an
occasional treat. But, if you can, omit them from your diet completely.
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