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##### Basic information ######

# DSpace installation directory

dspace.dir = /dspace/dspace

# DSpace host name - should match base URL. Do not include port number.
dspace.hostname =

# DSpace base host URL. Include port number etc.

dspace.baseUrl =

# DSpace base URL. Include port number etc., but NOT trailing slash
# Change to xmlui if you wish to use the xmlui as the default, or remove
# "/jspui" and set webapp of your choice as the "ROOT" webapp in
# the servlet engine.
dspace.url =

# Optional: DSpace URL for mobile access

# This
#dspace.mobileUrl =

# Name of the site = Repositorio Institucional del CONCYTEC

# Default language for metadata values

default.language = es_ES

##### Database settings #####

# Database name ("oracle", or "postgres") = postgres

# URL for connecting to database

db.url = jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/dspace <- nombre de la base de datos

# JDBC Driver
db.driver = org.postgresql.Driver

# Database username and password

db.username = usuario_de_la_base_de_datos
db.password = clave_de_la_base_de_datos

# Schema name - if your database contains multiple schemas, you can avoid problems with
# retrieving the definitions of duplicate object names by specifying
# the schema name here that is used for DSpace by uncommenting the following entry
db.schema =

##### Handle settings ######

# Canonical Handle URL prefix
# By default, DSpace is configured to use
# as the canonical URL prefix when generating dc.identifier.uri
# during submission, and in the 'identifier' displayed in JSPUI
# item record pages.
# If you do not subscribe to CNRI's handle service, you can change this
# to match the persistent URL service you use, or you can force DSpace
# to use your site's URL, eg.
#handle.canonical.prefix = ${dspace.url}/handle/
# Note that this will not alter dc.identifer.uri metadata for existing
# items (only for subsequent submissions), but it will alter the URL
# in JSPUI's 'identifier' message on item record pages for existing items.

# If omitted, the canonical URL prefix will be

handle.canonical.prefix =
# CNRI Handle prefix
handle.prefix = CONCYTEC

### i18n - Locales / Language ####

# Default Locale
# A Locale in the form country or country_language or country_language_variant
# if no default locale is defined the server default locale will be used.
default.locale = es

# All the Locales, that are supported by this instance of DSpace

# A comma-separated list of Locales. All types of Locales country, country_language, country_language_variant
# Note that the appropriate file are present, especially that all the are there
# may be used, e. g: webui.supported.locales = en, de
webui.supported.locales = es

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