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Language Arts

Exit Slip
Write a sentence using a descriptive word you learned from the story. Then, draw a
picture about your sentence.

The student was
actively engaged
in the read aloud
and pumpkin
planting activity.
The student
pasted the life
cycle in the
correct order.
The student was
able to draw the
three things
pumpkins need
to grow.



Social Studies
Students Name:____________________


Did the student
tell the class
about his vote?

Did the student

color and cut out
his pumpkin?
Did the student
put his or her
vote in the
correct category
on the



Math Exit Slip

Objectives and Rationales

1. Given the opportunity to participate in a read aloud, the students will listen and answer
questions about the cycle of a pumpkin and what it needs live/grow.
2. Given the opportunity to participate in a pumpkin growing activity, students will be able to
assist in planting pumpkin seeds while discussing the pumpkin life cycle and what it needs to
I chose to do a cut and paste and a checklist for my science lesson. The students
completed a cut and paste to show what they learned during the read aloud and discussion.
Throughout the read aloud, we went back and went over the life cycle. At the end, we used
magnets to make the life cycle. We also talked about the three things that pumpkin seeds need to
grow. To assess what the students learned in the lesson, I chose a cut and paste to see if the
students could put the life cycle in the right order. I had the students write the three things
pumpkin needs to grow on the back to see if the students remember. I think that the assessment
goes with the objective because it is assessing both of the objectives.
I did not have to modify this activity for either student. I did have to accommodate Child
2 by helping him cut out his pictures because they were small. He had no problem gluing them
out on his own. I should have modified the activity so he had bigger pictures and would not
struggle to cut them out. Child 1 did not have any problem completing the activity.
Social Studies

1. Given the opportunity to participate in a voting activity and discussion, the students will
discuss which pumpkin they want as the class pumpkin and why, then vote on the class pumpkin.
I assessed the students using a checklist based off of the objective. The checklist included
telling the class which pumpkin they voted for, why, and then gluing the jack o lantern in the
right position on the graph to show the vote. I felt that this matches the objective very clearly. I
think that I could have planned this checklist better because it was hard to fill out one for every
student during the activity.
I was prepared to modify this activity to help Child 1. Since Child 1 is selectively mute,
he rarely volunteers to share in front of the class. I was going to offer to just let him show his
vote instead of telling about it because I do not want to force him to talk. When he is forced to
talk he becomes upset and can even cry. I was happy when Child 1 actually spoke in front of the
class. Even though he spoke quietly, he still went up and did it which is an accomplishment for
Language Arts:
1. Given the opportunity to participate in a read aloud and a discussion, the students will answer
questions regarding different words in the text to show their understanding of descriptive words.
2. Given the opportunity to draw a picture and write about their drawing, the students will draw
and write about The Bumpy Little Pumpkin using three descriptive words they learned from the
story. Example: A student draws a BIG pumpkin patch or a bumpy pumpkin like from in the

I gave the children an exit slip where the students had to illustrate their own pumpkin
they would pick from a pumpkin patch and then write at least one sentence using an adjective to
describe it. I think that the exit slips directions followed the objectives very closely. One of the
objectives is actually what the students did during the exit slip. I chose an exit slip for language
arts and math because at Youngstown City Schools exit slips have to be used for these two
I modified the exit slip to help Child 2. Since he does not write using letters and
scribbles, it is impossible to read what he writes. To see if he understood the content, I asked him
what he wrote about. He was able to tell me that his pumpkin was big and bumpy. These were
two adjectives that he learned in the story. He also had a drawing that related to what he said.
1. Given the opportunity to participate in a graph activity, students will create a map with three
categories and answer questions as a class.
2. Given the opportunity to participate in an exit slip about pictographs, students will answer the
questions to the best of their ability.
The students completed an exit slips about pictographs. I think that the exit slip matched
my objective because the exit slip was almost exactly like the one we did as a class. The only
different is that there were four categories in the exit slip and the numbers were not the same as
the class pictograph. I thought that the students would be able to transfer what they learned on
the carpet to the exit slip. I think that the exit slip went along with the objective because they
were very similar activities.

I did not modify the activity for either of the students. Since the entire class struggled to
complete the exit slip it became clear that the students were not ready for this step. I need to
spend more time teaching students about pictographs and story problems before expecting them
to complete an exit slip like the one above.

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