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Part B (20 marks)

space provided'
Answer all questions. write your answers in the
method of learning
Name four advantages oioot- over the traditional
. Easy access.
print' electronic online
o Allows speedy interpersonal communication by
. Allows you to study when and where it suits you'
with family or
. Allows you to fulfill commitments while fulfilting commitments at work'
ribrary book record g"*rateo ftom a Mycatalqgue
carrnh wilh three missinq information fieldssearch with three
Call number'

Open Univers$r of Hong Kong

Physical DescriPtion

v, 96 p. : ill. ; 22 crn.
Distance education

rrt>)' '""'

that benefit students are:


. lt can 'push' You to studY harder'

. lt is a good motivation tool'
. lt is another learning occasion'
. lt provides fee{back to botir the studen

en in


Chicago Manual of StYle

(CMS) citation format.


S""S P. 2007. The two cultures of science: on language-cultureg her Ed u cati on

incommensu raoirity


1C5800 s933
Studv skills for open leaming
Hong Kong : Open Universtty or nong neng




natu re' and' observa lion' .

a = 2marks
b = 'l mark
c = 2 marks


Poticy,20:97-1 16'


State the title of the above joumal publication'

The two cultures of science: on language-culture
inq' nature' and'obqelYa'llgql

"" '
b. -T6;numbe's97-116arethe pagenumbers
c. cite the above work accordingGTilis author-date in-text citation format'
Loo (2007) or

elP You remember what You read'

r Make the material meaningful

. Organise the information

. Use imagination or Pictures

r Use mnemonic devices

. Rehearse using elaboration

. Study activelY
. Study regularlY.

. Use note cards

1 mark x

maximum of
5 strategies

Part C (60 marks)

This section contains four (4) questions. You are required to answer only three
(3) questions.



It is vital for all students to know that academic dishonesty is not acceptable in
academia. Plagiarism is one of the most deplorable forms of academic
a. Explain what plagiarism is.



Discuss four ways of combating plagiarism amongst students in colleges and
The act of intentionally or unintentionally using another author's words, ideas or
research without giving credit or acknowledgement to the author.



r Not citing the references and sources used in coursework assignments.

r Using identical information structures in an autho/s work without citation and
. Paraphrasing and quoting an author's work without citation and reference'
r Stating facts and research that are not common knowledge without proper
citation and research.
. Establish strict rules and regulations on plagiarism.
'. Provide clear citation guidelines.
Teach students citation styles like CMS and APA'
. Teach students to check for originality of their own work, e.g. by running their
assignments through Turnitin.
r Moderate punishment - mark reduction or failure.
. Severe punishment - suspension or termination of studies.

4 marks
2 marks

for each

2x 4=8
2 marks

each for
up to 4 ways




Discuss the four modes of ODL in Wawasan Open University: selfJearning, face.
to-face learning, group discussions, and online learning.
. have to learn and earn.
e have to read course materials on their own.
o make decisions on when, what, how and where to study.
. are provided with course materials - mostly print-based - and supplemented by
CD-ROM and audio-video materials whenever necessary. Eventually, when
access to appropriate technology becomes more widespread, the use of audiovisual streaming systems will be used.
r self-monitor their own understanding and progress by answering self-tebts and
activities in the modules.
. refer to other reading materials which are available at Regional Offices as well
as the physical and digital libraries.

Up to 5 marks
for elaboration
of the main

Face-to-face leaming

. Students have limited opportunities for face-to-face meetings with tutors as

compared to conventional educational institutions because most of the
students' leaming is expected to occur through selfJeaming.
r The tutor is probably the instructor students meet most frequently throughout
the semester.
o The tutor is not a lecturer (content provider); he/she plays a facilitative role in
the student's learning process.
r Tutors are the key interface between the self-learning course modules and the
students' understanding of the course materials by providing academic support
to the students through face'to-face tutorial interaction, assignment marking
and feedback, telephone tutoring, and LMS online support.

Up to 5 marks
for elaboration
of the main

Group Discussions

. Besides face-to-face meetings with tutors, students should form informal study
. This may be done during the first tutorial - exchange telephone numbers and
email addresses with other interested students,
. Group discussions can:
a) motivate you to study better as you can interact with course mates.
b) provide you with emotional and academic support.
c) provide more insights on an assignment question or tutorial task.
d) make ODL less lonely.

Up to 5 marks
for elaboration
of the main

Online leaming

. Wawasanlearn, the Learning Management System of WOU

is the main
platform to facilitate online self-learning.
' lt is a web-based e-leaming platform that allows students to interact,
communicate and leam from the course coordinator, tutor and also course
mates anywhere and anytime.
r In Wawasanlearn, students can do the following in delayed time
(asynchronous conferencing) or real time (synchronous conferencing).
. WawasanLearn enables students to:
a) communicate and collaborate their leaming through email and online


Up to 5 marks
for elaboration
of the main

b) access course materials and references

c) Share resources and information.

Discuss four effective ways of taking notes during face-to-face tutorials or from
your readings.
Outline method

. Write major points

on the far left.

r Using "bullets", indent each of the more specific points to the right.

. Levels of importance

of all the points will be shown by the difference in indented

distances from the major points.
. any suitable example to illustrate the technique.

Summary method

. From the tutor's explanation or readings, write a shorter version of the original.
r Write in note form, in your own words, the essential facts and ideas of v*|rat you
understand ftom the tuto/s explanation or reading.
. any suitable example to illustrate the technique.
Annotation method

. Underline or highlight important points in the reading material.

. Use the blank space

in the margins of the reading material (e.9. textbook or

module unit) to write down the main points.

Put question marks, ticks or crosses to raise queries later to the tutor or to
highlight important points.
. any suitable example to illustrate the technique.

Up to 4 marks
each for
elaboration of a
maximum of 4
methods and 1
mark each for
the example.


Charting method
Group the important points into different categories.
Draw columns headed by these categories.
. As you read or listen to the tutor's explanation, record information (words,
phrases, main ideas, etc.) into the appropriate category.
. any suitable example to illustrate the technique.

Mind mao method

r Mind maps show the relationships between ideas and/or concepts and the
connections between or among them.

. Place the main topic in the centre.

. Draw lines to link the main topic to the main ideas which in turn are linked to the

. any suitable example to illustrate the technique.






Managing time well is a vital effective leaming skill. Discuss why efficient time
management is crucial to your academic success.

r lt helps motivate you.

lt helps you balance the time spent for work, studies and your social life.

. By allocating your time in frequent but small, manageable chunks, it makes

your studies more organized and easier.
. A study schedule means that you don't waste time but rather have time for
other commitments.
. A schedule also helps you to track and monitor the progress of your studies.
. Any other acceptable reason.

Up to 5 marks
each for
elaborating up
to 4 reasons.


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