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Book 2: Lesson 5

Communicational Objective: be able to speak about daily routines and describe

Linguistic Objectives:
Cultural and Lexical Objectives: daily routine (activities and conventions),
adjectives used to describe peoples personalities
Grammar: present simple all tenses, frequency adverbs, articles (a, an, the, article
Phonetics: pronunciation of /s/ 3rd person singular, present and plural
Methodology: be able to use inference strategies to understand a newspaper article:
use context clues in what you read in order to make and verify hypothesis
Languages activities :
EO: Day 1
EE : Day 1
CO: Day 1
Intermediary Mission:
Final Mission:(I didnt have time for this.)
Write a song. What do you do in the afternoon? Write a song and invent your own
choreography about what you do in the afternoon.

Lesson 5: Day 1 What do you do in the morning and evening?

Com: learn two songs about morning and evening daily routines and be
able to describe daily habits
Lex: vocabulary associated with daily routines
Gram: reactivate present simple to talk about daily routines
Documents used: two song worksheets What do you do in the morning?/
What do you do in the evening?, C.O worksheet for listening
discrimination activity, workbook p. 58 ex. 1 preparation time
What do you do in the morning?

This song will help them learn the vocabulary for morning routines (get up, brush
teeth, wash face, etc.) through mimes, music and repetition.
Listen to this rap song: What do you in the morning?.
*Draw morning on the board with a sun and an arrow pointing up over a horizon.*
Rap the song a first time.
They sing it with me with mimes, twice.
And now you?
Do you remember?
To see if they remember, I ask: Remember. What do you do in the morning?
I mime random actions, and they must sing what I am doing.

What do you do in the morning?

What do you do in the morning?
What do you do?
What do you do?
What do you do in the morning?
I get up and brush my teeth,
wash my hands and wash my face,
comb my hair and make my bed.
I get up and brush my teeth,
wash my hands and wash my face,
comb my hair and make my bed.
What do you do?
I brush my teeth.
What do you do?
I wash my hands.
What do you do?
I wash my face.
What do you do?
I comb my hair.
What do you do?
I make my bed.
I make my bed, in the morning.

What do you do in the evening?

This song will help them learn the vocabulary for morning routines (set table, clear
table, go to bed, etc.) through mimes, music and repetition.
Listen to this rap song: What do you in the evening?.

*Draw morning on the board with a sun and an arrow pointing up over a horizon.*
I rap the song a first time.
They sing it with me with mimes, twice.
And now you.
Do you remember?
To see if they remember, I ask: What do you do in the evening?
I mime random actions, and they must sing what I am doing.

What do you do in the evening?

What do you do in the evening?
What do you do?
What do you do?
What do you do in the evening?
I set the table and clear the table,
do my homework and go to bed,
I set the table and clear the table,
do my homework and go to bed,
What do you do?
I set the table.
What do you do?
I clear the table.
What do you do?
I do my homework.
What do you do?
I go to bed.
I go to bed, in the evening.

To see how students in another collge used a

similar song, go to the following website:
A website with another version of the song:

Game Simon Says:

They will play Simon Says with the different vocabulary for daily routines. The
students will practice listening and then miming the different vocabulary for daily

routines, while having fun. This activity will serve as a transition from the I (my) to
the you (your), for giving rules.
Every time, I say Simon says they must do what I say, but, if I give an order
without saying Simon says, they must not do what I say or theyre out. The last
one out wins.
Listening Comprehension Activity:
The students will do a listening discrimination activity to ensure they can not only
distinguish the different routines orally, but can also write them. It will also serve as a
trace ecrite.

Now listen and write the answer under the right picture.
Clear the table.
Make your bed.

Go to bed.

Get up.

Do your homework. Go to bed.

Clear the table. Dont talk. Brush your teeth. Set the table. Wash your hand











______________ ________________




Clear the table

Ex. Clear the table.
Set the table.
Wash your hands.
Go to bed.
Make your bed.
Dont talk.
Do your homework.
Brush your teeth.
Get up.
p. 58 ex 1
apprendre les chansons par coeur et etre capable de la reciter devant la classe

Lesson 5: Day 2 Do you often?: Describe Your Daily Routine.

Com: be able to ask and answer the question Do you often..?using
frequency adverbs
Lex: reactivation of daily routine vocabulary
Gram: introduction of frequency adverbs (always, often, sometimes,

Documents used: scan p. 58 ex.1, powerpoint Does he often?, group

work worksheet Describe your daily routine
Contrle oral:
Choose 2 students and have each of them recite one of the songs learned the day
before, using mimes.
Check and correct homework: matching activity p. 58 ex. 1 workbook
Powerpoint Activity: Does he often.?
Having already been introduced to vocabulary of daily routines, this powerpoint will
serve to reactivate the vocabulary seen the day before (the students must make
sentences using the present 3rd person singular and daily routines vocabulary) and
will also serve as an activity for introducing frequency adverbs (always, often,
sometimes, never).
He never brushes his teeth.
She often brushes her teeth.
He always plays video games.
He sometimes clears the table.
He/she never clears the table.
She never makes her bed.
He/she sometimes sets the table.
He always talks.
He/she never goes to bed.
He sometimes does his homework.
Group Work: Describe your daily routine.
Project group work exercise and explain it.
Then, hand out group work worksheet Describe your daily routine.
Take 5 minutes to fill in your habits.
Take 10 minutes to ask your partner about his/her habits.
At the end, I will ask two or three teams to come and present their work in front of
the class. You will be graded like a contrle oral.

Describe your daily routine. Do you often ?

1) Fill in your grid: You (A=always /N=never/O=often/N=never)
2) Ask your friend and fill in his or her answer: Your friend (A=always /N=never/O=often/N=never)
Ex. Do you OFTEN wash your hands before meals?
Yes, I ALWAYS or OFTEN wash my hands before meals. A or O (in the grid)
No, I SOMETIMES or NEVER wash my hands before meals. S or N (in the grid)
*Use the word bank for vocabulary help.*
1) wash your hands before meals *
2) set the table before meals *
3) talk with your mouth full*
4) clear the table before meals*
5) brush your teeth before meals*
6) do your homework before playing
7) play too long with your video games
8) go to bed before 10 oclock in the evening
9) make your bed after getting up

*word bank: meal=


Your friend

mouth full=

After the group work activity, project image with guy looking in mirror with bad
Does he often brush his teeth?
He never brushes his teeth.

Ask a student the same question.

Do you often brush your teeth?

I always brush my teeth.

Then, underline he and his / I and my and connect them with arrows.

Then, project image with woman making her bed.

Does she often make her bed?
She never makes her bed.

HWK: p. 63 ex. 1 + 2 book

Apprendre la leon et etre capable de poser et rpondre la question: Do you
often..?en utilisant les adverbes de frquence
Lesson 4: Day 3 Perfect Penny and Horrid Helen.
Com: be able to ask and answer the question Do you often..?,using frequency
Lex: reactivation of daily routine vocabulary
Gram: reactivation of frequency adverbs (always, often, sometimes, never)
Meth be able to use inference strategies to understand an oral document: use context
clues in what you hear in order to make and verify hypothesis
Documents used: scan of Preparation Time ex. 3 p. 59 workbook, CD 2
no. 32 +33
Contrle oral:
Project the group work worksheet on the board. Choose a student. He or she must be
able to answer the question: Do you often
Check and correct homework:
p. 63 ex. 1 + 2 book
Listening Activity : Two Dialogues Perfect Penny and Horrid Helen :
Open your workbooks to p. 59 ex. 3.
Project scan of workbook p. 59 ex. 3.
Have them number the pictures 1 to 9. Do it with them on the board. This will clarify
the group correction of the exercise.

What is the habit?

Go through all of the numbers with them, making sure they understand.
What is the habit?

Then, to make sure everyone has understood, ask the slower students the numbers a
second time.
Ex. What is number 8?
Perfect Penny:
1st listening:
Global listening
2nd listening:
Segmented listening. They do it first individually. I stop after every habit, so they can
put A or N.
Make her bed A
Set the table A
Does her homework before playing A
Talks with her mouth full N
Brushes her teeth (difficult b/c never forgets to brush her teeth) A
3rd listening
Play it a third time to correct it.
Ok, what about Penny?
They will give the answer.
I write number on the board and A/N for slower students to correct their answers.
9 A
2 A
6 A
3 N
5 A

Horrid Helen:
1st listening:

Global listening
2nd listening:
Segmented listening. They do it first individually. I stop after every habit, so they can
put A or N.
Does homework before playing N
Plays too long with her video games A
Clears the table N
Talks with her mouth full A
Wash your hands before meals N
3rd listening
Play it a third time to correct it.
Ok, what about Penny?
They will give the answer.
I write number on the board and A/N for slower students to correct their answers.
6 N
7 A
4 N
3 A
1 N
Picture 3: What about Penny? What about Helen?
Penny never eats with her mouth full, but Helen always talks with her mouth full.
Picture 6: What about Penny? What about Helen?
Penny always does her homework before playing, but Helen never does her
homework before playing.
What can you say about Penny?
Penny is perfect.
What can you say about Helen?

Helen is horrid.
What is Pennys problem. I let them listen to the end of the recording.
(Just orallydont write.) The problem is that her parents must be perfect.
What is Helens problem. I let them listen to the end of the recording.
Helen needs a perfect friend to be perfect/good.
Penny never eats with her mouth full, but Helen always talks with her mouth full.
Penny always does her homework before playing, but Helen never does her
homework before playing.
Penny is perfect.
Helen is horrid.
Helen needs a perfect friend to be perfect/good.

HWK: p. 64-65 ex. 1, 2 + 3

Lesson 4: Day 4 Practice Your Pronunciation.
Gram: PRL frequency adverbs and review of present simple
Phono: pronunciation of the ending -s
Documents used: scan of p. 64-65 workbook, scan of Think about it
number 1 + 2 p. 62, scan of Practice your pronunciation p. 59-60
Controle Oral: Project workbook p. 59. A student must be able to describe what
Horrid Helen and Perfect Penny always or never do.
Check and correct homework:
p. 64-65 ex. 1, 2 + 3
Activity: Think about it ex. 1+2
Place des adverbs de frquence:
O se place les adverbes de frquence, comme always, often, never, sometimes ?
Ils se place avant/devant le verbe.
Est-ce vrai galement dans les questions ?
Prsent simple :

Pourquoi est-ce que ce temps sappelle le prsent simple ?

Parce que ce nest pas un temps compos. Ce nest pas un temps compos parce quil
ny a pas dauxiliaire dans les phrases affirmatives au prsent simple.
En franais, a-t-on aussi un temps simple ?
Oui, on a, par exemple, un pass simple et un pass compos.
Alors, comment peut-on former les questions, les ngations et les rponses brves ? Il
faut un auxiliaire pour ces phrases au prsent simple. Lequel ?
Cest do/does.
Phrases negative:
She doesnt wash her hands before meals.
They dont like music.
Does she wash her hands before meals?
Do they like music?
Short Answer:
Yes, she does.
No, she doesnt.
Yes, they do.
No, they dont.
Practice your pronunciation /s/
The goal of this exercise is to introduce the students to the three different
pronunciations of the ending s and help them learn how to distinguish between
a. Listen and repeat:
Ecoutez et rptez.
She sets the table before dinner. /s/
She needs a perfect friend.
She brushes her teeth after meals. /z/

b. A vous : coutez ces phrases, rptez-les, puis coche la colonne qui correspond au
son que vous entendez pour la terminaison du verbe.

1. He plays with video games.
2. She never makes her bed.




3. She never washes her hands.

4. He closes the window.

5. She likes pizza and pasta.

6. She watches TV.

7. She always talks with her mouth X

8. She goes to bed at ten.

9. She kisses her mum goodnight.

10. He hates brushing his teeth.


11. She clears the table.

12. She loves comics.

A chaque fois, la prononciation change pour quelle soit plus facile prononcer.
Quest-ce qui est plus facile ?
-prononcer t + s ou prononcer t + z ? Cest pour a que dans sets, la terminaison se
prononce s.
-prononcer d + s ou prononcer d + z ? Cest pour a que dans needs, la terminaison se
prononce z.
-prononcer sh + z ou prononcer sh +iz ? Cest pour a que dans brushes, la
prononciation se prononce iz.
En conclusion, il faut aller au plus facile, prononcer ce qui vient le plus
c. Reliez les pluriels en /s/ Sue, en /z/ Zoe et en /z/ Izzy.
Le s du pluriel se prononce comme celui de la 3 e personne du singulier du prsent
simple alors toi de jouer ! Sue, Zoe et Izzy sont alles faire des courses. Qui a

achet quoi ? Relie chaque fille aux objets quelle a achets. Ecoute chaque mot.
Rptez le voix basse pour taider et relie-le Sue, Zoe ou Izzy. Ecoute ensuite la
correction et rptez chaque mot.
Correction :
Sue has got books, sweatshirts, caps, chips, and cakes.
Zoe has got games, apples, trainers, pens, and cards.
Izzy has got watches, boxes, roses, sandwiches, and oranges.
HWK: p.65-6 ex. 4+5
Lesson 4: Day 5 Story Time.
Com: be able to describe and justify personality traits
Lex: adjectives describing personality traits (hard-working, talented,
loving, supportive, excited)
Gram: analyze the way in which adjectives are formed
Meth be able to use inference strategies to understand a written
document: use titles and subtitles to understand the content of a news
article and know how to pick out words of the same word family
Documents used: scan of p. 61 Story Time, scan of workbook p. 61, scan
p. 65-66 ex. 4+5
Check and correct homework: p.65-66 ex. 4+5
Story Time
Project p. 61 in book. Then, distribute helpsheet.
Story Time Help Sheet:
1) Read the title and give the answers.
When? The date is Febuary 28th.
What is the title? The title is News Letter.
2) Look at the picture and give the answer.
How are Max and his friends? Are they sad?
They are happy.
3) Read the 1st paragraph and give the answer.

Why are they happy?

They are happy because Max is selected in the comic strip competition.
4) Read the title of the second paragraph and give the answers.
Read the paragraph and explain talented and hardworking.
talented = Max has a real talent.
hardworking = Max works very hard.
Why is he hardworking?
He is hardworking because he draws every evening at home and during his lesson
at school.
5) Read the 3rd paragraph and give the answers.
Whats his mothers name? Her name is Debbie.
Whats his fathers name? His name is Tom.
Whats his sisters name? Her name is Laurie.
Whats his mothers job? She is an engineer.
Whats his fathers job? He is an engineer.
Read the title and explain loving. Who loves Max?
His family loves Max.
Read the title and explain supportive. Why are they supportive?
His family is supportive. His parents are very supportive because they always
encourage him
What does Laurie say about her brother?
Laurie adores her bother and loves his drawings.
6) Read the 4th paragraph and give the answer.
Read the title and explain excited and under stress. Why is Max under stress?
Max is stressed because the comic strip competition is in three months, and its
really short.
7) Read the whole text again and give the answer.
Can Max win this competition and why?

Yes, he can win because hes talented and hardworking and his family is loving and

Hwk: p. 66-67 ex. 6 + 7

Lesson 4: Day 6 Review.
Gram: articles
Documents used: scan of p.63 ex.3+4 book, scan of p. 66-67 ex. 6,7 +8
Check and correct homework: p.65-66 ex. 4+5
Think about it ex. 3

Combien darticles existe-t-il en anglais?

Il en existe trois: larticle zro, larticle a et larticle the.
Le systme se rsume de la manire suivante:
dnombrable singulier
dnombrable pluriel

a dog
0 dogs

the dog
the dogs

Le changement da an se fait pour les raisons phontiques: cest pour faire une
liaison quon ajoute un n larticle.

Lemploi dun nom indnombrable na rien voir avec la nature de lobjet dsign.
Cest une question de grammaire, cela na rien voir avec la nature de lobjet.
Exemple: En franais, le mot cheveux est au pluriel, mais en anglais, on ne peut pas
mettre le mot au pluriel. On voit donc qu un mme chose peut tre designe par un
nom soit dnombrable, soit indnombrable, dans des langues diffrentes.

Avec love larticle zero nous permet de parler de quelque chose en general, comme
avec les cheveux. Cest pour cette raison que lon associe avec les indnombrables
parce que la quantit, le nombre, nest pas important.
In class exercises: ex. 8 p. 67 workbook + ex. 4 p. 63 book
HWK: ex.3 p. 63 book
Lesson 4: Day 7 Checkpoint.
Documents used: scan of p.63 ex.3 book, scan of p. 68-69 Checkpoint
Check and correct homework: p.63 ex. 3 book
Checkpoint: p 68-9
HWK: reviser pour lvaluation

Lesson 4: Day 8 Test Book 2: Lesson 5

To do list:
Look over Checkpoint
Make evaluation for Lesson 5

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