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One number Issues

made on the direction the subject

General eligibility IS behavioral reaction of the subject courtroom with the

Environment of around internally, it
Impact's properties and change the parishes of the subject and cauc You Connect
Self pertains tuoing
concerned. Behavioral MIGHT currently operates cash of the subject.
Operates child's living person being properly IS Vaan Action change the Self You

A.1 PROGRAM ESTABLISHED towards the subject (OOP):

Made on the direction the subject (Object-Oriented Programming) is coupled
made on math lesson resolution schemes based on the subject discomfort
collaborated passengers concerned cauc
math lesson in not time. This subject is Cauc operates and interactions to each
To Insert math lesson about the desired statuses.
This method is reaching the vast space does not allow a click cauc CITY math lesson
File multiple meetings the subject, the subject Yes cauc lead relatively independent
properties with each other. Do
Thus, in a task that straightforward WORK larger share distract us MIGHT WORK
CITY multiple Cong

Small and easy to engage the simplified kiss, dong-time supplemental adjusted
calculation WORK
function for each subject is also not affect the operation of the company Connect
The subject is other. Nhoo Nou, when Yes developmental needs, we do not have to
math lesson CONSTRUCTION
CONSTRUCTION repeat from Start Those that may otherwise based on the content
already has. One of Laos herein
optimal points made on the larger compared with the structure.
A.2 CAUC concepts:
A.2.1 Grade (Class):
File Grade meetings cauc IS one subject is number one property Yes compulsive
compound the survey. Cauc
This compound features MIGHT IS statuses (parishes of calculation) or operates of
the subject.
Grade meetings he rushes File Include the Action objects for Yes compulsive proof
features: vaay, carry,
Yes lainh blood and behaviors: living under water, breathing diploma bearing, if
A.2.2 The subject (Object):
MIGHT IS currently the subject one's Specific classes. Training classes a subject
dependents will
Yes Those parishes of properties, grade's behavioral Nou.
MIGHT different discomfort on how to calculate the current dependents, behaviors
of the subject TB facility
cauc jargons distract the subject with the subject within the same grade other.
A.2.3 drug properties (Attribute):
Lao parishes of value that reflects statuses of the subject at an time of the
determination, currently the subject MIGHT help. Is there one or more of the subject
properties dependents.

A.2.4 behaviors (method):

234 made on the Windows with MFC - Microsoft Visual C ++ 6.0 - Le Ngoc Thanh

person and impact (such as beef also Impacts) Up to the Environment of the
Yes we Moa image of the subject as follows:

The subject = count + behavioral drugs

A.2.5 Program (Program):

Angle below level for OOP, Sports Interaction program collaborated IS's chain of one
multiple subject is aiming at is reached one General Department of the desired
cohesion. Sports Interaction's this Cauc
Daon cauc the subject must BE CONSTRUCTION before, we MIGHT IS Nou call

Program = Vol meetings cauc family scenario the subject +


- Calculate the passengers concerned (Objective):
One grade the subject OF ESTABLISHMENT IS MIGHT Owner Appears playback
passengers from one agency
by taking up the computer and the parishes of current behavioral MIGHT You
substances and modes of Nou.
Scenario of the program still APPLICATION Those passengers driving factor in this
opinion one
How reasonable to be attained meetings purposes of the program.

- Up Packing (Encapsulation):
Additional content in the parishes cauc WORK behavioral properties of the subject
and the subject help
MIGHT operates independent collaborated in the subject with other Grades.
- Calculate the excessive PLAN (Inheritance):
WORK definition of one grade based on the subject already has the subject in
Grades call
PLAN IS excessive discomfort. Classes already has called a facility grade (based
class), grade BE
PLAN called a definition of excessive grade (derived class). WORK PLAN beside
PLAN excessive grade mode can be supplemental Those behaviors necessary
computer and the parishes
In order to prepare students for the needs of new playback. HAS Mechanism
Creating discomfort Nou development
Mao applications place for the subject involved.
- As of multifamily pictures (Polymorphism):

Appendix A: One number towards the Issues made on the subject 235

Growing Mechanism declaration appears different MIGHT several ways for one
behavioral follow
Principle Construct more classes needed facility containing behavioral and
developmental declaration Grades
PLAN excessive. PLAN excessive per class will develop behavioral Other ways Nou,
according to a
together. A subject representation facility will BE eligible classes from grade PLAN
Creating excessive
Yes How MIGHT of conforming meets to needed developmental behavioral
declaration currently under cautionary want. Aunt

This mode Creating an enriched courtroom General eligibility reaction of the

CALCULATION AND DIVISION A.4 behavioral medicines:
Cauc parishes of properties and behaviors of the subject mode can be divided into
three kinds:
- Public: Cauc parishes of calculation, the subject MIGHT BE behavioral External
- Protected: Cauc parishes of calculation, behavioral An internal charging containing
the subject, Assistance
background activities of the subject and can become infected note to give cauc
PLAN grade subject is excessive.
- Private: Cauc parishes of calculation, behavioral An internal charging containing
the subject, Assistance
background activities of the subject and can not transmitted note to give
Grades PLAN subject is excessive.
SPECIAL A.5 behaviors:
- Creating micro File Warranty: Warranty behavior is engaged upon the subject
mortar image
formed. This behavioral Dosage I set to put the start the Save courtroom
The assumptions Creating parishes of computer games of the subject.
One grade subject is there one or more of MIGHT Warranty
Creating made on behavior. Creating behavioral Name field with the name made on
grade. Cauc
Creating behavioral BE distract made on the structure of the digging to each other
cauc participate vaccine's number.
- Cancel behaviors: behaviors was conducted before the subject Termination
Full's discomfort at Nou.
One grade subject is there one single behavioral cancel

affirmatively. Name behaviors with the name of the schools cancel classes
BE starts but are equal to mark '~'. Behavioral cancel
involved do not have a number.
Creating bridges behavioral Created and cancel if there is no-style pay about.
OPENING STATEMENTS A.6 Loup, the subject's C ++:
A.6.1 Opening Indicator grades:
The subject classes in C ++ Indicator BE declaration as follows:
// Part Indicator's declaration grades:

236 made on the Windows with MFC - Microsoft Visual C ++ 6.0 - Le Ngoc Thanh

Tean_loup class {
[Opening Indicator calculated cauc dependents, behavioral-style public]
[Opening Indicator calculated cauc dependents, behavioral-style private]
[Opening Indicator calculated cauc dependents, behavioral-style private]
// Part's setting grades:
Tean_loup-style :: Tean_haonh_vi_1 ([Danh_sauch_tham_soa]) {
... // Save in behavioral courtroom Cauc
Tean_loup-style :: Tean_haonh_vi_n ([Danh_sauch_tham_soa]) {
... // Save in behavioral courtroom Cauc

The content section's declaration and set Indicator BE Installer classes in two file
Indicator declaration (.h) and set (.cpp). In which:
- The file .H: full-adapter containing Indicator's declaration grade section and poked
future prospects narrow product lines (if needed).
- The file .cpp: containing full-grade adapter's settings section. Ou Start File
This indicator is only reached using the open file .H:
#include "Tean_taap_tin_h_liean_quan"
Perform Warranty 1: Arabian chain of management for math lesson, math lesson
time IS not cauc
C-style chain of value that's needed Appears management for access.
OOP level for under-angle, the subject grade chain of chain of helpers
demonstration Yes cauc
the parishes and behavioral calculated as follows:
- Drug calculation: char * info BE playback using the area that the memory allocated
to apply for
containing chain of the content.
- Behaviors - behaviors Creating made on one visit with number games chain of rich
Jobs content of the subject's chain of initiates.
- Behavioral zoom prize cancel the memory area that info.
- Remove address behavioral area that chain of containing the content.
Grade chain of BE implementation in C ++ Indicator as follows:

Appendix A: One number towards the Issues made on the subject 237

Drug dependents facility features computer classes for grade receive a excessive

private public
Appears not access private BE
No access Appears BE
Private public proof features excessive PLAN

// The file String1.h

CString1 class {
CString1 (char * s); // Creating behaviors made on
~ CString1 (void); // Behavioral cancel
char * GetInfo (void);
char * info;
// The file String1.cpp
CString1 :: CString1 (char * s) {
info = new char [strlen (s) + 1];
strcpy (info, s);
CString1 :: ~ CString1 () {
delete info;

char * CString1 :: GetInfo (void) {

return info;
Indicator A.6.2 Opening the subject:
Indicator BE nhoo the subject grade declaration reaction interactions. Grades one
through work can view
the subject-style data and these variables work itself react with a Nou-style.
Indicator is Benefit Former declare variables in C ++ subject is as follows:
Tean_loup Tean_biean_noai_tooing ([list value that Jobs take number]);
A.6.3 Using the subject in the program:
Perform behavioral variables the subject's (behaviors in public) as follows:
Tean_biean_noai_tooing.Tean_haonh_vi ([list value that Jobs take number]);
// Program CString1 main.cpp using the open classes on the OU Indicator.
#include "String1.h"
void main (void) {
CString1 a ("Vo Van A");
printf ("string value saved as:% s", a.GetInfo ());
A.7 PLAN IN C ++ excessive:
238 made on the Windows with MFC - Microsoft Visual C ++ 6.0 - Le Ngoc Thanh

C ++ classes allow PLAN definitions from one or more classes excessive facility.
This Indicator is Benefit declaration performed as follows:
Tean_loup_kea_thooa class: [public | private] Tean_loup_co_sou1
[, [Public | private] Tean_loup_co_sou2 [...]

... // Cauc's declaration supplemental classes Indicator excessive PLAN
Proof features an assigned excessive levels of PLAN PLAN PLAN excessive excessive
classes from grade's facility.

CString1B class: public CString1 {};

The plan A.7.1 Creating excessive behaviors made on:
Each behavioral Creating classes made on PLAN's supplemental excessive be
allowed to use the one Units
Creating made on single behavioral least one grade from the facility. Yes Indicator
former declaration is Benefit as follows:
Haonh_vi_taio_laap_cuua_loup_kea_thooa ([list THAMM number]):
Haonh_vi_taio_laap_cuua_loup_so_sou_1 ([The assumptions Game THAMM number])
[, Haonh_vi_taio_laap_cuua_loup_so_sou_2 ([The assumptions Game THAMM
[, ...]] {
When a subject grade parishes of excessive PLAN OF ESTABLISHMENT, courtroom
Save in behavioral Creating
PLAN's made on excessive classes and courtroom Save in behaviors Creating facility
made on Mao's Grades
PLAN Clerk will inherit our posting grade was conducted in order of as follows:

Appendix A: One number towards the Issues made on the subject 239



The plan A.7.2 cancel excessive behaviors:
Behavioral cancel classes PLAN's excessive (MAEC nhiean types of public
dependents) automatically PLAN
excessive behavioral facility cancel classes Ram's not necessary must declare
When a subject grade parishes of excessive Termination PLAN operates, courtroom
Save in Warranty
vi's cancel classes PLAN's courtroom excessive and Save the behaviors's cancel
facility will was conducted in order of as follows:

Haonh_vi_huuy_bou_cuua_loup_so_sou_ (n)

Haonh_vi_huuy_bou_cuua_loup_so_sou_ (n-1)

Perform behavioral A.7.3 grade facility:

PLAN's excessive behavioral classes be allowed to use the Action Owner's

behavioral her grade
Nou's facility. How's performed behavioral facility grade as follows:
Tean_loup_co_sou :: Tean_haonh_vi ([Danh_sauch_giau_tro_tham_soa]);

Perform Warranty 2: Expanding not engage the Warranty period math lesson 1, with
grade connector
The subject CString2 from CString1 PLAN excessive behavioral and Supplementary
Creating made on receiving
Join CString1 number IS a subject.
Years Indicator CString2 declaration in C ++ BE as follows:
// The file String2.h
#include "String1.h"
240 made on the Windows with MFC - Microsoft Visual C ++ 6.0 - Le Ngoc Thanh

CString2 class: public CString1 {

// Creating made on supplemental behavioral receive one participation number IS
the subject CString1
CString2 (CString1 * s): CString1 (s-> GetInfo ()) {}
// Program using the grade CString2 Main2.cpp declaration on the OU Indicator.
#include "String2.h"
void main (void) {
CString2 a ("Vo Van B");
CString2 b (& a);
printf ("string value saved as:% s", b.GetInfo ());

// The result receive a: string values up are: Vo Van B

Opening Indicator molecules behavioral number school math IS thouc replace
current form behavioral follow
format content in (algebra-style) format math CITY molecules (number school-style).
There are two types of behaviors in mathematics molecules:
Overseas behavioral molecules math: Are a behavioral there one number partners
to participate.
Opening Indicator:
Name-style classes Kyu_ hieau_haonh_vi :: operator ([list take number]);
One external behavioral molecules math: Are a number behaviors do not have a
participating partners to Training.
This behavioral mode can be using the transfer-style allow the subject.
Opening Indicator:
Name classes Kyu_hieau_haonh_vi :: operator (void);
Perform Warranty 3: Expanding not engage the Warranty period 1 math lesson,
math cauc with molecules
gaun (=), et (+), and diversion-style classes about the subject-style chain of chain
C's (char *) instead of behavioral GetInfo.
Creating classes from grade PLAN CString3 excessive CString1 facility. Perform
molecules behaviors in the following math:
- Mathematics molecules diversion-style: char *
- Mathematics gaun molecules (=) participated with number IS-style chain of value
that's one C.
- Mathematics molecules et (+) with the participation number IS-style chain of value
that's one C and

Up to pay cursor about a new chain of the subject.

Years Indicator CString3 declaration in C ++ BE as follows:
// The file String3.h
Appendix A: One number towards the Issues made on the subject 241

#include "String1.h"
CString3 class: public CString1 {
CString3 (char * s): CString1 (s) {}
// Math-style transfer molecules
operator char * (void) {
return info;
void operator = (char * s);

IS this cursor pursuant Up to You Self Dosage participate in the content subject is
set the
Nou's Installer. Math's behavioral molecules = CString3 MIGHT write your grade as
void CString3 :: operator = (char * s) {
delete this-> info;
this-> info = new char [strlen (s) + 1];
strcpy (this-> info, s);
A.10 virtual behaviors:


CString3 * operator + (char * s);

Behaviors in virtual classes is set for developmental purposes facility aiming at

Appears several ways MIGHT's different behaviors on the Grades PLAN This

// The file String3.cpp

#include "String3.h"
void CString3 :: operator = (char * s) {
delete info;
info = new char [strlen (s) + 1];
strcpy (info, s);
CString3 CString3 :: operator + * (char * s) {
char * Output;
Output = new char [strlen (info) + strlen (s) + 1];
sprintf (Output, "% s% s", info, s);
KQ = new CString3 CString3 * (Output);
Output delete;
KQ return;
// Program using the grade CString3 Main3.cpp declaration on the OU Indicator.
#include "String3.h"
void main (void) {

CString3 s1 ("Hello everyone");

CString3 s2 ("Board");
CString3 * s = (s1 + s2);
printf ("Cong two string is:% s", * s);

In an example later, grade A is set with behavioral Action Framework. In cauc

PLAN B and C classes inherit from A, this behavioral different are shown as follows:
- Grade B: Turn Tieng's PC speaker beep.
- Grade C: Turn on or off Clerk to x.
class A {
Action void (void) {} // behavioral framework facility
class B: public A {
Action void (void) {
How MIGHT // Action's current grade B
putch (7);
Class C: public A {
Action void (void) {
How MIGHT // Action's current grade C; turn on, turn off the words in length x
static char ch = 'x';
putch (x);

delete s;
// The result receive a: Cong two chuoi la: Hello everyone

ch = (ch == 'x')? '': 'X';

A.9. Cursor this:

242 made on the Windows with MFC - Microsoft Visual C ++ 6.0 - Le Ngoc Thanh

void main (void) {

Appendix A: One number towards the Issues made on the subject 243

A * a [5]; // 5-style molecules grade A

for (int i = 0; i <5; i ++) {
if (i% 2)
a [i] = new B (); // Creating random follow-style Khi grade B
a [i] = new C (); // Or grade C

while (! kbhit ()) {

for (i = 0; i <5; i ++)

class midpoint {
float R;
static float pi;
Midpoint (float radius) {
R = radius;
float Chuvi (void)

a [i] -> Action (); // Action under B or C grade's How

delay (100); // Pause

return R * R * pi;

for (i = 0; i <5; i ++)

delete a [i];
A.11 CALCULATION AND behavioral drugs Still:
Still parishes of properties and behaviors are those behaviors in their computer and
the parishes of mining MIGHT
BE Ram subject is not necessary to use the grade's Specific.
In the opening section Indicator's grade:
Kieauthuoactinh Thuoactinh static;
Kieautrauvea static Haonhvi ([Danh_sauch_tham_soa]);
In the section's setting grades:

static float Chuvi (float radius)

return R * R * pi;
pi = 3.14159 midpoint :: float;
// Program classes illustrated using the midpoint
void main (void) {
// Use behavioral Still Chuvi (.) To calculate the circumference's midpoint
// Assume any Troon's one street
printf ("The circumference of a circle of radius R = 10 is:% 0.2f"

Kieauthuoactinh Teanloupsouhoou :: Thuoactinh = Giau_tro_khoui_naau;

Kieautrauvea Teanloupsouhoou :: Haonhvi ([Danh_sauch_tham_soa]) {

... // TEXT's setting behaviors

Notes: Units be allowed static behaviors Using the static calculation Financing
dependents and Warranty
vi's static classes.
In an example later, we set the midpoint classes with part-glass parishes of
calculation, the parishes
calculated pi, and there are two MIGHT Chuvi behaviors performed as follows:
- Chuvi (float R): Pay about one street's perimeter Troon part-glass Yes R.
- Chuvi (void): Pay about perimeter Troon management for the digging of the street
the subject.
Enables using the behavioral Chuvi (R) Ram distances parishes of the subject grade.
Grade midpoint Indicator BE declaration as follows:

:: Chuvi midpoint (10));

// Use behavioral Chuvi () to calculate the circumference of the subject midpoint
A midpoint (20);
printf ("The circumference of a circle of radius R = 20 is:% 0.2f", a.Chuvi ());

If dependents calculated pi's midpoint opposed to that parishes of the static

behavioral Chuvi (float radius) of a valid midpoint will not because Warranty

This one of the parishes have used the calculation must not static.

244 made on the Windows with MFC - Microsoft Visual C ++ 6.0 - Le Ngoc Thanh

Appendix A: One number towards the Issues made on the subject 245

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