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Importance of Equality among Races

Equality is important because it is the foundation of any fair society where

each member has the opportunity to reach his full potential. Equality
prevents any section of a society from dominating other sections in
processes such as community capacity building. It also recognizes that some
people may need more support than others in order to achieve their full
potential. Equality does not allow generalizations about particular groups.
Equality within the education sector provides each child with equal access to
quality education facilities. Equality should be taught to students as part of
their education curriculum so that they can understand their human rights
and how to treat other people. This helps young people become better, more
involved citizens by learning to tolerate differences within the community.
Such lessons contribute to a balanced curriculum and may lead to a
decrease in bullying among children. Each school should adopt a school-wide
equality program in which both teachers and students are active
participants. This lends credibility to the lessons and improves the learning
environment. An individual should restrain himself from adopting an
essentialist perspective on issues relating to equality as it has numerous
negative consequences. Instead, he should embrace the individuality of each
Racial Discrimination

What are the Main Causes of Racism?

Instinctive reaction for species protection- It is natural to relate to
those who are similar in our own image and likeness and too feel comfortable
with those that look and reflect who we are in appearance and behavior.
Humans naturally feel threatened when things we cherish most such as our
culture, territory, family, and our identity are in danger of being harmed.
Racism is what a humans natural reaction in order to protect all of this.
Anything that is not the same as one group of people is immediately
perceived as inferior and prejudice (forming your own opinion on a person).
Fear of loss and displacement (FEAR)- Humans naturally seek to protect
their own kind, which means they fear for any loss of what makes them who
they are; it can be anything including our jobs, status, territory, possessions,
personal significance and even our own identity. Humans fear being replaced
by anyone who is seen as more appealing and desirable than what they are.

When someone is replaced by a person who is better than what they are
which makes them feel unworthy. Fear is one of the biggest contributors of
racism especially from loss, which causes a person to see difference between
the two people and is seen as threatening of what as what they see as their

Ignorance (The condition of being uneducated, unaware or

uniformed)- What continues racism is ignorance in the world. If a person
grows up doing a particular thing their whole lives and everyone else around
them does the same thing, it is seen to be right even if it is morally wrong it
may be to another human being that does not share the same outlook on
life. A group of people will not see anything wrong with their actions because
they see their actions as correct. The only way to stop this ignorance is
through education and awareness of their actions and what the
consequences may be. Until a persons ignorance is educated, it will
continue to thrive racism.
Lack of self-love, feeling of unworthiness and desire to feel
superior- People who are the most racist tend to be people who lack
confidence, self-esteem and most of all self-love. A racist person throws all
their negative feelings onto others that are seen as weak and vulnerable.
When a person truly loves himself or herself and appreciates who they are as
a person, they can appreciate others as well. Racism comes from the feeling
of being worthless, being victimized, and lacking the opportunities others
may have. These feelings of being a failure means that person needs a
scapegoat to make themselves feel better; usually this being a person that is
weaker than the racist. Racist human beings tend to feel insignificant,
isolated, wronged and unloved, and they feel comfort in blaming others. A
cause of racism is not a social act but is an individual act. The causes of
racism begins with an individual person and can only be fixed by addressing
an individuals actions.

What are the Effects of Racism?

Racism can have a lot of effects on a victim. Victims can become angry,
bitter or violent. It can destroy a persons self-esteem. It can destroy
communities and creates divisions within society. A Cornell News Service
study in 2009 did a study on the effects of racism saying that racial
discrimination erodes mental health. The study finds that black people may
have poorer mental health as a result of two mechanisms: Firstly; chronic

exposure to racial discrimination leads to more experiences of daily

discrimination and secondly it results in an accumulation of daily negative
events across various domains of life, from family, friends, health and
finances. A persons whole world can change from experiencing
discrimination and they can become depressed, anxious and mentally

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