You are on page 1of 31


"Hastighed p internetforbindelse"
"Internet connection speed"
"TrackerUI_FavoriteWindowLabel" "Vlg, hvilket Steam-vindue der skal vises, nr prog
rammet starter."
"Select which Steam window appea
rs when the program starts."
"Favorite window"
"%tabtitle% Chat"
"[english]Friends_Chat_Title" "%tabtitle% - Chat"
"%tabtitle% - Gruppechat"
"%tabtitle% - Group Chat"
"[english]Friends_Chat_Room_Headline" "%friend%"
"Til: %friend%"
"To: %friend%"
"Til: %friend% (%status%)"
"To: %friend% (%status%)"
"Til: %friend% (spiller %game%)"
"To: %friend% (playing %game%)"
"%friend% siger:\n"
"%friend% says:\n"
"Friends_TypingMessage" "%friend% er i frd med at skrive en besked."
"%friend% is typing a message."
"Friends_LastMessageReceived" "Seneste besked modtaget: %date% klokken %time%"
"[english]Friends_LastMessageReceived" "Last message received: %date% at %time%
"%friend% Brugerinfo."
"%friend% - User Info"
"%old_name% har ndret sit navn til %frien
"%old_name% has changed their na
me to %friend%.\n"
"%friend% er nu %status%.\n"
"%friend% is now %status%.\n"
"Inviter til chat"
"Invite to Chat"
"Friends_Chat_ReJoin" "Deltag igen"
"[english]Friends_Chat_ReJoin" "ReJoin"
"Friends_Chat_CannotSendFriendOffline" "%friend% er i jeblikket offline, beskede
n kan ikke sendes.\n"
"[english]Friends_Chat_CannotSendFriendOffline" "%friend% is currently offline,
message cannot be sent.\n"
"%friend% har inviteret dig til et spil %game%.
"[english]Friends_Chat_InvitedToGame" "%friend% has invited you to join them i
n playing %game%. "
"%friend% spiller nu %game%. "
"%friend% is now playing %game%.
"et spil"
"a game"
"Friends_Chat_ClickHereToJoin" "Klik her for at deltage."

"[english]Friends_Chat_ClickHereToJoin" "Click here to join."

"Din chat med %friend% er nu en chat mel
lem flere brugere.\n"
"Your chat with %friend% is now
a multi-user chat.\n"
"Chat ikke oprettet"
"Chat Creation Failed"
"Oprettelse af chatrum mislykkedes"
"Failed to create chat room"
"Du har oprettet for mange chats. Nogle
af dine chats skal tmmes, fr du kan oprette flere."
"You have created too many chats
. Some of those chats must be emptied before you can create more."
"Friends_Title_Online" "Venner"
"[english]Friends_Title_Online" "Friends"
"[english]Friends_Title_Busy" "Friends"
"[english]Friends_Title_Away" "Friends"
"Friends_Title_Snooze" "Venner"
"[english]Friends_Title_Snooze" "Friends"
"Friends_Title_Offline" "Venner"
"Min status"
"My status"
"I spil"
"Friends_InMod" "I Mod"
"I et ikke-Steam-spil"
"[english]Friends_InShortcut" "In non-Steam game"
"Tilfj ven..."
"Add a Friend..."
"Friends_Edit_Profile" "Rediger profil..."
"[english]Friends_Edit_Profile" "Edit profile..."
"[english]Friends_FriendList_Offline" "OFFLINE"
"Send besked..."
"[english]Friends_SendInstantMessage" "Send Message..."
"Bloker al kommunikation..."
"Block All Communication..."
"Fjern blokering"
"Inviter til spil"
"[english]Friends_InviteFriendToGame" "Invite to Game"
"Deltag i spil"
"Join Game"
"Start spil"
"[english]Friends_LaunchGame" "Launch Game"
"Friends_ViewGameInfo" "Vis spilinfo"

"[english]Friends_ViewGameInfo" "View Game Info"

"Friends_UserDetails" "Vis brugeroplysninger"
"[english]Friends_UserDetails" "View User Details"
"Fjern denne ven..."
"[english]Friends_RemoveUser" "Remove this Friend..."
"Venner Fjern bruger"
"[english]Friends_RemoveFriend_Title" "Friends - Remove User"
"Er du sikker p, at du vil fjerne %friend% fra di
n venneliste?\n\n(Du kan tilfje vedkommende igen senere vha. knappen \"Tilfj en ve
"Are you sure you want to remove %friend
% from your Friends list?\n\n(You can add them again later using the 'Add a Frie
nd...' button.)\n"
"Friends_RemoveFriend_Button" "Fjern %friend%"
"[english]Friends_RemoveFriend_Button" "Remove %friend%"
"Friends_Options_Title" "Brugerindstillinger %name%"
"User options - %name%"
"[english]Friends_Options_ProfileTab" "Profile"
"Angiv Steam-kontonavnet ELLER e
mail-adressen p den person, du vil fje til din venneliste."
"Enter the Steam account
name OR the email address of the person you wish to add to your Friends list."
"Sger efter %search%..."
"[english]Friends_SearchingForFriend" "Searching for %search%..."
"Friends_FriendHasBeenAddedToYourListUnderName" "%search% er blevet fjet til din
venneliste under navnet \"%friend%\"."
"%search% has be
en added to your Friends list, under the name '%friend%'."
"Friends_FriendHasBeenAddedToYourList" "%friend% er blevet fjet til din vennelis
"[english]Friends_FriendHasBeenAddedToYourList" "%friend% has been added to your
Friends list."
"Friends_UnableToFindFriendByThatName" "Kunne ikke finde %search%. Tryk p \"Til
bage\", hvis du vil forsge igen."
"[english]Friends_UnableToFindFriendByThatName" "Unable to find %search%. Hit '
back' if you want to try and search again."
"Friends_CannotAddSelfToList" "Du kan ikke fje dig selv til din venneliste."
"[english]Friends_CannotAddSelfToList" "You can't add yourself to your Friends
"%search% er allerede p din venne
liste under navnet \"%friend%\"."
"%search% is already in
your Friends list, under the name '%friend%'."
"Friends_ConnectedButOffline" "I jeblikket fremstr du som Offline over for alle
dine venner."
"[english]Friends_ConnectedButOffline" "You are currently set to appear offline
to all your Friends."
"Hvorfor ikke invitere nogen til at vre din ven?"
"Why not invite someone to be your Frien
"Log p"
"Sign in"
"Log p..."
"Sign in..."
"Vr med i Venner-betaen..."

"Join Friends Beta..."
"Tilslutter til vennenetvrket..."
"[english]Friends_ConnectingToFriendsNetwork" "Connecting to Friends network..
"Henter venneliste..."
"[english]Friends_ScanningForFriends" "Downloading Friends list..."
"Friends_NotConnectedToFriendsNetwork" "Der kunne ikke oprettes forbindelse til
netvrket Venner. Steam prver automatisk at oprette forbindelsen, indtil tjenesten
bliver tilgngelig."
"[english]Friends_NotConnectedToFriendsNetwork" "A connection to the Friends net
work could not be established. Steam will automatically retry connection until t
he service becomes available."
"Friends_NotConnectedToFriendsNetwork_InvalidPassword" "Du skal logge p Steam ig
en for at kunne bruge Venner."
"[english]Friends_NotConnectedToFriendsNetwork_InvalidPassword" "You need to log
back into Steam in order to use Friends."
"Du er blevet lo
gget af Venner, fordi denne konto er i brug et andet sted.\n"
"You hav
e been signed out of Friends, due to this account being signed in elsewhere.\n"
"Friends_NotConnectedToFriendsNetwork_InvalidVersion" "Denne version af Steam
er for gammel til at f forbindelse til Venner. Genstart Steam for at hente den se
neste opdatering."
"[english]Friends_NotConnectedToFriendsNetwork_InvalidVersion" "This version of
Steam is too old to connect to Friends. Restart Steam to receive the latest upd
"Steam-serverne er i jebl
ikket nede p grund af normal vedligeholdelse. Venner tilslutter igen automatisk,
s snart serverne bliver tilgngelige."
"The Steam serve
rs are currently down for routine maintenance. Friends will automatically reconn
ect as soon as they come available."
"Der kunne ikke oprettes
netvrksforbindelse til Steam-serverne. Steam prver automatisk at oprette forbinde
lsen, indtil tjenesten bliver tilgngelig."
"No network conn
ection could be made to the Steam servers. Steam will automatically retry connec
tion until the service becomes available."
"Venner er ikke tilgngelige i offline-til
"Friends is not available in off
line mode."
"Venner - %friend%"
"Friends - %friend%"
"Friends_UserRequestingFriendship_Info" "%friend% har fjet dig til sin venneliste
"%friend% has added you
to their Friends list."
"Tillad %friend% at se, nr du er online,
og kontakte dig."
"Allow %friend% to see when you
are online and contact you."
"Friends_BlockUserFromSeeingMeOnline" "Bloker denne persons mulighed for at se
, nr du er online, og kontakte dig."
"[english]Friends_BlockUserFromSeeingMeOnline" "Block this person from seeing w
hen you are online and contacting you."
"Tilfj ven - Steam"
"Add a Friend"
"Friends_FriendInfoDialog_DetailsTab" "Oplysninger"
"[english]Friends_FriendInfoDialog_DetailsTab" "Details"

"[english]Friends_FriendInfoDialog_StatusTab" "Status"
"Friends_FriendlyName" "Navn"
"[english]Friends_FriendlyName" "Name"
"Senest benyttede navne:"
"Recently used names:"
"Afspil en lyd, nr en ven deltager i et s
"Play a sound when any Friend jo
ins a game"
"Afspil en lyd, nr en ven kommer
"Play a sound when any F
riend comes online"
"Friends_PlaySoundWhenReceiveAMessage" "Afspil en lyd, nr nu modtager en besked"
"[english]Friends_PlaySoundWhenReceiveAMessage" "Play a sound when you receive a
"Friends_NotifyMeWhenUserComesOnline" "Underret mig, nr denne bruger er online"
"[english]Friends_NotifyMeWhenUserComesOnline" "Notify me when this user comes
"Friends_PlaySoundWhenUserComesOnline" "Afspil altid en lyd, nr denne bruger er
"[english]Friends_PlaySoundWhenUserComesOnline" "Always play sound when this use
r comes online"
"Afspil altid en lyd, nr denne bruger spi
ller et spil"
"[english]Friends_PlaySoundWhenUserJoinsGame" "Always play sound when this use
r plays a game"
"Friends_RemoveUserExplanation" "Hvis du fjerner denne ven fra din liste, vil ve
dkommende ikke kunne se, nr du er online, eller sende dig beskeder."
"If you remove this Friend from
your list, they won't be able to see when you are online or send you messages."
"INVITER %friend%"
"INVITE - %friend%"
"En invitation til deltagelse i dit spil
er sendt til %friend%."
"An invitation to join your game
has been sent to %friend%."
"%friend% online-besked i Venner"
"%friend% - Friends online notif
"Din ven %friend% er online."
"Your Friend %friend% has come o
"Steam Gentag logon"
"[english]Friends_RefreshLogin_Title" "Steam - Refresh login"
"Friends_RefreshLogin" "Genindtast dine Steam-logon-oplysninger for at logge p V
"[english]Friends_RefreshLogin" "Please re-enter your Steam login details in ord
er to sign into Friends."
"Friends_AccountName" "Kontonavn"
"[english]Friends_AccountName" "Account name"
"Friends_BetaHomePage" "Oplysningsside til Venner-betaen"
"[english]Friends_BetaHomePage" "The Friends Beta information page"
"Friends_PleaseSetFriendsName" "Dit profilnavn er ikke blevet angivet."
"[english]Friends_PleaseSetFriendsName" "Your profile name has not been set."

"Skift profilnavn..."
"Change Profile Name..."
"Friends_TargetBlocked" "Indstillingerne for denne brugerprofil forhindrer dig i
at kontakte brugeren nu."
"This user's profile settings prevent yo
u from contacting them at this time."
"Friends_TargetIgnored" "%search% ignorerer dig."
"%search% is ignoring you."
"Din venneliste er fuld. Fjern nogle venner, og
prv igen."
"Your Friends list is full! Remove some
Friends and try again."
"%search%s venneliste er fuld."
"%search%'s Friends list is full
"Der opstod et problem med at fje %search% til di
n venneliste."
"There was a problem adding %search% to
your Friends list."
"Kunne ikke finde en Ste
am-bruger med email-adressen %search%.\n\nHvis du vil invitere %search% med p Ste
am og p din venneliste, skal du trykke p \"Nste\" eller p \"Tilbage\" for at sge igen
"Unable to find
a Steam user with email address %search%.\n\nIf you'd like to invite %search% to
join Steam and your list of Friends, hit 'Next', or hit 'Back' to search again.
"Sender invitation til %search%..."
"Sending invitation to %search%..."
"%search% er for nylig blevet inviteret til at d
eltage p Steam, og nr vedkommende svarer, vil han/hun blive fjet til din venneliste
"%search% has been invited to join Steam
recently; when they respond, they will be added to your Friends list.\n"
"Der er blevet sendt en email-invitation til %se
arch%, som vil blive fjet til din venneliste, nr vedkommende svarer.\n"
"%search% has been sent an email invitat
ion, and will be added to your Friends list when they respond.\n"
"Der opstod et problem med at sende en invitatio
n til %search%."
"[english]Friends_DefaultInviteError" "There was a problem sending an invitati
on to %search%."
"Du har sendt for mange invitationer p de
t seneste. Prv at invitere %search% igen om et par dage."
"You've sent too many invitation
s recently. Try inviting %search% again in a day or two."
"Du blokerer al kommunikation med denne bruger.
Fr du kan kommunikere med vedkommende skal du frst fjerne blokeringen. Det gr du p d
eres Steam-fllesskabsprofil."
"[english]Friends_InvitationBlocking" "You are blocking all communication with
this user. Before communicating with this user, you must unblock them by visiti
ng their Steam Community Profile."
"Friends_DontGiveOutPassword" "Fortl aldrig din adgangskode til nogen.\n"
"[english]Friends_DontGiveOutPassword" "Never tell your password to anyone.\n"
"Venner Reserveret navn"
"Friends - Reserved Name"

"Dit profilnavn m ikke vre \"[ukendt]\" eller inde
holde \"Valve\", \"Steam\" eller \"Support\". Vlg venligst et andet navn."
"Your profile name cannot be '[unknown]
or contain 'Valve', 'Steam' or 'Support'. Please choose another name."
"Kunne ikke finde spil til %friend%"
"Failed to find game for %friend%"
"[english]Friends_Friendlist_Friends" "FRIENDS"
"Friends_FriendList_Pendings" "INVITATIONER"
"[english]Friends_FriendList_Pendings" "INVITATIONS SENT"
"[english]Friends_FriendList_InvitesReceived" "INVITES"
"[english]Friends_Friendlist_Members" "MEMBERS"
"Vis Steam-profil"
"View Steam Profile"
"Friends_Tooltip_GroupOfficer" "Gruppeofficer"
"[english]Friends_Tooltip_GroupOfficer" "Group Officer"
"Friends_InviteFriendToGroup" "Inviter til gruppe"
"[english]Friends_InviteFriendToGroup" "Invite to Group"
"Venner - invitation afsendt"
"Friends - invite sent"
"Din invitation til %friend% til
gruppen %group% er blevet sendt."
"Your invitation of %fri
end% into group %group% has been sent."
"Friends_menu_status" "Status"
"[english]Friends_menu_status" "Status"
"Friends_menu_players" "Spillere"
"[english]Friends_menu_players" "Players"
"Friends_menu_view_showavatars" "Vis avatarer"
"Show Avatars"
"Vis konto-ID'er"
"Show Account IDs"
"Friends_menu_view_sortbyname" "Sorter efter navn"
"[english]Friends_menu_view_sortbyname" "Sort by Name"
"Friends_menu_view_onlineonly" "Vis kun brugere, der er online"
"[english]Friends_menu_view_onlineonly" "Show Online Users Only"
"[english]Friends_menu_view_settings" "Settings..."
"Friends_menu_players_current" "Spillerliste - aktuelt spil"
"[english]Friends_menu_players_current" "Player List - Current Game"
"Friends_menu_players_recent" "Spillerliste - seneste spil"
"[english]Friends_menu_players_recent" "Player List - Recent Games"
"Friends_JoinGroupChat" "Deltag i %group% chat"
"Join %group% chat"
"%old_name% har ndret sit navn til %membe
"%old_name% has changed their na
me to %member_name%.\n"
"%member_changed% kom ind i chatten.%ignored%\n"
"[english]Friends_Chat_MemberEntered" "%member_changed% entered chat.%ignored%
"%member_changed% forlod chatten.%ignored%\n"

"%member_changed% left chat.%ignored%\n"
"%member_changed% afbrd forbindelsen.%ign
"%member_changed% disconnected.%
"Friends_Chat_MemberWasKicked" "%member_changed% blev smidt ud af %member_makin
"[english]Friends_Chat_MemberWasKicked" "%member_changed% was kicked by %member_
"Friends_Chat_MemberWasBanned" "%member_changed% blev udelukket af %member_maki
"[english]Friends_Chat_MemberWasBanned" "%member_changed% was banned by %member_
"[english]Friends_Chat_MemberIgnored" "(Blocked)"
"Friends_Chat_InviteToChatRoom" "Inviter til chatrum"
"Invite to Chat Room"
"Friends_Chat_InviteToChatRoom_Title" "Steam-fllesskab - Invitation til chatrum
"[english]Friends_Chat_InviteToChatRoom_Title" "Steam Community - Chat Room Inv
"Du er blevet inviteret til at deltage i
%chat%-chatten af %patron%."
"[english]Friends_Chat_InviteToChatRoom_Info" "You have been invited to join t
he %chat% chat by %patron%."
"Invitation modtaget: %date% kl. %time%"
"Invite received: %date% at %tim
"Friends_Chat_KickFromChatRoom" "Smid ud af chatrum"
"Kick from Chat Room"
"Friends_Chat_BanFromChatRoom" "Udeluk fra chatrum"
"[english]Friends_Chat_BanFromChatRoom" "Ban from Chat Room"
"Vis avatarer"
"[english]Friends_Chat_ToggleAvatars" "Show Avatars"
"Bip, nr brugere sender beskeder"
"Beep when users send messages"
"Friends_Chat_ToggleTimestamp" "Vis tidspunkt p alle beskeder"
"[english]Friends_Chat_ToggleTimestamp" "Show timestamp on each message"
"Administrer liste over udelukkede"
"[english]Friends_Chat_ManageBanList" "Manage Banned list"
"Friends_Chat_LockRoom" "Ls dette rum (gr privat)"
"Lock this room (make private)"
"Friends_Chat_OpenRoom" "Ls dette rum op (gr bent)"
"Unlock this room (make open)"
"Friends_Chat_DeniedChat_Title" "Steam - Kan ikke komme ind i chatrum"
"Steam - Can't enter chatroom"
"Friends_Chat_DeniedChat_DoesntExist" "%chat% chatten er blevet lukket."
"[english]Friends_Chat_DeniedChat_DoesntExist" "The %chat% chat has been closed
"Du har ikke de forndne tilladelser til a
t deltage i %chat% chatten."
"[english]Friends_Chat_DeniedChat_NotAllowed" "You don't have the required per
missions to enter the %chat% chat."
"Friends_Chat_DeniedChat_Full" "%chat% chatten er fuld."
"[english]Friends_Chat_DeniedChat_Full" "The %chat% chat is full."
"Friends_Chat_DeniedChat_Error" "Fejl under forsg p at deltage i %chat% chatten."
"Error attempting to join %chat%
"Du kan ikke deltage i %chat% chatten, d
a du er blevet udelukket fra denne chat."

"You may not enter the %chat% ch
at, because you are banned from this chat."
"Friends_Chat_ActionResultTitleSuccess" "Handling udfrt"
"Action Succeeded"
"%user_name% er blevet inviteret
til chatten.\n"
"%user_name% has been in
vited to chat.\n"
"Friends_Chat_ActionResultKickSuccess" "%user_name% er blevet smidt ud.\n"
"[english]Friends_Chat_ActionResultKickSuccess" "%user_name% has been kicked.\n"
"Friends_Chat_ActionResultBanSuccess" "%user_name% er blevet udelukket.\n"
"[english]Friends_Chat_ActionResultBanSuccess" "%user_name% has been banned.\n"
"Friends_Chat_ActionResultUnBanSuccess" "%user_name% er ikke lngere udelukket.\n"
"%user_name% is no longe
r banned.\n"
"Chatten er lst (kun gruppemedlem
mer eller brugere, der er blevet inviteret, kan deltage).\n"
"Chat is now locked (onl
y group members or invited users can join).\n"
"Chatten er lst op (ben for alle b
"[english]Friends_Chat_ActionResultUnlockChatSuccess" "Chat is now unlocked (o
pened to all users).\n"
"Friends_Chat_ActionResultTitleFailed" "Handling ikke udfrt"
"[english]Friends_Chat_ActionResultTitleFailed" "Action Failed"
"Friends_Chat_ActionResultInviteFailed" "Dit forsg p at invitere %user_name% til c
hatten %chat% mislykkedes.\n%action_result%"
"Attempt to invite user
%user_name% to chat %chat% failed.\n%action_result%"
"Friends_Chat_ActionResultKickFailed" "Dit forsg p at smide %user_name% ud fra c
hatten %chat% mislykkedes.\n%action_result%"
"[english]Friends_Chat_ActionResultKickFailed" "Attempt to kick user %user_name
% from chat %chat% failed.\n%action_result%"
"Friends_Chat_ActionResultUnBanFailed" "Dit forsg p at ophve udelukkelsen af %user
_name% fra chatten %chat% mislykkedes.\n%action_result%"
"[english]Friends_Chat_ActionResultUnBanFailed" "Attempt to unban user %user_nam
e% from chat %chat% failed.\n%action_result%"
"Dit forsg p at lse chatten %chat%
"Attempt to lock chat %c
hat% failed\n%action_result%."
"Dit forsg p at lse op for (bne) cha
tten %chat% mislykkedes\n%action_result%."
"Attempt to unlock (open
) chat %chat% failed\n%action_result%."
"Friends_Chat_ActionResultCloseFailed" "Dit forsg p at lukke chatten %chat% misly
"[english]Friends_Chat_ActionResultCloseFailed" "Attempt to close chat %chat% fa
"Ukendt fejl"
"Unknown Error"
"Friends_Chat_ActionResultNotPermitted" "Du har ikke tilladelse til at udfre denn
e handling."
"You don't have the perm
issions to do this action."
"Du kan ikke udfre denne
handling mod et klanmedlem, med mindre du har en hjere rang."
"Action is not a
llowed on a clan member unless you have higher rank."
"Handlinger mod en udelu

kket bruger ikke tilladt."

"Action is not a
llowed on a banned user."
"Friends_Chat_ActionResultManageBans" "Administrer liste over udelukkede fra c
"[english]Friends_Chat_ActionResultManageBans" "Manage chat room ban list."
"Handlinger mod chattens
ejer ikke tilladt."
"Action is not a
llowed on the owner of the chat."
"Handlinger mod dig selv ikke ti
"Action is not allowed o
n yourself."
"Chatten er blevet lukket."
"The chat has been close
"Friends_Chat_ActionResultChatFull " "Chatten er fuld."
"[english]Friends_Chat_ActionResultChatFull " "The chat is full."
"Handlinger kan ikke udfres, nr du ikke er
"[english]Friends_Chat_ActionResultNotOnline" "Action is not possible while no
t online."
"Smidt ud af chat"
"Kicked from Chat"
"Du er blevet smidt ud af chatten %chat% af %mem
"You have been kicked from chat %chat% b
y %member_making_change%."
"Du er blevet smidt ud af chatten af %member_mak
"You have been kicked from the chat by %
"Udelukket fra chat"
"Banned from Chat"
"Du er blevet udelukket fra chatten %chat% af %m
"You have been banned from chat %chat% b
y %member_making_change%."
"Du er blevet udelukket fra chatten af %member_m
"You have been banned from the chat by %
"Chat lukket"
"Chat Closed"
"%chat% chatten er lukket"
"The %chat% chat has closed."
"Chat er lukket.\n"
"Chat has closed.\n"
"Din status er angivet til Offline.\n"
"[english]Friends_Chat_Offline_Entry" "Your state is set to Offline.\n"
"Online nu og deltager i chatten igen.\n
"Online now and rejoined chat.\n
"Du er ikke med i chatten igen.\n"
"You failed to rejoin the chat.\
"Du er med i chatten igen.\n"
"You rejoined the chat.\

"Forbindelsen til Steam afbrudt. Du komm
er automatisk med i chatten igen, nr forbindelsen genoprettes.\n"
"Lost connection to Steam, will
rejoin chat automatically when connection regained.\n"
"Forbindelse genoprettet. Du er
med i chatten igen.\n"
"Connected again and rej
oined chat.\n"
"Ingen forbindelse til Steam.\n"
"No connection to Steam.
"Friends_Chat_RoomLocked_Entry" "Chatrummet er blevet lst af %member_making_chang
"The chat room has been locked b
y %member_making_change%.\n"
"Chatrummet er blevet lst op (bent for all
e) af %member_making_change%.\n"
"The chat room has been unlocked
(opened to anyone) by %member_making_change%.\n"
"Steam-serverne genstartes om et jeblik.
Forbindelsen til dette chatrum genoprettes efter genstart."
"The Steam servers will be reboo
ting shortly. Connection to this chat room will be restored after the reboot.\n
"%name% siger"
"%name% says,"
"Friends_MsgNotification_Body" "%message%"
"[english]Friends_MsgNotification_Body" "%message%"
"Fj til din venneliste..."
"Add to your Friends list..."
"Start stemmechat"
"[english]Friends_Voice_Call" "Begin voice chat"
"Friends_Voice_EndCall" "Afslut stemmechat"
"End voice chat"
"Annuller opkald"
"Cancel call"
"St p pause"
"[english]Friends_Voice_Hold" "Hold"
"Friends_Voice_IncomingVoice" "Opkald fra %friend% startet."
"[english]Friends_Voice_IncomingVoice" "Call from %friend% started."
"Friends_Voice_HangUp" "Opkald til %friend% afsluttet."
"[english]Friends_Voice_HangUp" "Call with %friend% ended."
"Friends_Voice_AudioSettings" "Indstillinger"
"[english]Friends_Voice_AudioSettings" "Settings"
"Friends_Voice_Answer" "Svar"
"[english]Friends_Voice_Answer" "Answer"
"Friends_Voice_IncomingStatus" "%friend% vil gerne stemmechatte."
"[english]Friends_Voice_IncomingStatus" "%friend% wants to chat via voice."
"Friends_Voice_OutgoingStatus" "kalder op til %friend%..."
"[english]Friends_Voice_OutgoingStatus" "Calling %friend%..."
"Friends_Voice_Resume" "Genoptag"
"[english]Friends_Voice_Resume" "Resume"
"Friends_Voice_ResumeStatusLocalHold" "P pause"
"[english]Friends_Voice_ResumeStatusLocalHold" "On hold"
"Friends_Voice_ResumeStatusRemoteHold" "%friend% har sat denne stemmechat p paus
"[english]Friends_Voice_ResumeStatusRemoteHold" "%friend% has put this voice cha
t on hold"

"Audio Settings"
"Microphone Volume:"
"Friends_Voice_Speaker_Volume" "Modtagelydstyrke:"
"[english]Friends_Voice_Speaker_Volume" "Receive Volume:"
"Friends_Voice_BoostMicrophone" "Forg mikrofonforstrkning"
"Boost microphone gain"
"Friends_Voice_TestMicrophone" "Test mikrofon"
"[english]Friends_Voice_TestMicrophone" "Test Microphone"
"Stop mikrofontest"
"Stop Microphone Test"
"Reparer lyd"
"Repair Audio"
"Friends_Voice_UsersChatting" "%UsersChatting% bruger p stemmechat"
"[english]Friends_Voice_UsersChatting" "%UsersChatting% user voice chatting"
"%UsersChatting% brugere p stemmechat"
"%UsersChatting% users voice cha
"Ingen andre brugere p stemmechat"
"[english]Friends_Voice_NoOtherUsersChatting" "No other users voice chatting"
"%UsersChatting% brugere p stemmechat (fuld)"
"[english]Friends_Voice_AllSlotsFull" "%UsersChatting% users voice chatting (f
"Start stemmechat"
"Start voice chat"
"Friends_Chat_EndVoiceChatting" "Afslut stemmechat"
"End voice chat"
"Starter tale i chatten %chat%."
"Starting voice in chat
"Afslutter tale i chatten %chat%
"Ending voice in chat %c
"Friends_Chat_VoiceSpeakDenied" "Kan ikke starte tale i %chat%. Ikke tilstrkkelig
e ledige pladser."
"Can't start voice in %chat%, no
t enough free speaking slots."
"Kan ikke starte tale i %chat%.
Ikke tilstrkkelige ledige pladser."
"Can't start voice in %c
hat%, not enough free speaking slots."
"%availslots% pladser tilg. [i alt %maxslots%]."
"%availslots% slots avail [%maxslots% to
"%online% ONLINE"
"%online% ONLINE"
"Friends_GroupSectionInfo_OnlineInGame" "%ingame% I SPIL, %online% ONLINE"
"%ingame% IN GAME, %onli
"%inchat% I CHAT, %online% ONLIN
"%inchat% IN CHAT, %onli
"Friends_GroupSectionInfo_OnlineInGameChatting" "%inchat% I CHAT, %ingame% I SPI
L, %online% ONLINE"
"%inchat% IN CHA
T, %ingame% IN GAME, %online% ONLINE"

"Friends_GroupSectionInfo_PublicGroup" "%groupname% (offentlig gruppe)"

"[english]Friends_GroupSectionInfo_PublicGroup" "%groupname% (Public Group)"
"Vis gruppens profil"
"View group profile"
"Tilslut til gruppens chatrum"
"Join group chat room"
"Hndter denne gruppe"
"Administer this group"
"Forlad denne gruppe"
"Leave this group"
"Friends_SteamIDLink" "Vis profil"
"[english]Friends_SteamIDLink" "View profile"
"Rediger alias..."
"Edit alias..."
"[english]Friends_UnsetAlias" "Reset"
"Friends_ViewAliases" "Vis aliaser"
"[english]Friends_ViewAliases" "View Aliases"
"Friends_NotificationOptions" "Notifikationsindstillinger"
"[english]Friends_NotificationOptions" "Notification Options"
"Friends_FriendAliases_Title" "Venner - %FriendName%"
"[english]Friends_FriendAliases_Title" "Friends - %FriendName%"
"Du kender mske ogs %FriendName% under disse navne
"You have seen %FriendName% go by these
"Profile name"
"Friends_AutoSignIntoFriendsOnStartup" "Log automatisk p 'Venner', nr jeg starter
"[english]Friends_AutoSignIntoFriendsOnStartup" "Automatically sign into Friends
when I start Steam"
"Vis tidspunkter i chatlog"
"Display timestamps in chat log"
"Notifikationer & lyde"
"Notifications & Sounds"
"Friends_WhenFriendJoinsGame" "Nr en ven slutter sig til et spil"
"[english]Friends_WhenFriendJoinsGame" "When any Friend joins a game"
"Friends_WhenFriendComesOnline" "Nr en ven kommer online"
"When any Friend comes online"
"Nr jeg modtager en besked"
"[english]Friends_WhenReceiveMessage" "When I receive a message"
"Friends_DisplayNotification" "Vis en notifikation"
"[english]Friends_DisplayNotification" "Display a notification"
"Afspil en lyd"
"[english]Friends_PlayASound" "Play a sound"
"Friends_FlashWindow" "Vinduet skal blinke, nr jeg modtager besked"
"[english]Friends_FlashWindow" "Flash window when I receive a message"
"Friends_FlashWindowMinimized" "Kun nr det er minimeret"
"[english]Friends_FlashWindowMinimized" "Only when minimized"
"Vis min profil i Steam-fllesskabet"
"View my Steam Community profile

"Friends_ChangeAvatar" "Rediger"
"[english]Friends_ChangeAvatar" "Change"
"Venner - Profilnavn for kort"
"[english]Friends_NameTooShort_Title" "Friends - Profile name too short"
"Feltet til profilnavnet skal indeholde mindst t
o tegn."
"Profile name field must contain at leas
t two characters."
"er nu online"
"is now online"
"spiller nu"
"is now playing"
"Friends_ChatInvitation_Info" "har inviteret dig til at chatte med"
"[english]Friends_ChatInvitation_Info" "has invited you to chat with"
"har inviteret dig til at stemmechatte"
"has invited to you to voice cha
"Friends_ChatNotification_Info" "siger:"
"Friends_GameInvitation_Info" "har inviteret dig til at spille"
"[english]Friends_GameInvitation_Info" "has invited you to play"
"Tryk p %hotkey% for at f vist"
"Press %hotkey% to view"
"Tryk p %hotkey% for at f vist"
"Press %hotkey% to view"
"Tryk p %hotkey% for at svare"
"Press %hotkey% to reply"
"Friends_PlayersDialog_Title" "Spillere - Steam"
"[english]Friends_PlayersDialog_Title" "Players"
"Aktuelt spil"
"Current game"
"Tidligere spil"
"Recent games"
"Tilfj en ven..."
"Add a Friend..."
"Det er et stykke tid siden, du har spil
let Steam-spil med dine venner."
"You have not recently played St
eam games with anyone."
"Ingen Steam-brugere rapporteret af spil
"[english]Friends_NoCurrentlyPlayedWithUsers" "No Steam users reported by game
"[english]Friends_PlayerName" "Profile name"
"Steam Profile"
"[english]Friends_PlayerRelationship" "Relationship"
"Friends_PlayerFriend" "VEN"
"[english]Friends_PlayerFriend" "FRIEND"
"Friends_SteamIDPage" "Profil"
"[english]Friends_SteamIDPage" "Profile"
"Venner - invitationer"
"Friends - invites"

"Friends_InvitesAvailable_Info" "Du har %groups% ventende gruppeinvitation."

"You have %groups% group invite
"Friends_InvitesAvailable_InfoPlural" "Du har %groups% ventende gruppeinvitati
"[english]Friends_InvitesAvailable_InfoPlural" "You have %groups% group invites
"Du har %friends% ventende venneinvitati
"You have %friends% Friends invi
te pending."
"Friends_InvitesAvailable_Info2Plural" "Du har %friends% afventende venneinvita
"[english]Friends_InvitesAvailable_Info2Plural" "You have %friends% Friends invi
tes pending."
"Du har %friends% ventende venneinvitati
on(er) og %groups% gruppeinvitation(er)."
"You have %friends% Friends invi
te(s) and %groups% group invite(s) pending."
"Friends_InvitesAvailable_View" "Vis invitationer"
"View invites"
"Friends_RetryVoiceConnections" "Prv at oprette stemmeforbindelse igen"
"Retry voice connection"
"Vis brugere du for nyligt har spillet m
"View users you've recently play
ed with"
"Notifikationsindstillinger - %FriendNam
"Notification options - %FriendN
"Nr %FriendName% slutter sig til et spil"
"When %FriendName% joins a game"
"Nr %FriendName% opretter online-forbinde
"When %FriendName% comes online"
"Nr jeg modtager en besked fra %F
"When I receive a messag
e from %FriendName%"
"Friends_InviteInfo_HasAdded" "har fjet dig til sin"
"[english]Friends_InviteInfo_HasAdded" "has added you to his or her"
"Friends List"
"Du er blevet inviteret"
"You have been invited"
"Friends_InviteInfo_JoinGroup" "til at deltage i Steam-gruppen"
"[english]Friends_InviteInfo_JoinGroup" "to join Steam group"
"Friends_GroupEvent_NewEventScheduled" "har planlagt ny begivenhed"
"[english]Friends_GroupEvent_NewEventScheduled" "has scheduled new event"
"har en event, der starter"
"has event starting"
"har slet en ny meddelelse op"
"[english]Friends_GroupEvent_NewAccouncement" "has posted new announcement"
"%group% - event startet"
"%group% - event started"
"Vis event"
"View event"

"Steam_RepairAudioDescription" "(Nr du tilslutter eller fjerner en lydenhed, kan

det vre ndvendigt at registrere aktive lydenheder igen)."
"[english]Steam_RepairAudioDescription" "(When an audio device is plugged in or
removed, you may need to re-detect active audio devices.)"
"Registrer lydenheder"
"Detect audio devices"
"Forg mikrofonforstrkning"
"[english]Steam_VoiceMicGain" "Boost microphone gain"
"Steam_TestMicButton" "Test mikrofon"
"[english]Steam_TestMicButton" "Test microphone"
"Receive volume"
"Steam_VoiceMicVolume" "Mikrofonlydstyrke"
"[english]Steam_VoiceMicVolume" "Microphone volume"
"Friends_ViewGroupMembersLink" "Vis alle medlemmer"
"[english]Friends_ViewGroupMembersLink" "View all members"
"Friends_GroupCollapsedTooManyMembers" "(for mange medlemmer til at vise)"
"[english]Friends_GroupCollapsedTooManyMembers" "(too many members to show)"
"Friends_GroupCollapsedNoOtherMembers" "(ikke flere medlemmer at vise)"
"[english]Friends_GroupCollapsedNoOtherMembers" "(no other members to show)"
"Community Home"
"Friends_AchievementUnlocked_Headline" "Prstation lst op!"
"[english]Friends_AchievementUnlocked_Headline" "Achievement Unlocked!"
"Friends_AchievementProgress_Headline" "Prstationsfremskridt"
"[english]Friends_AchievementProgress_Headline" "Achievement Progress"
"%achievement% (%cur%/%max%)"
"%achievement% (%cur%/%max%)"
"Friends_ChatURLWarning_Title" "Alarm: ikke et Steam-websted"
"[english]Friends_ChatURLWarning_Title" "Alert: non-Steam web site"
"Friends_ChatURLWarning_Info" "Bemrk: URL'en, du har klikket p, er ikke en offic
iel Steam-webside."
"[english]Friends_ChatURLWarning_Info" "Note: the URL you have clicked on is no
t an official Steam web site."
"Friends_ChatURLWarning_Info2" "Hvis dette websted anmoder om dit brugernavn el
ler din adgangskode, skal du ikke indtaste disse oplysninger. Du kan miste din S
team-konto og alle dine spil!"
"[english]Friends_ChatURLWarning_Info2" "If this web site asks for your user nam
e or password, do not enter that information. You could lose your Steam account
and all your games!"
"OK, fortst til webstedet"
"Ok, continue to the web page"
"Vis ikke dette igen."
"Don't show me this agai
"Alarm: Sikkerhedsrisiko for kontoen"
"Alert: Account security risk"
"Advarsel: Du skal til at videregive din
"Warning: you are about to share
your password."
"Steam Support vil aldrig anmode om din
adgangskode. Ved at videregive din adgangskode kan du miste din Steam-konto og a
lle dine spil!\n\nEr du sikker p, du vil videregive denne oplysning?"
"Steam Support will never need y
our password for any reason. By sharing your password, you could lose your Steam
account and all your games!\n\nAre you sure you wish to share this information?

"Friends_ChatPasswordWarning_Continue" "Ja, send min chatbesked"

"[english]Friends_ChatPasswordWarning_Continue" "Yes, send my chat message"
"Friends_ChatPasswordWarning_DontSend" "Nej, send den ikke"
"[english]Friends_ChatPasswordWarning_DontSend" "No, don't send it"
"Bloker al interaktion med %user
"Block all interaction w
ith %username%"
"Du er ved at blokere al kommuni
kation med %username%.\n\nDu vil ikke lngere kunne sende eller modtage beskeder e
ller invitationer til eller fra denne spiller.\n\nDu kan fortryde denne handling
ved at g ind p brugerens Steam-profil eller fjerne blokeringen via din venneliste
"You are about to block
all communication with %username%.\n\nYou will no longer be able to send or rece
ive messages or invites with this player.\n\nYou can undo this by visiting their
Steam Profile or unblocking them via your Friends list."
"Friends_BlockCommunicationWarning_DontAskAgainCheck" "Vis ikke dette igen."
"[english]Friends_BlockCommunicationWarning_DontAskAgainCheck" "Don't show me t
his again."
"Bloker spiller"
"Block player"
"Indgende chat-anmodning"
"Incoming chat request"
"Du har modtaget en chat-anmodning fra denne bru
"You've received a chat request from the
following user:"
"I har flgende grupper tilflles:"
"You two share the following groups in c
"I er begge i dette chatrum:"
"You are in this chat room toget
"Vil du acceptere denne chat-anmodning?"
"Would you like to accept this chat requ
"Accepter altid chat-anmodninger fra den
ne bruger."
"[english]Friends_ChatIntro_DontShowCheckBox" "Always accept chat requests fro
m this user."
"Friends_ChatIntro_WarningInfo" "Pmindelse: Steam Support vil aldrig anmode om di
n adgangskode. Ignorer alle anmodninger om adgangskode."
"Reminder: Steam Support will ne
ver need your password for any reason. Ignore any password requests you receive.
"Friends_Voice_MicrophoneDeviceLabel" "Optageenhed (lydinput)"
"[english]Friends_Voice_MicrophoneDeviceLabel" "Recording (audio input) device"
"Skift enhed..."
"[english]Friends_Voice_ChangeDevice" "Change device..."
"(dette bner stemmekontrolpanelet i Windo

"(this will open the Windows voi
ce control panel)"
"Steam - Skifter optageudstyr"
"[english]Friends_Voice_ChangingDevice_Title" "Steam - Changing recording devi
"Lydkontrolpanelet i Windowser nu bent. T
ryk p \"OK\", nr du er frdig med at ndre indstillingerne."
"The Windows audio control panel
is now open. Hit 'OK' when you're finished changing settings."
"Friends_Voice_ChangingDevice_Button" "OK, jeg er frdig med at ndre indstillinge
"[english]Friends_Voice_ChangingDevice_Button" "OK, I'm finished changing setti
"[ Ingen optageenhed registreret ]"
"[ No recording device detected
"Friends_Voice_PushToTalkKey" "Tryk for tale-tast"
"[english]Friends_Voice_PushToTalkKey" "Push-to-talk key"
"Nr stemmechat er aktiv:"
"When voice chat is active:"
"Send automatisk min stemme, nr jeg taler"
"[english]Friends_Voice_AutoTransmit" "Automatically transmit my voice wheneve
r I speak"
"Brug en tryk for tale-tast til at sende min ste
"Use a push-to-talk key to transmit voic
"[english]Friends_DownloadNotification_Steam" "Steam"
"er frdig med at downloade"
"has finished downloading"
"ben Chat"
"Open Chat"
"Steam Community"
"Limited_Explanation" "Din konto opfylder ikke kravene for at bruge denne funk
"[english]Limited_Explanation" "Your account does not meet the requirements to
use this feature."
"Besg Steam Support for mere information."
"[english]Limited_ForDetails" "Visit Steam Support for more information."
"Chatrummet er blevet sat til kun chat m
ellem officerer af %member_making_change%.\n"
"The chat room has been set to o
fficers-only chat by %member_making_change%.\n"
"Chatrummet er blevet sat til chat melle
m alle brugere af %member_making_change%.\n"
"[english]Friends_Chat_RoomUnmoderated_Entry" "The chat room has been set to a
ll-users chat by %member_making_change%.\n"
"Kun gruppeofficerer kan sende beskeder
i kun-officer chat"
"Only group officers can send me
ssages in officers-only chat"
"Sl kun-officer-chat til"
"Enable officers-only chat"
"Friends_Chat_UnmoderateRoom" "Sl kun-officer-chat fra (alle kan chatte)"
"[english]Friends_Chat_UnmoderateRoom" "Disable officers-only chat (anyone can
"Kun officerer i gruppen kan chatte"
"Only officers of the group can

"Vlg venner at invitere"
"[english]Friends_InviteToGame_Title" "Choose Friends to invite"
"Tilbage til spillet"
"[english]Friends_InviteToGame_Close" "Return to game"
"friends_invitetogame_action" "Inviter"
"[english]friends_invitetogame_action" "INVITE"
"Invitation sendt"
"Ingen lyd-inputsystemer fundet p din maskine."
"No Sound Input systems found on your ma
"FriendsUI_SelectSoundSystem" "Vlg lyd-inputenhed:"
"[english]FriendsUI_SelectSoundSystem" "Select Sound Input Device:"
"Vlg lyd-input"
"[english]FriendsUI_SoundSystemTitle" "Select Sound Input"
"friends_ingametooltip" "I spil: %game%"
"In-Game: %game%"
"%invites% AFVENTER"
"%invites% PENDING"
"Vis invitationer i fllesskab"
"[english]Friends_ViewInvitesOnCommunityPage" "View invites on Community"
"Ignorer alle invitationer"
"Ignore all invites"
"Accepter alle invitationer"
"Accept all invites"
"friends_acceptrequest" "Accepter"
"friends_ignorerequest" "Ignorer"
"friends_blockrequest" "Bloker"
"[english]friends_blockrequest" "Block"
"[english]friends_acceptgrouprequest" "Accept"
"[english]friends_ignoregrouprequest" "Ignore"
"TrackerUI_FavoriteWindowLabel_Windows" "Vlg hvilket Steam-vindue der skal vises,
nr programmet starter, og nr du dobbeltklikker p notifikationsikonet."
"Select which Steam wind
ow appears when the program starts, and when you double-click the Notification T
ray icon."
"Vis spilbutikken"
"View game store page"
"Friends_Chat_Settings" "Chat-indstillinger"
"Chat Settings"
"bn altid et nyt chatvindue frem for en fane"
"[english]Friends_AlwaysNewChatCheck" "Always open a new chat window rather th
an a tab "
"friends_tooltip_voicesettings" "Vis stemmeindstillinger"
"View voice settings"
"Friends_ScreenshotNotification_Info" "Skrmbillede gemt"
"[english]Friends_ScreenshotNotification_Info" "Screenshot saved"
"Du kan ikke indtaste %chat% chat, fordi
dine chat-privilegier er blevet midlertidigt suspenderet."
"[english]Friends_Chat_DeniedChat_UserLocked" "You may not enter the %chat% ch
at, because your chat privileges have been temporarily suspended."
"Du kan ikke g ind i %chat%-chat, fordi d
en er blevet administrativt deaktiveret."

"[english]Friends_Chat_DeniedChat_ClanLocked" "You may not enter the %chat% ch

at, because it has been administratively disabled."
"Friends_ScreenshotNotification_Info_Multiple" "%screenshots% skrmbilleder gemt"
"[english]Friends_ScreenshotNotification_Info_Multiple" "%screenshots% screensho
ts saved"
"Fejl ved gemning af skrmbillede"
"Error saving screenshot
"friends_game_invite" "%friend% har inviteret dig til at spille"
"[english]friends_game_invite" "%friend% has invited you to play"
"[english]friends_game_invite_action" "CLICK HERE TO JOIN"
"friends_voice_friendendedcall" "%friend% har afsluttet opringningen"
"%friend% has ended the call."
"friends_trade_invite" "%friend% har inviteret dig til at bytte genstande"
"[english]friends_trade_invite" "%friend% has invited you to trade items"
"friends_trade_invite_action" "KLIK HER FOR AT BYTTE"
"[english]friends_trade_invite_action" "CLICK HERE TO TRADE"
"En anmodning om at bytte er blevet sendt til %f
"A request to trade has been sent to %fr
"Venter p svar..."
"Waiting for response..."
"%friend% har afvist din bytte-anmodning."
"%friend% has declined your trade reques
"friends_trade_you_are_banned" "Du kan ikke bytte med %friend%, fordi du har et
"[english]friends_trade_you_are_banned" "You cannot trade with %friend% because
you have a trade ban."
"friends_trade_they_are_banned" "Du kan ikke bytte med %friend%, fordi vedkommen
de har et bytte-forbud."
"You cannot trade with %friend%
because they have a trade ban."
"Du kan ikke bytte med %friend% fordi ve
dkommende i jeblikket bytter med en anden."
"You cannot trade with %friend%
because they are currently trading with someone else."
"Byttehandel er i jeblikket slet fra p serveren."
"Trading is currently disabled on the se
"friends_trade_not_logged_in" "Du kan ikke bytte med %friend%, fordi vedkommen
de ikke er logget ind."
"[english]friends_trade_not_logged_in" "You cannot trade with %friend% because
they are not logged in."
"Anmodningen om at bytte blev annulleret."
"The trade request was cancelled."
"Du kan ikke bytte med %friend%, fordi det er fo
r tidligt at sprge dem igen."
"You cannot trade with %friend% because
it is too soon to ask them again."
"Du kan ikke bytte med %friend%, fordi d
u har spurgt for ofte - du kan prve igen om et par minutter."
"You cannot trade with %friend%
because you have been asking too frequenty - you can try again in a few minutes.
"%friend% har ikke svaret p din bytte-anm
"%friend% has not responded to y

our trade request."

"friends_trade_you_are_already_trading" "Du kan ikke anmode om en ny byttehandel
, imens du stadig er i en anden byttesession."
"You cannot request a ne
w trade while you are still in another trade session."
"Du kan kun have n afvent
ende bytteanmodning."
"You can only ha
ve one outstanding trade request."
"%friend% svarede ikke p bytteanmodningen."
"%friend% did not respond to the trade r
"%friend% har accepteret din anmodning om at byt
"%friend% has accepted your request to t
"Du har accepteret bytteanmodningen fra %friend%
"[english]friends_trade_you_accepted" "You have accepted the trade request fro
m %friend%."
"Inviter til byttehandel"
"Invite to Trade"
"Mikrofon i brug af spil"
"Microphone in use by game"
"Venner - Ignorer bruger"
"Friends - Ignore User"
"Er du sikker p, at du vil ignorere og fjerne %fr
iend% fra din 'Foreslede Venner'-liste?\n\n(Du kan tilfje dem igen senere ved brug
af 'Tilfj en ven...'-knappen.)\n"
"Are you sure you want to ignore and rem
ove %friend% from your Suggested Friends list?\n\n(You can add them again later
using the 'Add a Friend...' button.)\n"
"Ignorer %friend%"
"Ignore %friend%"
"Kunne ikke ignorere vennen %friend%"
"Could not ignore friend %friend%"
"Vis Facebook-side"
"[english]Friends_ViewFacebookIDPage" "View Facebook Page"
"Ignorer bruger..."
"Ignore user..."
"Friends_FriendList_Suggested" "FORESLEDE VENNER"
"[english]Friends_FriendList_Suggested" "SUGGESTED FRIENDS"
"Ignorer alle foreslede venner"
"Ignore all suggested friends"
"Inviter alle foreslede venner"
"Invite all suggested friends"
"friends_inviterequest" "Inviter"
"friends_trade_other_cancelled" "%friend% bad om at bytte med dig, men har annul
leret sin anmodning."
"%friend% had asked to trade wit
h you, but has cancelled their request."
"friends_trade_other_cancelled_timeout" "%friend% bad om at bytte med dig, men d
u svarede ikke i tide."
"%friend% had asked to t
rade with you, but you did not respond in time."
"Friends_TradeInvitation_Info" "har inviteret dig til at bytte"
"[english]Friends_TradeInvitation_Info" "has invited you to trade"
"Friends_Page_Groups" "GRUPPER"
"[english]Friends_Page_Groups" "GROUPS"

"Friends_Page_Friends" "VENNER"
"[english]Friends_Page_Friends" "FRIENDS"
"[english]Friends_Page_Games" "GAMES"
"Friends_Friendlist_AllFriends" "ALLE VENNER"
"Vis i inventar"
"View in inventory"
"friends_group_tag_as" "Tag som..."
"[english]friends_group_tag_as" "Tag as..."
"friends_group_edit_categories" "Tildel tags til denne ven for at hjlpe dig med a
t finde vedkommende hurtigt. Taggede venner vil blive grupperet sammen i din ven
"Assign tags to this friend to h
elp you find them quickly. Tagged Friends will be grouped together in your Frien
ds list."
"friends_group_addtag" "TILFJ TAG"
"[english]friends_group_addtag" "ADD TAG"
"friends_group_edittags_title" "%friend% - Tags"
"[english]friends_group_edittags_title" "%friend% - Tags"
"NYT! Byt Team Fortress 2-genstande, Portal 2-genstande
og Steam-gaver med Steam-byttehandel. Klik p fold ned-knappen for at invitere den
ne person til at bytte. Du kan ogs vise genstande frem ved at trkke dem ind i chat
ten fra dit inventar."
"[english]friends_trade_info" "NEW! Trade Team Fortress 2 items, Portal 2 item
s, and Steam Gifts with Steam Trading. Click on the drop down button to invite t
his person to trade. You can also show off items in chat by dragging them from y
our inventory."
"Vis en genstand fra dit inventar..."
"[english]friends_insertitem" "Display an Item from your Inventory..."
"Denne spiller har ikke get under andre navne."
"[english]Friends_FriendAliases_None" "This player has not gone by any other n
"Du kan ikke bytte med %friend%, fordi du er p en
"[english]friends_trade_you_are_cafe" "You cannot trade with %friend% because
you are on a Cyber Cafe account."
"friends_trade_they_are_cafe" "Du kan ikke bytte med %friend%, fordi vedkommen
de er p en netcaf-konto."
"[english]friends_trade_they_are_cafe" "You cannot trade with %friend% because
they are on a Cyber Cafe account."
"friends_trade_you_are_school" "Du kan ikke bytte med %friend%, fordi du er p en
School Lab-konto."
"[english]friends_trade_you_are_school" "You cannot trade with %friend% because
you are on a School Lab account."
"friends_trade_they_are_school" "Du kan ikke bytte med %friend%, fordi vedkommen
de er p en School Lab-konto."
"You cannot trade with %friend%
because they are on a School Lab account."
"group_enterchatroom" "Deltag i gruppechat"
"[english]group_enterchatroom" "Enter group chat"
"Du er blevet inviteret til at t
age del i en privat chat med %patron%."
"You have been invited t
o join a private chat with %patron%."
"Du er ved at blokere al kommuni
kation med %username%.\n\nDenne blokering vil ogs forhindre jer i at tilslutte ti
l det samme spil med muligheder for Steamworks-matchmaking"

"You are about to block
all communication with %username%.\n\nThis block will also prevent you two from
joining the same game with Steamworks matchmaking capabilities."
"Mere info om Steamworks matchma
"[english]Friends_BlockCommunicationWarning_LinkInfo" "More info about Steamwo
rks matchmaking."
"%username% er blevet blokeret!\n\nFor a
t fjerne blokeringen af denne spiller, besg da din blokeringsliste i Steam-fllessk
"%username% has been blocked!\n\
nTo unblock this player, visit your Blocked List in the Steam Community."
"Vis min Blokeringsliste
"View my Blocked
"Der opstod et problem ved bloke
ring af %username%."
"There was a problem blo
cking %username%."
"har sendt dig en gave"
"has sent you a gift"
"Du har 1 ny genstand i dit inventar"
"You have 1 new item in your inventory"
"Du har %items% nye genstande i dit inventar"
"[english]friends_itemsreceived_info" "You have %items% new items in your inve
"Group Moderator"
"Venner - Kunne ikke skifte profilnavn"
"Friends - Failed to change prof
ile name"
"Friends_NameChangeFailed_Info" "Kunne ikke skifte profilnavn. Prv venligst igen
om nogle f minutter."
"Failed to change profile name.
Please try again in a few minutes."
"Meget hyppige ndringer af profilnavne er
ikke tilladt. Prv venligst igen om nogle f minutter."
"Very frequent changes to profil
e names are not allowed. Please try again in a few minutes."
"friends_trade_generic_failure" "Du kan ikke bytte med %friend%."
"You cannot trade with %friend%.
"Du kan ikke bytte med %friend%, fordi d
u har blokeret vedkommende."
"You cannot trade with %friend%
because you have blocked them."
"friends_trade_you_need_verified_email" "Du skal bekrfte din email-adresse, fr du
kan deltage i en byttehandel. Bekrft din email-adresse fra vinduet 'Indstillinger
"You must verify your em
ail address before you can participate in a trade. Verify your email address fro
m the Settings window."
"friends_trade_you_have_steam_guard_disabled" "Du skal sl Steam Guard til, fr du
kan deltage i en byttehandel. Sl Steam Guard til fra vinduet \"Indstillinger\"."
"[english]friends_trade_you_have_steam_guard_disabled" "You must enable Steam G
uard before you can participate in a trade. Enable Steam Guard from the Settings
"%friend% kan ikke bytte. Flere
oplysninger vil blive vist til %friend%, hvis vedkommende inviterer dig til at b

"%friend% is not availab
le to trade. More information will be shown to %friend% if they invite you to tr
"Friends_PostNotification_Info" "indsendt:"
"Friends_ViewGameHub" "Vis spilhub"
"[english]Friends_ViewGameHub" "View Game Hub"
"friends_setnickname" "Tilfj kaldenavn"
"[english]friends_setnickname" "Add Nickname"
"Venner - %friend%"
"Friends - %friend%"
"Tilfj et vedvarende kaldenavn til denne spiller,
s du kan holde styr p hvem det er."
"Add a persistent nickname to this playe
r to keep track of who they are."
"%friend% bruger nu %game%. "
"%friend% is now using %game%. "
"Friends_InApp" "I app"
"bruger nu"
"is now using"
"friends_trade_you_havent_had_steam_guard_enabled_long_enough" "Du skal have St
eam Guard slet til i mindst %days% dage, fr du kan deltage i en byttehandel."
"[english]friends_trade_you_havent_had_steam_guard_enabled_long_enough" "You mus
t have had Steam Guard enabled for at least %days% days before you can participa
te in a trade."
"%friend% er offline p nuvrende tidspunkt.
Vedkommende vil modtage din besked nste gang, brugeren logger ind.\n"
"%friend% is currently offline,
they will receive your message the next time they log in.\n"
"Du glemte for nyligt din Steamadgangskode og nulstillede den som flge deraf. Du vil ikke kunne bytte i omkring
5 dage efter den seneste adgangskode-nulstilling."
"You recently forgot and
then reset your Steam account's password. You will not be able to trade until a
bout five days after the most recent password reset."
"friends_managefriends" "Administrer venner"
"Manage Friends"
"Online via webbrowser"
"Online using the Web"
"Friends_MobileStatus_Tooltip" "Online via en mobilenhed"
"[english]Friends_MobileStatus_Tooltip" "Online using a mobile device"
"Online via Big Picture"
"Online using Big Picture"
"Du er logget ind fra en ny enhe
d. For at beskytte genstandene i dit inventar vil du ikke vre i stand til at bytt
e fra denne enhed i %days% dage."
"You have logged in from
a new device. In order to protect the items in your inventory, you will be unab
le to trade from this device for %days% days."
"Du glemte for nyligt di
n Steam-adgangskode og nulstillede den efter adskillige mneders konto-inaktivitet
. For at beskytte genstandene i dit inventar kan du ikke bytte i %days% dage til
"You recently fo
rgot and then reset your Steam account's password after multiple months of accou
nt inactivity. In order to protect the items in your inventory, you will be unab
le to trade for %days% more days."
"Du glemte for nyligt di

n Steam-adgangskode og nulstillede den. For at beskytte genstandene i dit invent

ar kan du ikke bytte i %days% dage til."
"You recently fo
rgot and then reset your Steam account's password. In order to protect the items
in your inventory, you will be unable to trade for %days% more days."
"Du glemte for nyligt di
n Steam-adgangskode og nulstillede den efter adskillige mneders konto-inaktivitet
. For at beskytte genstandene i dit inventar kan du ikke bytte i n dag til."
"You recently fo
rgot and then reset your Steam account's password. In order to protect the items
in your inventory, you will be unable to trade for one more day."
"friends_newturn_info" "1 ny tur venter p dig"
"[english]friends_newturn_info" "1 new turn waiting for you"
"friends_newturns_info" "%turns% nye ture venter p dig"
"%turns% new turns waiting for you"
"%username% er blevet afblokeret
!\n\nDu kan se din liste over blokeringer i Steam-fllesskabet."
"%username% has been unb
locked!\n\nYou can visit your Blocked List in the Steam Community."
"Inviter til at se p"
"[english]Friends_Chat_InviteToWatch" "Invite to Watch"
"INVITER - %friend%"
"INVITE - %friend%"
"Friends_FriendInvitedToBroadcast_Info" "En invitation til at se p dit spil er se
ndt til %friend%."
"An invitation to watch
your game has been sent to %friend%."
"%friend% har inviteret dig til at se deres broa
"%friend% has invited you to watch their
"Friends_BroadcastInviteNotification" "inviterede dig til at deres broadcast"
"[english]Friends_BroadcastInviteNotification" "invited you to watch their broa
"Inviter til at se p"
"Invite to Watch"
"Friends_BroadcastApproveNotification" "vil gerne se din broadcast"
"[english]Friends_BroadcastApproveNotification" "would like to watch your broadc
"%friend% vil gerne se din broadcast"
"%friend% would like to watch your broad
"Friends_BroadcastApprove_Or" "eller"
"[english]Friends_BroadcastApprove_Or" "or"
"Velkommen til Steam-broadcasting! Du kan nu se
andre spillere og broadcaste dine egne spil med Steam."
"[english]Broadcast_FirstTime_Header" "Welcome to Steam Broadcasting! You can
now watch other players and broadcast your own games with Steam."
"Broadcast_FirstTime_PermissionHeader" "Brug et jeblik p at opstte dine prferencer.
"[english]Broadcast_FirstTime_PermissionHeader" "Take a minute to set up your pr
"Som standard vil kun dit spil kunne ses
. Dit skrivebord bliver ikke broadcastet."
"By default, only your game cont
ent can be watched. Your desktop will not be broadcast."

"Ls de ofte stillede sprgsml om Steam-broadcasting"
"Read the Steam Broadcasting FAQ"
"Steam Broadcasting"
"[english]Broadcast_FirstTime_Cancel" "Cancel"
"%friend% vil gerne se dig spille %gamen
"%friend% would like to watch yo
u play %gamename%"
"Tak fordi du har valgt dine broadcast-t
"Thank you for selecting your br
oadcast permissions."
"For yderligere konfigurationsindstillin
ger, ssom mikrofonoptagelse og videooplsning, besg da:"
"For additional configuration op
tions such as microphone recording and video resolutions, visit:"
"Broadcast_FirstTime_ConfigurationLink" "Broadcast-indstillinger"
"Broadcast Settings"
"Dmp seer"
"Mute viewer"
"Broadcast_Chat_Muted" "%s1 er blevet dmpet."
"[english]Broadcast_Chat_Muted" "%s1 has been muted."
"Broadcast_Chat_Joined" "%s1 sluttede sig til chatten."
"%s1 joined the chat."
"Broadcast_Chat_Left" "%s1 forlod chatten."
"[english]Broadcast_Chat_Left" "%s1 left the chat."
"Steam_Settings_BroadcastTitle" "Broadcasting"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_InviteOnly" "Kun venner jeg inviterer"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Broadcast_InviteOnly" "Only friends that I invite"
"Venner kan anmode om at se mine
"Friends can request to
watch my games"
"Venner kan se mine spil"
"Friends can watch my ga
"Enhver kan se mine spil"
"Anyone can watch my gam
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_Bitrate3500" "3500 kbit/s"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Broadcast_Bitrate3500" "3500 kbit/s"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_Bitrate3000" "3000 kbit/s"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Broadcast_Bitrate3000" "3000 kbit/s"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_Bitrate2500" "2500 kbit/s"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Broadcast_Bitrate2500" "2500 kbit/s"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_Bitrate2000" "2000 kbit/s"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Broadcast_Bitrate2000" "2000 kbit/s"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_Bitrate1000" "1000 kbit/s"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Broadcast_Bitrate1000" "1000 kbit/s"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_Bitrate750" "750 kbit/s"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Broadcast_Bitrate750" "750 kbit/s"
"1920x1080 (1080p)"
"1920x1080 (1080p)"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_720p" "1280x720 (720p)"
"1280x720 (720p)"

"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_480p" "854x480 (480p)"

"854x480 (480p)"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_360p" "640x360 (360p)"
"640x360 (360p)"
"Optag video fra alle applikatio
ner p denne maskine"
"Record video from all a
pplications on this machine"
"Optag min mikrofon"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Broadcast_RecordMic" "Record my microphone"
"Vis upload-statistikker"
"Show upload stats"
"Vis seers chat i spil:"
"Show viewer's chat in game:"
"Indstilling for synlighed:"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Broadcast_PermissionsHeader" "Privacy setting:"
"Maksimal bitrate:"
"Maximum Bitrate:"
"Video Dimensions:"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_ShowChat_Off" "Slet fra"
"verst til venstre"
"verst til hjre"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Broadcast_ShowChat_RightTop" "Top-right"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_ShowChat_RightBottom" "Nederst til hjre"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_ShowChat_LeftBottom" "Nederst til venstre"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Broadcast_ShowChat_LeftBottom" "Bottom-left"
"Steam-broadcasting er ikke unde
rsttte p dette operativsystem p nuvrende tidspunkt."
"Steam Broadcasting is n
ot currently supported on this operating system."
"Din konto har ikke de ndvendige
rettigheder til at broadcaste livestreams."
"Your account does not h
ave sufficient privileges to broadcast live streams."
"Broadcast_Chat_Show_Profile" "Vis profil"
"[english]Broadcast_Chat_Show_Profile" "Show profile"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_Bitrate1500" "1500 kbit/s"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Broadcast_Bitrate1500" "1500 kbit/s"
"Steam k
an ikke starte broadcasting p denne maskine.\n\nWindows krer p nuvrende tidspunkt St
eam i Windows-kompatibilitetstilstand, hvilket kan forhindre Steam-broadcasting
i at fungere korrekt. Hvis denne maskine krer Windows 7 eller hjere s bedes du flge
support-siden nedenfor for at fjerne kompatibilitetstilstand."
"Steam is unable to start Broadcasting on this machine.\n\nWindows is currently
running Steam in Windows Compatibility Mode which can prevent Steam Broadcasting
from functioning properly. If this machine is Windows 7 or higher, please follo
w the support page below to remove compatibility mode."
"Broadcast_RecordingError_Notification" "Steam kunne ikke optage lyd for denne b
"Steam was unable to rec
ord audio for this broadcast"
"Broadcast - Lyd bliver ikke optaget"
"Broadcast - Audio not being rec
"Steam kunne ikke optage lyd for denne b

roadcast. Besg venligst hjlpeartiklen nedenfor for at f hjlp med at identificere det
te problem."
"Steam was unable to record audi
o for this broadcast. Please visit the support article below for help troublesho
oting this issue."
"Steam Support - Lyd bliver ikke optaget
"Steam Support - Audio not being
"Broadcast_RecordingError_URL_General" "
"[english]Broadcast_RecordingError_URL_General" "
"Steam kunne ikke optage lyd for denne b
roadcast. Besg venligst hjlpeartiklen nedenfor og ls sektionen \"Razer Audio Hardwa
re\" for at f hjlp med at identificere dette problem."
"Steam was unable to record audi
o for this broadcast. Please visit the support article below and read the \"Raze
r Audio Hardware\" section for help troubleshooting this issue."
"[english]Broadcast_RecordingError_URL_Razer" "
"Stream-upload er stoppet (%reason%)."
"[english]Broadcast_UploadError_Notification" "Stream upload has stopped (%rea
"ukendt fejl"
"unknown error"
"initialisering mislykkedes"
"init failed"
"billede mislykkedes"
"frame failed"
"for meget data"
"too much data"
"lav FPS"
"low FPS"
"manglende keyframes"
"missing key frames"
"ingen forbindelse"
"no connection"
"videresending mislykkedes"
"relay failed"
"indstillinger ndret"
"[english]Broadcast_Upload_Result_10" "settings changed"
"manglende lyd"
"[english]Broadcast_Upload_Result_11" "missing audio"
"for langt bagud"
"[english]Broadcast_Upload_Result_12" "too far behind"
"Se spil"
"Watch Game"
"Broadcast_Notification_Joined_Public" "En bruger har sluttet sig til din offen
tlige broadcast"
"[english]Broadcast_Notification_Joined_Public" "A user has joined your public b
"Broadcast_Notification_Stopped_Public" "Alle brugere er stoppet med at se din o
ffentlige broadcast"

"All users have stopped
watching your public broadcast"
"ser din broadcast"
"[english]Broadcast_Notification_Is_Watching" "is watching your broadcast"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_StatusHeader" "Broadcast-status:"
"Broadcast Status:"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_StatusNotBroadcast" "Broadcaster ikke"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Broadcast_StatusNotBroadcast" "Not Broadcasting"
"Hvordan slr jeg kompatib
ilitetstilstand fra?"
"How do I disabl
e Compatibility Mode?"
"Sl hardwareunderstttelse
til *"
"Enable Hardware
Support *"
"* Anvendes frst efter genstart a
f spil"
"* Requires game restart
before applying"
"Konfigurer mikrofon"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Broadcast_ConfigMic" "Configure microphone"
"Broadcasting slet fra"
"Broadcasting disabled"
"Broadcast_Notification_Title" "Broadcast"
"[english]Broadcast_Notification_Title" "Broadcast"
"Broadcast_Notification_AvailableToWatch_Title" "Broadcasting er slet til!"
"Broadcasting is
"Dine venner kan slutte
sig til din broadcast p ethvert tidspunkt."
"Your friends ca
n join your broadcast at any time."
"Enhver Steam-bruger kan
slutte sig til din broadcast p ethvert tidspunkt."
"Any Steam user
can join your broadcast at any time."
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_HelpHeader" "Brug for hjlp?"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Broadcast_HelpHeader" "Need help?"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_HelpURL_Desc" "Vis broadcast-supportsider"
"View Broadcast Support
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_HelpURL_URL" "
"[english]Steam_Settings_Broadcast_HelpURL_URL" "
"Friends_BroadcastCantStart_Streaming" "kan ikke se din broadcast, mens du brug
er streaming i hjemmet"
"[english]Friends_BroadcastCantStart_Streaming" "can't watch your broadcast whil
e In-Home Streaming"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_ShowReminderBanner" "Vis altid nr der sendes direkte"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Broadcast_ShowReminderBanner" "Always show Live status
"Optimer indkodning til:"

"Optimize encoding for:"
"Bedste kvalitet"
"Best Quality"
"Steam_Settings_Broadcast_EncoderPerformance" "Bedste ydelse"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Broadcast_EncoderPerformance" "Best Performance"
"Web Browser"
"Overlay_SettingsBrowserDesc" "Flgende indstillinger er til webbrowseren i Stea
m-klienten og overlay-vinduet i spil."
"[english]Overlay_SettingsBrowserDesc" "The following settings apply to the web
browser used inside the Steam Client and the Steam In-Game Overlay."
"Steam_SettingsBrowserClearAllCookies" "Slet alle browser-cookies"
"[english]Steam_SettingsBrowserClearAllCookies" "Delete All Browser Cookies"
"Slet cookies"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Browser_DeleteTitle" "Delete Cookies"
"Ryd al data for Steam-browser-cookies?"
"Clear all Steam browser cookie
"Optag lyd fra alle applikatione
r p denne maskine"
"[english]Steam_Settings_Broadcast_RecordSystemAudio" "Record audio from all a
pplications on this machine"
"Du ndrede for nylig email-adress
en forbundet med din Steam-konto. Du vil ikke kunne bytte i fem dage efter, du h
ar ndret din email-adresse."
"You recently changed th
e email address associated with your Steam account. You will not be able to trad
e until five days after changing your email address."
"friends_trade_you_recently_changed_email_days" "Du ndrede for nylig email-adress
en forbundet med din Steam-konto. For at beskytte genstandene i dit inventar, vi
l du ikke kunne bytte i %days% flere dage."
"You recently ch
anged the email address associated with your Steam account. In order to protect
the items in your inventory, you will be unable to trade for %days% more days."
"Du ndrede for nylig emai
l-adressen forbundet med din Steam-konto. For at beskytte genstandene i dit inve
ntar, vil du ikke kunne bytte i n dag mere."
"You recently ch
anged the email address associated with your Steam account. In order to protect
the items in your inventory, you will be unable to trade for one more day."
"Steam kunne ikke optage lyd til denne b
"Steam was unable to record audi
o for this broadcast"
"Steam ndrede broadcast-encoding til \"Be
dste ydelse\""
"Steam changed Broadcast encodin
g to \"Best Performance\""
"Et link blev fjernet fra flgende besked
for at beskytte din sikkerhed."
"A link was removed from the fol
lowing message for your security."
"Steam Overlay skal vre slet til f
or at broadcaste direkte streams."
"Steam Overlay needs to
be enabled to broadcast live streams."
"friends_trade_trade_hold_for_cleared_trades_initiator" "Du kan ikke bytte med %
friend%, fordi du for nylig har fet alle dine byttetilbud annulleret."
"You can
not trade with %friend% because you recently had all your trade offers canceled.

"Denne byttehandel kan ikke genn
emfres, fordi den ville f dit inventar til at overskride sit maksimale antal tilla
dte genstande."
"[english]friends_trade_would_exceed_max_asset_count" "This trade cannot be co
mpleted because it would exceed the maximum number of items allowed in your inve
"Online i VR"
"Online in VR"
"Slet alle filer i den indbygged
e webbrowser-cache?"
"Delete all files in the
built-in web browser cache?"

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