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Butler, Bill, The Definitive Tarot (Rider and Company, Londres, 1975)
Case, Paul Foster, The Tarot, A Key to the Wisdom of the Ages (Macoy Publishing
Company, Richmond, Virginia, 1947)
Crowley, Aleister, The Book of Thoth (Samuel Weiser, Nova York, 1944)
D'Agostino Joseph, Tarot: The Royal Path to Wisdom (Samuel Weiser, Nova York,
Douglas, Alfred, The Tarot (Penguin, Londres, 1972)
Eliade, Mircea, Shamanism (Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1964)
Gray, Eden, The Tarot Revealed (Bantam, Nova York, 1969)
Haich, Elizabeth, Wisdom of the Tarot (Nova York, 1975)
Kaplan, Stuart, The Encyclopedia of Tarot (U.S. Games, Limited, 1978)
Malory, Thomas, Work, ed. Eugene Vinaver (Oxford, Londres, 1959)
Scholem, Gershon, Major Trends in Fewish Mysticism (Shocken, Nova York, 1941)
Scholem, Gershon, On the Kabbalah and its Symbolism (Shocken, Nova York,
Waite, Arthur Edward, The Pictorial Key to the Tarot (University Books, Nova York,
1910, 1959). Todas as citaes de Waite tm como fonte este livro.
Wang, Robert, An Introduction to the Golden Dawn Tarot (Aquarian Press,
Wellingborough, 1978)
Williams, Charles, The Greater Trumps (Victor Gollancz, Londres, 1932)

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