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Lesson Plan

1.Your Name: Sylvia Ruiz

2.Area: Area B
3. Title: Performing at the Greek (intended for 11th grade)
4. Objectives: The main objective of Performing at the Greek is to get the students
familiarized with the Greek theatre culture, how it works, and their plays. This activity will
make students understand the different aspects of the Greek theatre, how hard people
had to work for it to come together, and the importance of a play to the Greeks. Another
objective of this activity is to get the students working in their groups, as well as one
whole group, in unity. Without this, the play will fall apart, just like it would in real life.
This part has to deal with interpersonal intelligence because of the needed
communication with everybody.
5. Content Standards: 1.1 Use the vocabulary of theatre, such as acting values, style,
genre, design, and theme, to describe theatrical experiences. In this specific activity,
students will need to understand the genre and style of the play they are doing in order
to perform the play correctly. Researching theatrical experiences of their character will
also help them better understand not only their characters but the times as well. 2.1
Make acting choices, using script analysis, character research, reflection, and revision
through the rehearsal process. Although for this activity, we will be using our book as
the script, analyzing it will help the students a lot. Character research is always
important when performing to help the students fully understand. 3.3 Identify key
figures, works, and trends in world theatrical history from various cultures and time

periods. Identifying these will also make the the play easier on the students, as well as
helping them understand the play, and the times they are learning about.
6. Materials Needed: Depending on how you want to teach, there can be many
materials or none. I recommend to have costumes for the students. The activity I would
be basing the book on would be Oedipus Rex, so I would get costumes that would
correlate to the scene the students were giving. Another thing I would do is during Art, I
would have the students paint/make backgrounds and scenery we could use in the play.
7. Step by Step: First of all, we would read the scene we would be performing as a
class. Then I would show a video of an example of other plays of Oedipus Rex. Once it
is over, I would then split the students into groups by them picking a paper out of jar,
either labeled actors (with a character's name written on) and orchestra (with a name of
an instrument written on it). Then I would give the students 15/20 minutes in order for
the actors to put their costumes on and read over their lines (students will be able to use
their book during play) and I would have the orchestra set up the scene and pick the
song they want to use for the play. When its time, the actors will start their lines and the
orchestra will play the music when needed, and pretend to play the instruments. I will be
recording the whole thing and when it's done, we will watch it either right after or the
next class meeting.
8. Follow up Activities: As a follow up activity, I would have the students write a 2
page essay about what they learned about the Greek theatre, the importance of it, and
their favorite part of it.

9. Assessment: You can asses the students by what they wrote in the follow up activity.
The essay will give you an insight into their mind and what they were thinking and what
they enjoyed.

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