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SAN MIGUEL, Djanelle Mei M.
Prof. Cris Argamino


Homework: Experiment number 1: BIOLOGICAL MEMBRANES (Dialysis, Osmosis,

1. Distinguish diffusion and osmosis
Diffusion and osmosis are examples of passive transport. Diffusion
is the movement of particles (atoms, ions or molecules) from a region in
which they are in higher concentration to regions of lower concentration.
Diffusion occurs in solutions consisting of particles. Air and drinking water
are some examples of solutions consisting of mixtures of different types of
particles. Diffusion also results from the movement of particles in liquids
and gases. They are in constant motion driven by energy which they
absorb from the heat of their surroundings. This movement is called
thermal motion. Thermal motion speeds up the temperature of their
surroundings. Another example of diffusion is food coloring. If we drop a
blue food coloring in a beaker of water, eventually the entire beaker of
water will have a blue tint. The food coloring moved through the water
until it was equally distributed throughout the beaker. Diffusion takes place
On the other hand, osmosis is the diffusion of water from a
hypotonic solution into a hypertonic solution across and selectively
permeable membrane. It is a special example of diffusion. Some major
examples of osmosis are: absorption of water by plant roots and
absorption of water by the alimentary canal- stomach, small intestine and
the colon.
2. Describe the mechanism of diffusion and osmosis at the molecular
level. Explain why diffusion and osmosis are important to cells.
Temperature is a measure of molecular motion; the higher the
temperature, the higher or faster the motion. Direction is random; the
movements are called Brownian motion.
In diffusion, molecules move due to normal Brownian motion. In
general, the direction is from higher concentration to lower concentration
simply because in a more crowded region, there are more collisions,
bouncing the molecules out towards an area of lower concentration.
Osmosis is the movement of water across a semi-permeable
membrane in response to a difference in concentration. Osmosis occurs
when the cell surrounds higher water concentration than the cell. The cell
gains along with important molecules and particles for growth.
Diffusion and osmosis are important to cells because they dont
require energy to transport very important molecules such as water and
steroids. Diffusion helps in exchange of gases during respiration,
photosynthesis and transpiration which is needed by plants and animals

cells. Osmosis are important to maintain water content in the cells. It is

the vital mechanism in the transport of fluids in the living organisms.
Without the process of osmosis, the cell will dehydrate and die.
3. Describe what is meant by selectively permeable and explain the
role of a selectively permeable membrane in osmosis.
All cells are enclosed with a cell membrane. A selectively permeable
cell membrane is one that allows certain molecules or ions to pass through
it by means of active or passive transport. Active transport processes
require the cell to expend energy to move the materials, while passive
transport can be done without using cellular energy. Selectively permeable
describes membranes. A membrane which is selectively permeable allows
certain molecules to pass through but not others. It is permeable to water,
Oxygen, carbon dioxide and other small uncharged solutes. The role of
selectively permeable membrane in osmosis is a barrier that permits the
passage of some substances but not others.
4. Determine the effects of concentration and temperature on
diffusion and osmosis.
Osmosis and diffusion are similar physical processes and their
reaction to an increase in temperature is understandably similar. When
two solutions are in contact with each other, the particles randomly move
in both solutions, eventually attaining equal distribution of the two
solutions. When this is provided with more energy in the form of free heat,
the molecules tend to move faster than before. This accelerates the
process and makes the process of diffusion faster.
On the other hand, osmosis is a type of diffusion that occurs across
a semi-permeable membrane. However, as with diffusion, an increase in
temperature accelerates the process. This has important implications for
living organisms, especially those that live in highly fluctuating climate.
The concentration greatly affects diffusion because of the
adjustments of regions of concentrations until it reach the equilibrium.
High concentration gradient leads to greater rate of diffusion considering
the greater probability of molecular collisions. In osmosis, its movement is
affected by the concentration gradient. The lower the concentration of the
solute within a solvent, the faster osmosis will occur in that solvent.
Moreover, the higher the temperature, the faster the movement of water
molecules across the semi-permeable membrane.
5. Describe the effects of Hypertonic, Isotonic, and Hypotonic
solutions in animal and plant cells.
Hypertonic Solutions
The word HYPO means less. Hypertonic is a concentration with higher
solute concentration and less water concentration. Since the concentration
of water is higher within the cell, there is a net movement of water from
inside to outside of the cell.
In plant cells, the central vacuoles loses water and the cells shrink,
causing wilting.
In animal cells, the cells also shrink.
In both cases, the cell may die.

Isotonic Solutions
Isotonic solution is a solution in which the concentration of solutes is
a. water diffuses into and out of the cell at equal rates.
b. theres no net movement of water across the plasma membrane
c. the cells retain their normal shape.
If the concentration of solute (salt) is equal on both sides, the water will
move back in forth but it wont have any result on the overall amount of water on
either side.
Animal cell and plant cell will retain its normal shape and size.
Hypotonic Solution
Hypertonic refers to the solution in a concentration gradient having the
greater concentration (of solute). Hypo means less.
In plant cells, the central vacuoles will fill and the plant becomes stiff and
rigid, the cell wall keeps the plant from bursting.
In animal cells, the cell may be in danger of bursting , organelles called
contractile vacuoles will pump water out of the cell to prevent this.

Experiment no. 1
(Dialysis, Osmosis, Diffusion)
SAN MIGUEL, Djanelle Mei M.


1.1 Diffusion of solutes in water

Prepare a series
of four test

To each test tube

place a dot
amount of KMnO4 crystals.

Fill the test tubes

separately with
distilled water, tap
water, hot distilled
water, cold distilled

Label the Test


Take note of the

time at which the
KMnO4 crystals
were completely
dissolved in the

Picture of the actual experiment

Repeat the

1.2 Diffusion in a colloid

two set
ups. (3
test tubes
in each set

according to

Pour 10 mL of the melted

gelatine in test tubes and
allow it to solidify.

Overlay ~0.5 mL of the

KMnO4 in one of gelatinetube.

Add the same amount of

Congo Red and Methelyne
Blue in separate gelatinetest tubes.

Measure the migration of

the dye starting at the top
level of the gelatine.

Dispose the
used materials
and clean your

Record the results.

Obtain the measurements

for 60 minutes at 10-minute
intervals or until the dye
reaches the bottom of the

2. Osmosis
2.1 Osmosis (Longanisa Casing Model)

two set

Place ~10 mL of
saturated sugar
solution in a test

Cover the mouth of the

test tube with 1-ply of
Longanisa casing. Secure
the cover with a rubber

Obtain the weight of the

covered test tube (using a
triple beam balance or
analytical balance).

Suspend the test tube

upside down in a 250mLbeaker containing
distilled water.

Obtain the weight of the

test tube at 10-minute
intervals for 120 minutes.

Dispose the used

materials properly and
clean your workplace.

Record gathered

Use an Iron
clamp to
fasten the
test tube.

Tabulate the

2.2 Osmosis in RBC

Prepare 3
clean glass
slides and
cover slips.

Sanitize the finger

with 70% alcohol
before and after the

Use a
lancet to
make a
puncture at
the donors

Place a drop or two of

blood on each glass slide.

Apply a drop of IsotonicNormal Saline Solution

(0.85 M NaCl) in one
glass slide.

Apply a drop of Hypertonic

Salt Solution (3.00 M
NaCl) and to Hypotonic
Salt Solution (0.30 M
NaCl) to the remaining
glass slides.

Observe the RBCs under

the microscope at 40Xobjective. Take pictures.

Dispose the
used materials
property and
clean your

Record the
Compare the sizes of
the RBCs of the
different slides.

3. Dialysis
Prepare two set ups. (3 test
tubes for each set up.)
Prepare Methylene Blue,
Chloride and Calcium.
Prepare 5 Beakers and

Fill a test tube with 3 mL

Methylene Blue Solution and 5
mL Saturated CaCl2 solution.

Cover the mouth of the test tube with 1-ply

of Longanissa casing. Secure the cover with
a rubber band.

Suspend the test tube upside down

in a beaker (250 mL) containing
distilled water.

Test the presence of Methylene Blue.

The presence of Methylene Blue in
the beaker-water can be identified
by visual inspection.
Note: A faint blue color in the

Use an Iron
clamp to
fasten the
test tube.

Does a faint
blue color in
the beakerwater

Test the presence of Chloride. The

presence of Chloride is identified by
adding a drop of Silver nitrate/Silver
sulphate Test Solution to 1-mL aliquot of

Test the presence of Calcium. The

presence of Calcium is identified by adding
a drop of Oxalic acid Test Solution to 1-mL

Record the

Tabulate the results.

Which Ion and/or
molecule passed through
the longanissa skin first?

Perform the experiment in

duplicates. Dispose used
materials properly.


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