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SoftSwitch Control Equipment

Data Configuration Guide


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Revision History
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First edition

Serial Number: SJ-20100630164932-029


About This Manual............................................. I

Declaration of RoHS Compliance ....................... I
DigitMap Overview ............................................1
Overview....................................................................... 1
DigitMap Grammar ......................................................... 1
DigitMap of H.248....................................................... 2
DigitMap of MGCP ....................................................... 2
DigitMap Flow ................................................................ 3
H.248 Flow ................................................................ 3
MGCP Flow ................................................................ 4
DigitMap Cases .............................................................. 5
A Case of H.248 DigitMap ............................................ 5
A Case of MGCP DigitMap ............................................ 6

DigitMap Configuration......................................9
DigitMap Template Planning ............................................. 9
DigitMap Configuration ...................................................10
Configuring a DigitMap Template .................................10
Configuring a DigitMap ...............................................13
Cases of DigitMap Configuration ......................................15
DigitMap Configuration in an IMS Project of Company
M ....................................................................15
DigitMap Configuration in an NGN Project of Company
T .....................................................................16

Description of Symbols in DigitMap ................. 17

DigitMap Defined by H.248 Protocol .................................17
DigitMap Defined by MGCP Protocol..................................18

Figures ............................................................ 19
Tables ............................................................. 21
Glossary .......................................................... 23

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ZXSS10 SS1b Data Configuration Guide DIGITMAP

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About This Manual


At first, thank you for choosing ZXSS10 SS1b of ZTE Corporation!

ZXSS10 SS1b is fully compatible with the layered standard NGN
model. It can provide NGN with service call and connection control functions which are required by real-time services. By using
ZXSS10 SS1b, operators can provide users with many kinds of
multimedia services which involve voice, video and data. ZXSS10
SS1b is, therefore, the core of NGN in terms of call and control.
This manual describes the configuration of DigitMap which refers
to digit collection rule descriptor. It is a dialing scheme in a media
gateway, which is used to detect and report the dialing events
received by terminals.


Prerequisite Skill
and Knowledge
What Is in This


This manual is intended for

Equipment installation engineers;

Maintenance engineers;

Data engineers

To use this document effectively, users should have a general understanding of SoftSwitch system.
This manual contains the following chapters:


Chapter 1, DigitMap Overview

It introduces the grammar, flow,

service configuration rules and
the corresponding examples of a

Chapter 2, DigitMap

It introduces how to configure a

DigitMap and the configuration

Chapter 3, DigitMap Symbol


It introduces the descriptions of the

symbols used in a DigitMap

ZTE documents employ the following typographical conventions.




References to other Manuals and documents.


Links on screens.


Menus, menu options, function names, input fields,

radio button names, check boxes, drop-down lists,
dialog box names, window names.


Keys on the keyboard and buttons on screens and

company name.

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Note: Provides additional information about a certain
Checkpoint: Indicates that a particular step needs to
be checked before proceeding further.
Tip: Indicates a suggestion or hint to make things
easier or more productive for the reader.

Mouse operation conventions are listed as follows:





Refers to clicking the primary mouse button (usually the

left mouse button) once.


Refers to quickly clicking the primary mouse button

(usually the left mouse button) twice.


Refers to clicking the secondary mouse button (usually

the right mouse button) once.

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Declaration of RoHS
To minimize the environmental impact and take more responsibility to the earth we live, this document shall serve as formal declaration that ZXSS10 SS1b manufactured by ZTE CORPORATION
are in compliance with the Directive 2002/95/EC of the European
Parliament - RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances) with respect to the following substances:

Lead (Pb)

Mercury (Hg)

Cadmium (Cd)

Hexavalent Chromium (Cr (VI))

PolyBrominated Biphenyls (PBBs)

PolyBrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs)

The ZXSS10 SS1b manufactured by ZTE CORPORATION meet

the requirements of EU 2002/95/EC; however, some assemblies
are customized to client specifications. Addition of specialized,
customer-specified materials or processes which do not meet the
requirements of EU 2002/95/EC may negate RoHS compliance of the
assembly. To guarantee compliance of the assembly, the need for
compliant product must be communicated to ZTE CORPORATION in
written form. This declaration is issued based on our current level
of knowledge. Since conditions of use are outside our control, ZTE
CORPORATION makes no warranties, express or implied, and assumes
no liability in connection with the use of this information.

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ZXSS10 SS1b Data Configuration Guide DIGITMAP

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DigitMap Overview
Table of Contents
DigitMap Grammar .............................................................
DigitMap Flow ....................................................................
DigitMap Cases ..................................................................


DigitMap, or digit collection rule discriptor, is a dialing scheme in a
media gateway. It is used to detect and report the dialing events
received by terminals. The purpose of using DigitMap is to promote
the media gateway's efficiency in sending the number of the called
party. That is to say, if the numbers dialed by users conform to one
of the dialing schemes defined by DigitMap, the media gateway will
send them by one message; If they do not, the media getaway will
release the call directly and play busy tone to the caller.
The format of DigitMap is defined strictly by H.248 and MGCP. It
consists of series of character strings which represent different
meanings. As long as the received digit sequence matches one of
the character strings, the number is considered to be complete.
Generally, SS delivers the configured DigitMaps to specific gateways instead of resoluting them. It is the gateway that resolutes
the DigitMaps and then collects the digits.

DigitMap Grammar
DigitMap can be defined by character strings and character string
lists. The character strings in a character string list are all optional
schemes. They can be groups of numbers, characters, timers or
the combination of any of them. They are used to comprise a
shortest expression that the gateway can match.
It is necessary for DigitMap grammar to support the basic DigitMap
characters but not necessary to support the extended ones.

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ZXSS10 SS1b Data Configuration Guide DIGITMAP

DigitMap of H.248
The following are the allowed characters contained in H.248 and
their implications.

Digits: From 0 to 9.


Long timer (L): If the gateway needs at least another digit

to match any scheme in a DigitMap, the time between digits
should be set by long timer, for example, 16 seconds.
Short timer (S): If the digit string has already matched a
scheme in a DigitMap, but it still can match other schemes
by receiving more digits, the matching should not be reported immediately. The gateway needs a short time to
receive more digits, if there are any.

DTMF: A digit, a timer, or any letter among "A", "B", "C", "D",
"E" and "F". Extended symbols can also be defined.

"E" and "F" represent "*" and "#" in DTMF respectively.

Duration symbol: "Z" represents a dialing event which requires longer time. Placed before the symbol(s) designating
the event(s) which satisfy a given digit position, it indicates
that the position is satisfied only if the duration of the event
exceeds the long duration threshold.

Wildcard: "x" represents any digit from 0 to 9.

Range: One or several DTMF symbols within "[]".

Sub-range: Two digits separated by "-". It represents the digits between them (including themselves). A sub-range can only
be applied within a range. In other words, it can only exist in

Location: ".". It means that the front parts of it can be matched

for whatever times.

Seprator: "|". It means that every character string is an optional dialing scheme.

DigitMap of MGCP
The following are the allowed characters contained in MGCP and
their implications.

Digits: From 0 to 9.

Timer: "T" represents a timer. It is used to match a timeout


DTMF: A digit, a timer, or any symbol among "A", "B", "C", "D",
"#" and "*". Extended symbols can also be defined.

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Chapter 1 DigitMap Overview

Wildcard: "x" represents any digit from 0 to 9.

Range: One or several DTMF symbols within "[]".

Sub-range: Two digits separated by "-". It represents the digits between them (including themselves). A sub-range can only
be applied within a range. In other words, it can only exist in

Location: ".". It means that the front parts of it can be matched

for whatever times.

Seprator: "|". It means that every character string is an optional dialing scheme.

DigitMap Flow
H.248 Flow
Before the end of a consecutive dialing event, the processing will
be performed based on the following rules according to H.248.
1. The "current dialing string" is an internal variable which does
not have values initially. The candidate dialing event set includes all the candidate dialing events in a DigitMap.
2. In every step, a timer is set waiting for the next event. The
timer can use the default timing principle, or use the specific
timers in an event or several events. If the set time runs out
and the received digits can fully match a dialing event, the
system will report "Timeout, Full Match (FM in short)". If the
set time runs out and the received digits cannot match a dialing
event, the system will report "Timeout, Partial Match (PM in
3. If the system detects a dialing event before timeout, this event
will be mapped into a digit characters and be added to the
back of the dialing character string. Only when the duration
time is related to the digit position (because there is at least
one candidate event with a Z at this position), the time will be
4. By matching the current dialing character string to the candidate events, only when one dialing event which has the long
duration time can match a candidate event, the other candidate events can be ignored. If the dialing event which has the
long duration time cannot match any candidate events, this dialing event will be ignored. If the dialing event sequence does
not define a long time duration dialing event at a given position, and it remains in the candidate set after the above rules
are applied, this duration of the dialing event will be ignored.
5. If only one candidate event can match the collected digits,
a DigitMap Completion event which features UnambiguousMatch, or UM in short, can be generated. If there are no candidate events matching the collected digits, the latest event
will be removed from the current character string. If there is
one candidate event which can fully match the collected digits

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ZXSS10 SS1b Data Configuration Guide DIGITMAP

before detecting a dialing event, a Full Match DigitMap Complete event will be generated; If there is no candidate sequence
which can match the collected digits, a Partial Match DigitMap
Complete event will be generated. The dialing events removed
from the character string will be reported according to the activated event processing mechanism. In DigitMap, UM, PM and
FM are explaned in details in DigitMap.
6. If a DigitMap Complete event has not been reported after these
five steps, go back to the second step.

The flow above is a general flow defined by H.248 protocol. It
is also the gateway processing flow. Since the implementation
details of different gateways can be different, consult the gateway
providers for the details.

A gateway follows the following steps to detect and match events
according to digit lists.
1. Add a tag which is represented by an event code to the tail of
"current dial string".
2. Compare the current dialing character string with the digit lists,
trying to match every item in the digit lists.
3. If the matching fails, there will be no further operation.
If one item is matched, or over-qualified, the system will send the
collected digits to the call proxy. The matching in this regulation
involves two conditions, namely "Full Match", which means one
item in the digit list has been matched; "No Match", which means
the collected digits fail to match any of the items in the digit lists.
The unexpected timer events can lead to "No Match". Both "Full
Match" and "Partial Match" can result in the reporting of the collected digits.

The flow above is a general flow of MGCP. It is also the gateway processing flow. Since the implementation details of different
gateways can be different, consult the gateway providers for the

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Chapter 1 DigitMap Overview

DigitMap Cases
A Case of H.248 DigitMap
Case One

Table 1 shows the dialing scheme.


Service Type


Emergent call and special service call


Local number

Long distance number


International long distance call


Supplementary Services

This scheme can be summarized by the following DigitMap.

{11x |6 XXXXXXX|0[19]XXX. |00XXX. |Exx}
Case Two

The DigitMap of a dialing scheme is shown as:

DigitMap = Dialplan0{ (0| 00|[1-7]xxx|8xxxxxxx|Fxxxxxxx|Exx|


In order to make them easy to understand, here explains the format rules, especially the conditions of using symbols like space
and enter, of all sections by taking the two cases as the examples.
Let us take the second case as an example. "DigitMap =" is a key
word. It can also be written as "DM =". The scheme is named
as Diaplan0. This scheme is a list which consists of 7 character
strings. Each string is separated by "|". Spaces and line feeds are
allowed before or after "|". Therefore, the scheme can be:
DigitMap = Dialplan0{ (0|00|[1-7]xxx|8xxxxxxx|Fxxxxxxx|Exx|9
Spaces and line feeds are also allowed before or after "()", so are
"[]" and "-". In a character string, spaces and line feeds are not
allowed except at the beginning and end part of it.
The following two DigitMap are incorrect.
DigitMap = Dialplan0{ (0| 00|[1-7]xxx|8xxxxxxx|Fxxxxxxx|Exx|9
1xxxx xxxxxx|9011x.)}. Spaces should be free from the character
DigitMap = Dialplan0{ (0| 00|[1-7]xxx|8xxxxxxx|Fxxxxxxx|Exx|
xxxxx|9011x.)}. Line feeds are not allowed in a character string.

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ZXSS10 SS1b Data Configuration Guide DIGITMAP

Cases of UM, PM
and FM


UM: UnambiguousMatch.

PM: Partial Match.

FM: Full Match.

DigitMap = Dialplan0{ (0|00|[1-7]xxx|8xxxxxxx|Fxxxxxxx|Exx|91xxxxxxxxxx|9011x.)} When receiving 80111222, the system

matches 8xxxxxxx unambiguously. That is ds = "80111222", Meth
= UM.
DigitMap = Dialplan0{ (0|00|[1-7]xxx|8xxxxxxx|Fxxxxxxx|Exx|9
1xxxxxxxxxx|9011x.)}. When receiving 71235, the system matches [1-7]xxx partially. That is ds = "7123", Meth = PM; Or receiving 812. The system matches 8xxxxxxx partially. That is ds =
"812", Meth = PM.
DigitMap = Dialplan0{ (0|00|[1-7]xxx|8xxx|8xxxxxxx|Fxxxxxxx|Exx|91xxxxxxxxxx|9011x.)}. When receiving 8234, the system
fully matches 8xxx. That is ds = "8234", Meth = FM.

A Case of MGCP DigitMap


Table 2 shows the dialing scheme.


Service Type

Local operator


Long distance call operator


Local extended number


Local number


Shortcut of the local number at

other sites


Asterisk service


Long distance number

9011 plus at most 15 digits.

International long distance call


This scheme can be summarized by the following DigitMap.

(0T| 00T|[1-7]xxx|8xxxxxxx|#xxxxxxx|*xx|91xxxxxxxxxx|9011

The following example can describe the DigitMap above.

Assume that the digit list is (xxxxxxx|x11) and the current dialing
string is "41". If a user dials 1, the dialing string becomes "411".

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Chapter 1 DigitMap Overview

Then there is a candidate string that partially matches "xxxxxxx"

and a candidate string that fully matches "x11". Therefore, the
system sends "411" to the call proxy.
This is another example.





If a user dials "0", the system will immediately match "0[12].

"00" will not be possible.

If a user dials "1", the system will partially match 1[12].1, so

does 12. but both "11" and "121" are full match.

If a user dials "2", the system will partially match "2x.#", so

does "2", "23", "234" and "2345". Without "#", full match will
not be possible. If a user dials "2#" or "2345#", there will be
a full match.

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ZXSS10 SS1b Data Configuration Guide DIGITMAP

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DigitMap Configuration
Table of Contents
DigitMap Template Planning ................................................. 9
DigitMap Configuration .......................................................10
Cases of DigitMap Configuration ..........................................15

DigitMap Template Planning

In order to reduce the work on configuring DigitMap character
strings, DigitMap templates are designed. Generally, on SS, you
have to configure a local call template, a special service template,
a new service template and a long distance call template. The DigitMap configuration of DAS can use them according to needs. If
there are any special numbers which are not in the templates, you
have to know whether they are dedicated numbers or common
numbers. If they are common, add them to the corresponding

DigitMap templates are not related to protocols. You only

have to select a protocol in configuring a DigitMap according
to needs. That is to say, one template can be used by both
H.248 and MGCP. Therefore, you have to pay attention to
speciality of protocols and make appropriate planning when
configuring templates. For those DigitMaps which can not be
used universally, configure them independently.

In order to make the DigitMap easy to configure, both * and

# are wildcards in the templates. They will be replaced by
corresponding characters when the signaling is delivered.

In the H.248 grammar, "E" and "F" represent "*" and "#" in
DTMF respectively.
The following DigitMap templates are some references for you. Before the configuration, modify the templates according to the real
conditions of the region.

Local call (7 digits)


Special service

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ZXSS10 SS1b Data Configuration Guide DIGITMAP


New service

Domestic and international long distance call


DigitMap Configuration
Configuring a DigitMap Template

You have logged in to the Configure Management interface.

This topic describes how to configure a DigitMap template.

In order to reduce the work on configuring DigitMap character
strings, DigitMap templates are designed. They can be used when
configuring DigitMaps.



1. On the Configure Management interface, select Service

Manage > Digit Analysis Configuration > DigitMap Model
Configuration to enter the DigitMap Model Configuration
page, as shown in Figure 1.

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Chapter 2 DigitMap Configuration


2. On the Digitmap Model Configuration page, click the Add

(A) button to enter the Add DigitMap Model Configuration
page, as shown in Figure 2.

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ZXSS10 SS1b Data Configuration Guide DIGITMAP


Table 3 lists the descriptions of the parameters.








Module No.

It is the DigitMap template number which is used

in configuring a DigitMap.


It is the template name.


It is used to define the character strings of the


3. Enter the Model No., Remark and Digitmap String of the

DigitMap template. Here we assume the model number is 2,
the remark is Local call and the Digitmap string is [2-8][19]xxxxx|13xxxxxxxxx|1[45]Sx.|. Figure 3 shows the configuration.


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Chapter 2 DigitMap Configuration



4. Click the OK button to return to the Digitmap Model Configuration page. Then click the Exit button on the Digitmap
Model Configuration page to finish the configuration.

Configuring a DigitMap


You have logged in to the Configure Management interface.

You have configured a Digit Number Analysis.

This topic describes how to configure a DigitMap.

In digit analysis configuration, one Digit Number Analysis corresponds to one DigitMap. Thus when configuring Digit Number
Analysis, you have to configure the corresponding DigitMap.


1. Through both of the following two ways, you can enter the
Digit Number Analysis interface, as shown in Figure 4. Table
4 lists the descriptions of the parameters.
On the Configure Management interface, select Service
Manage > Digit Analysis Configuration > DigitMap Configuration to enter the DigitMap Configuration page. Then
click the Add(A) button.

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ZXSS10 SS1b Data Configuration Guide DIGITMAP

On the Configure Management interface,

Manage > Digit Analysis Configuration >
Configuration to enter the Digit Analysis
page. Then click the Add(A) button and

select Service
Digit Analysis
select > Add

Please get to the digit analysis page before carrying out this











The digit number analysis corresponds to the



The following are the protocol types available.



9MGCP OverLop

10H248 OverLop

Model 1 to 5

Model number of DigitMaps. Click the model

number blank, then the Browse DigitMap Model
Configuration page appears. You can select the
model you need on this page.


It is an optional configuration item. By configuring

the special DigitMap string, you can add, modify
and delete the DigitMap string flexibly. If you
selected a DigitMap while at the same time you

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Chapter 2 DigitMap Configuration


configured the special DigitMap string, the final
DigitMap is a combination of template character
string and the special DigitMap string. The
template can be used by several DigitMaps. When
configuring the DigitMap corresponds to a DAS, you
can modify, add and delete the DigitMap strings
without modifying the template. In this way, other
Digit Number Analysis will not be affected.

2. On the Add DigitMap interface, enter the Digit Number

Analysis corresponding to the DigitMap. Select Protocol
Type and one the DigitMap model and then fill in the Special
Digitmap String. Click the OK button to finish the configuration.

Cases of DigitMap
DigitMap Configuration in an IMS
Project of Company M
In an IMS project of company M, SS mainly provides the extended
functions. DigitMaps are delivered to MG by SS when an extranet
user calls the central office. Therefore, the DigitMaps are relatively
simple, which mainly involve fax, conference, extension number
and the extended functions. The following are the DigitMaps.

The DigitMap corresponds to the DAS of a company.


The DigitMap corresponds to city B:


The DigitMap corresponds to province J:


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ZXSS10 SS1b Data Configuration Guide DIGITMAP

The numbers used in province J are special. They only have 6
When a user dials 9xxx, if he or she adds xx to the original
number within the set time S, the 9xxxSxx service will be triggered; If it is timeout, the 9xxx service will be triggered.

DigitMap Configuration in an NGN

Project of Company T
In an NGN project of compant T, the DigitMaps mainly involve the
supplementary services. The following is the DigitMap.


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Description of Symbols
in DigitMap
Table of Contents
DigitMap Defined by H.248 Protocol .....................................17
DigitMap Defined by MGCP Protocol......................................18

DigitMap Defined by H.248





Wildcard. It represents any digit from 0 to 9.

Repetition Symbol. It represents the repetition times

of the events before the "." symbol.

Short time timer. If the collected digits can match

one dialing scheme in a DigitMap, but at the same
time, with more digits received, they can match
other schemata, the matching should not be reported
immediately. The media gateway should use a short
time timer (for example, 8 seconds) waiting for other

Long time timer. If the gateway still needs at least one

digit to match the dialing scheme, the time between
the digits should be set much longer, for example, 16

Duration modification symbol. "Z" represents a dialing

event which requires longer time. Placed before the
symbol(s) designating the event(s) which satisfy a
given digit position, it indicates that the position is
satisfied only if the duration of the event exceeds the
long duration threshold. This time is set by MG.

If a DigitMap consists of character string lists, the lists

should be separated by "|".

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ZXSS10 SS1b Data Configuration Guide DIGITMAP



[ ]

The value in a character string can be any values within

a range.

The value range should be placed in "[]".

E represents "*" in DTMF.

F represents "#" in DTMF.

DigitMap Defined by MGCP







Wildcard. It represents any digit from 0 to 9.

Repetition Symbol. It represents the repetition

times of the events before the "." symbol.

It indicates that when detecting timeout, or the

dialing scheme has been matched, the system will
report the later dialed digits one by one.

If a DigitMap consists of character lists, the lists

should be separated by "|".

[ ]

The value in a character string can be any values

within a range.

The value range should be placed in "[]".

* represents "*" in DTMF.

# represents "#" in DTMF.

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Figure 1 Digitmap Model Configuration .................................11

Figure 2 Adding Digitmap Model Configuration.......................12
Figure 3 Adding Digitmap Model Configuration (After
Configuration) ...................................................13
Figure 4 Adding Digitmap ...................................................14

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Table 1 Dialing Scheme ....................................................... 5

Table 2 Dialing Scheme ....................................................... 6
Table 3 Description of the Parameters in Adding DigitMap
Model Configuration ...........................................12
Table 4 Description of the Parameters in Adding DigitMap........14

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ZXSS10 SS1b Data Configuration Guide DIGITMAP

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- Dual-ToneMulti-Frequency
- ITU-T Rec. H.248 Gateway Control Protocol
- IP Multimedia Subsystem
- Media Gateway Control Protocol
- Next Generation Network
- Soft Switch

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