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NORTH POINTSR.SEC, BOARDING SCHOOL ser FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT. 1 a 0 = sto-x SUB- SCIENCE FMe30 a PHYSics 1. Draw the symbols for the following components : (3/2 04-2) a) Battery b) Rheostat ‘c) Bulb d) Ammetre. ie 2. Name the S.1 unit for the following :- (a/x4=2) 2) Charge b)Current —c) Voltage —_d) Resistance. 3. State Ohms Law with mathematical formula. 2) Q4. How many 440 1 resistors (in parallel) are required to carry 5 Ain a 220 V line? 2 QS. Calculate the equivalent resistance from the following combination of resistors. 2 BIOLOGY Q1. Why do certain desert plants take in carbon di oxide in the night for photosynthesis? (1) 2. What is the funetion of salivary amylase? (1) 3. Whats the function of mucus in gastric juice? (1) ‘Q4, State one similarity and one dissimilarity between Pepsin and Trypsin. (2) 5. Write the function of bile juice and gall blader. 2 35. Draw a well labeled diagram of open and closed stomata. @) CHEMISTRY QL. Name the oxidizing and reducing agent in the following reaction = Cla tH S——-D 2HCL+S 2) 2. Balance the following reactions - a) NaQH +H7 50 g~-~> Na 2804+ H20 . b) Feso > Fe 203 +502+S02 @) Q) 3. What is meant by rancidity ? Suggest two ways of preventing rancidity of food. 04 What happens when silver chloride is exposed to sunlight ? write a chemical equation for this reaction. Also give ene use of such a reaction. 5, Define a combination reaction, give example of one exothermic combination reaction. (2)

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