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2.1.1 Introduction
Le but de ce document est de fournir une description dtaille de la mthode devant guider
l'excution des travaux d'amlioration de sol l'aide de la mthode de Vibro-remplacement
Les colonnes ballastes doivent fournir une augmentation de la capacit portante, une rduction
des tassements totaux et diffrentiels des niveaux acceptables et assurer une performance
approprie long terme du sol trait. Cette procdure s'applique la construction des colonnes
ballastes tout au long du projet pour l'amlioration des sols par Vibro-remplacement.
Cette spcification gnrale doit tre remplace avant le commencement des travaux de colonne
ballastes par lentrepreneur spcialis en fonction de ses propres techniques et expriences.
2.1.2 Dfinitions
A. Mthode dalimentation par le haut, voie humide, (Remplacement + Dplacement) : Avec cette
mthode, le jet d'eau est utilis pour enlever les matriaux souples, stabiliser le trou du vibrateur,
et s'assurer que le remblai en ballast atteint la pointe du vibrateur. C'est la mthode la plus
couramment utilise et la plus rentable des mthodes vibratoires profondes. Des dpts humides
sont produits avec cette mthode et doivent tre soigneusement grs lorsque les travaux sont
effectus dans des sites confins ou dans des zones cologiquement sensibles.
B. Mthode dalimentation par le bas, voie humide (Dplacement) : Cette mthode utilise le mme
type de vibreur que la mthode d'alimentation par le haut, mais avec l'ajout d'un godet et d'un tube
d'alimentation pour alimenter le remblai en ballast directement la pointe du vibrateur. Le Vibroremplacement alimentation par le bas est une opration gnralement voie sche avec peu de
gchis, ce qui tend la gamme de sites qui peuvent tre traits. Le remblai en ballast est compact
en soulevant plusieurs reprises le vibrateur, en remplissant par du ballast le vide cr et en
poussant le vibreur dans la partie rcemment remplie de la colonne.
C. Pr-forage: Cette procdure consiste percer un emplacement du vibro-remplacement prvu avant
de placer le vibrateur pour desserrer le sol ou le retirer afin de faciliter la pntration du vibrateur.
2.1.3 Normes applicables
Les normes applicables suivantes peuvent tre utilises pour la conception, l'excution et le contrle
de qualit de l'amlioration du sol avec des colonnes de pierre.
a. EUROCODE(PR NF P94-26, EN P94 212, BS 7777-3:1993, DIN EN 1097-2, etc.)
b. Recommandations du CFMS 2011
c. AFPS 2011.
f. API (American Petroleum Institute) 650, 653
g. Baumann and Bauer(1974), The Performance of Foundations on Various Soils Stabilized by the
Vibro-compaction method.
h. Les normes algriennes pertinentes ainsi que toute norme cite dans les normes et
recommandations numres ci-dessus.
2.1.4 Critres de Performance
Le Constructeur doit concevoir et excuter les Colonnes Ballastes avec un matriau de
remblayage granulaire, comme requis, afin de satisfaire les critres de performance suivants :

a. Fondation dOuvrage en Bton

- Le tassement admissible sous conditions de charges de Service doit tre infrieur 25,4mm.
b. Fondation de Rservoir de Stockage
- Th Le tassement admissible sous conditions de charges de Service doit tre infrieur 75mm.
- Tassement diffrentiel limite = 1:300
Dans le cas contraire, le Constructeur doit appliquer un autre type de fondation adquat tel que les
pieux, etc..
2.1.5 quipement et matriaux quipement
L'utilisation d'quipement appropri est un facteur important pour une excution russie des
colonnes ballastes. Le Constructeur doit soumettre la liste des quipements qui seront utiliss
dans les travaux en fonction des conditions du site. Le vibrateur utilis pour lexcution des
colonnes ballastes doit tre appropri pour assurer :
a. un compactage adquat du ballast dans les colonnes et
b. le diamtre prsum dans la conception peut tre atteint Matriaux de remblaiement
Le Constructeur doit fournir les matriaux de remblai sur le site. L'agrgat concass convient
comme matriau de remblai pour la construction en colonne ballastes. La granulomtrie du matriau
doit tre dans une plage de 25mm au minimum et de 100mm au maximum. Le volume moyen de
matriau excut par colonne doit tre inscrit sur une fiche rcapitulative.
Le matriau doit tre fourni avec les limites suivantes de Contrle Qualit :

Description de lessai

Norme de Rfrence Limites Acceptables

Analyse granulomtrique

ASTM C-136

Taille unitaire comprise de 25mm

spcifique requise Pierres concasses
de 25mm 100mm doivent tre

Essai Los Angeles

DIN EN 1097-2

Max. 35%

Essai Micro Deval

NF EN 1097-1

Max. 30%

Essais Los Angeles

+ Micro Deval

DIN EN 1097-2
NF EN 1097-1

Max. 60%

2.1.6 Squencement Gnral dExcution

Le Vibro-Remplacement est une technique drive dun dveloppement du processus de vibrocompactage. Aujourdhui, les sols tels que les limons pures ou les sols mlangs au limon et/ou de
sable peuvent tre amliors en utilisant la technique de Vibro-remplacement. Du fait de leur caractre
cohsif, les fines particules de sol ne se sparent que lorsquelles sont exposes aux vibrations. Elles
glissent l'une contre l'autre et ne peuvent pas tre dplaces par l'action de la machine. Pour le
procd de remplacement par vibration, le granulat grossier constitu d'agrgats concasss est utilis
pour le remblaiement.
La profondeur de traitement de conception doit tre dtermine en fonction des rsultats de l'tude
gotechnique. Pour assurer une bonne assise de la pointe de la colonne sur la couche porteuse, la

colonne ballaste doit tre arrte soit la profondeur de conception, soit au refus de vibreur, selon
la premire ventualit rencontre.
Le Constructeur peut choisir la mthode dexcution, laquelle il considrera la plus approprie pour
satisfaire aux critres de performance.
A. Si la mthode dalimentation par le haut, voie humide est utiliser:
The first 30 cm lift of stone is placed. The vibrator will then be lowered to the design depth
and stone will be added as necessary.
b. The vibrator will be repeatedly raised and lowered such that on each re- penetration, the
tip of the vibrator advances to within the previous penetration depth an amount to be defined
by the Contractor (e.g. 0,6 m), or refusal (whichever comes first). The vibrator will not be raised
more than 1,0 m at any time unless the stone stops flowing to the bottom of the vibrator.
For the wet installation, process water is required for jetting purposes during the installation
process. This water shall be obtained from the sea utilizing flexible pipe and suction pump.
Alternatively, Water for the vibro replacement process shall be obtained by installing well
points. The location for the installation of well points shall be provided by the Contractor.
During the stone column installation operation excess and process muddy water rises around
the vibrator from the ground to the site surface. It is normally gathered at the surface and
collected in silt ponds from where it shall be recycled to be reused for further installations of
stone columns and at the end shall be disposed during the Mud removal process.
B. If the Dry, Bottom Feed method of construction is used
a. The vibrator will be lowered to the design depth and stone delivered through hopper/by pass
b. The vibrator will be repeatedly raised and lowered such that on each repenetration, the tip
advances to within the previous penetration depth a distance to be defined by the C
ontractor (e.g. 0,6 m), or refusal (whichever comes first). The vibrator will not be raised more
than 1,0 m at any time unless the stone stops flowing to the bottom of the vibrator.
C. In the case, the Dry, Bottom Feed method is used by the Contractor
Short term water jetting by lances outside the vibrator or predrilling may be necessary to assist
in penetrating localized hard layers. The Contractor shall evaluate whether water jetting and/or
predrilling aid is required to meet design requirements.
D. Tolerances:
Setting out:
Setting out shall be carried out from reference lines and points defined by the owner and
indicated in the construction drawing. Immediately before installation of the stone column,
the stone column positions shall be marked with suitable identifiable pins or markers using
appropriate surveying equipment.
b. Position:
The maximum permitted deviation of the stone column center from the center point shown on
the setting out drawing shall be 150 mm.
c. Verticality:
Stone columns shall be constructed as near vertical as possible. The axis of the stone column
shall not be inclined from the vertical more than 60 mm in 3 m (2%) as indicated by the tilt of t
he vibrator and follower tubes.
E. Working Platform
Prior to the treatment execution, the working platform will be adequately set up, in order
to allow site operations and crane movements with same material of stone column. The
superficial layer will be improved with supply of coarse compacted material and made sui
table to bear the actions coming from the crane. After the treatment execution of the sto


ne column, the working platform shall be connected to the top of stone columns in order
to meet the anti-liquefaction design.
2.1.7 Monitoring
During the construction process the consistency of the compaction achieved shall be monitored and
2.1.8 Documentation
On a daily basis, the records of stone column installation of the day shall be summarized on the
daily Construction summary sheet, containing additional information such as average volume of
backfill material consumed per column and total production per rig and shift. The daily record shall be
submitted to the Engineer for certification on the following working day.
2.1.9 Testing
Test shall be carried out for quality assurance measure for the working stone columns. The test
shall be carried out at Foundation level. The maximum load shall be 1.5 times the working load. The
frequency to perform the full scale load test(zone load test) shall be one in 40,000m2 area and the
individual single column test(plate load test) shall be one in 20,000m2 area.

A. Trial Tests
Trial Tests are required to validate the capability of the equipment to meet the design
assumptions (e.g. installation depth, column diameter) and to adjust the installation parameters
(e.g. lift height, re-penetration depth, etc.). The trial tests shall be located in the vicinity of the soil
investigation points. A minimum of 3 number trial tests shall be carried out at each zone
previous to commencement of stone column production. Additional trial tests may be required, if
the acceptance criteria cannot be met in these tests.
B. Stone Column Records
The installation rigs shall be equipped with automatic units in order to record continuously
depth, power consumption and current (ampere) over time. The records of each column
shall include:
a. Stone column reference number,
b. date of installation,
c. start and completion time of each treatment point,
d. power consumption during penetration,
e. current during penetration,
f. volume and weight of stone backfill in each column,
g. actual versus theoretical stone consumption (control of column diameter),
h. time
for installation,
flushing, compaction
i. details of construction, delays and unexpected ground conditions,
j. depth of treatment.
C. Continuity and compaction of the column
The continuity and compaction of the column shall be controlled by in situ test such as CPT
or SPT or PMT or equivalent. The tests shall be carried out on 0,1% of randomly selected
columns, a minimum number of 5 stone columns within each zones.
D. Static Load Testing
Static load testing will consist of full scale static load test(Zone load test) and individual single
column tests(Plate load test) to be provided by the Contractor to validate design assumptions
and control specification compliance.


The full scale load test shall be performed at an actual foundation location
chosen by the Engineer. The foundation area shall allow the test of a group of 4 columns in
the center of a group of 16 columns.
b. The load tests shall be erected, performed, and evaluated by the Contractor at
the Contractors expense.
c. The load tests will be monitored by the Owner.
d. The load tests shall be planned and executed in accordance to CFMS 2011 or ASTM
D 1196 or equivalent. The test foundation shall be loaded to 1.5 times the total load of the
group of columns. Settlements of the test foundation shall be measured halfway between the
center and each of the four corners with displacement gages having a sensitivity of 0.01
mm. The average of the four readings shall be used to confirm acceptance of the required
settlement criteria. The contractor shall submit a method statement for the load test including
a schematic plot of the test arrangement prior to load testing.

2.1.10 Quality Control and Acceptance of Stone Column

At the beginning of stone column construction, the sub-contractor specialized in stone column
construction shall carry out calibration tests to validate the choice of material and verify the compliance
of soil reactions with expected behavior (depths attained, consumption, possible swelling, effects of
vibrations, etc.).
The Contractor shall provide the test plan to the Client prior to carry out the stone column works.
Test shall be carried out for quality assurance measure on the working stone columns as followings:
- Checking the column diameter
- Compaction verification
- Load Test
These tests shall be carried out by an expert approved by the Contractor and shall be included
together in the projects quality control report.


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