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Q1.What is the methods of solving engineering problems.

Explain briefly
with example?
Engineering problems are solve with the help of three methods are name as
Analytical method
Numerical Method (FEM)
Experimental method
Analytical method :
The Analytical Method is a generic process combining the power of the Scientific Method
with the use of formal process to solve any type of problem. It has these nine steps:
1. Identify the problem to solve.
2. Choose an appropriate process
3. Use the process to hypothesize analysis or solution elements.
4. Design an experiment(s) to test the hypothesis.
5. Perform the experiment(s).
6. Accept, reject, or modify the hypothesis.
7. Repeat steps 3, 4, 5, and 6 until the hypothesis is accepted.
8. Implement the solution.
9. Continuously improve the process as opportunities arise.
Numerical Method:
Numerical analysis is the study of algorithms that use numerical approximation (as opposed
to general symbolic manipulations) for the problems of mathematical analysis. In numerical
method we apply no of techniques and approximation solution to find out the solution. The
main example of numerical methods is Finite element method.

Experimental Method
Experimental method is use of controlled observations and measurements to test
Example of these three Methods are a simple cantilever beam .

Q2. Write application of fem in Civil Engineering and Mechanical


Structure analysis (static/dynamic, linear/nonlinear)

Conduction heat transfer, solve for the temperature distribution throughout the body with
known boundary conditions and material properties
Fluid mechanics problems range from steady in viscid incompressible flow to complex
viscous compressible flow,
Electromagnetic solution for magnetic field strength provide insight to the design of
electromagnetic devices
Capabilities extended to include fluid-structure interactions, convective heat transfer
Structural Problem: Stress Analysis, truss & frame analysis, stress concentrated problem
Buckling problem
Vibration Analysis
Impact Problem

Q: Define homogenous and non-homogeneous boundary conditions.

An equation or B.C is homogenous if it is not altered when the dependent variable is

multiplied by constant.
For example if we have an equation and we replace T by CT and also divide throughout C.
In non-homogeneous B.C suppose that on en of bar is heat at constant temperature T and
other end is at constant temperature T2
Then B.C are
U(0,t)= T1, u(L,t)= T2, t > 0

Q. Define Stiffness matrix with example?

Stiffness Matrix
The primary characteristics of a finite element are embodied in the element stiffness matrix.
For a structural finite element, the stiffness matrix contains the geometric and material
behavior information that indicates the resistance of the element to deformation when
subjected to loading. Such deformation may include axial, bending, shear, and torsional
effects. For finite elements used in nonstructural analyses, such as fluid flow and heat
transfer, the term stiffness matrix is also used, since the matrix represents the resistance of the
element to change when subjected to external influences.
A linear elastic spring is a mechanical device capable of supporting axial loading only, and
the elongation or contraction of the spring is directly proportional to the applied axial load.
The constant of proportionality between deformation and load is referred to as the spring
constant, spring rate, or spring stiffness k, and has units of force per unit length. As an elastic
spring supports axial loading only, we select an element coordinate system (also known as a
local coordinate system) as an x axis oriented along the length of the spring, as shown.

Assuming that both the nodal displacements are zero when the spring is un deformed, the net
spring deformation is given by
= u2 u1
and the resultant axial force in the spring is
f = k = k(u2 u1)
For equilibrium,
f1 + f2 = 0 or f1 = f2,
Then, in terms of the applied nodal forces as
f1 = k(u2 u1)
f2 = k(u2 u1)
which can be expressed in matrix form as

{kkkk }{uu 12}= {ff 12}


or [ ke ] { u }= { f }

[k k ]

[ ke ] = k k

is defined as the element stiffness matrix in the element coordinate system (or local system),
{u} is the column matrix (vector) of nodal displacements, and { f } is the column matrix
(vector) of element nodal forces.

Q. Define Matrix, Column Matrix and Square Matrix?


A matrix is a rectangular array of numbers or other mathematical objects for which operations
such as addition and multiplication are defined. Most commonly, a matrix over a field F is a
rectangular array of scalars each of which is a member of F. The elements of matrix are real
numbers or complex numbers.

Column Matrix:
A vector may be represented with a list of numbers called a column matrix. A column matrix
is an ordered list of numbers written in a column.


Square Matrix:
A square matrix is a matrix with the same number of rows and columns. An n-by-n matrix is
known as a square matrix of order n. Any two square matrices of the same order can be added
and multiplied.

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The different steps involved in the analysis by Finite Element Method
1. Discretization into the element
The given footing is divided into an equivalent system of finite elements,
by a process known as Discretization. The equivalent system may consist
of triangular or quadrilateral and/or tetrahedron or hexahedron based on
whether the problem is solved as in 2-D or 3-D plane.

Q. Write a note on Exact and approximate solution, nodes

and elements, discretization, shape function?

Exact and approximate solution:

An exact solution is the accurate solution, whilst an approximate solution
is only near enough.

Model body by dividing it into an equivalent system of many smaller
bodies or units (finite elements) interconnected at points common to two
or more elements (nodes or nodal points) and/or boundary lines and/or

Elements and Nodes:

A node is a coordinate location in space where the degrees of freedom
(DOFs) are defined. The DOFs for this point represent the possible
movement of this point due to the loading of the structure. The DOFs also
represent which forces and moments are transferred from one element to
the next. The results of a finite element analysis, (deflections and
stresses), are usually given at the nodes.
An element is the basic building block of finite element analysis. There are
several basic types of elements. Which type of element for finite elements
analysis that is used depends on the type of object that is to be modelled
for finite element analysis and the type of analysis that is going to be

Shape Function:
The shape function is the function which interpolates the solution between
the discrete values obtained at the mesh nodes. Therefore, appropriate
functions have to be used and, as already mentioned, low order
polynomials are typically chosen as shape functions. In this work linear
shape functions are used.

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