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>) €£591 Composite Beam-Columns Flexural Capacity (AISC 3.3 and 13.4) We'll focus on encased composite members (AISC 13.3). $= 0.90 for available flexural strength, The nominal flexural strength, M., shall be determined using one of the following methods: (a) The superposition of elastic stresses on the composite section, Considering effects of shoring, “Re ht state of yitiding. (ytetd moment 2 (b) The = distribution on the el sech For einte of Yldeng (plastic. momant > no LTB PLB, wLB due to encasement (c) The plastic stress distribution on the_ Composite, Section er Stra ~ Commatabilihy metrod , limit state of ue dng For concrete-encased members, e, Chor fL rovided . alse, yeurforcoment must meet detriling remrements. Steel anchors Fr the ‘Steel Design Guide 6, 1992, Alse. T8.3e rom the AISC Steel Design Guide 6, 1992, p. 6 . Steel area in eason 2 |" lasek cover Recommend 20, =A, Fy Ee Sm =4de aay direction “space uniform! - 5532" “on eacly plan ge. Sm = Beds (mom Ver 5, Ascibs —subjectto shes ous emeleegsteedete > Hs terinsaltn oo Subject to shear only in lightweight concrete > H, 2 7d, after installation vw will get failure in steel if Hs 25d LW ZTds based on sts, (only consideung Steck ime state 8 epuaton ) AISCIB32 gy Qny = 0.65 Fy Ay Where concrete breakout strength (at an unsupported edge; ACI Chapter 12) is not an ee applicable limit state. Note: Standard hooks, ete. veal ie 2 assume, ACI req's are a ee sahsfied 1) CES41 gy ZIP" deep, may gh be adequate 1F a end Fall no rc rts == epi ERIRFIN Bakat 8? preeered BAER ne ‘ALTERNATE SHEAR GONMECTOR LOCATION EMBEDDED W SHAPE. oe yp miu, Remember sci. ae & 2. Stg¢ unless welded directly over web. Note: AISC 18.2 requirements apply to “steel anchors embedded in a solid concrete slab or concrete slab cast on formed metal deck. Section 18.3 applies to all other cases.” eee ve Sh Bas AISC L.5 Combined Flexure and Axial Force ‘The interaction between flexure and axial forces in composite members shall_ACcount -For~ Stability as reared by Chaptee C.( Direct analy sis., ce V WficaHon for 2nd order e fects etc.) Arm ‘The available compressive strength and the available flexural strength shall be determined as defined in Sections I2 and 13, respectively. For encased composite members, and for filled composite members with compact sections, the interaction between axial force and flexure shall be based on the interaction equations of Section H1.1 (Method 1) or one of the methods as defined in Section 11.2 plastic. stress distnbution or Stra) Compatibi )) __Forfled composite members with noncompact or slender sections, the interaction between ail forces and flexure shall be based on the interaction equations of Section Hit. g— More conservative limited based on fest results. (Varma & Zhona 7004) Includes slondoroess C!s slandemess resuton aaa 0910 ge jpn000 mime Oats 5 Dicks ig C16, Imation dora fr compete bcourn dgn—Matod J. Fl C182 lteacton gra or compat eo coke —Matod 2 \ Method 2 ~ interaction Curves from the Plastic Stress Distribution Method cue acos__Plashe Stress distribution for different axial load s cunenco,__[nclude lengte effects! (buckle ae Fa ue Aa throughout A A= Be (12) / cuve a’c’D"s" Induces P - ‘Simptfed design - Method 2 Design (6.0) Pig. C15.3 Interaction dlagram for composite beam columas-Method 2 simplified. Using linear interpolation between points A”, C” and B” in Figure C-153, the fol- lowing interaction equations may be derived for composite beam-columns subjected to combined axial compression plus biaxial flexure: (@ P< Pe Mx, My wes) (CS-1a) Mc, Mey (b) If P.2 Po Ba Ma, Mo oy (C-5-1b) PrP * Mex Mey ts PR “i required compressive sng, hips (N) % = available axial compressive strength at Point A”, kips (N) ips (N) Pc = available axial compressive strength at Point C Mc éoy required flexural strength, kip-in, (Nem) Té= available flexural strength at Point C”", kip-in, (N-mm) Xx = subscript relating symbol to strong axis bending {y= subscript relating symbol to weak axis bending Leon 4 Hasiar, 2008 ° ) Gtschw ui 1 2elo Table A. Plastic Capacities for Rectangular, Encased ‘W-Shapes Bent About the X-X Axis Sesion [ieee Davibuion | Port DeinngEasaone— » cayenne Li +A OSS eC cece Fy 42k (08502) as pl ston mod of! shops of cominuustcinfsig basal ter =o MyPal, HleO85L) 25 ~hlt 25 reationtene(a

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