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Dont fight in the name of Religion; the same Religion which

gave you your own identity to impregnably exist in the first
place; fervently worship one particular form of Godhead till the
last breath of your life,
Dont fight in the name of Color; the same Color which bestowed
upon you your very inimitably charismatic personality; amidst
billions of different organism on the trajectory of this
fathomlessly effulgent Universe,
Dont fight in the name of Blood; the same Blood which
perennially perpetuated the feeling of exuberant rebirth in every
ingredient of your persona; even as you were just about to
embrace the gallows of gory death,
Dont fight in the name of Height; the same Height which
timelessly endowed
you with your very own blissfully clambering stature; over every
conceivable element of feckless mud on planet divine,
Dont fight in the name of Power; the same Power which
infallibly bestowed upon you the united conviction; to tackle
every insidious adversity with your unflinchingly royal stride,
Dont fight in the name of Nationality; the same Nationality
which profoundly enshrouded even the most infinitesimal shades
of your personality; with the flag of its majestically
unconquerable individuality,
Dont fight in the name of Motherland; the same Motherland
which so compassionately bore even the most egregious of your
idiosyncrasies not just
for 9 months; but for an infinite more enchanting lifetimes,
Dont fight in the name of Superiority; the same Superiority
which harmoniously ensured that you timelessly towered like the
ultimate prince; alongwith every other organism of your kind,
Dont fight in the name of Heaven; the same Heaven which
perpetually ensured

that you invincibly burgeoned in the cradle of paradise; where

existed nothing else but the unassailably priceless hilt of truth,
Dont fight in the name of God; the same God who miraculously
caressed your
impoverished existence in an infinite shapes and forms; every
unfurling second of your enigmatically sparkling life,
Dont fight in the name of Holy Scripture; the same Holy
Scripture which
indefatigably and ardently taught you just one thing; that every
living organism irrespective of caste; creed; stature and tribe; is
wondrously alike,
Dont fight in the name of Democracy; the same Democracy
which endlessly
allowed you to palpitate in the beat of undefeated freedom;
exercise your very own symbiotic right to the most
unprecedented of your capacity,
Dont fight in the name of Flesh; the same Flesh which magically
aroused every tangible pore of your skin to even the most
insouciant vibration of the atmosphere; triggered in you the
most sensuously tantalizing sensations of all times,
Dont fight in the name of Signature; the same Signature which
represented the true resoluteness of your personality;
irrespective of your wealth or stature,
Dont fight in the name of Temple/Mosque/Church/Monastery;
the same Temple/Mosque/Church/Monastery; in which you
sought indefinite refuge;
In your times of inexplicably assassinating duress,
Dont fight in the name of Food; the same Food whose
quintessentially synergistic ingredients; eventually became the
undyingly resurgent swirl of blood in even the most oblivious of
your veins,
Dont fight in the name of Wealth; the same Wealth which so
handsomely replenished every perceivable of your mortal need;
and put even the most

acrimoniously frazzled nerve of yours to bountiful sleep,

Dont fight in the name of Love; the same Love which made you
forever feel
the most insuperably priceless organism alive; and the closest to
the heartbeat of the Omniscient Creator Divine,
Instead; if you really had this impudently boiling urge to fight;
then please all of you on planet earth unite together in the
religion of eternal humanity; and fight till death AGAINST the
name and even the tiniest innuendo of the devils whine .

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