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 Firstly, the role of coordinator is a priority role. That is to say, when coordinator is
also in a team, he will always and primarily, deal with his role as coordinator.

 It will, at most, available for teams or the regional members.

 He must report its availability (and thus its absence) to the movement and keep a
place for his personal life.

 Its purpose is to ensure the transmission of information between a team (or branch)
and one coordinator (or vice versa) or between coordinator and coordinator.

 He should be at least informed of everything that happened, happens and will be in

teams/branches/coordinators that coordinate.

 He should also serve as moderator by weighting and motivating members of his


 He is able to explain its role, what the Zeitgeist Movement and the Venus project, and
guarantee, therefore, the integrity and image of movement through it.

 He shall in no circumstances disclose the personal information it holds unless

otherwise specified by the person that owns the information.

Coordinators role case by case

Regional/States Coordinator : He's on the field. Is responsible for organising and running
virtual and in-person meetings in a friendly and familial manner. Is responsible for the
organization of small events (screenings, debates, street activism, etc.). Will deal directly
with the administration and blog/website of the local movement. Of course, if the city chapter
grows large enough, the Coordinator may delegate small tasks to local teams or individuals.
The Regional/State Coordinator serves as link between the local movement and the National
Is responsible for, and maintains the private information of both local members, and the
National Coordinators (E-mail Addresses, Phone Numbers, Home Addresses, etc.).OK

National coordinator : Is responsible for transfering information as quickly as possible to

the Regional Coordinators and Inter-Language Coordinators; using any available personal
contact information. OK

Meeting coordinator : Will act as Keynote speaker at meetings and work directly with the
Inter-Language Coordinator. Will have access to Inter-Language Coordinators personal
contact information.OK
Linguistic coordinator : Serves as link between Translation Teams and Inter-Language
Coordinators. This coordinator must be extremely responsive . He will have access to
personal contact information of Inter-Language Coordinators, and both Translation, and
Proof-Reading team coordinators.OK

 Translation team coordinator : this coordinator makes sure the translation process
works well according to the translating agenda. He is in charge to update calendars
for this team by incrementing datas provided by the linguistic coordinator and
members of his team. He has at least e-mails of language coordinator and of his team
member as well as those of the proofreader team coordinator. As soon as his team
informs him a translation is finished, he warns the proofreader team coordinator as
quickly as possible..OK

 Proofreader teams coordinator : This coordinator ensures that the progress of the
Proof-Reading Team remains on track. He updates team agendas by incrementing the
data provided by the translations team coordinator and members of his team. He has
translations team coordinator's and members' email and linguistic coordinator's email
at least. Once a proofreading is finish, he informs the linguistic coordinator as
quickly as possible.

Inter-language coordinator : He deals with same language countries and region. This
coordinator gathers the informations of all national coordinators, communication
coordinators, strategic reflexion teams coordinator, developpers coordinator, Venus Project
coordinator, linguistic coordinator. He works in tight relationship with the foreign
relationship coordinator. He redistributes the gathered informations to all national chapters
having the same language, to other national chapters through communication tools which are
made available (after the linguistic team has translated these informations).

Foreign relationship coordinator : He's essential for the good balance and relationship
between inter-language coordinators. He has to be bilingual in order to avoid any information
distortion. He will be the main representative person of his language in international
meeting. He will may be used for his translation skills during coordination meeting or simply
during friendly meeting between coordinators.

Archivist team coordinator : Firstly, let's define the term "archivist". It's a person who is
looking for good spots on the net : Flyers, commodities, lecture rooms. He will also allow to
find chat rooms and other forums about the movement Zeitgeist and/or the Venus Project.
The archivist team coordinator will gather data and will give them on simple request from a
member or a coordinator. He will may leave the information in a dedicated public place.

Event team coordinator : He will be in charge of national or international events as the

main events organizer (lectures, meetings, meeting between members, ...). He will have crew
data and main coordinators associated to the event data.

Internal communication coordinator : this coordinator is the information pivot between

coordinators of the writing team, the lecture team and the inter-language coordinator.

 Writers team coordinator : He's a support to the teams he coordinates during a work
overload or in front of an insolvable topic. He'll navigate between his teams and
coordinators who have the requested information. He'll also transmit the finished
meeting reports to the lecture team.

 Mail answer team : This team will answer to e-mails and mails from different
members. If a subject is too complex, It will be shared with the writers team

 Tools descriptions team : Team members will be assigned to the task of

describing the different new tools available on the official websites. They will
make, for example, summaries of documentaries, explanations of various tools,
etc. ...

 Meeting reports team : these people will make meeting reports and will publish
them on paper, electronic documents or audio files.

 Oral intervention (lecture) coordinator : The coordinator will share with his teams,
the internal communication coordinator and writing teams coordinator (eg in the case
of reading reports).

 Radio animation team : It will serve to lead the radio. It will deal with the
programs list, the technical side (editing, mixing, ...) and speeches (live or

 Meeting audioreport team : This team will work from meeting reports for use
later in a speech. For two things: the reports will be broadcast on radio and this
will open the movement to blind people.

External communication coordinator : The coordinator is the informations axis between its
groups and the inter-language coordinator.

 Mail writing team (celebrities, associations, media...): These teams enable the
writing of letters or Email addressed to persons more or less known and requires a
mastery of technical language that the recipient uses.

 Lectures team (public, celebrities, media...): These teams will contact outsiders.
They may give lectures, get interviews, talking with famous people in their native

 Physical media creation team coordinator (flyers, ...) : He goes along with teams
and relay the progress of their work.

 Virtual media creation team coordinator (banners, keywords, documentaries, ...):

He goes along with teams and relays the progress of their work.

Strategic thinking team coordinator : He will be responsible for gathering the

teams/members ideas (suggestions boxes, forum, dedicated email, ...) on their proposals in
order to improve the methods and means of communications from the Zeitgeist Movement
and the Venus Project. He'll send those ideas given in one only package to the inter-language
coordinator before the meetings (inter-language).

Meeting coordinator : He is in charge of the meeting agenda. He contacts the coordinators

to set the dates.

IT coordinator : This coordinator must have a minimum of computering knowledge. It

organizes regular meetings to ensure progress of each team. They serve, among others, to
spread the tools used, the latest technological updates and linking knowledges with other
coordinators. He monitors and updates the agenda of projects management. He has "super
administrator" websites access.

 Websites and blogs organizer : In relation with the needs and criticals of the
members and visitors, the organizer set a specification with the help of his teams with
an agenda and calendar. It ensures that all projects are completed before starting new
ones. It makes the link between developers/webdesigners and integrators. It also
checks that there are no moderation abuses.

 Developper team : This team must have solid knowledges of one or more
computer languages. They will follow the specification decided jointly. Once
programming is complete, the team will give the codes to the websites organizer
who will forward them to the integration team.

 Webdesign team : This team must have solid knowledge of one or more drawing
tools. They will follow the specification decided jointly. Once the design is
complete, the team will send source files to the websites and blogs organizer who
will forward them to the integration team.

 Integration team : This team must know the website structure (classification,
hierarchy). For the integration process, the coordinator will provide computer
access codes to allow them to do this work.

 Moderation team : The word moderation comes from moderate. The use of this
team is to limit offensive speech making prevention. Before someone is kicked,
there are steps to follow. One, talk to him by any means and warning him that his
comments are outrageous and remind him a point about the "charter"; two,
moving his comments / topics / forums in a public moderated area; three, throw a
warning by Email; four, delete his account; five, banning the flooder / troll place
(website, forum, community tool). These teams need to show the best psychology
possible .

 Google waves organizer : This site has been created to store, classify discussions
instances or waves. He deals therefore to arrange the waves to find information more

 Fork tool moderator : Fork is a project management tool. The moderator classifies
projects and ensure that the steps preceding the statement in Fork, have been met.
Methodology is defined according to the preferences of individual chapters.
 Security team : It makes the websites updates, blogs and company to maximize their
protections in front of possible hackers.

Venus Project and Innovations coordinator : He is responsible for relaying the progress
and information of the Venus Project. He acts as a bridge between the Movement and the
Venus Project. Innovations Teams are under its responsibility as the forum moderation
associated with these teams.

 Hardware innovation team : This team is a creative team responsible for imagining
posible technological solutions to problems that arise withing a Resourse Based
Economy. Also responsible for taking those ideas and creating plans/technical
drawings/blueprints for proposed solutions.

 Social innovation team : It will answer to today social problems for a solution that
could be put in place in a Resources Based Economy. It imagine new problems that
might be in the future society and try to solve them. The most complete analysis could
be published in the media to show the symbiotic problems of our current society ...

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