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The objective of this chapter is to describe theoretical, mathematical

analysis and the merits of Impedance Source (Z

Source) Inverter and to

compare with the conventional source inverters.

Bridge rectifier is commonly used in high power applications. The
impedance network is a two port network. A two port network has two input
terminals and two output terminals. This network is also called as lattice
network. This lattice network consists of split inductors (L1 and L2) and
capacitors (C1 and C2) in X - shape. Three Phase AC supply is given to the
rectifier unit; rectification is a process of converting alternating current or
voltage into a direct current or voltage.
The Impedance Source (Z - Source) Inverter consists of voltage source
from rectifier supply, impedance network, three phase inverter and with AC
motor load. This impedance network is coupled with inverter main circuit and
source. This impedance network is a second order filter. This network is energy
storage or filtering element for the Impedance Source Inverter. DC to AC
converters is known as inverter. The function of an inverter is to change a DC
input voltage to AC output voltage of desired magnitude and frequency. Three
phase inverters are normally used for high power applications. We choose 120'
conduction for proper and reliable operation of inverter. MOSFET have chosen

for three-phase inverter. There are three modes of operation of one half cycle
for Y-connected load.
This Impedance Source (Z - Source) Inverter is used to overcome the

problems in the conventional source inverters. This Impedance (2 Source)

Source Inverter employs a unique impedance network coupled with the inverter
main circuit to the power source. This inverter has unique features compared
with the conventional sources.

Block Diagram of Impedance Source Inverter system

Fig.4.1: Block diagram of the Impedance Source Inverter System

Three phase A.C. supply is fed to the rectifier, which will convert three
phase A.C. supply to D.C.The rectified is now given to an inverter
through an impedance network. The impedance inverter output is now fed to
the induction motor as input. The process is explained in the flow diagram
shown in Fig.4.1.


Theoretical Analysis
Impedance network is a two port network. A two port network is simply

a network inside a box and the network has only two pairs of accessible
terminals. Usually one pair represents the input and the other represents output.
This network is also called as lattice network. Lattice network is one of the
common four terminals two port network.
The lattice network is used in filter sections and is also used as
attenuators. Lattice networks are sometimes used in ladder structure in some
special applications. In this lattice network, L1 and L2 series arm inductances,
C1 and C2 are diagonal capacitances. This network is coupled with the main

circuit and the source, to describe the operating principle of inverter.

Fig.4.2:Equivalent circuit of Impedance Source Inverter (Z - Source)

The Impedance Source Inverter (Z

- Source) bridge has one extra zero

state. When the load terminals are shorted through both upper and lower
devices of any one phase leg or all three phase legs this shoot through zero
state is forbidden in Voltage Source Inverter (VSI), because it would cause a
Shoot-Through. This network makes the Shoot Through zero state possible.
This state provides unique buck-boost feature to the inverter.

The equivalent circuit of the Impedance Source Inverter (2 Source) is

shown Fig.4.2. The inverter bridge is equivalent to a short circuit when the
inverter bridge is in the Shoot-Through zero state. The equivalent switching
frequency from the impedance source network is six times the switching
frequency of the main inverter, which greatly reduces the required inductance
of the impedance source network.

Description of Impedance Source Network

The impedance Source Network is a combination of two inductors and

two capacitors. This combined circuit, the impedance Source Network is
the energy storage or filtering element for the Impedance Source Inverter
(Z-Source). This impedance source network provides a second order filter.
This is more effective to suppress voltage and current ripples. The inductor and
capacitor requirement should be smaller compared to that of conventional
When the two inductors

and L2) are small and approach zero, the

Impedance source network reduces to two capacitors (C1 and C2) in parallel

and becomes conventional voltage source inverter. Therefore, a conventional

voltage inverter's capacitor requirements and physical size is the worst case
requirement for the Impedance Source Inverter (Z

Source). Considering

additional filtering and energy storage provided by the inductors, the

Impedance Source Network should require less capacitance and smaller size
compared with the conventional Voltage Source Inverter (VSI).

Mathematical Analysis of Impedance Network

The Fig 4.2 gives equivalent circuit of impedance source network, a two
port network which is used to provide mathematical analysis.
Assume the inductors (L1& L2) and capacitors (C1& C2) have the same
inductance and capacitance values respectively.

C1&C2 -

Series arm inductors;


Input voltage

Parallel arm capacitors;


Output voltage

Equivalent circuit of the model is derived in equations 4.1 to 4.12

Vcl = Vc2 = Vc


VL1= V L=~VL


VL = 0
During the switching cycle T
VD= Vo

v, = vc - VL= (2Vc- Vo)

v, = 2 v c - v o

Where Vo is the DC source voltage


The average voltage of the inductors over one switching period (T)
should be zero in steady state

- -(To-Ti)



Similarly the average DC link voltage across the inverter bridge can be found

as follows from equation (4.4)

v1 =


+ TIl(2VC - VO)

v1 = 2vc--T -v,

From equation (4.6)

The peak DC - link voltage across the inverter bridge is

v, = vc- VL= (2VC- V0)

= B . Vo


B =A
( T ~ - Ti-ev~ ~ I

B = Boost factor
The output peak phase voltage from the inverter

= M.-vi

In this source V,

= M.


In the traditional sources

For Z Source


= M.


V,,, = M.B.

The output voltage can be stepped up and down by choosing an appropriate

buck - boost factor BB( It varies from 0 to

The capacitor voltage can be expressed as

The buck boost factor BB is determined by the modulation index M and

the Boost factor B. The boost factor B can be controlled by duty cycle of the
shoot through zero state over the non

shoot through states of the PWM

inverter. The shoot through zero state does not affect P W M control of the
inverter. Because it produces the same zero voltage to the load terminals. The
available shoot through period is limited by the zero state periods that are
determined by the modulation index.


Impedance Source Inverter

To overcome the above problems of the conventional Voltage Source

and Current Source inverters, this work presents an impedance

impedance-fed) power converter (abbreviated as Z

- -

- source (or

- source converter) and its

- -

- -

control method for implementing DC to AC, AC to DC, AC to AC,


and DC - to - DC power conversion. Fig. 4.3 shows the general Impedance

Source Inverter (Z - Source) structure.

DC Voltage Source

Z Source

3-Phase Inverter










Fig.4,-3.Impedance Source Inverter (Z - Source) structure using the antiparallel

combination of switching device and diode.

In Fig. 4.3, a two-port network that consists of a split-inductor and

capacitors connected in X shape is employed to provide an impedance source
(Z-source) which connects the converter (or inverter) to the DC sourcelor
another converter. The DC source load can be either a voltage or a current
source load. Therefore, the DC source can be a battery, diode rectifier, thyristor
converter, fuel cell, an inductor, a capacitor, or a combination of all these.
Switches used in the converter can be a combination of switching devices and
diodes such as the anti-parallel combination and the series combination as

shown in Fig. 4.3. The inductance can be provided through a split inductor or
two separate inductors.

The Z

- source employs a unique impedance network (or circuit) to

couple the converter main circuit to the power source, load, or another
converter, for providing unique features that cannot be observed in the
traditional V and I source converters where a capacitor and inductor are used,
respectively. The Z-source converter overcomes the above-mentioned
conceptual and theoretical barriers and limitations of the traditional Voltage
Source Inverter and Current Source Inverter and provides a novel power
conversion concept. The Z-source concept can be applied to all DC-to-AC,
AC-to-DC, AC-to-AC, and DC-to-DC power conversion. This work focuses on
application of the Z-Source inverter fed Induction Motor Drive: a Z-Source
inverter for DC to AC power conversion needed for Induction Motor.

Operation and Control

Impedance Source (Z - Source) Inverter is thought to be a one

- stage

boost - buck inverter and one - stage topology which is somewhat considered

as having higher efficiency over its counterpart of two-stage shown in Fig.4.3.

Impedance Source (Z - Source) Inverter has a special impedance network
between the bridge and the input voltage source. This special circuit structure
makes Impedance Source (Z - Source) Inverter which has an additional ShootThrough (ST) switching state in which the upper DC rail and lower rail are
shorted together. In Shoot-Through state the two inductors are being charged
by the capacitors and in Non shoot - Through (NST) states the inductors and
input DC source transfers energy to the capacitors and load. This process is
similar to the boost converter.

Seen from the AC side the Shoot-Through states are the same with null
states, so by replacing the null states with Shoot-Through states, the boost
function of Impedance Source (2 - Source) Inverter is achieved. The DC link
voltage of the bridge of Impedance Source (Z

- Source) Inverter can be

expressed as

Where do is the duty cycle of Shoot-Through state. The output phase RMS

voltage of Impedance Source Inverter (Z Source) is

Where m Zsl is the modulation index of ZSI.

Note that do has a maximum limit of 1 to m zsr, because the null state duty
cycle depends on the modulation index. A third harmonic can be injected into
the modulation signals to achieve the maximum constant do and boost voltage
gain. In this case Q have an expression shown in equation 4.1 5.

Where m zsI has a variation range from 1 l f i to 2 l f i for the boost function.
There are typically two categories of Pulse Width Modulation strategies
for Impedance Source (Z - Source) Inverter according to the different ShootThrough state insertion methods. The principle of this method is that the ShootThrough states are inserted at every transition by overlapping the upper and
lower driver signals.

The upper and lower driver signals can be derived by properly level
shifting the modulation signals of Voltage Source Inverter (VSI)as shown in

Fig.4.4. The shifting values are set properly so as to ensure the occupied
duration of the two null states to be the same. The feature of this modulation
strategy is that the transition time in one switching cycle is the same with
Voltage Source Inverter (VSI), the Shoot-Through ST state is divided into six
parts and the equivalent switching frequency of impedance network is six times
of switching frequency. Therefore the volume of inductors could be reduced

Fig.4.4. P WM strategies of ZSI


Merits of Impedance Source Inverter (Z Source)

1. The Impedance Source (Z Source) Inverter concept can be applied

to all AC - AC, DC - DC, AC - DC, DC - AC power conversion.
2. The output voltage range is not limited.

3. The Impedance Source (Z - Source) Inverter is used as a buck boost

4. The Impedance Source (Z

- Source) Inverter does not affect the

Electromagnetic Interference noise.

5. The Impedance Source (Z Source) Inverter cost is low.

6. The Impedance Source (Z

Source) Inverter has low current

compared with the traditional source inverter.

7. The Impedance Source (Z

- Source) Inverter provides the buck -

boost function by two - stage conversion.


Comparison of CSI, VSI, ZSI

Table 4.1: Comparisons of CSI, VSI and Impedance Source Inverter
Current Source

Voltage Source

As inductor is used in the As capacitor is used

DC link, the source


As capacitor and

in the DC link, it acts inductor is used in

impedance is high. It acts as a low impedance

as a constant current

Source Inverter

voltage source.

the DC link, it acts

as a constant high
impedance voltage

A CSI can capable of

A VSI cannot accept

In ZSI mis firing

withstanding short circuit the mis firing of

of the switches

across any two of its

sometimes are also


output terminals. Hence


short circuit on load and

misfiring of switches are
CSI is used in only buck

VSJ is used in only a

ZSI is used in both

or boost operation of

buck or boost

buck And boost


operation of inverter.

operation of

The main circuit cannot

The main circuit

Here the main

be interchangeable.

cannot be

circuit can be

interchanged here




It is affected by the EM1

It is also affected by

It reduces the EM1


the EM1 noise


Simulation Results
Results of Fig.4.5. shows the Impedance Source Inverter (Z - Source)

fed Induction Motor Drive. The results of Impedance Source (Z

- Source)

Inverter fed Induction Motor Drive are shown in Fig. 4.6. The Fig. 4.6. (a).
shows the AC input voltage. Fig.4.6. (b) shows the rectified output voltage.

Fig. 4.6. (c) shows the Motor speed. Fig.4.6. (d) shows the FFT mttlysis. The

T.H.D value is 5.73%. Table.4.1,gives comparison of Z Source inverter with

conventional source inverters.

Fig. 4.6.(a): AC input voltage

t:ig. 3.6.(h): Ilrci!fierl output volluge

r i m e (Sec )

Fig.4.6.(c): Motor speed


fig 46. (d). F I T analysrs

Table 4.1 : Cornpartson of Z-source with conventional inverters








Rectified Output (Volts)




T.H.D. (%)




4.10. Experimental Verification

A 0.5 kW, 3 - 6, Induction Motor Drive is fabricated and tested in the

laboratory. The hardware consists of power circuit and control circuit. The

power circuit uses MOSFET'S (IRF 840) and Z - network.


The control cir~uituses 8

programmable VO lines, two 16

blt AtrneI yC 69C205I.This hw: 15

- bit timers, 6 unintermpt sourws & one

UART channel. This chip has built in analog comparator. It can work in lower

power ideal and power down modes. The pulses are generated by using the yC
8YCLU5 1 . I hey are ampl~fiedby uslng the dnver lClK 1110.

Fig.4.7: Ibp view @Hard ware

Time (Scc)

(a) l?rrrrngpulscs

(b) Line to Line Voltage

F1g.4.8(a). I>rivrngpubes (5): Lzne to Line Voltage

Top view of Hardware is shown in Fig 4.7. Driving pulses given to the

MOSFET are shown in Fig - 4.8. (a). The line to line voltage across motor is
shown in Fig - 4.8. (b). The notches in the wave form are due to E.M.F induced

in the winding.
4.11. Conclusions
Impedance Source (Z

- Source) inverter fed Induction Motor Drive is

designed, simulated in MATLAB Ga/SIMULINK and fabricated. The drive

fabrication is tested in Laboratory.
This chapter compares the simulation results with the experimental
results of Impedance

Source (Z

Source) Inverter system and also these

results are compared with their conventional inverters fed Induction Motor
Drive results. Finally the experimental results are presented and these are in
line with the simulation results.

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