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SEAO Plains Women

Forrest, Williams. Plainswoman. The Language of Literature. Ed. Applebee, Arthur, et al.
Evanston, Il.: McDougal Littell, 2002. 8-19. Print.
The title relates to the story because she is a woman who lives on the plains in the spiritual form
but in reality is she is a plain old woman and just like a lot of other woman.
Purpose: List the focus objectives for this selection: The purpose of the story is to feel safe.

Point of View (POV):

The story would be narrated in 3rd person limited because as the reader we are put in Nora's
perspective and only know what she sees and knows.
How reliable is the narrator (any reason to doubt honesty or knowledge of the narrator)? How do
you know?
The plains in the east of the U.S.
The tear of this story might take place
in 1866 which was the era of the open range and the
great cattle drives.
Duration: The flash-backs and part about cutting plentys finger off lasted for about 45 minutes
but the aftermath might of takes a few hours and days.
Characters: (do not restate elements of plot in this section)
Nora-Dynamic,Round. 1) Shes pregnant 2)Independent 3)Scared
Nature-Flat, static. 1)Winter is coming 2) Harsh,cold 3) Hard to live through.
Major characters: Plenty lives on the old ranch with Nora and has an infected finger. Rolf is
Noras husband and is a cowboy, he is the reason why Nora is on the plains.
Minor characters: Woman with gun,pregnant woman.
Conflict: (A v B: Protag vs Antag OR Protag vs inner struggle)
External: Nora vs plentys finger
Internal: The Internal conflict is Nora vs the plains
Main Conflict: The main conflict is Nora vs the baby and struggle of surviving
Plot: (events

of story in chronological order) Identify events for each of the following:

Exposition: Nora is wife to cowboy named rolf, they live on a ranch.
Rising action: While Nora is making breakfast plenty walks in and showe Nora his diseased
finger that needs to be cut off.
Climax: Nora goes to cut plentys finger off.
Dnouement: The baby inside Nora Comes to life

Theme: (point, moral, lesson learned from story which is universal and timeless)
What is the subject/topic of the story: To face your fears and forget about the past
What is the theme: You either kill or get killed in our world
How do you know: Nora is happy once she faces her fear of cutting of plentys finger
What symbols appear in the story? 1) Noras baby, represents new life. 2) The train represents
leaving home 3) Britan represents comfort and family. 4) the barren plains represent the
loneliness and isolation. 5)Plentys finger represents the fear

Title of Assignment
Complete your assignment (MLA format), self assess, and submit to Classroom. For feedback,
submit by feedback date OR add a comment/note requesting feedback.

Self assess. Fill out the chart prior to submitting your work for feedback:
Comments: Student

(Improve or



Comments: Teacher

(Evidence criteria/standards Remediate)

I had cited evidence from
the story but, I did not infer
a lot, I mostly wrote down
stuff about the story that I
had read. Example:Setting

CCSS standard &

Description of mastery


Read closely to determine
what the text says
explicitly and to make
logical inferences from it;
cite specific textual
evidence when writing or
speaking to support
conclusions drawn from
the text

I feel I stated most of the

main ideas of the central
ideas and supporting details
but I feel I did not
summarize some of the

Determine central ideas or
themes of a text and
analyze their development;
summarize the key
supporting details and ideas

I believe that I did not

quote a lot but, I did
analyze some of the

Analyze the structure of
texts, including how
specific sentences,
paragraphs, and larger
portions of the text (e.g., a
section, chapter, scene, or
stanza) relate to each
other and the whole

A student who earns a 4 goes beyond what was taught. A student who earns a 3 demonstrates a strong knowledge
of what is explicitly taught. A student who earns a 2 shows a grasp of the simpler concepts and may have errors or
omissions when it comes to the more complex concepts taught. A student who earns a 1 only demonstrates a partial
understanding of simpler concepts taught (Marzano 2006).

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