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10 20 30 40 48 58 68 78 88 98 108 118 Ty Rb et Josep Lluis Viviendas en Torell6 Housing Complex. Volker Housing Carl-Spitzweg-Gasse Stadtvilla Dr Braasch Dieter Marta Residential Building in Wien-Hernals Steven Housing Block Edwin Condominio Los delfines Architects Gable wall and Garden House: Shaped Building, Gateway Houses Kuhn Leimatt Apariment Building The Boog Commercial and Apartment Building on a Long, and Narrow Lot Five Apartment Tower Blocks 126 136 146 156 166 176 186 194 204 212 222 232 ce Fe Bo a: Al IF be! *N i Architectuur Apartment Complex “Prinsenhoek” Experimental House Carlos ‘Viviendas en la calle Foix Marc 20 Logements 72 Boulevard Barbs Meinrad Heinrich Kommunales Wohnhaus Mullheimerstrasse Gusta Country Houses Christian Matropolitan Arquitectos Pasije Santa Fe Exificio Torea Jean ‘Apartments in Tours Apartment House in the Haldenstrasse Philippe Postmen's Flats Universitatea Tehnica lagt BIBtIOTECA The design of housing blocks is without doubt one of the mos! interesting and ottractive subjects of contem- porary architecture. This is because in these projects the architects face some of the most serious conflicts generated by presentdoy sociely: the problem of high: density development in large cities, the shortage of development land and the degradation of quality of life due to factors such as acoustic and environmental pollu fon During the second half of the 20th century, the use of vertical constuction has proven to be the most logical ond effective solution. However, realestate speculation has led fo serious new problems such as the building of lorge ring roads surrounded by mediocre constuction, volumetric exaggeration and an impersonal life-style. In the face of his situation, some architects ore begin- ning to come out in favour of the recovery of quality cond dignity in presentdoy society. This is the altitude underlying the projects that form the present volume of Architectural Design, « practical guide in which the professional will find the most attractive and functional solutions that have been applied by some of the archi- lects who are mos! committed fo these current pro- blems The selection of works has not been made according to the prestige of the architects, but according to the quality of the projects. Therefore, in this volume some of the firmly established stars of contemporary archi- tecture (Gustav Peichl, Mortorell/Bohigas/Mackay, Jean Nouvel) share the limelight with some of those ‘who ore beginning fo make a name for themselves. The present volume also serves to offer @ wide range of the latest tendencies in both community housing and singlefamily unis, and to show the latest construction Techniques that are now being incorporated into this crea of architecture, Thus, this volume serves as a prac: fieal guide and a point of reference to the new chor: nels to be explored in the subject of housing blocks, since it includes the most brilliant and emblematic pro- Denito del panorama orquitectnice actu, una de los compos mds inoresantes y atiactvos 0s sin dude alguna el de los bloques de viviendas. Ello se debe a quo, en esios proyectos, los arquitectos se enfrentan « algunos de fos conflctos més acuciantes ganerades por la sociedad contemporinea: ef problema de la masiicacién en las grandes ciudades, Ja escosez de suelo edilicable y Ia deoradacién de la calidad de vide caudasa problemas como la contominacién acisics y medioambientol Curonto (a segundo mitad del siglo x, ol recurso @ fa constuccién vertical se ha sevelado como la solvcién més Logica y efeetiva. Sin embargo, fo especulacién inmabi faria ha provacado nuevos y graves conflcias, como al de la edificacién de grand: ddos por ka mediocridad constuctva, fa exogeracién volumétiicay la impersonalidad en el medo de vida, Arie esio siteaciin, se estén alzado voces criicas que abogan por Ia recuperacién de lo calidad y la dignidad deriva. del sistema de vida contomporéneo, Eta es fo cactiud que subyace en los proyectos que configuran | presante vokiman de Architeciura Design, una guia pecc- fica en lo.que el profesional enconttaré fos soluciones mds atractvas y furcionales, concebidas por algunos de fos autores més compiometides con ki probleméiica acta. la seleccién de obras no se ha realizado sélo en fur ién del prostigio de fos arquitectos, sino del nivel cual totiva de los proyectos. Por tanto, en este tomo compar Jen protagonismo algunos de los astios consagrados del panorama arquitecténico advo! (fadao Ando, Gustav Poichl, Martoell/Bohigas/Meackay, Joan Now...) con algunos de los nombres que empiézon o despuntor con fuerza en el compo de la arquitectya reciente EL presente volumen sive asimismo pora ofecer un camplio absanico de las étimas tendencias en materia de proyectos residenciales, santo de grupos comunitarios como de unidades familiares, ast como para mostar las novedades que, en materia consiuciva, se estén incor potando actualmente en este dmbito arquitecténico. Ast cinturones perféricas pres: jects of contemporary architecture in this old These are projects that are committed fo social reality cond the environment, This can be seen both in the layout of the residential units and in the way the buil dings relate to their context, not only in an immediate sense but alo on the larger scale ofthe city and in their relotionship with the climate. ‘One of the most important emerging tendencies of ecological architecture iso form of understanding cons- truction in close relation to nature - both interior and exterior - and the use of alternative energy sources. In this volume, the professional will find the latest ond most imaginative innovations in this area of the most recent architecture, and some of the projecis that ore becoming standards for «new way of conceiving lite in residential blocks, not in the habitual sense of high density development and mediocrity, but through a recovery of dignity and quality of life. pues, eile fomo sitve como guia préctica y punto de rele ‘encia de fos nuevas vies a exploraren el tema de fos blo ques de viviendas, yo que recopila los proyectos més bi Jlontes y emb en este campo. Se aio de disefos compsometides con la reatidad social y con ef entomo, algo que se gprecia tanto en fa composicién distibuiva de los unidodes residenciales matics de fa arquileca contemperinea como en ef vinculo que los ediicios establecen con su contexlo, no sélo en un sentido inmealaio sino también en la escala més amplia de fa ciudad de Ja relacién con la clmatologio. En este sentido desiaca com una de fas fendencias mas emergenies: lo de lo aiquitectwe ecolégica, una forma de entender ta constuccién estechamente relacio- nade con fa naturaleza, tanto inferior como exterior, ycon ef qprovechamiento de fas fuentes energéticas alert ‘as. En esto volumen, el profesional encontrard las ifimos y més imaginalivas innovaciones en este Grmbito de fa nibs. 16 nie orquitectura, ast como algunos de os pro yyactos que se eskin convitliendo en estondories de una nueva forma de coneebir lo vido en tos bloques resider- clales, no ya en af habitsa! sentido de masificacién y mediocridad, sina como recyperacién de la dignidod y calidad de veka Josep Lluis Viviendas en Torellé (Torellé, Spain) 1995 In the old part of village, the building develops an cctive and generous relationship with the narrew and undulating street on which it is located. The functional mixture [dwellings on the upper floors; public services 6on the ground floor] makes it necessary to juxtapose technologies: 10 use structures consisting of brick walls for the dwellings and structures consisting of concrete pillars on the ground Foor. Manipulating this fact, the solid upper part of the building seems to float over the street, where it extends the public space. The facade of the block displays all the contextualist stereotypes (long windows, balconies, etc.], trying to distort them without fully destroying the familiar images which make com- rmunicotion possible Particulorly surprising is the treatment of balconies cond windows. The windows emerge from the facade plane ond have « system of sliding panels on exposed rails. Indeed, the intervention of José Luis Mateo is an exploration of the traditional typological concepls and ‘of contextualism, with the addition of new elements that, without destroying the architectural essence of the surroundings, give the building clear and perfectly distinguishable identity. En el nicleo dniguo det pueblo de Torellé, ol proyectado por Josep tvs Moteo deserrolla una @ fa vee generosa telacién con la eskecha y andulanto colle en ka que se encuentia ubicodo. ta locolizacién del edificio ho abligado of amquileclo o adapiase a una esticia normativa de edifcacién en cuanto a ima permilida y composicn lo mezcla funcional (viviendas sivados en los pisos 8) hace necesaria la yuxdaposicién de tecnologias. Se ho witea superiores y servicios pablicas en los plantas baj do uner 1a consistente en mutos portanies de lod lo en los viviendos y esiuctura de pilres de hormigon ormado en la planta baja. Manipulando eite hecho, ka sélide parte superior del ediicio parece flotor por encima de la calle. (os lacafes de lo plonta baja retocackn y permiten que ef espacio piblico se ensonche. Como cansecuencia de fa esticta normative, fa fachada del bloque mantiene tades los este 105 contexiuatisias del néicleo onliguo de la localidod florgas ventanas, balcones, etc 9 intenta delermatos sia flegor desir oloimente las imagenes fomilores que evecan y que hacen pasible la comunicacién con los ed ficios que lo rodean, Datail of the flooring on the balcony gy On the facade of the building, the architect temps to modify the im sch familiar ele ments os balconies ond long windows, Structural plan of the floor framework 14 North-eost elevation / Alzado nordeste Typical floor plan / Plants tipo (On the lower level, which is intended for public Senvices, the building is perfectly adopted to the Wdinensions of the sireet. Different views of the Incin enirance ond emergency exit are shown on This double poge. el juego do textos y colores In the interior the interplay of textures and colours is evident Cross section / Seccicn transversal Sobriety of colour and texture is the dominant theme in the project. Views of the interior and stoirs Housing Complex (Voitsberg, Austria) 1993 The site lies at the bottom of a valley. The housing takes a linear form, with services running along o central spine beneath the groundloor bathro- ‘oms. Apart from the extreme end ones, which are cut to the angle of the site, oll dwellings are orthogonally planned, but divided into a series of blocks at changing ‘angles to follow the riverbank. The dwellings are flats that vary in size from one to three bedrooms, those en upper floors being reached by to kinds of external staircase, One lype is a slair sot in the gaps between the blocks where they change angle, therefore not only responding to the site but also taking odvantage of the suggested rotation. These stairs lead io entrances at both upper levels on the spine of the block. The other kind of stair occurs within the block, placed in @ narrow gap between two unis The placing of large flats on the two upper floors and small ones on the ground minimizes the number of stairs required, The complex and intriguing extemal profile develops from the access stairs and generous provision of bak conies, which ore both projected out The outer cladding is mainly render on load-bearing blocks, but corner kitchens on secondary frames are lad in sheet metal. An interesting innovation is the use of Profilit glass ponels for the living-rooms, translucent but not transparent. This provides plenty of daylight with the view resriced to the central opening doors, so the fenants are not excessively exposed on the public side. Al night the rooms, fit from within, urn into glo- wing towers. 20 la planta desconsa en la parte boja de un valle las viviendlas adoptan uno forma lineal, con servicios ue recorten @ todo lo largo la espina centol, debojo de los barlos de lo planta baja. Aparte de ls stuadas on los extremos, que se secortan en mismo Gngulo del empl zamiento, todas las viviendas han sido plareadas oto gonalmente, pero divididas en uno serie de bloques que cambian do éngulo para seguir el banco del ro. los apartamentos varian de tamaifo: de una a tes habi taciones por vivenda, Aquellas que se encuentran siva das en (a planta superior se aleanzon medkante dos tos de cajos de escoleras exlericres. Un tipo es una escalera encajada en of hueco sitvado entie les blaques en el lugar que coi Slo en funcién del lugar en el que se encuentran sino también for toja de Io rolaciin producida, Estas escoleras n de éngule, no ndo vere 2 las entradas o ombas plantas superiores on la espina del bloque. EI oto fipo de escaleras se desarallan en e! Interior del bi fe, y se encuenton sitiadas en un oscuro unidades. la colocacién de las vivien das mayores en las dos plantas sypeores, y las mencres en las plantas bojos, minimiza el nimero de excaleras hueco ente a requierido, El.aspecto exterior de las viviendos ho sido solucionado mayoritariomente en bloques de auleportantes, pero las cocinas situedas en fas esquinas y expaci han sido resuelas con laminas de meta innovacién ha. sido fa Profi as do 6 ronspes rente, Eslo pravee do sufciente luz del dia con fs vistas testingidas 0 los aberures practic fe cristal lizacién de paneles bles. forma que los residentes no quedon excesivamente ‘expuestos. De noche, Jas habitaciones, iluminadas desde depiro, se convierien en torres brilantes. The interplay of te inter sected by the oblique staircases, is fundamental to this project Site plan / Plano de emplazamiento nd floor plan / Plania bojo At night the rooms, illuminated from within, become shi: ning towers The translucent glass panel provide the inte: rior of the dwellings with sufficient daylight 28 Volker Housing Carl-Spitzweg-Gasse (Graz, Austria) 1993 A pair of housing blocks with 49 apartments on four storeys, so that a mechanical elevator would not need to be specified. The upper two storeys contain Meisoneltes, the apartments carrying up over both levels. This means that noone must ascend more than two storeys to reach their flat. The maisonettes have in addition roof terraces, which in urban creas must be used as “gifs” of open space The load bearing construction is of a simple concrete: slab type. The living areas lie alongside each other, 20 all spaces con extend through the complete depth of the building, giving natural light from the sky in two directions, and no room has to be artificially lt, The carefully designed service rooms, the bath and uiilty rooms, are arranged os a unit with the entrance: lobby tothe flot in the front of the main body ofthe buil- ding. The kitchen con be pleced in any position within the plan. The floor area ofthe fiat can be increased by eliminating the balconies on the south side, each with the dimensions of a terrace. The numerous access stairs of simple steo! construction that ore onchored to the building are intended to give the residents the Feeling of a personal access to their home and to retain a con nection to the ground plane. At most there are three flots on each staircase. Seen from the roof, each block has a defined sout- heen and northern facade, that have clear formal diffe- rences in treaiment and yet have a similar quality. In the projecting upper storeys of the south facade, the cladding is of white enamelled glass, while the north is given a skin of high-grade marine plywood. The resul- ting atmosphere is of cool molerial on the warm face, and to the cold side is applied a warm surface. The materials employed visibly demostrate the stylistic cr ditions of the building. 30 $e trots de dos bloques de viviendas con cuarenta y nueve opartamentos disiibuidos en cvoko plantas. tas des plantas superie dliplex. los pisos situados en la parle superior tienen cademds fenazas, fo que en zonas wbanas puede ser con siderade come un stegalor de espacias abies. a constuccién que soporio las cargas es una simple lose do hormigén. tas zonas de lo vvienda no esti cordenadas y, por lo tonto, des de cad una se ancuen tra ott, descansondo junto a la siguibnte, de manera que todos os expacios puedan extenderse 0 lo fargo del con junio del edifcio, permitionde que fo Ivz naiurol ents en dos ditecciones. las cuidadas habitaciones de servicio, ef baio y fas habitaciones de uso comin, estén dlspues {as como una sola unidod, con el vestibulo del apart mento enfiente del cuerpo principal del ediicio. El Grea ‘otal del apartame: balcores sobre el lado sur, coca uno de las dlmensi de lo tenaza. los numerosos excaleas de acceso de ‘cero ancladas en ef 2 contienen viviendas en forma de to pueds incrementarse elminando las es cio estén destinads a dar a kas ‘esidentes la sensacién de un acceso personal a sv vivien n de crear una conexién can ef plano de ts fra, Como méximo hay tres relanos por escalera do y tomb Visio desde la cubierta, cada bleque tiene uno fachar de atentada 0 sur y oa a norte, con cloras diferencias formales en su hratomiento pero con uno calidad similar En fa proyeccién de las viviendas de las plantas supeio fn la fachada arientada a sur def exiticio el cera: ‘miento es de vidkio esmaliads blanco mientias que en ef lado narie la piel del ediicio es de madera cone pode marina, (0 atmos muy fio en fa fochada calla, mion honie es de un mate re as en él lado fifo se fa aplicado ure supericie de materiales cides. los materiales empleodas muestan claromente las bases extiisicos del edfico. The units are placed one behind the other so that natural light enters from two different directions. The model shows the opariment block dis- tributed olong four levels with terraces on the roof Axonomettic projection / eho 35 The access to each of the dwellings is by the stairs situated on the outside of the building, Ground floor plan / Plonia boja Gross section / Soccion transversal Numerous steel staircases insure that each resident has a private entrance. The cold material of the south-facing facade con. trasts with the warmth of the north facade. Stadtvilla Dr. Braasch (Elberswalde, Germany) 1995 The design is based typologically on the existing villos in the neighbourhood, transformed into ancther design language. Using the steeply sloping site, the house has three levels on the garden side ond four on the street side. The owners’ apartment is situated on the wo upper floors, whilst three secondary apartments are on the lower floors, all directly accessible by sepo- rate external staircases. A barrel roof covers the full length living room on the top floor. As for the composition of the facades, the two main frontages, overlooking the sheet and the garden, have «2 more open, diophanous configuration than those on the sides. These more opaque facades loke advantage ofthe slope of the land to locate some of the fights of steps that provide access to the various rented apart ments. The facade which looks out over the garden has four lovels, and on it the main staircase and somo of the baleonies in the aporiments are left exposed. The latter ‘are strategically positioned thanks to the volumetric ‘arrangement of the building. The main focus of atten- tion, however, isthe glass structure, located on the sma- ler sides, that makes up the top level. Not only does it grant the building individuality in the face of is psy- chological environment but it gives greater height and natural luminosity to the top level, which thus becomes the most oppecling space in the whole architectural composition 40 El disefo de esta vivienda esté basado tipolégicamen- teen las preexistentes vilas del vecindorio, pero 0 pati de un nuevo lenguaje estiisico. Aprovechando la esce: fonacla pendionte del solar, el complejo residencial pre senlo ites niveles hacia la vertiente del jardin y cuatto hacia el lado de la calle. los propietatios del edficio habitan los dos niveles superiares, mientras que en las plarias mds akas se ubican tres apartamentos secundo: fies, fodos accesibles diisciomente mediante escaleras exteriores independientes. Desde una perspectva exte ‘fox, destaca la gron cubierta abovedada que cubre la sala de esiar del piso superior on su totalidad. Po lo que respocta 0 la composicién de fachados, los dos fentes principales (calle y jardin) presentan una con figuracién més abieria_y dlélona en comparacién « los calzads laierales, més opacos, y en las que se oprove cha el desnivel del tereno paro ubicar algunas de las escaloras que dan acceso a kes ditintos aparlamenios de alquiler la fochada que de hacia al jardin, de cuako riveles, deja a la vista el ndcleo principal de escoleras y algunas do las terrazos de los aporiamentos, esnarégica mente ubicadas gracias a lo configuracién voluméiica del edificio. Sin embargo, la méxima atencién recae en el cuerpo acrstalado, sivado en sus lados menores, que conforma af nivel syperion Con ello se consigue no sélo individvalizar el edificio frente a su entorno psicolégico, sino conseguir mayor ollvra y luminosidad natural en el rivel superior, que se convierte en el espacio més alract: vo del conjunto arquilecténico. eS eee eT | Ee aa | LI -H ee AT ay eal a evi | Et | Pr CL |e 7 f eee = North elevation: 4:200 “ , me 8] 1:200 14 . elevation. a ; 1:200 West elevation, 1:200 Dieter Marta Residential Building in Wien-Hernals (Wien, Austria) 1994 In the maisonete complex by Henke/Schreieck in Herals, the architects compensate for the narrowness: imposed by standordized floor plan sizes by mcking al space limitations as open ond flexible os possible through the reduction of ell thresholds and static fixa- tion, There are room-high doors, roombigh sliding par- titions, roomhigh glass walls inside ond outside; there ‘are no lintels, no porapets, no thresholds. This open: ness of structure offers possibilities that the tenants con, ‘of course, finetune to their own, highly individual needs. Sliding shutters, blinds ond loggias provide several fitering layers between public space and pris vacy. The housing complex consis of two wings that meet at a corner: a southern wing (with o front garden), Whose maisonette dwellings echo the rhythm set by the facades of the neighboring older buildings; and a wes: tern wing with flats and shops facing the street, The corner area in between - always difficult to hand- le in terms of a floor plan - is taken up by an open entrance holl ond stairwell that serve as the gate and pivot of the access system. The courtyard facade of the maisonettes features access galleries with gloss roofs that recede on the higher floors to admit more light and air to the courtyard. The supporting structure consists of concrete. Despite the demonds made on insulation today, cross-walls, supports and floors have been designed in such @ way that the sharp appearance of the carcass has been pre- served. Continuous beechwood floors, frosted glass doors ond filed furniture doubling as room dividers continue the theme of openness ond spaciousness even in the quality of the details. 48 En el conjunto residencial consinido por Henke y Schreleck en Hema, les arquitectos componsan la oscu ridod impuesia por los medidas estindar de los plantas tipo, conviriendo las limitaciones espaciales en lo més abierios y flexibles posibles y reduciondo todos fos umbrar les y fiaciones estaticos. los puertas son elementos seporadores deslizanies y paredes de cristal, tanto dentro como fuera, que ocupan (oda fe altura de la habitacién. No hay dintoles, antepe- chos ni umbrales. Esto aberiua de la eshuclura es un potencial que les inquilmes pueden, por sypvesto, adap: Jaro sus necesidades individuoles. Persianas conederos, momporas y galerias abierias action como esialos sepa ‘adores enlve el espacio pablico y el privado, El complejo eciicatovio consiste en des alos que se fencuentran en una esquina: une sitvada en ef lado sur con un jardin delanie, cuyo imagen continia el ritmo Jmpuesto por las fachados de los edfcios vecinos ya oxts fentes, y a otra sitzade en ol fado ese con apartamentos y comercios que mitan direciomente a la calle. la zona de encueniro de las dos olas -unién siempre dif en téminos de planto- ho sido ocypada por on vesiibulo abierio y un nicleo de escaleras que sirve de puerta de entrada y eje principal del sistema de acceso. En la fachada que do al patio se sitian las golerios de ccogida cubierias con ciisial y que retioceden en los pisos mas alos para que al patio leque més luz y alte. a estructura pontante es de hormigén. A pesar de los ‘equistos de iluminacién, fos testeos, soportes y forjados han sido disefiados de tal manera que la cpariencia ‘angulosa de la envolvente quede preservada. Suelos con tinucs de parquet, puerias de vidio taskicido y muables hhechos 0 medida actuando como separadores de espcr ios, contindan con ef ema de la apertura y espactosidad en cuanto a fa colidad! de los dotalles —— 7 ot — | | Ir Sy iis [ AN Facade of the east block and detail of one of the internal corridors, Each resident has @ personal entrance which is accessed from the general sta. case The composition of exteriors favours the spatial quality onipasesée nd the lighting ofthe interiors. aby k i Site plan / Plano P| Second floor plan / Segond planta Se Longitudinal section Seccién transversal Longitudinal section Secciéin longitudinal Transversal section Seecién longitudinal Steven Housing Block (Makuhari, Japan) 1996 This project proposes the relation between two diffe rent ypes: silent, heavy buildings and light, active stuc- tures. The general concept of a silent building with acti- ve structures is « different way of obtaining the variety +required by the planning regulations of the city Silent buildings give shape to tho urban space and permit access to the opartments through the interior green zone. The load-bearing concrete structure has thick facades in which the openings are repeated rhyth- mically {with variations in the windows end on the roof). The siruciural system and the openings give a uni- que sensation that can only be created on the scale of the city, With the economy of a large residential buil- ding it has been possible to obtain individuality. It is important to point ou that in the complex with 190 resi- dential units there are 93 different building types. In this project special importance has been given to communal space, which is normally reduced to a mini- mum in residential projects by developers because it has little commercial value. However, in this case the public space is conceived as being integrated in the complexity of the place and of crucial importance for the residents of the new city. The two public gardens ‘re open to cil the members of the residential commu rity. The space has been arranged on two different levels above the car park. The active rooms dialogue with the public space. Environments with functional pur- poses have been included, such as meeting rooms, which when located in the public garden take on ¢ par- ticular character. The public belvedera, situated at the top of the building, opens the space onto the panora- ma of Tokyo bay and Mount Fuji, which is visible on clear days. The result is the creation of o public space in @ private project of residential and commercial use 58 Et concepto general de edifcio silencioso con eshucty (05 activa 65 una forma diferente de obtener la variedod requerida por el plano regulador de la ciudad los edificios silenciosas dan forma al espacio urbono y permiten ef acceso @ os apartamentos a través de fa zona verde intetion laesinictura portante de hormigén tiene fachadas mac as én las que las aberturas se repiten ritmicomente feon \ariociones en veotanas y cobiera). El sisiema estuctural y las aberturas propercienan una sensacién vnico que puede reclizaise solamente a la escola de la ciudad. A con fa economia de un gran edificio esidencial ha sido posible cbiener uno gran individvalidad. £ importante destacar que en el complejo con 190 unidades sesiclrr Ciales oparecen 93 tipologias e: En este pr «al espacio piblice. Nermalmente en los proyectos ves denciales promevicos por emcresas innobilarics, espacio comin mo, porque liene poco valor comercial. En combi, en esle caso, ef espacio abierto $2 concibe como Inlegrador en lo complejdad lugar y de crucial imporioncia para fos residentes de idod. {es dos jardines piblicos estén abiertas 2 tedos los miembros de la comunidad resident. El espa Gio se ha colecado en chs niveles diferentes por encima de la zona destnada a aparcomiento, las hobitaciones sas dfalagan con el espacio comunitario, Se han incluido ambientes con desiinos funcionoles tales como ficatoras distntas. feclo se ha attibuidlo especial Importoncia reduce of sakes de reuniones, las cuales, colacadas en el jaidin Uiblico, adqvioren un cordcter muy especial El mirades jo en la pare ala del edifcio, atye el spac’ panerama de fo bahia ce Tokio y el monte Fuji, visible en dios claros. El resultado es fa reailzacién de un espacio comunitario en un proyecto particular de construc dencial y comercial ‘Open space has been conceived {as an integrative element in the complexity of the site ond as o point of crucial importance for the residents of the new city abierto se ha concebidk loo) Oy ee South elevation Eas! elevation The areos set aside for communal ke up 6 dialogue with the publ Edwin Condominio Los Delfines (Panama, Repiblica de Panama) 1996 los Delfines is @ building located in the Avenida Balboa on the coast of Panama City. The brief required the creation of 102 dwellings, parking for 325 vehi- cles, 1,500 square metres of office space and large community areas. The greatest difficulty in the design of the building was dealing with the volumetry of such a diversity of requirements and the attention given to moking all the apartment units foce the ocean. These: parameters are reflected in the slight torsion of the towers in order to permit all the apartments to face the desired views and to prevent the front tower from bloc king the view of the one that is located in the innermost position of the site The structure of the 36slorey towers is of concrete and the floor slabs are poststressed, It was decided to give the structure anliseismic rigidity by locating a structural core that absorbs all he forces of the project This structural solution provides a free floor space with 4 single set of columns at the perimeter and non-sttuc tural partition walls ond facades. The community cree, which has all kinds of facilities, and installations, is locoted on the fifh and sixth floors, giving views of the bay and the city. The ground floors were designed in order to open cnnio the street corner with its galleries and covered porch protected by a facade plane that defines the cclignment of the longest street. In fact, with its fountains ‘and pavements it defines the entrance to the neigh: outhood that goes from the Avenida Bolbos towards the urbon fabric. 68 les Delfines es un edifcio ubicacl en lo Avenido Bolboa que es castonera dla ciudad de Panams. El pro _grama 6xigié lo creacién de 102 viviendas, 325 plazas de estacionamiento, 1.500 mettos cuadkades de locales destinades a oficinas y amplias areas sociales, la dieu tad mayor del diseno del edificio ha sido el monejo woluético de tal diversidad de requisios y (a anc brincade © lograr que ‘odas fos unidades departamento les se onentaran hacia el ccéano. Estos parématias que ddan, por la tanto, relejades en la ligera torsin de los volimenes que las fortes asumen para permir a todos los ‘aportamenios oriantarse hacia los vistas deseadas y evr tar que Je torre delantera impicka lo vsién al colocerla en fa posicién més tntricr del la estructura de os tones de 36 plantas es de hormigén ¥ los losas san pasiensadas, escogiéndose lo solucién de dotar la estructura de la rigidez ontsismica con la ubt cacién de un alma esructirel que absorbe la totalidaa de les estuerzos de disefo. La sohicién quel pevimeales y tobiqu tural permi fa qued libre, con un solo juego de columras via y fachades no esiuciales. somunitoria, dotade con tedo tipo de equipamiantos instalaciones, <¢ ubico en los niveles Quinto y sexto sobre fa avenida y permite el disate de fa ahio, fo ciudad y ol bonigno climo. las planias bojas se diseforon para abvise o Ia esqut na urbana con sus galerias y portal cubierto protegido por un plano de fachade que define la alineacién de la colle més larga y, de hecho, constitiye con sus fuentes y cecer0s la puetia de entrada ol barrio que se extiende desde la Avenido Balboa hacia el teido urbane. 70 The building is provided with dwellings, parking spaces, offices and ample recreation areas. ‘One of the priorities of the project was that all the parts should face the ocean, 72 walls ond facades. The {ully equipped community recreation ‘area is located on the fifth and sixth floors, above the street, providing views of the bay. 75 Ly { Type pon of the apartments / Pion tipo o Li he Sa a BEEELE MOE eee | ee eee een real Arquitectes Gable Wall & Gateway Houses, (Berlin, Germany) 1995 The proposed urban form consists of closing off the fire wall of the building on the comer of Friedrichsttasse and Kochstrasse with a brick gable wall, whose auionomous form is repeated parallel to Kochstrasse to form the gable wall of the garden hou- ses, establishing a visual relation between the new and the od. This wall is sot back from the street to line up with the main body of the Ideal Insurance building and connected io it with « twostorey glazed commercial or institutional and entrance gates io the semi- public urban square and gardens of the interior. ‘The garden houses stretch in a caw from Kochstrasse 40 Zimmersirasse forming an L-shaped building with pr: vate gardens to the west and south. The urban form isell is manipulated to avoid the isolation of living next to the former "wall" A small buffer was established bedveen the former "wall" and the garden houses to cushion the negative ‘effect of the wall. This is screened with an open pergo- la ond tress reserving a norrow stip of land which will be filled in with shops when a new plan for the Zimmerstrasse is decided upon, Each of hese gateway houses is deeper than the buik dings on either side in order to accommodate « higher density of dwellings facing east and west away from the noise of the Kochstrasse to the south. The Kochstrasse facade is in fact the gable end of the buil ding. The three buildings thus have o traditional entran ce which acts as a measured break along the north facade of the Kochstrasse. 78 {a forma urbana propuesta consisle en un muro aut rome de ladiilo que ciera el edificio sitwado en fo esqui de las calles Fiieclichstasse y Kochshosse, y cwya forma auiénoma se repile paralelamente o esto titima pora confomar fa enirads de fas casasjardin, estable cienco una relacién visual ent lo nuevo y lo antiguo. El ‘muro ciego se encuentra algo rettanqueado respecta a la calle para oinearse con el cuerpo principal del editicio de la aseguradora fdeal y queda coneciado a ése mediante edficios comerciales 0 instiucionales acristala- dados de dos plantas, conformande fo entrada o la plaza urbana semipibiica y fos jardines intoroies, las casasjaidin se exionden en fila desce Kochshasse © Zimmerstasse formando un edificio en forma de I con fardines privados orientados a este y. sur la forma uiba na en si misma ha sido monipulada para evitar el aisle miento producid al vivic junto una pored formal Un pequetio amortiguador se ha establecido enhe la pared formal y las casosjordin para ctenvar al efecto negative del muro, Esto se ha oculiado con une pérgolo cablerka y arboles, reservando un fagmenio sombrio de tera que serd ecypado con comercios evanda el meva plan para la Zimmersrasse se leve 0 cobo. Coda una de asios entia da que el edificio uno més alta densidod de vi arfentacién este y ces, alejénedose as! del uid produ al edificio es mas profun: cada lado can el fin de acomadar endlas dando fa cara 0 fa cido en lo Kochstasse sitvada al sur fa fachada gue da al final del edifcio. Asi ios tVenen una enirade nadicional que cla colle Koctsrasse es de ha pues, los tes edi uradla division a lo largo de lo fachada norte do la Koch The goble is articulated with the addition of a glass brick tower containing the staircase and lift between the two brick gable walls to visually enrich the connec: tion between the new and the old. It also serves to mark the entrance, 80 t f \ il fo ru i fl i The eutonomous brick gable wall set back from the main facade, the glassbrick tower, the excavated volu ime of the porch which visually connects the street with the interior urban space, and the Conskructionalist sty: ling of the upper street gallery bridge are taken from the earlier design of the Gable Wall Houses. Ground floor plan, first floor plan and second floor plan Kuhn Leimatt (Oberwil-Zug, Switzerland) 1994 Due to the new economic circumstances there is once ‘more a market for economy housing, This project forms part of a group of seven in which Kuhn Fischer & Pariner have created economical accommodation through the skilful use of zoning end construction. Swiss pragmatism is the keynote. Conventional local building techniques are used, ond small defects ore allowed. Cheaper materials and few elements are used in response to the question: what is really needed? But economy also leads to an astonishing flexibility of design and use. All the walls are straight and rise ver tically through all Roors, Each room has the some width, so when halved, special entrances, bathrooms cond internal halls can be created. Two room widths provide a range of possibilities. itis possible to change the arrangement of the indivi- dual apariment sizes during the design and building stage, and to adapt the space of each apartment during use. Both types of flexibilly ore reached by the same means: ysing "switchrooms", "separation rooms” ‘and the corridor zones os free intermediate axes. Switch rooms can be added to the left or right apart tment through the modification of the layout of the doors ‘ond corridor ends. Seperation rooms are olways necr to the second bathroom of o large apartment. Thus, through the incorporation of a small kitchen a small flat can be separated from the main one. Each opartment has @ front and a back. The front is the entrance and the rear the garden facade. At the front is. semi-private entrance walkway ond at the bock « private balcony. Kuhn Fischer & Partner use accumulation os a sole tion to the building of apartments. They show that much can be learnt from the past at « time when litle new remains to be discovered 88 Debido a los nuevas circunstancias econdmicas hoy, Una vez més, un mercado para fa vivienda sconémica, Este proyecto forma parle de un grupo de siete en fos que Kilin Fischer & Poriner han creado una econémica aco modacién a través del uso de la zonificocién. El pragmatismo suizo es lo base principal. Se han ut zado iécnicas de consiuccién local convencionales y jpequefios defectos han sido permis. Materiales eco ‘némicos y pocos elemenlos en respuesia a esta cvesién qué es lo que realmente necesitomas? Pero la economia también conduce hacia una fexibil- dad del disefio y el uso. Es posible cambiar las medidas de los espacias de los apariamentos individuales durante al disefio y consttuccién del edificio, y adaptar el espa cio de cade apartamenio durante su vilizacién, Ambos tip0s de flexibiicled son olcanzads de ta misma forma: (a uilizocién flexible de las habitaciones, separociones entre hobitaciones y las zonas de cireulacién como ejes intermedios libres. las habilaciones flxbles pueden atic. dise a los apartamentos siuados a derecho 00 izquier co a través do lo modificacién de la dispasicién de las puerlas y el final de los covredores. las habitaciones de separocién se encueniran siempre cerca del segundo bait de los apartamentas grandes. Asi pues, a través de (a incorporacién de una pequefia cocina, puede oble ‘netse un pequefio opariamenio mediante de la separa cidn del mayor. Cada apartamento tiene uno parte dela fera y otra tasera, la primero correspond a lo entrada y lo trasera a la fachada que da ol jardin. En fa parte delaniora se encuentia una enrada sem-privada y en ka ttaser0 un baleén, Kuhn fischer & Partner uttlzan la acumulacién como solucién del edificio de apartamentas, Nos enserian asi que ain podemes aprender mucho del pasado en un tiempo en el que pocas casas nos quedan por descubsir Section SS’ / Si nN | [ ni) EEE! fee Pe Dae = Be: aaa Ei ac) EEE) Ee sn) en nue ; Ground floor plan / Planto bajo a Bee le SR lal if : ial oi a seus | Ee oe re ae First floor plan / Primera planta aS ieee 94 Upper level floor plan / Plans nivel superior Cross section / Seccién longitudi The building is characterized by the use of few architectural elements, cheap materials ond local building techniques. El edificio -a por el uso de elementos es y wen cr procedenies Next page. View of the private balcony ot the facade overlooking the gorden Pgina siguiente, Vista desde of boleén privade Conical perspective Perspective Apartment Building The Boog (Rotterdam, Holland) 1995 Together with the Entrepot and the Stsliesblock buil dings (all designed by Cepezed B.V), The Boog apart ‘ment building forms an imporlant pat of the presligious Kop van Zuid project in the old port of Rotterdam. The Boog was developed outside the limitations of the urban environment. The height of the complex is an optimum choice in order to take full edvantage of the sunlight in the new gpariments and in the existing ones in Stoljessireet, and to consiruet the maximum number of apartments. Other limiting factors were the views of the port and the distance between the existing church on the site and the old warehouse building. ‘A double segment of a circle was chosen to solve these problems. The segments are connected by means of a nucleus of totally glazed staircases, a lift and a glazed lift well. This staircase is situated in the precise location in which the warehouse building is closest to The Boog. Al the cparimensthorefore have good Because this form was chosen for the segments, most of the apartments have a good view of the river and a wide facade wall, and the site hos more space. The gallery is on the side of the site opposite the Stieljesblock. Its layout is stepped, thus increasing the area of the entrances to the apartments, which may be given @ semiprivate use. The facade is covered with western red cedar, os reference to the wooden beams of the old warehouse building and due tothe low weight ofthis material. The glazed openings are specially polished and have no framework in order to emphasize the beauty of the wood. The transparent entrance and the balconies of the facade were made of arancita aluminium and con- rect the wooden facades. 98 El edificio de opartamentos The Boog, juntamente con el edifcio Entrepot y el Stejesblock todos ellos dis dos por Cepezed B. V1, forman parte integrante del pres tigioso proyecto Kop von Zuid, en el antiquo puerio de Rotterdom. The Boog bo sido desorvllado fuera de las lmitaciones del eniomo urbaro, a altura del complejo surge como 6plima eleccién para aprovechar la méxima coptacién solar en las nuevas viviendas y los ya oxistentes de ka Sieljessiteet, y pore consinvir fa méxima caniided de ‘apartamentos posible. Otros factores de lmitacién fueron los visas del puerto y la distancia ento la iglesia existe Je en el solar y el onliguo edhiicio de almacenes Un doble segmenio en circulo ha sido escogide pora resolver estos problemas. Esias segmenias estén conecko dos medianie un nicleo de escaleras io%almente ocrist lado, un ascensor y un hueco de ascensor de exist, Esta caja de escoleras esis sitrado en el preciso lugar en que eledticio de almacenes se encuentra més cercano o The Boog, De esta manera todos los apartamentos gozan de buenas vistas fos segmentos, la mayoria de bos apartamentos tienen una buena vista del io y un cancho frente de fachada, y el solar disuto de més soc «io, {a galeria queda en el lado del solar opuesto a la Sil denial, como relerencia a los vigas de medora del anit guo edificio de almacenes y dabido ol Al escoger esto forma por lock. La fachada est cubjerta de edo rojo occ material. las aberiwos deristoladas estén especiolmente pulidas y no tienen exmazén para enfaiizar la bellezo de (a madera. El programa de los apartamentos consta de tuna zona con los dormitorios, Jos bofios y las babitacio nes polvalontes, Las restantes habitaciones, la cocina y la sola de estar esién siiiadas en una zona peralela, Todos fos apartamentos disponen de un baloén con vislas Ground floor plan / Ponta baja —— : Standard distribution of each apartment cin tipo de cada apartamento bree Cross section / Seccién transversal photograph on the previous page shows the sira- chosen by Cepezed B.V. to salve the basic spatial lems: a double segment that is successively step to house the diferent apartments bb foogrotia de fa pagina anterior xe aprecia lo ester ia elegida por Cepezed BY. para solventar los prc 1a8 espaciales bésicos: un doble segmento que se va onondo sucesivamenle pra acoger les. distntos tomentos 107 The design of he facades is characterized by the unifying use of red cedar, subtly punctuated by the crancita cluminium with which the baleonies tnd stairs have been built. Apartments on a Long and Narrow Lot (Basel,Switzerland)1993 This commercial and apartment building was built on. parcel located within the city's medieval perimeters. Thus the long narrow measurements (23 by 6.3 meters) typical of medieval parceling hod to be accommoda: ted. The architecture was strongly influenced by this parcel form which was utilized right to the back of the lot and exhibits a highly specific floor plan and section for fe in 0 densely-built city. The apartments are each grouped around a central courtyard aperture that ‘opens on one side to the neighboring parcel to the south, This side opening was not only intended fo let light and sun reach the apartments but also to cllow for the enjoyment of the branches of a large tree in the neighbor's yard. like a periscope, the courtyard is recessed floorbyfloor to clearly separate the individual apartments The stairway has been separated from the elevator shofi to gain area for the central living space. The apartments are entered direcly from the elevator. The stairs at the end of the parcel are an open construction, thus fulfilling the additional function of a small logic. On the ground floor, a two-story hallway leads from the street along the old parcel wall and allows access to the Swiss Fire Fighing Museum located in the back courtyard. The street facade is made completely of gloss and is protected by a castiron curtain construc- fion that can be folded back piecebypiece ot will ‘Wevy light slits lend the curtain construction a flowing texfilelike feeling. While the construction hides the living space behind i, its heavy castiron material ser- ves a5 a counterweight protecting agains! the noisy sre- et side. In form ond material, focade components are related to sewer grates and to the protective grills ploced around trees. 108 Este edificio de opavtamentos y locales comerciales fue constvido en una parcels situoda en el inferior del ppetimero medieval de fa ciudad. Estos medidas large dos y estechas [23 x 6,30 m| ficas de ta parcelacién medieval twvieron que ser respelacas. la axquilecko ests fuertemente inllenciada por esta forma de parcelacién que fue uiizada correctamento en el fondo del solar y cexhibe una especifica planta y seccién para la vide én onside. Los epadiamentos se cagrspan alrededor de un patio central que se abre por un Jado.a la parcela vecina situada of sur Esta ober late ‘al no pretende dnicamente dejar eniar luz y sol en los ‘apariamenics, sino fambién disfrutar det vetdor de un una ciudad atomente .g1an dibol situado en coplo, el patio central retrocede en cada una de las plo tas para indlvidualizar cada, las escalera se ha separado del no en el espacio principal de la viviendo. A los apar tamentos se accede directamente desde e! ascensor, Los escoleras, sitvads al final de la parcela, son una cons nn obierts que reoliza la fincién adicional de pequefa galeria bier. En la planta bajo, un coedor de dos plontas de alta recorre desde fa calle el muro de la antique parcela y permite acceder of Swiss Fre Fighiing Museum, sitvade €n el patio trasero. la fachada de fa calle es totalmente octstolada y esti protegide por una cong de hier colado que puede plegarse pieza por pieza. las ond fadas abertuias dan a ka cota una sensacién flaca fexil. Mientras que lo constuccién de la fachada dejo el espacio cential de Ia vivienda atrés, su pesado material color continuo. Coma un peri 10 de los apartamentos nsoF para gona! tone sivve de proteccién conta el molesto ruido de este lado de la colle. Por su forma y materiales, los camponenies de la fachada ‘se relacionon entre si para coser el ene jade y fos parnilos protectoras situadas aliededor de fos érboles f the main facade, charac cast iron curtain, which the whole scene with fd he detail below shows how the Vidual links of the curtain are joined fogeh sways endo) dynamism Saas eee or | pee Top: two elevations of the main facade, the fist with the curtain totally shut ond the second with it open, The photograph shows the fotal independence of the structure, as a result of which the residents can edapt it to their specific needs The apartments are grouped around @ central courtyard, which is open to the south to take full advantage of natural light and the existence of a large tree stan- ding nearby. The aporlmenls seen from the central courtyard, The outside walls ore clmost folally glazed, although here they ore shown protected by wooden blinds {os apartamentos mivan todos hacia ef patio cenial, los musos exteriores estin Jotalmen te acrslalados y prolegidas con sistemas ce ceramiento de madera 113, Ti TTT oT AT TT TTT NNN oN on ANT Ground floor plan / Plants bojo MM : ETAT ag iii Site plan / Plano de emplozamiento Cross section / Soecisn transver sal us PTT EDD TT TAT TT TT TTT TTT TTT ANT Mt ‘i | HL AANA se ii i | ee UN | Hi AH] in Mi Wi, |e ee HE iy il i i ! En | 4 tui lt eG LA Four floor plan / Cuaita planta Five Apartment Tower Blocks (Halle-Neustadt, Germany)1995 This group of tower blocks in the disorderly precast concrete urban desert of HalleNeustadt is on the same street (Am Bruchsee) as a hotel and service ensemble designed by the some architects. Similarly, they bring @ welcome new idiom into the area. They differ from the neighboring rows of buildings and pointolock hov- ses by having considerably fewer stories and more substantial proportions, giving them the character of squat towers In terms of urban planning the five apartment houses have the role of closing ofthe city center. The volumes ‘and elevations facing the street are uniform in shape: ‘ond color, complementing the helerogeneily of the surroundings and aiding the orientation of the residents cond passersby. In contrast, he rearward structural ele- ments containing the living oreas vary in their figura- tion, because the floor levels fellow the curve ofthe stro et and are disposed so their openings receive sunlight. Every apariment has belconies and loggias with generous windows. Daylight can reach far inside via ihese intermediary areos. In summary, this residential project achieves great ‘architectural vigour through the following factors: the group of towers redefines the environment within the urben scale; ct a more immediate scale, they provide a suitable response to the contextual needs of the zone by means of a skilful use of volume ond colour; and from the point of view of the domestic programme, they use light and layout as their main values. 18 fenado desierto urbane lbNeustadh se encuenta en Este grypo de toves en el de cde hormigén precolado de Hol la calle Am Bruchsee, al igual que un holel y un conjunta de servicios diseftados por los mismas aut De modo similo, e310 eveva intervencién inoduce en el context un nuevo lenguaje. Establece una diferencia respecto a fos cicundontes hileras de edficies y tomes puntuales 0 partir de dos facores: presenta un nimero mucho menor de pisos y una mayor homegensidad en Jas proporcie nes, lo que les Por lo que resp bloques de apartamentos desemperian ol papel de del mitor al eeniko de lo cluded. los volimenes y les alzados nfiere un caricter de torres comunitaras. 10.0 la planificacién urbane, los que se abocan 0 lo color, complemeniond 'a helerogeneidad de jos olrede dor vranse Jo parte posterior, en la que se vbican fas zonas domés ticas de mayor privacidad, v ue las plantas de los bk Ja calle y se dlsponen absriéndose para recibir la luz sola. Cade apariomanio dispone de terazas y logias, cor plementadas con gran cantidad de ventanas. Gracias 0 estos dreos iniermedias, la luz puede pene'vor suliciente mente en el ioterior de los apartamentos. fen estructur contibuyendlo a fo orfentacién de residentes y 8, Por el contiarto, os elementos yates de jan en sv figuracién, yo loques prosiguen lo curvonra de En resuman, esie proyecto residencial aleanza un gran ‘igor arquilecténico 0 partic de los siguientes factres: el ‘grupo de tones redefine el entomo denko de la escala bana; a escola més inmediata, dan convenients res puesia o las necesidades conlextuales de la zona tedionie un licide empleo del volsmen y al color y, desde el punto de vislo del programe domésico, hacen de la luz y fa dismbucién sus prineipales valores ba) Pk aon : e® €¢ & & e @€ ¢ @ @ The models show the differentiated ireaiment of the ele- los moquetas muestan e! otamien ments between the rear (top), which has @ greater need zieipos. ena ka parlspcaton for privacy, and the front (bottom), which is intended to de privacidad, y la frontal fabojo), que prelende alcanzar display a greoter degree of urban representativeness. un alto grade de representatvidad urbane, Roy ta The top photographs show the discreet and pri- Yate nature of the rear of the blocks. Botlom, general model from onother perspective. Cross section / Seccién transversal One of the initiol sketches of the project (top) cand a detail of the chromatic encounter of the private part and the representative part of one of the blocks. Uno de Jos bocetos inicales del proyecto farriba) y dototle del encuentro cromético en la porte pri vada y la represeniotiva de uno de los bloques. 125 Architectuur Apartment Complex “Prinsenhoek” (Sittard, Netherlands) 1995 ‘The “Prinsenhoek” project, situated on one of the most important crossroads of the Sittard city-centre, consists of three elements grouped around an inner gar- den: @ 19th ceniury villa, on apariment block and a carpark The old villa, which would have been destroyed, under the old city ordinance, has been kept as an aractive historical element in the complex, and has been restored as offices. The gordens of the villa are used as a binding element in the whole plan, a quiet Coss in the city ‘The entrances, bay windows, gates and underpasses are finished in robust Ardennes flagstones, forming a plinth of urban fabric, The three middle floors consist of { strong rectangular volume. This volume has a rhythm. of deeply set windows cut out from its anthracite grey concrete facade. The roofline is described by a sculp- tural play of cedar cled volumes, whose cantilevers ‘and setbacks form deluxe terraces from which the occu- piers can observe the panoramic view of the Sittard cllycentre. The courlyerd gardens are situated at 1.5m beneath street level. This height difference means that the off- ces, which sit upon o layer of storage space at the gar- den level, acquire 0 measure of privacy os they are lif ted high up above pedestrian viaw. This level change puts the old villa also on o podium when seen from wit- hin the garden. All 4 entrance halls and stairwells to the apartments are reached from the garden side of the building via a ramped tunnel, gated on the street side, through the block. The high carpark wall, on the other side of the site, cuts off the gardens from the hubbub of urban life 126 El proyecto Prinsenhoek, sitrado en uno de los cwces mds imporfanies del centro de fa ciudad de Sitord, com sisie en lres elementos ogyoades alrededor de un fara inferior: uno villa del siglo nx, un bloque de apartamentos * y una zona de estacionamiento, {0 vieja villa, que babria sido destryido bajo las viejos ‘ordenanzas de la ciudad, he sido conservada como ele menio hisibrico del complejo, y ha sido restaurada pra 0 aiizact ‘como oficinas. los jarcines de la villa han sido aprovechades como elemento de unién en ef con junto del plan, un tranqutlo oasis en medio do la ciudod. las entradas, vervonas soledizos, puertas y pasos estan Jerminades con robustas losas de piedta de las Ardenas, foimando un z6calo uibano de abrica. los wes pisos intermedios consislen en un poderoso volumen rectongu for con un ritmo de ventonas rehundidas y recortadas en y aranciia gris, [a fea de nie un juego escultiral de volé- menes revesidos de madera de vedio, cwyos esquinas y retranqueos forman las lujasas terrazas desde las que los ‘ocupantes pueden observar lo panardmica vista del cen: to de la ciudad de Sinord. los jordines estén situados un ma del nivel de la calle. Esta fo fachada de hor cubietta se describe med metto y medio por enc vencia de oftura implica que las oficinas, que se asientan sobre un espacio dest nado a locales comerciales en el nivel del jardin, adquie- {en mayor privacidad al eslar sitadas por encima de fa vista de los peat Este comblo de nivel stia fa ani .9U0 illo sobre un podio cuando se fa mira desde el inte ‘ior del jardin. I ato muro de Ia zona de estaciona- iierto, sitvado en el otro extiemo del sola, separa ol jardin del ajeieo de la vido urbana pe iae eee Notth elevation / fe Elevation and view of the north sector with the nineteenthcentury villa and the new structure of the building. On the follo wing page, elevation and view of the west facade. Wost elevation / Fach 129 Top and bottom, elevation and view of the south side, showing the visual force af the urben plinth that unifies the complex. South elevation / Fo Eost elevation / F The plinth that runs around the lower part of the complex absorbs naturally functional elements of great importance, such as this access. On the upper levels, the cedar cladding serves to visually sofien the singular volumetric inter: ploys of the top floor which is articulated as six vill The line of the roof is solved through @

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