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Verbului To Have (a avea) Conjugat la Prezentul Simplu

Verbul to have in engleza are sensul de baza a avea. Cu toate acestea, se foloseste si in
diverse expresii, precum have a shower (a face dus), have lunch (a lua pranzul), have a
break (a lua o pauza), etc. De asemeni, se foloseste si ca verb auxiliar la formarea
timpurilor Present Perfect Simple si Present Perfect Continuous:
I have seen this film recently = Am vazut acest film recent.
Conjugarea verbului to have ca verb predicativ cu sensul de a avea este usor diferita de
conjugarea verbului auxiliar to have, ca parte din Present Perfect. Vom discuta in cele ce
urmeaza conjugarea verbului to have = a avea si varianta informala have got.
Ce vom invata:
- sa conjugam verbul to have = a avea
Sa vedem care sunt formele verbului predicativ to have (a avea) la prezentul simplu -Present
Tense Simple.
Conjugarea verbului to have la prezentul simplu - forma afirmativa:
I have = eu am
you have = tu ai, dvs. aveti
he has = el are
she has = ea are
it has = el/ea are (animale si obiecte)
we have = noi avem
you have = voi aveti/ dvs. aveti (pl.)
they have = ei/ele au
De retinut:
1. Verbul to have se foloseste si in forma informala have got tot cu sensul a avea.Conjugarea
este aceeasi, dar se foloseste si forma scurta.
I have got / I've got= eu am
you have got / you've got = tu ai, dvs. aveti
he has got / he's got = el are
she has got / she's got = ea are
it has got / it's got = el/ea are (animale si obiecte)
we have got / we've got = noi avem
you have got / you've got = voi aveti/ dvs. aveti (pl.)
they have got / they've got = ei/ele au
I have a new job. = Am o slujba noua.
I've got a new job. = Am o slujba noua.

Conjugarea verbului to have la prezentul simplu - forma negativa:
I do not have - I don't have = eu nu am
you do not have you don't have = tu nu ai/ dvs. nu aveti
he does not have he doesn't have = el nu are
she does not have she doesn't have = ea nu are
it does not have it doesn't have = el/ea nu are (obiecte si animale)
we do not have we don't have = noi nu avem
you do not have you don't have = voi nu aveti/ dvs. nu aveti (pl.)
they do not have they don't have = ei/ele nu au
De retinut:
1. Varianta have got nu mai foloseste auxiliarul do/does, negatia adaugandu-se direct la
forma have:
I haven't got = eu nu am
you haven't got = tu nu ai/ dvs. nu aveti
he hasn't got = el nu are
she hasn't got = ea nu are
it hasn't got = el/ea nu are (obiecte si animale)
we haven't got = noi nu avem
you haven't got = voi nu aveti/ dvs. nu aveti (pl.)
they haven't got = ei/ele nu au
I don't have enough money to buy a new car. = Nu am suficienti bani sa cumpar o masina
I haven't got enough money to buy a new car. = Nu am suficienti bani sa cumpar o masina
Conjugarea verbului to have la prezentul simplu - interogativ afirmativ pentru a formula
Do I have? = am eu?
Do you have? = ai tu?/ aveti dvs.?
Does he have? = are el?
Does she have? = are ea?
Does it have? = are el/ea (obiecte si animale)
Do we have? = avem noi?
Do you have? = aveti voi? / aveti dvs? (pl.)
Do they have? = au ei?
De retinut:

1. Varianta have got nu mai foloseste auxiliarul do/does. La interogativ afirmativ verbul have
este plasat in fata subiectului:
Have I got? = am eu?
Have you got? = ai tu?/ aveti dvs.?
Has he got? = are el?
Has she got? = are ea?
Has it got? = are el/ea (obiecte si animale)
Have we got? = avem noi?
Have you got? = aveti voi? / aveti dvs? (pl.)
Have they got? = au ei?
Does she have a good job? = Ea are o slujba buna?
Has she got a good job? = Ea are o slujba buna?
Conjugarea verbului to have la prezentul simplu - interogativ negativ pentru a formula
Do I not have / Don't I have? = nu am eu?
Do you not have / Don't you have? = nu ai tu?/ aveti dvs.?
Does he not have / Doesn't he have? = nu are el?
Does she not have / Doesn't she have? = nu are ea?
Does it not have / Doesn't it have? = nu are el/ea (obiecte si animale)
Do we not have / Don't we have? = nu avem noi?
Do you not have / Don't you have? = nu aveti voi? / aveti dvs? (pl.)
Do they not have / Don't they have? = nu au ei?
De retinut:
1. Varianta have got nu mai foloseste auxiliarul do/does. La interogativ negativ verbul have
este plasat in fata subiectului. In acest caz, mai frecventa este forma scurta:
Have I not got / Haven't I got? = nu am eu?
Have you not got / Haven't you got? = nu ai tu?/ aveti dvs.?
Has he not got / Hasn't he got? = are el?
Has she not got / Hasn't she got? = nu are ea?
Has it not got / Hasn't it got? = nu are el/ea (obiecte si animale)
Have we not got / Haven't we got? = nu avem noi?
Have you not got / Haven't you got? = nu aveti voi? / aveti dvs? (pl.)
Have they not got / Haven't they got? = nu au ei?
Don't you have anything else to do? = Tu nu ai nimic altceva de facut?
Haven't you got anything else to do? = Tu nu ai nimic altceva de facut?
2. Atunci cand verbul to have este folosit ca verb auxiliar ce ajuta la formarea altor timpuri (Present Perfect
Simple si Present Perfect Continuous) nu se mai folosesc formele auxiliare do/does la interogativ si negativ,
verbul have fiind el insusi, in acest caz, un auxiliar. Conjugarea corespunzatoare o vom discuta in contextul
timpurilor gramaticale mentionate mai sus.
They have a beautiful house by the seaside. = Ei au o casa frumoasa pe malul marii.

Aici have este verb predicativ cu sensul a avea.

They have bought a beautiful house by the seaside. = Ei au cumparat o casa frumoasa pe malul marii.
Aici have este verb auxiliar ce ajuta la formarea timpului Present Perfect Simple.

Intrebare: verbul a merita

Raspuns: A merita se poate spune in doua feluri: to deserve sau to be worth.
You deserve the best. = Meriti ce este mai bun.
It's not worth the effort = Nu (se) merita efortul.

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