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Pressure is force per unit area
Tekanan ialah daya per unit luas
Pressure = Force
Tekanan = daya
Unit Nm-2 / Pascal (Pa)
Pressure is directly proportional to force and inversely
proportional to area of contact
Tekanan berkadar langsung dengan daya tetapi berkadar
songsang dengan luas permukaan bersentuhan
Example 1 / Contoh 1
A block of metal of dimensions 0.5 m x 0.6 m x 1.0 m has a
mass of 300 kg.
Sebuah bungkah logam dengan dimensi 0.5 m x 0.6 m x 1.0 m
berjisim 300 kg.

Calculate the / Hitung

maximum pressure acting on the ground.
tekanan maksimum bertindak pada dasar


Minimum pressure acting on the ground

tekanan minumum bertindak pada dasar

Example 2 / Contoh 2
A student pressing a thumbtack into a piece of wood with a
force of 20 N. The surface area of the head of the thumbtack is
1 cm2 and the cross-sectional area of the tip of the thumbtack
is 0.01 cm2.
Seorang pelajar menekan paku payung pada permukaan
sebuah bongkah kayu dengan daya 20N. Jika luas permukaan
kepala paku payung adalah 1 cm2 dan luas permukaan pada
muncung paku payung adalah 0.01 cm2.

Calculate / Hitung:
(a) the pressure exerted by the students thumb on the head of
the thumbtack / tekanan yang dikenakan oleh ibu jari
pelajar pada kepala paku payung
(b) the pressure of the tip of the thumbtack on the wood.
tekanan oleh muncung paku payung pada permukaan
PRESSURE IN LIQUID / Tekanan dalam cecair

A liquid in a container exerts pressure because of its weight.

Cecair dalam bekas mengenakan tekanan disebabkan
The pressure at any point in a liquid, at a particular depth,
acts equally in all directions.
Tekanan pada sebarang titiik pada cecair pada kedalaman
tertentu bertindak pada semua arah dengan nilai yang
The pressure in a liquid increases with depth.
Tekanan dalam cecair bertambah dengan kedalaman

The pressure in a liquid does not depend on the area of its

Tekanan dalam cecair tidak bergantung kepada luas
The pressure in a liquid increases with density of the liquid.
Tekanan dalam cecair bertambah dengan ketumpatan

Consider an object is placed at point X at a depth h below

the surface area of the liquid.
Anggap sebuah objek di letak pada poin X pada kedalaman h
dari permukaan cecair

= mg
(because W = mg)
= V g
(because = m )
= Ah g
(because V = Ah)
The pressure P of liquid be written as:
Tekanan cecair P oleh cecair boleh ditulis sebagai:
P = hg
(h = depth, = density, g = gravitational
(h = kedalaman, = ketumpatan, g= pecutan graviti)
Example 3

If the density of sea water is 1150 kgm-3, calculate the

pressure below 40m of sea water due to the water alone.
Jika ketumpatan air laut adalah 1150 kgm-3, hitung tekanan
pada kedalaman 40m disebabkan oleh air sahaja.

Kapal selam mempunyai dinding yang tebal supaya dapat

bertahan daripada diremuk akibat tekanan tinggi bila
kedalaman air bertambah
Gas Pressure / Tekanan Gas

Example 4
The figure shows a cylinder containing mercury.
Rajah menunjukkan sebuah silinder mengandungi merkuri.

What is the pressure caused by the liquid mercury at the point

P? [Density of liquid mercury is 1.36 x 104 kg m-3]
Berapakah tekanan yang disebabkan oleh merkuri pada titik
P? [Ketumpatan merkuri adalah 1.36 x 104 kg m-3]
Applications of pressure in liquids
Water tank / Tangki air
Water tank is placed at higher level so as to supply water
at greater pressure.
Tangki air diletak ditempat tinggi supaya air dibekalkan
pada tekanan tinggi

The wall of a dam is much thicker at the bottom to
withstand the increased lateral pressure as depth of
water increases.
Dinding empangan air semakin tebal ke bawah supaya
dapat bertahan daipada tekanan air yang tinggi

Submarine is built with thick wall so as to withstand
enormous pressure at greater depth.

Existence of Gas pressure based on the kinetic theory

Kewujudan tekanan gas mengikut teori kinetic molekul
Gas molecules move freely and randomly.
Molekul gas bergerak secara bebas dan rawak
The gas molecules collide with one another and also collide
with the walls of their container.
Molekul-molekul gas berlanggar antara satu sama lain dan
dengan dinding bekas.
The collision of gas molecules with one another is an
elastic collision (no overall loss or gain of energy).
Pelanggaran antara molekul gas adalah elastik.
The collision of gas molecules with the wall of the container
produces change of momentum or impulsive force.
Pelanggaran antara molekul gas dengan dinding bekas
menghasilkan perubahan momentum dan daya impuls.
So the gas molecules exert a pressure on the inside of the
container because pressure is force per unit area ( P = F )
Molekul gas mengenakan tekanan pada bahagian dalam
dinding bekas kerana tekanan ialah daya per unit luas.
Atmospheric pressure / Tekanan atmosfera
According to kinetic molecular theory, air consists of molecules
which are apart and in random motion at high speeds.
Mengikut teori kinetik molekul, udara terdiri daripada molekulmolekul yang berjauhan antara satu sama lain dan bergerak
secara rawak dengan laju yang tinggi.
The air molecules possess mass and experience the pull of
gravity. The result is that air have weight.
Molekul-molekul udara mempunyai jisim dan mengalami
tarikan gravity. Akibatnya udara mempunyai berat.
The weight of the air molecules will produce force and as a
result will exert pressure on you because pressure is force per
area ( P = F )
Berat molekul-molekul udara akan menghasilkan daya dan
akibatnya mengenakan tekanan pada kita kerana tekanan
ialah daya per unit luas.
The pressure is called as at the atmospheric pressure.
Tekanan ini dinamakan sebagai tekanan atmosfera.
Characteristics of Atmospheric Pressure
Ciri tekanan atmosfera
Atmospheric pressure acts equally in all directions.
Tekanan atmosfera bertindak secara sama dalam semua arah
The atmospheric pressure on any object is not dependent on
the surface area of the object.

Tekanan atmosfera pada sebarang objek tidak bergntung pada

luas permukaan objek.
Atmospheric pressure is influenced by the height of an object
above the sea level (altitude).
Tekanan atmosfera bergantung pada ketinggan objek dari aras
Hence as the altitude increases, the atmospheric pressure
decreases because the higher it is from the surface of the
earth, the lower is the density of air.
Bila ketinggian bertambah, tekanan atmosfera berkurang
kerana ketumpatan udara berkurang.
We do not experience the atmospheric pressure at sea level
because the pressure of body equal to the atmospheric
Kita tidak merasa tekanan atmosfera pada aras laut kerana
tekanan dalam badan kita sama dengan tekanan atmosfera.
The atmospheric pressure at sea level is approximately 1 atm
= 1x 105 Pa = 76 cm Hg = 10 m of water.
Tekanan atmosfera pada aras laut adalah 1 atmosfera = 1x105
Pa = 76 cm Hg = 10 m of air.

The air between the rubber sucker and the wall is first forced
out, to create a vacuum space (low pressure). The
atmospheric pressure which is bigger extert a force on the
rubber which causes the rubber sucker to be held firmly
against the wall.
Udara antara penyedut getah dan dinding dipaksa keluar
terlebih dahulu, untuk menghasilkan ruang vakum(tekanan
rendah). Tekanan atmosfera yang lebih tinggi akan
mengenakan daya pada penyedut getah yang menyebabkan
penyedut getah melekat pada dinding.
(iii) Syringe / Picagari

Activities to show the existence of atmospheric pressure.

Aktiviti menunjukkan kewujudan tekanan atmosfera.
Activity 1 / Aktiviti 1

The cardboard does not fall and the water remains in the
Kadbod tidak jatuh dan air kekal dalam gelas
This is because resultant force caused by the atmospheric
pressure acts on the surface of the cardboard is greater than
the weight of the water in the glass.
Ini adalah kerana daya paduan yang dikenakan oleh tekanan
atmosfera adalah lebih besar daripada berat air dalam gelas.

Pulling up the piston reduces the air pressure inside the

cyclider. The atmospheric pressure on the liquid surface then
pushes the luquid up into the syringe.
Bila piston ditarik keatas tekanan udara dalam picagari
menurun. Tekanan atmosfera yang lebih besar akan menekan
pada permukaan cecair menyebabkan cecair masuk ke dalam
(iv)Vacuum cleaner / Pembersih vakum

Applications of Atmospheric Pressure

Aplikasi tekanan atmosfera
(i) Drinking straw / Penyedut minuman

When we suck through a straw, the air pressure in the straw is

lowered. Then the pressure of the atmosphere acting on the
surface of the drink in the glass pushes the water up the straw
and into our mouth.
Bila kita menyedut udara keluar dari penyedut minuman,
tekanan didalam penyedut minuman berkurang. Tekanan
atmosfera yang lebih tinggi menolak air masuk kedalam
penyedut minuman.
(ii) Rubber sucker / Penyedut getah

The fan inside the cyclinder blows air out of the vents
producing area of partial vacuum. The air pressure inside
drops. The atmospheric pressure outside pushes the air up the
cleaner hose, carrying dust and dirt with it.
Kipas menyedut udara didalam pembersih vakum keluar dan
menghasilkan ruang separa vakum didalam. Tekanan
atmosfera diluar yang lebih besar menolak udara masuk
melalui hos, membawa bersama debu dan kekotoran.
Measuring atmospheric pressure
Mengukur tekanan atmosfera
(i)Simple Fortin barometer / Barometer Fortin mudah

Simple Fortin barometer consists of a long glass tube that has

been filled with mercury and the inverted into a dish of
Barometer Fortin mudah terdiri daripada tuib gelas panjang
yang mengandungi merkuri dan ditelengkupkan kedalam
sebuah basin yang mengandungi merkuri.
The mercury column rises or falls according to the pressure of
air on the mercury in the dish.
Aras merkuri dalam tuib meningkat atau menurun bergantung
kepada tekanan udara pada mercury dalam basin.
The space above the mercury column is a vacuum so it exerts
no pressure on the top of the mercury column.
Ruang diatas merkuri dalam tuib adalah vakum dan ia tidak
mengenakan sebarang tekanan pada merkuri dalam tuib.

If the vertical height of the mercury is h cm, thefore the

atmospheric pressure reading is h cm mercury .
Kalau ketinggian menegak merkuri adalah hcm, maka bacaan
tekanan atmosfera adalah h cm merkuri
The height, h will remains uchanged when
Ketinggian, h merkuri tak berubah bila
(i) the diameter of the glass tube changes
diameter tuib glass berubah
(ii) the glass tube is tilted / tiub dicondongkan
(iii) the glass tube is lowered further into the dish
tiub itu diturunkan dalam basin.
(iv) the glass tube is lifted up from the dish
tiub itu dinaikkan dalam basin.
(iv) the quantity of mercury in the dish is increased
kuantiti merkuri dalam basin ditambah
The height, h will increases when the barometer is slowly
submerged in water.
Ketinggian, h akan bertambah bila barometer ditenggelamkan
dalam air.
The height, h will decreases when
Ketinggian, h akan berkurang bila
(i) the vacuum space in the glass tube is filled with gas
ruang vakum dalam tub diisi dgn gas
(ii) the barometer is carried out to a mountain
barometer dibawa ke atas gunung

(a) What is the value of h / Apakah nilai h?

(b) What is the length of the vacuum space when the glass
tube is
Berapakah panjang turus vakum bila tuib gelas
(i) uplifted at height of 5 cm / dinaikkan sebanyak 5cm
(ii) lowered further into the dish at a depth of 4 cm
ditolak kebawah sebanyak 4cm
(c) If the density of mercury is 1.36 x 104 kgm-3 and the
density of water is 1 x 103 kgm-3, determine
Jika ketumpatan merkuri adalah 1.36 x 104 kgm-3 dan
ketumpatan air adalah 1 x 103 kgm-3, hitung
(i) the atmospheric pressure in the units Pa
tekanan atmosfera dalam unit Pa
(ii) the value of h if the mercury is replaced by water.
nilai h kalau merkuri diganti dengan air

Example 6
The figure shows a barometer. The vacuum space is filled with
a gas X.
Rajah menunjukkan sebuah barometer. Ruang vakum diisi
dengan gas X.

What is the pressure of the gas X? [Take atmospheric pressure

= 76 cm Hg]
Hitung tekanan gas X? [Tekanan atmosfera = 76 cmHg]

Example 5
The figure shows a mercury barometer is placed in a school
laboratory where the atmospheric pressure is 75 cm Hg.
Rajah menunjukkan sebuah barometer merkuri di makmal
sekolah dimana tekanan atmosfera adalah 75 cm Hg.

Aneroid Barometer

When the atmospheric pressure decreases the container will

Bila tekanan atmosfera berkurang bekas akan mengembang
When the atmospheric pressure increases, the container will
be compress.
Bila tekanan atmosfera bertambah bekas akan dimampatkan
The slight movement of the box is magnified by a lever system
which is connected to a pointer.
Pergerakan kecil kotak akan dibesarkan oleh system tuas
yang disambung ke jarum penunjuk.
The Aneroid barometer can be used as an altimeter by
mountaineers or in an aeroplane to determine its altitude.
Barometer Aneroid boleh digunakan sebagai altimeter oleh
pendaki dan dalam kapal terbang untuk menentukan
Measuring Gas Pressure / Mengukur tekanan gas
(i) Manometer
A manometer consists of a U-shaped glass tube filled
with liquid- normally liquid.Water is used in a manometer
to measure low gas pressure. One arm of the manometer
is exposed to the atmosphere whereas another arm is
connected to gas supply.
Manometer terdiri daripada tiub gelas berbentuk U yang
mengandungi cecair. Air digunakan dalam manometer
untuk mengukur tekanan gas yang rendah. Satu lengan
manometer terdedah kepada atmosfera dan lengan yang
satu lagi akan disambung kepada bekalan gas.

Pgas = Patmosfera + h

The figure shows a manometer containing mercury is

connected to a gas supply. [Density of mercury = 1.36 x 104 kg
m-3 and atmospheric pressure = 76 cm Hg]
Rajah menunjukkan sebuah manometer yang mengandungi
merkuri disambung ke bekalan gas.[Ketumpatan merkuri 1.36
x 104 kg m-3 dan tekanan atmosfera 76cm Hg]

Calculate the pressure of the gas supply in the units

Hitung tekanan gas dalam
(i) cm Hg
(ii) Pa

3.2 Pascals Principle / Prinsip Pascal

states that when pressure is applied to an enclosed fluid, the

pressure will be transmitted equally throughout the whole
enclosed fluid.
Menyatakan bahawa tekanan yang dikenakan pada bendalir
tertutup akan dipindahkan secara seragam ke setiap
bahagian bendalir tersebut.

Hydraulic System / Sistem Hidraulik

Input pressure = output pressure

Tekanan pada omboh kecil = tekanan pada omboh besar
Input force = Output force
Input piston area
Output piston area
Daya pada omboh kecil
Daya pada omboh besar
luas keratan rentas omboh kecil luas keratan rentas omboh besar

Pgas = Patmosfera - h

F1 = F2


Pgas = Patmosfera
Example 7

When incompressible fluid is moved through a hydraulic

system, the volume of fluid flowing out from the input cylinder
be the same the volume of fluid flowing into the output
Hence A1d1 = A2d2
Bila bendalir yang tidak boleh dimampatkan bergerak melalui
suatu sistem hidraulik, isipadu bendalir keluar dari silinder

utama mesti sama dengan isipadu bendalir yang mengalir

masuk ke silinder kedua. Iaitu A1d1 = A2d2
Oil is used as fluid in the hydraulic system because it does
not evaporate easily( does not form air bubbles).
Minyak digunakan sebagai bendalir dalam sistem hidraulik
kerana ia tidak mudah tersejat( tidak membentuk gelembung
Water is not suitable because it evaporates easily
Air tak sesuai kerana is senang tersejat

Example 8
The figure shows a basic hydraulic system has small and large
pistons with cross-sectional area of 0.005 m2 and 0.1 m2
respectively. A force of 20 N is applied to the small piston.
Rajah menunjukkan sebuah sistem hidraulik mudah yang
mempunyai luas permukaan omboh kecil dan omboh besar
dengan luas keratan rentas 0.005 m2 dan 0.1 m2 masingmasing. Daya 20N dikenakan pada omboh kecil.

Calculate / Hitung
(a) The input pressure / Tekanan pada omboh kecil

When the handle is pulled, valve P is open and valve Q closed

so that the oil flow from the oil tank to the input(small) cylinder
so the pressure can be transferred to the larger piston.. When
the handle is push, valve P closes and valve Q opens so that
the oil flow from small(input) cylinder to big (output) cylinder.
This causes the large piston to move up. The handle in push
and pull continuously to move the load up.
Bila pemegang ditarik injap Q tertutup dan injap P terbuka
supaya minyak boleh mengalir dari tangki minyak ke silinder
utama. Bila pemegang ditolak, injap P tertutup dan injap Q
terbuka supaya minyak mengalir dari silinder utama ke silinder
kedua. Ini menyebabkan omboh besar akan bergerak ke atas.
Pemegang ditarik dan ditolak secara berterusan untuk
mengerak beban ke atas.
(2) Hidraulik Brake / Brek Hidraulik

(b) The output pressure / Tekanan pada omboh besar

(c) The weight of the load / Berat beban

(d) The mass of the load / Jisim beban

(e) If the small piston is pushed down at a depth a 0.04 m,

what is the distance moved by the large piston.
Jika omboh kecil ditolak ke bawah pada jarak 0.04m,
hitung berapa jarak omboh besar naik ke atas?

Application / Aplikasi
Hidraulic Jack / Jek Hidraulik

When brake pedal is pressed, pressure applied to master

piston is transferred uniformly to the slave piston through the
brake fluid. The slave piston pushes the brake shoe out so that
it touches the brake drum and cause friction on the drum. This
causes the drum to stop rotating. When the brake pedal is
released the spring will pull the brake shoe in.
Bila pedal brek ditekan, tekanan yang dikenakan pada omboh
induk dipindakan ke omboh kedua melalui bendalir brek.
Omboh kedua menolak kasut brek ke luar supaya ia
menyentuh dan bergeser dengan gelendung brek. Ini
menyebabkan gelendung brek berhenti berputar. Bila pedal
brek dilepaskan, kasut brek akan ditarik kedalam oleh spring.

3.3 Archimedes Principle / Prinsip Archimedes

state that When an object is immersed in a fluid (a liquid or a

gas), the buoyant force (upthrust) on the object is equal to the
weight of fluid displaced by the object.
Menyatakan bahawa bila sesuatu objek ditenggelamkan ke
dalam bendalir, daya tujahan ke atas yang bertindak pada
objek adalah sama dengan berat bendalir yang disesarkan
oleh objek tersebut.

An object has a weight of 40 N in air and 36 N in a liquid of

density 800 kgm-3. Calculate the volume of the object.
Sebuah objek yang mempunyai berat 40N di udara dan 36N di
dalam cecair yang berketumpatan 800 kgm-3. Hitung isipadu
objek tersebut.

Buoyant Force and Flotation

Daya tujahan ke atas dan keapungan
Buoyant force = weight the object floats
Daya tujahan ke atas = berat objek terapung
Buoyant force > weight the object moves up
Daya tujahan ke atas > berat objek naik ke atas
Buoyant force < weight the object moves down
Daya tujahan ke atas < berat objek turun ke bawah

Buoyant Force = Weight of fluid displace

Daya tujahan ke atas = berat bendalir tersesar
= mg
(note : F = ma)
= Vg
(note : = m )
Thus FB = V g
Where FB = Bouyant Force or Upthrust / Daya tujahan
= Density of fluid / Ketumpatan bendalir
V = Volume of fluid displaced or the volume of the
object that immersed in the fluid / volume of
objek submerge
Isipadu bendalir yang disesarkan oleh objek /
isipadu objek yang tenggelam
Example 9
A metal sphere has a volume 5 x 10-4 m3 is immersed in water
of density 1 x 103 kgm-3. Calculate the upthrust experienced
by the sphere?
Sebuah bebola besi mempunyai isipadu 5 x 10-4 m3
tenggelam di dalam air berketumpatan 1 x 103 kgm-3. Hitung
daya tujahan ke atas yang di alami oleh oleh bebola tersebut.
Example 10
A wooden block with a density 4 x 10 3 kg m-3 and a mass
of 5 kg is immersed in a liquid of density 1 x 103 kg m - 3.
Calculate the buoyant force acting on the wooden block.
Sebuah bongkah kayu dengan ketumpatan 4 x 10 3 kg m-3
dan jisim 5kg ditenggelamkan kedalam cecair berketumpatan
1 x 103 kg m - 3. Hitung daya tujahan ke atas yang bertindak
pada bungkah tersebut.
Example 11

Example 12
An object of mass 5 kg floats on the surface water. What is the
upthrust experienced by the object.
Sebuah objek dengan jisim 5kg terapung pada permukaan air.
Berapakah daya tujahan ke atas yang dialami oleh objek
Application of Archimedes Principle

A ship, though very heavy, floats on the surface of the

sea. This is because the buoyant force = the weight of
the ship. The buoyant force acting on the ship is large
because the ship has big volume. So the weight of water
displaced by the ship is sufficiently large. The density of
sea water varies with location and season. To ensure that
a ship is loaded within safe limits, the Plimsoll line
marked on the body of the ship acts as a guide.
Kapal, walaupun sangat berat boleh terapung di laut. Ini
adalah kerana daya tujahan ke atas sama dengan berat
kapal. Daya tujahan ke atas yang bertindak pada kapal
adalah besar kerana kapal mempunyai isipadu yang
besar. Ini menyebabkan berat air yang disesarkan oleh
kapal adalah besar. Ketumpatan air laut berubah
mengikut tempat dan musim. Untuk memastikan muatan
yang dibawa oleh kapal adalah dalam had yang selamat,
garisan Plimsoll ditanda pada kapal sebagai panduan.
(2) Submarine

A submarine can sail on the surface or underneath it. Its

outer hull is entirely watertight. Inside the hull are a
number of tanks called ballast tanks which is used to
control its position and depth from the surface of the sea.
In order to sink the ballast tank is filled with water so that
the total weight of submarine > upthrust. In order to rise
to the surface the water in the ballast tank is forced out
so that upthrust > weight of submarine.
Kapal selam boleh belayar pada permukaan dan dalam
laut. Di dalam badan kapal terdapat beberapa tangki
yang dinamakan sebagai tangki ballast yang digunakan
mengawal kedudukan dan kedalaman kapal selam dari
permukaan laut. Jika kapal selam ingin tenggelam ke
dalam air laut tangki ballast akan diisi dengan air supaya
jumlah berat kapal > daya tujahan ke atas. Jika kapal
ingin naik ke permukaan laut air di dalam tangki ballast
akan dipaksa keluar supaya daya tujahan ke atas > berat

Hot air balloon

Hydrometer is an instrument used to measure the density of a

liquid. It has a glass bulb which contains some lead to make it
float upright, and long narrow neck with a scale marked on it
caused the hydrometer more sensitive. The large air-filled
glass bulb is used to displace more liquid and it caused the
upthrust increases hence the hydrometer floats. In a liquid of
lesser density, the hydrometer is more submerged. The
hydrometer floats higher in a liquid of higher density.
Hidrometer merupakan alat yang digunakan untuk mengukur
ketumpatan cecair. It mempunyai bebuli gelas yang
mengandungi butiran plumbum supaya ia boleh terapung
tegak. Tiub kaca berskala yang berdiameter kecil supaya
hidrometer lebih sensitif. Saiz bebuli adalah besar supaya
berat air yang disesarkan(daya tujahan keatas) adalah besar
dan ini membolehkan hidrometer terapung. Didalam cecair
berketumpatan kecil hidrometer akan lebih tenggelam.
Didalam cecair berketumpatan besar hidrometer akan lebih
3.4 Bernoullis principle / Prinsip Bernoulli
States that the pressure of a moving fluid decreases as the
speed of the fluid increases and vice versa.
Menyatakan bahawa tekanan pada bendalir bergerak
berkurang bila laju bendalir bertambah dan sebaliknya.
Activity 1

Density of hot air < density of cold air

The balloons height can be controlled by turning the gas
burner which heats the air on and off as needed. The hot
air balloon rises upwards when Upthrust > Total weight of
the hot air balloon. The balloon descends when upthrust
< total weight of the hot air balloon. The balloon remains
stationary when Upthrust = total weight of hot air balloon.
Ketumpatan udara panas < udara sejuk. Ketinggian
belon udara panas boleh di kawal dengan menghidupkan
atau mematikan penunu gas. Belon udara panas akan
naik ke atas bila daya tujahan ke atas > jumlah berat
belon. Belon udara panas akan turun bila daya tujahan
ke atas < jumlah berat belon. Belon udara panas akan
terapung bila daya tujahan ke atas = jumlah berat belon

When the air is blown up in the surface of a piece of paper, its

observed that the paper moves up. This happened because
velocity of air above the paper greater than below the paper.
The air pressure of below paper is greater than above. This
produces a lift force upward.
Bila ditiup dibahagian atas kertas didapat kertas akan teangkat
ke atas. Ini kerana laju udara di atas kertas lebih besar
berbanding bahagian bawah kertas. Tekanan udara dibawah
kertas lebih tinggi berbanding bahagian atas. Ini meghasilkan
daya angkat.

(3) Hydrometer

. Activity 2

When the air is blown harder through the straw, the two pingpong balls will move closely to each other. The air moved at a
very high velocity between the balls creating area of low
pressure. The higher atmospheric pressure which is higher at
the side pushes the ping-pong balls closer to each other.
Bila ditiup dengan kuat melalui penyedut minuman, kedua-dua
bola ping pong akan mendekati satu sama lain. Ini kerana laju
udara antara bola ping pong adalah besar menyebabkan
tekanan udara antara bola ping pong adalah rendah. Tekanan
atmosfera yang lebih di tinggi di sisi bola ping pong menolak
bola ping pong tersebut supaya mendekati satu sama lain.

When the jet of gas flows out from the nozzle with high
velocity, the pressure in the Bunsen burner becomes low. A
higher external atmospheric pressure will push the air into the
hole and be mixed with the gas. The mixture of gas and air
allows more complete combustion of the gas.
Bila gas keluar dari muncung yang sempit dengan laju yang
tinggi, tekanan di dalam penunu bunsen menjadi rendah.
Tekanan atmosfera yang lebih tinggi diluar akan menolak
udara masuk melalui lubang dan menyebabkan udara akan
bercampur dengan gas. Campuran gas dan udara
menyebabkan pembakaran gas yang lengkap.
b)Insect Piston Spray/ Penyembur racun serangga

Activity 3

When the air blows harder, the ping pong ball inside the filter
funnel will float. It is because the air moved at a very high
velocity between the balls and the wall of the filter tunnel
creating an area of low pressure there. The bottom of the ball
has the higher atmospheric pressure which can hold the ball
from falling down.
Bila ditiup, bola ping pong dalam corong turas akan terapung.
Ini kerana udara bergerak dengan laju pada ruang antara bola
ping pong dan dinding corong turas pada bahagian atas
corong turas. Ini menghasilkan tekanan rendah pada kawasan
tersebut. Tekanan atmosfera di bahagian bawah bola ping
pong akan menolak bola ping pong ke atas.

When the piston is pushed, air is forced out through the jet of
gas at a high speed creating area of low pressure at the
The higher atmospheric pressure in the insect poison container
will push the insect poison liquid up through the narrow
metallic tube.
Bila omboh ditolak, udara akan dipaksa keluar melalui
muncung dengan laju yang tinggi menyebabkan wujudnya
kawasan tekanan rendah disana. Tekanan atmosfera yang
lebih tinggi akan menolak racun naik keatas melalui tuib logam
yang sempit.
c) Aerofoil

Mark the water level in the vertical tubes P, Q and R in the
following figures.
Tandakan aras air dalam tiub menegak P, Q dan R di rajah
Speed of air above the wing is greater than below the wing. As
a result the pressure below the wing is greater than above.
This produce a lift force upward.
Laju udara di atas sayap adalah lebih tinggi berbanding
bahagian bawah. Ini menyebabkan tekanan udara bahagian
bawah sayap lebih tinggi berbanding bahagian atas sayap. Ini
menghasilkan daya angkat ke atas.
a)Bunsen burner / Penunu bunsen

1. Figure(a) and Figure(b) show two ways in which a gardener

moves a wheelbarrow on a muddy road.

Diagram 7.1
(a) State a factor that affects the water pressure in the tank.
Apakah faktor yang menyebabkan air boleh mengalir dari
tangki konkrit ke tangki air di rumah?
...............................................................................[1 mark]


(a) On Figure(a) and Figure(b) ,indicate and label:

(i) the direction of force F exerted by the gardener on the
handle of each wheelbarrow to make it move.
(ii)the direction of the vertical component Fy , of the force in
Figure (a)and Figure (b). Based on the answers in (a)(i)
and (a)(ii), which of the ways is more suitable on the
muddy road?
(iii) Explain the reason for your answer in (b)(i).

(b)(i) Compare the water pressure at P and Q.

Bandingkan tekanan air di P dan Q
..............................................................[1 mark]
(ii) Calculate the water pressure at Q. (Density of water =
1000 kg m-3 )
Hitung tekanan air di Q.
[2 marks]
(c) Diagram 7.2 shows water flows from the concrete tank to
the house water tank.
Rajah 7.1 menunjukkan air mengalir dari tangki konkrit ke
tangki air di rumah.

(c) The wheel of the wheelbarrow exerted pressure on the
muddy road. The resultant force exerted by the wheel on
the road surface is 500 N and the area of the wheel in
contact with the road is 2 x 10-3 m2.
(i) What does the word pressure mean?
(ii) Calculate the pressure exerted on the surface of the
muddy road.

Diagram 7.2
(i) What is the factor that causes the water to flow from the
concrete tank to the house water tank?
Nyatakan faktor yang menyebabkan air mengalir dari tangki
konkrit ke tangki rumah
............................................................................[1 mark]

(iii) State one modification that could be made to the

wheelbarrow to reduce the pressure exerted on the
road. Explain your answer.

(ii) The flow of water from the concrete tank to the house will
stop at level P. Explain why the supply stops?
Pengaliran air dari tangki konkrit ke tangki air di rumah
akan terhenti pada paras P. Terangkan mengapa
pengalirannya berhenti?
..............................................................................[2 mark]

2. Diagram 7.1 shows a concrete water tank filled with water.

Rajah 7.1 menunjukkan sebuah tangki konkrit diisi dengan

(d) (i) Suggest two modifications that can be done to ensure

the water flow continuously to the house water tank.

Cadangkan dua pengubahsuaian yang boleh dibuat

untuk memastikan air dapat mengalir secara
berterusan ke tangki di rumah kediaman

..[2 marks]

..........................................................................[2 mark]

4. Diagram 8.1 shows a hydraulic jack.

Rajah 8.1 menunjukkan jek hidraulik.

(ii) Draw a water tank that can withstand high water

Lukiskan tangki air yang boleh menampung tekanan
yang tinggi.

3. Diagram below shows an instrument used to measure gas

pressure. The atmospheric pressure is 76cm Hg
Diagram 8.1 / Rajah 8.1
The surface area of the small piston is 20 cm2 and the
surface area of the bigger piston is 800 cm2.
Luas keratan rentas omboh kecil ialah 20 cm2 dan luas
keratan rentas omboh besar adalah 800 cm2
(a) Name the principle which is involved in the operation of
hydraulic jack.
Namakan prinsip yang terlibat dalam carakerja jek
..........................................................................[ 1 mark ]
(a) Name the instrument above.
...[ 1 mark ]
(b) State why the mercury level in the left arm is lower than the
right arm?
..[ 1 mark ]
(c)(i) Find the vertical difference between the two mercury

(b) State what happens to valve A and valve B when handle

L is pulled out. Tick () for the appropriate box.
Nyatakan apa yang berlaku pada injap A dan injap B
bila pemegang L ditarik keluar. Tandakan () pada
kotak yang sepadan.
Open / Buka
Close / Tutup
Valve A
Injap A
Valve B
Injap B
[2 marks]

..[ 1 mark ]
(ii) Calculate the gas pressure in cm Hg
[2 marks]

(c) A force of 100 N is exerted on the small piston.

Calculate the force produced at the bigger piston.
Daya 100N dikenakan pada omboh kecil. Hitung daya
yang terhasil pada omboh besar.

(d) What happen to the difference in mercury level between the

two arms if U-tube with smaller diameter is used?
[ 1 mark ]
(e)If mercury is replaced with water state what happen to the
difference in liquid level between the two arms in the Utube? Explain your answer.

[2 marks]
(d) What is the function of the release valve?
Apa kegunaan injap pelepas?

..[1 mark]
(e)Diagram 8.2 shows a car hydraulic brake system that use
the same principle as the hydraulic jack
Rajah 8.2 menunjukkan sistem brek hidraulik yang
menggunakan prinsip sama seperti jek hidraulik

Diagram 3.1
A principle states that: When a body is immersed wholly or
partially in a fluid, the buoyant forces acting on the body is
equal to the weight of the fluid it displaces.
(a) (i) Name the principle above.
...........................................................[1 mark]
(ii) Mark on Diagram 3.1 the direction of the two forces
acting on the hydrometer.
[1 mark]

Diagram 8.2 / Rajah 8.2

Suggest the modification should be done on the brek
system so that it can function effectively based on the
following aspect s:
Cadangkan pengubahsuaian yang perlu dilakukan pada
sistem brek supaya ia dapat berfungsi dengan lebih
berkesan berdasarkan aspek yang berikut:
(i)the type of brake fluid / jenis bendalir brek
..[1 mark]
Reason / sebab
..[1 mark]
(ii) the size of master piston / saiz omboh input
....[1 mark]
Reason / sebab
...[1 mark]
(iv) the size of slave piston. / saiz omboh output
...[1 mark]
reason / sebab
..[1 mark]
5. Diagram 3.1 shows a freely floating hydrometer in water.

(b) The hydrometer is removed from water, dried and then

placed in oil.
(i) Predict the length of the hydrometer that is submerged
in oil, compared to length in water
.........................................................[1 mark]
(ii) Give a reason for your answer in 3(b)(i).
..........................................................................[1 mark]
(c) The table below shows the characteristics of hydrometer.
Type of
Diameter of
Diameter of
capillary tube/cm
You are required to choose a hydrometer that can be used
to measure densities of concentrated acids base on the
following aspects:
(i) Type of material:
(ii) Diameter of capillary tube:
(iii) Diameter of bulb:

(e) Name the principle that causes the observations in

....[1 mark]
Diagram 3.2
(d) Diagram 3.2 shows an object which has a weight of 0.25 N
fully immersed in water. Its apparent weight is 0.22 N.
[Density of water = 1000 kg m-3]
(i) What is the buoyant force on the object?
(ii) Determine the volume of the object.
6.Figure(a) shows a piece of paper hanging from a retort
stand. When air flows from the nozzle of an air pump, the
paper changes its position as shown in Figure(b).



(a) Compare the position of paper in Figure(a) and Figure(b)

......[1 mark]

F is a force that causes the paper to change its

position. In box, X, on Figure (b), indicate and label the
direction of F that acts on the paper.
[1 mark]


Explain how F is produced?

......[2 marks]

(d)(i) Compared to the position of the paper in Figure (b), how

does the position of the paper change when the air flows
. . ...[1 mark]
(ii)Give a reason for your answer in d(i).
.....[1 mark]

(f) Name one piece of apparatus in a school laboratory which

uses the principle in(e).
.......[1 mark]

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