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The Language of Space:

The Unwritten Politics of the Theory
and Criticism of Architecture

Cornell University

Theory and criticism have played increasingly important that is not part of society's everyday structure, it must be
roles in architectural pedagogy and the discipline as a whole. acquired. Ching's Architecture: Form, Space, and Order
Thus far however their promoters have followed the lead of notwithstanding,the language of space is not something that
more tradition-bound architectural historians and have been can be learned through reading a book, but rather can only be
slow to reflect on the fundamental institutions of the field. In acquired through hands-on training in architectural design.'
this paper I propose to examine at one of these institutions This idea of learning through doing, familiar to us since
that has been taken for granted: the way architects think of our first encounters with it in kmdergarten, is a product of a
space. discourse on educationZ that goes back to the anti-societal
In contemporary architecture culture it seems second- first sentence of Jean-Jacques Rousseau's mile, that "God
nature to discuss a project in terms of its basic spatial makes all things good; man meddles with them and they
components such as line, plane, point, volume and their become evil."' In mile Rousseau imagined that he was in a
manipulation through transformationssuch as rotation, shear, woodland chateau, raising the orphan after whom the book
compression, collision, tension and so on. Codified in books was named. For the boy's education, Rousseau rejected
such as Francis Ching's Architecture: Form, Space, and discipline and learning by rote, contending that those meth-
Order and taught in design studios throughout the country, ods produced tyrants and slaves. Instead, he proposed that to
this way of looking at space is nothing less, for many of us teach mile by exposing him to appropriate stimuli that
and for many of our colleagues, than architectural thought would generate life experiences.
distilled to its timeless, universal essence. But if Rousseau's idea of a more natural, more humane
As I hope to show in this article, this language of space is pedagogy through learning by doing was to have repercus-
not by any means universal. On the contrary, its status as the sions down to the present day, its subtext is now largely
product of a specific historical situation and institutional obscured. Rousseau's teacher wound up controlling these
environment has been largely ignored. This lack of self- stimuli, offering the boy choice but controlling him through
reflection is quite understandable. If the proponents of a the choices available. For Rousseau, the most complete
system believe that it is universal, then to historicize it is to control would come through that which preserved the ap-
make it less than timeless, confront it with the contingent and pearance of the "forms of freedom" for that way "the will
thereby undermine its validity. itself is taken ~aptive."~
But as I will discuss below, the language of space emerged Soon after mile was published, the Swiss educator
in architecture during the postwar years, at the same time as Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi took up Rousseau's ideas of
under late capitalism the arts became progressively more pedagogy and began experimenting with ways of teaching
and more colonized by capital. This movement to mark students how to perceive through visual experiences. Rather
architecture off as an autonomous realm of aesthetic space then force students into drills and disciplinary exercises,
production somehow emerged in seeming opposition to Pestalozzi's instructor would devise coherent, nurturing
contemporary economic changes. To come to an understand- activities in the form of observations of objects for children
ing of this paradox, we have to question the complex to engage in. Pestalozzi privileged vision over orality,
relationship between the cultural superstructure and the arguing that by using words to describe an object, the
economic base and their mediation in the institutional realm. instructor would repeat conventional interpretations that
I will begin this investigation by returning to the question would be divorced from actual perception. In order to
of the universality and apparent naturalness of this way of perceive the object more clearly, Pestalozzi intended that the
perceiving space. While architects see their language of student measure and draw it. But in order to learn to draw,
space as universal and natural, they also see it as a language Pestalozzi believed that the child needed to understand what

he called "the simple elements of the laws of form," an ing the chaos of the 1930s and 40s to be the result of
alphabet of geometric forms, such as lines, shapes, and perception having fallen out of step with the times, they
angles in order to learn to observe and represent abstractions. maintained that by changing everyday perceptions of space-
Only once the language of form was mastered and students time the world could be put back into balance again.
had learned to draw, Pestalozzi believed, could they begin In his 1944 book The Language of Vision, Kepes de-
the study of actual ~ r i t i n g . ~ scribed a spatial language based on the purposehl direction
Pestalozzi's work was extended and popularized in the of the eye around the visual field. As he explained, vision
nineteenth century by Friedrich Froebel, a German educator isn't pure but rather is compromised by both physiological
who developed a series of didactic exercises in which and psychological limits that give rise to the laws of visual
children would learn by playing. The most widely known of organization.ll The principle of these laws would be that no
these were his Gifts and Occupations, intended to teach a visual unit could exist by itself but would have to be part of
visual language of geometric solids to the child. Froebel had a dynamic visual relation~hip.'~These dynamic relation-
a pervasive influence in late nineteenth and early twentieth ships could be made to lead the eye around through ambigu-
century education and many artists and architects, among ous meetings and overlappings of shapes in visual space and
them Frank Lloyd Wright, Le Corbusier, and Kandinsky a visual rhetoric composed of tropes such as transparency,
were students of his system in c h i l d h o ~ dIn. ~ the United interpenetrating, compression, overlapping, closure, and
States, the Froebelian kindergarten movement met with tension."
some success after being introduced as simultaneously a The visual language developed at the Bauhaus was
place for upper-class children to learn the principles of art translated into architecture in the early 1950s by the Texas
and as a proper foundation for an industrial education.' The Rangers, a group of educators at the University of Texas at
Froebelians sought in their method an alternative to the Austin. While retaining a faith in modernism, the Rangers
rationalized, dehumanizing industrial civilization, intend- felt that although the system elaborated by Gropius at
ing to create a resistant subject, well-trained in observation Harvard would teach students to create buildings that would
and able to express itselfwhile in this country the Pestalozzian work functionally and structurally, it failed to rigorously
system was advocated by educators attempting to come up address the real essence of architecture: and the
with new methods of educating working class children in logical means by which formal elements would be com-
drawing. But rather than being a source of amusement or of Thus Ranger John Hejduk explained his research at
observation, the skill of drawing was directed to teach Texas as an attempt to develop a "Basic architectonic
children to become creators of patterns for the textile indus- construction method," to reduce architecture to its basic
try, artisans capable of endlessly producing new designs for elements: "columns, piers, walls, beams, edges, and so
the consumer's desiring eye.* forth" and then put them back together.
The child art educators had laid the framework for the In the essay that served as a foundational text for the
teaching of a logic of space in an environment of learning by project of the Rangers, "Transparency: Literal and Phenom-
doing, but, as Henri Lefebvre has written the historical enal," Colin Rowe and Robert Slutzky outlined how to put
"moment of emergence of an awareness of space and its such constituent parts together spatially, basing their theory
production" would be at the Bauhaus9 Yet we have to be of architectural composition on Kepes and Moholy-Nagy's
careful about just where in the Bauhaus this conception of ideas about vision and graphic representation and the "pull-
space formed: rather than in the architecture studios, the ing to pieces and reassembly of objects" of analytical
language of space that we may most closely realize as our cubism.IhRowe and Slutzky derived a series of processes as
own was developed by Laszlo Moholy-Nagy and Josef essential for a complex and ambiguous, "cerebral" architec-
Albers in their transdisciplinary course for first-year stu- ture: "Frontality, suppression of depth, contracting of space,
dents. definition of light sources, tipping forward of objects, re-
Later elaborated by Moholy-Nagy and Gyorgy Kepes in stricted palette, oblique and rectilinear grids, propensities
their Institute of Design in Chicago, this pedagogical method towards peripheric development.""
centered around erasing students' preconceptions and habits But in making their translation, Rowe and Slutzky virtu-
of seeing and radically changing their means of perception ally eliminated Moholy-Nagy and Kepes's eschatological
by inculcating in them a systematic visual grammar based on faith in the power of visual language, converting it into a
the construction of statements from elemental units derived revelation limited to retinal events. The radical reconfiguration
from analysis of objects. Believing that the artist as self- of the sensorium around vision had become abstracted.
present genius was becoming outmoded in the age of me- In tandem with their reduction of the messianic force of
chanical reproduction, Moholy-Nagy, Kepes, and Albers the language of space, Rowe and Slutzky limited its role to
aimed their method not at artists but at graphic designers and a disciplinary one: while the art educators had been inter-
even more so at the public in general, arguing that their ested in a professionalization and instrumentalization of the
method would allow students to traverse the difficult terrain aesthetic, Rowe and Slutzky were interested only in purify-
of the accelerated modem condition by teaching them to ing architecture in a Greenbergian way, reducing
master complex visual and temporal relationship^.'^ Believ- architecture's scope ofresearch to what they saw as its purest

condition: the manipulation of shallow space. No longer was AIA by Robert Geddes, the dean of architecture at Princeton,
the object a fetish by which transformation would take place. in which he indicted architectural education as unable to
The pleasure of the object was an end in itself. prepare students for a successful career. But rather than
Reducing the domain of architecture to elaborations calling for a new language of space, Geddes argued that the
within a language of space could also serve another disciplin- basic structural problem with the profession was that archi-
ary role. When the Rangers began their work, twenty to thirty tectural education was training its students to be artistic
years had passed since the "heroic" era of modem architec- geniuses instead of draftsmen and specialists in technology-
ture. To return to the forms of that period would seem to go based or social science-based sub field^.^' The Princeton
against the common proscription against thlnking of modem Report wasn't alone. A contemporary survey of architectural
architecture as nothing more than another style. By restrict- educators by Progressive Architecture found that architec-
ing architecture to a spatial vocabulary however, the Rangers tural education was failing. Within the three years prior to the
were able to turn to the architecture of "heroic" modernism Princeton Report, twenty-three new department heads were
as well as other architecture of the past as a mine for appointed and eighty-one percent of schools had instituted or
principles of architectural composition without historically were planning to institute significant changes in their cur-
undermining their own work. ricula. Many architecture schools renamed themselvesschools
In the conservative climate of 1950s Austin however, of Environmental Design and moved away from the art of
reaction to the Rangers' program was negative and by 1956 building toward the social science of constructing spaces.22
they all left to go their separate ways and spread their Coupled with the sometimes allied threat to the discipline
teaching method both in the United States and abroad. Rowe from the student counterculture and advocacy planning,
and a number ofthe Rangers eventually settled at Cornell and these critiques put architecture at risk, explicitly raising the
had a decisive influence on the school while John Hejduk and possibility that it might be done away with, or at least have
Robert Slutzky wound up in Cooper Union by the mid- to abandon its role as art.
sixties.I8Both schools in turn were major teaching institu- As a renewed formalism, the language of space succeeded
tions during the subsequent years and their graduates popu- in the academy not because it answered questions that the
lated faculties of architecture throughout the country. previous modemist paradigm did not, but because it changed
Hejduk and Slutzky's work at Cooper Union was docu- the questions so it would no longer have to answer them.
mented in the November 1971 exhibition and catalog for the Architecture could be reclaimed as art simply by rejecting its
Museum of Modem Art entitled Education ofAn Architect: claims to influence society. A sense ofrenewal, even of a new
A Point of View. l 9 Presenting a convincing model of formal avant-garde ensued and persists to this day. By restricting
architectural education based on the language of space their domain to formal research, the new architectural avant-
developed by Moholy-Nagy, Kepes, and Albers and trans- garde could represent precisely what would distinguish and
lated into architecture by the Texas Rangers, the catalog had legitimate architecture as a discipline: notions of genius,
a substantial impact on the teaching of architecture in this singularity and presence.
country and many of the projects contained within it are still If the Princeton Report was a key text for the 60s, Five
assigned at architecture schools today. Architects would be the text for the 1970s. In the preface the
In the introduction, architect Ulrich Franzen wrote that, director of MoMA's department of architecture and design,
led by Hejduk, the educators at Cooper were unique for their Arthur Drexler, would state that "An alternative to political
commitment to "a trained eye without recourse to irrelevant romance is to be an architect, for those who actually have the
'meaning." Franzen continued by quoting Harold Rosenberg, necessary talent for ar~hitecture."~~ While I have already
who wrote that the new forms of visual perception estab- suggested a particular political context for the emergence of
lished by Cubism and Futurism were necessary to compre- the language of space, Drexler's opposition between politics
hend the rhythms of the big city life. Franzen implied that the and architecture raises the question of whether there might
educators at Cooper Union were able to get their students out be a politic behind to the language of space.
of the unrest of the late sixties-which had hit home in New By turning to sociologist Pierre Bourdieu's analysis of
York City at the student takeover of the architecture building aesthetic perception we can narrow in on that question.
at Columbia University - by giving them a new way of According to Bourdieu, to perceive a work of art is "an act of
seeing. This "reawakened connection between eye and deciphering, decoding, which presupposes practical or ex-
m i n d acted as nothing less that an eye in the storm of plicit mastery of a cipher or code."24The cultural competence
radicalism and attempts to make architecture socially re- needed to perform this act of deciphering is the result of our
sponsible during the late sixties and early seventies.20 upbringing and functions as an indirect marker of class (not all
The popularity of The Education of an Architect in the capitalists go to museums and not all proletarians don't, but
1970sand the accompanying spread of the language of space you are more likely to run into a member of the upper
in architectural schools was an institutional response to the bourgeoisie in a museum than a proletarian). Those privileged
sense of crisis in architectural education that existed in the to encounter art at an early age tend to have an advantage over
late 1960s. The problems with architectural pedagogy were those who do not and the amount of time spent in contact with
summed up in a 1967 "Princeton Report" prepared for the such objects in one's youth is a function of one's class, the

upper classes spending far more time in museums than the as a site of oral and visual knowledge that cannot be commu-
lower.25Those educated at the right school, possessing the nicated through writing and illustration. The Ching book,
thus becomes Pharmakon for students: something that is both
right class background to be able to facilitate trips abroad part of their education, but also something to be hidden away
and familiar with contemporary art and architecture will as a dangerous drug.
best be able to make the successful transformation into the This link has been pointed out in a number of texts on art
cultural aristocracy. At the same time, the successful history. For a recent example see J. Abbott Miller, "Elemen-
understanding of the visual language of architecture en- tary School," in Ellen Lupton and J. Abbott Miller, ed., The
ABC's of [triangle][square][circle] (Princeton, New Jersey:
sures that a student leave out materialist questions. There's Princeton Architectural Press, 1991).
not much relevance for gender, race, o r class in the world Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Emile, (New York: Dutton, 1974;
of beam, column, wall, compression, shear, and rotation. Everyman's Library edition first published in 191 1, first
But the political content to the language of space is not published in French in 1762),5. For Rousseau's impact on the
just exclusionary. Lefebvre has described the development child art educators see Stuart MacDonald, History and Phi-
losophy of Art Education, (London: University of London,
of a consciousness of space in the Bauhaus as the concreti- l97O), 5.
zation and aesthetic self-knowledge of the space of capital- Rousseau, 84-85.
ism. The Froebelian teaching of formal desire and the S. J. Curtis, A Short History of Educational Ideas, (Slough,
Pestalozzian reduction of the subject into a switching England: University Tutorial Press, 1977, fifth edition; first
machine to create patterns were but early moments of what oublished 1953). 341-345.
iupton and ~ i l l ' e r18.
Lefebvre has identified as abstract space, the space of Arthur D. Efland, A History of Art Education: Intellectual
capitalism. Lefebvre explains: and Social Currents in Teaching the Visual Arts, (New York:
Teachers College Press, Columbia University, 1990), 126-7.
Abstract space functions 'objectally,' as a set of
Efland, 94- 1 14.
thingslsigns and their formal relationships: glass and Henri Lefebvre, The Production of Space, (Cambridge, Ma.:
stone, concrete and steel, angles and curves, full and Basil Blackwell Ltd., 1991) 123-1 34.
empty. Formal and quantitative, it erases distinc- l o Peter Galison, "Aufbau/Bauhaus: Logical Positivism and

tions, as much those which derive from nature and Architectural Modernism," Critical Inquiry Summer 1990,
(historical) time as those which originate in the body 'I Gyorgy Kepes, Language of Vision, (Chicago: Paul Theobald,
(age, sex, ethnicity). The signification of this en- 1944), 34-45.
semble refers back to a sort o f super-signification l 2 Kepes, 5 1.

which escapes meaning's net: the functioning of Kepes, 60.

l 4 For Gropius's program, see Walter Gropius, "Blueprint for
capitalism, which contrives to be blatant and covert
An Architect's Education," L 'Architecture d'Aujourd 'hui
at one and the same time.2h February 1950, 68-74. For comments by Colin Rowe and
Indeed, the success of the language of space was not a Bernard Hoesli on Gropius at Harvard, the Bauhaus, and the
Ecole system, see "Comments of Harwell Hamilton Harris to
simple question of victory in an aesthetic arena. Rather, the the Faculty" in Colin Rowe, As I Was Saying: Recollections
language of space succeeded because it fulfilled a specific and Miscellaneous Essays, (Cambridge, Ma: The MIT Press,
disciplinary function for architecture, at the same making 1996), 25-40.
it more representative o f capitalism. By eliminating l5 James Warren, "Colin Rowe and the Butterfly Effect," Pro-

extraformal meaning, the autonomy of the architectural gressive Architecture vol. 71 no. 7 (1 990), 98. I should also
formalism in the 1970s manifested capitalism's abstract note that the Texas Rangers were by no means a unified group
and that their own work - most notably Rowe's -was not
space even better than the instrumentalism of postwar simply arrested in the early 1950s but rather continued to
functionalist architecture. develop and in many cases became more complex. For more
Space, Lefebvre reminds us is not abstracted but rather on the Texas Rangers see Alexander Caragonne, Notes from
is social. Can a language of space that ignores social an Architectural Underground, (Cambridge, Ma.: The MIT
relations still be used innocently or not so innocently? Press, 1995). On Rowe vs. the Texas Rangers see Colin
Rowe, "Texas and Mrs. Harris" in As I Was Saying, 25-40.
While as I stated at the outset of this paper, I d o not intend I h Colin Rowe and Robert Slutzky, "Transparency: Literal and
to point to a mythic new, and authentic architectural Phenomenal," The Mathematics of the Ideal Villa and Other
language, isn't it time to call this one-and with it the wish Essays, (Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press, 1976), 162.
l 7 Rowe and Slutzky, 163.
to maintain architecture as an autonomous discipline in the
John Hejduk, Mask of Medusa: Works 1947-1983, (New
late twentieth century - into question?
York: Rizzoli, 1985) 35.
l 9 John Hejduk, Education of An Architect: A Point of View,
(New York: The Cooper Union for the Advancement of
NOTES Science and Art, 1971). For some discussion of the book and
' Indeed, while Ching's book is extremely popular among its relation to its successor, also of the same title, and the
undergraduate architecture students, its role is often as a possibility (or impossibility) of reading a book produced by
secret document to be hidden from the instructor's view. a school of architecture about itself see Val K. Warke,
While both the students and teacher know that reading the "Education of an Architect and Tadao Ando: The Yale Studio
book will give them a better knowledge of the language of & Current Works," The Journal ofArchitectura1 Education,
space, to acknowledge that is to challenge the role of studio vol. 43 no.4 (Summer 1990), 45-50.

Ulrich Franzen, Introduction to Hejduk, Education of An and Kenneth Frampton, Five Architects, (New York:
Architect: A Point of View, 5 . Wittenborn & Company, 1972), I .
2' Robert L. Geddes and Bernard P. Spring, Final Report. A 24 Pierre Bourdieu, The Field of Cultural Production. Essays on
Study of Education Sponsored by the American Institute of Art and Literature, European Perspectives, (New York: Co-
Architects, (Princeton University: December 1967). lumbia University Press, 1993), 2.
22 "Revolution in Architectural Education," Progressive Archi- 25 Pierre Bourdieu and Alain Darbel, The Love of Art. European
tecture March 1967: 136. Al? Museums and Their Public, (Cambridge U K : Polity Press,
23 Arthur Drexler, preface to Peter Eisenman, Michael Graves, 1991), 44.
Charles Gwathmey, John Hejduk, Richard Meier, Colin Rowe 2%efebvre, 49.

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