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CPUSH (Unit 4, #4)


Date _____________________ Pd


The Presidency of Andrew Jackson (1829-1837)

I. The Jacksonian Democracy and Era of the Common
A. From 1800 to 1840, states removed ____________________________ and _______________ restrictions
which allowed 90% of ________________________ white men to vote (universal white male
B. Andrew Jacksons victory in the election of 1828 changed American politics
1. Andrew Jackson was the first ___________________________________ president
2. He was born ______________, uneducated, and from the ___________________
3. Jacksons victory split the Democratic-Republicans and led to the formation of the
________________________ Party
a. Jackson and his supporters hoped to return to the Jeffersonian ideas of
__________________________________, protection of liberty, and ____________________________
b. But, during his eight years in office, Andrew Jackson greatly expanded
c. Opposition to Jackson led to the formation of the ____________ Party and the return of the
_______-party system

II. Jackson as President (1829-1837)

A. When Jackson entered office, he encouraged the use of the _________________________________
1. He replaced the govt ___________________________________________ from previous
administrations with his own __________________ party supporters
2. At the time, this patronage was seen as very ________________________ because it gave govt
jobs to new people But over time, it led to inefficiency and govt corruption
B. Andrew Jacksons two term presidency (1829-1837) was defined by three major conflicts
1. Indian Removal

a. By the time Jackson entered office, Americans were spreading _______________ in search of
new land to cultivate
b. Five ____________________________________ in the South stood in the way of American
westward expansion
i. The discovery of __________ in north Georgia in 1828 led the _________________ govt to seize
Cherokee lands
ii. The Cherokee ____________ in the Supreme Court (Cherokee Nation v. Georgia) and
c. But, Congress passed and Jackson signed the
__________________________________________________ of 1830 forcing all Indian tribes to
______________________ west of the Mississippi River
d. In 1838, the U.S. Army forced the Cherokees west on the
2. The Nullification Crisis
a. By the 1830s, ______________________ was becoming more obvious, especially over the issue
of _____________
i. Northern states _____________________ tariffs because they ________________________ when
people bought more ______________________________________ goods
ii. Southern states ____________________ tariffs because made goods more
______________________________ and led to European tariffs on cotton
b. When Congress passed a high tariff in 1832, Southern states claimed that their
_____________________________ were violated
c. VP John Calhoun threatened that South Carolina would ______________________ (ignore) the
unfair federal tax
i. Calhoun supported ____________________________ as a way for states to ____________________
themselves from the national government
ii. Calhoun believed that as a last resort, states could _____________________ from the Union
d. President Jackson did not support the tariff either, but he saw nullification as a _____________
to unity of the USA
Jackson urged Congress to pass the _____________________________ to enforce the tariff
f. The Nullification Crisis came to an end when Henry Clay introduced a lower tariff
(____________________ of 1833)
i. This conflict revealed ___________________________________________ between the North and
iI. The South used states rights to argue that _______________________________ from the
Union was possible
iIi. President Jackson was willing to use ______________ to protect the power of the national
govt over the states
3. The Bank War
a. The third conflict of the Jackson presidency was his war against the ______________________ of
the United States
i. Jackson thought the BUS was unconstitutional and gave too much ______________________ to
the elite
ii. In 1832, Congressman ____________________________ and bank manager
_____________________________ supported the re-chartering the BUS
b. Jackson ___________________ the bank _______________________________ which would kill the
BUS in 4 years
c. In 1833, Jackson ordered all federal money to be ___________________________ from the BUS
and put the funds in 23 _________ state _______________
i. This action ______________________ the BUS

ii. Without the BUS, banking went ___________________________________ from 1833 to 1913 and
the economy entered a number of ____________________ (depressions)
C. Jackson represented a new era in American democracy
1. He and the Democratic Party represented the will of the ____________________________________
2. His use of the spoils system, veto power, stand against states rights strengthened the
____________ of the president
3. ___________________________ to Jackson led to the formation of the Whigs and the return of the
two-party system

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