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US 20140231364A1

(19) United States

(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. N0.: US 2014/0231364 A1
Tanttu et al.


Aug. 21, 2014

(43) Pub. Date:




Foreign Application Priority Data

Oct. 11,2011

(Fl) .................................... .. 20116000

Publication Classi?cation

(71) Applicant: OUTOTEC (FILTERS) OY,

Lappeenranta (Fl)

Inventors: Leena Tanttu, Lappeenranta (Fl); Janne

Kauppi, Lappeenranta (Fl); Yrjo

Oinonen, Kokkola (Fl)


Int. Cl.
B01D 37/02
B01D 36/04
(52) U.S. Cl.

CPC .............. .. B01D 37/02 (2013.01); B01D 36/04


(73) Assignee: OUTOTEC (FILTERS) OY,

Lappeenranta (Fl)
(21) Appl. No.:





PCT Filed:

Oct. 10, 2012


PCT N0.:


371 (0X1)
(2), (4) Date:

Apr. 11, 2014


......................................... .. 210/777; 210/193


Method for preparing a precoat (3) on the surface of the ?lter

medium (2) of a polishing ?lter (1), polishing ?lter (1) anduse

of a polishing ?lter. The essential feature in the invention is

that in the polishing ?lter (1), the precoat (3) is formed either
exclusively or jointly from the under?ow created in the sepa
ration process.


Patent Application Publication

Aug. 21, 2014 Sheet 1 0f 2

US 2014/0231364 A1

FIG. 1

Patent Application Publication

Aug. 21, 2014 Sheet 2 0f2

US 2014/0231364 A1

FIG. 2

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US 2014/0231364 A1



[0001] The invention relates to a method according to the

preamble of claim 1 for preparing precoat on the surface of
the ?lter medium of a polishing ?lter. The invention also
relates to polishing ?lter equipment according to claim 8 and
to the use according to claim 14.

[0002] Various ?ltering methods are well known. One of

the most demanding methods is polishing ?ltration. There the
basic principle is to reduce the solids content of process
liquids down to an extremely low level, in some applications
even down to fractions of a billionth. Polishing ?lters can be

utilized in many different applications, for example in chemi

cal and process industry. Polishing ?lters can also be utilized
in metallurgy plants that use electrolytic concentration pro
cesses for removing impurities. Gold and zinc plants are well

cess according to the invention is particularly based on the

fact that the process in question is polishing ?ltration where

an autogenous precoat is made use of. Here the term autog
enous means that the precoat is formed of essentially the
same material as the material to be ?ltered. In practice, only

the particle size of the material is different, either completely

or partly. Thus it is particularly essential for the invention to
make use of the under?ow created in the process, with a

particle size larger than in the over?ow, of which under?ow

there is formed, by a rapid ?ltration, a precoat on the surface
of the ?lter medium, to serve as a ?lter aid medium. Said

under?ow, serving as a ?lter aid medium, improves the sepa

ration by ?ltration of the solids contained in the process
over?ow and having a particle size smaller than the under
?ow, without blocking the ?lter medium. The ?lter aid
medium serves as a kind of porous ?lter in which the solids

fed at a low feed rate are ?ltered, possibly also precipitated,

adsorbed or crystallized.

able to make use of polishing ?lters.

[0003] The purpose of polishing ?ltration is to separate, as

[0008] The object of the present invention is to achieve a

completely new arrangement for enhancing the ?ltration by a

completely as possible, the extremely small solid particles

polishing ?lter, so that the ?ltering e?iciency is substantially

contained in a liquid. The size of the particles varies. Typi

cally the size is smaller than 1,000 nm, and by average within

improved. Different types of ?lters can be employed as the

polishing ?lter. A particularly advantageous ?lter is a pres
surized polishing ?lter, for instance the Outotec Larox Pol
ishing Filter, i.e. LSF ?lter, or the Outotec Larox Vertical
Polishing Filter, i.e. VPF ?lter, where the operation is based

the range 40-400 nm. Generally particles of this size are in

English called submicrons, i.e. particles having a size of order

of less than one micrometer. In this invention, they are called
nanosize particles, which refers to the same thing. Different

on a pressure vessel and on cloth-coated frames provided

types of equipment can be used for measuring the size of

particles, for example the Hanna Instruments HI 93703 tur

therein, in which frames the ?ltering process is carried out.

Apart from LSF or VPF ?lters, also other types of ?lters can

bidity meter. The device is based on an 825 nm light source,

and the measurement is carried out as a re?ection of 90

be used, for example precoat ?lters, precoat drum ?lters,

degrees for readings below 40 FTU.

[0004] When the solids content of process liquids is

bag polishing ?lters. The essential feature in the invention is

reduced down to a very low level, and the particle size

remains as small as this, there are several problems in the

surface, and equipment for utilizing said method. More pre

cisely, the invention is characterized by what is set forth in the

?ltering process. Especially these nanosize particles, i.e. par

appended claims.

ticles with a size of less than one micrometer, tend to block the

[0009] The invention is described in more detail below,

with reference to the appended drawings, where

?lter medium in a short time. A particular problem is created

by the layer impermeable to liquid that is formed on the
surface and pores of the ?lter medium.

chamber ?lters, pressure leaf ?lters or candle-type ceramic or

the method for forming a pre-coat layer on the ?lter medium

Thus the ?lter medium, such as a ?lter cloth or a

[0010] FIG. 1 is a simpli?ed illustration of a method and

equipment according to an embodiment of the invention.

ceramic medium, is rapidly blocked, which directly affects

the ?ltering e?iciency. This in turn increases the ?ltering

[0011] FIG. 2 is a simpli?ed illustration of how the precoat

surface is formed on top of the ?lter medium.


costs, such as costs caused directly by the ?lter material, as

well as maintenance and service costs. Moreover, aid medium
costs as well as waste and post-processing volumes increase.

These are extremely signi?cant aspects considering that in

process industry, particularly ef?ciency and all possible cost
bene?ts are welcome.


According to the invention, an arrangement has


FIG. 1 illustrates an embodiment of the method

according to the invention, where a precoat layer 3 is formed

on the surface of the ?lter medium 2 of a pressurized polish
ing ?lter 1. Said precoat layer 3 is formed either completely or
partially of an under-?ow, crystals or precipitated solids
obtained from a separation process, and thus the precoat 3

been devised where the above enlisted problems can be

serves as an autogenous ?lter aid medium in the method.

solved. In the arrangement according to the invention, it is

[0013] According to step I of FIG. 2, the precoat 3 is advan

tageously fed to an empty polishing ?lter 1, including a ?lter

essential to make use of an autogenous material created in the

process as a ?lter aid medium comprising a precoat. Here the
term precoat refers to a ?lter aid medium that is formed
essentially on the surface of the ?lter medium, or formed to be

in connection with said medium. This kind of second ?ltering

layer formed on the ?lter, such as the ?lter cloth, substantially
improves the ?ltering e?iciency. At the same time, better use
can be made of the whole process.

[0007] In an arrangement according to the invention, pol

ishing ?ltration is utilized more ef?ciently than in the prior
art, and at the same time, the operation of the whole equip
ment is optimized. The inventive nature of the ?ltering pro

element 4, a ?lter medium 2, such as ?lter cloth, and a ?ltrate

conduit 5. When the pre-coat 3 is fed to the ?lter 1, it forms an
even layer on the surface of the ?lter medium 2, such as a ?lter

cloth. According to step II, liquid is ?ltered through the cloth

into the ?ltrate conduit 5. After forming the precoat layer 3,
the solids to be ?ltered, such as an over?ow 6, are fed to the

?lter 1. Filtering is carried out by means of the precoat layer

3 and the ?lter medium 2, according to step III, so that the

small, nanoparticle-size crystals 7 are ?ltered by the precoat

3 serving as the ?lter aid medium, or by the surface thereof.
Thus the ?lter aid medium comprising the precoat 3 serves as

Aug. 21,2014

US 2014/0231364 A1

a kind of porous ?lter in which the solids 7 fed at a low feed

rate are ?ltered, possibly also precipitated, adsorbed or crys

[0014] The use of an autogenous material, i.e. material
obtained from the process, as the ?lter aid medium forming
the precoat 3, is stable in the process and does neither cause
impurity residues in the process liquid nor increase mass
?ows in the plant. Thus said use reduces the process byprod
uct volumes and valuable material losses. The autogenous
precoat and the ?ltered solids can also be returned back to the
process. Moreover, the method enables the ?ltering of nano

particle-size crystals 7, i.e. solids with a particle size of

roughly 40-400 nm by average, from the process liquid. Con
sequently, by means of an arrangement according to the
invention, it is possible to increase ?ltering e?iciency, reduce
process residues or possible waste and minimize the ?ltering


An advantageous example of a method utilizing the

material as the material to be ?ltered, or of material obtained

from the same process as the material to be ?ltered. The

invention makes the separation ?ltering of solids more effec

tive and at the same time improves the recovery of nanopar

ticles. A saturated solution precipitates/crystallizes nearly all

of the calcium in the precoat layer or on the surface thereof

according to the ?rst exemplary embodiment, or manganese

according to the second exemplary embodiment, without,

however, in any way interfering with the polishing ?ltration

[0020] A person skilled in the art appreciates that the inven

tion is not restricted to the above described embodiments, but
the embodiments may vary within the scope of the appended

1-12. (canceled)
13. A method comprising forming a precoat on the surface
of a ?lter medium of a polishing ?lter, where the precoat is at
least partially formed of the under?ow of at least one of a

invention is the polishing ?ltration of calcium sulfate over

?ow (CaSO4) making use of polishing ?ltration with an
autogenous precoat. In an exemplary ?ltration that was car

thickener and a clari?er, and where the precoat serves as a

ried out, the employed ?lter aid medium forming the precoat

14. A method according to claim 13, where the precoat is a

?lter aid medium in pressurized polishing ?ltration, on the

was under?ow from a gypsum thickener.


The arrangement according to the invention was

reached on the basis of various experiments and test runs,

?lter aid medium in polishing ?ltration of the over?ow of said

at least one of a thickener and a clari?er.

surface and/ or in the structure of which there are separated

nanoparticle-size solids from an over?ow that has a smaller

because from earlier experience it was found problematic that

in the course of time, gypsum was crystallized in the ?lter
medium of the polishing ?lter, thus causing it to be blocked.
Therefore the over?ow of the CaSO4 clari?er cannot, in most

particle size than the under?ow.

15. A method according to claim 13, where the under?ow

cases, be directly polishing ?ltered. The over?ow rapidly

that are fed at a slow ?ltering rate and have a smaller particle
size are at least one of ?ltered, precipitated, adsorbed and

crystallizes a layer impermeable to liquid on the surface of the

?lter medium. By means of an arrangement according to the
invention, this can be avoided by using the under?ow of the
CaSO4 clari?er as precoat material on the surface of the ?lter
medium. The method is made even more effective when the

used precoat is recycled back to polishing ?ltration, to be

reused as ?lter aid medium. Advantageously the polishing
?lter used in the method is an LSF ?lter, by means of which
the ?ltering of the CaSO4 over?ow is realized.
[0017] Another advantageous example of a method utiliz
ing the invention is manganese recovery for instance from the

has a larger particle size and serves as a ?lter aid medium

forming a porous precoat in which nanoparticle-size solids

1 6. A method according claim 13, where the particles of the
?lter aid medium created by the precoat formed of the under
?ow serve as seed crystals, and where the particles contained
in the supersaturated solution of the over?ow are crystallized.
17. A method according to claims 13, where the size of the
particles contained in the under?ow and in the particles con
tained in the over?ow is generally less than 1,000 nm, by
average 40-400 nm.

18. A method according to claim 13, where the precoat is

over?ow of ?nishing neutralization by applying polishing

formed of essentially the same substance as the substance to

?ltration utilizing an autogenous precoat. In a performed

be ?ltered.
19. A method according to claim 13, where the under?ow
and the over?ow comprise those of a CaSO4 clari?er.

exemplary ?ltration, the autogenous pre-coat serving as the

?lter aid medium was formed by utilizing the over?ow from
?nishing neutralization and the under?ow from the gypsum

20. A method according claim 13, where the precoat is

thickener, which is mainly calcium sulfate (CaSO4).

conducted back to polishing ?ltration, and reused as the ?lter

[0018] The aim was to make manganese sulfate, MnSO4, to

either crystallize in the precoat layer or to retain on the pre
coat laycr serving as the ?lter aid mcdium. First there was
formed a precoat layer on the surface of the polishing ?lter

aid medium creating the precoat.

21. A polishing ?lter having a ?lter medium comprising a
prccoat, where the prccoat is at least partially formed of the

neutralization was continued without interruptions after

undertow of at least one of a thickener and a clari?er, and

where the precoat serves as a ?lter aid medium in polishing
?ltration of the over?ow of said at least one of a thickener and

forming the autogenous precoat. On the basis of analysis


results from a test run realized at a low ?ow rate, it was found

22. A polishing ?lter according to claim 21, where the

precoat is a ?lter aid medium of a pressurized polishing ?lter,

cloth, and the ?ltering of the over?ow from the ?nishing

that the retention of manganese sulfate was higher than

99.8%. The method is made even more effective when the
used precoat is recycled back to the process, to be reused as an

on the surface and/or in the structure of which there are

autogenous ?lter aid medium. Advantageously the polishing

smaller particle size than the under?ow.

23. A polishing ?lter according to claim 22, where the
solids from the under?ow that has a larger particle size than

?lter used in the method is an LSF ?lter, by means of which

the ?ltering of the over?ow containing MnSO4 is realized.

[0019] According to the invention, it is essential that by
applying the new autogenous precoat system, there is
achieved an advantageous precoat that is formed of the same

separated nanoparticle-size solids from an over?ow that has a

the over?ow are arranged as a ?lter aid medium comprising

the precoat in connection with the ?lter medium of polishing

?ltration, and boost at least one of the ?ltering, precipitation,

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US 2014/0231364 A1

adsorption and crystallization of nanoparticle-size solids con

tained in the over?ow that have a smaller particle size than the

24. A polishing ?lter according to claim 21, Where the

particles of the ?lter aid medium comprising the precoat and
formed of the undertow serve as seed crystals, in Which the
particles contained in a supersaturated solution of the over
?ow are crystallized.

25. A polishing ?lter according claim 21, Where the ?lter

aid medium arranged in the polishing ?lter enables the ?lter
ing of such nanoparticle-size solids from the process solution
Where the particle size is generally less than 1,000 nm, by
average 40-400 nm.

26. A polishing ?lter according claims 21, including ele

ments for conducting used precoat back to polishing ?ltra
tion, to be reused to form the precoat serving as a ?lter aid

27. A method comprising using a polishing ?lter for pol

ishing ?ltration of the over?ow of at least one of a thickener
or clari?er, Where a precoat is formed on the surface of a ?lter

medium of the polishing ?lter, and is at least partially formed

of an under?oW of the at least one of a thickener and clari?er.

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