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Absolutism and Revolution SOL Test

Name__________________________________________ Period______ Due: Monday May 3rd

1. In the theory of divine right to rule, kings/queens and emperors/empresses believed they got the right to rule from:
A. their people
B. God
C. their military strength
D. their economic policies
2. Which one of the following is NOT a reason for the English Civil War?
A. Charles I tried to put more ritual into Church of England ceremonies
B. Charles I tried to impose taxes without Parliaments consent
C. Puritans fled to America rather than stay in England
D. English kings believed they had the divine right to rule
3. In the English Civil War, a Cavalier was a:
A. supporter of the king
B. supporter of the Parliament
C. Cavalier
D. Puritan
4. Who won the English Civil War?
A. the king
B. the Parliament
C. the Puritans
D.. no one, it was a tie
5. Who took over England after the civil war, basically establishing a military dictatorship?
A. Charles II
B. Oliver Cromwell
C. Sir Francis Drake
D. Elizabeth I
E. William and Mary
6. In 1660, Englands Restoration brought what type of government to power?
A. aristocracy
B. democracy
C. monarchy
D. republic
7. The English Glorious Revolution of 1689 was caused by the fear of:
A. the plague
B. immigrants from the Americas
C. the Protestant religion
D. the Catholic religion
8. What law did Englands new monarchy have to agree to in 1689 that set-up a government based on the rule of law
and gave individuals some power?
A. English Bill of Rights
B. Toleration Act
C. a Constitution
D. New Model Act
9. Because of the Glorious Revolution in England, who had the most power?
A. the military
B. the monarchy
C. the people
D. the Parliament
10. Absolutism meant all power rested with the:
A. military
B. monarchy
C. people
D. Parliament

11. Which ruler perhaps best exemplified the Age of Absolutism when he built the palace of Versailles during his long
rule over France?
A. Henry IV
B. Ivan IV
C. Louis XIV
D. Peter I
12. Russians leaders starting with Ivan IV took the title of _____ to make their connection with the old Byzantine and
Roman empires?
A. boyar
B. czar
C. emperor
D. king
13. Russias Time of Troubles was like a:
A. civil war
B. revolutionary war
C. war of conquest
D. invasion
14. Who was the Russian leader who tried to westernize his country and make it more European?
A. Henry IV
B. Ivan IV
C. Louis XIV
D. Peter I
15. Who was the English philosopher who wrote the Two Treatises on Government in which he stated that all humans
had certain natural rights such a life, liberty, and property?
A. Thomas Hobbes
B. John Locke
C. Adam Smith
D. Jonathan Spence
16. What type of art dominated the Age of Absolutism with its emphasis on spiritual feelings and dramatic effects?
A. baroque art
B. gothic art
C. mannerist art
D. Romanesque art
17. What scientist first observed that the planets make an elliptical orbit of the sun?
A. Nicholas Copernicus
B. Galileo Galilei
C. Johannes Kepler
D. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek
18. Who invented the system of naming the chemical elements.
A. Robert Boyle
B. Robert Hooke
C. Antoine Levoisier
D. Andreas Vesalius
19. Who perfected the microscope and was the first to observe such things as bacteria and blood cells?
A. Nicholas Copernicus
B. Galileo Galilei
C. Johannes Kepler
D. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek
20. Who came up with the universal law of gravity and invented calculus?
A. Nicholas Copernicus
B. Galileo Galilei
C. Johannes Kepler
D. Isaac Newton
21. Who dissected human bodies and drew the general internal structure of humans?
A. Robert Boyle
B. Robert Hooke
C. Antoine Levoisier
D. Andreas Vesalius

22. Who stated that humans were a tabula rasa that could be molded by their environment?
A. Cesare Beccaria
B. Denis Diderot
C. Rene Descartes
D. John Locke
23. Who wrote the Spirit of the Laws and studied how governments functioned through a separation of powers?
A. Montesquieu
B. Jean-Jacques Rousseau
C. Adam Smith
D. Voltaire
24. Who wrote The Social Contract in which he said communities should be ruled by the will of the people?
A. Montesquieu
B. Jean-Jacques Rousseau
C. Adam Smith
D. Voltaire
25. Who dedicated his life to new ideas and created the 28 volume Encyclopedia as a way of spreading them?
A. Cesare Beccaria
B. Denis Diderot
C. Rene Descartes
D. John Locke
26. Wrote the Wealth of Nations in which he put forth the economic position of laissez-faire.
A. Montesquieu
B. Jean-Jacques Rousseau
C. Adam Smith
D. Voltaire
27. Who was the father of rationalism and said I think, therefore I am?
A. Cesare Beccaria
B. Denis Diderot
C. Rene Descartes
D. John Locke
28. According to the scientists and philosophers of the Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment, both believed that:
A. Ancient Rome had the best form of government
B. mathematics could be used to solve all human problems
C. people gave up their natural rights to their rulers
D. the use of science and reason would lead to human progress
29. What did the Enlightenment grow out of?
A. Absolutism
B. Reformation
C. Renaissance
D. Scientific Revolution
30. How did Enlightenment philosophers try to apply Isaac Newtons ideas to the non-scientific world?
A. through natural laws that governed society
B. by creating a sense of community
C. through obeying the church and Gods laws
D. by starting revolutions against monarchs
31. How did Francis Bacon try to improve the study of science?
A. the microscope
B. the law of the pendulum
C. the scientific method
D. the barometer
32. The intellectuals of the Enlightenment were called:
A. philosophes
B. professors
C. scientists
D. writers
33. What new architectural style started during the Enlightenment that used designs with graceful curves and had
secular themes?
A. baroque

B. classical
C. mannerist
D. rococo
34. Which of the following rulers was the most enlightened by giving serfs their freedom and establishing the
principle of equality before the law?
A. Catherine II
B. Frederick II
C. Frederick William I
D. Joseph II
35. Enlightenment philosophers generally agreed that:
A. an absolute monarch is the best form of government for people
B. censorship is necessary to prevent rebellions
C. human nature is basically evil
D. government should protect the natural rights of the people
36. What started the War of Austrian Succession?
A. Maria Theresa took the throne of Austria
B. Prussia invaded Silesia, which was part of Austria
C. France invaded Austrian territory in the Netherlands
D. Great Britain took over French trading ports in India
37. The Seven Years War was fought in all of the following places EXCEPT:
A. Africa
B. Europe
C. India
D. North America
38. Who ruled over most of Latin America?
A. France
B. Great Britain
C. Netherlands
D. Spain
39. The main goal of the Catholic missionaries that were sent from Europe to Latin America, Asia, and Africa was to:
A. build schools
B. build cathedrals
C. convert the people
D. teach people trades
40. Who was the British leader who oversaw the nations effort to build an empire?
A. George I
B. Elizabeth I
C. William Pitt
D. Robert Walpole
41. Which one of the following nations was most affected by the ideas of the Enlightenment?
A. France
B. Great Britain
C. Netherlands
D. Russia
42. Which one of the following reasons forced the French king to call a meeting of the Estates-General?
A. huge spending by the government on wars and luxuries
B. bad harvests that led to food shortages and higher prices
C. rising unemployment
D. slowdown in manufacturing
43. What did the French king want the Estates-General to do?
A. raise taxes
B. support a war against Great Britain
C. create a jobs program for the poor
D. help stop a rebellion by French peasants
44. Which group of people was part of the Second Estate?
A. farmers
B. clergy
C. bankers

D. nobility
45. What did the Third Estate create when it broke off from the Estates-General in June 1789?
A. National Convention
B. Parliament
C. Legislative Assembly
D. National Assembly
46. What saved this new government from attack from the French king who wanted to see it crushed?
A. Bastille Day
B. the Great Fear
C. the Tennis Court Oath
D. the taille
47. When Frances new government created the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen, it supported all of the
following EXCEPT:
A. equality before the law
B. freedom of speech
C. a monarchy form of government
D. natural rights of liberty, property, and security
48. What was the large political group that had membership throughout France to spread the ideals of the revolution?
A. the Girodins
B. the Jacobins
C. the Mountain
D. the Paris Commune
E. the sans-culottes
49. Why did leaders of other countries in Europe feel that they had to go to war against revolutionary France?
A. France wanted to expand its territory
B. France was weakened by the revolution
C. the revolution might spread to their countries
D. they did not want anymore people fleeing France to their nations
50. Who was the leader of the Committee of Public Safety who dominated its power and wanted to create a Republic
of Virtue
A. Georges Danton
B. Jacques Louis David
C. Jean-Paul Marat
D. Maximilien Robespierre
51. The type of government that Napoleon helped to create in 1799 was called the:
A. Consulate
B. Council of 500
C. Council of Elders
D. Directory
52. What did the Napoleonic Code create?
A. a uniform law code for the first time in Frances history
B. peace between the French government and Catholic Church
C. a civil service system based on merit and open to all social classes
D. a military dictatorship over France
53. Through his conquests of most of Europe, what title does Napoleon get granted (and take)?
A. president
B. king
C. caesar
D. emperor
54. What does nationalism mean?
A. a hatred of another country that rules over you
B. a love or feeling of duty to your own country
C. the extension of one nations power over another
D. a love and duty to your family
55. The continental system that Napoleon created in Europe:
A. was used in conquering Russia
B. tried to stop trade with Great Britain
C. spread Christianity throughout his territories

D. tried to stop the Ottoman invasion of Europe

56. Which country does Napoleon invade in 1812 that caused his downfall?
A. Russia
B. Great Britain
C. Austria
D. Ottoman Empire
57. At which battle was Napoleon and his army finally defeated in 1815?
A. Battle of Austerlitz
B. Battle of Leipzig
C. Battle of Trafalgar
D. Battle of Waterloo
58. After Napoleon lost this battle, what happened to him?
A. he was sent into exile to Corsica
B. he was sent into exile on Elba
C. he was executed by the guillotine in Paris
D. he was sent into exile on St. Helena
59. The peace settlement that followed the defeat of Napoleon was developed at the:
A. Second Republic
B. Frankfurt Assembly
C. Congress of Vienna
D. Germanic Confederation
60. Prince Klemens von Metternich's claim that he was guided by the principle of legitimacy meant:
A. territories would only be returned to those who had legitimate claim to them
B. lawful monarchs from the royal families that had ruled before Napoleon would retake power
C. he was the legitimate and lawful heir to the throne of Denmark
D. the old tensions that existed prior to Napoleon would resurface
61. Belief in tradition and social stablility is called:
A. conservatism
B. liberalism
C. nationalism
D. real politik
62. In 1848, revolutions took place in all of the following countries EXCEPT:
A. France
B. the German states
C. Great Britain
D. Italy
63. Otto von Bismark's theory of practical, as opposed to idealistic, governance was called:
A. conservatism
B. liberalism
C. nationalism
D. real politik
64. Prussia helped to form which nation in Europe"
A. Denmark
B. Germany
C. Poland
D. Russia
65. The law that freed Russia serfs was called the:
A. universal suffrage
B. principle of succession
C. emancipation edict
D. emancipation proclamation
66. Camillo di Cavour, Victor Emmanuel, and Giuseppe Garibaldi's Red Shirts are all associated with:
A. the Crimean War
B. Bloody Sunday
C. Napoleon III's effort to take over Mexico
D. the unification of Italy

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