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tare Cel ay via: a - Area WT Sol Pea 7m Ea a - “Tne Radiaton Alert Aves vanor i cre ofthe moet User end. ll ncUsie, sists of he art radstion ates montors ‘avaliable. The e2ey 10 Use nfertaoe Is am mtetigent restive Ucn soTeen splay featuring a large Mve digk LED readout |eomes wan ether an intemal or extemal detector and fee sonware or mansiomng every Radiatlon Alera Area (Monit on your network. Includes uses selectable warning indcaiarsforiow and high radiation alarm leves, low bnatery, and detector falure, Alling setings are stored ntemay, even wen power i sleconnected, ‘Specifications RANGE OPTIONS: = 0.07 -0.1 mfunr (2.0 10.9 pswin) Using an intemal of Externaiy Mounted Energy Compensated GM Detector, 11, or 2X2 Nat ‘Sontaton Detector + 81-10 Ri (0.01 0.001 Svihe) Using an internat or Externay Mount Energy Compensated GM Detector, 1X1, or 2X2Nal ‘Scoiitation Detector + To pRmeto 10 Rane (1.0 psu -0.01 Svnr) Using an interaly or Externally Mounted Energy Compensated GM Detector ‘TOUCH SCREEN DISPLAY: Stig 4.3 meh TFT 460272 touch soreen LED aepisy ‘win user menary Programmnabie Unis of Measurement ‘and Audio and Viewal Alarms, OPERATING RANGE: (04 Shh 100 raSutar (0.04 mF to 10 FU} ASE DISPLAY UNITS: ‘Gan deplayn phe, mFUhr, pSuhe, Sve, ope, Kepm. ops, and Kops, SE INTERNATIONAL INC“ Radiation Alert Area Monitor RESPONSE: \Vanes auiomateaty fom 20 sevongs to 2 seeonas INDICATORS: sra-Srant Stove ang Auaie Alam Can tngger up to three relaye with DB-S sera connection USB VCP for computer aata logging, can aleo be used to contr the nil wit use of remote software for farm indication and scinowledgment (Stence by remate) ETHERNET. ‘10 8956-7 connection for uce witn remote artware Yr akarmn Ingieaton and seangwiecgment (Saence by remote) CALIBRATION CONTROLS: Functlans accessible through touch screen push button under calibration cover enables secure access to changing cefings HIGH VOLTAGE: User agjustante from 200 to 1200 vats DEAD TIME: User aulustante to compensate for gead time of tne getector and erecranics. POWER: ‘or almost any style wall recepiacie BATTERY LIFE Typcally 10 nours n non-atarm conatton; 4 hours in atarm eanauon BATTERY CHARGER: artery is continuously inate charged when te netrument is connascted ta ine power and tumed an CONSTRUCTION: Easy mount steel enclosure TEMPERATURE RANGE 10 to 60°C (14 to 140 °F) se: 1624266453 om(64x 105421) WEIGHT. 84.5 02 (5 bs) Winaut Probe and Canle CLUDES Management software for use with networked area monitors SE. INTERNATIONAL INC “s

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