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ICAICT106A Operate presentation packages

About PowerPoint:

A PowerPoint presentation is a visual aid to enhance a verbal/oral presentation.

It must complement an oral presentation, not detract from it.

There are two types of PowerPoint presentations: informal and formal.

When would you use an informal PowerPoint presentation? (Not used in conjunction
with an oral presentation.)

Click here to enter text.

Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.


When would you use a formal PowerPoint presentation? (Used in conjunction with an
oral presentation.)

Click here to enter text.

Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.


It is important to understand that there are several ground rules when preparing
formal PowerPoint presentations.


You need to learn these rules and adapt them in any future PowerPoint presentations
you prepare so that your oral will be of a professional standard.


You may have the best speech ever, but if your PowerPoint is substandard, this is what
your audience will remember, not your words.

Task 1 Getting started


Open PowerPoint and with the help of your teacher, ensure you are familiar with the
location of the following elements:
Add new slide
Delete a slide
Move a slide
Select an appropriate layout
Access the design library
Insert picture, video, sound
Insert slide number
Insert a footer

when you have

located each of these

Access slide transitions

Access animations
Run spellcheck
Play a slide show
Close a presentation

Task 2 Tips on producing effective PowerPoints

Create a new folder in your VIM folder called PowerPoint

Open G:\Year 10\VIM 2013\Operate presentation packages\Tips on good presentations.ppt

Save to your H:\VIM\PowerPoint
With your teacher, view the presentation in slide show mode
Insert the slide number on each slide

when you have completed

Add your name in a footer

each of these elements

Delete slide 24
Print the slides 9 to a page horizontally
Staple and submit the document to your teacher
Task 3 How much have you learned?

Open G:\Year 10\VIM 2013\Operate presentation packages\Identify the problems

Save to your H:\VIM\PowerPoint
Insert the slide number on each slide

when you have completed

each of these elements

Add your name in a footer

Print the presentation as 3 slides handouts style
View the presentation in slide show mode
On the lines provided on your printout, write any problems you have identified with the
slide show
Add any additional points you may have missed when your teacher corrects the activity
with you
Staple and submit your completed document to your teacher

Task 4 Putting it all together

You are employed by Sweet Serenity Resorts a Queensland-owned resort chain. SSR has resorts in
major tourist destinations in Queensland. They are currently looking to heighten their profile on the
Sunshine Coast. An opportunity presents itself:

In an attempt to attract both local, state and overseas customers, Tourism Queensland is inviting local
tourist operators the chance to feature on their new website. An Invitation to minor and major
operators has been issued and Sweet Serenity Resorts wants to be part of the initiative.
Your line manager, Tracy Brown, will make a presentation to Tourism Queensland at the Hyatt Coolum
this month. She has given you the task of preparing the slide presentation which will accompany her

The brief:
(Your teacher will tell you about a brief)
Create a new folder in your H:\VIM\PowerPoint\Sweet Serenity
Open G:\Year 10\VIM 2013\Operate presentation packages\Sweet Serenity\Images
Copy to H:\VIM\PowerPoint\Sweet Serenity\
Open G:\Year 10\VIM 2013\Operate presentation packages\Sweet Serenity\Video clip
Copy to H:\VIM\PowerPoint\Sweet Serenity\
Open PowerPoint
Click File

when you have completed/read

Click Convert

each of these elements

File name: Your First name and Surname Queensland Tourism Presentation
Save as type: PowerPoint presentation (*.pptx) - this will allow you to embed video clips
Design Waveform
Font Austin (Century Gothic)
Select ONE slide transition and apply it to ALL slides
select ONE entrance animation for all dot points and apply it throughout the presentation
All images are to have the same white style picture border
No sound effects are necessary
Create the 9 slide presentation by following the instructions as per the instruction sheets given to
you by your teacher
Use Upper case and lower case letters as per the instruction sheet
Add a footer (on the first slide only): Prepared by Your Name and move the text box to the
bottom right of the slide

Check list before submission:

I have run a spellcheck on the presentation (if spellcheck has identified a problem, I have
double-checked with the instruction sheet)
I have proof-read my slides
I have checked my use of upper and lower case on all slides
I have used only one slide transition

I have used only one entrance animation

I have used the design and font styles as per the brief
I have used the slide style asked for as per the instruction sheet
I have used the same white picture border throughout the presentation
I have saved the presentation in my H:\VIM\PowerPoint\Sweet Serenity
I have used file name: First name and Surname Queensland Tourism Presentation
I have added a footer
I have printed the slides (3 slides, handout)
I have stapled the slides and submitted them to my teacher
I have printed this document, stapled it and submitted it to my teacher

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