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Enerolisa Paredes

ENG 111
Prof. Bryant
The Selfless Gene
In "The Selfless Gene," Olivia Judson's fundamental point is to demonstrate how
altruistic behavior is something that is not adapted, but rather is an inborn hereditary
characteristic. When talking about selflessness in term of how animals behave and conform
to their norms it is somewhat instinctual to assume that selflessness in a gene that is carried
down generation to generation. In the case of humans selfless is more of a complex term
simply because they are complex creatures. Altruism is something that sometimes is
applauded in society but it can also be associated with stupidity. It is human nature to
evaluate the circumstances that surrounds us. We are evolutionarily designed to steer away
from danger in sight of self-preservation. As intelligent creatures we have the capability of
overwriting this desire if the situation presents with the need of being selfless. Even
thought Judson considers altruism to be hereditary, there are reasons to believe there are
environmental and educational factors, as well as moral principles that shape it.
Judson refers to William Donald Hamilton, a developmental researcher who
asserted that these qualities that express selflessness would get by in gatherings of creatures
that lived together. He illustrated this point by explaining how bees defend their hive by
sacrificing their lives. He also added how some animals helps others offspring instead of
having some of its own. Under such circumstances how humans would altruistically behave
is depicted in the story the Birkenhead. This ship started to sink after hitting a rock at sea
near South Africa in 1852. With only three lifeboats for over six hundred people, seven
women and thirteen children, the example of saving women and children first is the
altruistic behavior that the male sailors express while knowingly putting their own lives at
risk. The question would arise if this was the activation of altruistic genes in the face of
danger, or if the upbringing of the heroes had an impact on their decision to sacrifice their
lives just like the bees. The environment where they grew up, the family and friends play an
important role in the development of a functional individual. Friends have a lot of
influences on behavior and attitudes of their partners. From strong friendships people learn
what it means to take care of, and worry about someone elses well-being who is not
directly related or romantically involved with. Nobody knows what a friend can be capable
of doing for their companion. Also, altruistic parents transfer their behavior to children by
practicing and reinforcing the importance of being selfless with those that are in need. In
the case of the sailors it could be argued that since the environment had a strong impact
during their upbringing they would feel compelled to aid those in need disregarding their
own being.
As mentioned earlier, Judson presents a thought of Hamilton that lays out the
fundamental need of creatures to survive. The idea of kin selection discloses why animals
gather as one and structure their own particular group. Judson utilizes the example of
conformity and how it has evolved in humans so that a person can fit in a group and adopt

its norms and customs. One of the examples used to illustrate this point is of the aggressive
baboons. These creatures are known for their territorial mannerism and how this behavior
drew this aggressive group to succumb. As a consequence, the behavior that prevailed was
of a mellower attitude. In the case of education, parental care, and teachings from
professors form an important part on survival and evolutionary advantage by selflessly
providing for a group. Through education the norms of a civilized and safe community are
learned and passed down generations. Parents invest energy caring for and teaching this
behavior to their offspring because it increases survival of the parents genes. Professors
also reinforce this teaching by developing strong relationships with their students
influencing their behavior.
At the point when Judson turns her argument to support the presence of a selfless gene in
people, she compares our activities to those of chimpanzees, our common relatives. She
says that chimpanzees in a group have males that watch its group and even attack
neighboring regions to guarantee safety. Chimpanzees have two important sources of
premature death at the hands of other chimpanzees: they may be murdered by members of
their own community, or they may be killed during encounters with organized bands of
hostile neighbors. People act in comparative ways. We have gatherings of individuals, for
example, the National Guard to keep up our borders and shield us from intruders, while
other military yield their lives to secure our groups and us. This is a presentation of
benevolent conduct particularly speaking of the individuals who intentionally enrolls in the
military. This comes with the moral principles that have been previously instilled in a
person. Morality refers to the cultural expectation in regards to consider what is good or
bad; right or wrong. Utilizing the chimpanzees as an example, taking another animals life is
seen as an altruistic behavior. They are caring for their young, preserving the quality of
their genes. When it comes to humans, is it right to take other peoples life? If we apply the
same principle as the simians it would depend. Morality is a subjective quality; individuals
beyond any doubt have solid convictions about what's good and bad. However, despite the
fact that ethics can change from individual to individual and society to culture, if presented
with the same situation in which we need to keep our offsprings safe, our perspective
would see a shift and altruism might set in.
Given these points, Judson understanding of altruistic behavior is something that is not
fixed, rather a conglomeration of teachings and lessons carried down life. There are other
elements to take into consideration such as the environment in which the person develops,
the learned moral principles and the nature of human beings.

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