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1. What's the primary reason for administering morphine to a client

with a myocardial infarction?

1. for sedation

2. to decrease pain

3. to decrease anxiety

4. to decrease oxygen demand on the heart

2. Which of the following factors makes developing a vaccine for HIV


1. HIV is a virus.

2. HIV matures early.

3. HIV mutates easily.

4. HIV spreads through body secretions.

3. Disseminated intravascular coagulation often results in

complications initially associated with which of the following organs?

1. brain

2. kidney

3. lung

4. stomach

4. Giving instructions for breast self-examination is particularly

important for clients with which of the following medical problems?

1. cervical dysplasia

2. a dermoid cyst
3. lung

4. stomach

5. A client has just received a renal transplant and has started

cyclosporine therapy to prevent graft rejection. Which of the following
is a major complication of this therapy?

1. depression

2. hemorrhage

3. infection

4. peptic ulcer disease

6. A client found unconscious at home is taken to the ED. Physical

examination shows cherry-red mucous membranes, nail beds, and
skin. Which of the following is the most likely cause of his condition?

1. spider bite

2. aspirin ingestion

3. hydrocarbon ingestion

4. carbon monoxide poisoning

7. Which of the following comments is typical of someone who

experiences periodic panic attacks while sleeping?

1. "Yesterday, I sat up in bed and just felt so scared."

2. "I have difficulty sleeping because I'm so anxious."

3. "Sometimes I have the most wild and vivid dreams."

4. "When I drink beer, I fall asleep without any problems."

8. Which of the following instructions would you include in your

discharge teaching for the parents of a newborn diagnosed with sickle-
cell anemia?

1. the importance of iron supplementation

2. the importance of monthly vitamin B12 injections

3. how to palpate the abdomen and take a temperature

4. that polyvalent pneumococcal vaccine is contraindicated

9. Which of the following is the most frequent site of internal bleeding

associated with hemophilia?

1. brain tissue

2. gastrointestinal (GI) tract

3. joint cavities

4. spinal cord

10. The mother of a neonate with clubfoot feels guilty because she
believes she did something to cause the condition. You should explain
that the cause of clubfoot is

1. unknown.

2. hereditary.

3. caused by restricted movement in utero.

4. caused by anomalous embryonic development.

11. Most cleft palates are repaired at what age?

1. immediately after birth

2. 1 to 2 months

3. 3 to 4 months

4. 1 to 2 years

12. In extreme cases of salicylate poisoning, which of the following

treatments is used?

1. forced emesis

2. temperature-regulating blankets

3. peritoneal dialysis

4. vitamin K injection

1. 4. Morphine is administered because it decreases myocardial
oxygen demand. Morphine also decreases pain and anxiety while
causing sedation, but it isn't given primarily for those reasons.

2. 3. The fact that HIV is a virus, matures early, and spreads through
body secretions doesn't affect the potential for vaccine development.

3. 2. Disseminated intravascular coagulation usually affects the

kidneys and extremities, but left untreated, it will affect the lungs,
brain, stomach, and the adrenal and pituitary glands.

4. 4. Clients with ovarian cancer are at increased risk for breast

cancer. Breast self-examination supports early detection and
treatment and is very important. There's no known relationship
between breast cancer and cervical dysplasia, endometrial polyps, or
dermoid cysts, so breast self-examination is no more or less important
for these clients.

5. 3. Infection is the major complication to watch for in clients on

cyclosporine therapy because it's an immunosuppressive drug.
Depression may occur posttransplantation but not because of
cyclosporine. Hemorrhage is associated with anticoagulant therapy.
Peptic ulcer disease is a complication of steroid therapy.

6. 4. Cherry-red skin indicates exposure to high levels of carbon

monoxide. Spider bite reactions usually are localized to the area of the
bite. Hydrocarbon or petroleum ingestion causes respiratory symptoms
and tachycardia. Nausea and vomiting and pale skin are symptoms of
aspirin ingestion.

7. 1. A person who suffers a panic attack while sleeping wakes up

abruptly, feeling fearful. Many people with severe anxiety have
symptoms related to a sleep disorder, but they wouldn't typically
experience a sleep panic attack. A panic attack while sleeping often
causes inability to remember dreams. Intake of alcohol initially
produces a drowsy feeling, but after a short time, alcohol causes
restless, fragmented sleep and strange dreams.

8. 3. Acute splenic sequestration is a serious complication of sickle-cell

anemia. Early detection of splenomegaly by parents is an important
aspect of client management. A temperature of 101.3 deg to 102.2
deg F (38.5 deg to 39 deg C) calls for emergency evaluation, even if
the child appears well. The need for folic acid increases injections, so
supplementation is prudent. Vitamin B12 and iron supplements aren't
necessary. Pneumococcal vaccine is used because children with sickle-
cell anemia are prone to infection with Streptococcus pneumoniae.
9. 3. The joint cavities-especially the knees, ankles, and elbows-are
the most frequent sites of internal bleeding. This bleeding often results
in bone changes and crippling, disabling deformities. Intracranial
hemorrhage occurs less frequently than expected because the brain
tissue has a high concentration of thromboplastin. Hemorrhage along
the GI tract and spinal cord can occur but is less common.

10. 1. The definitive cause of clubfoot is unknown. In some families,

there's an increased incidence. Some postulate that anomalous
embryonic development or restricted fetal movement are the reasons.
Currently, there's no way to predict the onset of clubfoot.

11. 4. Most surgeons will correct the cleft at I to 2 years old, before
faulty speech patterns develop. To take advantage of palatal changes
during infancy, surgical repair usually is postponed until this time.

12. 3. Peritoneal dialysis usually is reserved for cases of life-

threatening salicylism. Forced emesis is the immediate treatment for
salicylate poisoning because the stomach contents and salicylates will
move from the stomach to the remainder of the GI tract, where
vomiting won't remove the poison. Vitamin K may decrease bleeding
tendencies, but only if evidence of this exists. Temperature-regulating
blankets may reduce the possibility of seizures.

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