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Based on the highly acclaimed game series created by Hideo

A novel written by Tony Arjen Stark Schneider Schweinsteiger


The plot takes place in Germany. Its the year 2001.
Germany is going through its worst crisis since World War II. The Heer has been taken
over by a Neo-Nazi armed rebel resistance calling themselves Weisse Kreuze whom
number of followers increased at an accelerated rate.
The German Prime Minister travels to U.N. Headquarters based in New York City
requesting for help since the Heer forces were almost completely wiped out but the U.N.
council rejected his petition. But then, a top-secret organization known themselves as
I.S.A.F. (Independent State Allied Forces) appears in the middle of nowhere answering
his call.
Reaching an agreement, I.S.A.F. sents Black Snake, an American nave and rookie yet
smart and beautiful operative of Russian-German descent who finds her destiny in the
battlefield. But to do so, she needs to push herself hard surpassing the limits in order
not only to complete her mission but also in order to survive.


Prologue (Part I): First Class

Sunday January 19th, 2001 (U.N. Headquarters. New York City, United States): The
German government has reported that a Neo-Nazi group called Weisse Kreuze
launched an attack over Berlin.
The situation is out of control for the German Army and theyve decided ask for
International help.
The German Prime Minister, Robert A. Schweinsteiger decided to arrive his plane to New
York to discuss about the situation the German people were living.
In the U.N. he explained that the Neo-Nazi group has taken a revolution to control the
democratic state.
He asked help to the English and French governments to send their troops to Germany,
but theyve denied his request. The rest of the governments have denied and theyve
told Schweinsteiger that he should show his power as the President, not as the
After the reunion, Schweinsteiger was furious and returned to the airport but suddenly
he received a call from a military officer of I.S.A.F.
"Mr. Schweinsteiger?" Schweinsteiger was worried and said "Who is it?" The man on
the phone replied using an evasive tone and said "Theres no time for that".
Schweinsteiger was nervious but he changed his nervous expressions into angrier ones.
He said "What? Tell me who are you!" The stranger said "Youre looking for help, arent
Schweinsteiger raised an eyebrow and got shocked. He had no idea he was being
watched. He said: Huh? How do you?
The stranger said "Listen to me very carefully. If you want this opportunity, well meet
in the Hangar No. 1 at the airport in twenty minutes".
Schweinsteiger tried to react but he couldn't and said "What? Wait, wait a minute!
Hello? Hello!?" One of his bodyguards asked him "Whats going on, Sir?" and
Schweinsteiger said "Take me to the airport, now. And dont ask why." His bodyguard
didn't hesitate and said "Yes, Prime Minister".
Schweinsteiger and his escort team went to the airport right away. He was concerned
about the call he received and thinking if it was a set up, or was with the intention of
helping his people. During the trip on his limousine, he ordered his crew to leave him


alone to meet the officer. Finally, he arrived to the airport looking for the Hangar he
should go. And the man was there, as he promised. He wore some kind of Colonel-class
uniform, revealing he was coming from a different military organization. Neither U.S.
Military nor NATO forces. He was there waiting for the concerned German Prime
Minister, but he was escorted by three other agents.
The officer received him with a smile and said "Glad youre here, Sir. Looks like youre
really asking for help". Schweinsteiger wasn't there for jokes and replied "Whatever. Im
Prime Minister Robert Schweinsteiger". The officer interrupted him and said "I know
who you are. Let me introduce myself to you. My name is Richard Garrison, 1st Class
Colonel of I.S.A.F. Special Forces".
Schweinsteiger didn't know what I.S.A.F. was, but he didn't say anything and led
Garrison keep talking. Garrison said "I found out about your situation in Berlin on the
news. Can you tell us what happened?"
Schweinsteiger looked afraid of it and didn't reply because of his distrust in Colonel
Garrison. Garrison asked "Whats the matter? and Schweinsteiger replied "What makes
you think I should trust you?" Garrison smiled and said "Fair enough".
The Prime Minister asked "Why?" while Garrison, with a cocky attitude replied "Because
I know you want to find the definitive solution for the coup dtat your country is going
through. Schweinsteiger was shocked when hearing that kind of answer. One of
Garrison's escorts told him "Colonel, it is time" and he asked to the German PM "So, Mr.
Prime Minister, what do you say? You want this opportunity, dont you?"
Schweinsteiger was reluctant about the "offer" but he was convinced and said "All right,
all right. Ill take the shot"
Colonel Garrison smiled and said "Good choice" but Schweinsteiger wasn't that happy
due to be the first time asking for help to an organization he never heard of. He said "I
hope so. If not, then Im going to regret this for the rest of my life". Garrison looked at
him with a serious stare and replied "You wont". Both shook their hands and Garrison
said "So?" and Schweinsteiger changed his closed attitude into an open one and gave
Garrison details about the situation. He said "Well, the Neo-Nazis main attacks against
people had started about six months ago, you know.
Since we agreed to let the Americans build their base in Ramstein and let people from
many different countries to live here, the Socialist Party complained and Neo-Nazi small
groups increased rapidly. Anyway, the members of my cabinet received death threats
and shooting attempts, including myself. Two of them died three months ago". Colonel
Garrison asked "And what are they demands?" Schweinsteiger replied "They want my
resignation and my exile outside Germany, but I cant do that. My people need help and
I cant fail them". Colonel Garrison sighed and said "Hmm, when did they start to
attempt against you?" Schweinsteiger replied "A while ago".


Colonel Garrison sighed again and just said "Hmm" Schweinsteiger stared at him while
thinking and asked "What is it?" Colonel Garrison replied "You have to come with us".
The Prime Minister wasn't happy for that and said "What!? Why!?" Colonel Garrison
replied "To tell you how to send help to Germany"
The Prime Minister didn't like that idea, but he knew it was now or never to solve the
crisis his country was being through he said "But all right, but I have a question" and
Garrison asked "What is it?" Schweinsteiger had doubts about the organization Garrison
was working for and asked "Whats I.S.A.F.?"
Colonel Garrison shook his head and smiled while saying "Ill explain you during the trip"
Schweinsteiger had no choice but to go with the I.S.A.F. officers.
They approached to a C-17 Globemaster III plane to Nebraska. During the trip, Colonel
Garrison explained to Schweinsteiger what exactly I.S.A.F. was:
Colonel Garrison explained "Ok, Ill explain it to you.
I.S.A.F. is a non-official organization whom objective is to take part in international
conflicts and stabilize the order and bring peace with the authorization of the affected
government or governments."
Schweinsteiger paid attention to every explaination but still had some doubts and said
"Oh Does the American government know about its existence?"
Colonel Garrison just said "No." Schweinsteiger kept asking "Then who support you,
Colonel Garrison replied "Thats confidential". Schweinsteiger was suspecting it was a
set up but he just asked "And do the other leaders know about its existence?
Colonel Garrison replied "No. The CIA and the NSA are some of our supporters and they
consider the existence of this organization as Top-Secret.
Schweinsteiger smiled and said "Now its not confidential, Colonel. So how was this
organization founded? and Colonel Garrison said "Ill tell you about it, but if you tell this
to anyone else, you will begin an International conflict, ok?"
Schweinsteiger replied with a simple "Yes."
Colonel Garrison sighed and said "All right"
This organization was planned in 1973 but it took 17 years to be formed.
Schweinsteiger: 1990? The worldwide protest.
Colonel Garrison: May 5th, 1990: President Clinton requested support to the U.N. and
N.A.T.O. to evacuate poor people from their houses on the whole Asian continent to
establish Military Bases for the U.S. Military.


The U.N. along with the N.A.T.O. and the 80% of the U.S. being forced refused to
evacuate poor communities in Asia. But Clinton ordered the American Military to go to
Syria for that purpose.
The 80% of the U.S. forces along with the 80% of the N.A.T.O. forces and the other 80%
of the U.N. forces including Generals, Colonels, Commandants and every man with the
highest ranks that every soldiers knows resigned and they left their respective military
divisions, forever.
During the next two years, the deserters worked in secret to create an organization with
the duty to defend the right ideals with authorization from the leaders of the victim
country or countries if it is more complicated.
Finally, on July 12th, 1992, I.S.A.F. was founded in secret of course.
Schweinsteiger: Hmm, interesting story.
Colonel Garrison: Right.
The plane finally landed at one of I.S.A.F.'s Headquarters runway located in Nebraska.
Both Colonel Garrison and President Schweinsteiger got out of the plane to discuss the
situation about the help Garrison planned to give to save a country which is coming back
to old days of torture and darkness; Germany.


Prologue (Part II): The Assignment

Everybody in the base knew the Colonel came back, along with the young soldiers.
Jennifer and three other of her partners (Named Gary Feldman, Tim Taylor and Heather
Haussmann) were at the training field but they decided to go to see what was going on:
Feldman said "Oh no, Looks like Garrison is back" while Taylor said "Let me guess; with
another leader." Haussmann was kinda excited, looked at the guys and said "Lets see
who this time is."
Feldman said "All right guys" and Taylor asked to Jennifer "You wanna come with us
Patterson?" Jennifer reluctantly said "Umm sure."
The group went to see who was accompanying Garrison. The four sneaked into a military
vehicle that was located nearby the runway where Garrison and Schweinsteiger were.
Feldman said "Give me the binoculars, Tim." and Taylor gave them to him.
Haussmann had a suspicious look about Schweinsteiger's identity. She said "Who is that
guy?" and Feldman replied "I dont know, but"
Taylor took away the binoculars from Feldman's hands due to curiosity and Feldman
said "Hey, give them back to me!" Taylor said "Stop it! Damn, I cant recognize him too."
Jennifer was confident and said "Maybe I know him." but Feldman laughed at her and
doubted it. Jennifer had a serious look on her face. Feldman said "Twenty bucks you
dont know him".
Jennifer smiled and said "Haha, you're on, moron." She grabbed the binoculars to watch
and identify who was the man besides Garrison".
Feldman asked "So Jen, who's that?" and Jennifer replied "Let me check." She was
watching Garrison and recognized Schweinsteiger immediately. She said "Could it be
him? Yes, it's him. It's definitely him; Robert Schweinsteiger" and Taylor couldn't believe
what he just heard and said "What? The German Prime Minister? Jennifer replied "The
same one."
Haussmann was serious and asked "Wait, what is he doing here in the States?" while
Feldman jokingly replied "Maybe for a short visit to us?" Haussmann didn't like his reply
and said "Dumbass."
Taylor said "No, is not that". Jennifer gave her answer by saying "Maybe hes here for
some diplomatic affairs." Haussman, with an ironic behavior said "Like what? Scandals,
Democratic crises or an affair with a hooker?"


Taylor was thinking about a possible answer for their theories. He said "An inner conflict
When Tim said inner conflict, Jennifer solved the case and said "That's it! An inner
conflict" but Haussmann didn't agree with her and replied "I don't think so". Taylor asked
"Then what?"
Jennifer raised an eyebrow and said "I got it! Its the Berlin war! Feldman, doubting said
"Berlin war?" while Haussmann still didn't agree and replied "Berlin war? Oh, dont be a
Jennifer defended her theory and shouted "Its true!" Feldman wanted to cool things
down and said "Easy, girls." Taylor still couldn't understand and asked "What are you
talking about, Patterson?". Jennifer replied "The conflict in Germany." Feldman,
Haussmann & Taylor had confused looks and asked "Huh?"
Jennifer couldn't believe their friends didn't have any idea about the crises in Germany.
She asked "Havent you seen the news?" but Feldman, Haussmann & Taylor didn't
answer her question. Jennifer shook his head and gave them some clues. She said "Dont
you remember the terrorist attacks against Schweinsteiger six months ago? And the
beginning of the war between civilians and Neo-Nazis? He came to the U.N. for help."
Taylor said "Oh, yes. I remember the news from yesterday." and Haussmann said "Right.
Thats true. On the other side Feldman, still confused asked "Wait a second. If
Schweinsteiger came to the U.N. for help, then why is he in our base?" Haussmann
ironically replied "Ask him." Taylor asked "You mean Garrison?" Feldman tried to take
away the binoculars from Taylor's hands and shouted "Gimme that thing!" Taylor replied
shouting too "Hey!"
Jennifer tried to shut them up and said "Shhhh! Quiet for God sake!"
When Feldman and Taylor were arguing, an instructor Sergeant heard them yelling each
other and went to stop and report them.
The Sergeant shouted "Hey you!! What are you doing!? Taylor yelled at Feldman "You
see!?" Feldman replied by yelling at Taylor "What!? Youre the one who started this!!"
Taylor replied "Me!?". Feldman, angrier than before grabbed Taylor by his neck and
shouted "Shut up!!!" Taylor pushed him and yelled "No, you shut up!!!!"
Feldman got angrier and shouted louder than before "You wanna fight me!!?" Taylor
shouted louder "Try it asshole!!!!"
Both of them started to fight each other. Some blood was shed, but Haussmann and the
instructor stopped them. Haussmann was shocked and shouted "Stop it! Both of you!"
and the instructor scolded them and said "Youre supposed to be in your training
sessions. I want to know why you are here the four of you."


Haussmann tried to explain it to him by saying "Sorry Sergeant Farley, it wont happen
again." but it didn't work and Sergeant Farley shut her up and said "I didnt ask you,
soldier." He was pissed off with them because he considered it as an act of disrespect
and indiscipline. However, Jennifer felt she had to face the Sergeant and explain to him
why the happening. She had a serious look on her face and said "If you excuse me, I can
explain it all." Sergeant Farley was like "Huh?"
Jennifer started to explain. She had to convince a very serious Sergeant Farley whose
look could scare anyone on his path. She said "You know, I lost my cross here and my
partners were with me helping looking for it, but we saw the Colonel with that man and
that was very curious to me so I wanted to see and told them to come with me."
Sergeant Farley smiled and asked "Curious?" but his look changed into a colder one and
said "Hmm is that true?"
Jennifer was disposed to risk herself for her partners and friends and replied "Yes sir. I
will face the consequences, but dont report them okay?"
Farley was making them nervous about his decision and whispered "Hmm"
Jennifer had a worried look on her face and said "Please Sergeant. Please"
Sergeant got convinced by Jennifer and said "All right. But this is the last time I will let
you do that the four of you but if you do it again, I'll make your training sessions a living
hell licking at my boots and begging until you wish to never do that again. Did I get myself
clear? Jennifer, Feldman, Taylor and Haussmann: Yes sir!
Farley had an evil smile on his face and just said "Good."
He suddenly changed his look into an angrier one and said "Now, get back to your
training!" Then he left. Jennifer and the others dodged a bullet by the Sergeant and got
a relief.
Taylor felt he was lucky and said "Whew. That was a close one." Haussmann, with her
heart beating fast said "Yeah, you call it. That sergeant makes me have chills." Feldman
apologized to the rest "Yes me too. Sorry guys."
Taylor said "Dont do that again Gary" and spread his hand to shake it with Feldman's
Both shaked their hands and Feldman said "Yes. It wont happen again." and Jennifer
was looking at the blue sky, thinking about the happening a few minutes ago. She told
them "Go back to the training field. Ill meet you there." Taylor was confused and asked
"What? And you? What are you going to do?" and She sighed and replied "Im staying
here to take some fresh air." Taylor said "Is that so? Ok." while Feldman said "Well, well
meet you there. All right, lets go guys." but just before they left, Jennifer didn't forget


the bet and said "Feldman?". He replied "What?" and she refreshed his memory by
asking "Don't you forget something?"
His happy face suddenly turned into a "Damn-like" one and replied "Yeah, yeah, yeah.
There you go"
Jennifer smiled and said "Thanks. Keep it up." while he replied "Very funny Patterson."
Her friends left her and headed to the training field while Jennifer decided to take some
air after what happened.
Five minutes later, she returned to the training field.
Hours later after the training were finished, the group of soldiers went to their
respective dining halls to get something to eat and continue with their activities.
During the meal time, the very same Sergeant Farley was at dining hall looking for
Jennifer. He didnt found her, but he found her friends.
He approached them and asked "Have you seen Cadet Patterson?" and Taylor replied
"No, why? Is something wrong?" Farley replied "The General wants to see her"
Feldman got upset and asked using an angry tone "What? Why?" and Farley didn't
hesitate to reply with the same tone Feldman used. He said "Thats not your business,
Feldman's look surprised Farley while the others got shocked and Haussmann whispered
"Please, don't hit him. Please don't hit him.
Before leaving, Farley told them "When you meet her, tell her that General Marshall
wants to see her in his office." and the others got nervous once again. Everybody was
staring at Feldman and he had a look that nobody would want to approach him in years.
After the Sergeant left the place, Feldman felt so angry because he suspected Farley told
to their superiors about the last situation when they saw Colonel Garrison with the
German Prime Minister Schweinsteiger.
Taylor calmed him down and told him the thing happened and they couldnt do anything
to change it. In that moment, Jennifer came back from the training field and meet them.
She walked to the table where her friends were having dinner.
She said "Hey guys. Whats new in the menu for today?". She sat down next to
Haussmann and tied her red long hair in a ponytail after asking but Haussmann didn't
turn to see her. However, she had a disappointed look on her face and replied "The same
thing of yesterday."
For some reason, Jennifer was happy and said "Thats great! I love roast beef with
vegetables and"



Suddenly, she noticed they were worried and angry, so she asked "Hey, whats wrong?
It seems like you were beaten by McPherson." and Feldman answered "Sergeant Farley
opened his mouth".
Jennifer raised an eyebrow and almost broke down in anger shouting "What!!?" and
everybody stared at her, but she didn't like it and shouted "What the hell are you looking
at you people?!!". Then, everybody went back what they were doing. Taylor on the other
hand was calmed unlike the rest of the group. He said "Gary, we dont know if that was
for sure."
Jennifer, now confused asked "Hey, can anyone of you tell me whats going on?" Nobody
wanted to answer, but Taylor decided to do so. He got serious and replied "General
Marshall wants to see you right now. Farley came here to tell us that so we can tell you
right after you meet us".
Jennifer got shocked and asked "The General? Why?" while Haussmann said "Dont ask
why, just go. Well meet you in the math class." Jennifer said "Okay. I better see him
right now. See ya." and Feldman wished her the best by saying "Good luck girl."
When she left, he said "Were dead. Were dead, man." and Taylor replied "Shut up."
Jennifer went straight to General Marshall's office but during the way, she realized
everybody there knew something about her because the whole people there was staring
at her with shocked looks and she got confused and nervous for that. A cadet
approached her and said "Sergeant Farley was looking for you" and she replied "I know.
Thanks" Just before she reached the office, she met Sergeant Farley in the corridor. She
shouted "Sergeant, over here! and ran to him while Sergeant Farley just said "Cadet
Patterson" with a serious look on his face.
She asked him" You called me?" and Farley replied "Yes. Come with me." while people
at there were staring at her like she was some kind of freak. They were walking through
the corridor of the floor were Marshall's office was and the more closer they got, the
more nervous she got and asked "What's going on, Sir?" and Farley replied "The General
wants to see you now. It's important." but it wasn't enough for Jennifer and kept asking
" About what? Is this about the last situation we had?. Farley on the other hand replied
coldly "Thats not my business. Ask it to the General."
She asked "Whats going on?" but she didn't get any reply from Farley. She was very
nervous about the sneaking situation she got involved. Farley and Jennifer finally
reached the Generals office and Farley knocked at the door.

Jennifer heard the sound of General Marshall's voice saying "Come" and she got more
nervous than before.



Sergeant Farley saluted the General and said "Sir, I bring you the cadet you were
requesting to meet" and Marshall replied "Thank you Sergeant Farley. Dismissed."
Farley left Jennifer in the office as soon as Marshall gave the order:
Jennifer entered and stayed standing in front of Marshall's sight and saw him sat on his
chair reading her profile. She couldn't do anything but wait and listen what Marshall had
to say".
It passed a minute and it was quiet. Completely silent. Jennifer waited for Marshall to
say something to her but she got more impatient and afraid. She had to look at a quiet
and focused General Marshall reading Jennifer's records. He suddenly said her name
"Jennifer Maria Elizabeth Patterson. Long name huh. Cute by the way."
Jennifer became more concerned and closed her beautiful blue eyes for three seconds
thinking it was the end for her and her friends' career. Then he said "I read your official
profile. It says good references about you."
The General started to talk and Jennifer had to be still and quiet. He said "Young woman
of Russian-German descent. You joined this organization two years ago, showing
excellent physical performance, an extensive knowledge in history and tactics. Then it
says you were sent to investigate the Seattle scandal last year carrying with you vital
information about nuclear weapons been smuggled in the black market during some
meetings in Israel.
Nine months ago, Captain Rolston request me to send him to England having you as his
assistant for the Operation Red Night. This was a success. I remembered that. In the
field, you showed a high skill and performance in Close Quarters Combat for the two
years of your staying in this organization. A technique we've never been witnesses here
for years.
Let me see more.
Umm... mmm.
Very interesting.
Jennifer was afraid and almost dropped some tears from her eyes thinking of the way
she "wasted" her position in the organization
According to the Strategic Command Center you can speak more than 6 different
languages. Fluently.
You obtained the highest qualification in this bases history of the test of the arming
process of an M-4, applied by Major Thompson on November 17th, 2000. You were
certified as a skilled Sharpshooter (Sniper), Markswoman and a formidable operative



using handguns, according to superior officers they had you as a disciple. This was part
of the final tests for the last semester realized on December 20th, 2000.
You received the title of the Cadet of the Year for two consecutive years and a Weapons
use and Management certification signed by me on December 30th, 2000. I
remembered I saw the results of that. And you aspire to become an I.S.A.F. agent.
I never saw such a file like this in years. I remember I saw a file like this when I was
invited by a [[FOXHOUND|Special Forces Unit]] as supervisor. Perhaps this is by far, the
best file in the history of this organization. You should be proud of yourself. Jennifer
replied "Thank you sir." with a serious look on her face. However, she changed her look
by closing her eyes again when Marshall said "Unfortunately, youre still not an I.S.A.F.
Marshall asked "Do you know why you are here?" and Jennifer shook her head only
without saying a word. Then he "I knew it." and Jennifer felt it was time to confess what
she did with her friends so she put her head held high and said "Sir, I am very sorry about
my indiscipline and I will front the consequences of my acts. It wont happen again."
Marshall didn't understand and asked "What? What are you talking about cadet?" and
Jennifer replied felling herself responsible "I left my training for just 5 minutes and when
the plane of Colonel Garrison came back, I had curiosity about who was with him so I
told them to come with me, we snuck in and... we did it."
Marshall changed his confused look into a serious one and asked "Is that right? and
Jennifer replied "Yes sir."
Marshall was kinda angry for that and said "Well, if thats the case, then I have no choice
but to suspend you"
Jennifer closed her eyes and said with her head held high "I understand." and opened
but then Marshall smiled and said "...later of course." Jennifer had a shocked look on
her when she heard that and asked "what?" Marshall replied "Thats why Im asking
you. Do you know why you are here?" and Jennifer said "...No sir. I don't"
Marshall sighed and said "Well, Ill explain it to you."
Marshall told her about the situation that Germany was going through and about a task
that I.S.A.F. had for her.
Jennifer was shocked for a while.
Marshall said "You said something about Garrison and the man who was next to him."
and Jennifer replied "Yes." Then he continued "Well, that man was none other than the
Primer Minister of Germany, Robert Schweinsteiger.



He came from the U.N. requesting help from us. According to him, he cant control the
situation in Germany because of the rise of a new Neo-Nazi regime that rebelled against
him demanding his resignation as a President. As you know, Germany is in Coup Dtat.
If he resigns, Germany will collapse and the National Socialist Party will be reborn and
reunited once again. Thats something neither Schweinsteiger, nor me want to happen.
And that means"
Jennifer finished the answer by replying " the beginning of a new world war." Marshall
said "Exactly. We need to send an experienced agent for that. Obviously."
Jennifer was confused and asked "And what does it have to do with me?"
Marshall replied "Schweinsteiger wants a non-experienced soldier to do the task. I
suggested him to send one of our best agents to do the job, but he turned down the
advice. He suggested us sending a new agent with no experience and thats why I read
your profile.
Two days ago, I.S.A.F. Headquarters in Washington D.C. reported the results of new
members to form the next generation of Anti-Terrorism units, not to mention the one
to select the right agent to be sent to Berlin.
Jennifer raised an eyebrow and asked "Huh?"
Marshall said "You have an extensive expertise at the Espionage field and outstanding
references from renowned officers. You have the attitude of a spy. And guess what?
You were the chosen one for this job."
Jennifer got shocked. On the other hand Marshall said "What do you think? Shocking
isnt it? Patterson, Ill send you to Germany to aid the Bundeswehr. Thats the German
Military Services, along with many of their strategic divisions." "Jennifer couldn't believe
what she asked almost shouted "What!?"
Marshall smiled and said "Thats what I hope to see." but Jennifer felt she wasn't ready
and said "But sir I appreciate your words, but I dont think Im right person for the job.
Ive never been in such a secret operation like this one." Marshall said "No need to
worry, young lady. Theres always a first time.
However, this isnt just a simple operation. Its a campaign." Jennifer was afraid and tried
to avoid the commitment by saying "What? Campaign? Sir Im not a qualified operative
Marshall said "I said no need to worry about it. Leave it to me." Jennifer was more afraid
and asked "What?"



Marshall tried to convince her by saying "Ok, I have a deal for you. If you complete the
task, which means; support the German Military with reconnaissance missions,
following orders from the German command, bringing vital information and stopping
attacks from the Neo-Nazi rebels, even nuclear strikes, you will become an I.S.A.F. agent
with a high rank in the Strategic Command Center and a job as Chief of the Special
Operations Department."
Jennifer couldnt believe it and didn't know what to say, because she knew that no other
cadet receive such a deal like that. If she accepts it, it will mean the beginning of an
adventure, which has no end and one of the greatest opportunities that she had in her
life. She had a particular concerned look on her face. She knew the huge responsiblility
she would carry on her shoulders
Marshall asked for an answer "So, what do you think?" while Jennifer was unsure she
could do it and said Geez. Well, Im not sure if I might accept this job." Marshall
persuaded her by saying "Is that so? Well, I want an answer now." Jennifer kept evading
the shot and said "I dont know, General." He was impatient and yelled at her "Then say
Jennifer, with a shocked look said "Sir, I thank you for the deal, but I dont know. Its too
Marshall replied "You see!? Now you act like an agent. An agent always knows
everything is risky. You have twenty minutes to think about it. Dismiss cadet."
Marshall gave her sometime to think about the job and to get an answer. Jennifer got
out of the office and sat down on chair next to the door. She was concerned and didn't
know if accept it or not. However, if Jennifer accepts the task, it will become her first
official operation on her career. She had a thoughtful look on her face and her head
touching her chest like she screwed something. She was passing her hand all around her
face without knowing what to do. Then a man wearing a captain uniform came by; he
watched her and asked "What is it, child". Jennifer raised an eyebrow and recognized
that voice. A voice she haven't heard for quiet some time. Then, the man said "You look
sad. Remember what I taught you. Never be afraid. Never back down and" Jennifer
knew that quote and finished it "Never let yourself down."
She raised up her head slowly and saw the man. She immediately jumped with joy and
said "What?! What!? Captain Kasler! Youre back!"
George Kasler, a man who worked with Big Boss and Solid Snake in the past and adopted
Jennifer back when she was a kid. She locked him in a death hug. He said "Whoa, whoa,
whoa. I don't wanna die." Jennifer released him and said "Sorry, my bad" Kasler, happy
to see Jennifer asked "How are you? and she replied "Me? Im great. Its nice to see you
again! Im happy youre back!"



Kasler touched Jennifer's cute face and smiled "Me too. Im happy to see you too."
Jennifer dropped a tear and said "Oh Captain. You havent changed." and Kasler laughed
and cleaned the tear off her face.
George Kasler, a former soldier who got retired from the U.S. Military in 1999.
During the time of his retirement, he met Jennifer for the first time in years; during the
first week of her joining in I.S.A.F. when she was returning to her home from the Base.
When they met that day, he taught her some combat techniques, martial arts and
knowledge in Weaponry. Also, he taught her Weapons Management and Using.
Kasler and Jennifer sat down and he asked "So, how you doing? You look sad. I never
saw you like that before."
Jennifer replied with a happy look "Its nothing. Im just here. Waiting." but Kasler knew
what was happening and said "Its okay. You dont have to lie."
Jennifer raised an eyebrow "Hmm?" and Kasler sighed and said "Let me guess; the
General offered you a deal because Schweinsteiger cant control the situation in
Germany and youre nervous because its your first official solo mission. Oh, and he gave
you some time to think and answer."
Jennifer was impressed "What?" Kasler smiled and said "Hows my aim?" and Jennifer
asked "How did you know that?" and Kasler replied "Because I was assigned to support
the agent who will go to Germany. In other words, I will be your guardian angel." Jennifer
smiled and said "Hahaha. Same funny mouth." then she look concerned and said "But
Im scared. I don't know what to do" Kasler said "Its ok. I understand your position. You
know, I was in my first op as a mercenary. I was like you; but more nervous that youre
now. Your case is nothing compared like the one I was involved. Well, maybe it is even
in the degree of alert, but the situation was worse."
Jennifer was interested and asked "What? Why was it worse?" and Kasler replied
"Because I was in the battlefield against my will." and Jennifer was confused "Huh?"
Kasler said "I was in a hostile territory, where order didnt exist and war was the main
meal, day and night every day."
Jennifer was touched and looked at Kasler's serious face while saying "Zanzibar Land, a
land where freedom disappeared, peace didnt exist and war was the daily news.
Were or werent be ready, you had to fight and keep fighting if you want to be someone,
you had to kill if you wanted to be still alive and risk your life for your sake or for the
All these things just for keeping yourself alive, but someday that wouldnt work. Ironic
isnt it?"



Jennifer asked "Zanzibar Land? A country called Zanzibar Land?"

Kasler was kinda impressed and said "So, looks like you have heard of it." and Jennifer
replied "Yes, but just a little. I heard that Zanzibar Land was a small country located in
the Asian continent. I also heard it's an abandoned land of forgotten mercenaries. I
believe peace returned to that country after the conflict ended.
But I wonder how did you get involved on that conflict if you didnt want to?"
Kasler shook his head and didn't want to reply but he did it anyway. He said "Well, thats
a long story.
I went there because I needed a cure for my disease at that time, you know, a strong
cold." Jennifer said "Malaria." and Kasler replied "Correct. So I went to Zanzibar for a
research that I read and I was retired for the army, but at that time I was a mercenary
too. Until a rebel army reached the town and started shootings against people, leaving
huge numbers of casualties. Trust me, it was horrible.
I was lucky to survive from that, but I was captured." Jennifer was shocked "You never
mentioned it."
Kasler replied lowing his head "I didn't because it's a painful memory." Jennifer grabbed
Kasler's hand and asked "Then what happened?
Kasler replied "The rebels were still killing people and the survivors were released under
one condition, leave the country and not coming back ever again but most of them
refused and were murdered, but there was one man. A man who freed us and taught us
how to fight them. To defend the nation and the people. And thats not all; thanks to
him, the nation recovered peace and freedom. He crushed the whole rebel army along
with its leaders by himself.
He was a hero." But suddenly, he changed the subject and said "Hey, talking about that,
in the battlefield, every soldier, even an enemy, has a codename." Jennifer asked and
said "Codename? For protection to your identity."
Kasler replied "Something like that. Perhaps you may find some fun on it; if you want to
become an agent, you need to have one." and Jennifer said "Interesting."
Kasler stood up from his chair and asked "So, what codename would you like to have?"
and Jennifer, who had no idea about using codenames said "I dont know maybe Black
Kasler laughed "What? Hahahahaha." Jennifer on the other hand didn't like his reply.
She looked at him and asked using an upset tone "Whats so funny on that?" and Kasler
in a mocking tone said "Its very clumsy. And soft."



Jennifer had an annoyed look on her face and said "Clumsy? Well, if you know about
that, why dont you give me one?" and he smiled and said "Is that so? Okay."
Jennifer was questioned by Kasler about the codename she chose, so she challenged
Kasler to give her a new one, whose meanings of it are; danger, beauty, strength and
sharpness. He was walking around her and thinking. After a few seconds, Kasler chose
the right codename for her. From that moment, a legend was born; a legend will be told,
a legacy will exist and an era will be written. Kasler her eyes and said "Ive got the right
codename for you. She shrugged and was anxious to know about it "Hmm"
Kasler said "This codename will fit you perfectly." and Jennifer, serious replied "Okay,
drop it. He said "All right. From now on, you will be known for the rest of your life as
Black Snake."
Jennifer blinked her eyes and said in a mocking tone "Black Snake?" Kasler asked "What?
You dont like snakes?" and she shook and said "Not for dinner" He shrugged expressing
"Hmm" and she asked "But why Black Snake?"

Kasler replied with confidence "Because youre calculator, strong and smart. And looks
like you will be deadly and silent. Besides, only the best agents have aggressive
codenames like that one.
It means power, strength, equilibrium and beauty." Jennifer wasn't sure to be called like
that and said "But Im" then she raised an eyebrow "Wait a second"
Kasler asked "What is it?" and Jennifer said with a slightly more calm tone" "Isnt it too
aggressive?" Kasler replied "Well yes, but remember; a good soldier is made by his
instincts and if he or she dies, that soldier will be remembered by that codename. And
he will become a legend."
She lowed her head and said "Wow, youre talking to me like if I am an agent." and raised
her head to look at Kasler's eyes.
Kasler said "Thats the point. Besides, the man that I mentioned had a codename too.
The same aggressiveness and courage with its own meaning."
Jennifer turned her serious face into a curious one and asked "And how was his own?
What was his codename?" Kasler had a serious look when hearing that and replied "He
was known as" and then General Marshall interrupted Kasler "Patterson, time's up"
Jennifer had a serious face and she had to give her call. Kasler said "Well, looks like time
has come." and Jennifer was nervous. She sighed and said "Yeah. I guess so. Whew, here
I come." Before she entered to the office, Kasler grabbed her by her arm and asked "Can
I give you an advice?" and Jennifer said "Sure." He looked at her eyes and said "When
you make your decision to the General, make sure that youre 100% sure. Because once



taking it, theres no turning back." Jennifer smiled and said "Count on it." After that, she
entered to General Marshall's office and stayed standing in front of Marshall.
With a serious look on his face, Marshall asked her "So, have you made a decision? but
Jennifer didn't say anything which Marshall didn't like it. His serious face turned into a
disappointed one. He shook his head and said "Your silence. Maybe I should call
someone else to do the job. Looks like youre not ready after all." but Jennifer smiled
and said "Ill do it."
Marshall asked "What?" and Jennifer replied confidently "Ill take the job. Ill go to
Germany to aid the people and the Bundeswehr." Marshall asked again "Are you sure
about your decision? Because" and Jennifer interrupted him and said with confidence
and looing at him "...once taking it, theres no turning back. Yes I know that, Sir. Im 100%
sure and ready." He stood up off his chair and said "Ok, then. Good answer. I knew you
would take the right call. I want to see you after class. I will send someone to look for
you." and Jennifer replied and saluted "Yes Sir"
Marshall sat down and said "Very well. Dismissed."
Jennifer got out of Marshall's office and accepted the job. Once she left her confident
look turned into a shocked one. Kasler was waiting for her to know what did she say to
him and Marshall confirmed to the I.S.A.F. Main Headquarters that Jennifer will go to
Germany to balance the scales in favor of the Bundeswehr.
Kasle approached and asked "So? How was it?" and Jennifer replied the opposite way
she did at Marshall "I accepted it."
Kasler asked "For yourself? Or just for the General"? and Jennifer replied "I think for
Kasler touched her right arm and asked "And do you feel ready?"
Jennifer shook and lowed her head and said "I dont know" but then raised her head and
continued "... but I knew from that moment that someday I would take a decision like
this one."
Both walked to get out of the Base's main building and Kasler said "Well, I think youre
right in that point, but in the future, things like these will happen to you even in bad
times or without knowing it comes. This is how it works."
When they reached the compound, Kasler told her a few words "Remember something
Jen, in the world youre a person, with qualities and skills, but in the battlefield youre
someone else different from the person that you really are.
In the outside world, you work or do not work. But in the battlefield, it is survive or be
hunted. At war, it is kill or be killed. And at Espionage, you live spying or die trying. Dont
forget it."



Jennifer replied "I wont."

Kasler said "Good. Any question?" and Jennifer sighed and said "Yes. I have one. Its
about the man who freed and helped you to get out from Zanzibar Land. What was the
name of that man? What was his codename?" and Kasler shook his head and said "Oh,
well. If thats what you want to know then okay. His codename was"
Jennifer was so curious about it "Yes" but then Kasler refused to tell her by saying "Oh,
sorry, I cant tell you." Jennifer asked using a loud tone "What? But why?" and Kasler
replied "Because Ill screw it up if I tell you his codename."
Jennifer lowed her head and sighed "Oh, well." Kasler touched Jennifer's chin and raised
her head. He said "Besides, a real agent must investigate information about everything,
even if is a codename of another agent or soldier."
Jennifer smiled and asked him "May Ill meet that man someday?" and Kasler had a
thoughtful look and replied "Possibly."
Jennifer continued asking "Does that man have a name Ive heard from somewhere?"
and Kasler replied "Maybe."
Jennifer sighed "Hmm." and then she lowed her head and smiled. Kasler asked her
"What is it?" and She replied "I was thinking about my new name. My codename." Kasler
said "Whats wrong with that?" Jennifer replied in a mocking tone "I realized thats really
scary and strong. And it matches with me."
Kasler said "I see."
Jennifer smiled again and said "Black Snake... Hmm. I like it." and Kasler asked "Really?"
while Jennifer replied "Really, I do." Kasler smiled "Im glad to hear that."
Jennifer hugged Kasler and said "Thanks." and Kasler replied "Dont mention it." Then
Kasler reminded her "Well, you have class dont you?" and Jennifer raised an eyebrow
and said "Oh yes. I forgot it!"
It was time for them to leave. Kasler said "I have to go. Ill see you later." and Jennifer
said "Okay, Captain. Take care." Kasler said "You too." and Jennifer kissed him in the
cheek before leaving. Then returned to her class and through the rest of the day, she
was thinking about her decision and wanted to regret, but she accepted knowing that
theres was no turning back.
When she reached the classrooms building Jennifer saw her friends waiting for her
Taylor was anxious and asked "So, how was it?" and Jennifer didn't catch the question
and said "What?" while Taylor reminded it to her "You know, about the fact."



Then she raised an eyebrow and said "Oh, you mean the General, right?" and Taylor
replied with a simple and serious "Yes."
Jennifer said "Oh, that? Well nothing interesting." and Taylor was suspecting Jennifer
wasn't telling the truth. The three of them were staring at Jennifer and she asked them
"What is it guys?" while Haussmann replied "Nothing. We were just worried about you."
Jennifer asked "Why?" and Haussmann shook her head and said "Because we were."
Jennifer just said "I see. Well, lets prepare our presentation." and Taylor replied "Yes.
Lets go." but they noted there something Jennifer had under wraps and didn't believe
her at all.
The class day had ended and Sergeant Farley was looking for Jennifer, this time for her
assignment situation. Farley found her friends again asked for Jennifer:
Sergeant Farley asked "Have you seen Patterson?" and Taylor asked upset "What?
Again? Why this time?" Farley got angry and yelled "This is the last time Ill tolerate an
indiscipline act from you. Next time, I will really report you, is that clear?" and Taylor
just said "Yes, sir."
After yelling at Taylor, Farley said "All right. Now wheres Miss Patterson?" and Taylor,
seriously said "At the shooting field."
Sergeant Farley went right away for Patterson. When he reached the shooting field he
saw Jennifer holding a Colt M1911A1 and shooting at the targets without missing any
shots. He was amazed about her performance as a shooter.
He shouted "Patterson!" and Jennifer stopped shooting, turned around and said "Oh,
Sergeant. What is it?" She holstered her gun and Farley approached her and said
"General Marshall wants to see you. He is in the Headquarters. We have to go."
Jennifer remembered what Kasler told her and said "Lets go sir."
Jennifer and Sergeant Farley went straight to the H.Q. to see the Marshall. Sergeant
Farley asked "Nervous?" and Jennifer replied with confidence "No." then Sergeant
Farley gave her an advice. Jennifer was surprised due to Farley strong personality. He
said "Remember; be sure what youre going to do." and Jennifer smiled and said

During a week of hard training for her mission, Black Snake was ready to go to Germany
with a conviction of complete the job at all costs. But she knows shes not fighting for
herself, but for the people.



Prologue (Part III): New Start

It was a new day, a new beginning, but the skies were gray. The weather was heavy due
to a hurricane at West Coast of the country. Jennifer along with her superiors (Kasler
and Marshall) hopped in a Sikorsky Seahawk helicopter and travelled across the Atlantic
Ocean to reach an ISAF submarine but it was such a nightmare due to the heavy rain
hitting them hard. After spotting the chopper, the submarine's hatch was opened and a
rope was released for Jennifer and the other ISAF staff to land.
They went down and a man received them along with two of the submarine's crew. The
man said "Welcome aboard. Lieutenant William Harris, follow me in!" and Jennifer and
the crew entered to the submarine.
They headed to the main room of the submarine where the Admiral was waiting for
Jennifer and the rest. Lieutenant Harris took them to him and said "Admiral" and the
Admiral said "Thank you Lieutenant" he turned around with a serious look on his face
and introduced himself "I'm the Admiral Thomas Mitchell, commander of one of the
most sophisticated nuclear submarines around the world" and Marshall said "Major
General James Marshall, commander of I.S.A.F. Special Forces. This is Captain George
Kasler". Mitchell then said "I thought you wouldn't come" and Marshall said "You
thought wrong. Besides, it's an International Crisis."
Mitchell turned his look on Jennifer and said "So youre the girl they were talking about.
Ive been part of many operations about sending agents but I never took part of an
operation which sends a woman to a war or a Stealth Mission as an operative. This wont
be the first time in history [[The Boss|whose hero is a woman]], but it will be my first
time to get involved in a mission like this, most of all, in the dawn of a new heroine. A
New Legend." With those words, Jennifer knew she was known in the entire
organization" Then he said with serious look at her "Whats your name? You know what
I mean." and she replied smiling a little "Black Snake." Mitchell said "Black Snake, huh?
It sounds dark. I hope you give honor to that name of yours."



Jennifer had a captivating smile on her face and Mitchell continued "So, are you ready?"
and Jennifer changed her smile into a serious look by saying "I've never been more than
ready." and the rest of the submarine's crew looked at her with signs of respect. Mitchell
said "Well, the infiltration method is known as the Submarine Approaching. Better
known as the Water Bullet." and Kasler sat on a chair and said "You will be the first
woman to be launched from this submarine as a torpedo."
Jennifer said with confidence "I think this will be exciting" but Mitchell shook his head
and said "Relax, dont get too cocky. An operative has to know everything, especially
Mitchell showed the method in a screen and started explaining it "This method consists
about launching a torpedo from this submarine which contains a soldier inside instead
of explosive charge like a normal torpedo. This torpedo will be equipped with an SDV
camera inside to let you see where youre heading to." but Jennifer got confused, so she
had interrupt him and said "Wait a second. Why an SDV camera? Isnt the torpedo going
to be launched straight?" and Mitchell replied "Not exactly. It will be launched but due
to security measures the torpedo will be equipped with a control panel that will let you
take control over the torpedo. In other words, it will be like driving a vehicle. Besides,
part of the German waters contains mines.
Jennifer asked "Infiltration Point?" and Lieutenant Harris said "Your infiltration point will
be in the coasts of Bremen." and she suddenly said "You mean the fishing port?"
All of them raised their eyebrows and Marshall asked "You know about Bremen? How?"
and Jennifer replied "I've been there earlier back. Back once when I was little." After
saying that, she turned her serious look into a sad one, then she knew she was in the
middle of a mission briefing and asked "But anyway, what's in there?" Mitchell showed
a map on the screen "According to a German Intelligence officer, he provided us
information about a compound that has important documents about attack plans and
even weapons they have on their hands. The Bundeswehr wants them and that, young
lady, is your first mission. Retrieve those documents and bring them to the German
Military high officers." Jennifer said with a serious tone "Retrieve the documents. Got
Mitchell then added "Also, when you complete the task, their agents will contact you
and will tell you the place where you have to meet them. Dont forget it." and she shook
her head "I won't". Kasler shrugged and looked at her feeling proud of her. Mitchell
asked "Any question?" and Jennifer replied "Mission time limit?" and Marshall looked
at her and said "They one that it takes. Just don't screw this up." Mitchell then said
smiling "I think she won't." and he approached her saying "You should go and take a
nap. You'll leave tomorrow morning. Good Luck" and Jennifer shook her hand with
Mitchell's and replied "Thanks."
Then Lieutenant Harris took Jennifer and Kasler to their dormitories and Marshall stayed
with Mitchell. Jennifer had a small chat with Kasler to forget the nervs before departing
from the submarine and do what she'd been told.



Chapter I: Black Snake

(Schwarze Schlange)
European Waters (February 2nd, 2001. 0625 hours): The next day of the mission briefing,
the ISAF submarine was nearby European seas, between English and German waters;
passing across the Atlantic Ocean. During the travel, Black Snake was receiving
instructions from Lieutenant Harris. Harris started explaining the final instructions to a
serious and confident Jennifer who was decided to not fail "Ok, listen up; we received
information about I.S.A.F. was in talks to Schweinsteiger. Now he knows youre coming.
However The Neo-Nazis took control over important cities of Germany. We have to
leave you in the sea because Germany is now a hostile territory. Understood?" and
Jennifer replied "Yes sir."
Harris continued "Good. As soon as you arrive to Germany, contact us by codec. Now,
let me show you the equipment you will use. Follow me." Harris took Jennifer to the
submarine's armory to show her the equipment she will use to carry on with her tasks.
When they reached there, Harris started to show Jennifer her equipment "SIG-Sauer
GSR pistol. .45 Caliber ACP. Youre equipped with 4 magazines; 8 rounds each one.
During the operation, youll find ammo so you dont have to worry about it and thats
something you obviously know, right?" and Jennifer replied "Yes." Then he continued
"Now, you have some binoculars here, water proof with an x50 zoom sight. A couple of
stun and smoke grenades, a CQC knife, a backpack, a radio sonar and an anti-personnel
sensor, which will let you know about the presence of the enemy if hes near you. With
this gear, you'll stand your ground with no problems." and Jennifer said with confidence
"I'll use it well." Just as the moment Jennifer tried to pack, Harris said "Wait. I forgot to
give you this." He gave her something never seen since the end of World War II and
Jennifer was confused and said "What? A Nazi outfit. Why a Nazi outfit?" and then, she
found out the main reason for receiving something like that and said "Oh, I get it.
Undercover, right?" and Harris smiled at her "You got it. But try to use it when
necessary." and Jennifer replied "Roger. Count on it." Just when finished showing her
equipment, Harris left Jennifer and said "Okay, get prepared." and Jennifer headed to
the lockers room to get dressed and prepared for the mission. Then she took off her
blue tank top and pants just to be in undergarments. Then she looked at herself through
the mirror for a minute and washed the dirt off her face and whispered "This is it. The
moment I've been waiting for. Don't screw this up Jennifer. Don't fuck this up for God
sake" After that, she packed her stuf, then she put on her suit and equipped herself and
then she grabbed her GSR, loaded it and placed it in her holster.
Suddenly, one of the submarine pilots used the intercom and warned the crew
"Approaching to German coasts in ten minutes" When hearing that, Jennifer knew it was
time and headed to the torpedo room where Harris and Kasler were waiting for her.
Harris said "If you have trouble with the torpedo releaser, push the emergency button
to get out." and she replied "Understood." Just before entering to the torpedo-like



capsule Kasler grabbed her arm and said "Remember, the infiltration is through the
water, so you have to infiltrate the docks silently. Dont let them see you." and Jennifer
replied with a little smile "Yes sir. I'll be careful."
The submarine was getting closer to the coasts and surfaced off the water. Admiral
Mitchell told to the crew on the intercom "Cloudy. Okay gentlemen this is it." and one
of torpedo room's crew said "Two minutes to launch. Get inside"
Jennifer lost her nerv but didn't show it by acting serious just as she entered to the
capsule". Harris informed Mitchell about Jennifer being ready and said "Agent inside the
capsule" and Mitchell replied "Close the hatch."
Once inside Jennifer put on her oxygen mask and turned on her comm device and Kasler
said via radio " Youll be launched at 150 miles per hour. Try to not get fried by the
One of the submarine's crew was on the lookout of the sonar and said "Approaching
target in 1 minute"
Harris checked everything and said in loud tone "1 minute for launch. Checking oxygen
supply. Levels ok. Pressure stable. All checked! Awaiting orders." Kasler said "This will
be very interesting. Lets see if you can handle the Water Bullet." and Jennifer smiled
when hearing that.
One of the crew members said "15 seconds!" and Harris said "Ten seconds for launch.
Status ok. All green!" while Mitchell advised the crew for the capsule's launch and
started the countdown "Prepare for countdown. Five, four, three, two, one." and Kasler
smiled and encouraged Jennifer with proud "Show them what youve got. Good luck,
Black Snake." Jennifer closed her and took a deep breath before Mitchell gave the order
of firing. Then, Mitchell finally gave the order "Fire!"
The capsule was launched at 150 miles per hour of speed straight like a bullet. Jennifer
felt the adrenaline engulfing her entire body. Her heart started to beat faster than ever
so as breathing. On the path, she saw mines placed on the water through the capsule's
camera and had no choice but to evade them using the course control. She informed
the submarine's crew "Approaching mines. Initiating evasive maneuvers." and Harris
replied "Understood. Exercise extreme caution." She kept avoiding the mines for a few
minutes until she felt something wasn't right. "She said "Control, this is Black Snake. I'm
facing malfunction issues inside. I'm blind and I can't drive the capsule." Then, the
capsule's alarm sounded and advised Jennifer for collision time to get prepared to get
out of it but she when pulling the release lever, the emergency hatch didn't open. Her
serious face turned into a startled one and shouted "Shit. Control, this is Black Snake.
The hatch is stuck. I repeat, the hatch is stuck and I'm closing in fast!" and Kasler replied
"Pull the emergency lever. That should work" and she did what she was told but it didn't
work either. Jennifer got really scared and shouted "Damn it! It doesn't work!" and
Kasler swore "Shit!" and Mitchell said "Attention Rushmore crew, capsule got damaged.
I repeat, the capsule has been damaged. Abort mission. Abort!" Just as the capsule was



closing in faster, Jennifer started kicking the hatch to open it. She shouted "Open up.
Open up! Open up for fuck sake!!!" and then, the alarm started sounding louder and
faster detecting a mine placed near and warned for impact. Jennifer kicked the hatch
stronger and faster until she managed to open it before the capsule hit a mine blowing
it up.
She lost contact with the submarine's crew and Kasler and proceed to swim and reach
the surface. She had a shocked look on her when she saw a lot of mines placed on the
water and continued swimming with caution to avoid them. Until she surfaced from the
water to reach the docks just as the mission briefing described it. Before reaching the
surface, she look around the area from the water and swam to a pier.
She went up the surface and took a look of the docks. After that she took off her wetsuit
and diving fins, then called Kasler "This is Black Snake, do you read? Captain, this is Black
Snake do you read me? Over." and Kasler answered with joy and shouting "Black Snake?!
Is that you!?" and Jennifer replied "Captain this is Black Snake, I read you." Kasler was
relieved when he heard Jennifer's voice "Jesus Christ! You scared me to death. Are you
all right." Jennifer replied smiling and used a sarcastic tone "Yeah. Just cheating death"
Kasler replied using a serious tone "That wasn't funny kid." and Jennifer kept talking with
a mocking tone "I thought you were serious and tough. Besides, that was a fun ride on
that capsule." Kasler said "Stay focused on your mission Black Snake. This is a high-risk
operation, not a training exercise. You're in the middle of a war and you're an agent, not
a recruit. Act like one."
Jennifer smiled and said "Understood." Kasler asked "Anyway, where are you?" and she
replied "I managed to reach the docks. I'm in the cargo basement" but suddenly she
heard people going to her position and said "Damn it." Kasler asked "What's going on?"
and she replied "Looks like they found out about the capsule's explosion. I'll call you
back when I'm done. Black Snake out."
Jennifer cut off the transmission and hid into the cargo shipments. She took her
binoculars and spotted 5 men armed with G-36 assault carbines on alert who reached
at the scene. Jennifer looked at them and prepared to engage them.
The guards split up to find Jennifer but she managed to hide by climbing up on a
container. Then she saw one of them being a little bit nervous and she proceeded to
take him out by choking him and killed them. The other four didnt realize they lost one
of them. Until Jennifer drew her GSR and shot one of them to the head. The guards
fought back with crossfire.
One of them went to the corner of a container to see if Jennifer was hit but he found
nothing. The man was scared and aimed his carbine to engage if necessary. Just as he
was about to look at the corner, he was kicked in the face by Jennifer and he screamed
in pain after Jennifer stabbed him in the neck. The other three ran to the scene only to
see their comrade's dead body. One of the rest got scared and said "This isn't happening.
Let's find that son of a bitch before he does!"



The three guards proceeded searching the area. One of them was behind the other two
giving cover until he was ambushed by Jennifer. She grabbed him by his neck while the
other two turned around when hearing his screaming moan. She used him as human
shield while the other two of them were scared and one of them groaned "A woman?
Let him go!"
Jennifer threatened them to kill their partner by saying "Drop your weapons!! I mean it,
drop your weapons or this bastard gets it!"
The second man shot her, but Jennifer covered herself with the hostage rebel who
received the bullet impact and killed him. Then she pushed the dead body against them
and engaged them in a hand-to-hand combat. She applied her CQC abilities to engage
the enemy.
They stood on guard to fight back but Jennifer had an evil smile on her face. The first
guy tried to punch her but she blocked it and hit his throat hard breaking it and he
started to spit blood from his mouth. He eventually fell dead and the other grabbed a
knife trying to attack her with it, but she dodged his attempts to attack. Just as he tried
to swing the knife against her, she blocked by picking him up from his arm. Then she
broke it and used his broken arm to stab him in the neck killing him too. Then she headed
to the tunnels which it leads to the culverts.
Once inside the tunnels, she saw a surveillance camera and then she gets on the wall to
avoid the camera and get caught.
Five minutes later, she managed to reach one of them, opened it and went above the
basement. She got out of the culvert to the surface. Afterwards she closed the culvert
and drew her GSR handgun and her knife, but she realized she made through to the
She saw the skies were in red because of the explosions the conflict left during the
period of war. But then, she saw enemy sentries posted there for surveillance. Then she
hid in the wall of a container and called Kasler to inform him about the situation "This is
Black Snake, can you hear me?"
Kasler replied "Loud and clear. What's the situation over there?" and Jennifer replied
"Ive reached to the docks. But I think the Neo-Nazis will find out soon."
Kasler was kinda confused and asked "Why is that?" and Jennifer replied "The explosion,
remember? Some guards went crazy when hearing it and got over here" Kasler then
asked "What's their status?" and she replied "I had to send them to sleep with the fishes.
There was no other way, but no one will know about my presence."
Kasler sighed and said "Well, it means you have reached outside the coast of Bremen.
Remember, youve got to get inside the Command Center of the port. How about the
security out there?"



Jennifer took her binoculars and watched the area. Then she said "Looks like is light, but
Im seeing three enemy sentries." Kasler:asked "Armed?" and she bit her lip and replied
"Affirmative. Theyre armed with MP-5s, grenades and Walther P-38 pistols each one. I
can see them from here talking between them."
Kasler asked "Any military vehicle in the entrance?" and Jennifer replied "No sir. No
vehicles in sight." Then she hid again and Kasler sighed "Okay, everything goes on
schedule. However if they spot you, I.S.A.F. will not send any backup for you and your
identity will be denied by the Germans so will we. Also, as long as we're in the ocean,
we won't call you."
Jennifer raised an eyebrow when hearing the instruction and asked while concerned
"Whys that? Are you saying you will leave me here? Alone in Germany?" and Kasler
tried calming her by saying "Not exactly. Well be out of this mission for few days. The
German General Command sent this order to us. If your performance is good during this
operation, theyll let us to contact you again. Apparently theyre doing this as a test for
you. An evaluation to verify if youre effective or not. They dont want another dead
agent, according to them.
This process will last just few days." Jennifer wasn't that convinced and asked using a
concerned tone "When is that going to end?" and Kasler replied without any concrete
answer "We don't know that yet. That's not in our hands I'm afraid."
Jennifer shook her head and swore whispering "Aah, damn!" while Kasler tried to
convince her "Calm down. Youre in this mission by your efforts. By your own
performance and thats why you were trained for. For a hot situation like this." and
Jennifer pulled herself together "You're right. I shouldn't argue right now." Kasler said
"Right. Well talk later but remember, follow the orders from the Bundeswehr officers.
Just them, none others. Do you understand?" and she replied "Roger. Commencing
operation. Black Snake out."
Jennifer cut off the transmission and started to take the guards out by just hitting them
bare handed; one by one.
First, she saw one of them just walking around until she surprised him and she let him
unconscious. The next guard she took was surprised too. He saw the other guard lied
down on the ground and she punched him in the head. But the other one surprised
Jennifer in the back. The Neo-Nazi soldier pointed his gun and shouted "Dont move!"
and she shook her head knowing she was in trouble and said "Damn it, I knew it." He
pointed his MP-5 at her and shouted "Shut up and drop your gun!" Jennifer tried to
confuse him and said "Are you sure you want me to do this"? He then pointed at her
head and shouted louder "Shut up!"
She then groaned and said "Ok ok ok! Ill do it."



Jennifer drew her gun and was going to give it to the enemy, but she knew how to handle
the situation. On the moment when the guard was going to grab her pistol, she reacted
fast by grabbing his hand and turning him to the other side. She held the guard by the
back and choked him until let him unconscious.
After that, she looked for a place to hide and to get dressed. She took the Nazi uniform
to disguise herself and look like one of them. When she was getting dressed, she was
ambushed by a Neo-Nazi armed man. The enemy shouted "Nicht bewegen!" Jennifer
kept her cool and turned to look at his face. She said with a seductive tone "Nazis, why
you?" He replied in German again "Geschlossen!" Then she stared at him with seductive
look and said whispering "I think you dont have the guts to hit a woman. Do you?" and
he groaned "I dont care if youre a girl. I will take you apart."
She walked backwards slowly and with her hands raised "You dont really want to do
that. Trust me." and the Neo-Nazi man approached her and said "Try me..."
She was half naked. The officer tried to touch her by grabbing her right arm but she
attacked him by taking his gun off his hands using a CQC technique, then she punched
him in the face and she grabbed him by the neck behind and broke it leaving him dead.
Then she said "I told you so."
She finished getting dressed. Now she looked like a Nazi officer. She saw an ID in the
pocket of the jacket. She left her original equipment in a hidden place of the facility
where she gets disguised. She headed to the compound and saw two guards watching
the entrance. One of them said "Halt, wer sind Sie? Sie nicht bestehen knnen (Stop,
who are you? You can't pass)."
Note: As long as Jennifer is in Germany, everything will be interpreted as German using
Jennifer played fool and pretended to be Neo-Nazi and said "Hi, uumm. Sorry I wanna
join in. Where should I go for recruitment?" and the Neo-Nazi asked "Who are you?"
Jennifer took the ID from the disguise and introduced herself "Oh sorry. I'm Patricia
Metzelder and like I said, I'm new in the unit." The guard stared at her suspiciously and
said "Hmm, I need to see your ID."
She showed it to him and the guard led her pass. Jennifer was inside the compound, but
she needed to go to the Archive room. The whole base was protected a battalion of NeoNazi soldiers. She had to ask like she was one of them. In her way, a Neo-Nazi blonde
female soldier approached to talk to her. She had blonde long hair, blue eyes and she
was 5' 10''. She looked at her and asked "Are you new, private?"
She was nervous "umm, what?" and the NN girl asked again "Ja. Are you new? I never
saw you in this division until today." Jennifer didn't know what to say and the blonde girl
looked at her suspiciously. Then, she said the last thing that crossed her mind "Yes, I am.
I came from Dsseldorf to join my comrades." and the other girl raised an eyebrow and



said "Really? I'm from Dsseldorf too." Jennifer was getting tired of pretending but she
had to hang on "Is that right?" and the NN girl replied "Yes. Im from the center of the
city. Where part exactly you are from Dsseldorf?" Jennifer wanted to leave and she was
impatient biting her lower lip, then she replied "Im from... the south." and the blonde
girl continued chatting "Oh, so youre nearby Unterbilk."
Jennifer said "Yes. Why?" and the blonde girl said with a smile on her face"Im just
asking." Suddenly, she asked Jennifer "What do you think about Non-Aryans?"
She didn't know what to say and she suddenly said "Well... I think theyre fool." And the
NN female replied with an evil look on her face "Theyre more than that. Theyre big
pieces of shit. We should annihilate the Jews and everyone whos not Aryan." Then she
put her hand on Jennifer's shoulder and smiled "You agree with me, dont you?" Jennifer
replied while nervous "Umm... yeah."
The NN female happily said "Thats great. Maybe we can be friends." and she raised an
eyebrow, then she had to say "Yeah. I guess so."
The blonde smiled "Good." Jennifer looked at her and winked without being serious then
the girl asked raising an eyebrow "By the way, whats your name?" and she replied
"Patricia Metzelder. And you are" and the girl replied while shaking both girls' hands
"Im Jutta Hansen. First class decoder. Also, Im in charge of the Archive room in this
military base."

Jennifer raised an eyebrow when hearing that "You said Archive room?" and Hansen
replied "Yes. Do you want to go and see what weve got? Maybe I will contact an Officer
from Intelligence Service to sign you there eventually." and she had to pretend she was
glad and replied with a fake smile "Yes, I would love to." Hansen replied with joy "Thats
great. Follow me." but suddenly, an officer arrived where Hansen and Jennifer were. He
was rushed and said "Hansen, we need you in the bunker. Intelligence says they've got
something about an attack against this base."
Hansen raised and eyebrow and had to attend that. She replied "What? Okay, Ill go right
away. Sorry Metzelder, well talk later." Jennifer replied relieved "Oh, no problem."
Hansen said before leaving "If you want to locate me, the office is in the second floor of
the building. Nearby the Computers room." Jennifer smiled due to the revealed location
given to her "Second floor. Got it." Hansen said "Ok. See you later." and Jennifer replied
"You too."
Jennifer went straight ahead to the building to find the Archive Room's location. She
entered to the building and she was shocked due to the number of Neo-Nazi officers
working there, resembling one during World War II. Then she saw the map of the
building and she headed to the archive room. After that, she saw a folder with some
documents, she checked it and realized those were part of the documents she needed.
There was no doubt it.



Then, she saw a man walking the opposite direction next to her. She asked him with a
serious look "Excuse me, wheres the computer room?" and he replied "In the second
floor. Take the elevator." and she said "Dankeschn."
She took the elevator to the second floor of the command building of the base. She
entered to the office and there was no sign of an officer. When she entered, she received
a call from an unknown agent. Apparently he wasnt using burst transmission.
He said "So, you reached the Archive room." She raised an eyebrow and asked "Who is
He said "You must be Jennifer Patterson, right? and she got shocked and whispered
"What!? Who is this and how do you know my name?"
He said "Listen, I know youre dressed like one of them. Im monitoring you via satellite.
I have your equipment."
Her shocked face turned into a stoned one "What the hell!?" and the unknown man said
"Dont worry. Ill give it back to you after completing your mission."
She shook her head while hearing that and continued "Now listen to me; we need
documents about attack plans, archives about Neo-Nazi bases locations and the IDs of
leaders who started this revolution. If you recover more documents than those, the
better." She got upset while hearing that and whispered "First of all, who the hell are
you... ?" but he interrupted and replied seriously "You dont have much time. After you
recover the documents, plant explosive charges all over the building, especially in
important places. Add 15 minutes for detonation to the timers but DO NOT active them.
After that, contact me, confirm you planted the explosives in place and get out of there
fast as you can. The military is going to strike them up."
Jennifer said in shocking and loud whispering "Is the German Military here!? Is the Heer
already here!?" He said "Complete the mission and get out." and she whispered
concerned and angry "Wait! Damn"
The agent cut out the transmission without revealing his identity. But she received order
about the documents she needed to recover. She started to search for all over the place.
After twenty minutes of searching, she found the locker which contained the most
important files of all. She took more of the required files as a parameter. Then she closed
the locker but she heard an officer coming.
She had no choice but to hide under the desk of the office. The officer entered and saw
that everything was clear. He sat down to rest a little while.
She had to for a few minutes. The officer stood up for having a drink but she decided to
take him out and get out of the office fast. After that, she went to the armory which was
located in the 1st floor basement of the building. She took more of 20 explosive charges



and kept all in a bag. She went to different places fast, planting an explosive charge at
the armory, another in the command post, another in the computer room, in the
communication center, in the uniform factory, the ammunition factory, the electric
substation, one in the command center and one in the missile room. She took almost an
to put the explosives in place.
After that, she called the unknown agent to confirm she planted the explosives on many
places of the base. She took cover by crouching and said "This is Black Snake, do you
read me?"
The unknown man "I read you. Are the explosives in place?" and she sighed "Yes, theyre
all planted."
He asked "Are the timers set up?" and she said "Yes, but theyre not activated as you
ordered." He said with satisfaction "Good work."
She sighed and said with serious tone "Ok, now tell me who are you?" and he just said
"Ill tell you later."
She shook her head while hearing and he gave her an order "Now activate the bombs."
She grabbed the explosives detonator and pushed the button activating all the charges.
She said "Done." and he then said sounded ready "Good. Now forget the Neo-Nazis and
get out of there fast. Well meet in the docks." Jennifer tried to say something "But...
Damn it. Not again."
The man cut off the transmission once again. She shook her head and took a deep breath
before getting on the move.
She got out of the last facility she was placing the explosives. She had a nervous look on
her face and until she saw the Neo-Nazis waiting for battle. Running and giving alert
signs, many of them went to get armed. Then, an alert warning was given through the
intercoms around the whole compound "Attention all units! We have an intruder inside
the base. Patrol units reported dead guards in the docks. Red Alert, level 7. Commence
to start looking in the list of personnel who joined this base the last 24 hours. Also check
every single place; Complexes, facilities, rooms, training fields, everywhere of the base
no matter what. Prepare all units for alert formations and engage the enemy if
I repeat; we have an intruder in Bremen!"
Jennifer heard the warning alert and she looked all around the base watching the enemy
getting ready and running like loose animals, but she was found by a Lieutenant and he
recruited her into a team and had no choice but to join them. To not get caught.
She was taken to the armory to pick a gun and join the Neo-Nazis.



On the formation phase, she teamed up with Jutta Hansen, the girl she met at the
entrance. Hansen shouted "Metzelder, over here!" and Jennifer said "Hansen." but she
then whispered with a sarcastic tone "Oh my, here she comes. This is gonna be fun."
Hansen approached her and said excited "Its exciting, dont you think gal?" and Jennifer,
pretending again said "I think so." Hansen could notice Jennifer's voice tone and asked
"You think so? Whats wrong, are you alright?"
She replied using an evasive tone at her "Umm, it's nothing. You know, I think this
situation would become ugly."
Hansen raised her arm and put it on Jennifer's shoulder trying to pull her together and
said "Oh, dont worry. I have ten years experience. During the time Ive trained and
travelled around the world I gained a high rank in Close Quarters Combat and Im a great
sniper, you know.
Jennifer blinked and close her eyes for two seconds while hearing that and "Wait, wait,
wait, wait. Did you say Close Quarters Combat? and Hansen replied "And sniping
Jennifer raised an eyebrow "Really?" and the Neo-Nazi long-haired blonde drew a pistol
from her holster, looked at Jennifer's blue eyes and said "Of course. And I will use my
skills to protect you, no matter what happen."
Although Hansen wanted to be a friend of Jennifer, Jennifer didn't want to. However,
she had to pretend she was on Hansen's side and said with a fake smile on her face
"Thanks." Hansen smiled "You welcome."
Jennifer and Hansen went to a hangar, but then she had a doubt. She said "Wait a
second. There's something I don't quite get." and Hansen said "What?" Jennifer was
curious and said "You said you are a First class decoder. And now you said youre a sniper
and an expert in Close Quarters Combat too."
Hansen smiled and said "Oh I get it. Well, I went to the United Kingdom when I was 18.
I met the man who trained me in there and he taught me how to use guns, how to fight,
how to decode, everything."
Jennifer put a hand on her hip and said "I see. Just like me." and Hansen raised an
eyebrow "Excuse me?" Jennifer replied "Nothing. Umm, and what happened to them?"
and Hansen said "We had disagreements about my beliefs when they found out I was
what I am. So I turned my back on them and I left. And thanks to their teachings, Ive
killed many people as I could."
Jennifer was burning in rage and anger in her inside but stayed cool while Hansen was
still talking in joy "I wanted to someday use my abilities to serve and protect my race
from our enemies; Niggers, Muslims, etcetera. What I always wanted to do is to use my
abilities to kill everyone whos not Aryan. The whole world is weak. They're nothing



more than worthless and useless people. We, on the other hand are the future and we
live in this world to get the poison out of the people." and she suddenly turned to see
the red sky and said while Jennifer was behind "Do you wanna know what's the thing I
regret the most?" Jennifer replied with a serious look on her face "What?" and Hansen
groaned "I didn't kill the bastards, although I'll never forget their names; George Kasler
and Kazuhira Miller."
Jennifer's serious look turned into a stoned one and closed her fists. She kept her cool
but she was burning in rage more than a few minutes earlier and stared at her. Then
Hansen said "Yeah. I never knew what happened to them after our feud. I hope theyre
dead for good." Jennifer was angry and grinded her teeth but she had to stay focused
and leave her rage behind.
Then Hansen looked at her and asked "What's the matter?" and Jennifer shook her head
"Nothing. Let's go, shall we?"
They left the hangar and Jennifer looked at the detonator's timer. She raised an eyebrow
when she saw the timer marked five minutes for detonation. She knew she had to figure
something to escape from the compound. Both girls returned to the center and reported
to superior officers they didnt found a sign of the intruder. But of course, they had the
intruder on their faces. Hansen said "No signs of the intruder." and the officer replied
using a concerned tone "Keep searching."
Hansen said "Yes sir. Come on Metzelder." During the first steps they made, Jennifer
stopped and said in a desperate tone "This isn't a good idea. We should split don't you
think? I'm going to the docks." and Hansen replied "I'm going with you." Jennifer denied
Hansen's company "No way."
Hansen raised an eyebrow and asked while using a concerned tone "Why not?" and
Jennifer turned to look at her and replied with a serious tone this time "Because there
are other places to be searched."
Then Hansen said while worried about Jennifer still think she was on her side "Yes, but I
want to go with you. I dont want another dead comrade."
Jennifer said while pretending "Look Jutta, I appreciate you for your concerns to me, but
if I want to grow up as a soldier, I need to do things by myself."
Hansen's face expressed sadness and suspicions towards Jennifer and then...
The detonations happened. The explosions were powerful enough to destroy an entire
city with all its people. Hansen couldn't believe what she was seeing. The armory burning
in flames, the Command Center's building going down, the dining halls blowing up, the
boilers building smashed like a giant hammer hitting it, and many of her comrades
squirming in flames, lied down injured or dead.
She closed her fists and shouted so loud that it was heard all around the base.



After that, units of the German Military entered in action and started to fight against the
Neo-Nazis. Jennifer knew she had to escape, but also knew that it will be more difficult
than before because the German Army wont know whos the operative that helped
them to sabotage the enemy's facility. Jennifer ran and evaded the bullet ravages from
the German Army personnel, but she was followed by Hansen who was fighting back.
It was raining bullets all over the place and explosions everywhere like a lot of balloons
blowing up all around. Hansen opened fire against soldiers of the Heer and killed some
of them. Hansen was angry and happy at same time because of the action she wanted
to have and the adrenaline she wanted to feel. And also to avenge her fallen comrades.
She was fighting them back like a wild beast loose and laughed like a maniac while
shouting "Hahahaha!!! You should run sons of bitches! You should join us. Not fighting
Jennifer took cover on a wrecked wall while looking at Hansen with anger. Hansen
shouted "Metzelder, don't just stay there and help me with these bastards!!! and
Jennifer lied to her by saying "My gun's jammed!" and Hansen gave Jennifer her pistol
and shouted "Here. Now shoot them!!"
She had to shoot them but she was shooting at somewhere else on purpose to avoid
hitting any Heer soldier.Meanwhile Hansen was killing soldiers as many as she could.
Like a crazy animal.
Hansen grabbed Jennifer by her arm and took her while shooting at her enemies. They
ran to the warehouses to stay safe from the bullet rain. Suddenly, Hansen got angered
with Jennifer and yelled at her "You missed all shots!" while Jennifer replied pretended
to feel guilty and looked at her with a fake-sad face. She replied "Im a rookie, Im sorry."
Hansen calmed down and said "Okay. Let's keep going" and Jennifer pretended being
concerned and said "I think we should stop." and Hansen said "Dont say that..."
Suddenly, Hansen saw a Heer soldier pointing his assault rifle at Jennifer and she
shouted "Careful!!!!!" Then she knocked Jennifer down and shot at the soldier's head
before he could even fire a single shot.
Hansen gave her hand to a serious Jennifer staring at her eyes. Jennifer took Hansen's
hand after all, helping her to stand up. Then another Heer soldier fired a missile with a
launcher, but they managed to evade the missile. Hansen saw a culvert which lead to an
exit of the base passing through an underground tunnel, so they opened the culvert and
went under to the tunnel.
After going down by the ladder, Hansen said with relief "Finally. We're safe" but Jennifer
nodded with annoyance "Yeah. For now."
After hearing Jennifer's tone, Hansen argued with her about the situation. An upset
Hansen complained to her "What's wrong, Metzelder? It seems like you dont like me.
Every question I ask you, you respond nervous or using an annoyed tone. What Ive done



to you to deserve that kind of hostile attitude?" Jennifer replied "It is because of you
and your way of thinking. I dont like your ideologies against everyone." Hansen put her
left hand on the hip and said "Oh Cmon, youre a Neo-Nazi too" while Jennifer said
nothing and stared at her with an annoyed look.
Hansen shook her head and yelled "Metzelder, this what we are fighting for. For our
Aryan race!" then Jennifer half smiled before getting serious "No, I'm not."
Hansen turned and hit the tube wall with anger, then she turned her face on Jennifer
and said "Come on. You sound like an idiot."
Jennifer got annoyed and Hansen kept complaining "Youre not gonna tell me youre
going to defend the others and everyone whos not Aryan. You sound like those two
idiots who trained me." and Jennifer, with a very serious look, drew her GSR pistol.
Hansen raised an eyebrow "What are you doing?" and Jennifer pointed it to Hansen "It's
over Hansen. Surrender."
Hansen was shocked and exclaimed "Scheie... you were the intruder this whole time!"
Jennifer said with a serious tone "I never wanted to join you. Aryan race, what the hell
is that? Everyone should live the way they want, with love and respect. Live and let live."
then Jennifer said something that shocked Hansen even more "Captain Kasler's a good
person, the opposite of what you really are. A sick and twisted human being." and
Hansen, after hearing Jennifer's revelation had an evil smile on her face and said "Huh?
Hmm. I see. So youre the new apprentice of Kasler and Miller." Jennifer smiled too and
nodded "Kasler's only, honey. I never met Miller."
Jennifer sighed and said with serious tone "Hansen, dont do this." but the Neo-Nazi
blonde closed her fists and looked at her with anger and said "This became a personal
feud. Metzelder, youre not going to get out alive."
Jennifer asked Hansen once again "Please, I'm warning you. I don't really want do to
this." and Hansen laughed and said using a mocking tone "Youre warning me? Hah, I
have more experience than you. Ill kill you in few minutes. Or seconds, better said."
Jennifer shook her head and said "You looked for this. Ok, then I have no choice but to
teach you a lesson for underestimating me." and Hansen nodded while having an evil
smile "We'll see it."
Jennifer put the gun in her holster and put herself on guard to fight Hansen so she did
that as well. Hansen attacked Jennifer first, but she stopped her attacks easily, showing
good performance in CQC. Jennifer just stopped her attacks and commenced to attack
Hansen. She punched Hansen in the face and stay focused.
Hansen was a little bit tired and in pain, but she respected her for her movements.



Hansen cleaned the blood coming out from her mouth and smiled "Not bad. I admit you
have good movements, but this is just the beginning. As I told you, I was trained by Kasler
just like you. But well see whose best in CQC." After hearing that, Jennifer put her guard
up and looked at her while focused.
Hansen put on guard, ran towards Jennifer and commenced to attack again and she
performed more agile and faster techniques, but Jennifer stopped the attacks without
any problems. Hansen couldnt believe it and attacked with anger losing control and
sanity. Jennifer received few kicks, but she responded to Hansen with CQC movements
combining them with Judo techniques at the same time. Jennifer knew lots of martial
arts types thanks to Kasler. Something Hansen didnt.
Hansen was tired and out of consciousness so Jennifer grabbed her body and knocked
her down. Hansen was out of action. Jennifer looked at her with a serious look, shook
her head and nodded "I feel pity for you. Such skills wasted on wrong purposes." Jennifer
took Hansens weapons, after that, she left her and headed to find an exit route.
She was hearing the shots and explosions from outside the base, but passing the
distance she was walking, the sound was disappearing and everything was getting darker
until she reached a huge chamber which was an underground substation. Jennifer was
concerned due to the dangers she could encountered. She saw a lot of pipes which were
of electricity, water, gas and other toxic substances, but then she heard some kind of
metallic footsteps getting closer. She took cover and picked her gun to fire at will if
necessary. Apparently the subject, who was walking actually knew that she was coming
and started laughing maniacally "Hahahahahahahaha!!!!!" and Jennifer stayed where
she was while scared at little.
Then, the man shouted as a threat sign "I knew you were coming! You wont get out of
here alive!" and Jennifer whispered while worried "What the hell is going on here!?"
Suddenly, she peeked from the wall and saw him wearing an armored suit having a
flamethrower on his hands and a German-made FIM-92 Stinger missile launcher on his
back. Then, the armored crazy man shouted in anger "First of all... I'll burn you out!!!"
and started to spread fire all over the place like a wacko. He laughed louder than before
and Jennifer ran to another corner to stay away from the fire rain. She hid over a wall
and started feeling the adrenaline inside her body. She breathed fast cause of the fear
of dying, but then, her scared look turned into a serious one so she pulled herself
together, closed her eyes and took a deep breath while the Neo-Nazi bulldozer was still
searching to find and kill her. Then he laughed and whispered "Hahahaha!!!!!! Where
are you? I can smell you near."
She saw the fire getting closer towards her, so she went to hide in other place sneaking.
She reached to a walkway which the subject was crossing so she went to a wall behind
him and shot him in the head but it was useless because he was a wearing an armored



Jennifer nodded "Damn it." and the armored man went crazy and shouted "You idiot!
Aaaaagh!!" Jennifer ran to another corner to hide while he spread fire all over the place
once again. Then the man caught her and she knew when she saw his dark figure. She
had a shocked face, both eyes wide open and mouth open and the crazy armored guy
decided to use this time the missile launcher but Jennifer fell down by accident while
trying to take cover and luckily dodged the missile for a few inches. That avoided to get
contact with her body and blow up in million pieces. She got up quickly and hid over a
The armored man said in a loud tone "You see, I have been looking for a good match for
a long, long time, but I never imagined my best duel ever Id been confronted by a
Jennifer picked the G-36 she took from Hansen and reloaded it. Then he continued
talking loud "Let me introduce myself to you. Im Feuerwolf and I burn everyone who
challenges me. Youll become to ashes for entering to my lair." and Jennifer raised an
eyebrow and replied using a loud tone as well "Feuerwolf? Hmm... okay, Fire wolf. Youll
have the fiercest duel of your life. I guarantee you that."
Then he got shocked and angered more than ever "What? That accent! You're
American?!!! Aaaagh!!!!! Americans make me sick!!!!!! Aaaaaagh!!!!!!!"
Jennifer didn't like his tone and sneaked to another place and she ran when shouted
"Time to die!!!!!"
Feuerwolf wanted to eliminate Jennifer so bad because of her nationality. No matter
what it takes or what it costs. He started to attack her with the missile launcher he had.
Jennifer knew that she wouldnt get out of the base without a fight. She got serious and
fought back
She sneaked and found him in the middle corridor of the chamber and shot him with her
assault rifle in the torso and obviously didnt work. Feuerwolf just laughed of her shots.
As a counter strike, he shot a lot of Stinger missiles everywhere. He just provoked part
of the structures of the chamber started to fall to the ground.
After that, he found Jennifer and shouted "I got you!". She had a shocked look on her
face and whispered "Damn!" and closed her eyes thinking everything was lost for her
but when he tried to shoot with the missile launcher, he found out he shot all the
missiles he had and shouted "What the hell!!? Shit!" and Jennifer aimed at him shouting
"Take this" and shot him until getting empty just to buy more time and go to another
place to hide. The shots made him fall down and he got up and shouted "Aagh!! Fuck!!!".
Feuerwolf dropped the Stinger launcher and now he was going to use his flamethrower.
He threw flames all over the place to make sure of burning her. He caught her once again
and shouted "Taste the Aryan flames!!!"
Jennifer ran and hid somewhere while he threw flames once more. She thought she was
lost, and started to think about how to beat a guy who was protected by a powerful



armor. She was worried and whispered "Damn it! How can I beat him? He's
undefeatable." then Feuerwolf shouted "You won't escape, Darling! Not from me!!"
Jennifer yelled at herself while whispering "God damn it. How!?" and Feuerwolf was
getting closer and shouted "Where are you Yankee girl? I can smell you near!" She got
desperate and scared and whispered "Oh my god. If I dont do something now, Ill be
burned corpse. Come on Jennifer. Think!" but then, she figure something useful and
efficient to eliminate Feuerwolf.
She peeked from a corner and saw Feuerwolf getting close to her. Then she put her hand
in her hip, but then, she touched a grenade on her hip by accident. Jennifer raised an
eyebrow and snapped her fingers "Thats it! The hand grenades. If I throw grenades at
him at the right time, maybe Ill get a chance to beat him. But where can I aim them at
She peeked again and saw Feuerwolf getting closer, searching until he turned and led
her see his oxyacetylene tank. Then she raised her eyebrows and knew that was his weak
point. She whispered relieved and with joy "Yes! The oxyacetylene tank! All right. Ill give
it a try. If not, then Ill die for nothing.
She grabbed a grenade then she stood up decided to finish it once and for all, took the
grenade's safety off and counted "One. Two. Three!!" to finally throw it towards
Feuerwolf sideways and exploded when he turned his face to look at it, causing burning
wounds around his body and pierced the oxyacetylene tank.
He was screaming in pain because of the grenade's detonation that hit him and shouted
"Aaaaaaaaagh!!!!! It hurts so bad!!!!! Aaaaaaaaaaagh!!!!!" and Jennifer, shocked
nodded "It worked. It really worked!" Then he shouted while trying to stay on his feet
"BITCH!!!! You'll pay!!!!" but couldn't. She whispered with a serious and decided tone
"This is my last chance Let's do this!"
Jennifer showed herself. She looked at him with a serious face and he shouted
"Neeeeein!!!! She picked her G-36, aimed at Feuerwolf's pierced tank while staying
away a few inches from him and shot at it without hesitating causing a huge blast.
Feuerwolf was finally defeated. However, trouble hadn't ended. The explosion provoked
shots of many explosive projectiles from Feuerwolf and those projectiles hit the gas
pipelines causing a bigger explosion which force expanded from the chamber to the
outside and caused a massive shockwave over the base area. The underground chamber
was falling apart and Jennifer ran away. There was a door which was an exit door.
Through the door, there was another tunnel which was straight ahead to an exit to the
surface of the docks so Jennifer ran fast as she could and the place was finally destroyed.
She managed to do a tiger roll and fortunately she survived. She got up while feeling
pain after getting hurt a little. She entered to the next tunnel before the entrance to the
tunnel got nailed and destroyed. Meanwhile at the outside, the explosion caused more
blasts, even harder which affected the Neo-Nazi base along with their soldiers, defeating
them and the German Allied forces took the victory over them.



Jennifer was going straight the tunnel until she saw a ladder which lead to the docks. So
she opened the culvert and went to the surface.
After getting out from the tunnels, she sneaked and took cover a wall to see what was
going on after blasts. Jennifer saw the German Military taking Neo-Nazis survivors as
prisoners, but she knew if they see her, they could confuse her as a Neo-Nazi soldier and
capture or even kill her without mercy, so she sneaked out and reached to the small
place where she got disguised as a Neo-Nazi soldier without being seen. But she wasnt
sure if the place was safe so she drew her rifle and starts to verify if there was someone
Apparently was safe but then, an armed man ambushed her behind pointing his gun at
her back and groaned "Freeze!". Jennifer got shocked and couldnt do anything but
groaning "!!!" She was raising her hands slowly and tried to trick him while trying to
draw her GSR but the man wasn't like the others; focused and careful and got a little bit
closer to her while aiming the gun to her head this time and nodded "Ah ah ah. Drop it
or you'll regret it." She shook her head, half smiled and groaned "Damn!"
She tossed the gun and he got closer to her. Then he said "So you really made it huh."
Jennifer got confused when she heard that. Then he took on the safety of his pistol. He
said "The only thing you lost was your Neo-Nazi disguise. I never thought a woman could
do all this."
She raised an eyebrow and asked "What are you talking about? Can I turn around?" and
the man replied "Yes." She turned and saw the man and she realized while raising an
eyebrow he wasnt an enemy soldier. On the contrary, his outfit was conservative. Like
a secret service agent. She said "Your outfit. You dont look like one of them." and he
nodded "Exactly, Frulein Patterson."
Jennifer raised her eyebrows and asked "Wha...?" How do you know my name?" and he
calmed her by saying "Easy. I work for the German government."
Jennifer immediately figured it out, then shrugged and nodded "I see. So youre the
agent, right? The man who called me when I was in the Archive room." He snapped his
fingers and nodded "Ah, you're smart.Sorry for not introducing myself in an appropriate
He spread his hand and said "My name is Friedrich Weinmann. I work for the German
Reconnaissance Strategic Agency; from the Bundeswehr."
She shrugged and nodded "Hmm, I see. Sounds important huh, and even more knowing
you work for the Bundeswehr."
Then he said "I was acknowledged you were sent here to recover some documents." and
she replied "Thats correct."



He was glad to hear it, spread his hand and said "Show them to me." and Jennifer's
interested look turned into a serious one and shook her head "No." Confused,
Weinmann asked "Why not?" and she replied "First, give me my gear back."
He raised his eyebrows and asked "Is that a condition?" and she replied using serious
tone and spreading her left hand "No. Thats a request. Ill give you the documents, after
you gave me my gear back." Then she put her hands on the hip and nodded "You said
youll return it to me when I meet you here. Sorry, but the fact that Im new in the field
doesnt mean Im stupid."
Weinmann asked with a smile "Is that right?" and Jennifer replied while serious "Yes.
Now, would you give back my suit and gear please? Or do you want me to go out naked?"
Weinmann nodded "A tough girl. I like that from a woman. All right." and gave back her
Jennifer, still distrusted about him asked "Is anything complete?" and Weinmann
without any problem "Check it if you want to."
Jennifer checked it, every single piece of her equipment. She said "Looks like
everything's fine. There's nothing missing." and Weinmann nodded "I told you so."
Then she said while still showing her half-nude body "Im gonna change my outfit if you
dont mind, ok?" and he said "Yes, you better do that. That Nazi outfit is almost turned
into ashes and it may cause you some trouble with our guys. Make it quick. We have to
deliver this to the Headquarters"
Jennifer was going to change clothes but Agent Weinmann was watching so she felt
uncomfortable and asked "Do you see anything you like?" and Weinmann said while
watching her fit body "What?"
Jennifer blushed and she sighed while uncomfortable "Agh. Turn around please! Do you
like to see me naked?" and he said "Sorry."
She took a while to put on her original outfit. He said "Thats more like it." She had a
little smile on her face. Weinmann on the other hand said "Lets get out of here shall
Weinmann and Jennifer went outside. He said "I thought you were dead. How did you
manage to escape during the strike? You didnt get out in the right time so I thought you
were killed. Im still surprised you made it." and she sighed "You have no idea". They
continued walking and he asked while amazed "How could you evade our military? and
she smiled "I had to run and dodge the bullets. It wasnt easy." Then she changed her
face into a serious one while saying "Besides, a Neo-Nazi girl covered me. She was nuts."



He asked "Why is that?" and she replied "She killed innocent people just because they
werent Aryans. Thats an act of cruelty and lunacy. She also killed some of your soldiers
Then he asked "Where is she?" and she replied "I think she's dead. We fought inside the
underground tunnel. Weinmann asked raising his eyebrow "Underground tunnel?" and
she replied "Yes, but there was something more. When I was searching a way to escape
from the base, I fought a soldier who wasnt normal. He called himself as Feuerwolf and
he had a flamethrower and Stinger missile launcher.
Weinmann said while serious "Feuerwolf? A codename." then Jennifer asked "You think
he was part of a special organization?"
He said "Probably." and she asked "Can you check it?" and he replied "Yes. We'll do.
Where is he now?"
She nodded "Hes dead. I had to face him and apparently he died during an explosion."
When hearing that, he nodded "So that was. The explosion. You caused it."
Jennifer raised her eyebrows and asked "What it has to do with that?"
Weinmann said "The explosion you caused let our military forces the victory over them.
On top of that, the explosion affected everything in this area. The whole base itself. The
structures of the building, the training field, the hangars, even the bathrooms are
completely destroyed. Look every place and youll find out."
Jennifer walked through the whole base. She had a shocked look on her face with her
hand covering her mouth and watching every single place turned into ashes and
wrecked by the C4s' charges blasts and the underground tunnel's.
She nodded "Oh my god. Did I do all this?" and he said with mocking tone "Unbelievable
isnt it? You thought the blast affected the underground area only, right?"
Jennifer nodded "Yes. I agree the explosion was rough. I know the explosion was big,
really big because I felt a tremendous tectonic force, like an earthquake. But I never
imagined the explosion reached an immense scale of destruction. I didnt expect that
would affect everywhere in this base.
I just cant believe this."
Weinmann said "Well, you just did it. Start to believe it. This is war."
She was watching the German Army taking the enemy survivors as prisoners and
securing the base. Jennifer had a shocked face and immediately knew that what she did
was a great loss for the Neo-Nazis. She couldnt believe the disaster she caused to the



Weinmann looked at her and mocked "Your face" while Jennifer was serious and asked
"Is everyone all right?" Weinmann nodded "I see why are you worried"
Jennifer said "Yes. I get always worried about the people that Im working with."
Weinmann looked at her and nodded "No need to worry. Everything's under control
Jennifer smiled and Weinmann said "All right. Well, if you excuse me, I will go to check
the documents with, ok?" She said "No problem. Go ahead" and he said "Good. I will be
right next to the tank so if you need something, call me."
She nodded "All right."
Jennifer stayed in there while many soldiers were staring at her. Especially a soldier that
had a serious look, but she turned and looked at him and the soldier was kind of scared.
Agent Weinmann verified the documents of Neo-Nazis. Then Jennifer saw him shocked
and apparently gave an order. Then, the Bundeswehr Colonel gave the order to regroup
and take the prisoners to be taken to the Army's. Jennifer didn't understand what was
happening and then, a Bundeswehr soldier approached her with a serious look on his
face. He said "Frulein, time to go." and she was kinda concerned and asked "What's the
matter?" and he said "Just go with Weinmann. We have to leave." She went to look for
Weinmann. She found him and saw him very surprised of the content they had. He found
mission plans, weapons on enemys control and locations of other bases along with
records of high officers from different command centers of the Neo-Nazi army and
confidential information. Weinmann said "Come here and watch this." and Jennifer
asked while concerned "Whats going on?"
Weinmann was serious and kinda shocked and said "We found locations of other places.
If you see this, look the list of members from other battalions. Along with their ranks.
Fritz?" and Officer Fritz nodded "Yes. Look at this. They have bunkers, complexes,
storage facilities and many other main stations around the east area of the country."
Jennifer with a serious look on her face nodded "Wow. This isn't what I expected." Fritz
said "Look. A list of captured soldiers from our units."
Weinmann raised his eyebrows and said "What? Let me see that." Officer Fritz nodded
"It contains a considering number of lost agents."
Weinmann got serious and nodded "Yes. We have to analyze these documents very well.
And Frulein Patterson, I dont understand how did you manage to recover all this
information, but this is invaluable. With all this, we have a great advantage over them.
Prepare for your next mission. You did a great job."
Jennifer said "Thank you. But now, whats the next move?" then Weinmann said "We
have to leave this place and head right now to the International Airport in Berlin. There



are high officers from the Army, agents from German Intelligence, Secret Service and
other agents from the government waiting for us to deliver the documents to them."
Jennifer asked "And what about this base?"
Weinmann said "The base is under our control now. Dont worry about it. Well take it
as one of our stations from now on."
Jennifer said "Ok. Let's go" but then, he stopped Jennifer and said "But first, you have to
get dress formally."
She raised her eyebrow "Hmm?" and he nodded "Yes. As you can see, there are formal
people from the government that want to meet you in the Airport. So we will introduce
you to them."
Jennifer raised her eyebrow and said "But I dont have any formal suit right now."
He smiled "Dont worry. We have a one for you. Go get dressed."
She said "All right."
She went to bulding to get dressed once again and she returned in a couple of minutes.
She put on a black military officer uniform. She wore a fancy black military officer
uniform from the Bundeswehr. Then she went out and then Weinmann said "Fritz" and
Fritz said "Yes sir?"
Weinmann ordered "I need twenty men for escorts. Reunite twenty voluntaries for the
job. Were going to the airport."
He replied and saluted "Yes sir. Right away."
Weinmann turned and looked at Jennifer and nodded "Are you ready?"
She replied while enthusiastic "Yes sir."
Jennifer, Agent Weinmann and the twenty voluntaries of the Army headed right away
to the Berlin International Airport in a convoy. It was formed by 6 military trucks, 5 SUVs
for military personnel and a UH-60 Black Hawk chopper, where Jennifer, Weinmann and
two soldier were in. According to Weinmann, there were important people from the
Army, Secret Service and the government waiting for them.
He started explaining everything to Jennifer "Ok, I will explain you the situation. During
the last days, the situation became extreme and out of our hands for a while."
Jennifer asked "Did your government ask for help before?" and Weinmann replied "No.
They were just waiting and waiting and waiting. Until it got more complicated."



Jennifer nodded "Schweinsteiger went to the U.N." and Weinmann said "Exactly.
Recently. But during the last two years, rebel people started to invade the streets of
Germany and attacking people and we thought they were just protestants. But they
were something bigger. Months later, we knew months they were a rising Army of
Aryans. With time, the crisis grew reaching a level we couldnt control."
Then he turned at the window of the chopper and said with a serious voice tone "The
Prime Minister began a war against them. We thought it would be easy because the first
months of the war we took control over them, but last year they began using weapons
we never expected from them to use before. We couldnt stand against them. We tried
the best we could during the last six months but the situation is out of control nowadays.
Its been four years of nightmare and destruction."
Jennifer asked "And why Germany didnt request for help before? Why the world didnt
know about this earlier? Germany had could have requested for help and stop the
conflict without any problems." and Weinmann replied "Because he decided this was an
owning situation that Germany should solve for itself. You know, Schweinsteiger doesnt
like the U.N. and he thought this crisis could be solved in short time."
Jennifer shook her head and Weinmann nodded "Thats why we convinced the Prime
Minister to travel to New York to request help."
Jennifer asked "What are the Nazis' objectives?" and he replied "We think they want to
re-establish the two German republics. We had battles against them to not allow doing
that and bringing the old times back."
Jennifer raised her eyebrow and nodded "A Berlin Wall replicate" and he said "Yes."
Then Jennifer asked "And why did he decide to request an inexperienced agent on your
side to help you controlling the situation?" and Weinmann looked at her and said
"Because he requested help before this to other countries in secret. He requested
experienced agents. The best of the best. But they were killed or missing in action."
Jennifer shook her head again and nodded "So he requested a rookie operative to see if
it works, am I right?"
Weinmann said "Looks like it. I still think it wasnt a good idea." Jennifer then nodded
while concerned " Me too. Its kinda crazy and tough."
Then Weinmann nodded "We have no choice now but to continue with this." and
Jennifer half-smiled.
A few seconds later, he asked her "By the way, any guy?" and Jennifer raised an eyebrow
"Pardon me?" and Weinmann nodded "Yeah, you know. A boyfriend" She blushed and
half-smiled "Ah. No, umm... I have no time for a boyfriend right now. And you?"



He said with a serious tone "Well, I have a wife and a daughter and Im very proud of
them." Then he showed a picture of his family to her. She look at it and he nodded
"Thats what Im fighting for. For my familys security."
She smirked when hearing that, but then she lowed her head and got saddened. He
raised an eyebrow and asked "What is it? Are you okay?"
She replied using a depressive tone "Yes. Its just about what you said. Protecting your
family. I know what its like to love someone. Your parents, friends, family, everything."
Then the chopper pilot said "Sir, we're reaching Ground Zero" Weinmann got serious
and went to look at the ground from the window." and Jennifer got confused and asked
"What's the matter?" and one of the soldiers gave her a pair of binoculars and nodded
"Take a look" Jennifer open the door while the helicopter was flying over the area. She
took a look with the binoculars and she got shocked about what she saw, corpses
surrounding everywhere, from civilians to soldiers. Even dead children were there. She
groaned "Oh no. This can't be." and she got angry and saddened at the same time.
Weinmann was concerned about her and asked "What is it?" and she said while angry
"Dead... children. Damn it!" and he nodded "I know." Then Weinmann saw tears coming
out from her eyes and asked "Are you all right Frulein Patterson?" and she nodded
saddened and depressed "I dont like to see dead people. Especially, the children. Why
innocent people die first?"
And he replied while drying Jennifer's tears from her eyes "Thats the price of war. Even
children have to pay for our sins. Our enemies think that. You have an issue with
children, aren't you?"
Jennifer looked at him quiet and with a serious-saddened face. He then raised his arm
and put it on Jennifer's shoulder trying to comfort her "It's okay. Tell me."
Jennifer looked at him and started talking about her dark past "I was young back then,
just a little girl. I was in Moscow with my schoolmates for a championship. An academic
marathon. School kids from many countries were there. Anyway when the competition
finished the terrorists arrived and started shooting people. They killed lots, most of them
women and children."
Weinmann was shocked and asked "Any survivors?" and she replied "Not many. I was
one of the few survivors." Jennifer then closed her fists in anger and nodded while crying
some tears "My parents and all my friends were..."
Weinmann nodded "I'm sorry." and Jennifer stopped crying and calmed herself down.
She said "It's okay." Then she nodded "After the incicent, a man picked me up from a
Red Cross camp and adopted me. He raised me like if I were his daughter and his family
accepted me. He trained me eventually before I joined ISAF."
Weinmann looked at her with admiration and said "Must be hard. I feel you." Then he
gave her some words "But you know, you have to be strong to face everything. If not,



you will be down to your enemies and probably be dead. I can see you are new for this
kind of situations and you are still learning, but remember these words Im telling you."
Jennifer looked at him and smiled. Then the pilot informed them "Approaching the
airport. ETA in 2 minutes."
Everyone inside the chopper got prepared for landing and Weinmann asked "You
ready?" and Jennifer said "Yes sir."
The convoy already arrived. The soldiers came out of the trucks raising aiming their rifles
for protection to the military personnel. The German Military unit were active if
something went wrong. Apparently there was no problem. The unit entered to the main
building of the airport but suddenly, an unknown group of soldiers ambushed
Weinmann, Jennifer and the others. A soldier of that unit shouted Dont move! while
she got surprised and drew her GSR pistol and groaned Damn!, but it was too late to
even point it. Weinmann looked at them and he ordered to his soldiers Hold your fire!
Everybody, stand down! and the armed group was still aiming at the Bundeswehr unit.
Jennifer raised her eyebrows and mumbled What are you Weinmann indicated
everyone to stand down by raising his arm and lowing his hand. Then, a unknown voice
was heard Its been a while, Weinmann.
He raised his eyebrow when hearing that. After that, he looked at the unknown unit and
he could hear some footsteps closing in. Then he could see a tall man approaching from
behind the unknown armed group. He was 6 4 tall and he was wearing a black suit and
a black coat, similar to a Men In Black character.
Weinmann said with joy Lindemann!, then Jennifer asked You know him? and he
nodded by shaking his head in positive. Lindemann said Its okay everyone. Put down
your weapons.
Then, a another man approached. He was 6 3 tall. He was wearing a Colonel-class
uniform and said Good work out there, Agent Weinmann. Ive just received the reports
about the strike.
Weinmann saluted him Thank you Colonel, but we couldnt make it if it wasnt for this
woman. She did a great job. The Bundeswehr Colonel looked at Jennifer. He
approached to a serious Jennifer and she saluted him. He said with a serious tone
Youre too young
Jennifer was still stood straight and saluting him. Then he smiled a little Although you
have some potential. She lowed her arm and smiled with satisfaction when hearing the
Bundeswehr Colonels words.
He then said Good work Frulein and she nodded Patterson. Jennifer Patterson. Its
an honor to meet you Herr Oberst. He then said No. The honor is mine. Sorry for not



introducing myself. Colonel Matthias Habich from the Heer Special Operations Division
in Berlin.
He then asked Who do you work with? and she replied I work for ISAF. And he
nodded I.S.A.F.? Hmm, I heard of that before. He then introduced the man in black
This is Till Lindemann. He saluted her Frulein Patterson and she did the same Herr
Lindemann. Colonel Habich talked about him Lindemann is the General Operations
Supervisor of the Amt fr den Militrischen Abschirmdienst (in the past Amt fr die
Sicherheit der Bundeswehr).
Jennifer nodded I see. So youre from the MAD. and he nodded Ja frulein Patterson.
Habich asked with a serious look to a confident and also serious Jennifer So, how much
can you do for the Bundeswehr? and she replied Although this is my very first misin,
Im fully prepared for this kind of situations. Im trained to handle and use any kind of
weapons; handguns, light-machine guns, sniper rifles, missile launchers, heavy artillery,
etc. But my specialty is the sniping combat. I can read, write and speak German, I can
sneak into facilities silently and most of all complete my objectives, which is a high
parameter to me as an operative. My mentor taught me well and I thank him for that.
Lindemann asked Have you ever been involved in a hostage rescue operation? and
she replied Yes sir. I was involved in a special operation in England. I took the terrorists
under custody and my unit rescued a hostage who was none other than Roland
McNamara, the head of the MI-6.
Habich was shocked I see. Operation Red Night, right? and she said Right.
Lindemann asked Anything else on your records? and she said Well, I was part of a
stealth operation in Seattle, Washington. I had to bring information about nuclear
weapons been traded to Israel. We stopped the men who were involved.
Lindemann asked while shocked Wait a minute. They sent you alone to do that?
Jennifer nodded Ummyes. Habich did ask too Knowing you were a rookie agent?
and Jennifer nodded while confused Correct. Why?
Habich expressed with surprise Its the first time I hear something like that. and
Lindemann said So do I. Looks like were dealing with someone out of the context.
Colonel Habich alleged I can see you speak German. Any other language you can
speak? and Jennifer said with confidence I can speak many languages fluently;
German, Russian, French, Portuguese, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Czech, Arabian,
Indian, Italian and Greek.
Lindemann was kinda surprised with Jennifer for her records and skills. He then said
One last question. This country has been in its worst crisis since World War II. Are you
afraid to die? Are you up to sacrifice your life for people you dont know?
Jennifer said with confidence Sir, I think thats a dumb question. Ill sacrifice my life for
your people. I dont care about politics and I will complete my mission no matter what



it takes. Besides, peace is the only thing that matters and Ill do my best. Together, were
going to bring peace to this nation once again. Lindemann was moved and Habich was
glad about what he just heard All right. Well Weinmann, we need to see these
documents. Lindemann, check them.
Lindemann checked the documents and he was shocked about what he saw. Weinmann
knew how they will react.
Lindemann said Herr Oberst, look at this. and Colonel Habich approached him and
asked What is it? Lindemann nodded while shocked Youre not gonna believe this.
Lindemann handed in the documents to Habich and his serious changed slowly with
every page he was looking at. His silence said it all. He had no words. Lindemann looked
at him. He saw Habich was shocked Colonel?
Habich almost yelled How did you get this!? Jennifer was kinda nervous for Habichs
reaction Umm I and Habich kept asking Are you sure you get all this? She said
Yes. and Colonel Habich continued But how? She sighed It was hard. I had to
infiltrate myself to the base as a Neo-Nazi recruit. Weinmann added And thats not all.
She destroyed the whole base. Not us.
Habich raised an eyebrow Is that right? and Jennifer said Yes sir. Thats the thing why
Im still surprised. Hey, dont think it was just that easy. I almost got myself killed.
Habich asked while stunned Lindemann? and Lindemann couldnt believe that and
nodded I dont know what to say. Shes great. Shes perfect. Habich then said So, you
take the job? And she replied I will.
Lindemann was glad Good, I know youll do a great job. It will be a pleasure working
with you. And she said Thank you.
She hugged Lindemann but Habich thought it was a little exaggetated Lindemann,
enough. and he got blushed and coughed Sorry. but Jennifer smiled Its okay, sir.
Then she said while serious Well, I think we have work to do, dont we? and Weinmann
nodded Shes right sir.
Habich said All right, you have to come with us. Were going to analyze these
documents and find our first objective. Were going to strike them back.
Jennifer asked Where are we going? and Habich replied Were going to the command
center. Our analysts must have this information to to a more detailed research on those
guys. Weinmann, come with us too.
After the conversation between them, Jennifer, Colonel Habich, Chief Lindemann and
Agent Weinmann headed to the Command Center located in the airport. Jennifer was
stunned about what she saw; people working fast, calls ringing everywhere and lots of
screens showing maps of Germany. Maps showing the occupied reas taken by the



Colonel Habich asked All right, what do we got? and a German Military Analyst said
We received information from two of our agents about a conspiracy against the Prime
Minister. We sent agents for a reconnaissance mission in Berlin. Also we received a call
from them but then shots were fired against them and the communication was cut.
Colonel Habich got serious and tried to ask Are they...? but the analyst said No sir.
Their vital sensors are still blue.
Habich then said I see. Any other news update? and the analyst replied The unit
commanded by Captain Knig is heading back. By the way, weve received a message
from the enemy. Theyre not happy about the happening in Bremen today. Habich
sighed All right. We have to work on it. Ill contact the General to give him a status
report about the operation.
Colonel Habich explained Jennifer about a document that she recovered Frulein
Patterson, this is an important list. A list youve recovered during todays operation. Ill
let Lindemann to explain you this.
Lindemann started talking We found some information about all of them which Im
gonna explain you next. Theyre members of a Neo-Nazi organization called Weisse
Kreuze. Specialized in crimes against Non-Aryans and politics along with other goals.
She guessed Weisse Kreuze? The White Crosses. Lindemann said Sounds kind of
peaceful for the color. She then said But the appearances are deceiving. She then
shrugged So thats the responsible organization for the crimes against the German
Democracy and your people. Lindemann said Thats right.
After that, he grabbed the remote control of one of the CCs screens and started showing
each dossier of Weisse Kreuzes members. She saw him serious and upset towards them.
Lindemann started explaining Lets start with this guy: Olaf Heinecke: Former 2nd
Lieutenant of the 35th infantry division in Dsseldorf. He was discharged from the
military due to discipline issues.
Lindemann skipped to the next profile Martha Augenstern: Former lawyer with a Ph.D.
degree in psychology. Graduated from the Stuttgart University. Jennifer asked What
about her? and Lindemann replied She was arrested six years ago for an attempt of
homicide against her son. According to her, he had American heritage from her last
husband, who I will quote her words He was not Aryan and murdered him while he
was sleeping.
Jennifer shook her head and said upsetly Hmm. Murdering a son for not being Aryan.
Thats something unacceptable. Lindemann nodded when looking at her face I see
youre angry for that. She approached him and said upset about it Yes. I hate that kind
of people who kill their own children for not being something they want for them to be.
Then she cooled off and told him Anyway, proceed with the briefing.
Lindemann agreed Ok. Lets continue. We have other officers whore considered the
starters of this conflict. Next dossier please.



One of the analysts proceeded to the next profile to be shown on the main screen.
Lindemann continued Folker Kappelhoff Jr.: Former Captain of the 21st Infantry division
company. Son of Folker Kappelhoff, a former General who died in the Battle of the Bulge
during World War II. He is retired from the military and two years later he killed two
black tourists in Cologne. He was condemned to seven years in jail but he was released
during his third year due to missing proofs. He joined WK few days later.
Jennifer shook her head while hearing that and Lindemann continued Next please. The
other guy you can see is Tilman Freyenmuth: Former police officer. He was fired from
his job due to corruption acts and other illegal charges against him. He subsequently
joined Weisse Kreuze after being involved in many political scandals and killing attempts
against his former co-workers.
The analyst proceeded to change the profile from the screen to the next one and
Lindemann shook his head Amanda Schneitzer. This is a real bitch: Former convict. Born
in Frankfurt but she lived in America during her childhood. At the age of 14 she
committed her first homicide. She killed her baby sister along with her mother and
father. She was arrested in Texas and forced to accomplish a sentence of four years. Due
to be a minor in that time. At the age of 20 she moved back to Germany to work as an
assistant in a drugstore. She killed three people during a robbery in a bank. Since then,
the Interpol has been looking for her due to a terrorist attempt against the German
Minister of Defense. He survived but three of his bodyguards died that day. Her father
was a Captain-ranked officer at the time and it is said he taught him when she was a
child but it was revealed she was being trained by former Heer and now Neo-Nazi
soldiers even before her crimes once back in the country. Then he said in a mocking
tone A beautiful maniac isnt it?
Jennifer nodded while serious Beauty and madness dont match each other. I dont
understand why the killing of small kids. But Ill take care of her. Be sure of that.
Lindemann continued We should find it out. Lets continue shall we? Then the screen
changed showing the next profile and Lindemann proceeded Anna Hartmann: Former
elementary school teacher. We dont know much about her past but during the
beginning of this crisis she appeared constantly on the news and playing an important
role in the Neo-Nazi forces. Armin Hartmann: Anna Hartmanns husband. Former
military officer and one of Weisse Kreuzes best soldiers. He was discharged due to
indiscipline issues. He was known as the Berlin Killer though he killed twenty people in
a Jew church in Berlin. Hes best known for using Pistols, but to be precise he especially
uses Walther P-38 9mm caliber pistols; the handgun that was primarily used by the army
of Nazi Germany. And its his weapon of choice.
Lindemann then said using a serious voice tone and Jennifer could see his face a little bit
upset This is a strange one; Robert Magnusson. Former U.S. Military Sergeant of
Swedish heritage. According to our analysts he was discharged due to a huge racist
behavior. He trades weapons with drugs, illegal documents and people along with other



stuff. He killed ten Mexican people during his last work as a police officer in the MexicanAmerican border.
Lindemann changed the profile from the screen Ute Flade: Former officer of the
Abwehr. She was in jail for ten years due to the homicide of Lieutenant Colonel Roman
Ptsch. Eventually, she joined the enemy to make justice for the White Power.
The profile was skipped to the next one and Lindemann continued Hermann Schll: A
Scientist. He was working with the G-Lab two years ago but he was fired due to his Aryan
beliefs. Hes currently working with the Neo-Nazis in the development of military
weapons and machinery that are related with his speciality. Biochemistry and nuclear
Lindemann kept going as the analyst skipped to the next profile Hans Von Schrder:
Former Nazi Military Commander. Hes old today, but he was called out of retirement
to form the Neo-Nazi military. Apparently, his beliefs are still strong, not to mention his
hate against the Non-Aryans. He recruited approximately fifty thousand men to form
the Neo-Nazi military in two days. An unbelievable number for such a short time.
Lindemann continued while skipped to the next dossier as Jennifer looked each one
them Wilhelm Rolfsteiger: Commander of the Neo-Nazi Intelligence Service. Hes well
known for a conspiracy act against the Prime Minister. We knew he was a spy during his
days serving as a Special Agent for the German Secret Intelligence Service. Hes a skilled
veteran. Jennifer shook her head while mocking What? Neo-Nazi Intelligence Service?
Youve got to be kidding me. as Lindemann stated The majority of them used to work
at many areas for the Bundeswehr frulein Jennifer shook her head and smiled with
irony, then Lindemann continued Gnter Schweinwasser: Former Bunderswehr officer
and former sergeant from the 36th division of the Heer. Discharged in 1992 due to
indiscipline issues and for leading white supremacy revolts in the country and arrested
in 1994 in Nuremberg for murdering at least fifty people in a mall using a tough armor,
handguns and grenade launchers. Fourteen of those casualties were African-American
tourists. He is well known for his skills using grenade launchers and his many SS and
Hakenkreuz tattoos.
Lindemann continued Rudolf Zehetbauer: A hunter and serial killer. Hes well known
for murdering twenty women in 1994. His attorney, Martha Augenstern, appealed his
case and thanks to her, he was released in 1998. Hes currently serving as a cleaner
for the Neo-Nazis. Be careful with this guy.
Jennifer nodded I will.
Lindemann continued while shaking his head Tilman Otto Mller: Former German
Secret Intelligence Service Agent. I know him very well. I worked with him for fifteen
Jennifer turned to look at Lindemann and raised her eyebrows What happened to
him? while he replied We discovered he was giving information to the main mafias



and other terrorist organizations around the world. He became a freelance terrorist. You
know, by contract. Jennifer saw Mllers profile picture on the screen and nodded I
see. Tell me more about the other members remaining.
Lindemann said Of course. Lets proceed. He skipped to the next profile and nodded
These three members are the most importants and responsible for starting this warfare
since day one.
When Lindemann changed the profile on the screen, everybody inside CC was staring at
the picture and so Jennifer. Lindemann nodded Jrn Raltzinger: Leader of the Weisse
Kreuze organization, and also politician and leader of a group which he calls the new
National Socialist Party. Also, hes well known in Germany for starting riots and several
other conflicts here during The Cold War. He was opposite for the idea of breaking the
Berlin Wall. Thats not all. During the last ten years, he was appearing on the news
everyday with campaigns of White Pride or White Power expressing his pride of
being Aryan and at National and International Congresses representing his party and
proposing laws in favour of the Neo-Nazi worldwide community. On 1999, he was
rejected from the U.N. He wanted to become General Ambassador of Germany and an
alternate Prime Minister of Germany. In other words, The Prime Minister of what he
calls The Neo-Nazi Germany. All that to take control and to retreat the German
Embassies around the world. You know, to break all relationships our country has with
others of the rest of the world. Hes our primary target. Jennifer said I can see why.
Whos the guy next to him? and Lindemann replied Thats Jorgen, his son. He and
Raltzinger worked together and still working. Both founded Weisse Kreuze. Hes the
second in command. And he, well He has some twisted obssessions toward women. A
rare case among Neo-Nazis, but it is also said that all female soldiers who rendered
service for the army and got captured were killed by him.
Lindemann sighed while showing the last profile on the screen And Alexander von
Niemack: Former 1st Captain of the 24th infantry division of the defunct East German
Military during its last days in the 1980s. He was born in 1964, but at the age of 18, he
became Sergeant of his division and at his 20s, he has ascended to the Captain Rank.
Hes a high trained man so be careful if you find him. Your fight with him will be tough.
Jennifer was serious and said Ill stand my ground.
He sat on a chair and remarked Weisses Kreuze are the main responsible for this revolt.
The Neo-Nazi resistance is their ally along with their people. From the beginning we
controlled the situation until the Neo-Nazi military and civilians who sympatize with
them joined forces. Since then, the Neo-Nazis had gained enough power to face us. They
were in control until this day; the day the snake came. Were going to strike back.
Colonel Habich then said Frulein, I suggest you go to sleep for your first assignment
with the unit. Tomorrow starts a new day for you. Jennifer asked Are you sure sir?
and Habich replied Yes. If something emerges, well call you immediately.



Jennifer agreed and Habich ordered Lieutenant Holfstdtler, take to her to the
dormitories. and Holfstdler replied Yes Colonel. Right away.
Colonel Habich sent Jennifer to the dormitories in the airport. She was accompanied by
Lieutenant Arne Holfstdtler. During the walkthrough, she started to interact with him.
Jennifer asked So Lieutenant, how much are you in the German Forces?
Lieutenant Holfstdtler replied I have been in military service for fourteen years. And
she alleged Hmm, thats great.
Lieutenant Holfstdtler said Thanks. Then he nodded So you must be the new
reinforcement for our military, right? and she said Yes. Jennifer Patterson at your
service. And he said Lieutenant Arne Holfstdler.
Jennifer smiled and he said So, youre American. Where do you come from? Michigan?
California? Washington? Texas? and she interrupted him Wait a minute. Have you
been in the United States?
Holfstdtler said Not recently, but I lived in Nevada back when I was a kid. I was six
years old back then but Ive returned to Germany when I was ten. Jennifer then asked
So how old are you? And he replied Im thirty two. Jennifer raised an eyebrow and
said What? You look younger. and Holfstdtler shook his head while smiling Haha.
No way. And she said No, Im serious. You dont look like of that age.
Holfstdtler looked at her and asked Is that a complement? and she smiled a little Not
exactly. He then asked Hmm. And how old are you? and she replied Im twenty. He
got shocked when hearing Jennifers reply and asked What? Really? She then said
while smiling Yes. Im twenty years old. You think Im kidding? Holfstdtler shook his
head and said No, it is because youre too young. Are you sure you want to stay here
fighting? She turned her amused face into a serious one and said Of course I do. Why
everyone asks me that? Holfstdtler stated It is because of your age, as I said. I never
met such a young brave girl like you. Honestly. She raised her eyebrows and asked Is
that a complement? and he added in a mocking tone Hmm. Not exactly. She laughed
Hahaha. You flunkey. Holfstdler smiled and asked How tall are you? and she said
Im 5 ft 9.4 in. 1.76 m. He said Hmm. You have the height of a supermodel. From your
country at least. and she laughed.
They reached the dormitories and he nodded All right. We are here. and she said
Thank you Lieutenant. He then said Youre welcome frulein Umm Patterson,
right? Or should I say Black Snake. Jennifer smiled and said Call me Jennifer. and he
nodded Jennifer huh. She said My friends call me by my name.
Holfstdler smiled Is that right? Okay Jen.After reaching the dormitories, Holfstdtler
was called from the Airport Command Center through the intercom Lieutenant
Holfstdtler. I repeat Lieutenant Holfstdtler, Colonel Habich requires you at the
Strategic Command Room and your presence is required ASAP. Report yourself



Holfstdler said Oh. Duty is calling. And Jennifer said Dont worry. Its your job. He
then put his hand on Jennifers shoulder and said Ill see you later. Good night. She
then said Thanks.
Jennifer took off her uniform and put it under her bed. Then she lied down on it to get
some rest because of her assignment that will commence the next day. She was worried
about the next day but knew about there was no turning back now. During that night,
German Army units were coming back to the airport from battles against Neo-Nazi
rebels. Maybe the German people and many soldiers wont understand this, but theyll
see the rise of a new heroine. A new war idol and a new... snake.

Chapter II: Rescuing the Foxes

(Rettung der Fchse)
Berlin International Airport; Berlin, Germany (February 3rd, 2001. 0500 hours): The
German Army Headquarters was reported about missing agents three days before
Jennifers arrival.
Their command center reported it right away to the Headquarters the day they were
missing but they responded three days later. Colonel Habich sent a soldier to look for
Jennifer and wake her up. The soldier arrived to the dormitories and saw her sleeping.
He approached her woke her up Frulein Patterson? Frulein Patterson, wake up.
Jennifer woke and just barely opened her eyes. She yawned Whats the matter? and
the soldier said It is time. Colonel Habich is waiting for you. Jennifer was wearing
nothing but her undergarments and she said All right. Ill be there in a minute. The
soldier was about to leave but she asked him Excuse me, isn there any outfit for me?
and he said Ja. Theres one in lockers area. And she said Thanks a lot. Ill be with the
Colonel in a few minutes. As the soldier said Make it quick.
She went to the lockers room and put on a Heer corporal uniform. Then she looked at
herself through the mirror. Then she said to herself Lets get this done. Then she got
out and saw the soldier waiting for her and he asked Ready to go? and Jennifer said
Yes. Lets do it.
Jennifer and the soldier went to see Colonel Habich at the Command Center. When they
reached there, they saw Habich and the others where expecting them. Habich saluted
Good morning, Frulein Patterson. as Jennifer did as well Colonel Habich.
He alleged We received an important report about two of our men. Lindemann? and
Lindemann nodded Yes sir. Frulein Patterson, you know why you are here. She



nodded Yes, Herr Lindemann. and he asked Are you ready? She replied while
enthusiastic Absolutely.
He smiled a little and said All right now let me explain your mission. then he said
Frulein Jansen, profiles please. and Jansen, one of the analysts opened the profiles
on the screen. Then she said Theyre on, Herr Lindemann.
Lindemann started explaining We received reports about Neo-Nazi units been
assembled in Mndchen. Next, please. Jansen changed the satellite pictures from the
screen to the next one and Jennifer saw pictures of two men and asked Who are them?
and Lindemann said These two men are from our recon team. The man you see on the
left side of the screen is Christoph Schneider. Hes an agent from the 21st division of the
Strategic Unit in Berlin. The other one in the right is Richard Zven Kruspe. 1st class
operative from the 36th company of our Bundeswehr Military located in Berlin too, but
recently worked in Cologne.
Jennifer asked What happened? and Lindeman replied We received information that
Schneider and Kruspe lost contact during a reconnaissance mission in Mndchen to
watch the Neo-Nazis activities around the area. They disappeared three days ago and
we have no communication with them since then. Jennifer asked Three days ago?
and Lindemann replied Yes. However, we put on them vital sensors which let us to
know about their status. Their sensors are blue for now which means theyre still alive.
Last contact with was in Mndchen, but the vital sensors are marking their location in
Dresden, Jennifer shrugged And how it happened?
Lindemann said According to Mission Command, they gave us a report about a
conspiracy action by Neo-Nazi rebels against the government, so we think they were
caught by those rebels. During the transmission, it could be heard shots of the rebels
against them and the transmission was cut off.
Jennifer shrugged I see.
Habich said Frulein Patterson, I will send you to Dresden to rescue our operatives.
When you find something important like information, contact us. Make contact with
them successfully and contact us immediately. Investigate who of the Neo-Nazis did it
and engage them if necessary. If you bring some of them alive to us, the better.
Lindemann took a chip from a table nodded while showing it to her From now on, youll
be using this vital sensor to stay in touch with your location and your status. For this, we
will introduce the sensor through your body. She raised an eyebrow What? Why?
Lindemann replied For protection. She was kinda suspicious about that but she said
Lindemann said Good. Then a man appeared next to Lindemann. He was 6 3. He was
tall and thin and he had blue-eyes. He had blonde hair and he was wearing glasses. He
looked at her and Jennifer asked Who is he? and Colonel Habich introcuced him to
Jennifer. Frulein Patterson, let me introduce you Doctor Thomas Hassenbauer. He will



be your medical advisor during your staying here. You can consult him for everything in
case youre sick or injured in battle. Lindemann remarked Hes one of the best medical
officers we have, not only in the army but in the country. Jennifer saluted Nice to meet
you Doctor. and Dr. Hassenbauer said Nice to meet you too, Frulein Patterson.
Lindemann looked at Jennifer and said Remember; if youre sick or wounded, dont
hesitate to call him. and she noddingIll do it.
Dr. Hassenbauer approached her with the chip and said Let me introduce you the
sensor Frulein... and she interrupted him by saying Snake, call me Black Snake.
Dr. Hassenbauer raised an eyebrow Black Snake? and she smiled while blushing Yes.
You know. For the mission.
Dr. Hassenbauer then said Ok, Black Snake. Come with me. He took her to the medical
barracks. When they reached there, they entered and Jennifer saw many wounded and
refugees. All of them victims of war. She had a shocked face and covered her mouth
with her hand as signals of shock and concern. Jennifer was stood still, watching men,
women and children taking care of each other. All of them wounded lightly and badly.
And Dr. Hassenbauer noticed her concern and anger through her beautiful but serious
face. Hassenbauer touched her shoulder with a finger Frulein Patterson? Frulein
Patterson, this way. And she kept still a few more seconds, but she looked at him and
said Lets go.
They went to the infarmary and there nurses attending some wounded. Then a nurse
accompained Jennifer and Hassenbauer. Then he said while giving her the chip Nurse,
please. She took it and put it into a gun-like syringe ready to inject it to Jennifer. Jennifer
saw it raising an eyebrow and the nurse said Please take off your shirt and your bra.
Jennifer raised an eyebrow Why? and the nurse said Just do it, please.
Then she sighed All right. The nurse grabbed the lower part of her right breast and
said Hold still. Here it comes then pull the trigger of the gun-like syringe, introducing
the sensor. Jennifer screamed in pain a little Ouch! Watch it! then she asked while a
little sour and upset Why did you plant that inside my breast? and Dr. Hassenbauer
said Because it is how it works in a woman. Besides, no one would have the idea that
the sensor is in there. And she raised an eyebrow doubting about his answer Are you
sure? and he said Yes.Then she sighed again unpleasently Hmm.
Dr. Hassenbauer said Check your breast. If you feel something, tell me. and she
nodded I feel a small capsule deep inside my breast. Thats all. and he said Ok so
theres no problem. Thats normal. Then she put her bra and shirt back on and they
went back to CC. Then they saw Lindemann waiting for her with her equipment on a
table He said We have your gear, Frulein Patterson. By the way, our weapon
specialists made their work on your equipment to upgrade their efficiency and to make
it better when using. Heres your Sig-Sauer GSR pistol; customized of course. Now you
can add a suppressor on it if you want. Here we have your binoculars, your AP sensors
and your other stuff. By the way, we made some modifications to your suit.



She asked What? and Colonel Habich said Your suit contains a special body armor
which can protect you from any kind of bullet caliber. Since the .12 to .50 caliber bullets.
Also, .12 gauge rounds impact force will be reduce to minimum, which means youll only
feel a push. It can hurt you, but it cant hit you. You know what I mean. She shrugged
I see. So thats why my suit is a little bit more robust and muscular than before. Well,
not that muscular that everybody thinks but it seems a little bit bigger.
Colonel Habich said It is because of the armor thats inside the suit. German
technology. and she smiled. Then she asked Is there any backup unit for the mission?
Colonel Habich said We will be a backup unit for you from here. and she said Oh, I
get it. Support unit by radio. as Habich stated Exactly. We can support you by radio
communication but I recommend you when once you have rescued the agents, use them
as a backup unit. Furthermore, when you get out from the hostile zone, there will be a
backup unit waiting for you. But call us anytime ok? Even when youve rescued them. At
the moment you confirm us that your mission is done, the backup unit will go to
rendezvous with you. Is that clear? She replied Yes sir. Habich nodded All right. A
helicopter is waiting for you at the runway number one. When the crew leaves you in
hostile zone, contact us immediately. By the way, were using codenames. We know
youre using the codename Black Snake since you came here right? and she replied
Yes. then Colonel Habich nodded Ok. So were the snake nest. To make it
coherent.Jennifer nodded Snake nest. Got it. and Colonel Habich said All right. So
lets move on.
She grabbed her gear and went to the barracks to get dressed for the mission. She put
on her suit and then headed right away to one of the airports runway where a Sikorsky
CH-53G Super Stallion chopper was waiting for her. She entered to the chopper and it
took off from the airport and went right away to Dresden. During the trip, Jennifer
looked at a dawning sky above the city. She was serious and confident. The chopper was
out from Berlin and Jennifer asked How long does it take to go from Berlin To Dresden?
and the pilot said About 2 hours and 40 minutes. Jennifer rolled her eyes showing
desperation and anxiety to arrive to Hamburg. She nodded My God, it will be a long
trip. and the pilot said What do you want to listen to? and she asked What do you
have? and he said Well, Ive got something of Nina Hagen. Or you prefer Wagner?
and she had an unsatisfied look on her face I dont like their music. Well at least nothing
from Nina Hagen. Umm, got any Megadeth?
The pilot raised an eyebrow You like metal? and she smiled Yes, I do. Why? Does that
sound strange to you? and he said Not my favorite, you know. Ill see what I can find
here. The pilot was searching on the choppers music section, between the pilot and
co-pilots seats. Jennifer was looking at the sky from the choppers window while flying
2,000 feet above the city. Then, her comm device rang. It was a called from Lindemann
This is Snake nest, come in Black Snake. and she replied This is Black Snake, I read
you. Lindemann asked Whats the situation over there? and she replied Everythings
right on schedule, but I didnt know it would take a while to arrive Hamburg. Then she
turned her calmed voice tone into a desperate one God, this is gonna last forever.



Lindemann asked You dont like waiting, huh? and she mocked You have no idea.
Sometimes my patience runs out fast. Then he said Calm down. Theres some time for
you to get relaxed during the trip. Besides, an operative always has to watch his back.
Jennifer nodded Good point. and then he said Remember your training and youll
come back in one piece. She was confident and said I will.
Lindemann asked No questions, right? and she said Actually, yes. I have one? and
Lindemann said What?
She asked Whats the story between you and Weinmann? Since when you know him
and Lindemann replied A long-time ago. I know him since the academy. We used to
watch people who started revolts during the Wall-age. After the Wall came down in
1992 we went on separate ways. He went to work for Interpol and I stayed in Berlin
working for MAD. But we used to keep in touch exchanging Intel. Until everything of this
crap started and we meet for the first time in almost ten years.
Jennifer noticed I see. I guess he was the one who set this operation to me, am I right?
and Lindemann said Right, but that wouldnt happened without me. In fact, I was the
mastermind behind that. Colonel Habich provided the military firepower.
Jennifer sighed Hmm. and Lindemann continued By the way, I forgot to tell you
something. According to MAD, Neo-Nazi rebels are acknowledged about our strike and
theyre assembling units to fight back. Someone told them about your presence.
Jennifer shook her head Hansen. You worthless bitch. and Lindemann asked Who?
Jennifer replied Jutta Hansen, an analyst and markswoman. We fought inside the
undeground tunnel of the complex in Bremen. I thought she died in the explosion.
Lindemann stated Weinmann told me about you having a duel against a woman and
emerging victorious, but the army didnt find any corpse inside. Seems like she left after
you did.
Jennifer said by using a disappointed voice tone I guess so. I think she wont stop
hunting me down until she does so. Then she said while seriously But I wont let my
guard down. Well see our faces soon enough once again. Next time, Ill bring her to
you. as Lindemann remarked Thats good to hear. In the meantime, the Intel team will
work on her. and Jennifer said Yeah. I want to know the full story about her. I think
she and I have something in common. Lindemann got confused after her statement
and asked Pardon me? What do you mean? as Jennifer replied Look for someone I
know. His name is George Kasler.
Lindemann asked George Kasler? You mean, the man whos wearing a blue I.S.A.F.
suit? Jennifer got quite shocked raising her eyebrows What!? Is he here!?
Lindemann said Accoding to Colonel Habich, he is here for some talks with the Prime
Minister and the Minister of Defense David Hlschroder. as she asked Why? and
Lindemman replied The Minister of Defense wants to be updated about your
performance and that will indicate the number of units to be sent to the battlefield.



and Jennifer nodded So youre saying the armys units number will be dependant on
my performance. You guys are trying to reduce the number of soldiers sent in battle.
Lindemann nodded Thats correct. We cant risk more lives of the Heer soldiers.
Jennifer then said Theres something thats bothering me. I know Germany has one of
the most powerful armies around the world. If youve got the best of the best, why are
you requesting help from some place else off here?
Lindemann stated Thats quiet a long story frulein. and she said Its okay. Tell me.
Ive got some time to avoid to get myself bored. Besides, its a long way to go.
Lindemann was reluctant about doing that on radio but Jennifer tried to convince him
Please? and he eventually acceded to do so. He grumbled All right. But pay attention
because its quiet long, okay? and Jennifer replied Okay.
Lindemann started talking After World War II, Germany had been without any military
since the one it had was officially dissolved and Jennifer said acerting The
Wehrmacht. Then he continued Right. Years later, in 1955 as far as I know, Germany,
West Germany at the time became a member of NATO and was allowed to get a
rearmament. and Jennifer nodded The Bundeswehrs foundation.
He continued as the chopper was still flying to Hamburg After reunification of Germany
in 1990, the Bundeswehr was reduced to 370,000 military personnel in accordance with
the Treaty on the Final Settlement with Respect to Germany between the two German
governments and the Allies. The former East German Nationale Volksarmee (NVA) was
disbanded, with a portion of its personnel and material being absorbed into the
Jennifer then asked Then what happened? It could be a part of the main reason, but
there must be something else related about Bundeswehrs decadence nowadays.
Lindemann alleged Thats the part I was going to explain you. About 50,000 Volksarmee
personnel were integrated into the Bundeswehr on 2 October 1990. This figure was
rapidly reduced as conscripts and short-term volunteers completed their service. A
number of senior officers (but no generals or admirals) received limited contracts for up
to two years to continue daily operations. Personnel remaining in the Bundeswehr were
awarded new contracts and new ranks, dependent on their individual qualification and
experience. Many received and accepted a lower rank than previously held in the
In general, the unification process of the two militariesunder the slogan "Armee der
Einheit" has been seen publicly as a major success and an example for other parts of
the society.
Jennifer said while raising her eyebrow Armee der Einheit? Hmm, Army of Unity huh.
Keep going.



Lindemann continued With the reduction, a large amount of the military hardware of
the Bundeswehr, as well as of the Volksarmee, had to be disposed of. Most of the
armored vehicles and fighter jet aircraft (Bundesluftwaffe - due to Reunification - was
the only Air Force in the world that flew both Phantoms and MIGs) were dismantled
under international disarmament procedures. Many ships were scrapped or sold, often
to the Baltic States or Indonesia. Many of the General-ranked officers agreed, but there
was one man who didnt agree. He was reluctant and turned his back on us, along with
many of the soldiers under his command. When revealed this, a man started riots and
summoned people they who still believed in a nation being ruled under the swastika.
People who still believed in Hitlers ideals. and Jennifer remarked Raltzinger.
Lindemann said Right but Jennifer raised her eyebrow thinking about what Lindemann
said before Wait a minute, you said Raltzinger is a politician. Whos the General who
betrayed the Heer? Lindemann replied His name was Gerhard Wurst. He worked with
the Armee der Einheit for years. He was a highly respected officer.
Jennifer asked What happened to him? and he replied He was killed during a
formation drill at a Neo-Nazi compound in Cologne. Apparently, he was shot from a very
long distance. A sniper in other words.
Then he added by saying He was one of our primary targets due to his skills of recruiting
people for an army. We always thought and organized some operation schemes to
capture him, but we never organized any plans or schemes about killing him in the first
place. Not until we could take control over situation and counterattack. and while
hearing that, Jennifer raised an eyebrow and asked Then who killed him?
Lindemann replied while unsure Maybe them. Maybe us, who knows. Everything here
doesnt make any sense. and she nodded I think everything has a cause, you know.
But we need to work hard.
Lindemann said while using a confident voice tone Yeah. Youre so right on that. and
then he said But anyway, you need to be well-equipped. Youre not gonna make it with
only a pistol in your holster. There should be a weapons case inside the chopper. Can
you see it? Jennifer turned around and saw a black suit next to choppers the right door.
She opened it and saw a G-36 assault rifle in it. She said Yeah, an H&K five five sixer.
Nice. She picked it up and loaded it. Then Lindemann nodded Try to use it when
necessary. Dont attract any attention with gunfire.
Jennifer said Roger. Then the pilot found a CD. It looked like a rock CD and said Look,
I found this. I hope you like it.
The pilot gave it to Jennifer and she raised an eyebrow What? A Saxon record.
It was record of a band called Saxon, a British band of a genre called New Wave of
British Heavy Metal and one of her favorite bands. The CDs title was Killing Ground.
She said with joy Its the new record! Wow, I never imagined you have such cool musical
tastes. Then she yelled Come on, play the CD now! and then, an intro track



commenced to play. A minute later, a song called Killing Ground started to get played
and made Jennifer raising her enthusiasm. It was a new song for her, but she started to
like it and the pilot sang the whole song for her.
The record was being played during the whole trip to Hamburg. When the last song
ended, Jennifer said Wow, thats one hell of a record you have in here. and the pilot
smiled Im glad you like it. Looks like metal girls still exist in this world. and Jennifer
smiled My parents liked it and they used to play metal songs for me to get some sleep
when I was just a little baby. They were my lullabies and I still like them. My mentor
wasnt different either. He used to play metal records when he trained and taught me.
The pilot nodded Thats cool. Jennifer chatted with the pilot during the trip about
music and other hobbies.
Two hours later, the chopper have finally arrived the place; Dresden. It was flying above
a block. The pilot said This is it. and Jennifer said At last. I was getting anxious She
opened the door, grabbed a rope and dropped it. The pilot said Go now. Good luck
Black Snake and she replied with a smile on her face Thanks. Well talk about that
Saxon record you got later. and he said Ill lend it to you after youve finished this.
Jennifer smiled once again and went to low ground using the rope. Then the chopper
headed back to the base.
She took cover at a building and called Habich This is Black Snake. Can you hear me?
and he replied Snake nest to Black Snake, we read you. Where are you now? and she
replied while whispering Ive just arrived to Dresden. Im right now at the
Devrienstrae, between an abandoned hotel and restaurant, near the Kleine
Habich said while serious I see. and she asked Wheres my objective? and
Lindemann replied According to our report, they were captured nearby the
Frauenkirche. That zone is controlled by Neo-Nazi troops. They must be somewhere
near that area.
Habich said while serious Frulein, be careful out there. According to our analysts, its
one of the tightest zones controlled by these bastards. There are snipers and infantry
soldiers this time and the security level is very tight. Maybe there are not many soldiers
like in Bremen, but its still dangerous. Got it? and Jennifer said Ok, I will keep that in
Habich said All right. Now move to the Frauenkirche and find Schneider and Kruspe.
When you reach there, contact us. All right? and she said while pulling her rifles
operating handle bolt Yeah.
Then he said All right. Good Luck. and Jennifer half-smiled and said Thanks.
Commencing rescue operation now.



Jennifer signed off, then drew her GSR pistol and headed to the Frauenkirche. She was
2 miles away from the cathedral. She was seeing the destroyed buildings around her
while every step she was making. Part of the zone was destroyed by Neo-Nazis and
German Military soldiers during the last months of the conflict. Suddenly, Jennifer heard
some footsteps coming to her. She raised an eyebrow and suspected something was
wrong. She held her pistol steady and realized someone was running, coming to her, so
she prepared to fire. She was listening carefully to the footsteps, then she turned around
fast and shot at him, almost getting a hit, but it hit a wall instead while not missing. But
then, she heard someone screaming Aaaaaah!!!. Then she ordered him Stop right
there! Raise your hands to air! Now!!! while the scared man shouted Dont kill me!
Im unarmed! A serious Jennifer pointed her gun at the wall where the man was hiding
and gave him an order by shouting and Move from the wall and walk toward me! and
the man shouted once again Please Frulein, dont shoot me!!!!
Jennifer saw a hand getting out of the wall and the man got out with his hands in the air
and she raised an eyebrow A Civilian? and he got down on his knees and begged No,
no, no, no, no. Ill do whatever you want but dont kill me. Dont take me to them,
please! Please!! Jennifer realized he was a civilian survivor who was running from the
Neo-Nazis. He kept shouting Please!!! Please!!!! and she interrupted him Hey, hey,
hey. Hold it. He shouted again Please!!! and she holstered her GSR and got closer to
him Sir, hold it. while the man shouted once more Please!!!!!
She had no choice but to calm him down by grabbing his arms and shaking him a little
and saId Hold it!!!! Im not gonna hurt you. Then she grabbed his face and calmed him
down Look at me; Im not gonna hurt you. Its okay now.
Jennifer noticed he was calm and he started looking at her and nodded Your suit and
she said while serious Im not one of those sick pigs. Its all right. and he sighed while
relieved Oh, thank God. Thank you Holy Lord of Heaven.
Jennifer grabbed him from his right arm and went to hide over a wall, then she asked
him Who are you and why you were running? You want yourself to get killed? and he
said while still affraid Im a priest. I escaped from the Frauenkirche. Theyve got me as
a prisoner along
Jennifer raised an eyebrow Wait a second. Did you say Frauenkirche? and he said Yes
Frulein. Frauenkirche. Is something wrong? and she said in a rush Not for now, but it
will be. I must move on there. Can you take me to the cathedral? He raised an eyebrow
What!? She put her hand on his shoulder and tried to calm him Its ok, I will escort
you. Just take me there before its too late. Ill take care of your safety. but he got
scared once more But Ive just escaped from there! Theyre gonna kill me!!! She got
serious and a little bit rude with him by grabbing him by his arms. She shook him and
said Hey! Listen to me Father Umm Then he told her his name Mitter. Joachim
She kept her cool and said All right Father Mitter. Would you take me to the
Frauenkirche? He asked And who are you? She had a serious look on her face and



said Im working with the German government. Im in a rescue operation now. If you
dont take me there, people will die. People who were working for your safety. Now,
would you take me to the Frauenkirche, please? He was reluctant but he saw Jennifer
turning her serious look into an angrier one and said Ok. Ill show you the way. Follow
She said Thanks. But then her radio rang and said Oh, hold on a second. She knelt
and answered the call Black Snake here. and the voice on the transmission said This
is Lindemann, do you read me? Jennifer raised an eyebrow Herr Lindemann? and he
asked How is the mission going? She replied reporting So far, so good. I found a
prisoner who escaped from the Frauenkirche. Lindemann asked What? and she
added His name is Joachim Mitter. Hes a priest from the cathedral and he was retained
there as a prisoner by the Neo-Nazis. He managed to escape from there.
Lindemann sighed and said So he knows the way to reach to your objective. and she
nodded Yes. Hell take me there. Then Lindemann Ok, make sure to protect Herr
Mitter at all costs. Youre authorized to use any kind of method to protect his life, so it
means if someone tries to kill him, fight back defending him with any kind of weapon
and kill those bastards if necessary. Remember, by any means necessary. She nodded
Yes sir. and he said Good. Now get back to the mission. She stood up and said
Roger. Oscar Mike. Black Snake out.
She drew her GSR and both went ahead to the Frauenkirche together. Father Mitter was
staring at her and he said Youre not German, are you?, she raised an eyebrow and
turned Pardon me? and he said Yes, youre not German. She was shocked while he
said I can notice by your accent. That American accent of yours. She sighed in
disconfort but he said No, no. Its okay; I dont care about nationalities. The only thing
I do care about is doing the right thing for God. and she said And giving everyone the
word of God, I suppose? He said The holy word of God is everything to me Frulein.
Those people who abuse innocent people and call themselves as servants of God, I think
theyre pigs. She was quite surprised for his expressions and he asked Tell me
something Do you believe in God?
She asked wrinkling her forehead What? and he asked again Yes. Do you believe in
his holy word? She didnt know what to say but mumbled Umm After that, he said
So you dont believe in him huh. She said while serious I dont consider myself a very
religious person. Besides, I have committed many sins recently.
He said I see. Then she said Hey, this isnt the right time for confessions. he lowed
his head and said Yes.
She said while focused and with a serious voice tone Anyway, we have to move on.
Take me to the Frauenkirche. Remember, Ill escort you, but you have to stay down and
do not, I mean, DO NOT make any noise, ok? He nodded Yes. so as she nodded All
right. Lets move on.



She and Father Mitter moved. She was advancing with her GSR on her hands and aiming
while Mitter was behind her giving her indications where to go.
They passed through a destroyed building. They noticed the lots of bodies around there;
corpses of men, women and children. Soldiers fallen from combat and civilians killed
from the bullet ravages by the enemy.
She was raged from the inside but she knew she had to keep her cool. Father Mitter on
the other hand was nervous about going back to the Frauenkirche. He then said Keep
going straight, passing the housing unit. and she nodded. Jennifer stayed focused and
Mitter was biting his lips showing signs of nerviousism.
The zone was quiet, something that wasnt right. They ran while going low until they
reached some kind of cultural building. She asked What is this place? and he replied
This is the Semperoper, one of the most important places in the city. Or was at least.
Jennifer asked What happened really? and he replied while haunted They came out
of nowhere with tanks and trucks carrying armed men. The Polizei officers didnt
withstand them. Then the army arrived to support the Polizei strike them back, but it
didnt work too. They were carrying guns and some kind of insignia ressembling the socalled Swastika. It was madness.
He almost broke down in tears and said They entered to the church and started
shooting everyone. They took me and beat me up. I tried to do something but it was
useless and they even forced me to look at them beating and killing people. They killed
a nun who was a friend of mine.
Jennifer looked upset while hearing Mitters words making a little bit sensitive. She
pulled herself together and asked When did that happen? and he replied About two
months ago.
Jennifer said I see. Are there any prisoners? and he said Yes. Theyre being held at
them churchs main hall. Theyre watched by men armed to the teeth. God help the
Jennifer said Wait a second. If theyre armed to the teeth and the places security level
is pretty tight, then how did you manage to escape from there? and he was stuttering
I-I-I-I Jennifer got kinda angry, grabbed his arms and shook him Spit it out! I need
to go there. People will die if dont make it!
He calmed himself down and said I-I said to an armed female I needed to pee. She took
me outside where there were no guards and I hit her when I had the chance and let her
unconscious. I didnt want to tell you that. May God forgive for what I did, I-I never
wanted to hit a woman, but I knew it was great chance to get out. I managed to ran
away, but I decided to not leave them so I planned to ask for help after this.



He got down on his knees and prayed Oh God, please forgive for what I did. I know Ill
never be worth of your love and grace, but I had to do it. Forgive me for leaving those
innocent lives at the mercy of those heretic monsters.
Jennifer knelt and said Dont be hard on yourself. and he broke in tears But its my
fault! They probably already know I escaped and theyre going to execute those people
because of me. Jennifer said No, its not. Theyre alive and Im gonna get them out of
there. Then she raised his chin, looked at him and said Listen, I know sometimes we
regret for something we have done, but youve got to understand the reasons why we
did it and do something about if you want to mend it. Be strong, okay? He kept his cool
and said Okay. and Jennifer smiled Good. Lets go shall we? and he said Please, don
let those monsters harm me and those people. Im begging you. She put her hand on
his shoulder and said Dont worry, youre here with me now. Im not gonna let those
pricks harm you and the hostages. They stood up and he said Fine. Lets go. and they
proceeded to continue. Jennifer drew her pistol and knife aiming straight and going
forward. Mitter was behind her still giving her some indications. She was on guard and
prepared if something goes wrong. They got out of the Semperoper Dresden and
stopped. She asked Where to? and he said Were acrossing the Theaterplatz. Then
were keep going straight through the Sophiestrae. She nodded Okay. Heres what
were gonna do; Ill take point. Then, youre next. When you do, Ill cover you. The priest
nodded and she said All right. Wait here for my signal. She ran fast, went through and
reached the outside of a museum. She cleared the area and gave him a signal to go. The
priest ran and went to Jennifer and she peeked to see if the area was all clear. She said
Nobody around. and he said Were going forward.
They went straight until they reached an intersection. Then he said, Im going first. She
shook her head, but she said All right. Be careful. At my signal, you run and I cover you.
When you reach there, give me a signal. She aimed at all sides of the intersection and
counted One. Two. Three. Go! and he ran. She was waiting for his signal until she heard
a sound of pain from the priest. She asked with loud voice tone Are you all right
Father? and he said Yes. I stumbled with some kind of case, thats all? and she said
while raising her eyebrows Case? Father, get cover. Im coming!
He asked What? and she said loud It might be an explosive device. Just tell me where
you found it and Ill go. Im coming right away! She ran to Mitters position and saw him
hidden the he approached her and said I just stumbled with that. I dont what it is.
then she knelt and said May I? and she was watching at it, then she ordered him Stay
back. It might be a set up. Then she looked at him and said while upset I told you stay
back. Go get some cover.
He took cover over one of the buildings pillar while watching her. She bit her lips and
said All right. Here it goes. She opened the case slow and carefully. And so it happened.
But suddenly, her nervous face turned into a slack-jawed one. Mitter, on the other hand
peeked from the pillar and approached her after seeing her facial expression. He said
What is it?



He saw a gun in the case and raised his eyebrow. She picked it up slowly and said What
a beauty, isnt it? He asked What is that? and she said This, Father is a sniper rifle.
He raised his eyebrows Sniper?
She nodded and said Yes. A PSG-1 sniper rifle. One of the best sniper weapons around
the world. From the H&K arsenal and weaponry company. She looked at it and said
Looks like this a new model, or modified one. It has the bolt-action mechanism instead
of the semi-automatic.
He asked while confused What? and she replied shaking her head Nevermind. He
got worried about her and asked Do you know how to use that satanic item of death?
She rolled her eyes and sighed Father, dont be dramatic. then she said And yes, I
can use any gun I find, especially this kind of weapons, because Im a sharpshooter.
She tested it by aiming with it and pulled the trigger while the safety was on. She then
said Its my specialty; hunting from a long distance. This rifle can be fired about more
than 650 meters of range away from here. He shook his head I cant understand you
my child. and she said Just calm down and let me do my job. He nodded and they
kept going to the objective zone. Then he asked By the way, you have a name dont
you? Were here together and I dont even know your name.She said in a serious tone
Ah. Black Snake.
He asked in a mocking tone Black Snake? Sounds evil to me. Didnt your parents love
you? When hearing, her face turned into a depressed one said while lowed her head
To be honest Theyre dead.
He felt bad for what he said to her Im sorry. God bless them. and she said It doesnt
matter. Then he said No, Im sorry for saying those stupid words. Sorry Black
She said Jennifer. and he asked What? and she half-smiled My name is Jennifer
Maria. He said Hmm, beautiful name. And what about the other name of yours?
She said Thats just my codename. Operatives and people like me use codenames like
that in missions and other operations that involve the battlefield. Normally, agents use
them more constantly than anybody else and they even are used to use their codenames
outside the battlefield as their new real name. No matter what, they still use it and will
use it for the rest of their lives. Theyll be known as their codenames, by their codenames
and respective actions theyve done forever. You can call me by my real name.
He looked at her and showed his support at her by putting his arm on her shoulder and
said I understand. Ok Jennifer, we should keep going. And she nodded like the good
soldier she was Yes. Although being a little bit excentric.
She took the PSG-1 and continued with Father Mitter heading to the Frauenkirche.
During their path, they were hearing screams of people been shot. When they were
closing in, the screams could be heard louder.



Father Mitter was worried and Jennifer got angry about it. The screams came from
women and children. Apparently no one was helping them. They ran to the street up
ahead. Mitter said Just one more street straight ahead.
They went straight while the screamings sounded louder with every step they made
forward. Mitter said Were getting closer. Then she received a call from Lindemann
Youre almost there Frulein Patterson. Stay focused and dont let them see you.
Jennifer said Im on it, sir. They went while crawling and found destroyed cars and
chocked corpses hanging on the buildings around them.
After a few minutes of unpleseant walking, Father Mitter ordered her to stop. Father
Mitter said while unhappy Were here. and she asked Is this the Frauenkirche? and
he replied Yes.
They hid inside a destroyed building opposite the cathedral to watch them. She took her
binoculars, watched the area and saw Neo-Nazis patrolling the place and getting people
out of the cathedral. She said Looks like you were right. Security level is pretty tight.
Then they heard screams of pain and crying. He asked while scared because of the
screamings What the hell? In the name of God, what are they doing?
She watched and groaned Theyre torturing them. The bastards are torturing them.
He said desperately This is insane. Why are they doing that to them? Those people
didnt do anything to them! Can you do something?
Her face turned dark and said Yes. Im gonna take them out. He asked How.
She then said With this sniper rifle, I can kill anyone from here to a larger distance. He
tried to persuate her to not to kill But you cant kill them. Killing is bad. Thats a mortal
She rolled her eyes and said Father, I dont have time for a sins redemption. If I dont
something now, theyre gonna kill those people! Now let me do my job.
He asked Would you sacrifice your purity for saving those people? and she replied Of
course I would. Now excuse me but I have to save them. He asked desperate Then
what am I going to do? She turned her look at him and said while putting her hand on
his shoulder Pray. Pray for this works. He then said worried Ok, Ill pray for you and
lowered his head.
She picked her PSG-1 sniper rifle to shoot the Neo-Nazi guards outside the Frauenkirche.
Father Mitter began to pray for the people being tortured and for Jennifer to save their
lives. Jennifer pulled the trigger releasing the first shot at the head of a guard and the
priest lied down and started to pray. While Jennifer was shooting at the enemy, the
priest was praying Our Father, who art in heaven hallowed be thy Name, thy kingdom
come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and
forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not
into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and
the glory, forever and ever. Amen. Our Father, Who is in heaven, Holy is Your Name;



Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our
daily bread, and forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us; and lead us
not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.
The shots alerted the guards and started to look for the shooter. Jennifer shot at another
soldier and killed him but the guards couldnt see where it came from. The total of NeoNazi casualties was about ten dead men. The guards were desperate so they made a
formation to search every place near the cathedral to find her.
The leader of the unit ordered Search there! Group number 2, look at the building next
to the restaurant. The rest, follow me. Jennifer smiled Thats it. while he got nervous
and said Oh no. Theyre gonna kill us. She said confindent Dont worry Father. That
was the plan. Lets move on.
Jennifer and the priest got out of the building they were before. It was an opportunity
to save hostages lives. Since the unit went to look for Jennifer and Father Mitter, the
hostages and the street were watched by two guards only. Jennifer drew her GSR and
added a suppressor. The guards could hear Jennifers footsteps, one of them went to
check. The guard couldnt find anything, then he heard a sound, he checked with his gun
on his hands and caught Father Mitter. When he tried to aim at him, Jennifer appeared
and killed him, but the guard screamed and fired a shot before going down. The other
guard heard the shot and called the guard This is Tiger 2, come in Tiger 5. This is Tiger
2, respond!
He grinded his teeth as sign of displeasure and ran to check. He reached and found the
corpse of his fellow comrade, then he turned around and Jennifer punched him. She
fought him and took him out by appling her CQC skills. Then, a guard arrived by surprise
and tried o shoot her, but he couldnt. She fastly drew her GSR and fired a shot at his
forehead killing him before he could even aim at her. After taking him out, she said
Father, could you please take them to a safe zone?
He raised his eyebrows Where are you going? She said Im gonna distract them to
gain their attention and then take them out. You must go to another place. This will give
you some time.
He nodded Ok. Then she picked a gun and said By the way, take this. He shook his
head and said What? No way! Im a priest, not a soldier.
She tried to persuate him Please. Its no big deal. But he refused No. I cant shoot
people. Besides, I dont even know how to use it. She then said Ok, Ill show you how.
Heres the sight. With this, you can aim any part of the body and shoot him by pulling
this trigger right here. If the ammos empty, you can reload with this. A magazine.
She reloaded the gun Like this. Here, three magazines. He was kinda shocked and
whispered Holy Christ. She still gave some instructions about how to use a weapon
This is the bolt. Pull it like this and its done. Do it every time if you run out of ammo



but remember use it when is necessary to save bullets. You dont have enough bullets
to face a tactical squadron like the last one so try to save your bullets. All right?
She pulled the trigger and Mitter raised his eyebrows Why didnt it fire? and she
replied Because of this. This is the safety. It was on. Now its ready to fire. Be careful
with that ok? He rolled his eyes unpleasant took the gun and sighed God. Sure. She
said Ok. Take this transmitter; Ill contact you when this is over.
He took it and nodded Ok. She smiled and said Good luck. And he blessed her May
God be with you. Jennifer left and he sighed Please God, forgive me for having this
item of death on my hands.
She went to another building to watch. She went three floors upstairs and found a
suppressor of her sniper rifle at the corridor of the 3rd floor. The guards were searching
in a restaurant, a drugstore and a travelling agency. Jennifer went to an abandoned
apartment to have a good position to engage them. But then, she saw many soldiers
coming from an GTK Boxer APC vehicle and were armed with G-36s, hand grenades and
Walther P-99s. Apparently the other soldiers called for backup. She shook her head and
mumbled Here it goes.
Suddenly, a voice sounded from the loudspeaker of the APC trying to make Jennifer
surrender Attention agent of the Bundeswehr. We have the area surrounded. Dont try
to escape. Get out wherever you are with your hands in the air and we wont kill you. I
repeat; we have the zone surrounded. Do not try to escape. Get out with your hands in
the air or were going to open fire to the buildings until we find you dead. She shook
her head after hearing that and smirked These guys are pissed. I have to teach them a
lesson then.
The voice of the commander inside the armored vehicle warned with louder tone This
is your last chance; get out wherever you are or were going to get you. and she
whispered in a mocking tone As you wish.
She took a hand grenade, took off the safety and threw it at them. The blow-up killed a
few and left some wounded. The commander ordered Feuer Frei!!! She ran to get
cover and the enemies started firing at her position with all they had.
She moved fast to a destroyed barbery. The barber shop had a secret door in which she
used to get out leaving the others in their own business. Next side of the door, she found
an M-72 LAW German made anti tank missile launcher.She realized that she had
something to destroy the GTK APC. She said with joy and with a low voice tone Thats
what I was talking about. With six rounds of the weapon, it was enough to take them
all down but the problem was about the result. If something went wrong, maybe it
would be more complicated to infiltrate the Frauenkirche. She bit her lips and risked
herself anyway Lets get started.
She grabbed the M-72 and fired the first round at the GTK. The rocket damaged the
vehicle considerably, but it didnt destroy it. Many of them took cover and she fired the



second rocket which destroyed the vehicle. The soldiers responded firing at her as she
did. She picked her G-36 and fired back. Then, one of them approached with a grenade
launcher. She saw him and tiger-rolled as the guy fired. She was able to dodge it but she
wasnt happy about what they tried to do. She grinded her teeth and ran to get cover
and shot back at them using her G-36. She got covered low ground of the floor as the
remaining soldiers fired back and made her angry. Then she picked the M-72 and blew
them sky high.
She was breathing to get recovered and dialed Habich This is Black Snake. Colonel, can
you hear me? and Habich replied Loud and clear. Whats the situation out there.
She said I had to confront an armored squad of Neo-Nazi rebels. and he asked Whats
their status?
She said I killed them all. They gave me no choice but to do that. Im going to the
Frauenkirche right now.
He asked and Father Mitter? and she replied I sent him to a safe location along with
hostages but hes ok. He asked while surprised Hostages?
She said The Neo-Nazis were torturing them outside the cathedral. I had to but to
defend them somehow.
He said while serious I see. Well, you did a great job out theree but remember; the
place is still dangerous. Contact us anytime if you have a question or if you need
something. In the meantime, find our foxes. She said I will. He said All right, proceed
with the mission. and she said Yes sir. Black Snake out.
She returned to the mission and continued with her path to the cathedral. She went into
a building to watch the cathedral with her binoculars on her hands, but footsteps could
be heard. It meant that someone was coming and it was a Neo-Nazi guard. He was
coming from the back of the cathedral. He entered the building, walked inside and
caught Jennifer pointing his rifle in her back. He said Stop! and she got shocked and
shook her head. He said Dont you fucking move. She realized he was a rookie, so she
decided to play with him a little. He tried to take her stuff off her but she turned around
quick and pushed him with her right hand avoiding him getting closer to her. She said
Watch it! The man was nervous and pointed his gun at her chest. He stutted D D
Dont move! Ill shoot you!!
She had mischievous smile on her face and mocked Is this the first time ever you point
a gun in a person? Your hands are shaking. Very much. He threatened her Ill shoot
you! and she mocked You dont have any battle experience, do you? and he replied
Nein. Then she said while sarcastic Its a shame. Too bad. The safetys on by the way.
He got distracted by her comment, checked his gun. Then, she quickly pushed him hard
knocking him down. The guard stood up and tried to attack her but she defended herself
using her CQC skills. She killed the guard in ten seconds by breaking his neck by applying
a mortal technique to his back but she surpassed it and accidentally applied to his neck
too hitting it hard causing his death. She looked at the now corpse with a turned-serious



face and shook her head. Suddenly, Habichs voice sounded on her radio This is Snake
nest. Do you read me? and she replied Snake nest this is Black Snake, I read you. Over.
He sounded worried by his voice tone. He said We just received information about
members of Weisses Kurzweil who are... Inside Frauenkirche! She raised her eyebrows
What?! and he replied We have no confirmation about their identities. She shook
her head and asked Can you get it? and he said I cant assure you that.
She got upset Damn! and he said Frulein Patterson, youve got to find out their
respective identities. Thats an additional objective to your assignment. If they engage
you, fight them back. Kill them if necessary. Dont forget the rest of the mission. and
she said while serious I havent forgotten that; Schneider and Kruspe.
He said It wont be easy. and she nodded I know. He said Any question? and she
asked Yes. How dangerous are they?
He replied You know how dangerous they are. She said Oh. Im sorry for making that
silly question.
He said No need to worry. Thats why were working with you. Youre helping us the
best you can to control and finish this crisis. So well help you the best we can to end
this conflictive revolt for peoples sake and for you. She said with a relieved tone I
appreciate that.
Habich said using a fatherly tone You know what you have to do. We trust in you.
She smiled and said Thanks, Colonel. and he parted from the radio Ill let you proceed
with the rescue operation. Habich out.
She said Understood, proceeding with current objectives. Black Snake out.
Jennifer resumed the operation and walked to the cathedral to find the agents. She
reached the cathedral and infiltrated the confessionary area. There was no guard in that
area, but there were three enemy sentries in the first floor of the cathedral who were
armed with G-36s and Walther P99s.
She looked for her binoculars on her backpack but she realized she had a converted
Beretta M-92F, known as the M9 but modified as a tranquilizer gun inside her backpack.
She looked surprised, but instead chosen her SIG-Sauer GSR handgun. She equipped the
pistol with a suppressor. As soon as she aimed at the sentries, she fired a total of 4 shots
killing two of them with a shot in the head each one and the other sentry with two shots
in the heart.
She could hear Neo-Nazi soldiers yelling to people. The screamings were coming from
the priest private dormitories. As she entered the dormitories, she realized the rooms
were big. This was because of the Frauenkirches dimensions. She was advancing but
then, two Neo-Nazi soldiers caught Jennifer and fired against her as she ran to get cover



over a pillar. She dodged them but the shots alerted the rest of the soldiers inside the
cathedral and reached the area to support their comrades.
She was in trouble; she equipped her G-36 and opened fire as a counter-attack. Some of
the guards were killed during the shooting; the others backed off and retreated from
the cathedral. Jennifer raised an eyebrow realizing the movement was strange and
continued with the search of the agents. She went into a room and saw four men with
gags on their eyes and mouths; two of them were killed and the other two were
breathing and moving barely. She went to help them. She knelt and whispered Calm
down. Its ok now.Im here to get you out. Stay still. Suddenly, someone approached
behind her and pointed a gun in her head before she could even blink. The man said
Dont move. and she grinded her teeth.
Then he ordered Drop your weapon toward me. Slowly. as she picked her gun and
tossed it to him while shaking her head Damn. Then he said Stand up and turn
around. and she did as she were told, seeing a man who was about 6 1 tall. He had
blue eyes, average body complex and short fair hair. He wore an original vintage Nazi
suit and had an old Luger pistol on his hands. Then, an unknown voice said So youre
the dirty little bitch who sneaking around. She raised an eyebrow and she looked at
her left side. Then she saw another man emerging from the shadows of the room slowly.
He had almost all the same physical characteristics as the other, except he was taller
and he wore a genuine vintage Nazi outfit too. He said I think youre doing a good job
for the Heer and Bundeswehr but I didnt like what youve done to my base in Bremen.
and she replied while serious and confused That was part of my job here. Do I know
He approached her and said Ive been watching you. My son, Jorgen, said youre his
dirty little slut. His special little whore.I dont like his taste in women, but I agree youre
special. Besides, its good to know your enemy well. while he added mischievously
Exactly. My fathers right. Americans are so annoying. We will avenge the deaths of our
comrades from the past from you and the rest who betrayed us. She raised an eyebrow
Wait a minute. Youre and her look turned into a serious one figuring out their
identities. She said So youre Jrn and Jorgen Raltzinger right? Leaders of the Weisse
Kreuze faction.
She closed her fists and smirked I see this war will finish now. Its kind of pretty fast
doesnt it? and he replied Yes, precisely. This war will end soon. Then Jorgen closed
to her having a desire on her and said But first, we will kill you to not let you interfere
in our plans. Dont worry about that. Im a professional; so, little whore, what do you
want me to do with you? Do you want a slow but painful death, or a fast one?
He raised her chin but she felt disgust and said What? Are you kidding me?
Then he said No, I dont like jokes but Ill tell you what. He stared at her, then he wet
and bit his lips and said Lets make a deal. Let me fuck you so good that youll never
want any other man to fuck you and then I will kill you so nice that you and I will enjoy
your death. So, what do you say?



She felt disgust and said You silly fuck. I dont want anything from you. Especially, from
someone gross and disgusting.
He replied You dont know who you are talking to. Im the hottest and most handsome
man in Germany. You dont how it feels like been fucked so good by hot and handsome
man like me. and she said mocking at him Oh yes, I know who am I talking to. Im
talking with the ugliest, stupid, conceited, spoilt and most pathetic man Ive ever met in
my life.
He got serious and said No, Im not like that. A mischievous Jennifer then said Yes,
you are. You rely on your sickest tactics because you cant fight with honor. and he
yelled Shut up! She continued pushing him making fun of him by saying You see?
thats a sign of weakness from you. You cant handle a situation like this in front of you.
Even you cant handle a woman like me. He got glowered and yelled Youre wrong! Ill
show what I can do with you. Let me fuck you right now! and she smirked while refusing
She got shocked after an annoyed Jorgen got mad and shouted like a maniac Nein, nein,
neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeein!!!! Let me do that or Ill tell my father!!!! Let yourself go!!!! Dad,
please!!! Tell her she must obey me!!!! Tell her she must let me fuck her!!! Tell her she
must let me do everything that I want to her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He tried to grab her put she pushed and threw him down, then Jrn drew his gun from
the holster and aimed at her after her move. Jennifer turned to look at a serious Jrn
pointing his gun to her head.
He said while smirking Dont worry about that, Jorgen. As soon as we kill this kid, you
will do everything you want to her. Even fuck her when she dies.
Jorgen stood up and smiled Thank you Dad. Youre the best. He then yelled insanely
You see bitch? Youre mine. Youre all mine. Hahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!
She felt pity Youre a sick delusional bastard. and he replied mocking Look who
speaking. You shouldnt be here in this traitor country, Yankee scumbag.
Then he hit her in the stomach knocking her down in the floor and yelled This country
belongs to real and pure ones; we, the Aryans!
She stood up from the hit by and coughed No way. The country belongs to its people.
Not to you. and Jorgen hit her once again and shouted Shut up, whore! Her look
turned glowered You sick god damn pig! You want to control your own country for your
own interests? Jrns look turned into dark grabbed her chin and neck aggressively,
then he took her and threw her against the wall. He held her hard by her neck and chin
and mumbled What do you know? You entered to this country to let yours to colonize
us. She replied while being choked What the hell are you talking about!? Colonize



He smirked and said You should be killed right now. and she kicked him knocking him
down. While recovering, she said using a loud tone I wont let you enjoy this revolt of
yours. You wish me to be dead.
Jorgen got angry and took his gun and pointed at her. Jennifer grinned and he said Dad,
let me take care of this little slut. Jrn stood up and asked with an angry stare at
Jennifers face You want to kill her now, dont you? and he replied anxiously
Absolutely yes. Like no one else Ive killed before. This whore makes me want to fuck
her. Then he got closer to her and tried to touch her while saying So hot, so beautiful,
so soft, so dirty.
She angrily pushed him and slapped him in the face Agh. Dont touch me asshole! Pig!
A mad Jorgen yelled Dad!? and he took off his coat and said Well do it together my
son. Hand to Hand combat; to enjoy her death. Besides, shes just a girl. She cant stand
against us. Excited by the idea, he said Good idea. Even I dont like the sharing idea, I
think is great. And she shook her head You silly fuck.
Jorgen put on guard and said mischievously Im gonna enjoy every second of it.
She shook her head seriously Looks like the one who will enjoy this will be me. You
leave me with no other choice but to eliminate both of you. Is that you want?
The Raltzingers stood on guard to fight her. Jrn was mad and Jorgen was smugging.
Jennifer knew she was going to fight them, she stood on guard and said Ok then. Lets
get started. Jorgen while smugging yelled Lets take this whore down! so as Jrn
Jorgen attacked Jennifer first but she blocked his move and punched him in the face.
Jrn defended his son with punches but she manage to block them and kick him. She
fought back him throwing punches at Jrn. She applied her CQC skills on both, blocking
their punches and kicks and hitting them accurately many times, managing to take
control over the fight. However, when Jennifer was in control, Jorgen threw dust at her
eyes blinding her and the Raltzingers regained control by punching and kicking her many
times. They stopped while Jennifer was hurt, but she wasnt bleeding, thing the
Raltzingers wanted to see; her blood spilled all over the floor.
She grinned So this is how you fight? Cheating? and Jorgen laughed Hahahaha. Why
do you care about it? We will kill you anyway. And Jrn said You see? Youre lost and
no one can save you from your fate.
She stood on guard once again and shook her head I dont think so. She holled while
running to the Raltizingers to attack them fiercely showing a high skill, strength and
control in a handicap fight. Both Raltzingers on the other hand were exhausted, hurt and
bleeding. They continued attacking them but they did unsuccesfully. Jorgen threw a
punch but she blocked it, kicked him in the stomach and knock him over and Jrn was
lied in the ground. Suddenly Jorgen angrily stood on his feet and Jennifer was getting
ready for the final act. Jorgen took a knife from his back and attacked her with it but she
managed to stop it grabbing his right arm. Then she kicked him in the stomach while still



grabbing his arm. After the kick, she gave a tremendous shout and broke his arm by
having his arm extended and hitting it with her elbow. Jorgen screamed in pain and Jrn
could see it shocked and angry. After that, Jennifer grabbed Jorgen by his neck and used
a CQC signature movement similar to Big Boss by grabbing his body with her arm and
killed him by breaking when collapsed to the ground. She disposed of him easily.
A shocked Jrn, who was behind lying on the ground and trying to recover after the
strong attacks he received from Jennifer could see the moment she killed Jorgen before
his eyes.
He got devastated and cried out NEEEEEEEEIN!!!!!!! JOORGEEEEEN!!!!! while Jennifer
looked at the now dead Jorgen. An angry Jrn grinned his teeth so hard You biiiiiitch!!!,
picked up his knife and shouted Youll pay for what you did to my son!!!!!! and tried
to slice her from behind, but she evaded his attack and hit him in the stomach with great
force that hit tossed the knife and rapidly applied a combined technique of a chlotesline
and a 360 grade drop attack on him by grabbing his shoulder and pinning him with a
brutal 360-grade twist with the strength of her arm. She made it so hard that Jrn fell
on his neck and broke it killing him accidentally. She checked him to be sure and it was
true, she took out both father and son bare-handed.
She then turned and went to aid the captured men. She knelt and said in low voice tone
Are you ok? and one of them mumbled. She then said Keep still and listen to me; Im
not one of them. Im an agent working for the German government. Im gonna take you
off the tape. Stay quiet.
She removed the gag of his mouth and he asked while nervous Who are you? and she
replied Im an agent from the 32nd division coming from the Berlin International
Airport. I was sent by Colonel Matthias Habich. He said while sounding untrusted I see.
Take this off me so I can see you.
She removed the last gag on his eyes and his visin cleared seeing Jennifers silhouette.
He said A female huh? So I was right. and she raised an eyebrow Something wrong?
and replied Its the first time I see a woman fighting for us. You look good by the way.
and she said Thank you, but weve got no time to waste. Are you Bundeswehr operative
Christoph Schneider? and he replied while serious and kind of evasive It depends
whos asking Frulein and she added Patterson. Jennifer Patterson. He added
American, right? and she rolled her eyes unpleasant God, why are you asking where
I come from you people?
She then said Oh, Im sorry. and Schneider said while smiling Dont apologize yourself.
Besides, I owe you one. Thanks for Saving our lives. and she said Dont mention it.
Im doing my job. He asked So you saved us because it was your directive? she shook
her head No, nothing like that. And he asked So?
She replied I did it because of your comrades. And I saved you because you risked your
life for the sake of your people as much as Im doing this right now. He then whispered
Oh. She said The point is I until she was interrupted by the other agent who was



mumbling so loud that anyone could he hear him around the Frauenkirche. She went to
aid him and apologized while taking the tapes off him Oh, Im sorry. Let me take this
off you. Easy, easy, easy.
He breathed rapidly Ah. Ah. Ah and she asked Kruspe? Richard Zven Kruspe? and he
replied while shocked Yes? She then sighed Ok, so youre complete. Are you all
right? and he nodded while touching his harmed neck Yes, I think so. and she said
gladly Great.
She helped Kruspe getting up so as Schneider. They walked out of the room where they
were held as prisoners and Kruspe asked So, Frulein Patterson, what does it brought
you to Germany?
She raised an eyebrow What? and Schneider added I think youre not just here for
saving us. There must be a lot of reasons about your visit here.
She then said I was sent by the I.S.A.F. and assigned to the German Heer and
Bundeswehr to assist them in this conflict. My first assignment was in Bremen.
Yesterday. Today, Colonel Habich sent me here to find and rescue you guys.
Both were impressed and she asked Could you tell me what happened before my arrival
Kruspe looked at Schneider and so as Schneider to him. Reluctantly at the beginning he
said We were sent for a reconnaissance operation in Mndchen. We found some
detailed information about them going to do a strike against the Prime Minister.
Kruspe added A member of Weisse Kreuze was in charge of the complex we were
ordered to watch but his men caught and beat the hell out of us. Raltzinger arrived here
two days ago. He told us he was going to re-arm new recruits for the Neo-Nazi NextGeneration military. That bastard
She raised her eyebrow Next-Generation? She shrugged Hmm I wonder what would
it be. and Kruspe replied Who knows but whatever it is, that doesnt sound good. By
the way, where is he?
She replied Hes on his way along with his son Both got confused when hearing that
and then she smiled In hell. Schneider, impressed said Youve got to be kidding me.
and she said Not when Im working. Kruspe on the other hand doubted I dont believe
you Frulein.She then said Let me show you. Follow me.
Jennifer took Schneider and Kruspe downstairs and showed them the respective dead
bodies of the Raltzingers lied down in the ground at the ceremonies area.
Schneider was slack-jawed Oh my The Raltzingers! so as Kruspe A-A Are they the
She replied Yes. Or at least they were. Schneider raised an eyebrow Wait a second.
Did you kill them? She said with sarcasm I dont see them moving. Kruspe, shockly



said No way. Did you do that? and she mocked You havent seen what I did in Bremen
He mumbled Geez. and Kruspe asked Wait a minute. So, is this the wars end? and
Schneider asked Because of their deaths? I dont think so, but as for now we have a
huge advantage with their respective deaths. Frulein Patterson, you did a really great
She said Thank you Agent Schneider. and he said Call me Schneider or Doom. and
she asked while blinking Can I call you Christoph? and he said uncomfortable No, I
dont like my name. Less when somebody calls me like that.
He then asked Tell me something, do you have any experience in the field? She replied
smiling No, not really. and he said while confused What? You have no experience?
She replied At least not in solo ops. He asked So this is your first one? and she replied
I could say yes. Kruspe said while impressed Wow. If you did this and you did a great
job in Bremen and youre a rookie, imagine what you can do when you become an expert
agent with high experience.
Jennifer had a closed smile and said Is that a complement? and he denied No, it isnt.
Its my point of view. She sighed I see. He joked Ok, Christoph. What we should do?
so as Schneider in a mocking tone Hahaha, very funny Richard.
Kruspe then got serious and asked Sorry but what we should do now? and Schneider
replied I think we should get out of this place and return to base. Weve got something
for the Bundeswehr.
Kruspe said Then what are we waiting for? Lets go. Until Schneider grabbed his arm
and said Wait. We dont have any weapons. and he said while rolling his eyes Oh
She drew her gun and said Dont worry guys. I can borrow you my gun. He turned
down Jennifers help saying Thanks Frulein Patterson but you need it.
He then said We need to find some guns. Jennifer then remembered something I saw
some items when I was walking up stairs. We should check there. and Kruspe nodded
Okay, lets go.
They went to the area to take back their equipment. And they were indeed just as
Jennifer said. They were confiscated and placed in great table at the ceremony hall.
Kruspe noticed and said Look, there are our things. and Schneider said urgent Lets
grab them and get the hell out of here. Im sick of this place.
They took back their respective weapons and gadgets. Then, Jennifers comm device
rang with Habichs voice sounding on it. This is Habich. Do you read me Black Snake?
and she replied while taking back both operatives to base Black Snake here. I read you



He asked Hows the operation going? and she replied Were good so far. I have
Schneider and Kruspe on my side.
He replied sounding satisfied Good work, Black Snake! Youre doing a great out there.
Patch through someone so I can be sure. and she nodded Yes sir. She told Schneider
Habich wants to speak with you.
Schneider turned on his comm device and spoke Schneider here. Habich asked How
you doing, soldier. and he replied Ive been better. Ive never suffered such a horrible
torture in my life. They tried to make us talk but we denied. Too bad for them for not
killing me.
Habich asked And Kruspe? What about him? Schneider replied Hes here. Still
Kruspe said Im here Colonel. And Habich said Good to hear you again. How are you
feeling? and Kruspe mocked Not so bad. Recovering from beat up from yesterday.
They held us captive for days without eating and drinking wter, but Im great, thanks
for asking.
Habich said Same funny mouth of yours. At least youre still in one piece. Not like
Friedhausen. Kruspe raised his eyebrows What? What happened to her? and Habich
replied One of our agents found her in a
Kruspe asked confused In a what? and Habich replied In a nasty and devastating way.
Her body was found in her house beheaded and torn apart. Kruspe shook his head and
lowed it and felt bad mumbling Oh My God. When did that happen? Lindemann
suddenly replied We found her a couple days ago. We recovered her body except for
her head.
Kruspe then said grinning his teeth Ill find the one who that to her. Lindemann said
while serious Were working on that. But we need you here first. Black Snake will take
you back with us and she will do by any means necessary. But make sure to give her
some support.
Kruspe nodded Roger. Then he ordered Jennifer Black Snake, I want you to make
contact with the priest. Find his location and stick with him. Well rendezvous with you
in shortly.
Jennifer raised her eyebrows W- Sorry, come again? and Lindemann said Were
coming to you. Well be there to pick you guys up. Well bring trucks, Mine Skorpion
vehicles, GTKs and and some choppers to extract you along with the hostages.
Jennifer sighed I see. Roger that then sir. Well do. Black Snake out. She then said Ok
guys, lets keep going. Schneider asked Where are we going? and she replied My
mission was to rescue you, but a priest helped me and he must be around this zone.



Schneider was not sure but Kruspe persuate him to do so Schneider, I think we should
help her to find him. I say, she saved us so and he added smiling a little Returning
the favor.
Kruspe said Frulein, well help you to find that man. As a token of thanks. She said
thankfully I appreciate that. Thank you guys. She called Mitter This is Black Snake. Do
you read? She dialed again This is Black Snake, do you copy?
She shook her head Damn. I cant get to him Schneider tried to calm her down by
saying Dont worry. Well find him. But to do that, we must go on separate ways near
the zone. She said with sympathy Good idea Schneider. Were using radio frequencies
yo do so.
Both nodded and she asked Schneider Schneider, your frequency? and he replied Its
143.67. She dialed the frequency over her comm device and saved it on its memory.
She then said All right. Got it. And yours, Kruspe? He said 144.89. She dialed the
frequency and saved it Ok. I got it. Now, lets go to different ways and call each other if
we get something. Okay? and Schneider nodded You got it. so as Kruspe did
She picked up her PSG-1 and said All right, so lets move on. But Kruspe then suggested
Wait a second. Ill be right back.Jennifer wrinkled her forehead Where are you
going? She saw him going to the dead Raltzingers and took some pictures of their
bodies. Then he returned and stated Just in case.
They left to find Father Mitter and the hostages that he carried with him. Schneider said
Im going to the right. Kruspe said Im taking the left. but Jennifer on the other hand
said Ill go straight. Contact me if you need to.
She was walking with her PSG-1 aiming steady. Suddenly, she saw a woman lied down
bleeding of her stomach. She was breathing fast and Jennifer didnt doubt to help the
girl. The woman was dying for the pain she was feeling. Jennifer gave her first aid and
thought she could save her but her heart rate was dropping. Jennifer couldnt do
anything and the woman passed away. She was upset for not saving the womans life
and her radio rang. She answered angry by yelling What do you want!? Kruspe was
shocked and replied Hey hey! Whats wrong?
Jennifer raised her eyebrows Kruspe? and then apologized to him Oh, Im sorry. I
didnt check the radio He asked What happened? and Jennifer replied while serious
I found a woman. She was wounded and I went to help her. He asked Whats her
status? and she replied She passed away. I was too late. He then said with pity Im
sorry to hear that. She then asked Did you find something? and He replied with an
unpleasant voice tone No. Nothing at all. What about you?
Jennifer said while worried Me neither. I just found this girl. Keep searching okay? and
he said Yes, maam. Kruspe out. Jennifer was walking around and realized that maybe
Mitter and the hostages were hidden somewhere the area, so she went to the



abandoned hotel and searched all over the place. Suddenly, her radio rang and
answered Black Snake here.

The call came from Father Mitter Frulein Jennifer? Frulein Jennifer, are you there?
Jennifer was surprised Father Mitter! Father Mitter asked How are you? and she
breathed as sigh of relief Im fine. Thank goodness I was worried about you. Are you all
right? Mitter replied relaxed Yes, Im all right. These people are too. She sighed Glad
to hear that.
He asked Hows the mission going? and she replied The missions going well. Ive
rescued the people I needed to save. He sighed relieved Thank God.
She then asked about his location Where are you now? Im looking for you. And he
replied Remember the Theaterplatz, right?
She nodded Of course. Then he said Well, Im located there along with them.
She remarked to not forget and gave him some indications The Theaterplatz. Got it.
Dont move from there. Do you hear me? Do not, I repeat, DO NOT move from there.
Im coming right away.
He replied Yes Frulein. We wont move.
She had to let know Schneider and Kruspe about the location of Father Mitter and the
hostages. She called Kruspe This is Black Snake, do you read me Kruspe? He sounded
confused Whos this? She said rolling her eyes Its me. Patterson
Kruspe said Oh, sorry. I didnt recognize the other name. And she said Its my
codename. and he mocked before being serious Thanks to me letting me know that.
Did you find him? She replied I received a call from him. According to him, hes in the
Theaterplatz. And Schneider? and he replied I dont know. I havent received a call from
him. I tried to communicate with him but he doesnt respond.
She got concerned What? and Kruspe said Let me try again. Schneider, this is Kruspe,
can you hear me? Over. Schneider, this is Kruspe. Can you hear me? Over. I cant reach
Jennifer complaint mumbling loud Damn! I cant do this again. Kruspe, go to the
Theaterplatz and meet Father Mitter. Tell him youre from the German Heer and
Bundeswehr and you came from a direct order by me.
He asked raising an eyebrow What about you? and she said urged Im going to find
Schneider. He didnt agree and said in a loud tone No way, Im going with you.
Jennifer refused and ordered him No Kruspe. You must go with people that need help.
I can do this alone. While he tried to say anything But she interrupted by saying
Just go, okay? Dont worry about me. I can take care of myself.



He said while worried for Jennifer All right. Ill be waiting for you there. Good Luck.
and she said Thanks. Lets keep going.
She went to find Schneider, meanwhile Kruspe went to the Theaterplatz to find and
meet Father Mitter.
She was walking and walking and walking holding her PGS-1 sniper rifle until she heard
a gunshot coming nearby. She raised her eyebrow thinking somebody as in danger. She
hid in a building. After that she left the building and went to hid over the wall of housing
unit. Suddenly, she turned and saw Schneider lied down on the ground with a wound in
his left leg.
Worried, Jennifer shouted Schneider! Dont move! Im going to help you! But he did
the same Dont!!!!!!!! He can see us!!!!
Raising her eyebrows, she whispered What? He can see us!? And he kept shouting He
can see us!! Confused, she asked He!!? What are you talking about!?
She saw a shot hitting the ground near from Schneiders position. It was a warning for
her to not coming any closer. She whispered angry A sniper!
Schneider, feeling bad ordered Leave me here Patterson. Get out of here!!!
Showing signs of fear and distress she didnt know what to do in a situation of cat-andmouse she didnt want to leave a comrade at the enems mercy. She shouted No way
Schneider! Im not going to leave you like this. Just hang on! but he raised his arm
ordering her No!!!
She shouted once again Trust me god dammit!
She was in position to engage the enemy in a sharpshooter combat. She saw a powered
Mauser Karabiner 98K. It was modified with parts of a PSG-1. She knew that it was her
favorite sniper rifle of the World War II. She grabbed it and loaded the gun with its
respective rounds.
She was looking for the enemy during half an hour through her rilfes scope. Schneider
was going to pass out and seeing it, Jennifer bit her lips nervous. The enemy sniper was
waiting for her.
She was going to make a move but she received a shot from the sniper. She was okay
because of her suit but she moved to another place fast rolling on the ground until she
hidden on a wall. Thinking for minutes, she decided to go back to her respective position.
The sniper shot again at her but he missed the shot. She yelled God damn it!!! I cant
see him. Schneider was losing hope of surviving and shouted Theres no way out.
Shoot me!



She grinned her teeth and shouted Shut up Schneider! I am not going to do something
like that. She lowered and tapped her head and whispered Come on Jennifer! Think.
Think! She then snapped her fingers and said Thats it!
She grabbed a stun grenade but she needed to see a reflex from the snipers rifle scope.
After thirty seconds, she found the reflex she needed to see and activated the grenade.
She waited two seconds. On the third second, she threw the grenade very hard.
When the grenade made detonation, the sniper was shooting in wrong directions
because he was blinded. The shots almost hit Schneider and that was Jennifers chance
to save him. She ran and went to Schneider, she grabbed him from his back as fast as
she could and took him away from the zone he was. This saved Schneiders life again but
that didnt take his pain away from him. She grabbed her PSG-1, aimed the building and
pulled the trigger and shot up to the smoke.
After the shot, Jennifer and Schneider heard a scream and a body falling to the ground
which meant it hit the sniper, but he was still alive. Jennifer had a serious look on her
face. She was determined to annihilate the enemy. She drew her pistol and went to
check the sniper while Schneider could not do anything but watch. The sniper was
spitting blood from his mouth and saw a black Jennifer standing next to him. Jennifer
asked him confused Why? Why are you doing this?
He just barely moved, he then shouted while spitting blood from his mouth You! Ill kill
you!!! She raised an eyebrow and suddenly, he took a pistol from his back and pointed
fast to her. She shouted No!!!! and reacted by shooting him in the head and killing
him. In that moment, she fell on her knees and felt so bad for almost getting shot that
she needed to take a deep breath before resuming the mission. Schneider got concerned
and shouted Patterson?! Patterson, are you alright?! and she replied stutting Y- YYes. I am fine!
She then stood up and cooled her down to go to help Schneider attending his wound.
She knelt and said Let me see your wound. Schneider showed his wounded leg and
saw blood coming out. But she sighed Youre lucky for not hitting the artery. Can you
He mumbled I dont know. And she asked as she tried to get him on his feet Can I
help you? and he replied mumbling No. Youve done too much for me today; let me
try to stand on my feet.
Jennifer was worried about his physical status and asked Are you sure? and he nodded
still mumbling Yes. God, it fucking hurts! She grabbed the Karabiner and gave to him
Here. Take this rifle. and he raised his eyebrows. He took it and said Old model huh?
All right.
Schneider stood and she backed him up by grabbing him from his shoulder and helped
him to walk. Schneider started to walk step by step to see his condition. He could do it
even though feeling pain. Schneider asked Did you manage to find your contact? and



she said Yes. According to Father Mitter, hes located in the Theaterplatz right now. We
must go there before something wrong happens. He asked Father? and she replied
Hes a priest. A priest from the Frauenkirche whos escaped from the Neo-Nazis.
He mumbled I see. Suddenly, he raised his eyebrows and asked Wait. Did you say
Mitter? Father Joachim Mitter?
She replied confused for his expression Yes. Do you know him? and he replied Right.
He was a friend of my mother.
He then said while rushing her Lets keep moving. and she nodded while reloading her
sniper rifle Yes.
Jennifer and Schneider walked and headed to the Theaterplatz. An injured Schneider
was angry and mumbled Goddammit, why did that happen to me? Now, I wont be able
to walk for days. and she said You silly. Be glad youre still alive. That shot could have
killed you if that bullet hit you in the artery. I was in a situation like that one before, in
Israel. One of my mates got shot by a sniper. He got shot in the leg and we tried to get
him out of his sight but then the shooter put a bullet straight to the head.
Schneider then mocked Hah! Thats nothing. Two of my men were killed by sniper with
a single shot.
Jennifer shook her head and said Shut up. Lets keep going before they arrive.
He asked Who? and Jennifer said The Neo-Nazis. Do you think theyre gonna leave it
like that? Weve become their top number 1 in their blacklist, Im telling ya. Especially
Suddenly, they heard the sound of a truck coming to their position. They siliently snuck
and hid inside a building. The truck carried soldiers armed with light machine guns and
assault rifles. Jennifer and Schneider aimed their guns. The armed men passed and
searched the area but they left minutes later and Jennifer and Schneider kept heading
to the Theaterplatz as planned. The area was quiet and walked for minutes. After a
while, Jennifers device rang hearing Kruspes voice on it This is Kruspe, do you copy?
She replied Black Snake here. I read you, over.
He said You didnt call so I was worried. Where are you now? and Jennifer gave her
location Im nearby the Theaterplatz. Im about one hundred meters from it. To the
west. Im coming to you. Ok?
He said All right. Did you find Schneider? Is he ok? and she replied Hes wounded on
his left leg but hes fine.
He said relieved Good. I will receive you here. Wait; oh I can see you now from here.
She grabbed her binoculars and saw him raising his hand giving his location.



Kruspe went to aid Jennifer carrying Schneider. He said We were worried about you.
What took you so long? and she replied sarcasticly What do you think what happened
out there?
She then added That sniper almost killed him. and Kruspe mocked What happened
Schneider? Are you that old to evade a small bullet? and he said Look whos speaking.
The man who gets injured every hundred meters.
He replied to Schneider Hey, thats untrue!
Jennifer said Stop it boys. Youre a team. Now knock it off.
They reached the Theaterplatz and the team was received by a concerned Father Mitter.
He folded his forehead when seeing Schneider. He asked surprised Christoph? Is that
Schneider wasnt different either Father? Mitter hugged Schneider and said Its been
a long time, son. Isnt it? Schneider nodded and Mitter Hows your mother?
His faced turned downcast and said She died. Two years ago. Cancer. While Mitter
felt sorry Im sorry to hear that. God be with her.
Jennifer approached him and asked Are you okay, Father? Mitter replied thankfully
Yes. Im just tired but Im okay. These people need help.
She looked at the people and nodded I understand. Does anyone of you need
something? and one of the hostages said We need food. We havent eaten the last
She then said Well give you food in the base, but just hang on. Could you tell me your
name please? And he replied Ernst Strasser, agent.
Curious to know the truth about them she asked Herr Strasser, could you tell me please
why these men captured you along with the rest of them?
He said while mocked If I had the answer, I would tell you but honestly I dont. I dont
She asked What do you do? and he replied Im just a retired fireman.
She said I see. Suddenly, a women raised her hand and stated upset I was captured
by those pigs.She asked her Could you tell me your name please?and the woman said
Marie Kreuzenmeyer. Jennifer asked more about her And what do you do? and the
witness said Im an elementary school teacher. I was captured in my school and I was
taken by the Neo-Nazis. Then she added with scared look on her eyes They said many
of them were going to be taken to some kind of camp. Kruspe wrinked his foreahed A
camp? Jennifer tried to guess A refugee camp I suppose? Schneider said No, I dont
think so. Could it be a concentration camp? The woman protested while scared and
urged You have to do something. The day I was captured, they killed many teachers
and children. Jennifer cooled things down among them and said I promise we will do
something about it.



She tried to figure and deduce the real deal to the enemy. She then asked Wait a
minute; Schneider, is in Germany still a concentration camp? He replied Zeit and
Auschwitz, but those are history museums now. Herr Strassers look turned nervous
and snapped his fingers revealing Now I remember. They were going to retrieve us from
the Frauenkirche and take us to Zeit. She then deduced Theyre planning to re-open
the camps. Kruspe opined Impossible. How they could do something crazy like that?
Jennifer guessed Look at this way. With the camps open, they could declare war not
only here in Germany, but against the world. Since the army has been weaked they can
do whatever they want. Manifestations, riots even shootings against people.
He protested No way! We cant allow them to do that. We just cant. This crisis is very
hot, imagine a world crisis. Against us? No way! Jennifer contended him Calm down
Schneider, Im here to help you but I need your full cooperation to let not allow that.
Kruspe was relaxed and said Shes right comrade. We must fight. and Schneider got
serened and nodded All right. Well help you whatever we can. Suddenly, Jennifers
comm device rang and she answered Black Snake here. Go ahead. and Habichs voice
sounded on the radio This is Snake nest. Report your status. Jennifer informed Habich
I think the situation became more complicated than we thought. He asked Why is
that? and Jennifer continued speaking According to the hostages, the Neo-Nazis are
planning to take people to concentration camps. He grilled What?! and she added
Suddenly, Schneider told me that there are two of them as history museums; Zeit and
Auschwitz. and he groaned It cant be. Re-opening those hell camps?
She said Insane, dont you think? Then she requested By the way, what about the
backup convoy? He replied Theyll be with you very soon. Youre carrying hostages
with you, right? She nodded Yes sir. He then suggested and ordered All right, soon
as they reach the place, let the hostages go in first. After that, you go with the convoy
along the hostages, Schneider and Kruspe to the Parkbhne Wuhlheide Stadium in
Berlin. There is the HQ of the Heer and Bundeswehr.
She wrinked her forehead Why there? as he alleged I was going to tell you that the
airport was re-assigned as General Communication Center of the entire military. She
mumbIed I see. He then unveiled By the way. Due to orders I received from the Heer.
I wont be working with you any longer. She urged What!? Not again. Why? and he
stated I was re-assigned to another division to take command of it.
She then praised her Oh, thats great! Congratulations. and he was thankful
Dankeschn. Then he unveiled to Jennifer her next commanding officer Now let me
introduce you Major General Oliver Riedel. Hes your new boss. Hes got more
experience than me in combat situations.
General Riedel introduced himself Nice to meet you Frulein Patterson. It will be an
honor to work with you. And she showed appreciation Me too General.
She then asked about it When would you start Colonel? whilst he stated The military
requested a Colonel with long experience. I am one of them.



Jennifer smiled and blessed him I wish you the best. It was a huge honor and pleasure
working with you these days. and he remarked The honor was mine. Good luck and
well stay in touch.
She saluted Yes sir. Habich departed See you later and take care. and she thanked
You too. Black Snake out. Kruspe asked What about the convoy? and she replied
They will be here. We just have to wait a while. as Mitter sighed Thank God.
Jennifer sat down on the floor and asked Schneider about his personal info Schneider,
what did you do before joining the Bundeswehr?
He told her I used to work in a telephone company. I didnt win much money. Soon
before this crisis begun, Kruspe and I robbed a ministore.
She wrinkled her forehead What? and Kruspe joined by adding and revealing bad
moments of their past I remember that. It was horrible. We met outside in a bank
located in Schwerin. Two weeks later we became friends. One month later, many
companies and enterprises were closed as consequence of the crisis. Our companies
were part of the closed.
We decided to rob a ministore but we get caught by the GSG9 Polizei. The same day we
were in jail. In a prison near Berlin and in the very same day, the Neo-Nazis arrived and
started to shoot at the prison. The prison was completely destroyed.
I remember to see many convicts dead. The next day, Bundeswehr soldiers went to see
what happened and they were recruiting people for the military. We offered ourselves
to serve our country since that day. He continued by stating We never wanted to rob
the ministore, but there was no option. Our families were depending on us.
She said I understand. and Father Mitter opined You chose the right way son.
Schneider declared I would like to think so Father, but who needs redemption and a
huge one are those pigs. But they dont deserve it.
Jennifer agreed Hes right. Theres no redemption for them. But he said back And I
think theres no one for you too guys. Jennifer asked curious about Mitters statement
Why do you say that? and he alleged Because you killed many people.
Jennifer opined I know. We have killed many people, but were different Father. Were
fighting for the right cause. but Frulein Kreuzenmeyer argued What it cares? This
conflict must end now. We cant run and hide in own our country anymore. Suddenly,
people started complaining and arguing each other. Jennifer stood up immediately to
finish it.
She yelled Hey, hey. Hey!!! HEY!!!!!!!!!!! Knock it off!! Calm down everybody. All of you!
They could hear us and right away send a unit to hunt all of us. Now please; quiet.



Kreuzenmeyer dropped a tear and cried We just cant. Jennifer pulled her together
Calm down please, Frulein Kreuzenmeyer.
Suddenly, Kruspe informed I see soldiers coming this way. She then wrinkled her
forehead and picked her PSG-1 What? Then he added by grabbing his binoculars and
watching Theres an APC with them. Trucks and military vehicles.
She ordered Let me see. as Kruspe gave them to her. She watched the vehicles and
they had the Heer logo on them revealing it was the convoy they were expecting.
She alerted Great news, its the convoy! Schneider wrinkled his forehead surprised
What? Really?
She replied and ordered Look for yourself. All right everyone all to your positions now;
the convoy is finally here. I need your cooperation. I want you to stay calm and fine.
Were gonna get you out of here. Kruspe?
Kruspe ordered while arranging everyone to leave Yes Boss. Ok everybody, listen up;
please step up to this side. When they reach here, you will go inside the APC one by one.
As soon as the APC is full, you will go to the trucks. The soldiers and we will cover you all
the time. Our destiny is the Parkbhne Wuhlheide in
Suddenly, while Kruspe was organizing the hostages to leave the area, Schneider and
Jennifer could see a projectile coming to them. Schneider shouted Look out!!!!!! and
everybody got down.
The missile hit a pillar. The twenty-five hostages went to the ground to get cover. One
was sure; the Neo-Nazis arrived and wanted some payback. After that, the enemy
started to fire against Jennifer and the rest.
Jennifer stood up, picked up her PSG-1 and ordered Schneider, get on position. Kruspe,
come with me!
Her device rang This is Lindemann, can you hear me Frulein Patterson?!!!!
She replied while covered from the shooting Yes, I read you!! Are you with the
convoy!!!? he replied Yes, I am. Were gonna engage these bastards!! She got
prepared for combat and declared Were going to help and give you support by opening
fire at them. I repeat; well cover you!!
He asked worried Can you get the hostages out!? but she doubted about doing such a
risky action like that in the middle of battle I cant say! I dont think I can! He then
ordred Ok, engage the enemy then. Were going to make our move and take battle
She confirmed Understood. Moving to engage the enemy ASAP! Black Snake out!
She called both Bundeswehr officers and commanded All right Kruspe, lets move on.
Schneider, stay here and protect the hostages. When a Neo-Nazi comes here, shoot at



Schneider nodded Understood. She clashed hands with Schneider and blessed him
Good Luck.
The Bundeswehr convoy was moving to take a good battle position, meanwhile Jennifer
and Kruspe dashed to a building to take a sniping position while dodging the bullets rain.
Kruspe took the role of the eye and Jennifer the finger. Together they were watching
the exposed soldiers to take them down. Jennifer got on position and could see enemy
soldiers and Neo-Nazi activists coming to engage Bundeswehr soldiers. Jennifer focused
on the soldiers only. She aimed to the soldiers on the ground and killed two of them.
The battle area was madness; Neo-Nazis and Bundeswehrs fighting, lots of bullet shells
being ejected from the firearms and buildings being pierced by the bullets being fired.
After that, a Neo-Nazi tank came and shot against Bundeswehr soldiers. The shot
destroyed a Heer armored vehicle killing many men.
Jennifer was shocked and angry Damn it! Those bastards are ramming down the Heer.
Then Kruspe saw the tank aiming at Jennifer at him. Then he took her and got away
while he shouted Fuck, run!!
The tank fired the projectile and blew everything around, but both were unharmed.
They went someplace different nearby to take another spot. Kruspe groaned We have
to take out that damn monster. and she grilled and mocked You dont say huh. Any
Kruspe bit his lips while not knowing what to do. But then, he saw the corpse of a soldier
holding an M-72 LAW rocket launcher. He pointed the corpse with his finger and yelled
Look right over there. Jennifer urged Grab that launcher and dispose of that tank! Ill
stay here engaging the enemy.
He looked at her and then she ordered him Go, Ill cover you. Kruspe stood up and
dashed to get the rocket launcher. Some soldiers caught in the act but Jennifer shot
them one by one from her spot taking them down. He had to avoid the rebels.
Meanwhile the Bundeswehr were still fighting the Neo-Nazi soldiers and activists. After
that, the APC reached the place Schneider, Father Mitter and the others were hidden.
After that, the tank shot at the APC but missed the shot. Kruspe reached to the ground
and hid somewhere closed to destroy the tank.
Some Neo-Nazi soldiers saw him but he killed them all using his assault rifle. He aimed
at the tank but he was ambushed by an enemy soldier from behind.
Kruspe and the rebel struggled for the weapon. The Neo-Nazi was dominating Kruspe,
but drew his pistol. Unfortunately, he lost the gun from his hands when the rebel kicked
him and now they were fighting for it.
She was worried about Kruspes delaying. She called him while shooting the enemy but
there was no response. She mumbled Damn!!! Kruspe, where are you!? Kruspe and
the guard were still fighting. The Neo-Nazi punched and kicked Kruspe and tried to get



the gun but Kruspe grabbed his feet letting him fall to the ground. Kruspe then took a
wood stake from the debris on the ground and stabbed him on his left leg. The Neo-Nazi
screamed for the huge pain he felt in that moment.
Kruspe was hurt but he didnt doubt to get the pistol and kill the NN rebel. Then Kruspe
grabbed the German made M-72, aimed to the tank and fired the projectile at it. The
tank was finally destroyed. Kruspe was sweating as hell and then his radio rang and he
answeredKruspe here, Ive managed to send them to other side. and she groaned
while engaging the enemy God damn it! I was worried! What took you so long?!
He mocked while still hurt and touching his stomach I had to put someone to sleep
permanently. Stubborn bastard wanted to interfere. She stood up and ordered Im
going in. Shoot at thrill if those jerks try to spoil our party.
Many of the Heer stood their ground and the rebels were pulling back little by little while
some civilians were clamoring. Jennifer left the building and headed to the ground with
her G-36 carrying it with her hands.
She ran and engaged the enemy shooting at them. With fierce and courage, Jennifer
killed many NN armed rebels and Kruspe encountered with her forming a deadly couple.
Minutes later, Schneider joined them and formed a deadly trio the Neo-Nazis couldnt
stand against. Suddenly, another Bundeswehr convoy unit joined them to fight against
the enemy platoon.
After thirty minutes of fighting, the Neo-Nazis have surrendered to the Bundeswehr unit
and were annihilated and captured. Then, a chopper reached and flew over the zone
with Lindemann inside. Jennifer turned up and saw him getting along with five Heer
Lindemann headed towards her with the two rescued operatives and remarked Once
again, you did a great job. She saluted Thank you Herr Lindemann. Then she added
with a smile It wouldnt be posible without these guys over here. They deserve the
honor. I just gave them a hand. Schneider shook his head and No way. Youre the one
who should take it. We just helped a little bit.
She stuttered and doubted Guys, I but he cheered Come on. You did the whole job.
We respect what youve done today. Schneider added besides, if it wasnt for you, I
should be dead now already. You didnt give up saving my life, knowing the
consequences that could happen.
Jennifer asked while flattered Do you mean it? and he nodded Of course I am.
Kruspe declared If I had to choose who I want to work with, Ill pick you every single
time. And you too Schneider; you know that. But, you know
Schneider beamed Hahaha, I know. so as Jennifer I appreciate your sincerity guys.



Lindemann said I dont know how you do it, but you do it great. But anyway, lets get
back to business. We will take this people to the Parkbhne Wuhlheide in Berlin. We
have a special shelter for them.
Jennifer ordered Make sure to give them enough food and water. These people havent
eaten for days. Lindemann said Well take care of that. Schneider asked him And
what about the Neo-Nazi survivors?
Lindemann replied Well take them with us. Well interrogate them about what theyve
got, where they are based on, whos helping them.
Jennifer added Looks like you have a lot of work to do. Lindemann took a small box
from his backpack and said By the way, Colonel Habich asked me to give you this.
She wrinkled her forehead in surprise A Purple Heart medal? He then expressed He
thought you should take it for the job you did in Bremen and for saving our agents. This
medal is from The Prime Minister. By the way, we talked to your organization and they
agree to give you the prize.
Jennifer was flattered Umm, I dont know what to say. Thanks. Lindemann said Dont
mention it. Lets get back to work. We still have to fight the leaders.
Kruspe appeared on the other hand and affirmed I think that wont be necessary.
Lindemann was confused What are you talking about?
Kruspe took his camera and said Look at this. Courtesy of our friend here. Lindemann
was impressed and demanded while shocked Is this true? Tell me this is not a joke.
Jennifer declared Im not joking. Its not part of my job.
Lindemann called one of his soldiers Manz, get to General Riedel and give this Intel.
He then went to get a loudspeaker and called everyone Attention all people. Attention
Everybody looked at Lindemann curious and he continued stating Thank you. I know all
of you are tired for everything that has been happening. But as for now, everything will
change. The war is in our favor. Im glad to announce that Jrn and Jorgen Raltzinger
have fallen in battle today!
Everybody around the zone hailed for the enemys downfall like a liberty celebration.
The hails lasted for a couple of minutes.
Lindemann while smiling interrupted the celebration All right all right all right
everybody. We still have some work to do if we want peace to return to this country. I
want to say thank you to the operative who managed to take them out. I want to thank
to the operative who just gave us a huge advantage in combat.
With joy and pride in front of the soldiers like a headlined concert, he called her name
Frulein Patterson. Thank you. Well make something special for you.



With the soldiers staring at her showing respect to her, the captured enemy rebels
stared at her with hate and pointed her as their public enemy number one. One of the
rebel threatened her Congratulations. Because you just earned a sure death! I swear to
our fhrers grave. Were gonna find you and take your heart off your chest!! I swear!!!
Many of the rebels hailed their comrade but they were taken into custody by the Heer
troops. Jennifer was kind of horrified because of the rebels threatning statement.
Lindemann turned to look at her and asked Are you all right? and she stuttered I-I-I
Im fine. Ive been threatened by worst people before.
Lindemann asked again Are you sure? and she nodded Yes. Dont worry.
Then she suggested Lets get out of here before their reinforcements arrive. And
Lindemann nodded ordering everybody to load up and bring the hostages back home.
The hostages were taken to the trucks to be moved and the soldiers hopped on the
vehicles roof while Jennifer, Schneider and Kruspe joined Lindemann hopping in the
chopper Lindemann arrived.
After taking off, Jennifer closed the door and asked Lindemann So, where are we
going? and he replied Were heading to the Parkbhne Wuhlheide arena. Were taking
the hostages to a special shelter located there. Also, we have a base there.
Suddenly, Jennifer tapped her head Damn! I forgot it! and Lindemann wrinkled his
forehead Whats wrong?
She replied They forgot to call me about my performance. I must report it to them right
He alleged Dont worry about it. We just did it. and she asked Really? Then he
affirmed Of course. Weinmann and I spoke with General Marshall and Colonel
Garrison. Jennifer sighed Ah. However, Lindemann noticed her face You look little
She affirmed Its nothing. Then she asked What about Weisse Kreuze? and he
quoted Good point. Even though they have lost their main heads, they still have
something to lose.
Lindemann alleged Weve just recently located some of their respective operative
stations. but she demanded Tell us everything about it. while Lindemann just simply
said Well explain you everything as soon as we arrive to the Stadium.
The return trip took a while as the chopper was watching the convoy. Jennifer picked
her PSG-1 and watched the convoy through her rifles scope.



Lindemann smiled seeing her determination and courage even she was too young to be
involved in a bloody battle they had to overcome and annihilate the enemy if they
wanted to bring peace back.
During the trip, some gunshots were fired by a few rebels who were on the roofs of the
buildings around the zone and Jennifer returned fire from the chopper. Schneider joined
her firing his G-36 at the enemy. Krupse did the same a few seconds later but Lindemann
grabbed a G-36 from the chopper and opened fire.
Kruspe asked Jennifer while impressed and shooting the enemy Where did you learn
to shoot like that. and she replied while shooting I dont know. Its like a skill I have
since I was a kid. My mentor almost slacked his jaw the first time he saw me shooting a
sniper rifle.
The three of them were impressed and Lindemann pointed his finger Relax everyone.
Keep focusing on the enemy.
Jennifer continued firing at the enemy as the soldiers in the convoy did ending the
As she kept aiming, Schneider said Its all done Black Snake. We can sit back. but she
refused by saying I wanna make sure its over. You can sit back, Ill keep watching.
Schneider remarked As you wish. with him and Kruspe getting inside and leaving her
watching the area.
After two hours of watching the convoy, the helicopter arrived to the Parkbhne
Wuhlheide. The pilot confirmed This is Rot 1. This is Rot 1. Requesting permission for
landing and open the gates. Were carrying captived operatives and hostages. Over.
Control room answered Roger Rot 1. Opening gates. Well send some units to receive
them. You are cleared to land at the heliport 3. Over. and Lindemann confirmed Were
finally here. Black Snake Kruspe help Schneider to walk after landing.
After landing, They got out and Lindemann acclaimed them Great job guys. Ill talk to
the Prime Minister to honor you for your commitment.
Jennifer felt grateful Thank you. But these men deserve it. Im just helping as I said.
Lindemann smiled You did the job today, you deserve it. and Kruspe and Schneider
agreed by nodding.
She smiled and Lindemann departed Well, I have to give the mission report to the Intel.
Ill see you later. And she did the same to him Bye, Herr Lindemann. Ill catch you up
A lieutenant asked them as they arrived the entrance Whore you with? and Schneider
replied Were with the 36th and the 21st divisions.



The lieutenant requested IDs please?

Schneider identified himself Schneider Christoph. Militrischer Abschirmdienst.
so as Kruspe Kruspe, Richard Zven. 1st Class Agent. and Jennifer Patterson, Jennifer.
32nd division and foreign 1st Class Agent.
Lieutenant wrinkled his forehead Patterson? Youre the one we were expecting. Thats
an order from General Riedel. You have to come with me.
She nodded All right. and he ordered them You two, go to the infarmary. Ill brief
Captain Scheider to meet you there.
Schneider said All right. Well see you later Black Snake. But she said Jennifer.
He wrinkled his forehead Pardon me? and she repeated smiling Jennifer. My names
He then said All right Jen. Well see you later. And she nooded Okay guys. Take care.
Suddenly, as Kruspe help Schneider to walk, Schneider turned By the way and she
turned to look at him What? and he said nodding Thanks.
She gratefully said No problem. And the lieutenant told her Frulein, come with me.
as she replied Yes sir.
As soon as they entered the command center, she noticed the starings aimed at her. The
Heer officer noticed it too whispering I know what youre thinking. Dont worry. as she
did too I dont like people staring at me. I feel like I aint fitting here.
He continued Relax. Just keep walking. as they kept heading to the Generals office.
But the places they were going, the people continued staring at her.
She felt uncomfortable but she said nothing. Then, her heart started beating fast when
they arrived to the office. Suddenly, when the officer was going to knock the door, she
urgely grabbed his arm quick and he raised an eyebrow Whats the matter?!
She replied nervousWait a minute, please. She took a deep breath and sighed Okay,
here we go.
They entered the office where they saw General Riedel standing and looking at the
recruits at the training field.
The lieutenant introduced her General, I present you the new reinforcement. Frulein
Jennifer Maria Patterson.



He dismissed Thank you Lieutenant Hagen. You may dismiss.

As soon as Hagen left, Jennifer saluted Im Jennifer Patterson, reporting for duty sir!
Riedel turned with an angry look on his face and yelled Dont! You did a horrible job
out there. I dont know how and why Habich recommended you to me.
She tried to reply But sir, I but he interrupted rudely But nothing! I talked to your
organization superiors and they said youre a conflictive soldier and that you dont do a
great job.
He then pointed his finger to the door and groaned You can dismiss young lady. Thats
all I wanted to say.
She was shocked and tried to calm him but it was useless But All right. Ill leave.
She lowered her head feeling bad and turned to leave the office but suddenly, the
General died laughing Hahahahahahahaha!!!!!!
She groaned What the!? as he continued laughing Hahahahahahahahaha!!!!! It was
a joke Frulein. Hahahahahaha!!!!!! and she groaned You...!!!!!!!
Riedel cooled down before laughing hard and said smiling I like to make jokes, you
know. Sorry. But Jennifer was serious and told him Dont do that again please.
Riedel shook his head No, I wont. He then turned his mocked face into a serious one
But now seriously, Im glad to meet someone like you Frulein. I received good
references of you. Lets start again shall we?
She didnt say anything in a few seconds but she smiled slowly and saluted Hmm Nice
to meet you General.
General Riedel saluted nicely The honor is mine Frulein.
Then he added I saw you did an awesome job in Bremen and a great job too in Dresden
Jennifer remarked Im just completing my job, Sir. Im glad working with your people
General Riedel remarked Thanks to you, we got vital information about the enemy. We
expect the best of you during this period working with us.
She nodded Me too. Riedel then invited her All right. Lets walk shall we?
She accepted Of course.
Both left the office and started chatting as they were walking So, Patterson. Youre from
the United States, right?
Jennifer affirmed Thats right. he kept asking Where, exactly?



She sighed and said Im from everwhere. Its a complicated story.

Confused, he asked Whys that? She replied Well, Im from Chicago, Illinois but I was
born in a small town in Ottawa. Then I grew up moving to other countries such as
Nicaragua, Colombia, Cuba and even here in Germany. And Riedel expressed Ah. I get
Then Jennifer asked him And you? Where are you from? And Riedel replied Im from
the north of Berlin.
She said smiling So youre near from home. Nice. and then, he asked her So, what do
you think of our people?
She replied What can I say? I respect them. Germany is one of those countries whose
people work hard for what they want. I think theyre amazing.
He smiled Glad to hear that. She then asked and what do you think about a woman
doing this job?
He stated You know, every human resource can be useful to us, since we lost many of
our forces. Many agents worked with us but they were unsuccessful to complete the
tasks. Jennifer said with a little fear I know.
Riedel stopped walking so as she did and told her Listen, Im gonna be honest with you;
Im a serious person. In fact, Im the strictest person in the entire division but I trust
youll do an amazing job.
She affirmed You can count on it.
He looked at her and put his hand on her shoulder as a sign of trust and said Come with
me. Ill brief you for your next task.
After the small chat, Riedel took her to the Bases Mission Command. Everything was
setup and ready for Jennifers next task. She was confident after her conversation with
him. Riedel saluted everyone as his men did and Jennifer saw a few people working in
their stations, searching information and answering emergency calls. She was stunned
due to the lack of personnel they had.
She asked Hows it possible to work with a limited personnel number? and he replied
Well, with courage, loyalty and determination were still standing on our ground, but
we need all the help we can get.
He then ordered his personnel Screen, please and he started to brief Jennifer with the
images they had Weve been reported about some planning movements by the NeoNazi resistance. Our combat units were sent to fight and stop their attacks, but they
showed enough firepower to contend us. Apparently, Neo-Nazis bought an immense
quantity of firepower valued in thirty billion dollars.



She got stunned when hearing the statement and ranted Thirty billion dollars!? Why?
Do they want to start a new world war or what!? and he affirmed Thats a record we
dont want to be written in history. These guys are trying to warn something ugly to our
nation with a mighty and strong firepower enough to declare an imminent war. Enough
to destroy countries like United States, Russia, even the whole NATO itself.
Jennifer shrugged and look at the screen as he continued adding Since most of our
forces were wiped out or joined them, we cant ignore their actions. As far as you know,
the country is in a coup dtat. The worst one in our history.
She got concerned by a serious and urged General Riedel after hearing his statements.
She asked with curiousity And how did you manage to still fight them with your military
forces been annihilated? I mean, Im amazed for the the personnel you have at this
moment. as Riedel replied her question while walking around the table Our people.
Our people supported us but weve been witnesses of civilians giving their hands to the
enemy. We realized they were Neo-Nazis activists.
She quoted The voice said screw you. Theyve got some balls. as he told You
understand why the military has been through its worst crisis.
But something was bothering her. She felt something wasnt but even fearing for
Riedels reaction she asked I wonder; how the Neo-Nazis get that huge budget to buy
their ballistic arsenal?
Riedel turned to look at her with a serious staring but she continued alleging I dont
think the Raltzingers were that kind of rich enough to buy thirty million dollars in military
firepower. Even most of your forces turned their backs on you people. There must be
someone whos providing the Neo-Nazis with weapons and ammunitions. A weapons
He said Probably. But as we dont have any proof about it, we cant do much.
He skipped to the next images and he kept briefing her We sent a unit command by
Major Manfred Klinsmann yesterday morning to bring support to civilians here in
Hannover. According to them, a few civilians are hidden in their houses waiting for the
end of this conflict. Their mission was to clearing the zone from the enemy as we
planned taking the civilians to a military refugee camp where many of our men are giving
their help. You know this situation isnt easy.
She asked after that I know. So why are they delayed? Riedel stated They found rebel
activity during the final phase of the plan. I hope theyve stopped the enemy.
Thinking about time, she urgely demanded We havent much time left then. Tell me
everything about Hannovers situation.



He nodded as he skipped to the next images of the mission briefing Hannover is one of
the most important cities in Germany and one of the most affected of course. Our
satellites captured images which Im gonna show you now.
He ordered one of his analysts to skip to the next images they captured. Jennifer paid
attention at every picture taken by their satellite. Some of Riedels personnel stared at
her trying to see what she was made of as Riedel kept briefing This is an image captured
on March 20th, 2000. This picture shows the city in normal status. The one on the right
shows the city during the first days of the coup detat; and the last one was taken two
days ago. You can see enemy units crossing the zone and patrolling there. Watching the
area like eagles hunting for their preys. Streitkrftebasis informed theres a high number
of civilian casualties. For the last week, the number came up to 2510 casualties. We want
to stop the massacre towards our people.
She expressed her concern towards the people affected from the conflicto and Riedel
felt she was the one who could them out of danger when she said So do I; I cant wait
to help your people to get rid out of the enemy and get to their normal life once again.
If I dont complete this mission, no one will. So first things first.
He then picked up a radio and requested some people to go to Mission Command, but
Jennifer seemed it a little suspiscious. Then, she saw two men entering; one was about
6 ft tall. He had brown eyes, fair skin and short black hair. Riedel presented him to
Jennifer Let me introduce you the Second Master Chief Lieuteneant Gottlieb
Helmholtz-Friezenmacht. Hes going to be your advisor in weaponry and military
The other guy was about 6 ft 3 in tall. He had gray hair, fair skin and blue eyes. Riedel
introduced This is Oberst Bernhard Riemann-Geiger. Hes an expert in firearm
weaponry. A skilled tactician and expert in survival tacticts. Also expert in military
She wrinkled her forehead Military Relations. Riedel just said Its something hes
developing. Someday it will become a standard in every single army around the world.
He then added I forgot to say he knows every single member of Weisses Kurzweil very
well. Hes been watching them for quiet some time.
Jennifer sighed Oh.
Colonel Riemann started talking So far, weve seen your performance and we consider
it as outstanding. However, even so we think youre still in a low rank and youll fall into
their hands if you let your guard down. You wont be able to complete your task which
means youll have not a chance to face Weisse Kreuze for yourself, so dont let your
guard down and we wont let ours down too. My job is to give you detailed information
about every member of those damn freaks.



She smiled as sign of trust and he gave her some words to encourage her If you prepare
for this, youll beat them up successfully. You have the skill, the training, the knowledge,
the instinct, the intelligence and the strength enough; all you have to do is to use them
well and keep upgrading them. Just a little bit more. Well take care of that.
Helmholtz stated Remember, technology also counts too. If youre provided and
equipped with the right technology and weaponry, youll succeed on every mission
youre given to. Ill be in touch with you on every mission, starting now.
She said gratefully It will be pleasure working with you. Ill take your advices to
complete my objectives and use them to help your people and military personnel.
Then she asked What about the medical staff?
He replied Thats a part we havent forgotten. Thats good you have mentioned it.
Remember Dr. Hassenbauer right?
Hes still assigned to provide you first aid treatment, drug control information and other
medical support via radio. He is the only one of your former team that wasnt reassigned to another unit.
She then questioned again I understand. Where is he right now?
He replied Hes coming. Lets get back to business.
He then stated Hannover is a comdemned battle zone. Abandoned by our forces,
habitated by a few number of civilians and watched and controlled by the enemy. As I
told you before, we managed to evacuated most of the people around the city, but many
were trapped or refused to leave. Unfortunately, many of who stayed were tortured and
on top of that, were broadcasted live being tortured and killed. Internet, national
televisin and other media were used to broadcast those scary slaughters.
He continued Anyway, we havent received a report from Major Klinsmann or from
anyone of his unit. Besides, its like a ghost city. Silence is deep day after day because of
the description I just gave you. Ill send you to Hannover for your next intervention.
Make contact and find Klinsmann and his unit. Maintain contact with us every time.
Well stay sharp about your location. The rest of your mission briefing will be explained
to you later.
She then mumbled A solo sneaking operation. but he shook his head.
Then he affirmed while grabbing some Intel papers According to this, Schneider and
Kruspe offered themselves as volunteers to help you, so youll have company. Looks like
you made a special friendship with them since your first assignment and thats why they
like you.
She got flattered and mocked You dont know how much.



He gave her green light for her next mission by confirming Tomorrow morning, youll
depart from this base and head to Hannover. To do that, an APC will take you there and
as you can see, the APC contains a lot of different weapon models, so you can choose
the guns you want to use in combat.
She then asked while shrugging And if I want to get extra ammo for my weapons only?
He replied You can do it without any problems or if you wanna do it OSP. Its up to you.
But I recommend you to take more weapons to your arsenal. Enough weapons and
ammo to do your job. Or you can change your arsenal for other guns.
Then he added When you reach Hannover, Ill contact you right away. You will be
known for this mission as the Schlange Einheit.
She wrinkled her forehead and mumbled Snake unit? Sounds good to me.
Colonel Riemann then urged So, what are we waiting for? Lets go. as Lieuteneant
Helmholtz expressed Jawohl.
Riedel saluted and blessed Jennifer Glck-auf Frulein Patterson.
Jennifer replied saluting and smiling Dankeschn General.
General Riedel briefed Jennifer about the location where she was about to be sent for
her next mission. And according to General Riedel, it was another rescue mission
Jennifer was going to carry out.

Chapter III: The Ghost City (Die Geisterstadt)

Parkbhne Wuhlheide Stadium; Berlin, Germany (February 4th, 2001. 0700 hours): The
Bundeswehr Command Joint were preparing for the next mission. Jennifer was already
awaken and brushed her fire red hair out of her eye and made a pony tail with it. She
washed her face and brushed her teeth before getting ready for the mission.
She took her outfit and put it on. Then she grabbed her GSR and put it on her holster
before looking herself through the mirror of her locker and mumbled Lets go Jennifer.
She closed her locker and left the barrack to just find Schneider and Kruspe waiting for
her, armed and ready along with an APC behind them that was waiting to carry them.
Also, the APC was loaded with a powerful arsenal for combat. Before going, she got
dressed, washed her face once more and looked herself through a mirror.
Black Snake, Kruspe and Schneider hopped in the APC and at 0715 hours, the APC parted
from the base to Hannover. Hannover was 160 miles from Berlin so it was a long way to



By the morning, the road was presenting disturbances. The streets were covered over a
huge fog for the battles engaged there... Cars destroyed, bodies of soldiers and civilians
over the streets, and houses burning in flames. Wherever they go, they found the same
level of destruction.
Thats why Hannover is considered as a ghost city. Kruspe and Schneider were serious
and Jennifer was impatient but also upset about what she was watching.
After a long trip, they finally arrived. The APC parked inside a building, which was
considered as bringing cover to the vehicle. General Riedel called the APC to give details
about the mission. He said This is Snake nest. Do you read copy?
Jennifer answered through the intercom Snake nest to Snake unit, we copy.
General Riedel commented I know youve arrived Hannover. So now lets begin.
The APCs screen started to show some images on real time and Riedel briefed as the
three of them listened and paid attention Youre located in this zone. Its one of the
quietest in the city.The man of this picture is Major Manfred Klinsmann. As you can see,
hes old but hes one of the best of my military division. We gave him the opportunity to
command a Special Forces unit, but we lost contact with him and his unit a couple of
days ago. As you know, the city has been evacuated due to many battles held there, so
its completely quiet and there was no way for anyone to be there except for the unit.
Suddenly, Colonel Riemann interrupted This is Riemann. I have a recent report that just
came to us a few moments ago. A very important one, so pay attention because this will
be vital for your mission.
Kruspe nodded Go ahead Colonel. then Riemann continued We checked an image
from a surveillance camera located in a street intersection near you. Apparently, a unit
of Neo-Nazi soldiers were there recently and lead by Olaf Heinecke; one of the members
of Weisse Kreuze. The image showed the unit heavily armed with tanks, missile
launchers and anti-aircraft artillery.
He then warned them Be careful if you engage him. Remember, Weisse Kreuze is a
dangerous organization and every member has a difficulty degree. High, each one and
Heinecke is not out of the question; dangerous, lethal and annoying but still feared. And
with that artillery on his side, it will be a real pain in your asses, not to mention the
nuisance that may cause to you. Stay sharp and watch out.
Jennifer nodded Understood. and Riedel indicated Black Snake, youve heard Oberst
Riemann. Exercise extreme caution. Call anyone of your backup team and us if you need
to. Understand? Schneider? and he replied Copy that.
Riemann continued Kruspe, is that clear? then Kruspe nodded Affirmative. As he did
once more Black Snake?



Jennifer while ready nodded Understood. Commencing rescue operation now. Over
and out. And then she mumbled This will be a very long day. Then she pulled the bolt
of her G-36 as she looked at them and nodded Ok guys, lets move on.
Snake unit got out of the APC, with their guns aiming steady meanwhile the military
vehicle left the area and returned to base. Black Snake along with Schneider and Kruspe
moved from the building to walk through the street.
She was armed with the following weaponry:

Heckler & Koch G-36 5.56 x 45 mm NATO assault rifle.

Heckler & Koch PSG-1 7.62 x 54mm NATO bolt action sniper rifle (Customized).
.45 ACP Caliber SIG-Sauer GSR pistol (customized by the German Military).
An M72 LAW (Light Anti-Tank Weapon) Rocket Launcher.
A CQC Knife.
C4 plastic explosives.

Schneider was equipped with:


Heckler & Koch G-36 5.56 x 45 mm NATO assault rifle.

Heckler & Koch MP5SD2 9 x19mm Parabellum submachine gun.
A .45 ACP Caliber SIG-Sauer GSR pistol.
C4 plastic explosives

Kruspes weapon inventory had:


A Heckler & Koch G-36 5.56 x 45mm NATO assault rifle.

A Heckler & Koch HK33 5.56 x 45 mm NATO assault rifle.
A .45 ACP Caliber SIG-Sauer GSR pistol.
M72 LAW Anti-Tank rounds.
C4 plastic explosives.

While walking through the streets, the three of them were walking to the north in
different sides. Jennifer gave them an order to stop as she could her someone
screaming. Then some shots were fired and they got ready to go into action as a kid was
apparently running away. He was screaming whilst he was being chased by Neo-Nazi
rebels. The kid was running like hell and soldiers were shooting at him. The kid shouted
Hilf mir!!!!! whilst the one of the rebels ordered his six men Feuer Frei!!!
The rebels fired at will against the little kid. The team made contact and Jennifer could
see the kid running away from the seven rebels, but suddenly, a bullet shot reached the
kids heart. Jennifer saw him falling to the ground and got angry about seeing a kid dying
before her eyes once again since the Moscow incident. She shouted NOOO!!!!! You



She fired her assault rifle as Schneider and Kruspe did the same allowing Jennifer to kill
three while Kruspe killed two in pursuit and Schneider chased the rest who tried to run
awayr. She then went right away to aid the fallen kid. She knelt and started to get
nervous of not saving the kids life Im right here kid. Hang in there. Kruspe, get over
She was holding the boy with her hands as she put one on his wound to stop the bleeding
whilst calming him and shouting Dont worry. Youre gonna be fine, just hang on. Damn
it Kruspe, come on!!!!!!! Get over here right now!!!!!!!!
Kruspe reached and demanded What does he need!? and she replied in urgency Give
him some morphine! We need to stabilize him!
Kruspe injected him the morphine but the kid was closing his eyes slowly as result of the
deep bleeding inside his body. Jennifer was shocked and Kruspe noticed Were losing
him!until he closed his eyes. Jennifer got shocked and refused to let him go by shouting
and giving him CPR Damn it!!!! No!!! Please dont leave like this!!! Schneider!!!!!!!!!
She kept giving him CPR and shouting Hang on honey. Youre gonna be okay!!!
Schneider, get over here and help me!!!!!!!!!! as she kept doing it Please, dont! Dont
die on me sweetie!! Dammit! Schneider!!!!!!!
Until she got nuts No!! Schneider!!!!!!! Schneider, come here for Christ
Kruspe put his hand on her shoulder trying to calm her as she broke in tears while
Schneider arrived late to the scene. Kruspe look at his watch and declared Time of
death, 1134 hours. Im sorry. But Jennifer refused to the idea of seeing a kid die in front
of her and her scream echoed all over the zone No, it cant be. Why!!!? WHY!!!!?
Kruspe mumbled These bastards do it as a diversion. They just do it for fun. As Jennifer
groaned Fun? Do they think this is funny? Killing children!? Schneider said Jennifer,
calm down. But Jennifer turned to look at Schneider as she got mad and grinned Calm
down!!? Schneider, Im not gonna be calmed down. After this, I wont.
Schneider noticed an angry and sad look in her eyes as he found out one of her weakest
points I see you dont like to see them die. as she replied mocking in rage Really? Is
that what you think!?
Schneider tried once again to calm her Frulein Patterson. but she refused by her
anger No Schneider, I dont like it. I dont. Goddammit!
Then she echoed in anger once again Motherfuckers!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kruspe told her Come on, we have a job to do. But her spirit went down on lowered
her head. Then she mumbled in tears Job? I dont think I can do it.



Schneider used a soft voice tone by raising her chin and telling her Jen, please. You have
to do it. Kruspe cheered her up by expressing Hes right. We still have time to stop the
killings. Only we have to do is make it into reality. Please.
Jennifer dried her tears off her face and nodded Youre right. Its not too late. We have
work to do. whilst Schneider nodded Thats right, we need you. Then she added
groaning And were going to make them pay for all theyve done. Were going to kick
their asses.
Kruspe cheered Indeed we wll. as Schneider did Damn right.
After recovering her confidence Kruspe asked with a smile So, ready to go? and she
replied nodding Yes.
She picked her G-36 and smiled a little Lets move on. as they resumed the operation
after Jennifer suffered a nervous breakdown. As for the mission, the area was quiet as
hell, with nobody at the streets, except for the cars destroyed during the battles
happened before Jennifers arrival.
The team made their way through the building to be unseen but then Black Snake saw
four men patrolling a street intersection near them. She bit her lips showing
dissatisfaction and ordered whispering You guys take the two watching on the right. Ill
take the other on the left.
She drew her CQC knife after splitting up and sneaked into an abandoned coffee shop
to watched them closely and waited for the right time to make the move.
Kruspe signed and informed Were in position. Jennifer gave them green lit and as
they made their ambushed at the enemy, she sneaked silently. After Schneider and
Kruspe took out the guards with a sneaking tactic and using their knives, the other two
heard them squearming in death and went to check but Jennifer sneaked behind them
and grabbed one by the neck and stabbed the guard in the heart. The other one tried to
attack her by drawing his pistol, but she managed to kill him easily using her CQC skills
before he could take a shot.
After that, the Snake unit kept moving until they reached to the Uttenmacht Street.
Black Snake gave the signal to stop and take cover and dialed Oberst Riemann for more
information This is Black Snake, can you hear me?
Riemann replied Black Snake, this is Schlange Schlupfwinkel we read you. Whats your
status out there?
She said We reached to Uttenmacht Street, nearby a market. as Colonel Riemann
acknowleged I see then. Any enemy sentries? Jennifer affirmed Negative. No
enemies in sight. Then he told her So your status is excellent for now. All right, lets go
to the tough part. Your objectives are: Securing the zone off the Neo-Nazis and make



contact with recon unit commanded by Major Klinsmann. Secondly, destroy the anti-air
artillery to let our troops enter the zone after you clean the area for them.
Jennifer wrinkled her forehead as she heard about the anti-air artillery What? then
she said with sarcasm Great. AA guns.
Riemann didnt like her attitude and said Dont use that voice tone on me frulein.
Youre in a mission, not at school. Thats why youre here; to do this kind of work.
His words made Jennifer clear her mind and stay focused on the mission. She apologized
Sorry Colonel. It will never happen again. Were taking them out.
Then he said with an unpleasant voice tone Wait. Theres something more. Then she
quoted Theres always a catch. Suddenly, Lieutenant Helmholtz briefed them by
adding We tracked a location of a Neo-Nazi military vehicle. A
Flugabwehrkanonenpanzer Gepard HRK-98 prototype.
Jennifer shook her head as Helmholtz kept briefing Its a state-of the-art anti-aircraft
armoured tank. A vehicle that was designed three years ago in Bavaria. The design was
based in the latest models of the tank with same name. Only the difference is that tank
was development during the 1970s. This new model counts with the latest technology
and advanced electronics that no other tank around the world has nowadays. Its
development started three years ago.
He continued The tank was originally built to replace the current models our military
has, but... until Jennifer guessed The project was cancelled. He confirmed Right. The
project was scrapped because there were problems with the budget to mass produce
them, so the military turned down the project too.
She then asked So, that model was stolen? as Helmholtz replied Remember that
most of the army defected to the enemy joining forces in matter of personnel and
General Riedel interfered by saying Listen Patterson, stay focused on your mission.
Major Klinsmann and his unit need you. According to Intel, there are some enemy units
on their way there. If not, you wont stand a chance against them.
Jennifer asked How many? and Riedel replied Dozens of them; armed to the teeth.
She tapped her head but had to cool off because of the huge responsibility she had on
her hands. She took a deep breath and said Okay. Well take care of it.
Riedel appreciated Thanks. and he signed off as they resumed their mission.
They moved to the next street near the area they were located and looked at
everywhere whilst aiming in case of engaging. After that, they spotted enemy soldiers



patrolling a street near them. Apparently, enemy soldiers were looking for hostages to
take them to other places or... take them out.
Jennifer drew her GSR and added a suppressor. She gave orders to Schneider and Kruspe
to get both in position and engage.
Jennifer aimed to a guard and shot the first bullet. In the head, to be precise; Schneider
followed Jennifer by shooting. The soldiers were looking everywhere but they couldnt
find them. However, they called for backup. The backup unit came in three minutes and
were armed with heavy machine guns and other high caliber weapons.
Jennifer shot another soldier, living him lied down with a bullet in his head. Schneider
did the same. Then, a sniper saw them and tried to hit Kruspe but he reacted first. The
shot alerted the soldiers and were shooting at them.
They were firing between them for a long time of battle until Jennifer decided to shoot
them down.
Jennifer and her team were retrieving to other place in the same area. She then drew
her M-72 rocket launcher and fired against them. Many soldiers died and others were
badly wounded. Schneider took a heavy machine gun and Kruspe picked up his HK-33
rifle and did the same thing. Fire at will.
This was the price of that battle; the team defeated the Neo-Nazi unit and left the area
to continue the mission.
The squad reached a destroyed building. Jennifer was very careful and on guard. She
ordered Okay guys, lets split up. Schneider, check the first floor. Kruspe, right flank.
and botj nodded. They went to the check out the building, Jennifer was checking the
first floor and Kruspe checked the back side of the low ground. After searching, they
found nothing but a common empty place.
She dialed Did you find anything, Schneider? and he replied Nein. then she said
Anything yet Kruspe? and he replied Nothing.
She rolled her eyes in despair and sighed Okay then. Regroup. But suddenly, some
footsteps were heard by Jennifer and she held her gun steady. She went to check it out
as she walked slowly. Slowly, as if she was in a horror film, bitting her lips as sign of fear
and adrenaline.
She kept walking and aiming until she heard many rapid footsteps and then she heard a
scream demanding Dont move!! and suddenly, an unknown group of armed men
ambushed her.
She had no escape and then Schneider and Kruspe arrived to aid her and Schneider
shouted Freeze! Some of the group turned and aimed at Jennifers men. The situation



was tense, so tense that a shot could be fired any second. But then, one of the armed
men wrinkled his forehead and put his gun away. He then mumbled Sch Schneider?
Schneider turned to look at him and got shocked. Apparently he was a former
commander of the Bundeswehr ex-captive agent Major?
It turned out he was none other than Major Klinsmann, a loyal experienced soldier yet
excentric who fights for what he believes. A nation free of crime and injustice.
He asked What are you doing here? and he replied Weve got orders to escort you
and get you out of here. Then someone approached him Richard?
He turned to see and found out the man was another comrade of his Landers. You were
sent here too? Landers replied Of course. I was assigned to Major Klinsmanns recon
Klinsmann addressed them and asked Tell me something; how did you do to get rid of
the rebels? Schneider stated We had to clean the area but it wasnt that easy.
He then added They were armed to teeth, thirst for blood. They were serious as shit, I
mean, really serious Sir. Were leaving now.
Klinsmann asked Who is she? and Kruspe introduced her to Klinsmann Shes the main
cause of the enemys annihilation and their main pain in their racist asses.
Major Klinsmann alleged mocking at her What? But look at her. Its a girl; just a girl
with a cute face. Come on Schneider, tell me something thats true, not a fanstasy game.
Theres no way for a woman who commands a unit.
She looked at him with a cold stare and then Klinsmann demanded Name and rank
kittycat. And she saluted even knowing she was being mocked in front of everyone
around her Jennifer Patterson at your service. 1st Class operative from I.S.A.F. working
with the 32nd tactical division. Foreign of course.
Major Klinsmanns mocking look turned angry and yelled with sarcasm Oh great. Thats
just great! Not only youre a woman, but youre American. What a fucking joke! Jennifer
wrinkled her forehead and said while pissed What are you talking about?!
He looked like a beast loose from its cage and shouted while everyone looked at them
shocked Goddammit! Why did you come here? Damn Yankees! Leave us! This is not
your war!!!
Schneider saw Klinsmanns behavior getting worse, so he decided to calm him down.
Dont you get it!? When all this is over, the Americans will invade our country!
Americans. Hah! They think theyre owners of everything



Jennifer got angry and interrupted Klinsmann by yelling Hey! Hey! I know the
government isnt perfect. But let me tell you something; first of all, Im not like that
fascist of Bush. I dont protect him, not even I serve him.
She then added Secondly, Im here to help the needed. Not to invade you and much
less taking anything from you.
An upset Major Klinsmann alleged while staring at her like she was an enemy I dont
agree. While she shook her head and mumbled without grace Youre acting like one
of them.
He then approached to her face to face and ordered her Go back to America and never
She stared at him serious and refused while he yelled Thats an order!
She replied at his face Im sorry, but I dont follow your orders.
After hearing her words, Klinsmann stepped away from her as he shook his head
unpleasant and turned while everybody knew the situation was hot and something was
going to happen between them.
Suddenly, he turned again and drew his pistol attempting to aim it at her but she reacted
before he could point it at her by taking it off his hands and knocking him down.
Although she didnt want to do it, she did anyway.
Klinsmann watched Jennifer while on the floor after her attack on him as he had a
shocked look not believing what he was witness of. She tossed the gun and everybody
was slack-jawed.
He then demanded Lbing, Trenstahl arrest her! but somehow, they refused to
follow the command, even one coming from one of the Heers best tacticians, as he
demanded once again Do it! but they refused once more. Upset, he shouted Whats
wrong with you?! as she told him Major, Im relieving you from your command. Youre
not on well conditions.
After that, he stood up as he watched her commanding his unit. She pointed at one of
Klinsmanns men You, soldier. Name? He saluted her Officer Karl Heinrich Lehmann
to serve you, maam.
She asked Whats the main reason for you to be here, Herr Lehmann? using a very
serious voice tone, like an experienced commanding officer, contrasting her actual
background. Klinsmann was blinded by his anger and distrust towards Jennifer and did
nothing but to keep looking what she was doing.
Lehmann replied her question We were sent for a reconnaissance mission as a group
of journalists to interview some of them, but they knew who we were all of the



sudden. Somebody set us up and captured us. Fortunately we were able to break away,
although with the cost of few comrades.
Then, Officer Trenstahl of the unit added Several Neo-Nazi units came here and
occupied the area. Were the only men here defending the people of this city, not to
mention we got information about strike points from the enemy. Those guys are a very
serious shit.
Jennifer didnt catch it and asked What are you talking about? and he stated Weisse
Kreuze is planning a lethal scheme against our nation using
And he said Nuclear weapons.
Jennifers curious look turned into a stoned one after hearing Trenstahls confession
about the enemy, as he took out some documents unveiling one of the many evil
schemes Weisse Kreuze is preparing against their foes and wont stop fighting until they
get what they want by any means necessary, even causing a nuclear holocaust and
probably starting a new world war.
Then, a man approached with some documents handing them to Jennifer and started
talking We just gathered them a few days ago. Look at the heavy artillery at the
pictures. SCUD missile launchers watching the facilities that once were ours and other
anti-air artillery they got from God only knows where.
Then he added Look at this picture, the majority of WK members gathering for some
kind of meeting with their followers. We took it a few moments before we got caught.
Although we managed to lure them, they closed our exits to leave the zone.
Then she said So youll do as well. Then the man raised his eyebrows Come again?
as she replied Were not leaving of this place.
Schneiders look turned shocked and approached her What are you doing? We have to
get out of here. Remember we have a mission to do and thats taking them out of the
area. Theres no backup and no extraction if anything or everything goes wrong and you
know that. And Jennifer said with bravery Thats something I aint worried about. The
thing that bothers me is the fact we arent fighting them as we should. And guess what?
Were gonna take them out, along with the deadly artillery they got on their hands.
Then she looked at one of them and demanded Hey, you! Get over here. Identify
yourself. And he did Jerome Odenmacht maam. She gave him an order Prepare your
team. Were going to battle. We leave in two.
Schneider approached her What are you doing this time? and she replied Our
objective is destroying the enemy heavy artillery. And he added And rescuing
Klinsmanns team.



Jennifer said So? The most people, the better. She looked at him seriously and
remarked Schneider, this isnt the time for advices. I know this is crazy, but weve got
to finish the mission one way or another. Do you feel me?
Schneider replied reluctantly I dont feel you this time, but youre right. Weve got to
finish this no matter what it takes.
Jennifer nodded and she and Schneider returned as Odenmacht appraoched her aonce
again Maam, what do you want us to do with the Major? Shall we take his weapons
off him? and she replied No. Just watch him.
Major Klinsmann was confused so as one of his men Why? and she replied with a little
smile Hes a noble soldier, not a traitor. Hes just blinded and he doesnt understand
that sometimes anyone could need help from someone else. Even though that person
isnt from his nationality.
Everyone was staring at her in sense of admiration towards her and left the area heading
to the objective zone using a car due it was quite far away from where they were.
As soon as they were closing to the objective area according to a map that Klinsmanns
unit had, they could realize the level of destruction around the city while people were
afraid of getting out to the streets.
During the trip, Jennifer asked some questions How did they do that? and Odenmacht
wrinkled his forehead while curious about her question and asked too What are you
talking about? and she replied Yeah. I mean, that big number of followers, that heavy
firepower, those skilled soldiers they have, where do they get them?
Odenmacht replied Most of the army joined them; scientists, high-rank officers,
recruits, top operatives, informants, among others. Many of them had some contacts
with weapons developers and dealers. WK are formed by some of the most formidable
people in their respective areas, law, police enforcement, military, recon, intelligence,
even riots. And what will you expect from someone like Jrn Raltzinger supporting them.
Such a poisonous tongue. His actions and speeches drove the country crazy causing riots
and shootings, but thats gonna end as soon as we catch him down.
Jennifer lowered her head while smiling and said in a mocking tone Schneider, tell him.
as he did That wont be necessary Odenmacht. Jrn Raltzinger and his son are both
Odenmacht wrinkled his forehead as the rest got shocked, even Klinsmann couldnt
believe such a bit of news like that and Trenstahl asked immediately Hows that
Schneider stated They were faced by a smart operative and fell so easily like a criminal
facing a comic book superhero. I saw their corpses lying on the floor. Odenmacht asked



Who could take them out that easy? and Schneider remarked Youre sitting in front
of her.
Everybody were so shocked that Klinsmann got slack-jawed, although he didnt want to
admit that as he said Thats bullshit. His comment made Jennifer upset so as both
Schneider and Kruspe who were witnesses of Raltzingers fall. Then Klinsmann said I
mean, how did she do that? No one will take out the leader of an enemy organization
just like that. Less bare handed. The Raltzinger arent that easy.
Jennifer replied back with a single Maybe they are. Or were, should I say. as he
demanded Oh yeah? Really? Prove it. Prove that Im so wrong about you and your so
called assistance here.
Jennifer stared at him raising her arm asking Kruspe for something. Kruspe took out the
pictures he took before of his pocket and handed them to Jennifer as she showed them
to a blinded and proud Major Klinsmann.
He took the pictures to look at them carefully, but neither such reliable prooves like
those pictures didnt convince him at all as he stated These are fakes. and Kruspe
yelled What? Are you kidding us? Cmon man!! Look at them! You can see those
trademark face features of theirs at the pics. Dont deny it. Its them.
Klinsmann knew it in the inside but his pride didnt allow him to be open dealing with
the fact that Jennifer took them out without any assistance and he continued attacking
Jennifer Thats false. Geez, look at her. Shes obviously an insider; working with the
enemy! Hure!! Jennifer had no choice but to slap him in the face after being ofended
by Klinsmann. He tried to draw his pistol but Kruspe approached fast to keep his hands
off the holster by holding him so hard until submitting him completely.
Then Kruspe released him and Klinsmann only grinned as he was being watched by
Schneider and Odenmacht pointing their guns at him while Jennifer decided to ignore
his statements and opinions towards albeit keeping his work relationship with him due
to her commitment with the German Army.
After the argue Trenstahl asked Is it true Patterson? How did you do that? so as
Lbing Yeah, how did you do that? and Jennifer sighed and spit it out I sneaked into
the city successfully during day time thanks to someone who was held hostage and
escaped from them. He helped me to sneak in and get inside the place where both
Schneider and Kruspe were also captive. During my path, I confronted some rebels that
were heavily armed and had to take them out.
The place was the famous cathedral in Dresden known by yourselves as the
Frauenkirche. When I got inside, I saw hostages being watched by soldiers so I had to go
in silently and took them out. After that, I went to look for my targets, Schneider and
Kruspe in that case, but then I was caught as I approached to rescue both people here.



Odenmacht wrinkled his forehead Who? and Kruspe replied The mouth and brain.
as Jennifer continued I wasnt aware of their presence and got caught. Had no choice
but to face them by myself bare-handed.
Landers then asked Did you? When did that happen? She replied Yesterday. and
Schneider added Yeah. After her brawl with the Raltzingers, I got shot during our
breakout by a sniper who was waiting for us. I thought I was going to die for a second
time, but this girl here didnt leave me behind and helped me surviving him. She
distracted him using a grenade giving her some time to drag to a safe location away from
his sight. And eventually, she killed him at the right time with a sniper rifle.
Kruspe then expressed Quiet an adventure of yesterday gentlemen. Let me tell you this
woman is quiet a valuable asset, albeit new. Shes not only stealth, but also a
pathfinder. as Jennifer smiled No way. Im just doing my job. Then Schneider pointed
out Anyway, I fear missions in the future would be tougher to complete. This is just the
beginning people, so lets not fuck this up.
After almost an hour on the road, the team finally arrived the zone but they It was
heavily guarded by anti-air artillery, armored trucks, tanks and lots of soldiers well
armed so they parked somewhere away from harms way and went in the watched zone.
As soon as they got out of the car, they went on position to infiltrate and engage, even
though being inferior in number against the enemy.
Jennifer was up point and got worried about Schneider saying Are you sure you can
make it with that wound? I mean, that gunshot can bleed once again if you work hard.
and he replied with his cool Relax, Ill be fine. This time I got your back. and she smiled
in gratitude nodding as the team entered in action.
Every single place in the area was heavily watched by Neo-Nazi rebels armed with G-36
assault rifles and MP-5 sub-machine guns so there was no time for making mistakes.
Before splitting, Jennifer indicated Odenmacht, you and your team take out the four
turrets up the north. My team and I are taking out the other four and the tanks.
Odenmacht nodded and they proceeded spltting and Jennifer and her team did as well
taking Klinsmann with her so she can watch him closely. Then she looked at him and
asked Ready Major? but he didnt reply politely and just said Yes. With an indifferent
voice tone towards her still showing his pride.
They moved to the points where the AA guns were posted, but each one was guarded
by two men, so it was time to work on. Kruspe distracted them by grabbing a stone and
throwing it making a sound. One of them went to check it out and was ambushed by
Schneider pinning him so hard against the floor and Jennifer asked him before putting
him to sleep How many are there?! How many of you are watching here?! Answer
me!? and he replied while being held down on the floor by Schneider Dozens. Dozens,
but you wont get away with this. Were not stopping until we fulfill our very purpose
and theres nothing you fuckers can do about it... and Klinsmann got him up and
punched him in the face as he continued submitting him; his rage towards the Neo-Nazi
man was uncontrollable as Jennifer just watched Klinsmann beating up the rebel. Then



she intervined knowing it was enough for such a punishment asking Klinsmann to stop.
Then they heard a shot coming from one of the AA gun turrets so there was no time to
waste as they kept moving while leaving the rebel knocked out.
After that, one of Odenmachts men named Stauffenberg called This is Stauffenberg
from Omega, can you hear me? as Jennifer replied Black Snake here, I read you. Over.
What do you got?
Odenmacht said Were near one of the turrets, but its watched by some guys dressed
like old SS soldiers. Theyre trying recreate WW IIs old days. Were ready to strike them
up. as Jennifer said So as we. Let the fun begins before they spoil the party.
Jennifer moved to a hidden position to snipe and the others headed to the turrets to
plant some explosives on them. She hid into a building surrounded by scrap and debris
for a perfect sniping spot. She picked her PSG-1 and aimed one of the enemies at the
head and pulled the trigger leaving the first kill on the count. Then Schneider, Kruspe
and Klinsmann placed the explosives on the first of four AA gun turrets they had to burn
into flames. Jennifer saw them through the rifles scope taking out some of the enemies
remaining with their own hands. Then Odenmacht called Jennifer Omega here.
Explosives placed and in time. Awaiting orders. and Jennifer answered Roger, Omega.
Wait for my go, out.
Suddenly, some soldiers reached and fired against Jennifers mates so she so fought back
by sniping. Klinsmann was impressed by Jennifers outstanding sniping skill as he could
see the enemies falling down from the shots fired but Schneider and Kruspe didnt stand
there without doing anything so they engaged them as well defeating the enemy. After
the enemys annihilation, Jennifer got out from her sniping spot joined her team to look
for the tanks and take them out. The tanks were stationed at a location about a mile
nearby Jennifer and her team were so they headed their way there.
After arriving, Jennifer and hear team proceeded engaging the soldiers that were
guarding the tanks and eventually fell down against her and her team. After the strike,
they proceeded to plant the explosives on the tanks as Odenmacht dialed her Omega
here. Frulein, were waiting for your call. and she replied I need a few more minutes.
Were just planting the C4s on the tanks. Out.
She signed off and after planting the explosives, she gave Schneider the greenlit to the
explosives detonations placed on the AA guns making the mission almost successful.
Jennifers teammates looked for any enemy survivors as she looked for the tank
prototype the Neo-Nazis stole from the Heer, but she didnt find it thinking it got away
and joined her team, then she ordered Odenmacht via radio Burn them down. and the
detonations were heard. Then, civilians went out from their houses to see what
happened as they saw Jennifer and her team watching the area. Then she dialed Colonel
Riemann Black Snake here. Weve rescued Klinsmanns unit and weve just burned the
AA artillery into ashes. But I couldnt find the prototype the enemy stole from you. Im
afraid it left before weve arrived. In the meantime, you can send your troops now.



Riemann sounded satisfied by saying Good job Black Snake. Youre just getting better
and better. Well take it out eventually when we have the chance. Keep it up.
Then she asked What about extraction? and he replied Were sending choppers
carrying men from our Special Forces unit along with soldiers being carried by trucks.
Well bring some help for the civilians who were being held in their own houses during
the NN watch. Ill brief when they arrive to your location. In the meantime, keep an eye
on them. Dont let them to be harmed.
She sighed Okay, well do. Black Snake out.
Schneider approached to ask her What did they tell you? and she replied him Theyll
send a choppers unit along with troops to aid these people. Theyll be here soon, but we
have to watch here closely. so the team needed to keep watching as the German troops
were on their way.
After a few minutes of watching, Jennifers radio rang and answered Black Snake here,
whats going on? and it was a call coming from Lieutenant Helmholtz saying Helmholtz
here. Black Snake, we have a problem. What do you mean? she asked with concern
and Helmoltz replied Theres an enemy unit heading to your way now.
She reacted negatively by saying What? This cant be happening. Then she indicated
Schneider, lets get back. Get Kruspe and the Major back here now. The enemy hasnt
gave up yet.
She kept asking to Helmholtz How many? and he replied Dozens on foot at least, but
there are trucks and other transport vehicles on their side so they could be more.
Jennifer shouted and sighed Damn it! Okay, stay cool. Then she asked ETA? and he
replied Twelve minutes.
Then she told him All right, were moving on. Black Snake out. Suddenly after signing
off, civilians came out from their houses. After seeing that, she alleged by saying with a
loud voice tone Stay at home people. Its not safe for you to step outside. Go back inside
and stay safe until further notice. But then Klinsmann told her Frulein, leave this to
me as she turned to look at him surprised and asked You sure? and he replied calm
and with some gratitude at her I am. We need the more people we can get. Were at
war after all and besides, youve done enough for today.
Then he ordered stepped on in a loud voice tone Okay everyone, listen up; the enemy
has being wiped out for the moment, but it hasnt ended so we need you to take every
single weapon to fight. We cannot keep hiding in our houses anymore, we need to act
from now on.
Jennifer was surprised and impressed for his courage of fighting the enemy no matter
what it could take. He continued recruiting people for the fight Here. There are lots of
different weapons you can choose. Take the one you like and get prepared. Men,



prepare to fight and you women, better hide some place you consider safe, unless you
want to join the cause. As people were shocked he shouted You wanna still live!?
Come on, lets go!!
Jennifer nodded as proof of respect towards encouraging people to fight the enemy and
Schneider approached her asking about Klinsmanns action Whats happening? and
she replied Were on, thats what is happening. Then she ordered with confidence
Bring Kruspe here and help Klinsmann to assemble this people. as he said with a smile
Yes, maam.
Then Odenmacht and his men got back and reunited with Jennifer and he asked What
do we got frulein? and she replied him Theres an enemy unit incoming. She
continued I need you guys to assemble everyone here with guns, bottles, stakes,
anything else you can find to arm them. God only knows how many of them are coming.
Odenmacht, find and get any anti-tank weapons; RPGs, M-72s, whatever you find bring
them here. Stauffenberg, go up to the roof of that building in front of us and as soon as
you get to the top, brief me about what you see. Lehmann youre with me.
Then Lindemann called her Black Snake this is Snake Nest. Enemy transport vehicles
approaching. Watch out, we have images of the Flugabwehrkanonenpanzer Gepard on
their side. I repeat, the tank prototype is getting closer to your position.
Jennifer wasnt unpleasant while hearing such a confirmation like that and she rolled
her eyes Great, just what we needed. We shouldnt have destroyed the turrets.
Lindemann said I know this sounds difficult, but you have to withstand them. You must
do it. and Jennifer replied him I know. Were getting assembled as fast as we can to
fight them. Major Klinsmann is preparing civilians here to get into battle.
Lindemann sounded confused What? Are you gonna taking civilians into battle? and
she replied I know it sounds crazy and I dont like making people to get involved in this
kind of situations, if we dont fight united, we will fall into their hands.
Lindemann stated I know and thats why you need to be focused on the mission so I
need you to stand your ground. Ill see what I can do to help you from here.
Jennifer thanked him and signed off as the people were getting armed. Schneider dialed
her as she was heading with Stauffenberg to some place where they can engage the
enemy. Schneider said Jennifer, we have some good news. She wrinkled her forehead
What do you mean?
Schneider explained her According to a man whos right beside me, most of these
people here are part of an anti Neo-Nazi resistance group whom have been fighting for
quiet a while. After losing a battle against the NN army, theyve been planning a
counterstrike but we came in due time before they could do it in the first place, so these
people are fighters after all.



Jennifer sighed Thank God, at least they know how to use a gun. Assemble and prepare
them. Stay with Klinsmann. As he said You got it. Roger that. Kruspe arrived meeting
Jennifer and said Im here Jennifer. Whatcha need? and she asked him I need you to
take women and children out of harms way by hiding them in a safe place. I dont want
a tragic slaughter here. Then come back and join me.
Kruspe nodded Count on it and rushed to evacuate in someway women and children
out of the battlefield as the enemies were closing in. After that, she looked for
something to set up as a trap, but found nothing. Nevertheless, she forgot to look in her
back and found a C-4 charge and dialed Lbing Lbing, do you copy? and he answered
Ja, Im right here frulein. Anything you need? and she ordered I want you to come
to me. I need your help. and he went right away to assist her.
He approached her and she told him I want a favor to ask you. Im going to place this
C4 charge right here so I want you to watch it closely and wait for my signal. As soon as
those sons of bitches approach, send them straight to hell, understood? and he nodded
Yes maam! then she said Take this detonator, Im counting on you. and she put her
hand on his should as sign of trust upon him. She proceeded to place it in the middle of
the street and left it to Lbing before returning to keep assemble what was left to be
ready enough to withstand the enemy.
A few minutes later Klinsmann dialed Jennifer who was surprised for his changed
attitude towards her Frulein Patterson, do you copy?
Jennifer answered his call Patterson here, whats going on Major? and he informed
Troops gathered. Were ready to fight the enemy.
Jennifer was glad and lauded Great job Major. Well be ready too in shortly. Patterson
out. as Stauffenberg dialed her too Black Snake this is Stauffenberg, do you read me?
Jennifer answered as she was watching people getting organized for a payback against
the Neo-Nazis I read you. What do you got? and he warned her Enemy soldiers and
vehicles incoming. I can see theyre serious this time. ETA in five.
Jennifer asked him Do you have anything to engage them from the top? and he replied
him Ive got an FN sniper rifle. I found it when I got on top. Unsure, she asked him Are
you sure you can handle it from there?
He replied with enthusiasm Sure I am. Ill take care of it from here. Besides, Ive been
waiting for a moment like this one. and she smirked All right then. If thats what you
want, go ahead with it.
After signing off, she reloaded her PSG-1 sniper rifle, got serious and echoed loudly Five
minutes! Theyll be here in five minutes! Everybody, take your positions! Everyone
around ran to their battle positions as her echo was listened clear and Jennifer went to
get a spot to fight.



The area was quiet like a desert, with nobody walking on the streets as the enemy were
getting closer and Jennifer watching through her rifles scope.
The enemy were finally there; they arrived to the area their comrades were annihilated;
soldiers carrying G-36s rifles and light machine guns, but also WWII old firearms as MP40s sub-machine guns, Sturmgewehr-44 rifles and Walther P-38 pistols due to some of
those soldiers were veteran Nazi soldiers who were called back for action, but also the
rest of those people who carried those guns were sons, nephews and grandsons of
former officers who fought the bloody WWII.
Jennifer was quiet shocked for the number of enemy soldiers they had to withstand. She
saw soldiers coming out from their vehicles watching lots of faces expressing shockness,
sadness but most of all anger and hunger for revenge. She was kinda of nervous, but
she knew she had to leave her fears behind if she wanted to live.
The enemies were walking carefully, looking at everywhere holding their guns steady as
she kept her aiming as well at the head of one of the rebel soldiers. She kept doing it as
they were getting closer as she was waiting for them to be in a perfect position to
ambush and open fire against them.
She took the rifles safety off and Pulled the trigger; killing one of them.
The sound of the shot echoed all around the area that most of got motionless. As if it a
trance. Then she whispered Stauffenberg, fire. And another fireshot sound echoed as
well, killing another enemy rebel soldier. Suddenly, all hell broke loose; bullet ravages
hitting the walls and wrecked cars, everyone taking cover to be away from the steel rain,
weapons being reloaded quickly and screamings of anger echoing the battle zone.
The local resistance group was attacking the NN soldiers with courage and the German
Military personnel was doing it as well, but the enemy wasnt going to fall that easy as
they were carrying heavy firepower. Suddenly, a big projectile was fired from a long
distance, hitting a building and provoking it to fall down and affecting the Army with
their positions.
Jennifer saw it, and in anger tried to find the one who did it by looking at through the
scope of her gun but found nothing. Then she moved to help her team, but another
projectile was fired coming straight. Jennifer reacted by making a tiger roll, avoiding the
shot and saving her life. Unfortunately, the shot destroyed the German military post,
making them were exposed to any other attack from the enemy. Then, a scream echoed
Dieses ist grauer Adler Gegend!!!
Jennifer turned to look as both sides ceased fire and Schneider told her via radio That
voice. Its him! Jennifer wrinkled her forehead as she was watching a tank coming out
of some kind of optic camouflage added on it. Everybody was shocked and then the tank
fired its .50 caliber machine gun right at Jennifer and her men but she managed to dodge
them by rolling and taking cover so as her partners did by taking cover using the walls of
buildings around and wrecked cars. Stauffenberg dialed Jennifer Who the hell is that?!



and she replied worried Its that scumbag bastard of Heinecke freak, one of those
Weisse Kreuze monsters and looks like hes pissed. and Kruspe, who returned after
getting the non-fighter personnel out of the area said What did I miss? and she said in
a mocking tone Look for yourself. Well have some fun here after all with Heinecke.
Kruspe mocked as well Heinecke inside a tank? Nice! Thats what I was talking about.
Lets enjoy some payback. as Jennifer wrinkled her forehead Payback? Then he
alleged He was the one who ambushed us in the first place. Soon after, he brought us
to Raltzinger and the stubborn bastard of his son. Schneider and I want his head much
more than the army does so try not to kill him. We both want him in front of us and
enjoy our tasty revenge on him.
Jennifer smiled Well see it. making him to wait for his request, if it becomes a reality,
then she asked him Here, take this. It may come it handy, so use it if necessary before
giving him an M-72 launcher and kept aiming with her PSG-1 after. On the spur of the
moment, Jennifer wrinkled her forehead while watching the tanks hatch being opened
and someone getting out of it. Everybody kept their aim steady as a big and heavy-set
figure showed off the tank with a comm device on his hand and shouted through it
There is a filthy invader on your side!!!!!!! You should join your real comrades!!!!! The
pure Germans!!!!!!! THE ARYANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Then he pointed Jennifer with his finger and stated However, Im very surprised about
you my dear. But whatever youve done I doubt you did that all by yourself. So what do
you think about you and me, having a fancy little showdown right here, with nobody
around but both of us; fighting until the last soldier standing?
Jennifer got worried about that and yelled Theres no way youre gonna make me
accept your offer. Its ridiculous! and then she declared Why just dont you cut the
crap and give up already? If you do, I promise were not gonna hurt you. However if you
resist, youre gonna pay the consequences of what you and your men can suffer, Olaf
After listening to Jennifers offer to him of surrender, Heinecke did nothing more but
laugh to death, maniacally; like a comic book supervillain.
Then he lauded mocking at her Impressive! Youre really, really smart! Then he added
in rage But unfortunately for you, this will be your last day in this country and this
world. That intelligence, that beauty, that attitude; wasted in someone like you.
Americans, you think you can interfere in everyones business.
He then cried out angrier And thats why Ill battle you. Im going to set you free and
send you straight to hell!!!!!! as he pointed out and demanded Jennifers allies And
you traitors; dont even think about get in our way!!!!! Dont interfere in our fight!!!!!!!
Or I will tear you apart!!!!!!
People pointed their guns at each other as Jennifer raised her hand demanding her team
and anti-rebel allies to hold their fire. Then she alleged Is that what you really want!?



All right then, Ill make your wish come true! before she stepped in holding her G-36
and reloading it for battle. Then she dared him Why dont just just come here and get
what you want?!
He had a dark smirk on his face but shook his head, however, as result of it, Jennifer did
as well and dared him What? Are you scared of being beaten by a girl, you Nazi
blockhead?! with nothing more but making him angrier than he was and ordered his
crew Aaaaaaagh!!!! Lets crush this bitch!! Step on it!!!! so the tank speeded up and
headed to Jennifer while shooting at her allies, but her allied team fought back.
However, she wasnt afraid of it as she had a plan but Kruspe didnt see it that way and
criet out via radio Black Snake, get the hell out of there! Nonetheless, she refused and
replied before talking to Lbing via radio Not now Kruspe. Lbing, wait for my go. as
Lbing replied Understood. Awaiting orders! And she whispered smirking Keep it
coming, keep it coming, keep it coming.
The tank was smashing everything on its path with its modified heavy machine guns and
modified mounted 105 mm cannon being used against the rivals and Jennifer did
nothing more but standing and waiting for the right time to counterattack.
It was getting closer and closer and Jennifer was impatient but suddenly, Lbing called
Its in it! The tank fell into the trap! and Jennifer ordered Do it! and she saw the
explosion of the C4 charge on the tank, stopping it from fighting as she proceeded to
run to get spot and fired at the rebels and with her G36. It was such a strong and critical
blow for the Neo-Nazi resistance that the rest of them who werent by the allies decided
to kill themselves instead of being captured.
The allies hailed their victory and praised Jennifer for her performance as many took
their weapons and started celebrating for victory but then echoed Guys. Guys. GUYS!!
This isnt over yet! Also, many people still need our help so we have to keep going.
Then Klinsmann approached to Jennifer and asked Frulein Patterson, we need to get
of this place. And she said I know, Im working on it. Im gonna ask for some helicopters
for pickup. then she asked him Major, there are some people, civilians in this case for
whom need to be evacuated. We cant allow them to fight this bloody battle. I need
some of your men to find them. and he nodded calling a few Okay then. Trenstahl,
Landers! Go with Frulein Patterson and follow her. but she said No. Actually go with
Kruspe. I ordered him to hide them somewhere. Let me call him. Kruspe, come here!
Kruspe approached her and she ordered Go with them and show them where you hid
the civilians. And he nodded Right away.
Then Jennifer dialed Riemann but she got no response and it was quiet weird for her so
she tried again to get in touch. However, it was useless as Klinsmann noticed the look
on her face asking her What is it? and she replied while concerned and confused Ive
got no response. I dont know why. Ill try once more.



She dialed once again but got nothing and expressed Its not working. Somethings not
right. and Klinsmann tried to get into communication with Trenstahl but it was useless
too. He then said confused as well I cant get in touch. and Jennifer, after watching
Klinsmanns useless attempt echoed Stauffenberg Stauffenberg, do you see
anything!? and he replied, confused as the others What do you mean? And why are
you holling?
She said We cant use the radio. Our comm link broke down. It looks like its jammed
or something. Do you see anything? and Stauffenberg took his binoculars to see if there
was something near there that was interfering their comm link somehow but he didnt
find anything in sight and holled Negative, I dont see anything around. It seems like
our link is broken naturally. Lets wait a while to see if it returns.
Then she told Klinsmann Wait here. Ill be right back. And went to check the tank but
found nothing but then, she heard the tank restarting its engine and started shooting at
her allies, restarting the fight, she tried to hop in the tank to shoot them but she was
hit in the face and by someone inside after trying to open the hatch and fell to the
ground. Some of them tried to help her but they couldnt as the tank started firing
mortars at them making it impossible to aid Jennifer and someone went outside and got
on its 7.62 mm machine gun to operate it and started shooting at Jennifer giving her no
choice but to run away and the tank started chasing her as the tank kept firing at
Jennifers partners with its multiple mortar cannons and Heinecke remerged by crying
out through the loudspeaker You thought you had taken me out?! You thought it was
going to be that easy?!
Then he laughed out loud Hahahahahahaha!!!!! and did it as he kept firing at her
partners. She took cover over a wall and engaged it by firing her G36 but she knew it
wasnt going to be scratched at all using bullets, so she grab a grenade and threw at it.
The grenade exploded and hit the tank but it wasnt enough and she kept running but
and for the worst, the tank disappeared all of the sudden as its cloacking mode was
enabled to complicate Jennifer more than expected.
She dashed hard and hid inside an abandoned house away from the tank and the
explosions. She was scared and felt guilty for leaving her team behind so tried to get in
touch by dialing Schneider to see if the comm signal had returned and ask for help
Schneider? Schneider this is Black Snake. Do you read me? Schneider, this is Black Snake
do you read me? Over. but it was another useless try.
Suddenly, she heard an explosin nearby her location, went upstairs and hid over wall
and watched the street through a window while bitting her lips sat on the floor and hit
it with her fist feeling herself guilty. Then, she heard a mortar sound coming closer and
she took cover as the mortar hit the ground about three meters near the house and
then, she heard many mortars coming her way and dashed fast to leave as the mortars
were getting closer to hit the house and blow it sky high. And she managed to get out
unscathed by throwing herself to the ground and staying in there while the mortar
projectiles blew the house in pieces, but danger wasnt over yet.



Heinecke cried out I can see you, Darling! You wont get away from me alive!!! and
screamed with laughter and kept firing more mortars at Jennifer as she stood up and
kept running away from him, but Heinecke hadnt done yet by firing the tanks modified
105 mm cannon blowing up an entire building and Jennifer turned back to see it while
dashing fast as the tank was behind and chasing her. It was stepping on and Jennifer
kept dashing, but she managed to threw a grenade detonating at the tank causing on it
light damage. Soon after, Jennifer continued dashing until finding another place the hide
and this time was an abandoned bank. Jennifer stopped and hid in there as she was
trying to catch her breath.
Suddenly, she started to hear a ringing sound and felt a little vibration inside her suit,
meaning one thing
The comm link was back and her radio sounded This is Helmholtz, Frulein Patterson
can you hear me? This is Helmholtz, do you read me? Over. and she immediately
answered Black Snake here! Thank God!! At last someone I can read!! Helmholtz, I need
your help right now or I will be dead meat! and he stated I know. Im tracking you by
radar and the satellite shows us some activity from you and the Gepard tank. I know its
stupid but I need you to calm down so I can give you a hand from here. Can you do that
for me? and she said stammering I I I think so.
Helmholtz started explaining while she was running away Okay. The Gepard as I told
you before, is an advanced anti-air armored vehicle developed a few years back. Its
armed with 2 35 mm autocannons and 7.62 x 51 mm machine guns along with 2
quad 76mm smoke grenade dischargers. However, the Neo-Nazis made some mods on
it by putting a .50 caliber machine gun, a 105 mm cannon and 120 mm mortar
He kept adding Also, its equipped with a night visin system and a thermal scanner
system that allow it to fight in night missions and anti-air defense situations. Lets not
forget the jammer, which is used to interrupt any communications link nearby it what
apparently youve destroyed it. And then she said agitating Nice. And what about the
cloacking system? Is that another mod they made on it too?
Helmholtz replied Actually, thats an original feature we gave it to the tank, but it was
one of the factors for its cancellation for mass production. The costs for its cloacking
technology were too high. However, Jennifer then asked Does that bloody tank have
any flaw or weak point so I can take it as an advantage to destroy it, if I can?
Helmholtz asked What do you mean? and she replied Ive never faced an armored
vehicle like a tank. Less such a monster like this one. Could you just tell me about how
to destroy it before it kills me?! If it is not too much to ask?! Quick!
Helmholtz asked Is that thing in stealth mode? and she replied Affirmative. I cant see
shit. Then, he planned a strategy against it Okay. This is what youre going to do; The
tank is cloacked and passing around the city, so what you need to do is to find a grenade.
A chaff grenade.



She raised her eyebrows and asked while getting hid inside a small grocery. Chaff
grenade? What the hell is that? and Helmholtz replied Its a type of non-lethal
detonation device. Chaff consists of small aluminium strips that are specifically designed
to confuse radar frequencies, and normally used by aircraft to fool missile radar. The
individual strips are cut in such a way that they wreak havoc with radar's transmitted
frequencies. The chaff grenade is a combination of a wide-dispersal system for such
strips and an electronic jamming system similar in effect to a magnetic pulse; it fools
most electronic devices in the current room, including security cameras, radios, and
some types of UAV.
She then asked while confused You said it jams any radar and radio frequency, huh? So
I guess my electronic devices will be affected as well, am I right? and he said Yes, but
you can also reveal its location due to the grenade can affect its stealth system, jamming
it for a while and that can help you to face it.
She asked And how could you assist me? and he replied The jamming phase only lasts
about thirty seconds. One minute with the most. Soon after, do your own.
She then alleged unpleasant This isnt a good idea, its like going to the wolfs den.
Then Helmholtz added No need to worry. I can see you destroyed its jammer so you
can jam it without any problems. Not to mention its system gets sloppy easily after
getting jammed. Its one of its main weaknesses.
Jennifer was surprised and commented Wow, I never imagined the hand grenades
would be that useful. So thats why our comm link was blocked, due to its jammer. And
Helmholtz remarked Well, basically the jammer had a anti-jamming receptor that let
the tank interfere any electronic signals and radio transmissions without being affected
on its systems.
Then he said But anyway, lets snap out of it. Find some chaff grenades and use them
against the enemy. Ill be watching you as you go. She said back Roger. Ill blow them
off the face of the earth. Black Snake out.
She proceeded looking for any chaff device to fight the tank as it was getting closer to
her while Helmholtz gave her some indications in order to avoid it. But the clock was
ticking and couldnt find anything.
Then, her radio rang and and voice was heard Black Snake, can you hear me? Black
Snake, can you hear me? This is Major Klinsmann. Can you hear me? and she answered
immediately Black Snake here. Major, are you all right? and he replied Affirmartive,
were battling the enemies here, but were being attacked by mortars. The tank is using
its mortars against us.
She said back I know. Im also being attacked by that thing. I need to find some chaff
grenades so I can engage it. Major Klinsmann revealed Chaff grenades? We found a



set of cases containing a few each one. She demanded How many are there? Count
them for me. Hurry! and he proceeded to do what Jennifer was asking.
While time was running, she was on the move hiding everywhere and biting her lips
waiting for an answer, and a minute later Major Klinsmann called her back saying Weve
got a least twenty frulein.
She asked Where are you now? and he replied Were at same location before they
arrived. Do you want me to get to you? but she refused by saying Negative, Major.
Negative. Stay were you are, Im coming to you so get your men ready to engage. I have
an idea.
Major Klinsmann agreed Understood. Klinsmann out. And Jennifer headed back by
dashing as the tank was in pursuit to hunt her down. She managed to dodge every single
bullet and mortar projectile being shot at her. Suddenly, Heinecke shouted out through
the tanks loudspeaker See you in hell!!!!! and she looked back only to slip and fall to
the ground as the tank fired its 105 mm cannon at her, managing to dodge the cannon
shot miraculously, but it decimated an entire building. Jennifer saw the million debris
falling towards her and she got up immediately in order to avoid them and continued
dashing to Major Klinsmanns location as the tank continued attacking as it had infinite
After minutes of dashing hard, Jennifer reached Klinsmanns location and dialed him via
radio Major, you there? He showed up and she approached him as he handed her the
grenades but she had something else in mind by saying Ill take some. You keep the
rest. He didnt follow her I dont understand. What do you have in mind?
She said When that thing gets closer, use them to overload its systems. Then were
going to act. and he nodded Good thinking and he ordered everyone around Okay
guys! Get ready for some action. Lets rock and roll!! and started to coordinate them
for battle.
She then dialed Helmholtz Black Snake here. Ive got some chaff grenades. Were ready
fight. And Helmholtz gave her some instructions Good. Now pay attention of what
youre going to do; When it gets closer about half a mile, throw a chaff grenade to block
its systems and start attacking. Keep throwing chaffs as long as you can and try to
overload the systems, but before that, turn off your radio so you dont break it down.
Then proceed to attack. If the chaff is active, the tank will have mobility issues and its
systems along with some weapons will be blocked. Although weapons such like the flak
cannons, the 7.62 mm and the .50 caliber machine guns can still work, but youll have
more chances to destroy it. Once blocked, defuse its weapons in the old fashion way, I
mean, placing C4 charges, hand grenades, whatever explosion device you like.
Jennifer expressed I see. Well, at least better have something than nothing. Do you
know anyone who had done something like this before? and Helmholtz replied Umm,
you mean taking out a tank? Well, there were some rumors about someone who did in



the past, but not in this country. He wasnt even a soldier. I think he was a mercenary in
the late 1970s or 80s. They say he was a legend, I dont know.
Jennifer then expressed I hope I can do it better than he did. And Helmholtz just said
Well see it. All right, Ill keep you updated about its presence. Good luck out there.
After that, she signed off and went in position.
The tank was getting closer and shooting its mortars and Jennifer took a look with her
binoculars only to watch nothing, but the engines could be heard from where she was
so she took a chaff grenade and got closer and Schneider and Kruspe joined her staying
behind her and giving some cover. Jennifer looked back and asked What are you
doing? and Kruspe said Were not leaving you alone. Not ever. She then asked Do
you have any chaff grenades with you? and they showed them to her. She then said
Okay. Stay close to me. and approached as the tank was closing in. Then, some mortars
were fired and almost hit Jennifer and her partners but managed to be unharmed and
Jennifer took a chaff grenade and detonated, revealing the tanks position and started
to engage it.
Jennifer threw some hand grenades at it whilst Schneider and Kruspe fired their G-36
rifles. Suddenly, somebody of the tanks crew got out to oprate the machine guns but
Jennifer drew her GSR pistol and shot him in the chest. Then she threw another chaff
grenade and kept firing at it while Klinsmann, his men and the rest of resistance fighters
reached the battle zone and gave some fire support, destroying important parts of the
tank, but it managed to still engage and fought back. Schneider threw another chaff
grenade and the team engaged it once again, destroying its lights and its mortar
cannons. Suddenly, Major Klinsmann ordered Cease fire! Cease fire dammit!!!
They stopped shooting but they kept their aim steady. A few men went to check if it was
annihilated since the tank started to release some black smoke in the back. However,
the tank fired some kind of flare bullet in the sky and after rising up it detonated a
flashbang leaving everyone almost blind.
Then Jennifer threw another chaff grenade and the tank started to move. However it
was moving slowly and without cloacking itself so it gave the allied team some time to
recover and fight back once again. But it was useless as the tank continued to fire the
stun flares and suddenly, Heinecke got out and Schneider ordered Hold your fire! Hold
your fire!!!
He then yelled Stop it!! Fucking stop!! I want her right here, right now!!! and Jennifer
showed up Im here!
He then yelled What do you about the showdown I told you before?!! Lets finish this
right now. You and me.
Jennifer was shocked and Schneider yelled Why dont you pick on someone of your
own size, big boy!? and Heinecke looked at him and smirked while warning him If you
speak one more time, Ill hunt you down and make you wish to never be born!



Heinecke then stated Ill continue use this marvel against you so if you wanna stop the
massacre, leave us alone.
He then warned them by pointing the .50 caliber machine gun at her and the allies did
the same at him as well but Jennifer raised her hand in order to put down their weapons.
But then, she did something that was outrageous for her allies, she dropped her
weapons except for her GSR pistol. Schneider wrinkled his forehead without believing
what just saw Wait. Youre not gonna take him out, are you? thinking it was a joke,
but she was serious and stated It is my duty Then he almost got freaked out Are you
crazy!? and Kruspe approached and expressed concerns about her Youve got to be
kidding us. Have you? but she shook her head and Schneider, gone mad expressed with
fear Dont do it! Youre gonna get yourself killed.
Jennifer was scared but stated I have to do it, Schneider. If I dont, no one will. And
Kruspe shouted What!? and Schneider kept trying to convince her to not engage
Heinecke alone by saying Jennifer, dont. Hell mincemeat of you!!
Kruspe did try convincing her as well Hes right. Heinecke has a monstrous tank on his
side and you dont stand a chance being armed with a that .45!! Lbing didnt get quiet
and remarked Ja Fralein Patterson. Its like a warrior trying to slay a dragon with a
single knife. Think about that and let us engage him with you. But she refused by saying
I have to do it.
Officer Landers mocked She seems confident.But Schneider yelled Landers! Kruspe
was no different by almost begging her not to do it No way! Its like wishing to be dead!
Im not going to let you do that. Its an act of suicide!!! A crazier one!!!!! Then he put
his arm on her shoulder but she moved his arm away off her and said Jennifer You guys
go back to the south and return to base. Take these people with you. They need a place
free from battle.
Schneider was doing nothing more but staring at her but she ordered him Go! Thats
an order!!! Schneider kept refusing Were not leaving without you!!
Jennifer on the other hand ordered him once againg but this time mad Didnt you hear
me, Schneider!? Leave me and get out of here now!!
Jennifer noticed Schneiders stare expressing concern about her trying to save her life.
He refused following her order by yelling Nein!
Jennifer raised Schneiders chin trying to bring him to his senses by stating and ordering
him for once more. Schneider, dont make it more complicated. Go!!!!! Go!! She then
looked at the tank as a sign of challenge and alleged And dont wait for me; I can handle
this. I was waiting for a moment like this one. Ill be just fine.
Jen. Schneider whispered and she ordered Ill be okay! Just go!! Get out of here!!!!!



Schneider still didnt understand but Kruspe in the other hand understood and acted
You heard it people. Lets move out. Schneider, please! Lets go back!!
Stauffenberg grabbed Schneider from his right arm trying to make him leave with them
and said Come on Schneider. Lets get out of here. Kruspe, were following you. And
Kruspe took the teams lead and ordered Okay. Schneider, lets go. Major, this way.
Klinsmann nodded and suddenly, his attitude towards Jennifer changed a lot and asked
Frulein Patterson?
She looked at him and he asked her Come back in one piece ok? and she nodded while
smiling. Then he wished her good luck and Kruspe told her Dont take too long, ok?
Right Jennifer nodded and Schneider stated Well be waiting for you. While Officer
Landers remarked Schneider, we have to go.
Schneider stood still staring wanting to leave with out her, but Landers noticed that and
said Schneider, lets go.
Finally, the German military unit and their allies left Jennifer and Heinecke alone to
resume a showdown that will define the last soldier standing; a battle where only one
will make it through alive.
Heinecke mocked At last! I was getting bored. But Jennifer got serious by addressing
him Sorry for keeping you waiting.
Black Snake reloaded her GSR pistol for battle and Heinecke bawled with confidence
Lets finish this once and for all! Are you ready?
She replied him Now I am. Shall we? Then he dared her Heinecke: Ok. Lets get this
party started! and went back inside the tank and screamed. The battle had begun. The
tank shot and Black Snake dodged the impact and ran as fast as she could to the tank.

Jennifer screamed as well and both screams echoed everywhere around and she dashed
but Heinecke shot her with the cannon and it almost hit her. Heinecke was laughing loud
for that but Black Snake stood up fast and knew there was no option but to face the
tank. She got covered with a wall and was shooting at the tank with her GSR pistol but
obviously, it was impossible to take out the tank with a .45 caliber pistol. Heinecke was
laughing maniacally. He got out and took the .50 caliber machine gun to shoot at her.
She almost got hit by the bullets. The shots could be heard from a mile away and the
team was getting worried about Black Snake.
Kruspe wanted to go but Schneider stopped him and they were pulling back of the area.



Meanwhile, Jennifer and Heinecke were still fighting and Heinecke was dying laughing.
Then, Heinecke started chasing Black Snake with the tank and destroyed everything on
his way. She had to run and hide every thirty seconds and she saw how the tank
destroyed houses and buildings so easily while running away from it. Heinecke
continued laughing like a maniac, albeit she obviously didnt find it funny and she knew
she had to keep fighting. Then Heinecke stopped and Jennifer hid immediately over a
pillar to take cover and he said with excitement Hahahahahahaha!!!!!! Youre pretty
good. Just what Ive expected for the woman who killed the boss eh. Its been a long
time my body hasnt felt that quantity of adrenaline in such a battle like this one. And
Jennifer was catching her breath and sighed Ah ah ah ah. Yeah, you called it!
After that, Heinecke went crazy and shouted But you know, this is just the beginning.
Im not like the others; in fact Im worst. And you will find out why. Ready?
She pull the magazine off her pistol and pulled the slide just to find a single bullet inside
the chamber and bit her lips as a sign of desperation whispering Damn it! Its my last
Then she yelled God damn it!! I cant get out of this mess! Neither hand grenades will
do any good. And hit the wall with her right elbow before putting the bullet back in the
pistols chamber, but Heinecke on the other hand was mocking at her and tried persuade
her to surrender by addressing Hahahahahahaha!!!!! You cannot win, Yankee whore!!
You see? This isnt your battle! Go back to America and I wont hurt you. Come on. You
just have to surrender. However, Jennifer refused and faced him like a true warrior and
shouted I cant. I will not leave these people. I wont!
After hearing her statement Heinecke shook his head and smirked You are a tough girl.
I admit that. But he had something in mind while saying You have courage and bravery,
but can you take
THIS?!!! Heinecke fired a 105 mm from the cannon at Jennifer trying to blow her off
but she slipped with the first step making her falling on the ground while trying to move,
managing to dodge it and luckily saving her life.
Heinecke got angry and he was going to use the cannon once more but its ammo was
empty. Then he took the .50 caliber machine gun but it was jammed so as the 7.62 mm
machine gun. Thanks to it, it gave Jennifer some time to recover and take a safe place
to hide and avoid the tank. She dashed but she knew she had to kill him so Jennifer stood
up and decided to stay in the battlefield. The tank moved and Heinecke was searching
the place to find her since its thermal systems were off due to its corruption thanks to
the chaff grenades. It took a while for him to find her but then he found her and Jennifer
was watching it. Heinecke screamed of anger and saw her holding the remote control of
a claymore mine. Jennifer then walked away with calm like nothing would happened.
The tank was out of ammo and its machine guns were broken and jammed so Heinecke
used the tank to chase and splash her but then, she activated the mine. The mine blew



up the tank in few seconds and someone got out of the tank. It was a Neo-Nazi soldier
who was holding a pistol on his hand.
The soldier screamed and was going to shoot but she had good reflexes and pulled the
trigger of her GSR pistol before the soldier could do it and killed him. The shot was
echoed and Jennifer looked up the sky. She took back the rest of her equipment and left
the combat zone.
After her duel with Heinecke, the team could see her walking like nothing would
happened. Major Klinsmann went to receive her and Schneider sighed as a relief as the
team went to give some cover. Klinsmann asked Frulein Patterson. Are you okay?
and she replied Yes. I had to take out an eagle.
Schneider was impressed and asked How you feeling while a tired Jennifer sat on the
floor said Like shit. Oh God, I need some water. That battle left me thirsty. And
Lehmann gave her his water canteen and she thanked him for that. Kruspe, impressed
but also scared looked at her and approached her to ask How did you do that?
And she told him still trying to catch her breath I had to immobilize that with a claymore
mine. A nasty one.
Kruspe said with a smile on her face I would loved to see it. bu she declared Your wish
will make come true soon. I know he will come back. But Ill be waiting for him. In the
meantime, hes out of action for a while. Schneider then said I thought you were
dead. Expressing his concern about Jennifer once more and she said Well, looks like
someone up there still cares about me.
Schneider remarked Well spoken. But you also have someone here who will care about
you. And Jennifer smirked Youre flirting with me? and Schneider was blushed No
no. I Umm. Well its just that Umm.
Kruspe then said Youre an idol. But she told him Not so fast Kruspe. We still have
work to do. and got up while he nodded I guess youre right.
Suddenly, Major Klinsmann approached her and asked Frulein Patterson? and
Jennifer said Yes Major?
He went to ask for an apology in a sincere way and Jennifer was kind of surprised I want
to apologize myself for my stupid attitude. I was behaving myself in an immature way;
like a boy with a toy.
Then he stated about his personality You know, all my life I always judged the out self
side of people. But I realized that the out self is nothing important. But the inner self.
The inner self is always what it matters. Now I understand why this war exists. Forgive



Jennifer put her arm on his shoulder and told him with kindness Dont. Theres nothing
to worry about. No need to apologize. Dont feel yourself guilty about that. I know some
people are like you because people like them did something unforgettable to you, even
you had nothing to do with that.
Klinsmann then asked her How do you know that?
Trust me. I know how it feels like.- Jennifer alleged and Klinsmann was grateful for her
words making him to believe once more in equality and they shook their hands to each
other making peace between them and continued working. Klinsmann took the lead and
asked to one of the local resistance members Do you know any place where we can get
a vehicle? but he gave Klinsmann some bad news No, I dont. There were some
vehicles stored inside some warehouses but were sabotaged by the enemy. Were trying
to fix a truck but I cant guarantee it.
Jennifer then approached and said Actually, I called my commanding officer and
requested some back. Ill see if help is on its way. And immediately dialed Lindemann
and Colonel Riemann Black Snake here. Herr Lindemann, Colonel do you read me?
Lindemann answered This is Snake Nest, we read you. Black Snake are you okay?
Whats your status?
Jennifer reported Weve got Klinsmanns and his men with us. Enemy anti-artillery
posts and Gepard anti-air armored tank destroyed. Olaf Heinecke managed to survive,
but its a warning to the enemy were going to take back the country.
Lindemann sounded pleased on the radio Great job. Looks like were going to win this
war in no time. An incredibly asset of that organization of yours, indeed.
Jennifer was glad when hearing Lindemanns statement and asked What about
reinforcements? and Lindemann said We sent a Eurocopter AS532 Cougar chopper
squadron consisting of seven helicopters along with supply trucks and some backup
units a while ago. Help should be in its way in shortly.
Then Riemann talked Riemann here. Black Snake, once again, you did an amazing job
out there. And Jennifer stated Thank you sir. But it wouldnt happened without
Helmholtzs assistance. Klinsmann and his men helped that much as well so the ones
who deserve the credit are them. Not me.
Riemann was glad too and remarked Well let him know that. But he went back to
business soon after However, we still have some work to do so wait for the choppers
and head back here. Weve got someone who wants to meet you.
She raised an eyebrow Who? but he refused to reveal her who and just said Youll
find it out soon enough. Well be waiting for you here.



She replied back Understood. Well be waiting for them here. Black Snake out. And
she approached Klinsmann Major, the convoy will be here in shortly. We just need to
wait for a few minutes according to Colonel Riemann.
He then said All right. Then I guess well have to do something to distract ourselves.
Both sat down on a sidewalk and started to chat How long have you been here? and
she said Three days, including today. Then he asked How did you get involved into
this? and she replied Well, Its something weird you know. Robert Schweinsteiger paid
us a visit and one of the Generals in the base Im stationed received him. I remember
when I saw him in the news; he was angry and desperate for not finding any solution to
the crisis. And the day he came was no exception. I heard he requested help before by
asking for people with expertise in the field, but all of them failed to comply. Who was
the last? Do you know anything about the people who had fallen? and he revealed
Umm, I knew some of them. Many were from different places around the world;
Australia, Russia, England, France, even Spain. And the US, of course. I remember one
of them only, and the fun thing is that operative was a female. I met her in person.
What was her name? Jennifer asked and Klinsmann replied Laeken. Elizabeth
Laeken. Used to work for the U.S. Delta Force. Then he remembered someone else Oh,
there was another guy. I didnt like his tactics and he not only risked most of his mens
lives but also his wifes, although she pressured him to let her be on his side. I was there
when she did. I tried to convince to not do it but he did anyway. He was stationed in the
U.S. Air Base in Ramstein-Miedenbach.
He then added by unveiling his name Jackson. His name was Jackson and her wifes was
Helena, who was the daughter of a US Marine Corps high-ranked officer. Commandant,
I think.
Jennifer wrinkled her forehead and asked His wife was involved, huh? Whys that? Was
she a fighter? and he replied No, she wasnt. She was nothing more than a resident,
but she was determined to follow his husband wherever he goes. Her love toward him
was so strong. Riemann told me that detail about them. Such a disgrace.
Klinsmann took out the picture from a personal photo album of his, showing Klinsmann
saluting Jackson and Helena on his side. Jennifer alleged African-American huh? She
was pretty; so young and so stubborn to follow a man fighting a battle without any battle
Klinsmann then touched the topic about her and wanted to know by asking By the way,
youre not free from that aspect either. How did you get involve into what you do? Why
is a pretty girl like fighting wars instead of studying or working? Who trained you like
that? Those techniques you applied on me werent normal.
She wet her lips when hearing that question, and asked Why are you so interested
about it, Major? and Klinsmann said Top-secret. Is that it? Cmon, tell me. Dont be so
sellfish and share something about yourself with me.



She then gave him a beautiful smile and agreed to reveal her secret of combat styles she
knew along with something about her background by telling him I was trained by my
mentor. His name is George Kasler and is also my protector and savior. He brought me
to his family after I lost my parents in Russia during a terrorist attack at the Red Square
in Moscow. I was reluctant to go with him because Id decided to not trust anyone after
my parents death. I was just a little girl back then when it happened. I did nothing more
but to mourn for my parents and friends deaths.
She almost broke in tears but she cleaned the tears shed off her face and continued But
anyway, he adopted me, gave me shelter, feed me and treated me like I was his own
daughter. He trained and taught me everything he knew about survival tactics, fighting
techniques, combat skills and tactics, weapons, foreign languages, etc. He saved my life
in many ways and Im thankful to him for that.
She then stated But he used to go and leave me with her wife so she could take care of
me while he was called by many people around the world. He always says its good to
be known and needed. Lets just say I have the tough side from him and motherly side
from his wife and daughter. and Klinsmann suddenly asked And why dont you call
them Vater, Mutter und Schwester if they gave you a place to live? and she replied
Because I loved my real parents. I still love them, although theyre not here anymore.
He then asked Did he know your parents? and she nodded Yes. He told me he was
good friends with them. I didnt believe him at first, but he kept trying to convince me
to believe him and even showed me a picture of him with them when they were young
back then.
Klinsmann then expressed He must be that good at it because you kicked my ass today.
Im still hurt, you know. And Jennifer smiled lightly and said Sorry for being so hard.
But he took then said Its okay. I deserved it for being such an idiot with you. I mean it.
Youre not such a dick after all huh. Jennifer joked and he laughed and suddenly,
they heard the choppers rotors sound and saw them coming right to their location.
Minutes later, the convoy arrived as well to help the civilians and the resistance force,
so Klinsmann gathered everyone to leave the area and Jennifer provided cover.
It took almost twenty minutes to execute the extraction phase on the ground. Then
Jennifer went up a building and hoped in one of the choppers as it turned around and
returned to base, but she thought it wasnt over and kept holding her PSG-1 steady and
watched while on the helicopter. Schneider was on another helicopter at the right, next
to Jennifers. His chopper was and asked Everything all right Patterson? but she just
mumbled Not quite right. then she saw an airplane flying in the bright blue sky far
away from their position. However, it was closing in fast.



Kruspe then asked Jen, is that what I just think it is? I dont know. Is that for us? Jennifer replied with doubts and immediately asked Major, can you make contact with
that airplane?
He nodded Aircraft pilot, this is Major Manfred Klinsmann from the Heer. Do you
copy? but couldnt get any response. He tried it again Aircraft pilot, this is Major
Mandred Klinsmann. Do you read me, over? and tried once more Luftwaffe aircraft
pilot, do you read!? But the pilot didnt answer and closed in fast passing them like a
thunderbolt, threatning the helicopters.
Jennifer got shocked and scared and grinned her teeth What in the fucking hell was
that!? Does he want us get killed!? Whats a Luftwaffe plane flying over here in the first
place?! but Trenstahl alleged I dont think thats a Luftwaffe air pilot.
Most of them were stunned while hearing his answer that could be possibly true since
the Neo-Nazis were still strong and with a desire to win the war no matter the price they
had to pay and they knew that well from the beginning.
Lbing picked his binoculars and took a look with them at the plane that was flying
around them and he got shocked after the insignia it had on its wings. Major, take a
look on the plane. Lbing said and Klinsmann picked his binoculars to do so. He
grinned his teeth and mumbled Its Nazi plane!
What?! You sure about that? Schneider exclamed and Lbing replied Damn right.
The hakenkreuz on its wings tells everything about it. No doubt.
Is that a fighter plane? Kruspe asked unsure and Klinsmann replied I dont think so.
Seems like its a reconnaissance aircraft. Then Jennifer asked Do we have any means
to destroy it now?
Major Klinsmann replied her question Im afraid not. We need a missile launcher to do
so. Every single chopper is equipped with a 7.62mm Gatling machine gun. And
everybody saw the enemy plane still flying on circles. Jennifer then asked Klinsmann
Can you reach the trucks? but he didnt followed her question What? What are you
talking about?
Reach someone for me, please. Jennifer requested and Klinsmann gave the order to
the choppers pilot and he followed the Majors order Grn 2, Grn 2 this is Blau 1, do
you copy?
This is Grn 2, I read you, over. Whats the matter? One of the soldiers inside the
truck asked and Jennifer took the radio Enemy reconnaissance aircraft flying about the
sky and were not well equipped to engage it. Does anyone of you have anything that
may help us to destroy it? Over.
Ill check. Please wait. The soldier said and Klinsmann asked her What are you



Look at this way; recon airplane and enemy flight squadrons incoming after that. We
will be sitting ducks. Jennifer alleged and grabbed a rope, hooked it in the chopper
and used it to go down.
After doing so, Klinsmann dialed Jennifer Youre right. Go get it. I on the other hand, Ill
call for air support. Jennifer thanked him and headed to the convoy to get any anti-air
device if possible. One of the Heer soldiers called her and she approached him to give
her an FIM-92 German made Stinger missile as Klinsmann calld for air support. Then
Lindemann reported This is Snake nest. Do you read me? Over. Jennifer answered
Herr Lindemann, whats the matter?
Lindemann didnt sound that happy on the radio and put Jennifer nervous by unveiling
Enemy flight squadron inbound. Apparently something is giving your position right
now. We have images on radar about a six aircraft squadron taking off from a base
nearby the German-Austrian border.
Jennifer grinned her teeth Damn it! That recon aircraft! Major, youre listening to this?
Affirmative. It doesnt sound good. We need to leave before they arrive and shoot us
down. Black Snake, go up with that missile launcher and shoot that recon plane down
on the double. Klinsmann ordered and Jennifer went inside a corporate building that
was 25 stories tall, tall enough to give her a close range to the Neo-Nazi reconnaissance
plane. She took an elevator and headed to the buildings roof. She prepared the missile
launcher and Klinsmann was watching her from the helicopter and said through the
radio Try to aim steady to get a clear shot. You have a guided missile launcher so it
wont be hard to engage it, but dont trash it.
She nodded and Lindemann reported Black Snake, I just spoke with General Riedel and
Weinmann a few moments ago. The General ordered one of our flight squadrons to take
off for air support.
Where are they? Jennifer asked and he replied They took off the International
Airport. They should appear to you in a few minutes. In the meantime, do your own.
And Jennifer replied Understood. Resuming the mission. Black Snake out.
Klinsmann cut the transmission and told her You heard him frulein Patterson. Youve
got to get rid of that plane before it is still giving our position. Then he ordered
Trenstahl to operate the 7.62mm machine gun set up to the chopper in order to give
her some help in taking it out. Some soldiers inside the choppers prepared to fight by
grabbing their guns and aiming steady as the plane was still flying in circles. She grabbed
the missile launcher and aimed steady until have a lock on it, but suddenly, the enemy
pilot turned fast. He pulled back and headed back where it came from, giving Jennifer
and the Heer no chance to shoot it down. Hes leaving the zone. Why did he do that?
Jennifer asked via radio and Lindemann answered Only one thing means



Lindemann added with a worried voice tone The enemy squadron must be heading to
your way now. Evacuate on the double before its too late. Jennifer shouted What???!
Now!!!???? and Lindemann said Yes. Now! as the chopper where Klinsmann was on
a board approached her so she can hop in and she did while holding the missile launcher
just in case. The chopper unit left as Klinsmann gave the ground convoy the order to
leave as well. Rushed by time and the order to leave, the choppers were flying fast and
at building altitude so they can avoid the enemy squadron. Suddenly, the choppers
radars started to show markers indicating the enemy were closing in fast reaching them
in matter of seconds. Jennifer looked out the door of the chopper to see where they
were and she could hear the sounds of the airplanes engines above the skies and the
pilot reported Klinsmann Sir, its the enemy. Theyll see our tails in any minute now.
Klinsmann ordered Shake them, Mller! Now! and the pilot nodded Hang on!
The other choppers followed Jennifers and Klinsmanns and the pilot made evasive
maneuvers to avoid the Neo-Nazi squadron, so as the convoy stepped on fast to leave
the battle zone, but things were about to get worse. The warning system of the chopper
started to sound, showing up on radar an enemy MBB Bo 105 chopper unit incoming.
Seven fully armed choppers against the seven of the Heer rescue unit. Mller, the
chopper pilot grinned his teeth and warned every single man of the Heer rescue unit
Okay boys, hang on! We have uninvited guests incoming. Stay sharp!
Klinsmann looked at Jennifer telling her to use one of the mounted machine guns and
she nodded and got in position to engage. The choppers kept flying to return to base
but then, the choppers system warned when a missile was being aimed at them and
fired so Mller made an abupt maneuver to avoid the missile and he deployed flares to
block the missile tracking system. The missile was defused and hit someplace else away
from the Heer chopper squadron. Jennifer was shocked and Mller was hawling. Then
he warned Here they come boys. Frulein, take out the choppers! Boys, give her some
The enemy helicopters reached them and the Heer had to face them and a new battle
began. The crew were using their assault rifles and Jennifer was firing the mounted
7.62mm machine gun at one of the choppers, managing to kill the rival choppers
machine gun operator and eventually shooting it down. One killed, but there were six
remaining and the six enemy airplanes also chasing their tails so it was such a big
challenge. Then, another missile from one of the enemy airplanes was fired out of the
blue and Mller called out all choppers before deploying more flares to defuse the
missiles tracking system Attention all units, enemy squadron behind us. Commence
evasive maneuvers if necessary and deploy your chaff flare defense system in case of
missile warning. Maintain building altitude and engage the enemy helicopters.
Everybody agreed and Klinsmann ordered You heard him gentlemen. Now, split up and
take down those bastards. Schneider, do you copy?



Loud and clear Major! Schneider replied and Klinsmann replied I need you to
provide us some backup. Tell someone to oprate the gatling gun. Watch our backs. And
yours! and Schneider followed his command You got it!
Klinsmann called out everyone All right everyone! Spread out! and every single
chopper went split up into different directions to fight the enemy. However, the NeoNazi flight squadron were still flying above the sky searching for destroy the Heer unit.
Mller knew it was difficult for him keep evading the enemy so he urged the Luftwaffe
Tactical Fighter Squadron pilots to go full-throttle This is Blau 1. Luftwaffe squadron
leader we cant hold too much longer. Were engaging enemy choppers and we have a
Neo- Nazi flight unit chasing our tails. Requesting immediate assistance! Over!
The flight leader reported Roger that Blau 1, were stepping on. ETA 2 minutes. and
Jennifer went mad yelling while operating the choppers right side machine gun We will
be dead in two minutes! Step on it for Christ sake!
She was defending her chopper from one of the enemys that was shooting at the tail.
Klinsmann helped her by aiming his G-36 rifle at the enemy choppers cockpit and
shooting at it. The Neo-Nazi helicopter was hanging on and keep engaging while Mller
kept making evasive maneuver around the city and went up a little bit as Schneiders
chopper gave went behind the enemy and one of his crew was operating the machine
gun and firing at the tail, splashing it.
Jennifer saw the enemy chopper going down and lauded Great job Schneider! but
then, one of the enemy squadrons plane had a lock on both allied choppers.
They have us, Jen! Those sons of bitches have us locked! - Schneider yelled and both
choppers tried to lure the enemy plane. However, the enemy plane but it didnt shoot
at first, getting the allies confused. Nobody knew what was going into the enemy pilots
head. Then Mller informed Klinsmann Sir, look on the radar.
Klinsmann saw six blue markers on the choppers radar and he immediately smiled and
lauded Its them!! Hahaha! Its fucking them!!! and everyone were celebrating their
presence like if they were heroes, chanting like sport fans after a championship match
while Jennifer expressed in joy Its about time!
The Luftwaffe Tactical Flight Squadron had finally arrived to assist the Heer chopper unit,
something Jennifer, Klinsmann and the others wanted so bad. They were flying about
4,500 ft above the Heer chopper unit. The Luftwaffe flight lead reported This is
Schwarze 1. Are you still there, Blau 1?
Mller answered Affirmative Schwarze 1. Were still in the game. Over and Jennifer
scolded the pilots What took you so long?! Dont ever do that again!
The flight lead said Black Snake, am I right? Everybodys talking about you. Beautiful
and dangerous, according to many people in the base. But also stubborn and sensitive
by others.



Who told you that? - Jennifer asked shocked about hearing his comment and the pilot
said Youll know after we get out of here triumphants. She then expressed I hope so.
In the meantime, splash those Neo-Nazi flies out! Well take care of the enemy choppers
from here.
Jennifer signed off and continued engaging the enemies they could a little bit more
relaxed since the Luftwaffe flight came to their aid. She dialed Kruspe while operating
the machine gun Kruspe, you there? and he answered Black Snake 2 to Black Snake
1, I read you. Over.
She got flattered and said with a smile on her face Sorry buddy, but theres only room
for one Black Snake. No offense. Kruspe agreed Understood Boss. And she said while
shooting at another enemy helicopter that was ahead of them All right. Keep shooting
at those motherfuckers. Lets show them we can fight back even with the less of what
weve got. If someone tries to get close to the convoy, shoot him down no matter what.
Is that clear?
Jawohl Frulein Patterson! Kruspe signed off as Jennifer finally shot down the enemy
chopper she was engaging and Klinsmann lauded Excellent Black Snake.
Then a chopper of the Heer was on trouble by asking This is Blau 3. Enemy choppers in
our asses and we have no ammo left. Im trying to shake them but these assholes are
persistent as hell. Requesting assistance. Over.
Jennifer looked at Klinsmanns face and he turned to do the same. Major? She urged
him and he nodded and reported Understood Blau 3. Stay with us, were coming to aid
you. Over.
Mller turned around and headed to help Blau 3 from being attacked by one of the
enemy helicopters. Schneiders chopper followed Jennifers in order to assist her and
Blau 3.
Suddenly, Kruspe reported Kruspe here. Enemy chopper shot down. I repeat, we
splashed one enemy bird. Over. Jennfer lauded Great job. Keep it up.
What about you? He asked her and she replied Were going to assist Blau 3. Theyre
in trouble.
Kruspe then asked Do you want us to help you to do that? but Jennifer declined
Negative Kruspe, keep doing your own. We can handle this. Ill call you when we need
to. In the meantime, stay close to the convoy and he signed off Okay. Keep me
updated and call us if necessary for backup assistance. Kruspe out.
Mller turned at an intersection to reach Blau 3 as fast as posible basing his route on the
radar. It was a matter of life an death and Jennifer urged Mller Come on Herr Mller,
step on it! but Klinsmann cooled her off Calm down, frulein. Well be there in a blink



of an eye. Mller is one of the best pilots we have got, so be patient and sit tight. And
she nodded as a sign of trust towards him.
Mller stepped on fast in order to reach Blau 3, passing smashed buildings and
destroyed places for three minutes. Suddenly, an aircraft was shot down and was
heading to Jennifers chopper fast and Trenstahl was scared Oh no! Hes coming right
to us! Hes coming right to us!!! Hes coming right to us!!!! and Mller shouted out
Hold on to something!!! and made a sudden maneuver to evade the fallen plane.
Jennifer held on something barely so as the rest of the crew. The plane was inches close
to collide with the chopper, but Mllers maneuver saved the chopper and the crew and
Jennifer couldnt believe what happened as she was that close to die. She howled like
the rest, celebrating for dodging a bullet. Quiet a big one.
Klinsmann lauded him My God Mller!! Youre so fucking amazing indeed! and
everyone started to cheer him. Jennifer called the Luftwaffe flight lead Schwarze 1, this
Blau 1. Was that splashed plane friendly? and the pilot replied Negative, Blau 1. It was
a Neo-Nazi fighter. Why?
Jennifer replied It almost hit us! We were close to join him. And he laughed but she
didnt find it funny by her expression What is exactly you find it so funny? and the pilot
just said Hahaha, you were in the wrong place in the wrong time people. Better careful
next time. And she just shook her head with an ironic smile. Mller continued his path
to reach Blau 3.
Then Blau 3 reported Blau 1, this is Blau 3, are you close nearby? We cannot hold on
much longer! Requesting assistance now! and Mller said Well reach in less than
minute. I have you marked on radar. Just hold on a little longer. and he put the chopper
on top speed to reach Blau 3 and he successfully but he was watching his comrades
being attacked and Klinsmann ordered Take them out Black Snake! and aimed the
Gatling machine gun at the enemy chopper that was ahead from her and attacking Blau
3. She was shooting at the enemys tail but they caught her making them to stop chasing
Blau 3 and trying to battle Jennifer and the rest of the crew inside Blau 1. The chopper
tried to turn 90 degress but Blau 1 did it as well with Jennifer still firing the machine gun
making it easy for her to shoot down the enemy and everyone inside saw the Neo-Nazi
helicopter falling down and were pleased for Jennifers work. Blau 3 reported Blau 1,
this is Blau 3, thank you for your support. but Jennifer was unsure about the choppers
crew asking Are you okay? Is anyone of you hurt?
Negative Blau 1. Light damage but nothing serious actually. And Klinsmann ordered
them Okay guys, you may return to base. Leave everything to us, but keep an eye on
the convoy. Well catch you up later.
Blau 3 followed his command Roger that. Good Luck to all of you. Black Snake, thank
for you for what youve done for us. And she said through the speaker It was a big
pleasure gentlemen. Have a safe return. Blau 3 thanked her back You too. Well see
you at the base. Blau 3, out.



Klinsmman then ordered Mller and asked all the crew members Lets return to the
battle. Are you guys ready? and everyone nooded. Mller looked for the next enemy
chopper nearby and headed to engage them. But on the spur of the moment, the missile
alert was sounding when a missile was fired from one of the Neo-Nazi fighter planes.
Mller was going to make another evasive maneuver Jennifer had something in mind
Mller, turn us where the missile is coming, now!
What?! Are you out of your mind!? He asked her shocked but she urged him to do so.
Trust me. Do it! and Klinsmann nodded to Mller and he turned 90 degrees to the
right while Schneiders chopper was above Jennifers. After that, she ordered Trenstahl
Be my eyes. I need you to look at the missile and tell when it gets close, understand?
and he nodded.
Trenstahl took his binoculars and took a look on the incoming missile towards Blau 1
and he was saying Its coming, its coming, its coming. And Mller said About 3,200
meters close! Do something! and she fired the machine gun right at the missile hitting
it about almost 500 meters from the chopper saving all people.
Schwarze 1 called for their status This is Schwarze 1, Blau 1 are you all right? and
Mller answered Affirmative Schwarze 1. Were perfectly fine over. Black Snake just
blew up a missile that headed straight to us and saved us from it. Find and hunt down
the bastard who tried to send us to hell to meet his comrades.
Schwarze 1 then expressed Roger that. Be careful out there. Then he added remarking
Black Snakes work Black Snake, I dont know who you are, who trained you or if youre
human or something else, but you did a great job.
Then he signed off and she was glad while her teammates smiled as a sign of respect
and Jennifer said enthusiasticly What are we waiting for? Lets keep kicking some asses!
Schneider, you ready? and he said Affirmative, youre up ahead, we follow you.
Mller looked for the nearest chopper from them to pursue it and one of the Luftwaffe
pilots reported Schwarze 2 here. Enemy plane has been shot down. Changing to the
next target.
Schwarze 1 granted Roger Schwarze 2. Please proceed. and one of the choppers
reported This is Blau 5. Enemy chopper destroyed. Only two more remaining. And
Klinsmann said Okay guys, leave them to us. You can go back to base and take a break.
Blau 5 proceeded to leave and reported Roger Blau 1, well leave it on your hands.
Returning to base. Blau 5, out. Blau 1 chased one of the now two remaining choppers
and found it in a few minutes. The enemy tried to defend himself but it was useless and
got shot down by Jennifer. Then she reported Black Snake reporting. Enemy chopper
destroyed, I repeat, enemy chopper confirmed destroyed. Switching to next target. But
Mller said Dont worry cutie, the enemy is running away apparently. Let him go. But
she refused No way. We have to shoot him down! but Mller insisted Were not going



to chase him just because want this time. Relax. And Klinsmann agreed with him Hes
right Frulein Patterson. Besides, you have done enough for today. She knew they were
right and said Okay. Lets go back I assume. Suddenly, lots of explosions started to
sound bang above the blue skies that were turning into red.
Schwarze 2 here. Splashed one, splashed one! and then another reported This is
Schwarze 4. Enemy fighter confirmed destroyed. Three targets remaining It was almost
a flawless victory for the Bundeswehr as many of them chanted, but suddenly, an
explosion echoed the sky.
This is Schwarze 3, Ive been hit, Ive been hit! I cant control the plane. Im going
down! One of the members of the Luftwaffe was shot down unfortunately and
Schwarze 1 was worried about his wingman Bail out Schwarze 3! Eject! Eject! but
things got worse for him when the ejection seat got stuck after he pulled the ejection
lever Shit, I cant eject! I cant! The lever must be stuck! He kept trying but didnt work
and Schwarze 1 could listen him mumbling while trying to get out without success and
had to assist him Heinrich, listen to me carefully. I need you to invert and stay in the
invert, I repeat, stay invert after that. Im going to shoot your canopy off with the
machine gun so it can release you.
Schwarze 3 was frightened about his flight leaders idea but Schwarze 1 urged Do it!!
Schwarze 3 had no choice but to do what he was told. He turned upside down and
Schwarze 1 shot at the pod with an exact precision and carefully and his plan luckily
worked, saving his wingmans life while he was seeing the seat being ejected and
Schwarze 3s parachute being opened a few seconds later. The Luftwaffe flight squadron
tried to chase the enemy planes remaining but it was too late as the rest of them pulled
back and left the battle zone. Then Schwarze 1 requested help for his fallen wingman
Mayday, mayday, mayday. Schwarze 3 has been shot down. I repeat, Schwarze 3 has
been shot down. Requesting for a rescue operation. Over.
Jennifer was angry and everyone was stunned about what just happened and the
Luftwaffe flight leader kept asking for help for his comrade Goddammit! Schwarze 3
has been shot down!! Does anyone of you read me?! Jennifer grinned her teeth as sign
of impotence of not being able to destroy the one who splashed Schwarze 3. To help
him, she did something unthinkable This is Blau 1. Roger that Schwarze 1. Rescue
operation is on its way. Tell me where he landed. and he briefed her About ten miles
away. Vector 1-0-0. Suddenly, Schwarze 1s radar marked something not good and
reported Dammit, its a restricted area. I dont think he can make it. but Jennifer
confirmed Copy that Schwarze 1. No need to worry. Commencing rescue operation
now. However, as predictable, Klinsmann was not going to allow such a risky move Oh
no. No way! Were not going! but Jennifer had something else in mind Who said youre
going in? I am the one whos going in.
Kruspe heard the conversation and interfered by asking madly What the hell are you
doing, Black Snake? but she ordered You better stay with your chopper Kruspe. Stay
with the convoy. But he refused Negative Black Snake! Do you hear me?! Negative!
Stay where you are. Im going with you. But Jennifer got serious and demanding him



You better follow my order Kruspe. End of discussion! but Kruspe lost his sanity. He
shouted No way! Im coming! He even ordered the pilot of his chopper to turn around
Pilot, pull over and go back! but his pilot refused Negative. Weve got our orders and
indeed were following them!
Kruspe was mad and kept demanding Im giving you an order! I order you to go back,
now!! but the pilot was straight of obeying the orders from his superiors by saying
Youre not my boss agent!! You better sit tight and suddenly, Kruspe started a brawl
between him and the crew. Many of them held him off and he struggled a lot by trying
to free himself from them but it was useless- He only managed to transmit his emotions
through the radio, struggling and swearing You bastards! Let go of me! You shall see!!
You dont know who you are messing with!! Let go of me!! Let go of me, goddammit!!!!
Odenmacht, let go of me!!!!! You shall pay sons of bitches!!!! Aaaagh!!!!! and suddenly,
the radio transmission was cut off.
Jennifer insisted to go and she even prepared herself to go down and she ordered Mller
Take us there Mller but Klinsmann kept urging her to not go Negative! You are not
going to do that. We will report it to the Heer so they can gather men and organize a
rescue move. Be reasonable and dont do this for your own good. She then alleged Im
not going to leave someone who risked his life for me. For all of us! Please Major! Let
me go.
Klinsmann was acting like if he was her father and got concerned about her decision but
Jennifer kept asking Please sir. Let me go.
He was on the edge of such a decisive call like that one on his hands as many of the boys
inside were very worried as he was. It was a matter of life and death.
Jennifer looked at him like a daughter asking her father to go to a party at midnight,
although it wasnt a party and Klinsmann was still unsure about Jennifers capabilities
but he admired her courage and ordered Mller Mller, take us near the crash site.
but Mller was reluctant But sir, shouldnt we go back? and Klinsmann demanded
Take us near the crash site now. And he headed to the sector the pilot landed. Jennifer
nodded Thank you, Major. But he shook his head regretting for the decision he made.
Schneider asked Jennifer in concern What are you doing? and she got mad telling him
What? Are you going to try to stop me too? He just sighed negatively Consider what
youre trying to do. Maybe he has been captured already. He could be dead already.
Think about it. but she had faith Schwarze 3 was still alive and stated He is still alive
Schneider. I know he is. And Im going in, with or without you. and she signed off upset
while she was watching the sky as the chopper was heading to the Schwarze 3s current
Blau 1 and Blau 6, Schneiders chopper in this case took about an hour to arrive the zone
and everyone was shocked of what they were seeing: a dark place. A very, very, very
dark place in terms of levels of destruction with destroyed buildings, houses burning in



flames and corpses everywhere along with flags with swastikas. Klinsmann asked
Jennifer once more after watching Are you sure you still want to do it?
Her look reflected fear and no confidence, but still wanted to try I am sir. If I dont do
it, nobody will. She dropped the rope to go down while Schneider was watching. Then
Klinsmann asked What should I tell Lindemann after this? and she just said with irony
Tell him I smacked you in the face and ran away. and he smiled. Then Mller said Sir,
we have to go back now. Were running out of fuel. And Klinsmann nodded and later,
he saluting her Good Luck Black Snake but he also added And by the way Thanks.
And she smiled before going down, but Schneider didnt cross his arms and joined her
by going down as well. She asked So, you want to have fun with me, do you? and he
said No, but I have to help you anyway. Youre my boss.
Glad youre with me. I really appreciate it. Jennifer thanked him and he nodded but
then he mocked Too bad for Richard. He will miss the action and both laughed a little
but their happy faces turned into stunned ones while they were seeing the horrible
things around there. Meanwhile the choppers turned around and left Jennifer and
Schneider to rescue Schwarze 3 from a dark and hot zone. Who knows whats in there,
but they will have to discover it for themselves soon enough.

Chapter IV: The City of Dark Fighters

(Die Stadt der dunklen Kmpfer)
Hannover-Braunschweig limits, Germany (February 4th, 2001. 1800 hours): The skies
turned from orange to red because of the battles happened there. Jennifer and
Schneider had to be careful wherever they go as they were walking and she was shocked
of what her eyes were seeing. Lots of burned corpses everywhere and some of them
were hung from buildings and houses that were in fire. Jennifer was horrified and asked
Schneider How dare them? Oh my God, I cant believe this. Were the first Nazis this
way? and he replied They were worst actually.
Suddenly, her radio rang with Lindemanns voice sounding Black Snake? Black Snake,
do you copy? and she was kind of scared because she disobeyed an order and answered
Black Snake here.
Lindemann didnt sound happy at all for the decision she made by alleging What, in the
name of Christ are you doing? and Jennifer knew it was wrong and explained it to him
A pilot from the Luftwaffe was shot down when defending us. I voluntered myself for
a special rescue operation.
Lindemann exclaimed This is unacceptable, do you hear me? Unacceptable! and she
stated Sir, he risked his life for us! but he kept remarking her Your mission was to
bring Klinsmann and his men back alive and destroy the Neo-Nazi anti-air posts. You



were supposed to come back with them! Now what? and she said ashamed I was going
to ask you the same question.
Lindemann was so upset that Jennifer couldnt say anything in her defense and
Schneider said Come on Lindemann, stop being a dick and praise her for what she did
instead of doing what youre doing.
Lindemann turned madder than ever when hearing Schneiders voice Oh great. Thats
just great! Not only her, but also you! and Colonel Riemann joined the conversation
Black Snake, Im aware of what have you done today. Although you did an excellent
job, you disobeyed a mission parameter.
Lindemann asked both Schneider and Jennifer Do you even know where you are? and
both said nothing and his expression said it all I knew it. You guys are in none other
place than the limits between Hannover and Braunschweig, a place under the Neo-Nazis
complete control. An area we cannot touch and you know it better than her Schneider.
Jennifer interrupted Lindmann by stating Hey, hey, hey, stop it Herr Lindemann. I was
the one who voluntered. Schneider just followed my lead due to the fact Im his boss.
then Riemann asked about Kruspe and she replied Hes in a chopper going back to base
along with the convoy carrying civilians and anti Neo-Nazi resistance fighters. I ordered
him to stick with them.
Riemann lamented Im sorry to hear that, but I have to report this to your superiors.
You dont leave me with another choice. And Lindemann then changed his attitude by
telling Riemann Dont. Let me handle this. And Riemann asked why. Lindemann
replied him Lets give her a chance. Circumstances like this one happen all the time.
Riemann was unsure because of her age and her unknown profile, but in the end he
gave Lindemann green light by alleging Okay, but you better do greater. If not, you will
be out of the Bundeswehr Lindemann. And you Patterson and Schneider are not safe
either. The same goes to you.
I know, I know. You dont have to tell us. Jennifer stated and Riemann said before
signing off Okay then. Come back in one piece with the pilot. Good luck dame und herr.
Ill see what we can do for you from here.
Both continued walking while holding their guns because of the dangers they could
encounter due to the fact they were in hostile territory. They didnt know what they
were getting into. Suddenly, Jennifer make a few steps and stepped on a hand, a simple
hand that was cut off from a body. She got scared what she saw below her foot and
screamed and Schneider went to see what happened.
Jennifer?! Jennifer, whats going on?! Schneider went to ask worried and saw her
horrified and suddenly, the hardened and tough female operative turned into a
defenseless and nave-like girl and Schneider had to make her come in her senses
because the life of a fallen brave comrade was in risk. He had to hug her like he was her



boyfriend and said in a lovely tone Its okay honey. Its okay. Everythings going to be
all right. Were going to get through this and leave with pilot in one piece all of us.
Jennifer was regretting for the choice she made and broke in tears crying out Why!?
Why did I make this stupid decision? Why!? and Schneider kept hugging her and he
raised her head saying Listen to me. Things like these always happen, anywhere,
anytime. Youve got to understand youll get surrounded by these kind of things. When
Kruspe and I were sent to Mndchen, we had to watch those stubborn bastards killing
men and women in front of their children. Some of them were hung, some others were
burned and others were tortured without mercy, repeating what the Nazis did during
World War II. Some of the Neo-Nazis went too far and cut off heads and other body
limbs. We wanted to act just like you, but we knew we had to understand we cant stop
the inevitable and that sometimes we cannot save the lives of the innocents no matter
how badly we want it.
He then added saying while looking at her beautiful but scared blue eyes and grabbing
her shoulders Youve got to move on and be strong. If not, youll be piece of cake for
them. You get in this, now theres no turning back until you complete the mission. The
same goes for me as well. No matter what happens, Ill stick with you to the end, but I
need you come to your senses. Okay? Can you do that for me?
Schneiders words got into Jennifers head and influenced her to get calm but she was
still crying but just a little while she was cleaning the tears off her face.
I hope I can do it. Jennifer alleged while crying a little and then she thanked
Schneider for consolating her in some way and gave him a kiss in a cheek. Schneider
thought it was awkward but still gave her a smile before continuing their path. A very
dangerous and dark path.
Schneider told her Watch my back. Ill take point this time. and she nooded while
nervous and aimed her G-36 while her hands were shaking a little. Schneider checked
the magazine and saw it had only a few bullets inside. He didnt like it for his expression
Damn it! and she asked What is it?
Im running out of ammo. Schneider alleged and Jennifer did as well Yeah, me too.
Looks like this time will be OSP.
She took the magazine off her gun and gave it to Schneider Here. With my bullets you
should be able to have the magazine full. Ill take my PSG-1. He thanked her and she
picked her PSG-1 for the mission and he added We both better not fire many. And she
The place was like a horror movie-like nightmare, with no people in sight, dark and
corpses everywhere and the wind flowing at their direction. Jennifer alleged I feel like
Im in a Freddy Kruger film. Jesus, look at everywhere. And Schneider suddenly said
Get used to it cause youll see more of this in the future.



Suddenly, some screamings echoed and both went to hide over the wall of a building
located in a street intersection so they could take a look without getting caught as the
screamings were scary. She picked her binoculars to take a look to the left of the street
intersection they were and Schneider asked What do you see? and she replied Cant
see anything. There must be something going on there.

Schneider alleged We must go and find Schwarze 3. and Jennifer alleged also Where
did he end up to? Were not going to find him soon. Suddenly her radio rang and it was
Lieutenant Helmholtz.
Black Snake? Black Snake, do you read me? Over? - He asked and she replied I read
you. Whats the matter?
Is it true? Are you nearby Braunschweig? Helmholtz asked and she said Yes, albeit
it was such a stupid idea. Were located in a God forsaken place, apparently under the
enemys control, with no food, no supplies and low ammunition.
No need to worry. Supplies are on the way. He stated and she raised an eyebrow
What? What do you mean? I dont get it. and he explained With your location marked
by the transmitter youve got inside your body, were able to launch a special missileshaped like case we developed a few months ago. However, its still on its development
phase due to some issues we were having for quite some time. So this is the first time
we use it in a mission.
Schneider asked a little bit upset about it Why didnt you tell us about it? To all of us?
We could use it from the very beginning and avoided lots deaths of Bundeswehr
soldiers. and Helmholtz remarked I just did.
Schneider shook his head but he knew it was a past fact calming himself down and
Jennifer then said Anyway, youve got our location. Then what? When are you going to
send it to us? and Helmholtz said Now. But it could take some time though so I
recommend you not to move from your current location.
Seems like we will disappoint the Luftwaffe after all. How stupid I was. Jennifer
groaned as sign of failure but Helmholtz said Relax, it will take a few minutes, not hours.
Between 5 and 10 minutes to reach the area.
You sure? She asked and he replied I hope so. Were going to do our best to make
sure it gets on time. In the meantime, do not move from there. All right? and Jennifer
sighed Okay, well wait. Black Snake out.
Both Schneider and Jennifer hid inside the nearest place to wait for the supplies.
Schneider was watching while aiming his G-36 and Jennifer well, she was sitting
instead. Nervous and thinking, bitting her lips like a girl in trouble; desperate and afraid.
All those emotions were invading her head making her to lose some focus on the mission
she started. Her eyes started to cry some tears and when doing, she turned to avoid



Schneider to look at her, but he was too busy watching from the corners in case of the
enemys arrival so he wasnt able to do so.
Suddenly, her radio rang once again. Black Snake? Black Snake, are you there? but she
didnt answer this time and Schneider turned and saw her still and quiet. The radio was
ringing and the call was coming from Dr. Hassenbauer, the renowned medic from the
Bundeswehr and Jennifers medical advisor and physician This is Dr. Hassenbauer, Black
Snake do you read me? Come in.
Jennifer? Jennifer, your radio is sounding. Schneider told her, but she ignored him.
The radio kept sounding Black Snake? Black Snake, you still there? He alleged once
again while her radio was still ringing Jennifer, your radio. Its ringing, you have to
answer it. Then, he went to check her and asked her so concerned Are you listening
to me? Black Snake, are you all right?
Schneider approached her and saw her crying once more and he shook his head while
seeing that. He couldnt believe what he was seeing; a female operative who was
fighting very well and saved many lives from a very dangerous rebel organization-turned
army crying like a nave little girl. Schneider had to tell that to Hassenbauer reporting
This is Bundeswehr Agent Christoph Schneider. Female operative Black Snake is
suffering from a nervous breakdown. I repeat, weve got a female agent suffering from
a nervous breakdown. Over.
I see. Well, looks like well have to work on that quickly. Thank you Herr Schneider for
briefing me. Hassenbauer said and tried to figure something to put Jennifer back in
Frulein Patterson, do you read me? I know youre there, you need to keep going.
Hassenbauer said but she didnt show any response, something really concerning for
him and for the Bundeswehr. Then he asked Schneider What happened to her exactly?
She saw lots of corpses, something she was getting used to since her first day here and
suddenly stepped on a hand Schneider explained him and Hassenbauer asked A
Yes, a hand. A human hand! Schneider remarked and Hassenbauer started to work
on the fast rehab for her after getting what he needed to know. Oh, I see. Okay, it wont
be easy, but we have do it. All right, Frulein Patterson I know its not pleasant for
anyone to see a hand without being attached to a body. Trust me, I used to work in a
morgue, I had to deal with corpses all the time analyzing their causes of death. Once a
corpse was delivered but in pieces due to a cannibalistic case. There were some limbs
missing, along with a lot of human flesh also absent from the body.
Unbelievably, it dragged Jennifers attention and she started to ask due to her curiousity
Cannibalistic? Are you serious? and he replied confirming it Of course Im serious. At
least yes, basing on what I read on the report.



When did it happen? She asked and he replied It happened a couple years ago. It
was horrible. More than you saw today. Anyway, the point is that I, Herr Lindemann,
Herr Weinmann, Oberst Riemann, Herr Schneider, even my daughter have saw corpses
like the one you saw.
It was a limb, not a corpse. She remarked angry and he then alleged Corpse, limb,
it doesnt matter. Its still a corpse as long as the poor guy or girl had died. War is war
and you will see that kind of things every single day all your life if you keep earning a
living as a soldier.
She raised an eyebrow and said Who told you that? and he replied Somebody here
who is next to me. Why dont you complete the mission you assigned to yourself and
come back alive in one piece so you can meet him?
It was clearly he unveiled the identity of that person; George Kasler, Black Snakes
mentor, most trusted colleague and closest friend. She said stutting Y-Y-Y-Y-Yes sir!
Suddenly, he briefed her about her status Looks like your emotional status has cooled
off basing on your heart rate data, adrenaline and stress levels. Thats a good sign, but
we need to work hard on that once you come back. As of now, if you need to let off
steam dont hesitate to give me a call. I can help you as psychologist as well.
Jennifer wrinkled her forehead about the complemental degree Hassenbauer had, albeit
he was a doctor Looks like youre such a surprise box isnt it Doc? What also are you
besides being a doctor and a psychologist? and he replied Ill tell you once youve
come back and Ill invite you a cup of coffee near the base, what do you say? Do we have
a deal? and she said Yeah, I would love to.
Great. Im glad youve accepted my invitation. Remember, you can do it. Stay safe and
bring the pilot back home. And Jennifer nodded Understood. Thanks Doctor for
bringing me back to reality. You welcome. Hassenbauer replied after signing off and
Jennifer stood and approached Schneider who was smiling after seeing her coming to
her senses. She then hugged Schneider as a token of thanks and, the missile-shaped like
case just crashed near them and released another case, smaller but tougher than the
other. They both went out of the building and went to check it. Schneider opened it and
both saw rifle and pistol magazines, hand grenades, C-4 explosives charges, a pair of
night-vision goggles, two electronic marking trackers and food supplies like roast beef,
chicken, and smoked rations, cookies, chocolate bars and water. They took every single
piece of all the equipment inside the case without hesitation. Suddenly, boths radios
rang and it was a call from Helmholtz This is Helmholtz, do you read? The case has
reached your location. Over. and Jennifer replied Affirmative Lieutenant. Weve just
taken what was inside.
He then alleged Good. So you also took the trackers right? Ill tell you how it works. You
can see the shape it has. Versatile and light and the screen is touchable. Maybe someday
everyone will have it at home.



Jennifer coughed interrupting Helmholtz to get to the point and continued explaining
how the device worked Anyway, turn it on and you will see the map of the area youre
currently located showing you guys as green markers. Your objective should appear as
a blue dot as soon as you get a report about it. Touch the icon Lage and you will see it.
She touched it as been told and it showed both Jennifer and Schneider as green markers
and Schneider did the same by turning his tracker on and touching the icon, working
equally like Jennifers. Theres also a menu with many icons you can touch and request
what you need. We will send it to your location ASAP. But be careful with it, because we
dont have that much as we used to have so use it when absolutely, absolutely
neccesary. When you do, a signal will be sent to the base and I will call you giving you
details about its use and indicating if your requests were granted or denied. Did I get
myself clear, guys?
Schneider replied Loud and clear. Well do when necessary. Over. and Jennifer did as
well Roger that. Suddenly, she saw an artefact that she forgot to pick up. She asked
Whats this? and Helmholtz replied You will find out soon enough. And she said
Okay. Resuming mission. Black Snake out. before signing out and getting back to the
They were heading to the previous location given to Jennifer and Schneider by Schwarze
1 passing the lonely streets where ther was nothing more but destroyed houses,
decimated vehicles, houses burning in flames, corpses of Neo-Nazis and German Army
soldiers lying on the ground and some other being hung like in the Middle Age.
Jennifer was still nervous, but she was overing it thanks to Dr. Hassenbauers quick
therapy However, she didnt keep her guard down, so as Schneider. Walking through
the streets that got shattered by the numerous battles happened and eventually being
won by the rivals. Then, after passing through lots of street they heard some trucks
coming. Jennifer and Schneider immediately dashed to take cover using a destroyed fire
station as shelter and she took a look on them carefully. Apparently those were NeoNazi surveillance trucks patrolling the area and stopped to look for something unknown,
or not. All soldiers got out of the trucks, holding their guns, ready for search. They were
la ittle bit close to both Jennifer and Schneider, close enough for them to listen to a
conversation between two enemy soldiers. One of them asked What are we doing here
exactly Rosenthal? We should have stayed in the capitol and watch the prisoners. and
the other one replied with a serious voice tone We received a report about a pilot being
shot down, Tork.
One of ours? Tork asked and Rosenthal replied shaking his head Nein. The opposite
Luftwaffes. A traitor. According to some of our men, they saw him bailing out from his
plane near here. We should find him and get something about the Heer from his mouth.
Suddenly, a man who was apparently the NN unit leader was Alright guys, listen up.
Intel reported an enemy pilot being shot down near the area. I want three units of four
men to look to the East. I want another three of the same number to go to the West.
The four here left will take the remaining directions; two to the north and the others to



the south. Ill take point with the North ones. We have to find that son of a bitch before
they do.
One of them asked They? and the leader told to all his men Weve got a radio
transmission about a rescue unit heading here. The funny detail is the transmission came
from a woman.
No shit. - Another one said swearing and the leader stated According to Herr Mller
before leaving, he spotted two Heer choppers from the tower and one of our Command
Control personnel took a picture from a recorded video from a surveillance camera
nearby the enemies arrival location. The picture showed the two chopper releasing
people for backup and our comrade stated the picture shows a man and apparently a
female soldier. Shes got to be the one who blew the Bremen post sky high.
Another one, who got shocked about the leaders statement said A woman?
Impossible. No woman could have taken out such a big base like the one in Bremen. No
Ask to one of the survivors who managed to return. She revealed it was a woman who
sneaked into there and helped the Bundeswehr to attack it and eventually taking it
over. - The leader said and the soldier got angry after listening to that answer.
Then he said Lets not fuck this up gentlemen. Captain Kappelhoff arrived just before
Herr Mller left but he was briefed about the situation during his trip over here and he
ordered us to bring the pilot to the Captain alive so we have to find him. However if we
find the Heer rats, well deliver them right straight to him as well. Understood? Now,
spread out! ordering to commence the search and everyone headed to their respect
directions to go and search for Schwarze 3 before Jennifer and Schneider do. As both
stood still, without moving a single muscle as the enemy were still close. The enemy
units were moving slowly, searching carefully albeit they thought there was nobody
inside the fire station.
Jennifer wanted to leave but Schneider grabbed her arm stopping her and said Dont.
Wait for them to leave. Were continuing in shortly. and she followed Schneiders
advice, waiting for the enemy to leave.
After the enemy left, the Heer operatives moved from the fire station and proceeded to
go to the objectives location, passing through shattered neighborhoods. Suddenly, they
encountered a few guards about 60 yards from her and Schneider patrolling and Jennifer
drew her GSR and added the suppressor on it and killed them with it. Suddenly,
Jennifers and Schneiders radios sounded Mayday, mayday! This is Luftwaffe 1st Flight
Captain Timo Rothens. Does anyone hear me? Over.
Both wrinkled their foreheads and the radio kept sounding This is Luftwaffe 1st Flight
Captain Timo Rothens. Ive been shot down by an enemy airplane. Anyone there? Over.
Jennifer was glad knowing the pilot was still alive and she answered This is Black Snake,
I read you Captain Rothens! Are you alright? Whats your status?



The fallen pilot reported his status to Jennifer Im located in the Kreuzberstrae. Im
running away from them. Theyre after me! Im so tired right now.
Schneider then interfered Roger Captain. Were on your way. Hide somewhere else so
we can come for you. We have your location on radar. And the pilot asked Your
Schneider from the Bundeswehr, Captain. He introduced himself to Schwarze 3 and
he agreed Understood. Ill wait for you, but you better hurry cause those bastards
wont stop until they find me. Schwarze 3 out.
Schwarze 3 signed off and Jennifer and Schneider knew they needed to step on it so they
had to find something to reach his position on time. Jennifer took his tracker and
checked the radar and it showed not only Schwarze 3s location before after the call, but
also the many positions of every single enemy soldier around the area. A blue dot
representing Schwarze 1 and orange dots as the enemies. However, there another dots
in red representing something else but they were specified as unknown. Both Jennifer
and Schneider were very confused about those two rec markers and Jennifer reported
it to Helmholtz This is Black Snake. Lieutenant, do you copy?
Affirmative Black Snake. Whats wrong? He asked and Jennifer said confused Weve
just tracked Schwarze 3s location. It appears as a blue marker. Helmholtz said Yeah.
So? What about it?
Weve got the blue marker along with many orange dots Im sure those are the
enemies. A blue one and many oranges. So far so good, but what I dont understand are
those two red markers.
Red? - Helmholtz asked confused too and Jennifer kept talking I dont know if thats
the meaning of some kind of dangerous area or additional objectives. Beats me.
Helmholtz then stated Jesus! Those have to be WK members. Ill put my money on
them. and she shook her head declaring Goddammit. I knew it! I knew it wasnt a good
Then she remembered what one of the NN personnel said and reported Now that I
remember, one of the enemy soldiers said something about a guy named Kappelhoff.
Folker Kappelhoff Jr, right? There was another one as well; Mller. but Schneider
added Yeah, but Mller left before Kappelhoffs arrival, in accordance to one of the
enemy soldiers statement. Can you check it out for us Lieutenant? And Helmholtz
agreed Affirmative. Ill call you back when I get something.
Helmholtz signed off and the allied operatives continued moving forward to the
objectives location while still waiting for an answer. Meanwhile he was checking the
data, Jennifer and Schneider were still moving as fast as they could but also as silent as
they could.



A few minutes later, both radios of Jennifer and Schneider sounded and she answered
Black Snake here, what do you got? However, it wasnt a call from Helmholtz. It was
call from someone else, different from the Heer. The person on the radio said This isnt
your war. You were warned before. Now youll suffer the consequences for your
collaboration with the traitors.
Jennifer wrinkled her forehead and Schneider heard the conversation. Jennifer asked
him with a serious voice tone Who is this? Identify yourself.
The unknown voice said while smirking, as it sounded like because of the way he was
expressing himself You may already know who I am. Mller told me about you.
Jennifer grinned once she knew his identity Folker Kappelhoff Jr.
The one on the radio said You will pay for your arrogance and for killing our comrades.
I want to have you here in front of my eyes and make you spit everything you know in a
way that Jesus Christ may have considered as merciless and brutal until you realize you
shouldnt mess with Weisse Kreuze and eventually cry for what you have done and make
you wish you were never born.
Jennifer was horrified for his declaration towards her, but Schneider put his arm on one
of her shoulders, telling her everything was going to be all right and that she wasnt
alone. That made her keeping her cool and handling the situation while Kappelhoff Jr
kept talking Oh mein Gott. I really want to be there to do that to you. Unfortunately I
wont be the one because I have to deal with something else first. That little fly that
needs to be crushed for its own sake. You know what I mean right?
Jennifer got angry, grinned and warned Kappelhoff Jr. Theres no way Im gonna allow
you to do that. Why dont you show up so we can arrange this as soldiers? but he
mocked at her Hahaha. You and me? Hahahaha. Dont make me laugh. Of course we
will arrange something, indeed we will. But not that way, it wouldnt be fair for you. A
soldier versus a teenager. No, not fair for me either. Lets see, ummm. Oh yes. Of course,
your funeral for example, along with your partners.
Schneider grinned Youre such a big pussy. Come out from where you are and face me!
but the NN officer kept mocking No no no no no. Not so fast, Im not here to comply
you asshole. The girl is the one who concerns me so ladies first. Ill deal with you after
He then voiced Darling, it would be a pleasure for me to kill you. But as I told you, I have
some business first to attend to so its a shame we wont face each other as you did with
Heinecke. But dont worry, someone else will do the wet work for me. Ill make sure he
has a little mercy on you so you can have a peaceful and decent death. You have my



Who? Who are you going to send after me? Your mother? Or your father? Ohh sorry.
He died at the hands of the allies during World War II. How does it feel to be old and
blind, believing in something so wrong and stupid? Jennifer mocked and Kappelhoff
Jr was so angry after her comments about his father and that was the clincher that came.
He swore No one mess with my father. No one!! This is it. Ill see you soon enough when
he brings me your filthy dead body. Count on it! and signed off. Suddenly, her radio
sounded and Helmholtz spoke I see you spoke with Folker Kappelhoff Jr, the retired
Jennifer said Indeed I did. Did you get anything? and he confirmed Yes I did. And in
case youre wondering yes, Kappelhoff is one of the red markers on your radar. You can
look at it on your tracker along with the other marker.
She took it and checked the other dossier uploaded on the device. She went to the icon
Dossiers and searched in the enemy section. She said while shocked after seeing the
other profile What? The serial killer?! Not a good a sign either.
Yeah. Rudolf Zehetbauer, the serial killer. Helmholtz remarked and Jennifer read the
full file about him.
She read the Zehetbauers profile Hunter and serial killer. Born in 1966 in East Berlin,
East Germany. Height: 6 ft 2 in tall. I.Q: 140; not bad for a serial killer. Responsible for
the deaths of twenty women and ten men until his capture in 1994. He was released
from prison in 1998 and eventually recruited by Weisse Kreuze some time later.
Responsible for the deaths of many Heer and Bundeswehr personnel and operatives
from the Abwehr, Interpol and the CIA during a Neo-Nazi strike on the Heer Command
Post in Nrnberg and another one on the Camp Heuberg in Baden-Wrttemberg near
the city of Stetten am kalten Markt. Trademarks: Green eyes, blond short hair, stocky
and a scar on the left side of his forehead. Known for using the old Nazi German
Sturmgewehr StG-44 assault rifle and Gewehr 43 semi-automatic rifle as his weapons of
choice. Also uses grenades ressembling the old Stielhandgranate model.
Then she mocked A stapping guy with old Nazi beliefs and also fan of old Nazi weaponry
huh? Nice. Just what we need now. And Helmholtz said Calm down Frulein Patterson.
You know you can do it. If you took out the Raltzingers bare-handed, then he shouldnt
be a problem for you. Just dont get cocky and dont be scared. However, Jennifer said
unpleasantly Yeah. Its easy to say that.
Suddenly, Colonel Riemann got into the conversation and said Remember you need be
focused. If you do, nothing, nobody, especially nobody will stop you. Believe in yourself
if you want to be the last man standing. Sorry, I meant woman.
Then he showed his full support towards her by stating If you need to know anything
related to the Weisse Kreuze members, give me a call anytime you want. In the
meantime, stay focused on your primary objective that is? Rescuing the Luftwaffe
pilot. Jennifer remarked.



After her answer, he said Right. Then you can proceed to eliminate Kappelhof Jr. and
Zehetbauer. There will be no backup units for you until you get the pilot out of danger,
but you can ask for anything from supplies to ammo and weaponry. Understand?
Yes sir. Nice and clear. Jennifer confirmed and Schneider asked something
important. He asked Riemann Once wed found him, where should we take him? I
mean, you should have a map that displays the areas that are controlled by the NeoNazis and the other ones that arent.
Helmholtz replied that question since he was the expert in technology Indeed we have.
Its just getting uploaded to your trackers. The map will be displayed in no time.
And it happened like Helmholtz said. The map was displayed, giving them not only
Schwarze 3s location but also the location of each Weisse Kreuze member around the
area and each soldier of the Neo-Nazi army being represented as yellow dots. Not to
mention the anti-artillery posts being marked as orange dots and the enemy garrison as
a big grey marker.
Schneider alleged Nice. Lots of enemies around big areas and a few small spaces to use
for an infiltration. And Jennifer tried to calm him and said Calm down Schneider. We
will figure something out.
Riemann added Also, we will updated your data every ten minutes so you can proceed
properly. And Jennifer quoted Technology and Information in real-time huh?
Helmholtz stated Yeah. By the way, every time the data gets updated, you will hear a
short but kind of noise sound so keep an eye on you tracker once it emits the sound.
Okay? and both agreed.
Riemann then ordered Youve heard them. Get back to the mission and stay sharp. Viel
Glck Dame und Herr. And Jennifer replied in German as well Dankeschn Herr
Oberst. Black Snake aus. And they kept going heading straight to Schwarze 3s location
while being careful and without making a sound. According to the Bundeswehrs data,
the pilot was about 3 miles and half away from Jennifer and Schneiders position due to
their move. It was nearer than expected albeit the air officer wasnt out of danger.. The
pair had to figure something while they were heading to his position. However,
Schneider saw a group of soldiers watching the area, but he got so shocked that
suggested Jennifer to stop and hide somewhere. Jennifer checked the tracker and was
indicating the position of each soldier of the enemy unit and asked him What is it?
Schneider replied while looking Those wackos. The call themselves The New Gestapo.
and she said in shock New Gestapo? Youve got to be kidding me?



Then she said while looking at their modern deep black-colored uniforms, ressembling
the original ones used in World War II by the Nazi German officers Judging by their
uniforms color, it represents how their hearts and personalities must be. Im stunned
that there are women in their lines of attack and defense. What do you think theyre
doing? and Schneider replied They must be patrolling the area I guess. They must have
been warned about our presence here.
Jen then whispered Armed to the teeth. Light machine guns and customized assault
rifles. Pros. And Schneider got up and whispered Okay Jen, lets move. Let them do
their own. Weve have some business to attend to.
Schneider and Jennifer continued their path heading to the pilots location but the trip
was quite long so it could a while. Schneider suggested Jennifer to let him check the
tracker every 10 minutes as been told by Lt. Helmholtz and Col. Riemann. She didnt
object and she took the role as the finger while Schneider became the eye. The watcher
and the shooter. The eye and the finger.
Every single minute was the same thing at any area they were passing; soldiers patrolling
and watching cautiously as the sky was turning darker while time was running. Schneider
was looking at the virtual map and kept Jennifer updated about the enemies moves.
For two straight hours they were walking and the pilot called the Bundeswehr and the
ISAF operative. He said This is Rothens, can you hear me? and Schneider answered
Roger that Captain. Whats the matter? and he asked Are you on your way? I cant
stay here forever. Better move fast. Over.
Jennifer felt rushed and urged him Hold on just a little longer. Were very close, about
a mile away from your position. And he said before signing off Understood, but you
better hurry. And continued their path.
The allied agents were moving being guided by the trackers until Schneider checked his
and it wasnt a good thing due to the serious look on his face. He stopped Jennifer by
grabbing her left shoulder with his hand and she knew it wasnt that good as well. She
checked her tracker and grinned by the thing she saw on the map.
Zehetbauer. He is closing in. Jennifer said concerned and then she said Lets go and
find the pilot first. He is our primary objective and then well deal with the enemy. and
both dashed to the pilots location without hesitation. They knew they had to get to him
before the enemy and they took a while to reach him, until they did. The area where the
pilot was hiding was completely destroyed. Jennifer hid somewhere to make contact
and dialed the frequency registered on her radio.
This is Black Snake, do you read me Captain? Jennifer called him and he answered the
radio call Affirmative Black Snake. She reported her position I just arrived to your
location. You may go out. Were going to bring you back home. and replied with a happy
voice tone At last! Well, frankly I thought you were going to take long. Im going out.



Rothens, Schwarze 3 in this case went out and met the Heer operatives to leave the
place ASAP. Jennifer met a man who was 6 ft 1 in tall, fit, brown-eyed and short fairhaired. The Luftwaffe flight officer was surprised for watching a woman so beautiful
fighting a bloody war and must of all, one who rescued him. He expressed it to Jennifer
by saying Wow. Never thought to be rescued by a beauty. The beauty becomes the
blue prince this time. And Jennifer shook her head while smiling, taking his comment
as a complement. But she got serious a few seconds later and briefed him Enough of
this captain. You know why are here and we have to leave this place now. Were not out
of danger yet.
I know. Those black suited bastards. He remarked and Schneider added Not only
them captain, but therere some other people who want your head. Rothens raised an
eyebrow after hearing Schneiders comment and asked What do you mean? Who?
and Jennifer told him Two members of Weisse Kreuze; a veteran and a serial killer. We
better leave. You got any weapon? and he replied while drawing his gun, a Walther P99 9mm pistol Yeah. Better to have something than nothing, dont you think?
She replied Safetys first. Here, take my G-36. Its locked and loaded. But Schneider
said No Jen. Ill give him mine, dont worry. Besides, you need it more than I do. And
Jennifer thanked him for being generous and a gentleman in some way, although it
wasnt something like a date. He gave his G-36 to Rothens so he could fight in case of
being attacked and got focused to leave the area unscathed. However, things were
about to get ugly for the now allied trio since a shot was fired from quite a long distance,
almost hitting one of them. Fortunately it missed and gave them time to talke cover over
something but one thing was sure, Zehetbauer had arrived and was on the hunt,
encountering them for the first time.
Schneider took cover behind a wrecked truck while Jennifer and Rothens hid over
different walls and Schneider shouted Guess youre not a good shooter after all! and
Zehetbauer just aimed at wall near where Rothens was hiding and shot at him. Schneider
and Jennifer couldnt believe what he saw.
The bullet that was fired had a ricochet feature, and the bullet went straight to Rothens
right leg, wounding him. He was feeling a lot of pain inside his leg and started to lose
blood while swearing loudly and Schneider went angry and fired back until the Neo-Nazi
shooter did too, but the bullet didnt reflect. Then Zehetbauer demanded I came for
her, rat brain! And you bitch come out from where you are or I will put a bullet into that
empty head of yours!! Then she grinned while shouting Come out so we can deal this
He then cried out after Jennifer had spoken loudly I love girls like you being punished
and tortured for their committed sins and you are not an exception either. And guess
what? Youll dearly pay for our comrades, for our fallen saviors and for our nation!
And suddenly, a stocky figure showed up in front of them, about 400 meters from their
positions. He howled like a maniac HEIL WEISSE KREUZE! HEIL DEUTSCHLAND! HEIL
RALTZINGER!! SIEG HEIL!!!! and he stretched, snapping all the bones of his body,



preparing for battle. You know what to do. Get the pilot out of here and call HQ for
extraction. Jennifer gave Schneider some indications whispering. He refused to leave
her alone, but this time nodded, trusting in her and her skills to complete the mission
and leave victorious from a very dark city with black hearts and freightning goals.
He helped Rothens to stand up and Rothens told her Take that bastard down Black
Snake!! Dont let him get away with it! and she snapped her fingers, showing herself a
little bit nervous while Zehetbauer was showing desire to add another woman on his list
of women killed. His look said it all; a need to bring her to his comrades in memorial of
his fallen compatriots. Meanwhile Jennifers expressed the need of survive another
battle to keep moving in order to save not only a pilot, but an entire nation. One that
wasnt hers, but one whose destiny was riding on her hands.
Both were stood still from a long distance, waiting for the right time to pick their
weapons; a modern G-36 versus an old StG-44, a GSR handgun versus a Walther P-38
and a modern and deadly HK PSG-1 sniper rifle versus an old but still powerful Mauser
Gewehr 43 semi-automatic firearm converted into a sniper rifle. Only one of them could
leave victorious.
And so it started, both of them picking their assault rifles and shooting at each other
while dashing to take cover. Schneider and Rothens could hear the shots being fired
during the showdown and Rothens asked Do you think she can handle it? Can we trust
her really? and he said Shes young but she is tougher than she looks.
Rothens was still doubting and asked him Shoudnt you be with her engaging them?
No, we both of us? and he replied She was the one determined to get you out of here.
And I am going to follow what I was told. As soon as youre out, I will come back and join
her somehow so lets keep moving before they catch us.
Jennifer was engaging him with her G-36 while he was running away but still shooting
at her with his StG-44. Every single shot were missed, only hitting walls and wrecked
Both fired all bullets from their respective magazines and rushed reloading their
weapons. Jennifer aimed and fired but Zehetbauer managed to avoid the shot in time
while he did the same as Jennifer did the same as well. Then he smirked and cried out
Whats the matter Ktzchen? Cant you hit me?! Hahahaha!! Dont worry, Ill make it
up to you.
She looked out the wall and a shot was fired and Jennifer hid quickly avoiding being hit.
However, even missing, he laughed maniacally making him think she was where he
wanted. Perhaps he was right because she was in enemy territory. She grinned her teeth
and attacked from the corner by firing a bullet and heared a moan of pain that came
from Zehetbauer. Jennifer peeked and saw him grinning while grabbing his wounded
left arm and she smirked and voiced loudly Whats the matter Ktzchen? Did you like
it? Oh dont worry. Ive got more for you.



She went to see if he was down, but she made her worst mistake so far letting her guard
down as he threw a stun grenade. It bought him some time to get away, leaving Jennifer
blind for a few minutes. Jennifer started to move without any view and tried to relax her
eyes quickly in order to focus but when she recovered, Zehetbauer was no longer there.
Jennifer dashed to the closest corner to take cover in case of being shot by the NN
hunter. She took her tracker to find Zehetbauers position and in accordance with the
device, he was a little bit far from her and headed there. Suddenly, a shot was fired from
a long range and she managed to dodge the shot. Then more shots were fired at her and
she took cover. It was clearly it was Zehetbauer using his Gewehr 43 as the shots were
echoing, all around the dark environment in the once beautiful city it was before. But
then, the fire was ceased allowing the place to be silent and quiet. Jennifer started to
breathe deep in order to maintain calm in the middle of the fight.
It was almost night time, something concerning and helpless for Jennifer in battle. To do
something about it she looked on her backpack and took some night-vision goggles with
a small and special thermo-scan. She put them on and lied down to be a in a sniping
position. She aimed and searched for Zehetbauer, focused and carefully. She took a deep
breath and looked cautious until watching a reflex from a destroyed drugstore about
400 yards from her position but she heard a shot forcing her to roll to a different
position. She did it so quick the bullet just hit the ground, managing to save herself from
a lethal gunshot that was straight to her. Zehetbauer laughed maniacally and howled
You cannot beat me! Not in my land! My territory!
She grinned her teeth and mumbled Thats something were gonna find out honey.
Lets see whos got the best shot. And moved to another place to get a sniping spot
after being compromised. Zehetbauer did it as well after catching Jennifer and was not
gping to stop until bringing her body to Kappelhoff Jr.
Whilst on her way, Schneider warned her Black Snake, Im spotting enemy
reinforcements closing to your position. Look on your monitor. And she did as
Schneider said.
Acknowledged. Dankeschn Schneider. And moved on fast. She dashed while looking
on her trackers display and she mumbling while running Okay Jennifer, this is it. Lets
take this bastard down before the herd arrives. She ran and headed to his position to
engage Zehetbauer who was about a hundred yards from her.
She sneaked into a small alley nearby his newest spot that was an abandoned bar to
bust him from behind. She did it silently, making slow and quiet steps and wetting her
lips. She kept doing it, slowly, slowly, slowly like a lion waiting for its prey, but then she
stepped on pieces of glass, making noise and Zehetbauer knew immediately she was
behind him and turned fast with his old Nazi firearm and aimed at her, but she got close
to him by dashing and managed to kick the rifle off his hands. But Zehetbauer didnt stay
back and reacted as well, throwing her to the ground by using his legs, making her to



Jennifer stood up fast and fought him while he tried to punch her but she dodged his
attack and hit him in the stomach and didnt stop attacking, until he grabbed her arm
and applied a throwing technique on Jennifer. But she used her legs to kick him as a
defense tactic which helped her in some way to stand up and continue fighting
Zehetbauer was smirking while Jennifer maintained her cool while serious. He asked her
with his guard up Whats the matter, Ktzchen? Cant you stand a few punches? Looks
like youre not so tough like they said. Perhaps you need a rest; an eternal rest. I should
finish you for your own good. The hunter versus the kitten. And he dashed towards her
and while screaming to attack with punches and kicks but she blocked all his techniques.
Jennifer took a chance to punch him, making him bleed from his nose after getting
careless and she smiled knowing that she could beat him like she did against the fallen
He went so mad that he grabbed a knife from a holster on his left leg and screamed
while trying to stab her with it. However, her reflexes were superior to his, dodging every
single attack attempt with it, but suddenly he did one that Jennifer had to grab the hand
that was holding the knife and had to hold that hand so hard to try not to get stabbed
into the heart. She was pushing herself and was seeing how determined was Zehetbauer
to kill her, and the knife that was getting close to touch and penetrate her chest. While
seeing her grinning her teeth as a sign of the efforts she was making not to get killed,
Zehetbauer continued smirking, watching her pushing hard and laughed.
It was now or never. It was kill or be killed, no matter what it would take. Zehetbauer
continued smirking and then he mumbled Its time to for you to say goodbye. Anything
to say before departing? and she said while smirking too holding his hands hard Yeah.
Send my regards to your boss. And suddenly, she crushed his right leg with her foot,
breaking it and twisted the hand that was holding the knife in a blink of an eye and broke
it as well. He screamed of the pain he felt and moved the hand straight to to his neck,
stabbing it and penetrated the throat creating a river of blood coming from his throat
and drenching her in it.
He tried to pull the knife off his throat, but it was already too late for him and Jennifer
approached to him and finished mumbling Once you had arrived to hell. Asshole. And
let his body to lie down on the floor to die and she stared at, watching him die slow and
painfully. Then she raised her head and left the place to resume her mission.
She called Schneider and reported Schneider, this is Black Snake. Do you copy? and he
replied Affirmative. You all right? and she replied Yes. I had something hard to deal
with. This showdown left me without breath. Then he asked about the fallen enemy
And Zehetbauer? and she replied Hes on his way to meet the Raltzingers in the
Schneider applauded Thats good news. then he asked So what now? Shall we call
HQ for extraction? and she replied You keep going ahead. Theres one objective left



for me and its waiting to be taken care of. Captain Rothens life is first so watch him
Ill look for a vehicle so we can leave the area safely and quick. - Schneider said and
she nodded Great. Ill see you on the other side of the city. Good Luck. Black Snake
out. And she signed off. Then she picked her G-36 and reloaded it and mumbled Okay
Jennifer, lets find the other one and get this done. And headed to her next objective;
Kappelhoff Jr, who was about 5 miles away from her, according to the trackers data.
She went across the city, passing through destroyed buildings, shattered streets and
houses burning in flames. Everything was like going back the pre World War II era; Nazi
propaganda, drafts painted expressing hatred against Non-Aryans and the Jews and
corpses being hung.
Then her radio rang and she answered Black Snake, here. And it was Lindemann This
is Lindemann. Do you read me? and she replies Black Snake here, Herr Lindemann. Go
Were monitoring your position showing us youre heading to Kappelhoffs. What
happened to the other one? Lindemann asked and she replied You mean
Zehetbauer? He's dead like a fly. Im going to take out Kappelhoff Jr, but if you detect
any other WK member, dont hesitate to keep me updated."
Looks like you really mean it about taking them out one by one. I respect that, but do
everything in its due time. Dont push yourself too hard. Once you had eliminated or
captured him, well bring you back to the base. No more side-ops for today, okay? and
she nodded Sir yes sir. Then he said All right. Resume the mission and come back in
one piece. And he signed off, letting Jennifer to keep going and stay focused on the
Then, her tracker rang and she checked it. The map was displaying enemy soldiers
coming from multiple directions and she dashed to reach his location.
She ran as fast as she could and didnt get tired; it was like a female version of Captain
America, running with any sign of exhaustion. While dashing, Helmholtz reported Black
Snake be advised. Enemy soldiers and trucks inbound to the north. Theyre heading close
to you. Theyre armed to the teeth and ready to act. Exercise extreme caution.
She opted to take another route and ran as fast as she could, but the skies where piano
black so she put on her night-vision goggles to not be blinded by the dark around the
city. Then she heard some music coming from one of the buildings around the city, and
she checked the tracker to see it anyone was there and it was. There were some people
inside the place where the music was coming. It was a combination between hardcore
and heavy metal music it but it wasnt something known and calm in terms of lyrics, but
instead was racist. Jennifer was shocked and wrinkled her forehead and she was shaking
her head while listening to the songs lyrics. But not only that, she could hear some
female moanings coming from the same place, meaning there was a Neo-Nazi couple



having intercourse with loud music. Jennifer shook her head but she decided to leave
them alone since they werent a mission priority and continued her way to Kappelhoffs
It was 2100 hours in Braunschweig. The skies were completely piano black and red
smoke coming out from the shattered neighborhoods and buildings in the city.
Schneider suddenky called Black Snake while going on her way This is Schneider, do you
copy? and she replied while checking her tracker I read you. Seems like youre almost
out of harms way. You found a vehicle, right? and he replied her question Yes.
Fortunately this one was the only one in one piece and untouched by the enemy.
Where are you now? Schneider asked and Jennifer replied I think Im nearby the
center of the city. Kappelhoff is located there, according to the data in my tracker so Im
almost there.
This is Schwarze 3. Black Snake? Rothens interrupted and she asked What is it
Captain? and he expressed his gratitude towards her I just want to say thank you for
risking your life for me. I really appreciate it. And Jennifer said No, thank you for saving
us in Hannover. Its the least what I could do for you after you were shot down.

Rothens then said Thanks. Thank you so much. Ill make sure my superiors know about
you and your courage once youre back. And Schneider added by saying Black Snake,
there are rumors that Kappelhoff is guarded by lots of men so security must be tight. Be
I will Schneider. Thanks for advising me. Take care of Captain Rothens, okay? Jennifer
said while parting via radio and Schneider agreed before both signing off. Jennifer
walked normally like nothing would happen, basing of what she was seeing on her
tracker. Suddenly, a warning statement was heard from many loudspeakers set on many
blocks around the city with the following words Attention all comrades. Im not proud
to announce the following statement, but I have to. Today, our comrade, friend and one
of our most important leaders, Rudolf Zehetbauer was killed this evening during a
confrontation with a foreign stranger. He was killed by none other than the whore who
blew the Bremen post sky-high. Zehetbauer was a man who believed not only in himself
but in us, trying to achieve our objective while following our Messiahs teachings.
She shook her head while hearing his funeral speech-like report and then the voice
continued saying We shall avenge his death for him. We shall avenge his death for us!
FOR KILLING A TRUE LIBERATOR AND WARRIOR!!! Bring the stranger to me in order to
punish her for the crimes she committed!!! Find her!!!! HEIL WEISSE KREUZE!!! SIEG
HEIL!!! and the statement finished and Jennifer was with her guard up after hearing
such a hateful declaration.
She was getting closer and more, and more, and more, and more, until someone
ambushed her from behind, making her to stop, with her hands up. The Unknown



Soldier ordered her Dont move. Turn around and put down your guns, now! and she
did what she has been told. She put them down slowly and then he ordered while aiming
his rifle at her The pistol. Toss it with your foot. Now. And she drew her pistol and put
it down to kick it towards him. However, the enemy soldier was nervous and unfocused
and when he was going to pick the pistol up, Jennifer kicked him in the face putting him
to sleep before dragging his body to a post service building. She hid the body inside a
locker and continued her path that was quite near from her.
She walked for another ten minutes until she realized she had arrived to her destiny not
only for keeping an eye on her tracker, but also of the many propaganda banners
collocated on every single bulding in the zone. And so she did; Jennifer had finally arrived
to the centre of Braunschweig. But the place was completely under enemy control, not
only for the Neo-Nazi propaganda but also the huge number of soldiers and people
affiliated with the Neo-Nazi armed forces surrounding the zone along with the defense
posts such as anti-air guns, SCUD missile launchers, howitzers, APCs, tanks and armored
trucks among other defense systems. She entered to a building to take a deep look on
the zone and to think about how to infiltrate such a heavily guarded area like that one.
She dialed Colonel Riemann and reported what she was watching and what she could
engage in case of being caught This is Black Snake. Colonel, Ive just arrived to the
wolves den. Im watching security level is pretty tight. Tighter than expected. Looks like
Kappelhoff and his men are pretty serious. It will be definitely difficult to get to him.
Then she took her binoculars to take a good look and continued reporting Damn.
Howitzers and SCUD missiles. That doesnt look good. And Riemann said guessing
Theyre probably assembling everyone for a counterattack measure. Thats one of the
main reasons we cant step on hostile ground, with that artillery and strength that was
ours once. Its amazing youve gone that far. No one ever got that close. And suddenly,
she saw the emblem of company that was apparently not German. She whispered
ArmsTech? What is that? and then she asked him Colonel, do you know anything
about ArmsTech?
Riemann was confused and didnt know about that and replied without solving her
doubt Nein. Never heard of it. And she asked unsure about his reply Are you sure
Sir? but he answered the same reply once more Pretty sure. Have no record about it.
But then Helmholtz and Lindemann interfered into the conversation and Lindemann
spoke Actually, we have a document about the background of that company.Ill let
Helmholtz to explain the whole thing. Lieutenant? and Helmholtz spat it out by briefing
her ArmsTech is a security and weapons development company and one of the largest
and most powerful defense subcontractors in the United States. ArmsTech achieved
rapid growth during the Cold War in what was a boom time for the arms industry, and
became the second largest arms manufacturer in the world. ArmsTech was involved in
the development of the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) and the rail gun, but they
suffered an enormous financial loss when those projects were terminated due to
military cutbacks in the 1990s.
Then he added while she was still watching them Moreover, although ArmsTech led
the world in the development of stealth technology, they experienced tremendous



economic difficulty because of their failure in their bid to manufacture the USAF's next
line of main fighter planes. And after he spoke, Jennifer said I have some knowledge
about American Weapons Development Companies but Ive never heard of that one.
Then she got confused and asked Wait a minute. Whats an American weapons
company doing here in Germany? And most of all, how did the Neo-Nazis get that
technology from them? Somethings not right. Herr Lindemann, theres must be
something going on and somebody is keeping it under wraps. And he agreed by stating
I know, were working on that. We just spoke with ArmsTech CEO Thomas Beckerman
and Vice-Chairman Kenneth Baker and according to them, they have no idea about any
piece of their equipment being purchased by any German organization. Somebody stole
their stuff, otherwise there are no other conclusions about that.
Jennifer moved to the roof while talking to Lindemann We better finish this ASAP. Im
going on top and look for the objective. When do they arrive? and Lindemann replied
They will be here by tomorrow morning. Were keeping in touch for the moment.
Jennifer then said Okay. Well, looks like Im close to the roof. Well resume this later.
Black Snake out. And reached the roof and took a sniping spot to look for Kappelhoff
and kill him off.
She stayed there for almost four hours waiting for the target while watching the area
still being heavily guarded and keep reporting HQ about their moves which werent
unimportant. Not to mention she needed to eat after a long day of extreme hard work.
Fortunately she had the rations she took from the special case sent by the Heer.
Waiting for long hours just to eliminate a single guy and there was a lot of protection for
him, guarding him like a king afraid of losing his empire. But he was no king and there
was definitely no empire either. Suddenly, her radio rang and answered a call from
Schneider. He said Schneider here. Black Snake, are you there? Hows the mission
going? and she replied whispering Not great actually. The place is a big stronghold;
tanks, armored vehicles, men with light machine guns all over the area. God, the list
goes on and on and on. Theyre all everywhere. According to the tracker, Kappelhoff is
still in the area. Then she asked him about his location Where are you now? and he
replied Out of harms way. Were leaving Salzgitter, the south of Lower Saxony. Theres
a Bundeswehr post in Holzminden. Well meet people in there.
Thats good news. Jennifer whispered with joy and then added Ill keep you guys
updated about what may happen. And Schneider signed off after saying Understood.
Call me if you need to. Ill see what I can do. Then, on the spur of the moment a chopper
squad arrived, carrying soldiers as a request for reinforcements. Then, Helmholtz called
and adviced her It looks like theyre more desperate. Lets hear what theyre gonna
say. And she wrinkled her forehead What are you talking about?
Do you remember a small device you picked up from the case? Well, its basically a
module with a special receptor designed to decode communications. You can also use
to spy on anyones conversation around eight hundred yards from distance. You can use



it to listen to anyones radio, mobile phone conversations and even embarrassing

secrets from anyone whos talking at the very moment. I call that The Snitcher. Helmholtz informed her about the device he was talking about. After listening to what
he said, she immediately checked her backpack and took it. Then she proceeded to arm
the piece and use it as he instructed her step by step. Then he said You have finally set
it up. Good. Now aim the antenna at any soldier but first plug the headphones in so you
can have a good and deep hearing.
She did what she was being told and used her PSG-1 to have a look while listening. She
was watching the soldiers landing to the roof of a building that was being occupied as a
Center of Operations. They seemed they were waiting for Kappelhoff due to the
conversation they were having at the moment. The unit leader said Lieutenant Vhnt
reporting. We were called by Herr Kapitn Kappelhoff. Tell him were here to escort
him. And one of his Kappelhoffs personnel went to look for him. Jennifer reported
Looks like hes leaving. Hes scared of me. And Lindemann then ordered Dont let him
get away. Do something about it. You decide the best COA for you. Do anything but dont
let him get away. And she replied nodding Acknowledged. Then she added a
suppressor on her PSG-1, took off its safety and aimed it at the pilots head. She took a
deep breath and squeezed the trigger. The lethal shot could not be heard, reaching
straight to the pilots forehead and ending his life. Then she proceeded to shoot at every
single soldier near the chopper and killed each one of them instantly, most of them
without letting them have time to react while the rest just turned to only receive the
bullet impacts in their skulls with high accuracy, thanks to her weapon and her brilliant
sniping skills. She watched them lying down every single time she was squeezing the
trigger. To finish her first act of the day, she reloaded her gun and shot many times at
the rotors, making them smoke and burn, sabotaging the chopper and Kappelhoffs way
She reported to Lindemann Black Snake here. Ive just sabotaged the helicopter what
Kappelhoff was going to use to leave the area. Im changing to another spot. And
Lindemann said Good job.
Jennifer stood and changed to another sniping position she was listening to Riemanns
briefing about Kappelhoff. She asked Youve got something about him for me? and
Riemann started briefing Folker Kappelhoff Jr. Son of Folker Kappelhoff, a former
General who died in the Battle of the Bulge during World War II. He is retired from the
military and two years later he killed two black tourists in Cologne. He was condemned
to seven years in jail but he was released during his third year due to missing proofs.
During his involvement with WK, he trained men and women from all ages who are now
fighting on their side, using the tactics his father used when he was a Nazi general.
Theyre old-fashioned, but still quite effective in battle making the enemy worthy to
stand against us. Hes considered as one of the strongest heads this WK beast have and
like Zehetbauer, he has a special taste in WWII weapons since many of our informants
watched him always using an MP-40 as his weapon of choice. Hes also a skilled tactician
in matter of survival and stealth operations, but also a hand-to-hand combat expert and
he doesnt go alone on a mission so dont underestimate him and be careful.



She then said My mentor trained well enough to face a guy like him, so I think I can
handle it. Lindemann expressed with gratitude And we thank you for your efforts once
again. Watch out and stay on your toes. And she replied I will. Moving to engage the
target. Black Snake out.
After that, she went out and whistled loudly so one of them could take a look. She hid
and peeked and saw three people coming. They went inside and Jennifer ambushed
them by using her CQC skills on each one of the enemies, knocking them out instantly.
After that, she took one of the unconscious soldiers uniform and disguised herself as
one of them.
She then saw a truck coming and managed to sneak in the back side without being
caught. The truck entered and she carefully peeked to see where she was and she
realized the place was extremely guarded from the inside.
It was such a difficult and risky move for her, but there was no turning back and realized
the truck was going slower. The truck was being parked and she knew she had to be
prepared, so she drew her pistol and attached a suppressor on it. Then, the driver got
out of the vehicle and left and Jennifer did as well, carefully and without being caught.
She checked her tracker and moved to Kappelhoffs location what was apparently the
Enemys Command Center.
She entered and played as a guard. She entered the building and looked for Kappelhoff,
but she knew she had to be careful because of the number of enemy people inside. She
kept get closer and closer and closer, being careful and kept pretending as one of them.
She checked her tracker carefully and realized the objective was closer and Kappelhoff
appeared with three escorts behind him who were heading to the bathroom. Jennifer
followed them and stepped back once Kappelhoff entered due to the guards who
decided to wait outside. She hid somewhere nearby and knocked the wall to drag their
attention, managing one of them to go check.
The soldier got close and once close enough, she punched and grabbed the soldier from
the shoulders to crash him with the wall violently, and taking him out instantly, but
another guard outside the bathroom could hear the fallen one mumbling of pain once
being knocked out and went to check it out.
Once there, the guard saw his partner unconscious and went to check him, but Jennifer
appeared and ambushed him and knocked him out as well with a CQC move; two down
and one more to go. The man left found out there was something wrong and went to
check while holding his gun. He checked and Jennifer appeared in the exact moment he
turned to the side where he heard his comradess mumblings and took him out. Two
minutes later, Kappelhoff got out of the bathroom as Jennifer was in the entrance,
waiting for him with her GSR on her hands, aiming at his head and she told him in a low
voice tone You thought I wasnt coming? Your friend failed to do his job. Dont move.
The gun, give it to me. Kappelhoff drew his gun, turned to look at her and said while
giving her the gun Not too bad for a doll like you.



She replied him Appearances can fool. And guess what? I came for your head. Lets go
and dont do anything stupid. But he said while grinning You are dead, you know
that? but she replied before ordering him So you are. Now, shut up and take me to
the roof.
He was forced to do so, although unpleseant. Biting his lips as sign of despair. He had no
other choice and time was running out for Jennifer because of the hostile area she was
in. They went up and Kappelhoff called her Merciless bitch. And she replied The
feeling is mutual.
Once on the roof, Jennifer tried to call Lindemann, but suddenly a guard went to the
roof and spotted Black Snake and Kappelhoff. He demanded Whats going on here?
And Kappelhoff hit Black Snake in the back and ordered the guard Shoot her. Shoot
her!! and the guard tried to aim at her, but she reacted fast and shot the guard in the
chest and the guard fell down, but not before pulling the trigger and firing a bullet in the
air alerting everyone in the area. Black Snake was in trouble and Kappelhoff escaped
from the back door of the roof.
She chased him and watched her back at the same time due being in a hot zone. Then,
the speakers emitted an alert message Atterntion to all personnel! We have an intruder
inside, I repeat, we have an intruder inside! Its the female who destroyed the Bremen
military post! Find her and bring her to HQ!! Move move move!!!!
Everyone inside went mad and started searching every single place at the area and
Jennifer had to be careful. Many more NN units were assembled immediately and joined
the first units. She kept going and checked her tracker; Kappelhoff was about 500 yards
away from her position. However, he wasnt alone and they were heading somewhere
else outside the area. She encountered a few soldiers in the way but she took them out
easily by using her CQC skills. Then proceeded to chase Kappelhoff and her tracker
started to emit a warning tone, showing many enemy dots behind her.
Suddenly, she peeked on a corner to take a look on them and spotted Kappelhoff being
escorted by six well-armed men standing there without moving a single muscle.
Suddenly, the sound of the rotors of a chopper were heard, meaning it was getting
closer. She grinned her teeth, knowing it was a squadron coming to Kappelhoffs aid, so
she got out of the place she was and headed to another location nearby witout being
caught to engage the enemies. She peeked and picked her G-36 and aimed steady. She
took a deep breath and aimed at Kappelhoffs head, but the moment she pulled the
trigger, one of the guards stepped and received the shot instead of Kappelhoff, killing
him and alerting him and his escorts. Black Snake whispered unsatisfied Damn it!
Almost close.
Kappelhoffs escorts took position to engage her as he spotted her and ordered to open
fire. Jennifer fought them back for a few minutes and then, she saw Kappelhoff being
taken by one of his escorts to exit the battle zone. She got more serious and started to
shoot with more precision, killing the rest of the escorts and allowing her to move



forward. Unfortunately, many soldiers have reached and opened fire against her so she
had to dash and catch him up, before he could escape. Then, some armored vehicles
arrived to search and secure Kappelhoffs escape attempt and Jennifer had to take a
detour to catch him up and then, Lindemann called while chasing the objective. He asked
This is Snake nest. Do you copy Black Snake? and she replied while dashing Black
Snake here! Kappelhoffs trying to escape and Im in pursuit. I had him but I got
distracted and he managed to get away from my hands.
Lindemann asked in mad tone What? How?? How did you get distracted??? Why didnt
you kill him in the first place???? and she replied Because I had this brilliant idea of
bringing him to you so you guys can make him spit everything out. Then Riemann
interfered What?? But and she said wih irony I know I know, you dont have to tell
me. Its all my fault. But Ill complete my mission. I swear it! No matter how hard I try
and what it takes. Im not leaving without him alive, or without his head. Black Snake,
signing out.
Suddenly, she spotted an enemy chopper going surrounding the area and then stopped
flying on circles although still flying above something, and guessed she had found his
location. And she found it indeed as she saw it landing on the ground. She grinned her
teeth and dashed towards it while holding her gun and opened fire. The escort
responded the same way in order to protect his leader as he was going to the chopper
to get away.
She managed to kill the remaining escort, but unfortunately Kappelhoff had just got in
the chopper. However, Kappelhoff howled Hahahahaha, you thought you could
capture me and eventually bring me to them, did you? Hahahaha! Think again you silly
bitch!! And he continued howling as the chopper was taking off You have just sealed
your death sentence!! Now its time to switch roles! Jennifer wrinkled her forehead
after hearing his words, figuring he had something else planned in addition to leave the
area unscathed. The chopper turned to look at her while flying above and Kappelhoff
revealed he had something else in mind Youll regret this for the rest of your life. If, IF
you make through this alive.
After that, Kappelhoff took a machine gun the chopper carried inside. The chopper
turned left for Kappelhoff so he could look at Jennifer and used the gun against her but
she ran to someplace else away from the chopper, managing to take cover. The chopper
started to fly on circles once again to search the area in order to kill Jennifer. The
chopper wasnt that well armed as other NN choppers, but the gun Kappelhoff had in
his possession was enough to engage her.
Jennifer had to deal with him one way or another and there was no turning back. She
went inside a ten-stories building and headed to the roof as the chopper was flying on
circles around the building and Kappelhoff shooting at her hitting the walls and the
windows and kept doing it for a while. Jennifer didnt stop dashing and kept going as
Kappelhoff was still firing his gun at her until she reached to the top of the building and
hid on the wall of the roofs small entrance. She could hear the chopper was rising up as
she was getting closer every second. She knew she would face it in any second and the



chopper showed up with Kappelhoff holding his gun and immediately aimed at each
other once after both looked at each other in the eyes. Kappelholf howled You think
you can win this? Youve been lucky so far, but it will end today. Youre just a pawn
working for the wrong side of the field, thinking youre doing right while thats not true!
But Ill take care of that and I wlll make you pay for what have you done to our fallen
Jennifer howled You think killing your own people is the best solution??! Huh???! You
really think that, dont you???!!! For what??? For what???? and he replied Were just
erasing the bad and curing the diseases that affect this country to make it a better place!
Dont you get it!? Were going to bring Germany to the glory it once was in the past. An
ultimate nation, with the ultimate army!
Then he pointed her and howled And your death will be the beginning of a new era for
us. Germany will rise again and we have the key.
What are you talking about??? Youre delusional, you know that? Raltzinger is dead so
cut the bullshit. Theres no key for you. Jennifer stated in loud voice tone while having
her gun on her hands aiming at Kappelhoff. But the look on his face was saying
something else. Something different what Jennifer allegedly knew. He certainly revealed
Who told you everything would end with their deaths? Hahahahahaha. No, it wont
nugget. But youre right about something.
Jennifers look turned serious and wrinkled her forehead. Meanwhile Kappelhoff erased
the smirk on his face and turned angry and shouted Lets cut the bullshit and finish
this!! DIIIIIIE!!!! and Kappelhoff opened fire, resuming the battle they were having a
few minutes earlier. Jennifer fired back, but she took cover since the fire rate of
Kappelhoffs gun was strong and had to wait for the right time to try it once more.
Kappelhoff was determined to kill Jennifer no matter what it could take. There was
nothing else she could do to avoid him, except battling him. Kappelhoff kept shooting
until emptying the his guns magazine and Jennifer took it as chance to fire back, using
her G-36 to counter attack, but the chopper went low for Kappelhoff so he could reload
and return to battle. It gave Jennifer some time to reload and think what to do. She then
whispered while the chopper was flying low Now what? Ok, this is now or never
Jennifer. Its just a rescue chopper with an armed man inside. It shouldnt be a big deal
for you since youve just taken out a few well armed combat helicopters yesterday.
Then she looked around and sarcasticly said Oh yeah, right. You used a Gatling to do
that. Great. And the chopper lifted off again to keep attacking Jennifer as she returned
to the small space to hide. However, the wall was too damaged, it was just a matter of
time to be useless and for Jennifer to be hit by one of the bullets. Suddenly she
whispered Its not gonna work. I cant throw a grenade to it because it will be easy for
him to throw it away or back to me. I need to move or Ill be dead meat. Then she said
I got it! and ran towards the chopper and shooting at it, causing on it light damage,
and the chopper flew low from her once again and then, Jennifer took a C4 charge she
had with her and broke its wrap and then she said smirking Ok, lets see if you can
handle this. and then, out of nowhere, a shot was fired from a long distance, making
Jennifer to take a sniping spot. She look for the enemy and she saw a reflex from a long



distance, but the sniper fired first. Fortunately, the shot missed and it gave her the
chance to kill the enemy sniper. Then, she left the roof after realizing it was not safe for
her to be there. But things apparently got worse due to a surprise attack by Kappelhoff,
who unexpectedly got off the chopper to battle her inside the building. She took cover
and managed to dodge his shots by making some outstanding gymnastics moves until
reaching some place to take cover once more. After that Kappelhoff laughed at her
Hahahahahaha! Is that all youve got? Looks like youre not so tough after all. I told you,
you just were lucky only. Now, prepare to die! and kept shooting. Jennifer went to a
different so she could avoid the bullets. She grinned and whispered Stubborn bastard.
He doesnt give up yet! Why does every WK member get tougher to face while the list
goes on? But then, she saw a small package on the ground so she didnt doubt to take
a look on it. She said after checking it A parachute? What is something like this doing
here? She was reluctant to take it, but since Kappelhoffs shooting got stronger, she
expressed This is getting worse every second so you come with me. Kappelhoff was
walking towards her while still firing and laughing maniacally Hahahahahaha. Almost
there darling, almost there. Theres no luck for you anymore!!
Jennifer stood still waiting for a chance to fire back, but Kappelhoff continued shooting.
However, his gun got jammed and Jennifer smirked and left the pillar she was to take
him with her, aiming her gun right at his chest. She mocked Hahahaha, yeah. My luck
ran out. But dont worry because yours hasnt. Why? Simple. Im not going to kill you.
Thats due I have something else in mind. But suddenly, a group of enemy soldiers
arrived and attacked Jennifer and she got mad by grinning Goddammit, not again!!!
Thank you bastards! Thank you so fucking much!!! and fired back at them.
Unfortunately for her, Kappelhoff managed to escape once again and she got madder
than before, engaging the enemies with courage but there were so many that she knew
she could not contain any single of them. Not to mention the chopper that was still flying
around the structure.
Then she turned and look at the glass of the windows and realized there was another
building next to the one she was. She grinned her teeth and nervously said to herself
Ive got to try. Is that or get killed here. and she made up her mind after the blast of
bullets got hotter. Then she said Wait. Why not using the chopper as a way out? And
her eyes got wide open and said Yeah. That should do it! So she waited for the chopper
to come to her location and had to withstand the enemies attack. She kept waiting for
the right moment to make her move, until she saw the chopper coming nearby and going
up. She grinned after making up her mind Ok, here I go. Aaaaagh!!! and ran to the
window. Before jumping, she grabbed the C4 she was planning to use, then drew her
GSR and shot at the window managing to blow it. She not only jumped from it, but also
threw the explosive charge to the wall she used to take cover at the same time of doing
it. Once in the air, she pulled the chutes handle, but it didnt work and she was going
down fast. She tried once more and it opened, but it wasnt a fully armed parachute.
Jennifer was in trouble as she only saw the suspension and steering lines coming out but
not the deployment bag and the rest of elements. She managed to reach the next
building which roof was 5 stories below from the previous one but she touched the
ground abruptly by falling on her back, hurting herself badly. The impact was so hard
that Jennifer couldnt stand up and felt a huge physical pain in her entire body. She



screamed because of it, and then the soldiers that now where up resumed the shooting
but their shots were missing. Jennifer remembered to grab the detonator of the
explosive she threw, but she had some trouble to move her arms due to the pain she
was feeling. She tried it but her facial expressions and moans indicated she couldnt
endure the pain much longer. She barely moved her fingers and pushed the button,
blowing the soldiers sky high, watching them dying by falling from the floor they were
located. Then the chopper stopped flying on circles and headed to the floor affected by
the explosion. Then her radio rang with the voice of Helmholtz on it Frulein Patterson?
Frulein Patterson? Frulein Patterson, your vital signs are critical. What happened?
Jennifer was moaning due to the pain and reported while still on the floor I decided to
improvise but it went wrong. I cant move! Helmholtz then said Ok. Ill bring Dr.
Hassenbauer so you can get patched up. And Helmholtzs voice was still being heard by
Jennifer as he ordered Call the doctor and bring him in on the double!
Jennifer had for a while since she couldnt move well. Helmholtz told her Ok Frulein,
hes here. Doctor? and he joined her to give her instructions This is Hassenbauer. I just
knew you got yourself in trouble and got injured. Your vital signs are showing critical
status. Can you move?
After hearing her question, she tried to stand on her feet but the pain was extreme for
her and couldnt even stay on her knees. She screamed and then moaned for the pain
once again and replied in pain and angry Do you think I can move with such a terrible
pain after falling on my back? I dont think I could even drag myself for a long time! but
Hassenbauer seemed to be calmed for what he said Calm down. Its not too late.
Jennifer got angry after hearing that and urged him while still in pain Not too late??
Kappelhoff got away from me twice! He might just be out of the area by now! I need to
move now! I have to get to him! but Hassenbauer urged her That doesnt matter now.
Your medical condition comes first. There will be another chance for you to catch him.
Besides, as far as I know, you had him on your nose and could kill him without a shot
fired. Jennifer grinned but admitted Hassenbauers statement was true by expressing
still hurt Yeah. I guess youre right. I was stupid. Oh Gosh, this pain is so badly!! and
Hassenbauer tried to cool her Im going to indicate you about what to do so you can
get patched up, so pay attention closely. Understand? and she agreed by just mumbling
Uh huh.
Now with her attention fully on Hassenbauer, he started to instruct her so she can treat
herself Ok, heres what youre going to do: According to your health sensor, youve got
no fractures luckily, but your spine received a hard fall, making you enter in shock.
Jennifer asked And why is that? while he explained The spine is a complex
interconnecting network of nerves, joints, muscles, tendons and ligaments, all of which
are capable of producing pain. Large nerves that originate in the spine and go to the legs
and arms can make pain radiate to the extremities. In other words, the harders the fall,
the harders the pain, making your spine unflexible and rigid. Normally it takes days and



even weeks for your spine to heal, but heres the trick to make your recovery shorter
and faster. Youre with me? and she nodded Yes. Uugh, Im with you. Tell me how.
Hassenbauer explained Ok, first of all, your sensor not only transmits your location and
your physical condition to the Command Center, but also to your tracker and the tracker
works jointly with it acting as the console and the sensor as a healer so Ill need you with
your tracker on your hands.
Jennifer made an effort to grab her tracker from her backpack and after having it she
said I got it Doctor. What should I do next? He replied Look for the Gesundheit icon
on the display and once there, you will see your medical data: heart rate, bloodstream,
stress level, pain level, stamina, blood pressure, anything related to it. Go there.
Jennifer checked it as he said and she asked Yes. Just as you said. Whats next?
See that body scheme on the display? Its you and the red color represents the pain
level so you can realize its on critical status. Touch it. Hassenbauer indicated her and
she did what she was told, and then she reported Okay, a sub-menu just appeared
asking me to commence a painkiller action. Then Hassenbauer said Do it. and she
touched the display as the medical advisor indicated.
Suddenly, Jennifer started to feel different but she was still in pain. She asked Huh?
Wha? Whats happening to me? and he replied The sensor. Its working by giving
vibrating massages inside. It will eventually expand into your entire body, killing the pain
Jennifers mood turned good as she expressed sighed Oh My God, its working. The pain
is going away. Im starting to feeling better now. But can I aaagh! Ouch! Aaagh!
Jennifer tried to stand up, but it was still painful for her and complained Goddammit, it
still hurts! I cannot move at all. But Hassenbauer clarified I didnt tell you could stand
up now. You have to wait for at least fifteen minutes so the sensor can ease the pain
considerably and recalibrate your spinal nerves. But she didnt like his answer and then
yelled What??! Fifteen minutes????!! With that time, he should be out of the zone with
no issues!!! Hassenbauer made her come in her senses by stating Youre so lucky from
not killing them and getting handicapped. If you try standing up, you will not only get
hurt more than you are now, but will also prolong the recovery process.
Jennifer was determined not to give up and stated I understand, but Kappelhoffs gone.
I have to catch him before he disappears. I know hes still in the area but that noisy fly
is still in the air.
Then, the pilot of the chopper apparently saw Jennifer. She reported Speaking of the
Devil. Its coming towards me. and she pretended to be dead. The chopper flew above
her for a minute and then left. After that, Jennifer opened her eyes and continued talking
to Hassenbauer That was strange. It didnt land. And he asked Why? What do you
think it made the pilot change his mind?



She replied while trying to move Thats something Im gonna find out now. but
Hassenbauer urged her Stay still. Youve got to wait for a little longer. She tried to
stand up once again, but she couldnt do it, desperating herself and started to feel upset,
angry and disappointed for losing her target and letting him run away.
After ten minutes Im such a fool. My pride, my blindness, my naivety; all of them made
me fail. Herr Lindemann, Colonel Riemann, Lieutenant Helmholtz, General Riedel, to all
of you. Im sorry. Then she put her hands on her hace as sign of guilty, lamenting
herself. Then, she realized the pain was still there, but not as much as before since she
could move her hands without any problems. Then she looked for Kappelhoffs location
on the tracker, believing he was still in the area. And indeed he was, but he was
motionless, apparently waiting for someone. Jennifer then realized about something
and affirmed Hes still here in Braunschweig, but his indicator is showing no
movements. And the chopper just left so my guess its going to pick him and leave. Damn
it!! Ill have to try to stand up once more. If not, then all of this will be in vain.
She started to move slowly, her arms, hands and fingers but most all, her back with
extreme caution. She turned her body to earth, with a smile on her face after knowing
she could move once again, and then, her tracker rang, making her to check it. For her
luck she called Helmholtz to report what she was watching on her device This is Black
Snake. Lieutenant, Kappelhoff is coming back, I repeat, Kappelhoff is coming back. Looks
like the pilot informed him about my death. Over. And then Riemann interfered Ok,
be sure this time youll not let him get away from your sight.
Colonel? I got you. This time, I will not fail. But then General Riedel interfered as well
Hold on a second. Theres been a change. And Jennifer asked about Riedels update
General? Whats the matter?
Riedel briefed During the course of this side operation of yours, weve been doing some
research on one of the documents you brought to us. Also, we made one of the prisoners
talk in a way I can describe it as ruthless and sick. Thanks to one of our men who is an
expert in interrogation.
Jennifer asked What did he say in the end? In matter fact, what does he have to do with
it? and he replied It was revealed Weisse Kreuze has certain weapons that we cannot
fight back with firearms. The prisoner also revealed that Kappelhoff is involved in the
development and enhancement of weaponry for their army since hes in charge of
training recruits and the unknown shipments the enemy receives that we suppose those
might be guns coming from the black market and military equipment as well. Not to
mention they might have received some special electronic warfare and military
technology from some dealer.
Jennifer then reminisced the military vehicles she saw back in the area controlled by the
enemy and whispered ArmsTech.



I was acknowledged about what you saw back there. Mr. Beckerman and Baker should
be here in the evening so we can discuss this. However, it is imperative you bring him
alive so we can make him talk and find out whats on their minds. You said hes going
back, right? - Riedel stated and asked Jennifer to be sure about what she reported a
few minutes earlier and she nodded Yes sir. He is.
Riedel ordered Bring him in. Ill send a rescue squadron to pick you up in the borders
of Braunschweig and Magdeburg, passing the river. Helmholtz will mark it in your
The extraction point was marked in Jennifers tracker and she confirmed Ok, I see it. Ill
catch him this time. I promise it. And Riedel said All right. Then resume the mission
and good luck. Snake unit, out.
Understood. Black Snake out. Jennifer signed off and then tried to stand up, slowly
since the pain inside her body considerably decreased. She moved, slowly once again,
her arms, fingers and neck and started to feel relaxed since the pain was gone. However,
her legs and back were next to be moved. She moved them slowly to avoid not to get
hurt. She moved and stood up slow and carefully and until
Oh God. I can move. I can move! Doctor, looks like I can move as always. This sensor of
yours is awesome! Jennifer expressed in joy and he asked How you feel? as she
replied The pain is still in there, but its a minimum sensation compared to the one a
few minutes ago. I can go on. And then Hassenbauer said Glad to hear that. In fact,
Im registrating the sensor has eased the eighty percent of the pain according to the
indicators. Thats good news.
She expressed Thank you. But he indicated However, if you try a stunt like that
without being prepared, you will not only get injured, but you could get handicapped or
worse, get killed. Do you understand how bad could it be for you? and she knew it by
stating Yes. I know the risks about doing something like that, but youve got to know I
jumped from a ten-stories building. But I didnt jump off just like that. I jumped off with
a parachute on my back. Unfortunately, it wasnt armed so I made a move trying to fall
on my back to avoid not to hurt myself more, but obviously it wasnt what I expected.
You think I did it because I wanted to? Think again Doc.
Hassenbauer replied I didnt know about that. Sorry. But anyway, dont forget you still
have a mission to do, so dont put yourself at risk. Ill leave you so you may carry on.
Contact me anytime. And she signed Count on it. Resuming current operation. Black
Snake, out.
Jennifer moved after recovering her mobility and hid somewhere nearby to ambush
Kappelhoff. She kept watching through the scope of her PSG-1 and also used The
Snitcher to amplify the sound of the chopper. The sound was getting amplified as time
was running, the helicopter was closing in and she could hear Kappelhoff speaking once
the chopper was close enough.



She watched the chopper arriving and she heard Kappelhoff complaining and arguing
with the pilot. He yelled You told me she was dead!! and the pilot replied I saw her
lying on the floor! I swear, Herr Kappelhoff!!! I guess some of our boys picked the body
up. However, it didnt convince him and said Shes still alive. Im sure of it.
The chopper arrived and he told the pilot Stop right here. Im going in but wait for me.
I wont take long. He jumped off the helicopter and then he shouted while getting
closer and with a pistol on his hands Im here! Come out from wherever you are! There
is no escape! Come on child!!
Jennifer, who was hidden in a small space in the buildings roof drew her pistol and
aimed at the pilot and took a deep breath while peeking on the wall. She took a deep
breath and aimed carefully and then
She fired her pistol five times, killing the pilot and making the chopper to crash nearby.
Kappelhoff was stunned and shocked about what he was watching, a bird that was taken
out easily and a comrade joining the NN fallen soldiers. While Kappelhoff was watching
it, Jennifer took it as a chance to attack him and took his gun off him with a CQC move.
However, Kappelhoff fought back and told her Stop playing around and die! but she
replied Youre coming with me.
Both started a fight, a tired Black Snake versus an angry Kappelhoff. Black Snake knew
she hadnt enough time as the enemy backup was getting closer so she had to deal with
him quickly. She provoked him by saying Is that all youve got? Pathetic. And you are
supposed to be WKs training leader. And he yelled before attacking Youre so dead,
bitch. Ill take your filthy corpse with me!! Im going to enjoy this moment!!
And he attacked, but she managed to hold his attacking moves. He got desperate and
continued attacking but she stopped all his moves and she started attacking by punching
him in the faces many times and kicking him wherever she could. The bruises on his face
indicated how weak and beaten he got, and then Black Snake made her final move by
punching him hard in the face, leaving him knocked out. After that, she carried the body
on her shoulders and went to low ground with her GSR on her right hand to find a car
so she could escape the area with Kappelhoff. Jennifer reported while going on foot
looking for a car Black Snake here. General, I have Kappelhoff with me. Hes alive but
unconscious and with some bruises. And he replied Great job. Im proud of you
frulein. Then she asked What about the extraction team? and he informed her I
just sent them about fifteen minutes minutes. Theyll contact you when they arrive the
rendezvous point. Then theyll take you back to base. But that doesnt mean youre out
of danger so I suggest you to step on it. And she replied Understood. Resuming
operation. Black Snake out.

Suddenly, she found a BMW SUV unscathed and checked if it was still operational. And
it was, after checking the engine and then starting the car successfully. She got in the
car along with Kappelhoffs uncounscious body and headed to the extraction point.
During the trip, she was seeing nothing more but a solitary area with no soldiers and



vehicles in sight, apparently. Black Snake said to herself while driving Okay. It seems
like you did it. Next time Jennifer, dont try to do anything stupid and stay with the
mission. Youve got lucky this time but try not to do it again. Then she checked her
tracker and said Okay, lets turn left and were seeing the rendezvous point in a blink
of an eye. But then, a missile was fired and hit from behind, making the vehicle to
overturn and hit a building, making the car to crash and get inside abruptly and
eventually stopped her way out. She got injured and bruised but Kappehoff got affected
more than her, due to his unconsciousness. She got off the wrecked vehicle and headed
to the entrance of the building she was and peeked over a pillar to take cover and fight
but then, she saw some enemy shooters located at stories of the buildings around and
some others at low ground who started firing at her. She had no choice but to stand her
ground a little longer, once again.
She picked her G-36 and started to enage them, but after a few minutes, her assault
rifles ammo got empty and opted to use her PSG-1. Although she had some ammo of
it, she mumbled while taking them out Its not gonna work. Its not enough! Then she
received a call from the extraction team Black Snake, this is Sergeant Kiel the 32nd
division rescue squadron from the Heer, callsign Kaiser. We have your location on radar.
Whats your status? But Black Snake yelled while engaging Black Snake here! I am
being attacked by enemy shooters! Hurry up before its too late!!
Roger that. Well be there in shortly. Just hang on a little longer. Kaiser, over and out.
Kiel signed off while the enemy was attacking with all they had and Black Snake was
running out of ammo, making her to draw her GSR and fight back with it. After a few
shots fired from her pistol, she took cover and grinned her teeth due to the anger inside.
She kept firing and changing the pistol magazines every two minutes determined to
stand her ground. But things were getting worse for her due to enemy units getting
After a few minutes, she checked the last magazine she had for her pistol and groaned
Come on guys! Step on it now! and fired a few shots, killing a soldier who was in a few
stories above her from a building behind her while peeking and taking cover when
necessary. After whispering Four shots left. she fired one at another one of the
soldiers in the head, and said Three left. If Im going to die today, Ill take as many as I
can with me! And killed one more before saying Two left.
Suddenly, enemy fire got intensified more than before and didnt allow Jennifer to keep
firing. She stayed ther closing her eyes and whispering Here I come. She jumpouted
and shot at one of the soldiers who was located at frontal building at an upper floor. But
then, something happened; the floor where Jennifer spotted that soldier blew up after
her shot and made her to take cover once again. She was shocked and whispered What
the hell was that?? but she found it out after her radio rang and Sergeant Kiel reported
This is Kaiser. We have arrived the rendezvous point. Were deploying backup and
engaging the enemy. She took her binoculars and saw four Eurocopter AS532 Cougar
units and three EC 665 Tiger units engaging the enemy.



It was about time gentlemen! Jennifer expressed in adrenalin and Kiel said Ive got
you on radar. Stay there, were coming to you.
She waited for the extraction team and threw some grenades at the enemy, eliminating
some of them. Then, she saw Kruspe conducting the rescue team towards her and once
there, he mocked Looks like you dont like getting yourself in trouble without me huh.
while she responded You missed me, right?
Kruspe smiled and she told him Take Kappelhoff to the chopper. Watch out because
hes hurt. He has some bruises and might have some fractures. but he wrinkled his
forehead after hearing that and asked her Since when do you care about the enemys
physical status?
Since he has some important information related to weapons and research for Weisse
Kreuze. Jennifer affirmed and she urged him while both looked at each other What
are you waiting for? Come on, we dont have much time here! and Kruspe took the
unconscious Kappelhoff and some of the rescue team escorted him so he could take the
Neo-Nazi officer to one of the choppers and head back to Berlin.
Jennifer asked for some ammo for her G-36 and one of the soldiers gave her enough to
keep fighting. She could see the Cougar choppers deploying reinforcements but then,
one of them gave her the missile launcher she picked in Hannover and she asked Why?
Why are you giving me this back?
Riemann briefed us about the area. Remember your mission yesterday? Something like
that would happen again. But this time, youll be well prepared. The soldier told her
and she nodded after Ok. So, what are we waiting for? Lets get the hell out of here
before it gets hotter. All right everybody, move out!!!
The headed to the roof and one of the soldiers requested Kaiser 1, this is Private Branz.
Were heading up for pick up. Wait for us there, over. And the pilot replied while some
of the crew were engaging the rivals by firing the machine guns Roger Branz. Were
heading towards you. I suggest you to do it on the double. Over.
The team headed up and the chopper arrived on time as the pilot reported. But then,
some shots from a long distance were fired and the pilot told Jennifer and the team
Watch out for the snipers. Jennifer replied Ill take care of them. and picked up her
PSG-1 to eliminate them.
She did it in less than a minute, taking down one by one, each with a shot in the head,
and then Branz ordered Okay guys, move. Move, move, move! Now!
Everybody boarded the helicopter and Branz took the Gatling machine gun and Jennifer
was holding her sniper rifle as the chopper was flying at a building-altitude to avoid
getting shot down in case of an enemy air squadron. Then, the pilot of one of the
choppers reported Kaiser 1, this is Kaiser 3. Enemy forces decreasing.



Then, Jennifer saw the Tiger helicopters destroying the SCUD missile launchers, tanks
and armored vehicles, watching an important percentage of the stronghold being
decimated and burning in flames. All hell broke loose against the Neo-Nazi forces.
Jennifer shot at every soldier on her sight and the team saw her engaging the enemy
with her sniper rifle. One of them joined her by opening fire with a G-36K. While
shooting, she called Kruspe This is Black Snake. Kruspe, how are things there? and he
replied Not bad. Kappelhoff is still knocked out and were fighting back. No casualties
for us so far.
Great. Keep firing, because those bastards arent going to surrender. Once annihilated,
well leave. Is that clear? Jennifer indicated and Kruspe mocked Hahaha, as far as I
know, you got yourself into this.
Jennifer smiled and mocked Well settle this conversation when we return to base. Im
going to kick your butt. And Kruspe laughed and both signed off to continue in the fight.
After twenty minutes of hardcore action, the battle ended with a lot of enemy casualties
and the city turned red as the flames were rising up all around the enemy stronghold.
Kaiser 1 reported while in the air, flying above the burning zone This is Kaiser. Enemy
units annihilated. I repeat, enemy troops destroyed. Radar is clear. And Kaiser 3
reported Roger that Kaiser 1. Lets go home. Lead the way.
The choppers headed back to base with Jennifer putting her PSG-1 on her back and
expressed while raising her head and closing her eyes At last. She closed the door of
the Cougar and sat, taking a break and Private Branz asked her How you feel? Are you
all right? and she replied tired Im exhausted, but alive thankfully. What about you?
and he replied as well Im fine. Its been a while I havent been in a fight.
Jennifer was looking at the face of that green-eyed long blond-haired female soldier who
introduced herself 1st Class Private Andrea Branz. So as she did Jennifer Patterson. 1st
Class Agent from I.S.A.F. Then he said Yeah. I heard about you a few days ago. Its
brave what youre doing, even though youre not from here.
Jennifer smiled and Branz asked You look like you are my age. How old are you? and
she replied Im twenty. You? and the German soldier replied smiling Hey, thats my
age too. Im twenty. Jennifer smiled and asked What month were you born? and
Branz replied March.
Jennifer was surprised and expressed in joy like a teenager Really? Im from March too.
and Branz smiled and asked Your favorite band? Mine is Saxon.
Jennifer expressed Holy Christ that song, that new song of theirs is quite amazing! and
Branz asked Oh God, you mean Killing Ground? Thats an incredible song!!! I cant get
tired of listening to it! In matter fact, the whole album is shocking!!! and Jennifer
expressed in agreement Totally right. I listened the record a few days ago when I was
in a mission and it blew me away. I was stunned.



Both girls started a friendship quickly and suddenly, Schneiders voice sounded on her
radio Black Snake, can you hear me? and she interrupted before answering Hold on a
sec Branz. This is Black Snake, I read you Schneider. Its good to hear your voice again.
Schneider replied Same to you. How did the mission the go? and she replied It was
difficult, probably the most one so far. Fortunately, weve got the objective under
custody. Were heading back to Berlin now.
He reacted Really? You captured Kappelhoff by yourself?? Girl, thats impressive. How
you did that? and she replied smiling I didnt do it myself. I had a lot of help. Kruspe is
carrying him in a chopper behind. These people of yours are amazing. And Schneider
expressed We do what we can to help people who are helping us. It could happen with
someone else, but you accepted this job so we help you. Then she asked When are
you coming back? and Schneider replied Tomorrow night. Ill be back in a Transall.
And Captain Rothens? How is he? She asked about the Luftwaffe pilot and he told
her Hes fine. He will be back in the skies once fully recovered. Probably in a month.
And she smiled Thats good news.
Lets celebrate once Im back there; a few drinks. You, me and Kruspe having fun. What
do you say? Schneider expressed and invited Jennifer to hang out and she replied
Under one condition.
Schneider said Name it. And she asked Let me bring a friend. A new one. And he
asked Wow, youre good with boys. Thats quite impressive. And she mocked Its a
she, silly.
Oh. Well, the more girls, the better. We have our needs after all. Schneider joked
and Jennifer shook her head smiling and mumbled You dumb. Then he apologized
Sorry, I had to make you laugh. After all, we only live once. Who knows if we live one
more day or not? Jennifer agreed before asking Yeah. I guess youre right. So, will you
let me bring her? and Schneider stated Look, Im not your father and there are no
rules. Why are you asking me that? Bring whoever you want. Okay?
Thank you, Schneider. I appreaciate that. So, Ill see tomorrow night then? and
Schneider affirmed Absolutely. Well, gotta go. Stay safe and dont get in trouble. And
Jennifer smiled I hope so. and Schneider signed off All right. Ill see you later then.
Schneider, over and out.
Branz looked at Jennifers eyes and asked So, where will be the party? and Jennifer
replied with a smile Well find it out soon. In the meantime, why not listening to some
heavy music now? and Branz nodded with a smile as well and asked Lieutenant
Bischerhoff, put this record on. Lets rock this trip way home!!



Jennifer laughed and everyone inside smiled and Kruspe noticed what was going on and
called Whats happening in there? Youre parting now and didnt invite us? Jennifer
said Hahahahahhahaha, do not worry.Theres party for everybody.
The choppers flew back to base with heavy metal music being listened and shared to
each unit, to make it fun and try to get relaxed from a hard and bloody battle just
happened in a zone that once was considered dangerous. However, the enemy wasnt
decimated at a hundred percent, but knew Black Snakes capabilities so as the
Bundeswehrs and with their base in flames, they knew they have lost most of ther
leverage and most of all, Black Snake and the Bundeswehr will not stop fighting to get
what a country and its people needed.

Chapter V: The Meeting (Das Treffen)

Parkbhne Wuhlheide Arena; Berlin, Germany (February 5th, 2001. 1700 hours): It was
a quiet day, with no assignments for Jennifer. She wasnt wearing any suits, but civilian
clothes instead; a black top, blue jeans, black boots and a black leather jacket. She was
walking around the arena, watching people as they watched her with a smile on their
faces as a token of thanks and respect. She then looked at the blue skies, thinking about
many things. Suddenly, a friendly voice called her Hey, Jennifer!! Over here!! She
turned and looked a Private Branz saluting her from a different spot. Both approached
to each other and saluted with a kiss on the cheeks. Branz expressed I thought you left
today. And Jennifer stated No, not today. I think its a day off, probably a well
deserved one. Just one day off will not do any harm, dont you think? and Branz nodded
Yeah, I guess youre right.
Jennifer asked her So, are you ready? and Branz asked wrinkling her forehead while
smiling a little What do you mean? Ready for what?
To go out. Ill have some drinks with some friends. Would you like to come? Jennifer
asked and Branz declined at first Im sorry, Im afraid I cant. I have to meet Sergeant
Kiel for some arrangements. But Jennifer persuaded her Cmon girl. Lets get
distracted. There will be some other time for you to meet him later. Ill tell him you are
with me. What do you say? Besides I dont wanna be the only girl surrounded by boys.
Branz lowered her head smiling and then raised it accepting Jennifers invitation by
expressing Okay. Lets do it. So, where are we going exactly? and Jennifer replied her
question I dont know. Im waiting for my friends so they take us.
Jennifer started looking at everywhere until she saw Schneider, who has just arrived
from Holzminden and Kruspe next to him. Jennifer took Branz to meet them and



Schneider asked her with his arms wide open You missed me, dont you? and Jennifer
smiled and replied in a sarcastic tone Yeah right. I was happy until you came.
Jennifer saluted them with hugs and kisses on the cheeks like good friends. Then
Schneider asked before flattering Branz So this beautiful young lady is your new friend,
huh? Nice. Ive seen you before pretty lady, youre in Captain Knigs unit right? and
Branz replied Yeah. Sergeant Kiel is there as well. Im Private Branz, youre Schneider
and Kruspe right? The ones Jen here, rescued from the Raltzingers. Yeah, she told me
about you guys during the trip back to Berlin yesterday.
Kruspe then said withIs that so? What else did she tell you about us? and Jennifer
replied in sarcasm That you talk too much sometimes. Lets go. Schneider, take us.
Schneider took them to a bar nearby the Bundeswehr station and Jennifer asked So
where are we going? and he replied Were going to a bar that is a few blocks from
here. Everybody here goes to that place. Youre gonna love it. Branz, have you ever been
there? and the blonde girl replied Yeah, once.
They arrived and entered to a nice medieval-themed bar, something that made her be
amazed. They got a table and sat before asking for some drinks. Then Jennifer asked So
Branz, when was the last time you came to this place? Its amazing. And Branz replied
About three months ago. I was with some colleagues a night before we got sent to
Bielefeld for an incursion.
And what happened She asked and Branz replied a little bit serious Well, things
didnt go that good. Most of the fifty people involved got captured or killed, but I was
one of the few who survived. However, I got shot before being captured and I was
tortured physically and emotionally by those pigs. But also, I was forced to watch my
comrades being tortured with no mercy and dying at their hands.
Then, Branz showed the left side of her body to a shocked Jennifer, exhibiting the scars
all over and stated Ive got some more but they are under my undergartments.
Courtesy of that sick fuck of Jorgen Raltzinger.
Jennifer was horrified and then asked with a serious voice tone Did he rape you? but
she replied No. He said he was waiting for someone special and that I was nothing. But
that didnt matter to him and hurt me anyway by using a whip. She shook her head and
grinned Bastard. And then Branz showed Jennifer more, exhibiting her arms and said
They loved making me scream and beg for their crap to be over. But now, Im trying to
let it go and start over, although its a little bit hard for me.
Jennifer put her hand on Branzs right shoulder and nodded as sign of agreement and
trust towards her and Kruspe said Lets drink, okay? And Branz nodded Yeah. Hes
right. Okay everybody, cheers! and everybody took a glass with whiskey, cheered and



Kruspe then asked So Jen, how do you think the next mission will be? and she replied
Beats me. War is full of surprises and last one wasnt that easy. Schneider then asked
How hard was Kappelhoff? and she replied with a serious tone He was a very
persistent son of a bitch. I had him twice and lost him due to a misconcentration.
Fortunately, hes here under custody and someone will make him talk. This girl right
here next to me and Kruspe did a great job during the extraction phase.
Jennifer cheered in honor to them and drank again after saying with the glass filled with
whiskey For you guys. And for you too, Schneider. Cheers. The other three drank as
well following her. Then Kruspe asked Hey, do you play pool? Come on, lets play.
Would you like to come Jen? But she turned down his invitation No, you go. I dont
know how to play it. Branz, why dont you go with him? and she replied Ok, its been
a while I havent played. Lets go. And Schneider told him Ill stick with her. You guys
go and have fun.
They left Jennifer and Schneider to go to play so they could chat. He asked What is it?
Something wrong about the place? and she replied No, not at all. The place is great,
but I dont know. Its just that and he interrupted her by saying You dont drink
that much.
No, nothing like that. Well yes, Im not a big drinker but, its something different.
Jennifer stated and he asked Ok, then tell me. What is worrying you? She replied with
a Its about some words Kappelhoff told me before taken into custody. He said Germany
will rise again. And we have the key.
What do you mean? Schneider asked and she replied I dont know. Thats the
Jennifer was thinking about it and then, she guessed There must be something related
to ArmsTech. And Schneider said You mean, the company with that triangule-like
Jennifer wrinkled her forehead and asked him Yeah. How did you know? and
Schneider explained I saw that emblem on some trucks in Mnchen before Kruspe and
I were captured. According to a report of yours on the radio, you saw some trucks that
carried SCUD missiles. And Jennifer affirmed Exactly. People with that kind of
firepower are to be feared and taken seriously. However, I think theyre making this too
easy. Why exposing that power to that degree? Normally, those weapons are watched
by a heavy surveillance using lots of units armed to the teeth. Yeah, last areas were
watched by people as Ive just described, but they wouldnt leave it like this. They should
have given us a warning after the last events.
Dont say that. What you have done wasnt that easy. I mean, I could do it but with a
platoon, not by my own. I still doubt youre a rookie. Whoever trained you, he must be
that good. Schneider expressed and Jennifer smiled, but then she turned and saw a
friend of her at the entrance of the bar. She smiled and stood up, meanwhile Schneider



turned to look who she was looking to. She exclaimed with joy Captain Kasler!! Over
A Captain Kasler, who was anxious to see a happy Jennifer joined them and she
welcomed him by saying How are you? Its good to see you here. Im really that glad.
And he replied No, I am glad to see you.
She then introduced him to Schneider so as Schneider to him Sorry. Schneider, this is
Captain George Kasler from I.S.A.F. and HE is my mentor. Captain Kasler, this is Agent
Christoph Schneider from the Bundeswehr.
Both men shook their hands and Schneider was glad to meet him by expressing Herr
Kasler, Its an honor. And Kasler expressed Not bad child. Looks like you found your
soulmate in no time. And Jennifer got blushed Captain. Hes not.. and he said while
smiling Sorry, I was kidding. General Riedel told me you love jokes. And she grinned
General! and Schneider immediately explained smiling Your girl saved my life a few
days ago. I owe her a lot.
Kasler was notified about Black Snakes progress and performance for his expression I
know. You are one of the Bundeswehr agents that she rescued after being missing for a
while. You and Richard Kruspe, who I think must be the guy over there playing pool with
that pretty blonde lady. Am I right? and Schneider nodded Yes. Youre right indeed.
Then she asked Kasler So, what does bring you here? I was acknowledged about your
presence, but I dont think its about an evaluation only. And he replied Well, your
performance evaluation is one of the reasons, but not the main one. The main reason is
the Bundeswehr Intelligence Services contacted me to supervise you, but also assist
them in the main operations they may have. But thats not all.
Jennifer wrinkled her forehead and he revealed Theres a man I met him a long way
back. Hes here working with the Germans. And she asked From the good guys or bad
guys? and he replied The good guys. We worked together a lot during the 80s and 90s,
even before the first time we met in Moscow in the 70s. His name is Kazuhira Miller.
Hahahahahaha, what a goofy name. Hahahahahahahaha! Jennifer mocked but
Schneider just looked at her and Kasler didnt like it and made come in her senses by
grinning Hey, show some discipline! Hes one of the best men Ive ever met. and
Jennifer got shocked and went serious by apologizing Im sorry Captain. I didnt know
that. It will never happen again. Then she reminisced Wait a second. I heard that name
She had a thoughtful look on her face and then alleged Yeah, thats right! Hansen
mentioned his name during the brawl we had under that tunnel in Bremen. And Kasler
wrinkled his forehead by hearing that name Hansen? You mean Jutta Hansen? The child
from Dsseldorf. And she nodded Right.



Its been a while I havent heard of that name. Miller and I met her when she was fifteen
and we had trained her for five years. It was in March 1983 when I met her for the first
time. I worked with his father who worked for the GSG9 in West Germany. I brought her
to the States in December of that year but we left three months later because Miller
contacted me after a conflict where he took part in. I joined him as an instructor,
although I met him a few years earlier. - He commented with a serious look on his face,
reminiscing it as if it was yesterday. Schneider asked him And what about the girls
family? What happened to them?
He replied by alleging I killed them and both Jennifer and Schneider were shocked
about the truth Kasler revealed and she exclaimed What?? Why??? Why did you do
that to her??? and Kasler stated Her parents, Andreas and Brigitte were suspected of
being involved in the murders of a business who was a Jew, a German-American family
in West Berlin and three agents from the Bundeswehr and Abwehr respectively. I tried
to not believe it, but when I asked him about some pictures that were sent to my house.
He denied it at first but I knew something was wrong about him and I commited a
mistake about drinking a glass of wine Brigitte offered me.
Jennifer and Schneider were shocked and very much into the story and Kasler continued
telling When I woke, I realized I was handcuffed while sat on a chair in their houses
basement and he tortured me but that was after he spat it out. Which means both were
involved. Not to mention they were linked to a terrorist group in Germany known at the
time as Weien Ritter or White Knights what is known nowadays as Weie Kreuze.
Jennifer wrinkled her forehead What??? and Schneider asked Then what? What
else? while Kappelhoff kept telling I managed to free myself after a mistake they
made. I hit Andreas with my head and after disabling him, I destroyed the chair by hitting
it with the walls. Brigitte came down with a shotgun and shot at me, but she missed and
I took my gun and shot her in the chest, but Andreas saw that hit me making me drop
the gun and then we started to wrestle for it. Thankfully, I was the one who luckally
managed to grab the gun and pull the trigger then.
Did she ever know anything about that? I mean, when I met her, she told me that she
betrayed you and that Miller guy and she was angry for the way she said it. She said and
I quote I hope theyre dead for good. Jennifer asked and he stated No, I dont think
so. I never spoke with her about her parents death, but I never knew why such a great
hatred towards Miller and me all of the sudden.
Looks like theres some story between you and Hansen. Schneider stated and then
asked Kasler What then? and Kasler replied It was night-time when it happened.
Miller and I went back from a meeting with some military officers in England and then,
the place where we were staying at the time blew up just when I was walking to the
door, and then Hansen showed up with a detonator on her left hand and a gun on the
right one. I couldnt move because of the pain and the debris over me. She was stood
still, looking at me, then she pointed the gun at me and



Kasler stopped talking and lowered his head, letting them to know it was a bad memory
in his life and Jennifer knew it was too hard for him by stating Its the first time I see
you like that. And put her hand over his as sign of appreciation towards him.
Then Schneider asked I have a question to ask you. If she pulled the trigger, then how
did you? and he added I was wearing a bulletproof vest that day. However, Miller
didnt know that and brought me to the nearest hospital anyway. Neither him nor
Hansen knew that. Jennifer felt bad for that and Kasler asked Where is she, kid?
Wheres Hansen? and she replied We had a brawl in Bremen. I beat her, but after the
confrontation, I left and didnt check her status and also the explosion there made me
to leave the area immediately. However, Herr Lindemann briefed me that she told the
Neo-Nazis about my presence while I was going to Dresden for a rescue operation.
Schneider and Kruspes rescue to be precise.
By the way, I need to speak with you in private. Herr Schneider, may I take her for a
few minutes? Kasler asked and Schneider replied Yeah. Actually I was planning to join
Richard anyway, so stay here and chat. Jen, Ill be there if you need me. And she nodded
before Schneider left to join Krupe and Branz.
He seems to be a nice guy. Kasler expressed and Jennifer nodded in agreement
Yeah. He is being my loyal musketeer along with Kruspe so far on each operation. Then
she asked Speaking of which, you must have some information about a new operation
for me. Isnt it? You said it was one of the reasons about your presence. and he nodded
before saying You need to take a look at this.
He took a yellow small folder from a pocket of his jacket and handed it in to Jennifer.
She opened it and saw there were pictures in it. She asked Whats this? while Kasler
stated The next campaign. Watch them closely.
Jennifer wrinkled her forehead and watched the pictures and asked Orders from? and
he replied General Marshall.
She raised an eyebrow What? Why?? and Kasler affirmed Unofficial operation.
Neither the Germans have any knowledge about this incursion. One of these guys in the
pictures is linked to some terrorist organization that supplies most of the most feared
groups around the world with firearms and equipment and that is involved to many
attacks on military bases of NATO members. She then asked Yeah. So? and he made
her reminisce about an operation held back then when Jennifer was younger by stating
Remember Seattle and Israel? This operation would be similar.
Christ, not again. - Jennifer shook her head and he unveiled more details by stating
But thats not all, that guy involved is a relative to the smuggler we busted so he might
be the head of the family business they have and hes been reported of meeting with
some people who want to get something bigger. You know what I mean. and Jennifer
immediately knew it meant trouble. Big trouble since the Seattle-Israel incident was a
deadly operation involving personnel who had some liasons. She then asserted by



guessing So youre saying it involves unknown terrorists and American military officers
in the act of smuggling and black marketeering nuclear weapons.
Right. This directive comes from the U.S. government asking General Marshall to solve
the problem and you know what that means. Kasler stated and Jennifer shook her head
I know. He wants us to do their wet work. Then Kasler alleged ISAF along with CIA
and the NSA suspect this guy merged his business with the terrorist organization,
creating a new dangerous faction. Imagine what they could do if they combine such a
big firepower. Not to mention they could continue smuggling weapons in general and
rent their services. Jennifer got worried and then she nodded, agreeing for what he
He then added with a serious look This is important for you to know so I hope this will
be very clear to you. If the Germans know anything about this, diplomatic relations
between the U.S. and Germany will collapse abruptly and start a bigger conflict between
them. It is imperative we solve this before they know even a little.
So whats the plan? Jennifer asked and he said According to some intel, the guy
here in this picture will meet some people in Schwerin. The Intel weve got also reveals
theyre going to exchange weapons for something unknown. Perhaps its money, or topsecret information. Who knows? But heres what were gonna do; we leave in two days
early morning, then set a perimeter for a spot nearby their rendezvous point. Were
watching them from a long distance and once they are making the deal, bam! We catch
him and the rest on time. Once done, theyll take care of them.
Whos they? Jennifer raised an eyebrow and asked while he replied by saying U.S.
SOCOM. And she expressed before asking So, we hunt and deliver the prey to the
lions. They wont leave us any single piece of meat. Not even a little one. Then what?
Why dont we ask a favor to the Germans? and Kasler reluctanctly stated We cant
because the Germans would want them and were in their territory. Besides, they will
ask for answers about their presence and complicate your collaboration with them and
as I told you, this operation comes from the U.S. government. We cannot disobey.
She knew it could end not only her career, but also be sent to prison and put bilateral
affairs between both nations at risk of being broken down as consequence. She shook
her head, making her to think about her persona and many other aspects that involves
politics, state security matters and war affairs. The red-haired young female operative
bit her lips, feeling herself unconfident and nervous. Kasler looked at her and asked
Whats the matter?
She replied with a serious tone This is worse than the Seattle incident. I could be sent
to prison if something goes wrong. Even worse. She stood up with a worried look on
her face and turned her back, but Kasler stood up too and put his hand on her shoulder
and he stated You know how this works and we dont have much of a choice either.
Once I told you when you were little: every mission comes to a risk. No matter what kind
of situation may be at present. You know that better so as your friends here. Besides,



you wont be alone. You fall, I fall with you. And then she expressed So do I. You fall, I
fall with you.
Kasler smiled and both hugged, making Jennifer a little comfortable and relaxed. He then
said Come on. Lets drink. And she nodded, having a few shots.
After chattering for a few minutes and having some drinks, the three Germans joined
them and Jennifer looked at them and asked them with a smile Did you have fun? and
Kruspe complained jockingly Branz beat us. She cheated. And Branz rolled her eyes
and said back These two are losers. Kruspe cannot stand to be beaten by a woman and
Schneider got close but it wasnt enough.
Jennifer chuckled and then introduced Kasler to Kruspe and Branz Guys, this is George
Kasler. My boss, mentor and one of my most trusted friends.
Kruspe shook his hand and expressed Its an honor sir. You have no idea how much she
risked just for saving our lives. And Kasler chuckled and then expressed This stubborn
girl is sometimes silly, but she has a huge heart. Shes been my most trusted apprentice,
although she still has a long way to go but Im glad to know shes doing great after the
performance debriefings I just received.
Branz then said Lets go out for a walk, shall we? To enjoy the sunset before it gets
dark. Everybody agreed and left the bar to go sightseeing before the sun would
disappear into the horizon of the city.
While moving, Jennifer then asked Why did you choose the Wuhlheide arena for a
military command center and a refugee center? Arent there any centers that could take
care of the people? and Branz replied Im afraid not. The many we had were destroyed
and the few unscathed were taken by the enemy.
Jennifer then asked Do you think it has to do with the concentration camps reopening? and Schneider revealed. Probably. By the way, the Bundeswehr is assembling
a special unit to take care of that issue. But it will take a little bit longer because it hasnt
been confirmed yet it was re-opened. HQ stated that we cannot act for now since its
under investigation. Once confirmed, theyll send all the cavalry. And Jennifer
expressed interest by saying with a serious and confident tone Count me in. Dont go
there without me.
Branz asked impressed You want to stop them at all costs, dont you? Thats
admirable. Then she asked her Tell me something, how you got involved into this?
and Jennifer replied Schweinsteiger. He came to see us for help after talks with the UN
in New York broke down, since the German military branches lost control over the
Then Kasler said The General of our station in Nebraska offered him services about
sending people with high expertise, but according to the Prime Minister, most of them



who were collaborating were reported missing or killed in action. This girl here is good,
but has no expertise at all and Schweinsteiger was looking for that kind of profile.
Branz wrinkled her forehead and he affirmed Yeah, I know its quite strange because
he could ask for someone else qualified in situations like this one, but thats what he
wanted. And Branz expressed A crazy decision. But effective as well. Can I ask who the
best in matter of expertise is? Since she doesnt have any field experience, who was the
one? and then Jennifer agreed by asking Yeah, who was the one who could do the job
and help instead of me?
Kasler shook his head with a smile, knowing Jennifer wanted to know who she was taking
his place and he revealed Benson Cunningham. He was one of the top choices for the
job. Gillian Seed was also considered but Schweinsteiger declined. And Jennifer got
shocked about hearing his statement and mumbled Cunningham and Seed??? Youve
got to be kidding me. Schweinsteiger rejected such hard veterans like them?? I cannot
believe this. They could accomplished the campaign without any problems.
Kasler took another glass of whiskey and then shook his head and unveiled No. Youre
wrong. Youre doing great. For me, youre doing better than what they could do.
However, there was one who was the first choice, but ISAF couldnt make any
arrangements for a deal and he doesnt belong to us, anyway.
Do I know him? Jennifer asked and he said seriously No, you dont. then she asked
Will I meet him? And then he replied chuckling Probably. But not today, thats for
Suddenly, she asked Zanzibar, right? then Branz alleged Zanzibar? You were there?
and Jennifer replied No. He was, not me.
Branz got interested somehow in Kaslers contribution during the Zanzibar Land uprising
and asked him by guessed So you must have met Solid Snake. Now I see the reason of
her codename. And Jennifer immediately raised an eyebrow about Branzs words and
asked Kasler What is she talking about Captain? and Kasler lowered his head chuckling
for Branzs discovering and he then told her Well, Frulein Branz, you can go ahead.
And then she spat it out for Jennifer It is said there was one soldier who took out an
entire army by himself. An army of mercenaries, the best of the best. It was called Outer
Heaven and was lead by Big Boss, the 20th centurys greatest soldier ever known. Big
Boss was well recognized by every Special Forces division in the world as ruthless and
very skillful.
Kasler was impressed for her knowledge about Zanzibar Land and Big Boss, the soldier
who once was known as the greatest living soldier of the 20th century and known as well
for the famous Operation Snake Eater, The San Hieronymo Incident, The Peace Walker
Incident and The Diamond Dogs-XOF War. Not to forget the Outer Heaven uprising and
the Zanzibar Land Disturbance where he was a key on those conflicts. Branz kept talking
But anyway, this guy, Solid Snake became famous in the world of Special Forces and
top-secret black ops by taking out Big Boss along with and his Outer Heaven by himself.



I think it was between in 94 and 95 when the Outer Heaven incident occurred, in South
Africa. Then, by 1999, the Cold War had thawed, and it seemed nuclear proliferation
would soon be a thing of the past. Despite this, all was not well in the world. A military
junta came to power in Zanzibar Land, a small nation bordering Russia, China, and
Central Asia. After gaining its independence from Russia in the Mercenary War, Zanzibar
Land began attacking nuclear weapons disposal sites around the world, seizing those
weapons that were still intact, and becoming one of the world's few nuclear powers. It
then began to invade its neighbors at will.
Jennifer got intrigued and asked her for more and Branz continued showing her
knowledge As for what Id read, Solid Snake was brought back from a supposed
retirement after the successful operation where he was involved and was sent to put an
end to the situation, but not before encountering Big Boss once more for one more
battle with him. Snake managed to emerge triumphant, annihilating the enemy. Nothing
more is known about him after it ended.
Branz continued and asked Kasler So you must have worked with McDonell Miller, Big
Bosss former right hand, right? and he nodded. Then Jennifer alleged with a serious
voice tone You and I have a serious talk these days.
Then she smiled but then Kasler advised her Once we meet him, do not talk about
anything related to Big Boss. Never. And she asked Why? and Kasler rolled his eyes
and she then got serious and mumbled Okay okay okay. I get that. And they continued
walking around the streets in Berlin. The dark started getting into the city above the
skies after a few more hours passed.
Kasler suggested everyone Lets go back. Its kinda late right now. Kruspe agreed and
said Yeah. Its also kind of cold. We should get back to base. But Jennifer told them
You go. Ill be here for a few more minutes. Everybody agreed but Schneider told her
Dont take too long. And they left her.
Suddenly, Branz joined and Jennifer looked at her with a smile. Beautiful night, isnt?
Branz expressed and Jennifer replied Yeah. When its not time for a fight is better. I like
calm and peaceful nights. Like this one for instance. Branz chatted with her, but
apparently her intentions were more beyond a simple conversation. Jennifer asked
How do you know all? The Captain was stunned for your knowledge. Do you work in
some intel information?
Branz chuckled and replied I wish I was. But I will some time in the near future. But
Jennifer insisted You havent answered my question yet. And she replied Whoa, take
it easy darling. Jennifer rolled her eyes while smirking and Branz claimed I read about
it on the CIA, NSA, DIA and FBI records. Even Interpol have some about those incidents.
And Jennifer asked surprised Are you a hacker? Branz replied Lets say that I have
my ways of knowing the truth beneath a rose.



Impressive. So indeed you are. Jennifer said but Branz chuckled When did I say I
was? and Jennifer wrinkled her forehead asking So? and Branz mumbled You ask
too much. You know that?
Jennifer joked Yeah, most people say that about me. Perhaps thats one of my virtues.
and Branz chuckled. Then the blonde soldier claimed Like I said, I have my ways. With
that said, youll guess what I am talking about. And Jennifer asserted Liasons. And
Branz nodded and asked her Nobody knows it, so dont snitch. Ok?
Jennifer nodded and Branz asked her So, youre going after Weisse Kreuze. I wonder if
I could ask you to do something for me. And she wrinkled her forehead and looked at
her confused as well as Branz told her Dont go without me.
What do you mean? Jennifer confused ask her for an explaination and Branz put her
hand on Jennifers shoulder and told her Dont go after them without. Please. Dont go
Branz took off her jacket and showed her arms to Jennifer and claimed I didnt tell you
who made these ones.
Her look turned angry and indicated by grinning Olaf Heinecke
Gnter Schweinwasser
And Robert Magnusson.
She looked at the few but long scars on her arms and declared I want to make them
suffer. I want to make them bleed. I want to make them scream. I want to make them
go through what I went through. So if you dare to go after them alone, Im gonna have
to punch your pretty face once you are back.
Jennifer looked at her and said Ill kick your ass if you attack me. And Branz begged
Please, I need to do this. You dont know how dirty they are. Theyre scum, just like
their lifeless bosses.
This is my job. Thats why Im here. I cannot allow you to do that just for a vendetta for
the punishment they made you suffer. Im sorry. Jennifer stated with a serious tone
and tried to walk away, but then Branz yelled Not even for my fallen brother and
Once hearing Branzs unveil, Jennifer stopped and turned to look at her and saw an angry
Branz breaking in tears. Jennifer reminisced her past experiences back then in Moscow,
and Branz approached and beg Please. At least let me take care of Magnusson. Hes
the one Im really after.
Jennifer wrinkled her forehead and Branz confessed I saw him, putting a bullet on my
husband. He and I were captured and Magnusson not only killed him by he made me



watching him doing that as he was smirking. Then Raltizinger tortured me a few minutes
And your brother? Jennifer asked intrigued and Branz replied He died protecting
me from a shot by Magnusson whose shot was really at me.
Then she said with a saddened look on her face I dont want to leave the world without
making them pay. Please. Jennifer shook her head, thinking of the risks she could take
and a huge responsibility if something wrong may happen to her. However, even with
those risks, the red-haired operative told her All right.
Branz locked her in a death hog and her saddened face turned the opposite and she
thanked Jennifer so much but Jennifer told her But well do things my way. Dont let
your emotions interfere. And Branz nodded, still grateful.
Both returned to the arena but during their way back, Branz asked her Why did you
agree? Why did you say yes, if you mind?
Jennifer was very serious. So much serious than before, replying with a serious tone
Because I know how it feels like.



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