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Vital functions I: nutrition

Unit 10

Extra activities:
Class: Group: Date:
1. Read and match each process with its description.
a) Assimilation

1. Process by which living organisms inhale and exhale


b) Respiration

2. Process by which organisms expel substances they

dont need.

c) Circulation

3. Process of absorbing the necessary nutrients within

the cell.

d) Excretion

4. Distribution of fluids throughout an organism to

transport substances.

2. Indicate whether the following statements are true or false, and correct the false ones.
a) Roots have root hairs that absorb organic nutrients.
b) Phloem sap is a mixture of inorganic nutrients.
c) Excretion is the elimination of waste matter.
d) Fungi have heterotrophic nutrition.
e) Nutrition is the process in which living beings obtain the matter and energy necessary to carry out
all their vital functions.


Listen and repeat. Mark the stress.

a) Transpiration.
b) Assimilation.
c) Excretion.
d) Chloroplast.

algaida editores, S.A. Authorized photocopiable material.

e) Molecule.
f) Carbohydrate.

4. Complete the text using the following words: phloem, roots, inorganic, leaves, xylem, water.
The mixture of
from the

nutrients is called
to the

synthesised nutrients are then mixed with

through the whole plant in conducting vessels called

sap. It is transported
through conducting vessels called xylem. The
to form phloem sap. This is transported


Unit 10

Vital functions I: nutrition

5. Unscramble the words in blue to complete the sentences.

a) Digestion is the transformation of food into simpler
b) Gas exchange takes place in the
c) Cellular

. bsuscsntae.
system. easrpiyrtor.

is the use of nutrients by the cells to get energy and build structures.


is the distribution of nutrients and oxygen to all the organisms cells. tracuiliocn.


is the elimination of waste substances produced during cellular metabolism.


6. How many types of digestive processes do you know? Explain how they are different. What type of
digestive process do human beings have?

7. Explain the different types of respiration in animals. Give an example of each type.

Use the following words to fill in the gaps: body, circulatory, oxygen, organs, arthropods, heart,
cells. Then, listen and check your answers.
Animals are comprised of trillions of

, and each cell needs a supply

and nutrients to survive. For this reason, animals have developed a system called the
system. There are two types: open and closed.

Theopen circulatory systemis found in molluscs and

animals is called ahemocoel. The

. The body cavity of these

pumps a fluid that moves freely and the

are able to directly access the nutrients. The main disadvantage of this kind of system is that the fluid
cant be sent to a particular region of the

9. Choose the correct words to write complete sentences.

b) Blood is pumped by the heart / lungs.
c) Nutrients go from the blood to the cells by transfusion / diffusion through the capillary walls.
d) This circulatory system is common to all / some vertebrates.
e) The double system is only found in some fish / vertebrates.

10. Put the words in order to make questions. In pairs, ask and answer the questions.
a) excretory / the / system / What / organs / in / main / the / are?
b) organs / bile / Which / use ?
c) the / are / sweat / located/ Where / glands ?
d) lungs / gas / removed / is / by / What / the ?
e) vertebrates / excretory / have / type / What / do / of / terrestrial/ system ?


algaida editores, S.A. Authorized photocopiable material.

a) In opened / closed circulatory systems, the blood doesnt leave the blood vessels.

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