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Welcome Area Director Candidates!

Thank you for your interest in joining the District 2 team!

The 2015-16 year will be an extraordinary year in the life of District 2. I am honored to be a candidate for District
Director. It is in this capacity that I am seeking, in advance, a fantastic team of Area Directors (previously known
as Area Governors) who will dedicate themselves to our mission of enhancing the performance of our clubs and
extending our network of clubs so that more people have the opportunity to benefit from the Toastmasters
educational program. I am delighted that you wish to be considered for this very special role in Toastmasters.
This document serves three purposes: First is an outline of some of the expectations of Area Directors so that
you can choose it with your eyes wide open. It is a very challenging but also a very rewarding role!
Secondly, I want to let you know what support you will have in the way of training, preparation and support for
success in this role. Lastly, there are a few informational questions to give a sense of who you are and what you
want to bring to the dynamic District 2 team. Of course the leadership team will get to know one another much
more deeply as we work together this year. Please respond simply and openly; there are absolutely no wrong

Key Expectations of Area Directors:

As an important member of the district team, Area Directors have some key responsibilities that are outlined below.
Please be assured that you will get the training and support you need to be successful and that the entire district
officer team will be there to support you. This is not an all-inclusive list but it gives you a reasonable sense of what
will be asked of you.
District Executive Council Meetings (DECM): Area Directors are voting members of the District Executive Council
(DEC). All DEC members are expected to attend the Turnover DECM on June 27, 2015 and the 6 DEC meetings
scheduled throughout the year. A calendar of these meetings will be supplied at the first meeting on June 27, and is
available now in draft format.
The primary goal of each DECM is to train you, encourage you and celebrate the successes of all of our area and
division directors. Together we will energize ourselves to tackle the challenges of our clubs and areas! You are the
most important part of our district support structure and absolutely key to our district success. We will always review
our status against our goals and troubleshoot any problem areas. DEC members also vote to recommend approval
of our budget, district staff appointments and the alignment of areas into divisions.
Club Visits: Your primary objective is to help your clubs become successful. In Toastmaster terms, a successful
club means a Distinguished club in the Distinguished Club Program (DCP). You may need to visit struggling clubs
many times to help steer and encourage them. You will make an official visit and file a formal area visit report
online twice a year. You will stay in regular contact with the club presidents in your area and will be the information
conduit for district business announcements and events.
Club Support: You will be available to your clubs to offer support when they need it, tapping in to your network
within the district to find resources as necessary to help your clubs.
Area contests: You are responsible for organizing area level speech contests twice a year following the
Toastmasters contests rules. The date ranges for area contests is found on the district calendar that will be
provided at the very first DECM in June. In general, the fall area contests are held in September through early
October. The Spring area contests span the month of March.
Division contests: You will help your division director organize and support the division-level speech contests.
District Conferences: You are expected to attend the two District Council meetings held during the District
Conferences scheduled for November 7, 2015 at the Microsoft Conference Center and May 16, 2016. (The May
contract still open so this date could shift).
Area Councils: You are strongly encouraged to have two to four area council meetings throughout the year. An
Area Council consists of an Area Governor, and the President, VP Education and VP Membership of the clubs in

your area. You may choose to invite other club officers, your Division Governor and any other district officer that
might be helpful.
Information Conduit: You are a key element of the communication flow between Toastmasters International, the
District executive, and the clubs. It is especially important that correspondence and announcements from the
District be passed on quickly to your clubs when requested.
District Team Support: You are a expected to support all the members of the district executive team throughout
the year when needed; this includes special events, club officer training and make-up sessions, demo meetings,
contests or any other activity that will be enhanced by your participation.
Build New Clubs: You will do your best to ensure no club loss incurs in your area and you will assist the Division
Governor in building at least one new club within the area or division as per the standards established by
Toastmasters International.

What Support will You have as an Area Director?

Incoming Area Directors will be officially inducted and welcomed at the Changeover DECM on June 27.
Initial Area Director role training will be provided at that meeting and you will meet with your Division teammates to
start building your network of support. The goal of every Division Director is to insure the success of Area Directors
and each cub that they support. You will walk away from the initial training with confidence, a support team and a
clear set of next steps for visiting the clubs in your area
Every DECM will feature an education and training component to help you tackle practical problems and to link you
to the many resources available to support your efforts. We will share our district, division and area goals and our
progress towards achieving them. If you have personal Toastmaster goals like completing your High Performance
Leadership (HPL) project during your Area Director year, we will link you to many opportunities to take on a projects
that could fulfill these requirements.
Finally, you have my personal commitment that the primary focus of the district team will be on supporting your
efforts on behalf of our amazing clubs and members! I encourage you to take this opportunity and be part of the
team in a very special year of the district. I hope you will consider accepting the challenge and the rewards of being
an area governor on our District 2 team in 2015-16.

Candidate Information:
Name: Rebecca Fischer (Becky)
Home Club: Conservatively Speaking Toastmasters
Other Clubs: none
How long have you been a Toastmaster and which club officer positions have you held? 2 years, VPPR, and
What accomplishment makes you proud? winning club level speech contest and Area 63 speech contest last
year. leading an extraordinary club in our district as President.
What other work, community or volunteer leadership activities are you involved? LDS Church related
callings/leadership positions of over 30 plus years, in the community. currently a Sunday school teacher. former
club president of the Seattle turtle and Tortoise club. Member Seattle Chelonian society.
Why would you like to be an Area Director? yes
Names and contact info of an experienced Toastmasters who could act as your references.
Jackie Bailey, Lee Amatangelo, Pam Hinckley, or Mike Levitt.


Ann deMarrais
District 2 Director candidate
360-201-9455 (cell)
Toastmasters: Where Leaders are Made!

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