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Five Filipino Cultures

a. Rice as the staple food
b. Practice of Horror-Vacui (afraid of empty spaces): Most Filipinos tend to
fill up empty spaces in their respective houses with anything. For
examples, there are old boxes under the bed, an old, non-functional
bike which is displayed somewhere in the house.
c. Taking off of footwear before entering the house
d. Practice of utang na loob
e. Taking a bath everyday
B. How do these Filipino cultures manifest in the landscapes?

Filipino Culture
Rice as staple food
Horror Vacui

Taking off of footwear before

entering the house
Utang na loob
Take a bath everyday

Manifest in landscapes
Presence of Banaue Rice Terraces
Presence of narrow roads, because
Filipinos have so much things, that their
respective houses do not have enough
spaces for all those things. (So, they
tend to expand their respective
assigned houses spaces.)
Presence of shoe cabinet/ mats in every
Presence of monuments, and project
by: Hon. Juan dela Cruz in waiting shed
Presence of beaches, swimming pools

C. How does hospitality manifest in the landscape?

a. Hospitality of the Filipinos can be seen through the welcome and
thank you signs on arcs that can be seen before and after entering a
certain location.

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