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Physical Quantities

Scalar Quantities

Vector Multiplication

Dot Product Vector

Vector Quantities

Unit Vector

Cross Product Vector

Notation of vector

Addition and Subtraction of vector Magnitude and direction of vector resultant

Geometrical Method

Triangle method

Analytical Method

Parallelogram Method

A. Fundamental Concept of Vector

Vector Quantities are Physical quantities which have a magnitude or value and
direction. But Scalar quantities are Physical quantities which have magnitude or value
only. Please attention the example below:
Vector Quantities

Scalar Quantities

B. Notation of Vector
Notasi Vektor
Generally the vector quantities are written in bold type, while italicization is used to
represent the scalar quantities. For example, the Vector A is written A and the scalar
quantities is written as A. Seldom we written by a distinguishing mark such as an
arrow. For example The vector O is written as [] and the scalar quantities is written as
A vector can also be expressed in diagram with a directed line segment, as shown
in the figure below:

Length of the line segment

Direction of
the length

C. Addition And Subtraction Of Vector

Two vector A and B can be added up and result a new vector which is called
Resultant. The adding of two vectors is expressed by the equation below:

A+B = R
For the subtraction of vector is the addition of vector by defining the negative vector
as another vector which is the same in magnitude but opposite in direction.

A - B = A + (-B)
Addition and subtraction of vector by geometrical and analytical method:
Geometrical method for addition


Triangle method


Parallelogram method

Geometrical method for Subtraction




Triangle method

Parallelogram method

Analytical method
A vector can be subdivided into two or more vector, This because a vector consist
of vector component. Look at the picture!



A=Ax +Ay
Ax = A cos
Ay = A sin

B= Bx + By
Bx = B cos
By = B sin

A+B = (Ax +Ay) + (Bx + By)

= (Ax + Bx) + (Ay+By)
R = Rx +Ry (vector)
R = Rx +Ry (Scalar)

D. The Magnitude and Direction of Vector Resultant

If two vector have base point which coincide, so the magnitude and the direction of
vector resultant can be calculate by equation below:

A 2 B 2 2 AB cos

If = 900 the equation is changed become :


A2 B 2


And the direction can be calculated by equation below:

E. Unit Vector
Unit vector is a vector of which the magnitude equal to one and the direction is the
same as the direction of vector component. At the three-dimensional we can know
vector i, j, k. vector B can be appreciated by :

A Axi Ay j Az k
And the scalar from the unit vector is:

A Ax i Ay 2 j Az k

F. Vector Multiplication

Dot product vector

Dot product vector gives scalar result; it does can be called scalar product

A . B = AB cos

Example: force vector dot displacement vector is result work (scalar quantities)

W = F. s = F s cos

Cross product vector

Dot product vector gives vector result; it does can be called vector product

[A x B] = AB sin
Example: Moment arm cross Force vector is result work (Vector quantities)

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