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Unit 3.

2 Test Review
1. What is the process where water vapor changes into liquid water? Condensation
2. What is the term for matter that is made up of two or more different kinds of atoms joined
by chemical bonds? Compound
3. How many valence electrons does chlorine contain? 7
4. What does the nucleus of an atom contain? Protons and neutrons
5. During photosynthesis, what do plants release into the air? Oxygen
6. Methane is a hydrocarbon made up of 4 hydrogen atoms and 1 carbon atom. Which is
the correct chemical formula for methane? CH 4

7. In a covalent bond are valence electrons shared or given away and taken? Shared
8. What part of the spectrum of light is used for photosynthesis? Visible light
9. How many dots would there be in an electron dot diagram for beryllium? 2
10. What is the name of the sugar produced by photosynthesis? Glucose
11. Is potassium a metal or nonmetal? Metal
12. What is the relationship between photosynthesis and cellular respiration?
Photosynthesis uses light energy, water, and carbon dioxide to create glucose and
oxygen. Cellular respiration uses glucose and oxygen to create carbon dioxide,
water, and ATP.
13. Balance the following equation. 2CH + 4O 4H O + 2CO
4 2 2 2

14. What provides the energy required by plants to create the food they need to carry on life
processes? Sunlight
15. Balance the following equation. 2Fe O + 3C 4Fe + 3CO
2 3 2

16. Which of the following would decrease the rate of a chemical reaction? A catalyst, an
inhibitor, heating the substances, or breaking the substances into small pieces. An
17. New substances produced by a chemical reaction are products.
18. What is a substance made up of only one kind of atom called? Element
19. A change in which one or more substances are converted into new substances is a
chemical change.
20. What is formed when decomposing organisms are exposed to pressure, heat, and
bacteria for hundreds of millions of years? Fossil fuels
21. What is released as a by-product when sugar is broken down by cells and its energy is
released? Carbon dioxide
22. What does it mean for a chemical equation to be balanced? It means when a equation
has an uneven amount of chemicals so you balance it to fix it and make it equal.
Unit 3.2 Test Review
23. Write the definition for chloroplast. A cell organelle that carries out photosynthesis
24. Write the definition for ATP. Adenosine triphosphate is a chemical substance that
serves as the currency of energy in a cell
25. Write the definition for stomata. These are small openings on the bottom epidermal
layer of most leaves
26. Write the definition of glucose. It is a sugar and the food-energy molecule in the cell
27. Write the definition for cellular respiration. It is a series of chemical reactions that
convert the energy in food molecules into a usable form of energy called ATP
28. Write the definition for photosynthesis. When light is converted into food for a plant
called glucose.
29. Write the definition for cytoplasm. It is a jelly-like material that is 80% water and
usually clear in color and basically fills the cell.
30. Write the definition for anaerobic process. It is a reaction that takes place in an
environment without oxygen
31. What is the function of vascular tissue in plants? Transport materials throughout a
32. Sugar is produced in which organelle? Chloroplasts
33. List at least 3 ways that carbon can enter the atmosphere. Photosynthesis,
combustion and cellular respiration
34. Which process breaks down food molecules and releases energy? Cellular respiration
35. What is the function of photosynthesis? Photosynthesis produces most of the
oxygen in the atmosphere
36. Carbon dioxide enters a plant through its stomata.
37. The process where light energy is trapped in a plants chlorophyll and produces sugars
is called photosynthesis.
38. What would be an example of a carbon sink? A forest.

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