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Business seminar 1: Strategy, technology and the year 2026

Infosys software institute consisting of leaders, students and the latest

Everything is about being digital.

It is about imagination and what we feel is feasible.

Infosys Mana = articificial intelligence (machine learning)

Blueprint of the new reality:

1) Renew the core: need to look at their current landscape and renew
and bring efficiencies in their business models
2) Embrace new aspects of how to transport your business: look at
things in which you can enter into new markets and new economies,
trying to bring new solutions an try to be innovative
3) Duality of renew and new culture of learning

Airline industry: Boeing lifespan of an aircraft outspan the lifetime of an
engineer how to capture the knowledge Infosys implemented a
knowledge-based system to capture the tacit information in the minds
machine learning
Airline industry: Landing gears Infosys components of the landing care
that capture the data of what happens during the execution of the landing
gears efficiency
These two examples show the in capitulation of knowledge and innovation
and use technics that are relevant.

Industrial revolution jobs will go away as people are replaced by

machines knowledge revolution brought by technology jobs will not
go away because we will find ways in which we can use concepts to
amplify what humans are able achieved and not make it obsolete that
humans are not required

Strategy: Zero Distance: close to what customer needs are and in software
industry, you need to be close to the software and need to know exactly
what it is doing (people + software) how do you make users desirably
feasible based on technology

Consulting business is going to change it is going to have knowledge-

based and design thinking based concepts that are coming.
Design thinking = identify the problem that is there (not the problem that
is stated)

How to bring purposeful AI in life bring organizational knowledge in

there and rive value in there.
Knowledge is not only inside the organisation but also taken from outside.
Future and past in the window and the mirror in front is the future but in
the mirror you see the past, what is left behind. See your future from the
past in technology this is not true inventing the future without
looking at the past.

Technology 2026, reality check and the strategic opportunity.

Technology 2026
- Cloud computing opens up doors to people such as Dropbox. They
have capabilities that we cannot even think about today.
- Business models need to change
- Energy storage
- 3D printing
- As technology starts to change, it is eroding barriers that have been
in existence for a long time what drives he experience why people
want to use something
- Machines will become important part of our life.

Reality check
- medical healthcare become more remote and more distant (mini-
helicopter ambulance)
- connected cars can exchange date with other cars and communicate
about speeds etc.
- having video conferences on our way in the car or in the disco
- there are different kinds of robots
- robots and machines that start to look and behave like us, scares the
vast majority of the population difficult of what is human and what
is not

Strategic opportunity
- GPS bracelet to find your children and linked to mobile devices
- Jacket that gives direction of the cyclist in the dark based on the
predetermined route to destination (how innovative products can be)
- LCDs on the wall that gives pictures as it looks like you are in the

There is so much technology and some business models need to be

evolved or need to keep up because they become obsolete and business
will not survive. Business models were dominated by the physical (what
can be produced, manufactured and build) but we are moving away from
that. Service models are needed (what experiences does consumer

Business models = offering + funding + employee management +

customer service
Employee management: stay interested, listen to people and apply the
golden rule treat those people the way you like to be treated.

It is the combination of service and the physical product that delivers

value (example: Iphone and App store).

Economic threat can bring opportunities

Business seminar 2: Made in Amsterdam

Outline: talk about entrepreneurship, how company developed over time.

When she was young, she dreamed about becoming a doctor she
dreamed about a lot of things when she grew up in a little town in the
east-side of Netherlands.

While studying she started to work at a start-up, United Academics

creating LinkedIn but for academics platform where community can
publish and share their works go to Silicon Valley.

3 main trends in Silicon Valley:

- mobile
- social
- cloud

Everybody was pitching each other and giving feedback and new models
that are based on these new trends.

What she have learned: Think about new models based on trends and it is
technology that provides for new opportunities for entrepreneurship.

Noodle eaters: founders of companies that have no money and eat

noodles or went to meet ups and slept in their offices.

A new world went open up to me digitization find herself at crossroad

she need to make a choice she was sure to start something (her own
company) in the digital industry Applified

They started on the mobile trend wanted to make mobile enterprise

apps started with a business plan to get bank loan structure the

Lets structure strategy afterwards because we dont know where we are

going into.
They went to India because that is where are the developers are need
apps for IOS, Android and other software.

What we noticed was that many customers asked different question

customer feedback, market development and personal development (we
knew better what was credible to sell) changed to app business to
consultancy business in adding digital solutions digital transformation
(need to change and want to change to be successful in near digital

Shortage of supply on digital skills how can we as organizations, as

talents develop future digital leadership: System where start-up,
corporates and scale-up (born digital) by rotating talent.

We can be a winner in the The Netherlands.

When do crossroads happen? making choices

When good things happen and sad thing when you dont have success
buy someone out, get best people on board and then they leave and
missing major deals or customers.

Everyday you need to motivate yourself, there is no bunch of papers at

your desk and somebody tells you to finish that find customers yourself
Zeemansboter developed which gave her energy.
Applified is a running company and want to grow BIG!
- joined an accelerator program where incubators or starting
entrepreneurs and accelarators for grow to the next phase
- help each other
- BHAC: Big Hairy Audacious Goal Nasa BHAC to put a man on the
moon and bring him back safely it seems it is almost impossible
but it is your goal to reach it in a long time of period unattainable
and unbelievable when you really believe this, other people want
to help you to reach this and get there gives also a plan about
what to do in 10 years, 5 years, 2 years and today give structure
to your shot-term plan

Look inside the organization who can help them with problem and guide
these internal people through transformation process

Van de bron
Book: the limit to growth in 30 years there will be a disruption in
economic system

Purpose of the presentation: belief that our children when they are our age
will have better quality of life than today.

Central: radically accelerate the transition to 100% renewable energy it

is not the question if it will happen but how and when this transition will
happen because in the end fossil fuels are finite.

The transition into renewable energy is already happening

3 main drivers behind this energy transition:
1) exponential technologies Moores law is driver behind this
every 2 years the price performance of a chip doubles for the same
amount of money buy twice as much memory and storage. We
think in linear steps instead of exponential. Technology makes things
happen that we could never imagine battery power and solar are
combined by technology for renewable energy
2) business model innovation from horse to car main driver
behind this transition is not technological innovation but business
model innovation because car was already available cars were
leased instead of bought renewable energy you dont have to buy
solar but you can lease it
3) unusual suspects farmers who put windmill in their garden,
Germany and Denmark already have a lot of renewable energy
created by families not the big energy companies who product
renewable energy
foundations of the business plan

We give these independent producers access to consumers to get both

better price for farmer and consumers Rabobank was impact fund for
impact return
80 independent producers of renewable energy (wind, solar and bio) who
are able to set their own price because they do not sell to big energy
company and consumers can decide who you want to support they get
a better price and consumers get a better price keep investing in
renewable energy accelerate 100% renewable energy

business model: membership fee per month independent of energy used

align company and customer: less energy used sell same amount of
energy of a producer to more households.

In the near future most households will start using their own energy
solar panel on the roof energy companies have to shift from trader to
service provider

What can you do? make decision after graduation cross road profit
company or change and improve the world age of world population is
28, under 30 the world depends on us!

Consumer and legislation will demand more sustainability wasteful

companies will not survive. Governments should be a partner.

1991 started software business, we had no defined plan software for
handheld computers and later developed software for consumer products
(home products)

1997 had a look at navigation

The components to build a navigation system came together GPS
became primetime jump on the opportunity

2001 first software based

started to go to hardware make product of the software design for

It was difficult to test assumptions because everything was secret

We moved on to content, traffic information, digital mapping. Everything

was financed from own finance growth

Software technology product sold to Uber, Apple and care makers

Challenge TomTom - self-driving cars. Technology is moving so fast that it

is difficult to get winning ground in the fight Moores law never stops.

Do something you are passionate about!

Business seminar 3: Marketing in the digital age

Tech-optimist technology is improving my life leave now because
your presentation starts at Carre it uses the information that is in the
calendar to present it in a way to make my life more efficient answers
the question before I even asked it gave Google permission to use data.

All technology from the passed is still used but all are combined is just a
one small device. And this device is connected with all other devices at

Purpose of the presentation: show how technology is changing our lives

and what this means for business marketers and consumers.

Google believes that technology can improve our lives. The future is that
the fridge tells you that you have a party tonight (based on calendar) and
there is no beer in the fridge. Nowadays we have a high level of food
waste (40)% this could have a big impact (Samsung already launched

Now 3 billion people are connected to the Internet and each person has 3
devices, which are connected to the Internet. In the near future 5-8 billion
people will be connected to the Internet and have 5 devices connected to
the Internet. All these devices send out signals and create data. The
devices are not equally distributed over the world the blank spaces are
the near future with the addition of 25 billion devices.

We do not go online but we live online.

Peoples fundamental needs have not change but the way we fulfil them
with technology is really affected by the Internet.

We learn from the past, the news (close to what is happening) and
patterns. Change people in the way we interact with brands we want
endless choice, we want control and we want it now.

How at Google be better tomorrow than how Google was yesterday.

- When Google innovate, they focus on:
o Ask a lot of questions
why little storage in mailbox? Gmail
why doesnt the whole world have access to Internet Project
o bed on technological breakthroughs
Google Translate and Photo search
machine learning = system where you teach computers to do
things by examples computer sees patterns)
o build for everyone and with everyone
will this product improves the life of billion of people and will
use it at least twice a day (toothbrush)
launch product when it not finished yet to get feedback of
- Mission of Google is organise the worlds information and make it
universally useful and accessible

Marketing and the digital age

Technology is rapidly changing and consumers are more and more
demanding and the Internet gives marketer the opportunity to create
personalized messages for different set of people give right offer, to the
right consumer at the right moment.

Important factor of technological speed:

- The speed of technology itself
- The acceptance of the society (how fast do we want to go?) full
control users
- The ability for companies to adapt

Consumers and the brand come closer to each other Youtube video with
the deodorant.

LOreal was founded by a scientist and entrepreneur in 1990. This

entrepreneur and scientist relation is still working for LOreal.

Multi-division strategy
- consumer products (drugs stores)
- luxe (brand sold in Douglas, Bijenkorf and ICI Paris)
- professional products (sold at salon)
- active cosmetics (pharmacies)
- the body shop (own retail channel)

Country organization: product development and production is done in Paris

and in The Netherlands local implementation of the products.

We are in the Age of the Consumer.

The Big Disruption: shark (big corporations) and piranhas (small players)
In 80/90 sharks really rules the world as they had the resources.
In digital age one piranha get a global distribution reach all the people
and become bigger and bigger

4 major trends/disruption in communication:

1) consumer as influencer (creators of content reach a lot of
2) always-on (always connected and searching) change of
communication model
3) sharing relevant content (more content and more messages ad-
4) tribanizaton of the world (group of people that have share of interest
based on data available online and behaviour send relevant
Strategy of LOreal:
- accelerate on eCommerce create online shopping destination
where consumers want to buy the products
- establish personalized relationships with our consumers right
message to the right person at the right time to create super
relevant messages with tribe of people with similar interest and
value and target them with personalized messages
- re-invent our brand into digital love brands paid love (push) vs
earned love (pull) change the marketing

Marketing in the digital age:

- marketers tells right story across all channels (online and offline)
- digital experts need to facilitate and make it able to tell the story
they work together
learning is part of the job

Brand House Model

- to build love brand to connect with consumers in the digital age
- Brand: make clear what the brand stands for
- Tribes: consumers that love the product and who you want to attract
- Moments: moments that we can connect to consumers
- Integrated marketing campaigns: marketer and digital expert come
Make-up inspiration, education and engagement
Skincare problem solving, education and advocacy

Consumers trust consumers (ratings of the products). Every platform

needs different content because they have different goals for marketing.
All department work together to develop integrated marketing campaigns
(sales, consumer insights, influences, marketing etc.) and corporate with
Kruivat and FitGirls.

Business seminar 4: Strategy in the digital age


Banks are not boring because new possibilities in banks with digital age.

1)Banking in a digital world

In the past you went to a bank and ask there for a loan or mortgage.
But how does the bank know nowadays what is up in the mind of
consumers? How to come to consumer with something relevant?
Contact with bank is more than in the past digital contact
interaction is changing all channels can be used to follow what
consumer does this data need to be stored somewhere
Consumers want banking service and not a bank, and want to have
control over their own lives. The way the service is provided
(customer experience) is more important.
Strategic priorities:
o primary relationship we want your current account (give
relevant information based on your accounts)
o develop analytics skills
o increase pace of innovation to serve consumer needs
o think beyond traditional banking
Because consumer dont visit banks, they need data and helps to
prevent a fraud
Privacy of consumer data is going on in debate you want to be
your data safe at the bank
Data is also used to empower consumers as information is available
and bank can make analysis beforehand to provide options

2)How do we respond to new type of competitors?

ING is attacked everywhere except of taking retail deposits
Fintech wants the customer and payments and not al the legal stuff
that comes with the retail deposits
Assets and access Uber doesnt have cars and Spotify is not
making music, they have client service banking service without
having the balance sheet and taking deposits fintech challenge
for banks
Banks have contact with the client and frequent interaction and
what is the next service that consumer want?
Engagement with fintech once we think there is something what
they do what can be benefit for our customers partnerships with
40 fintechs
Areas of corporation: money management (application),
aggregation, payment services and customer on boarding (becoming
customer in short process)

3)Innovation at ING: examples

Innovation Bootcamp where new ideas and accelerators come
Look ahead Kijk Vooruit application forecasting what will happen
on your account with planned and predicted transactions
coaching account holder in their transactions

Empowering people to stay a step ahead in life and in business.

Banking service need to be simplified work in smaller teams and agile


Ahold (Hanneke Faber)

AholdDelhaize merged in July this year become player in South Africa.
2/3 of sales comes from US (PeaPod online grocery)

2.Our environment
Disruption unmet consumer needs need new technology combination
of the two brings new solution

Food has not been really disrupted yet (low on the disruption journey)
however there are unmet consumer needs (more value, time is luxury and
living better (people are obsessed by healthy eating)) and there is
technology (big data and AI, robotics (cleaning the AH stores) and Internet
of Things where AI comes out).

Alexa from Amazon can answer all your answers amd Alexa can shop.

E-Commerce: China is most developed in E-commerce but in food e-

commercet the UK is most developed.

3.Strategy in digital age

Strategic question: do we protect all our stores or do we go to e-commerce
phase (cannibalization ourselves)? dont be afraid of cannibalize own
business otherwise someone else will.

AholdDelhaize becomes more than a retailer with traditional stores but use
omni-channels to step into e-commerce.

2014 grow e-commerce business faster more customers (market share

and market growth), more places (well-positioned for geographical
expansion) and more choices (continue expand quality, ranges, value and
choices for customers and our partners)

4.How are we doing?

AholdDelhaize is on track to deliver:, and Peopod and try
more things (Gall&Gall, AH on Alibaba and Instacart).

Results: There are more (happy) customers (NPS increased) and double
digit customer growth). The are more places to buy and collect your
products. There are more choices in assortment, users experience and
delivery. Also more choices for media partners with sponsored, search and
inspiration, data insights, weblog, bannering.

When offering both traditional stores and online channels, you can make
your most valued customers shop both.

5.Our future
Bigger brand portfolio brand an together we build great local brands,
bringing fresh inspiration every day. Because of the digital future, they
become better together.

We are conscious about other players in the market but the delivery of the whole day by choosing delivery time is one crucial advantage
over others.

The online and store customer is the same but there are different needs at
different times.

Business seminar 5: Saving the planet

KPMG (Bernd Hendriksen)

Building sustainable strategies (one pillar of every company) but we are
still not there because sustainability is an add-on of business strategy
How could we break through this pillar?

Sustainability is evolved as a tick of the box how can we really integrate

sustainability into the business and tell something about performance
Why is it not fully integrated yet? there is no common language of
sustainability put numbers on the impact of sustainability (monetize the

There are huge gains when financial, corporate and public sector
incorporate true value highest benefit for the whole society

Moves from single (financial value) P&L towards triple P&L Why dont we
use the social and environmental value in our P&L?

Economists look at externalities (= cost and benefits that havent been

prices into the market and which affect a party who did not choose to incur
the costs or benefits.

True value environmental impacts and socio-economic impacts in

financial terms.

Dutch Railways impact of electric busses

KPMG wants to build standards for the externalities and non-financial parts
new standards for the future to include social and environmental values
in the P&L.

Furtureneers = trainees at Unilever

Building brands with a purpose in a connected world

As company and society, we are faced with pressing social and

environmental issues.

Unilever Sustainable Living Plan: business growth + social impact and

environmental impact. The vision of the program is to double size of our
business while reducing environmental footprint and increase positive
social impact.
Business case for sustainability is compelling:
- consumer preferences
- win with customers (AH,, Kruidvat and Jumbo)
- innovation
- market development (people want to do something that values their
lives, meatless day per week habits change)
- cost benefits
- inspires people

3 big goals for the business case of sustainability:

1) Help 1 billion people improve their health and wellbeing
2) Halve environmental impact of our products
3) Source 100% of agricultural raw materials sustainability

Digital transformation connect with the people we serve

Crafting brands for life:

- put people first why do make people that choice and not the other
unstereotype appreciation of differences between people Axe
was unrespectful to young guys stereoryped the guys there are
no stereotypes anymore
- build brand love brands build always in the emotional rather than
in the rational (Dove)
- unlock the magic create the bran experience that are mind-
blowing marketing activities

Marketing need to tell the right story untold stories which are true
landmark farmers of Knorr.

Contemporary leadership:
Total system thinkers (you are in) fully transparent (as a quality)
purpose-driven able to build partnerships long term focus

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