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What results are anticipated with IPL?

Brown Discoloration

When treating brown spots (hyperpigmentation) or melisma (larger areas of brownish

discoloration) there can be an immediate darkening of some of the area treated. This occurs if
there is brownish pigment that is superficially located in the layers of your skin. This is a sign of
good things to come! This response typically resolves in 7-14 days, at which time most people
will notice a slight lightening of many superficial brown spots. If the pigment is located in the
deeper layers of skin, as is often the case in melasma, there may be no initial darkening of the
excess pigment. To improve deeper pigment issues and brown spots, a series of treatments will
be needed before you will notice normal healthy skin emerge with significantly fewer brown
spots and general discoloration. It is not always possible to eliminate all spots and browness,
however, dramatic lightening and improvement is common.


The IPL (Limelight) can also be used to treat facial, neck and chest redness. Redness can look
slightly more evident and patchy after treatment. A short series of treatments is typically needed
to see significant results.

What does the IPL treatment feel like?

The sensation of the IPL is a mild stinging sensation. A bright light will be evident even thought
your eyes are completely protected with laser eye shields. Anesthetics are typically not
required. Afterwards, there can be a mild sunburn sensation that usually goes away after 1-2

What are the common side effects of IPL?

The most common (and expected) side effect is a darkening of the more superficial brown spots
and areas being treating. This darkening of superficial brown spots will flake off after about 7-
14 days. There can also be generalized redness of the sin and redness around the brown spots
(like a halo). This can last for 48-72 hours. To avoid complications, IPL should not be done
during the sunniest months of the year, or prior to or after sun exposure. We typically schedule
treatments during the fall, winter and spring, avoiding summers sunnier months.

What is the cost and how many treatments will I need?

The cost is based on the size of the area being treated and the number of treatments needed to
address the specific problem. If treating brown spots or melisma, most people will need up to 6
treatments for ideal results. If treating redness, most people will require approximately 3
treatments. Treatments are done every 3 4 weeks. Individual quotes for cost and number of
treatments needed to treat your unique situation will be provided at the time of your consultation.

Is there any downtime with IPL?

There is minimal downtime with IPL treatments. Darkened brown spots or discoloration can be
covered with make-up if desired. Typically, darkening and discoloration is most evident after the
first treatment and is less obvious with subsequent treatments. To avoid complications and
obtain the best possible outcome, we require that you do not tan or use spray tan/self tanner 2
weeks before your treatment. Also, it is recommended that you avoid direct sun exposure for 48
hours before or after your treatment. Treatments should never be done over recently tanned skin.

How long do the results of the IPL treatments last?

With proper skin care and sun protection following IPL treatments, results can last for years.
Remember that skin is genetically programmed to create brown spots in response to UV
radiation exposure. It is impossible to avoid all sun exposure and so even with the best of skin
care and protection, new brown spots may emerge gradually over time. Proper skin care and
protection is the only thing standing between you and appearance of future brown spots.

It is critical that the recommended skin care regimen be followed regularly and year around.
Discoloration and skin damage does not only occur during the sunny months. Significant
discoloration can be initiated in the dreary dark winter months when there is much less sunshine.
The damage often does not become apparent until the sunnier summer months. To protect your
results and financial investment, you must protect your skin year around with skin care products
designed to suppress the development of brown and red discoloration. Typically, most people
find that they may need a single maintenance IPL treatment once a year.

How does the IPL work?

The IPL is the best treatment for fading away excess brown pigment (freckles, sun/age spots,
melasma) as well as clearing facial redness associated with Rosacea and sun damage. The IPL
targets the cells that contain the excess pigment and then causes the pigment to rise to the surface
of the skin where it sloughs off. Because excess pigment is deposited at various levels/layers of
the skin it takes up to 6 treatments to reach the deeper layers of pigment and to obtain optimal
results. For facial redness the IPL closes down the tiny blood vessels that cause the redness.
The IPL can be used to treat all areas of the body
Skin Pigmentation
About skin pigmentation
Brown spots, liver spots, age spots, sun spots, sunburn freckles, lentigos, or senile/solar
lentigines are associated with premature aging and exposure to ultraviolet radiation from the sun.
These marks range in colour from light brown to red or black and are located in areas most often
exposed to the sun, particularly the hands, face, shoulders, arms, decollete and forehead, and the
head if bald. Most are harmless, but all are ageing and may be unattractive.
Caf au lait and other pigmented birthmarks are localised areas of increased pigmentation in the
skin, which are present at birth.

The Skin Pigmentation treatment

The Chromolite IPL is the most recently developed treatment available for removing
pigmentation marks. The IPL removes the areas of excessive pigmentation leaving the texture
and colour of the skin natural and unchanged
Most brown birthmarks will fade with treatment but some reoccur. Brown age spots may fade or
disappear with a single treatment.
This treatment will not prevent the development of new separate areas of pigmentation. Regular
and careful use of sunscreen is essential if new areas are to be prevented. We recommend daily
usage of a SPF30 facial protectant cream.

How Skin Pigmentation treatments works

The specially designed IPL light is absorbed only by the cells containing excessive
concentrations of pigment (melanin) and destroys the pigment granules. It does not destroy the
surrounding tissues or remove the normal skin colour. The light pulses produced by the IPL feels
similar to a flicking rubber band and for most people is not too uncomfortable.
Immediate whitening is followed within 15 minutes by reddening. For 7 - 10 days the area will
look like a bruised scab, which eventually peels off.

How effective is Skin Pigmentation treatment?

Greater than 95% fading is usually achieved with age spots and sunburn freckles. Birthmarks are
not as predictable and the degree of lightening may vary.

How many treatments will I need?

Depending on the area to be treated, usually three to five treatments are required, two weeks
apart. Some birthmarks may require re-treatment.

Pigmentation Removal Using Intense Pulsed Light (IPL)

Pigmented lesions such as age spots or freckles can be

successfully lightened or removed with Laser or Intense Pulsed Light. Birthmarks and other
deeper, larger areas of pigmentation can be successfully treated with a Q-Switched Laser system.
All of these treatments are non-invasive, suitable for both the face and body and will result in a
more even skin tone.

How do Intense Pulsed Light and Lasers work?

Intense Pulsed Light systems release short pulses of filtered light that is readily absorbed by the
high concentration of melanin found within freckles, sun spots or liver spots. The rapid
absorption of light energy heats the melanin and causes the destruction of the melanin-rich cells.

How is the treatment carried out?

With Intense Pulsed Light treatments a layer of chilled gel is applied to the treatment area. The
light applicator is placed on the skin and a short pulse of light is released. The applicator is then
moved to the neighbouring area and the process is repeated until the entire area is treated. The
chilled gel is removed and the area cooled. No gel is required for the Q-Switched Laser
treatments, however, due to the power of the Laser energy delivered into the skin, a small
amount of pin point bleeding may occur during the treatment, and a dressing may be applied
after the treatment to protect the skin while it heals. During treatment protective eye wear will be

Am I suitable for treatment?

Most people are suitable for treatment except for very dark skinned or tanned individuals.
However, large, dark, mottled or raised pigmentation cannot be treated and may need to be
checked by a dermatologist.

Large, dark moles should not be treated, nor should lesions covering a large part of the body. The
pigmented marks that respond the best are superficial lesions such as those caused by sun
damage (sun spots) and freckles.

How does the treatment feel?

Most patients describe the discomfort as mild and tolerable and no anaesthesia is required.

What should I expect after the treatment?

The treated area may feel warm and sensitive for the first few days post treatment. With Intense
Pulsed Light treatments the lesions will darken and may appear more obvious before they fade
and flake away. With laser treatment an initial whitening of the area is seen which quickly fades
and the pigment gradually fades over the following few weeks.

Are there any side effects?

The skin that surrounds the pigmented lesion may become red immediately after treatment. Most
people experience no other side effects and the redness usually disappears within hours to a few
days. Very rarely a small blister may form or the skin may become temporarily lighter or darker.

How long does each treatment take?

The length of each treatment will depend on the type and size of lesion present, but a typical
session will take 10 to 30 minutes.

How many treatments are necessary?

The number of treatments will depend on the type and size of the pigmented lesion but typically
1 to 3 sessions are required at 4 to 6 week intervals.

Consultation Procedure
Prior to treatment you must first undergo a consultation where details about your medical history
are obtained in order to confirm suitability. Before proceeding you will be asked to sign a
consent form and undergo a test patch.
Apa itu Intense Pulse Light (IPL): Gambaran Umum, Manfaat, dan Hasil yang

Apa itu Intense Pulse Light (IPL)?

Intense Pulse Light atau yang lebih dikenal dengan singkatan IPL adalah salah satu teknik yang
sekarang banyak digunakan di bidang dermatologi. Ini melibatkan penggunaan spektrum cahaya
yang luas, namun dapat dikendalikan. Manfaat dari tindakan IPL antara lain untuk
menghilangkan tanda regangan (strecht mark) dan bekas jerawat, serta mencegah bulu tumbuh

Berlawanan dengan kepercayaan banyak orang, IPL bukanlah laser dan sebaliknya, meskipun
keduanya menggunakan cahaya untuk pengobatan, yang diubah menjadi energi panas untuk
menghancurkan sel-sel yang memproduksi melanin atau kapiler rusak yang mengarah pada
munculnya urat halus atau varises.

Perbedaan utama antara dua jenis cahaya ini adalah jenis sinar yang dipancarkan. Laser
mengeluarkan panjang gelombang warna tunggal (monokromatik) dan ditargetkan ke area dan
kondisi tertentu. IPL, di sisi lain, mengeluarkan spektrum cahaya yang luas (polikromatik), yang
mencakup area yang lebih besar dan menghasilkan panjang gelombang yang berbeda. Dengan
kata lain, laser memiliki pendekatan yang lebih bertarget. Meskipun kedua memberikan
intensitas tinggi, IPL dapat lebih terkontrol dan karena itu lebih cenderung tidak menyakitkan
daripada laser.

IPL adalah prosedur non-invasif dan non-ablatif, yang berarti tidak memerlukan anestesi atau
bahkan obat penenang saat akan dilakukan. Disebut non-ablatif karena spektrum cahaya yang
luas menembus lapisan kulit yang lebih dalam tanpa merusak atau melukai lapisan atas atau
epidermis. Selanjutnya, karena panjang gelombang dapat disaring, IPL tidak memiliki efek
negatif pada sel-sel tetangga dan jaringan dari wilayah yang ditargetkan.

Dengan demikian, diharapkan risiko dapat diminimalkan dengan IPL dan pasien dapat kembali
ke aktivitas normal setelah menjalani terapi ini. Karena alasan ini, IPL sering dijuluki sebagai
tindakan lunch-time (dapat dilakukan dalam waktu yang sangat singkat).

Siapa Yang Harus Menjalani IPL dan Hasil Yang diharapkan

Klinik dermatologi yang menawarkan laser dan terapi IPL dapat menyarankan pasien, mana yang
lebih tepat dengan melihat dari kondisi kulit atau rambut pasien.
IPL efektif dalam mengobati lesi vaskular yang mengakibatkan vena telangiectatic atau varises.
Ini adalah pembuluh darah kapiler yang telah rusak, menyebabkan munculnya pembuluh darah
di permukaan kulit. IPL dapat digunakan untuk meledakkan kapiler rusak, dan akhirnya
menghancurkan mereka, memotong aliran darah ke dalam pembuluh darah tersebut, dan
membiarkan urat mati sampai mereka diserap oleh tubuh. Namun, efek yang sebenarnya dari IPL
masih tergantung pada tingkat keparahan, ukuran, dan lokasi lesi vaskular. IPL juga dapat
digunakan untuk meringankan tanda lahir menonjol dengan menghancurkan sel-sel penghasil
pigmen yang menyebabkan perubahan warna tersebut.

Teknik ini juga efektif dalam mengobati kondisi kulit yang disebabkan oleh kontak yang terlalu
lama atau konsisten dengan matahari (kerusakan foto). Ini termasuk bintik usia dan bintik-bintik.
Hal ini juga dapat mengobati melasma, jerawat, dan tanda regangan. Yang dilakukan teknologi
ini adalah menghancurkan sel-sel yang memproduksi melanin, pigmen yang memberikan warna
pada kulit. Setelah sel-sel ini hancur, tubuh dipaksa untuk menghasilkan sel-sel kulit baru yang
lebih mirip warna kulit sebenarnya.

IPL juga dapat digunakan untuk menghilangkan bulu yang tidak diinginkan di garis bikini,
wajah, ketiak, kaki, dan dada dengan menghancurkan folikel atau kantung rambut yang
menghasilkan rambut. Hal ini lebih efektif dilakukan pada orang dengan rambut hitam.

Karena ini merupakan tindakan yang luas, biasanya memakan waktu setidaknya tiga kali
perawatan sebelum hasil yang diinginkan tercapai. Setiap sesi diberi jeda waktu sebulan untuk
memberikan cukup waktu bagi kulit untuk pulih.

Cara Kerja IPL

Seperti perawatan laser, IPL bukan tindakan yang diregulasi. Ini berarti siapapun yang telah
dilatih mengoperasikan mesin IPL, dapat melakukan tindakan ini. Namun untuk keselamatan dan
ketenangan pikiran Anda, lebih baik jika teknisi yang melakukannya telah memiliki sertifikasi
atau pelatihan lain selain menggunakan mesin IPL. Teknisi harus memiliki pengetahuan
mendalam tentang kulit dan kondisi yang mempengaruhi hal itu. Pasien juga dapat mencari
klinik tindakan ini pada ahli kecantikan yang setidaknya memiliki lisensi dan 260 jam pelatihan.

Sebelum perawatan, dokter kulit akan mengevaluasi kondisi kulit untuk memastikan apakah
cocok untuk menjalani IPL.

Untuk tindakan, wilayah yang ditargetkan, seperti wajah, akan dibersihkan terlebih dahulu,
menghilangkan setiap kotoran yang dapat mengurangi efektivitas pengobatan. Gel dingin
kemudian dioleskan pada kulit untuk mengurangi sensasi terbakar secara signifikan. Pasien juga
diberikan kacamata pelindung, yang harus dipakai selama terapi berjalan.
Ahli kecantikan mengendalikan intensitas atau panjang gelombang dari kilatan cahaya yang
keluar dari mesin IPL selama perawatan.

Setelah terapi, pasien dapat kembali ke kegiatan rutin, selama masih dapat menghindari paparan
sinar matahari.

Kemungkinan Komplikasi dan Resiko IPL

Sebagian besar risiko dan komplikasi dari IPL terhitung ringan dan dapat diprediksi. Ini
termasuk kemerahan pada kulit, yang dapat berlangsung selama beberapa hari setelah
pengobatan, ketidaknyamanan, dan sensasi terbakar ringan ke sedang yang dapat dikurangi
dengan mengoleskan cukup gel atau anestesi topikal.

Dalam beberapa kasus, IPL dapat menyebabkan melepuh, bercak putih pada kulit seperti sel-sel
pigmen yang hancur, dan memar.


American Academy of Dermatology (2007). Guidelines of care for acne

vulgaris management. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology,
56(4): 651663. Also available online:

Dr. Suparyanto, M.Kes


Konsep Hyperpigmentasi


Hiperpigmentasi merupakan gangguan pigmentasi kulit dimana warna kulit berubah

menjadi lebih gelap (kecoklatan, keabuan, kebiruan, atau kehitaman). Kelainan ini dapat
mengubah penampilan dan menimbulkan keluhan estetika bahkan gangguan psikososial
(Sulistia, 2005).

Melasma/Chloasma/hiperpigmentasi adalah bercak berwarna coklat kehitaman di kulit

muka yang sangat khas, terdapat di daerah pipi dan dahi, kadang-kadang bibir atas.
Melasma sering timbul selama kehamilan, akibat kontrasepsi suntik, akibat pemakaian
kosmetika dan sinar matahari. Melasma salah satu dari tiga jenis bercak yang biasa
hinggap di kulit wajah (Wanda, 2008).

Dua lainnya yaitu keratosis seboroik yang permukaannya menonjol dan freckles yang
permukaannya datar. Keratosis seboroik terjadi akibat pengaruh usia, dan biasanya
menyerang kulit wajah wanita berusia 35 tahun ke atas. Pemicunya faktor keturunan dan
paparan sinar matahari (Nada, 2009).
Ephilide/Freckle adalah bercak-bercak hiperpigmentasi dengan ukuran sebesar jarum
pentul sampai sebesar kacang polong atau lebih besar lagi dengan warna kecoklatan,
coklat tua, dan umumnya terdapat di daerah yang terkena sinar matahari : muka, leher,
lengan dan tangan bagian luar, tungkai. Kelainan ini sering bergerombol simetris kiri dan
kanan. Karena sinar matahari, kelainan ini bertambah hitam dan banyak. Pada orang tua
disebut Ephelide senilis atau Liver Spot atau Lentigo Senilis Sifat kelainan ini
diturunkan. Timbul pada usia dewasa dan Tua. Penyebabnya juga faktor keturunan dan
bahkan bisa muncul sejak masih kanak-kanak. Warnanya bervariasi mulai dari merah,
kuning, cokelat muda, sampai hitam. Yang jelas, bercak ini selalu lebih gelap
dibandingkan dengan warna kulit akibat dari timbunan pigmen gelap yang disebut
melanin. Seiring bertambahnya usia, freckles akan memudar jika tidak terpapar sinar
matahari (Nada, 2009).

Penyebab :

1. Faktor keturunan

2. Sinar matahari. Hal ini tergantung pada kuatnya sinar matahari (terutama jam

09.00 15.00 ) dan lamanya terkena sinar matahari.

3. Kehamilan, akibat peningkatan hormon yang memacu produksi pigmen kulit.

4. Obat-obat hormonal untuk Kontrasepsi (tablet, suntikan, susuk)

5. Kosmetik dengan bahan tertentu.

Bagian yang diserang

Hyperpigmentasi umumnya menyerang bagian pipi, dahi, bibir bagian atas, hidung, dan
dagu. Meski bisa pula menyerang lelaki, flek ini lebih suka hinggap di kulit wajah mulus
perempuan. Ia muncul ketika kulit dirangsang untuk memproduksi pigmen melanin (zat
pewarna tubuh) akibat kulit terpapar sinar ultraviolet (UV) dari Matahari. Oleh sebab itu,
mereka yang tinggal di daerah tropis berpeluang lebih besar terkena melasma ketimbang
mereka yang tinggal di daerah subtropis (Sulistia, 2005).

Melanin yang diproduksi di melanosit atau sel kulit ini berfungsi melindungi lapisan kulit
bagian dalam dari sinar jahat UV itu. Jika kulit terus-menerus terpapar sinar Matahari,
otomatis melanosit terus memproduksi melanin yang akhirnya menumpuk dan
menimbulkan noda-noda hitam di wajah. Jika tidak ditangani, noda ini akan semakin
melebar. Selain bisa menimbulkan melasma, paparan sinar matahari yang terus-menerus
pada kulit yang tidak terlindung bisa membuat kulit menjadi tua sebelum waktunya
(Narendra, 2008).

Macam Hyperpigmentasi
Secara umum, hiperpigmentasi dapat dibedakan atas :

1. Hiperpigmentasi dangkal / epidermal. Terletak di lapisan epidermis kulit. Paling sering

berupa bercak kecil kecoklatan di daerah terpapar sinar matahari (Efelid / freckles)

2. Hiperpigmentasi dalam / dermal. Terletak di lapisan dermis kulit. Misalnya Nevus Ota

3. Hiperpigmentasi bawaan

4. Hiperpigmentasi campuran. Dapat terletak di lapisan epidermis, dermis maupun

keduanya, seperti pada melasma ( bentuk lebar pada dahi, pipi, hidung, dan diatas bibir)

5. Hiperpigmentasi pasca radang. Menyertai semua proses inflamasi kulit seperti trauma,
infeksi, gigitan serangga, jerawat, dll. (Sheila, 2008)

Cara Mencegah Hyperpigmentasi

1. Menghindari pemicu flek, yakni paparan sinar matahari, terutama pada pukul 12.00
15.00. Jika terpaksa tidak bisa menghindari aktivitas di luar ruangan pada siang hari,
gunakanlah tabir surya atau sunblock.

2. Memperhatikan asupan makanan. Jangan memanjakan mulut, tapi melupakan kulit.

Maksudnya, konsumsi buah-buahan dan sayuran yang mengandung antioksidan.

3. Berolahraga secara teratur

4. Istirahat cukup

5. Menghindari stres dengan melakukan yoga atau meditasi misalnya, serta menggunakan
perawatan dari dalam.

6. Dapat menggunakan krim yang berfungsi mengontrol penggandaan jumlah sel kulit dan
melanin berlebih (Narendra, 2008).


Dampak dari hyperpigmentasi adalah wanita merasa tidak pede (percaya diri) dengan
penampilan wajahnya yang dihinggapi bintik-bintik hitam sehingga banyak wanita yang
berusaha untuk menghilangkan noda hitam dengan menggunakan kosmetik yang sangat
berbahaya. Kebanyakan wanita setelah menggunakan kosmetik tidak menjadi putih
terkadang bertambah hitam (Suhaemi, 2009).


Pengobatan yang terbaik adalah pengobatan kausal, sehingga penting dicari faktor
penyebabnya. Selain itu penatalaksanaannya meliputi aspek kuratif dan preventif. Dan
perlu diingat, makin dalam letak pigmen dalam kulit, akan makin sulit pengobatannya.

Secara umum penatalaksanaan hiperpigmentasi meliputi :

1. Pemakaian sun block / sun screen spektrum luas.

2. Terapi topikal, dengan menggunakan zat-zat pemutih seperti hidrokuinon 2-5 % atau
kombinasi dengan zat lain seperti tretinoin, steroid, dll.

3. Chemical peeling.

4. Mikrodermabrasi.

5. Laser ( Q-Switched Ruby, Q-Switch-Nd ).

6. Pemakaian tabir surya yang benar :

Dioleskan jam sebelum terkena matahari, sehingga diperoleh perlindungan yang

optimal .

Oleskan tabir surya agak tebal terutama bila akan beraktifitas di bawah sinar matahari.

Kemampuan krim tabir surya melindungi wajah sekitar 4-5 jam sehingga pemakaiannya
perlu diulang.

Bila melakukan olah raga berat atau berenang, pemakaian tabir surya perlu diulang tiap 2
jam.(Maramis, 2006)

Hubungan Lama Kontrasepsi Suntik Dengan Hyperpigmentasi

Metode suntik 3 bulan membuat hyperpigmentasi pada wajah yang merupakan hal
dilematis pada penggunaannya. Hal ini dikarenakan pemakaian kontrasepsi suntik 3
bulan yang lama yaitu lebih dari 2 tahun, mengakibatkan penumpukan hormon
progesteron di dalam tubuh sehingga mempengaruhi timbulnya hyperpigmentasi pada
wajah (Varneys, 2006).
Sementara itu melasma yang lebih dikenal awam sebagai flek itu sering menimpa wanita.
Bisa dimengerti sebab salah satu pemicunya adalah faktor hormonal, selain keturunan
dan pajanan sinar matahari. Faktor hormon ini yang menjelaskan mengapa wanita
pengguna kontrasepsi suntik atau sedang melakukan sulih hormon terkadang dihinggapi
flek pada wajahnya (Jesica, 2008).


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11. Suhaemi. 2009. Journal of Libido dan Pengaruhnya (Internet). Available from :
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12. Suhermi. 2009. Asuhan Ibu Nifas. Yogyakarta: Fitramaya

13. Sulistia. 2005. Psikologi Ibu dan Anak. Jakarta : EGC.

14. Wanda. 2008. Journal of Hasil Penelitian Hubungan antara Alat Kontrasepsi dengan
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15. Varney.2006.Buku Ajar Asuhan Kebidanan. Jakarta: EGC.

Intense Pulse Light (IPL) Fotofacial

IPL Skin Treatments with ELOS Plus Technology and Harmony XL

As the population ages, ever-increasing numbers of people are interested in improving their
appearance. IPL technology can be used to help restore the skins youthful appearance. Dr.
Newman uses the latest versions of Synerons ELOS Plus technology and the ALMA Harmony
IPL system to perform skin renewal.

IPL technology improves the appearance of photoaged skin, removes age spots (sun-induced
freckles), most benign brown pigments, and redness caused by broken capillaries through a
process called photorejuvenation for face and body. The process is ideal for patients with active
lifestyles because the procedure requires no downtime and has a low risk of side effects.

The gentle, non-ablative treatments use broad spectrum light to treat the face, chest, neck and
handsvirtually anywhere that sun damage shows.

IPL Technology provides a range of wavelengths. With our selection of cut off filters, IPL is like
having a suite of lasers to effectively treat a broad spectrum of vascular and pigmented lesions
including photoaging skin treatments using photorejuvination and hair removal. IPL devices
offer sophisticated computer-driven precision and ease of use. Treatments are gentle offering
gradual results with minimal patient downtime and risk of side effects.

How IPL Works

A broad spectrum of light is transmitted through a small, smooth, transparent handpiece which is
gently placed over the skin. Cut-off filters in the handpiece change the wavelength range
allowing it to be optimized for different applications and skin types. The light penetrates the
tissue and is absorbed by either the blood when treating vascular lesions or the melanin when
treating pigmented lesions damaging them. The bodys natural processes then remove the injured
tissue giving the skin a more even and youthful appearance.
IPL Skin Treatments using Photorejuvenation often consist of full-face treatment or treatment of
isolated body areas like the hands or chest. The treatment regimen typically consists of:

* Four to six treatments administered at three week intervals

* Broad spectrum light in the visible and near infrared range, from 515 nm up to about 1200 nm

As a sub-epidermal procedure, IPL Skin Treatments using Photorejuvenation produce few side
effects and requires little to no alteration in the patients normal routine.

IPL Before and After Photos

Frequently Asked Questions

How does IPL work on fine lines and wrinkles?

When treating fine lines and wrinkles, the light stimulates the growth of collagen which makes
the skin feel plumper and more youthful.

How does IPL work on the skin pigmentation?

When treating unwanted areas of pigmentation, targeted areas momentarily absorb the light and
become hot, but not for long enough to burn. This heat breaks down the pigmentation into tiny
particles which then either rise to the skins surface as scabs, which are exfoliated away naturally
within 1-2 weeks, or the particles are filtered away through the lymphatic system in your body.

How does IPL work on thread veins?

When treating thread veins (or other vascular conditions), the light is absorbed by the
oxyhaemoglobin in the blood within the vein, causing the blood to coagulate and the thread vein
to break up into particles that can be filtered away naturally through the lymphatic system in
your body.

Can IPL help with PCOS?

Yes. One of the side effects of polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) can be enhanced unwanted
hair growth, for which IPL is a suitable and effective treatment.

Can I have IPL hair treatments if I have blonde, red, grey or white hair?

In simple terms, the greater the contrast between your hair color and your skin color, the more
easily we can achieve great results. If you have blonde or red hair you will need to have a
consultation with a practitioner to determine whether there is enough pigment in the hair for you
to have a successful treatment. Grey or white hairs are not always suitable for this type of
treatment, as they usually do not contain sufficient melanin to absorb light. Some people find a
number of grey or white hairs remain visible after a course of IPL treatments. Research is being
carried out to find ways to boost the melanin in grey and white hair for long enough to allow
successful IPL treatments and we are monitoring these developments. Early melanin
enhancement products appear to us to be prohibitively expensive.

How does IPL work on the hair?

The melanin in the hair (which gives hair its color) absorbs the light, which is momentarily
converted into heat. This heat is transferred to the growth cells at the root of the hair,
permanently disabling them. Most colors of unwanted hair can be removed from all parts of the
body, except very sensitive areas such as the inside of the nose and ear.

Does IPL hurt?

Not really, although the treatment sensation will vary from client to client. Most of our clients
say that it feels like the flicking of an elastic band on their skin. Any discomfort is momentary
and there is no lasting sensation.

Who can have IPL treatments?

We are registered to treat anyone from the age of 16 upwards.

What regulations cover IPL clinics?

It is a Government requirement that all IPL clinics are registered with the Healthcare
Commission, the regulatory body responsible for ensuring that private healthcare businesses
operate safely and with full regard for client care. Registration with the Healthcare Commission
is recognition that a company is using safe and appropriate equipment, has all the necessary
treatment policies, procedures and protocols and is employing properly trained staff.

What are the side effects of IPL treatments?

You need a consultation before we can treat you. You should follow our advice before and after
your IPL treatment. IPL does not work on all hair colors and all skin types. You may need six
treatments before you can say goodbye to shaving and waxing, although individual results can
vary. Improving your skin using IPL may need around four treatments and individual results can
vary. Immediately after IPL treatment you may notice a slight reddening of the skin around the
hair follicles or slight local swelling which may last for up to a few hours (or in very rare cases, a
few days). These are positive indications that the IPL treatment was effective and no cause for
concern. Following your IPL treatment, areas of pigmentation will darken and rise to the surface
of the skin before being exfoliated naturally within 1-2 weeks. This is a positive indication of a
successful IPL treatment and no cause for concern.

Is IPL safe?

IPL is safe, non-invasive, has minimal side effects and requires no recovery time. IPL is gentler
than laser and much faster as a larger area can be treated with each flash. We believe it is the
most advanced hair removal and skin treatment system available. We value the comfort and
safety of the client very highly and will take the greatest care to ensure that you feel at ease about
every aspect of the treatment.

How much does IPL cost?

This will vary depending on the area you are having treated and the number of treatments you
need, please choose the type of treatment required from the main menu to view our price list.

What is Intense Pulsed Light?

IPL systems use hand-held flash lamps to emit micro pulses of light across a broad band of
visible wavelengths. By using gentle pulses of light momentarily to create heat, IPL can
permanently disable hair follicles, preventing future growth. Similarly, IPL also achieves
excellent long term results when treating thread veins, skin pigmentation, acne and other skin
complaints. On your first visit, your personal practitioner will carry out a detailed consultation
and assessment before recommending a treatment plan to suit your individual requirements. Your
practitioner will also demonstrate the equipment and answer any questions.

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