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Exergy analysis is a method that uses the conservation of a broad manner to furnish the reader with the background
mass and conservation of energy principles, together with information necessary for subsequent chapters. Chapter 2
the Second Law of Thermodynamics, for the analysis, provides detailed information on energy and exergy and
design, and improvement of energy and other systems. The contrasts analysis approaches based on each, while Chapter 3
exergy method is a useful tool for furthering the goal of more focuses on chemical exergy and its important role in exergy
efficient energy-resource use, for it enables the locations, analysis for many systems and processes. In Chapter 4,
types, and magnitudes of wastes and losses to be identified extensive coverage is provided of environmental concerns, the
and meaningful efficiencies to be determined. impact of energy use on the environment, and linkages
During the past few decades, we have witnessed revo- between exergy and the environment. Throughout this chapter,
lutionary changes in the way thermodynamics is taught, emphasis is placed on the role of exergy in moving to
researched, and practiced. The methods of exergy analysis, sustainable development.
entropy generation minimization, and thermoeconomics Chapter 5 delves into the use of exergy techniques by
are the most visible and established forms of this change. industry for various systems and processes and in activities
Today there is a much stronger emphasis on exergy aspects such as design and optimization. This chapter lays the
of systems and processes. The emphasis is now on system foundation for the many applications presented in Chapters
analysis and thermodynamic optimization, not only in the 619, which represent the heart of the book. The applica-
mainstream of engineering but also in physics, biology, tions covered range from psychrometric processes (Chapter
economics, and management. As a result of these recent 6), heat pumps (Chapter 7), absorption cooling (Chapter 8),
changes and advances, exergy has gone beyond thermo- thermal storage (Chapter 9), drying (Chapter 10), renew-
dynamics and become a new distinct discipline because of able energy systems (Chapter 11), steam power plants
its interdisciplinary character as the confluence of energy, (Chapter 12), cogeneration and district energy (Chapter
environment, and sustainable development. 13), trigeneration and multigeneration (Chapter 14), cryo-
This book is a research-oriented textbook; therefore, it genics and liquefaction (Chapter 15), crude oil distillation
includes practical features in a usable format often not (Chapter 16), hydrogen production (Chapter 17), fuel cells
included in other, solely academic textbooks. It is essentially (Chapter 18), and aircraft systems (Chapter 19),
intended for use by advanced undergraduate or graduate Chapter 20 covers the relation between exergy and
students in several engineering and nonengineering disci- economics and the exploitation of that link through analysis
plines and as an essential tool for practitioners. Theory and tools such as exergoecomics. Chapter 21 extends exergy
analysis are emphasized throughout this comprehensive applications to large-scale systems such as countries,
book, reflecting new techniques, models, and applications, regions, and sectors of an economy, focusing on how effi-
together with complementary materials and recent informa- ciently energy resources are utilized in societies. Chapter
tion. Coverage of the material is extensive, and the amount of 22 focuses the utilization of exergy within life cycle
information and data presented is sufficient for exergy-related assessment and presents various applications. Chapter 23
courses or as a supplement for energy, environment, and discusses how exergy complements, and can be used with,
sustainable development courses, if studied in detail. We industrial ecology. Multiobjective optimization, which
believe that this book will be of interest to students and draws on much of the earlier information in this book, is
practitioners, as well as individuals and institutions, who are described in Chapter 24. It concludes by highlighting the
interested in exergy and its applications to various systems in potential of exergy as a tool in energy policy making and
diverse areas. This volume is also a valuable and readable addressing the need for exergy education and awareness in
reference for anyone who wishes to learn about exergy. Chapter 25. A closing section, including thoughts on future
The introductory chapter addresses general concepts, perspectives, is presented in Chapter 26.
fundamental principles, and basic aspects of thermodynamics, Incorporated throughout are many illustrative examples
energy, entropy, and exergy. These topics are covered in and case studies, which provide the reader with a substantial

xiv Preface

learning experience, especially in areas of practical Complete references are included to point the truly
application. curious reader in the right direction. Information on topics
The appendices contain unit conversion factors and not covered fully in the text can, therefore, be easily found.
tables and charts of thermophysical properties of various We hope this volume allows exergy methods to be more
materials in the International System of units. widely applied and the benefits of such efforts more broadly
derived, so that energy use can be made more efficient,
clean, and sustainable.
Ibrahim Dincer and Marc A. Rosen
Oshawa, August 2012


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