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Energy or prana or chi is an integral part of our being. Not knowing about its
existence and how it affects us every day could be the # 1 thing holding us back.

Read this report to discover some common energy patterns. You can print it out and
mark the ones that you already notice in your life. Those are the ones you can start
working on first as you learn about managing prana.

This list is no way a complete one as it would be impossible to list out every function
of our energy bodies and chakras.

To Your Happiness!

Charu Chundury
Director, Pranic Healing Institute,

34 Powerful Ways Energy Affects Us Everyday and We dont Even Know


1. Taste: Affected by emotional energy of person who cooks food. Thats
why we all love moms food; cooked with loving energy.
2. Nutrition Level: Higher and denser the prana; more nutritious the food
is. Prana can be measured for organic, non-organic food, supplements,
herbs to compare the price and nutritional benefits.
3. Food Poisoning: Disease energy in food. Energy cleansing of food before
eating reduces chances of food poisoning.


4. Wrinkles: Usually, a manifestation of negative energies of painful life
experiences trapped in the facial skin.
5. Facial Glow: Stress and diseased energy makes our face dull. Face can be
brightened by just few minutes of energy clearing.
6. Gray Hair: Stress energy and negative thoughts trapped inside and
outside of scalp. It is common to suddenly have gray hair after
experiencing a very stressful situation over a period of time. Since pain
leads to more wisdom and understanding, someone once aptly said They
are not gray hairs. They are wisdom highlights.
7. Acne and pimples: When stress energy affects hormone production in
the body, the oil production in facial skin is affected. Healing hormone
system clears up acne and pimples completely. There is no need to wash
your face at all.

Home and Office

8. Sudden Change in Fortunes: Sometimes, just by moving to a new
building, a business can suddenly start making much more or less money
than before. One main reason is quality of chi energy that flows in the
new building could be very different from the old one.
9. Tension at Home/office: Negative thought-forms (energy packets)
created by occupants of a home/office hang in the air creating a stressful
environment over time. Regular energy cleansing is required to keep our
rest and workspaces calm.
10. Trouble Selling a House: Negative energy of the ex-residents stays in
the house and can repel sensitive potential buyers.


11. Inherited/Antique Piece: Contains the energy of previous wearer. If the
previous owner was sick; the sickness energy can be transmitted to new
owner by wearing it.
12. Gemstones: Different gems radiate different color pranic energies.
Wearing gemstones without proper knowledge can have negative affects
on health especially for people with cancer.
13. Marital issues: Due to its special chakra activation quality, diamond
jewelry can make the wearer stubborn. Wearing a diamond ring can be a
factor for marital issues.


14. Attracting the wrong partner: Negative programming in chakras from
past experiences, especially from childhood, attracts wrong partners.
15. No Harmony/dis-satisfaction: The energy connection between chakras
of partners is either weak or is present only for few chakras.
16. Inequality: Will-power chakra for one partner is bigger than others.
The partner with bigger chakras will always dominate the one with
smaller chakras. Ideal situation is when both partners have almost same
size of chakras.
17. Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus: It is common for men
to have bigger mental energy body compared to their emotional energy
body. Women usually have it other way around. Hence, it is difficult for
them to be on the same page. Ideally, both mental and emotional energy
body should be of same size in every human being.


18. Frequent Sickness Bouts (> 2-3 times a year): There are holes in the
energy body weakening the immune system.
19. Weight Gain: Stress and sadness energy deposited in the abdomen area.
The stress could come from career change, relationships, moving to new
place/country and more. Many times, people are not aware of how much
stress they are going through.


20. Depression/Sadness: There is a strong energy link between children
and parents. Children absorb parents negative energy e.g. from parental
arguments. This happens even if arguments are made privately.
21. Peer Pressure: A child with smaller energy body can easily be influenced
by a strong thought-form created by fellow students. Negative thought
form could lead the child on the wrong path.
22. Dont Want To Go To Bed: Energy connections with people they met
during the day or with visitors at home.
23. Nightmares: Negative energy entities in inner world scare children, as a
childs chakras are not fully developed and strong yet.

Friends, Neighbors, Strangers

24. Like attracts like: When a persons energy is clean, everyone would be
nice to her. Even the French will be nice to her when you visit Paris.
25. Being tired after talking to friend. Thinking about or talking to
someone creates energy connection. And energy moves from high to low
energy. So, your friend could be draining you unknowingly.


26. Writers block: Being stuck. Energy center for intuition and creativity is
not functioning properly.
27. Cant focus: Multiple potential reasons - dirty energy in house/office,
unwanted energy connections, energy in auras and chakras is not clean.
28. Cant tackle big projects: Bigger chakra and clean aura gives you power
to come up with and implement big projects.
29. Team troubles: Need activated and balanced Heart and Ajna chakras to
create harmony and order in your team.
30. Doubts: Decision-making chakra is weak.
31. Cant hold on to a job: Prosperity chakra is weak.


32. Being fearful: Multiple reasons fear-energy entities embedded in
chakras and brain, old programming of chakras from past experiences,
negative connections, chakra for confidence is small.
33. Lack of charisma: Energy body is weak. Chakra sizes are small.
34. Loneliness: The chakra for love is small and is not fully activated.

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