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Thayer Consultancy Background Briefing:

ABN # 65 648 097 123

Cambodia: Why Hun Sen
Upholds Non-Interference in
Rohingya Affairs
Carlyle A. Thayer
February 6, 2017
[client name deleted]
Can you provide a quick assessment of Hun Sen's recent statement that he does not
support internationalization of the Rohingya crisis in Myanmar?
QUESTION: Do you think Hun Sen is taking a public stance against internationalization
in this case because he wants to say the same about people trying to meddle in
Cambodia's affairs? Do you think he has anything to gain from it?
ANSWER: Hun Sen is definitely laying down a marker on non-interference in the
internal affairs of another country as a general principle but he has Cambodia
foremost in his mind. Hun Sens stance against internationalization will please
Myanmar. More to the point, Hun Sens comments were directed at the international
community composed of liberal democratic states (the U.S., Europe, Australia and
Japan). Hun Sens comments puts him at odds with Malaysias Prime Minister who is
concerned about religious repression in Myanmar and wants to internationalize the
plight of the Rohingya. Hun Sen is being disingenuous in referring to ASEANs policy of
non-interference in another countrys domestic affairs. The Rohingya situation is a
regional crisis that has directly affected neighbouring states such as Bangladesh,
Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia. The Rohingya issue has already been
internationalized. The ASEAN Charter contains provisions respecting non-interference
and promoting human rights and social justice.

Suggested citation: Carlyle A. Thayer, Cambodia: Why Hun Sen Upholds Non-
Interference in Rohingya Affairs, Thayer Consultancy Background Brief, February,
2017. All background briefs are posted on (search for Thayer). To remove
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Thayer Consultancy provides political analysis of current regional security issues and
other research support to selected clients. Thayer Consultancy was officially
registered as a small business in Australia in 2002.

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