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The Electrocardiogram
Lilit Garibyan
Leonard S. Lilly
Mean QRS Axis
INTERPRETATION OF THE Abnormalities of the QRS Complex
ELECTROCARDIOGRAM ST Segment and T Wave Abnormalities

Cardiac contraction relies on the organized On the right side of the diagram, a voltmeter
ow of electrical impulses through the heart. records the electrical potential across the
The electrocardiogram (ECG) is an easily ob- cell on graph paper. In the resting state, the
tained recording of that activity, and it pro- cell is polarized; that is, the entire outside of
vides a wealth of information about cardiac the cell is electrically positive with respect to
structure and function. This chapter presents the inside, because of the ionic distribution
the electrical basis of the ECG in health and across the cell membrane, as described in
disease and leads the reader through the ba- Chapter 1. In this resting state, the volt-
sics of interpretation. To become fully adept meter electrodes, which are placed on op-
at this technique and to practice the princi- posite outside surfaces of the cell, do not de-
ples described here, you may wish to consult tect any electrical activity, because there is
one of the complete electrocardiographic no electrical potential difference between
textbooks listed at the end of the chapter. them (the myocyte surface is homogeneously
This equilibrium is disturbed, however, by
stimulation of the cell (see Fig. 4.1B). During
the action potential, as cations rush across
This section begins by observing the propa- the sarcolemma into the cell, the polarity
gation of an electrical impulse within a single at the stimulated region transiently reverses,
Fig. 1 cardiac muscle cell, illustrated in Figure 4.1. such that the outside becomes negatively

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The Electrocardiogram 81

Figure 4.1. Depolarization of a single cardiac muscle cell. A. In
the resting state, the surface of the cell is positively charged relative to
the inside. Because the surface is homogeneously charged, the volt-
meter electrodes outside the cell do not record any electrical potential
difference (flat line recording). B. Stimulation of the cell initiates de-
polarization (shaded area); the outside of the depolarized region be-
comes negatively charged relative to the inside. Because the current
of depolarization is directed toward the (+) electrode of the voltmeter,
an upward deflection is recorded. C. Depolarization spreads, creating
a greater upward deflection by the recording electrode. D. The cell has
become fully depolarized. The surface of the cell is now completely
negatively charged compared with the inside. Because the surface is
again homogeneously charged, a flat line is recorded by the voltmeter.
E. Notice that if the position of the voltmeter electrodes had been re-
versed, the wave of depolarization would have traveled away from the
(+) electrode, causing the deflection to be downward.

charged with respect to the inside; that is, By convention, the direction of electrical
the region depolarizes. At that moment, an current is said to ow from areas that are
electrical potential is created on the cell negatively charged to those that are posi-
surface between the depolarized area (nega- tively charged. When a depolarization cur-
tively charged surface) and the still-polarized rent is directed toward the (+) electrode of the
(positively charged surface) portions of the voltmeter, an upward deection is recorded.
cell. As a result, an electrical current begins Conversely, if it is directed away from the (+)
owing between these two regions. electrode, a downward deection is recorded.
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82 Chapter Four

Because the depolarization current in this

example proceeds from left to rightthat is,
toward the (+) electrodean upward deec-
tion is recorded by the voltmeter. As the A
wave of depolarization spreads along the
cell, additional electrical forces directed to-
ward the (+) electrode record an even greater
upward deection (see Fig. 4.1C). Once
the cell has become fully depolarized (see
Fig. 4.1D), its outside is completely nega-
tively charged with respect to the inside, the
opposite of the initial resting condition. B
However, because the surface charge is homo-
geneous once again, the external electrodes
measure a potential difference of zero and
the voltmeter records a neutral at line
during this period.
Note that in Figure 4.1E, if the electrode
wires of the voltmeter had been reversed so
that the (+) pole was placed to the left of
the cell, then as the wave of depolarization
proceeded toward the right, it would have
headed away from the (+) electrode and the
recorded deection would have been down- Figure 4.2. Sequence of repolarization of a single
ward. This relationship should be kept in cardiac muscle cell. A. As repolarization commences,
positive charges reemerge on the surface of the cell, and
mind when the polarity of ECG leads is de- a current flows from the still-negatively charged surface
scribed in the next section. areas to the repolarized region. Because the current is di-
Depolarization of the cell initiates cardiac rected away from the (+) electrode of the voltmeter, a
downward deflection is recorded. B. Repolarization pro-
muscle contraction and is then followed by gresses. C. Repolarization has been completed, and the
repolarization, the process by which the outside surface of the cell is once again homogeneously
cellular charges return to the resting state charged, so that no further electrical potential is detected
Fig. 2 (Fig. 4.2). As the left side of the cell begins to (flat line once again). D. In the human heart, repolariza-
tion proceeds in a direction opposite that of depolarization
repolarize in this example, its surface charge (would be from right to left in this example, and the wave
becomes positive once again. A current is of repolarization would be upright). Therefore, the de-
therefore generated from the still negatively flections of depolarization and repolarization of the nor-
mal intact heart are in the same direction, as shown here.
charged surface toward the positively charged Notice that the wave of repolarization is of lower ampli-
area. Because this current is directed away tude and more prolonged than that of depolarization.
from the voltmeters (+) electrode, a down-
ward deection is recorded, opposite to that
which was observed during the process of
depolarization. that of depolarization. This occurs because
Repolarization is a slower process than de- myocardial action potential durations are
polarization, so that the inscribed deection more prolonged in cells near the inner en-
of repolarization is wider and of lower mag- docardium (the rst cells stimulated by
nitude. Once the cell has returned to the Purkinje bers) than in myocytes near the
resting state, the surface charges are once outer epicardium (the last cells to depolar-
again homogeneous and no further electrical ize). Thus, the endocardium is the rst re-
potential is detected, resulting in a at line gion to depolarize but the last region to re-
on the voltmeter recording (see Fig. 4.2C). polarize. As a result, the recorded pattern of
It is important to note that in the intact repolarization on an ECG is usually the in-
human heart, the sequence of repolarization verse of what was presented in this example;
actually proceeds in the direction opposite that is, the current of repolarization (nega-
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The Electrocardiogram 83

tive-to-positive ow) in Figure 4.2 is nor-

mally directed toward the (+) electrode and TABLE 4.1. Proper Positions of ECG
Chest Electrodes
inscribes an upright deection on the record-
ing. Therefore, in a normal heart, the forces V1 4th ICS, 2 cm to the right of sternum
of depolarization and repolarization are usu- V2 4th ICS, 2 cm to the left of sternum
ally oriented in the same direction on the V3 Midway between V2 and V4
V4 5th ICS, left midclavicular line
ECG recording (see Fig. 4.2D).
V5 5th ICS, left anterior axillary line
The depolarization and repolarization of V6 5th ICS, left midaxillary line
a single cardiac muscle cell have been con-
sidered here. As the wave of depolarization ICS, intercostal space

spreads rapidly through the heart, each cell

generates electrical forces, and it is the sum
of these forces, measured at the skins sur- A complete ECG tracing is produced by
face, recorded by the ECG machine. The di- recording the electrical activity between
rection and magnitude of the deections on these standard electrodes in specic patterns.
the ECG recording depend on how the elec- Figure 4.4 demonstrates the orientation of Fig. 4
trical forces are aligned to a set of specic the six standard reference axes (termed limb
reference axes, known as ECG leads. leads) in the bodys frontal plane, which are
electronically constructed as described in the
following paragraphs.
The ECG machine records lead aVR by
selecting the right-arm electrode as the (+)
When the electrocardiogram was rst in- pole with respect to the other electrodes.
vented, the recording was made by dunking This is known as a unipolar lead, because
the patients arms and legs into large buck- there is no single () pole; rather, all the other
ets lled with electrolyte solution and wired electrodes are averaged to create a composite
to the machine. That process naturally was () reference. When the instantaneous elec-
fairly messy and fortunately is no longer trical activity of the heart points in the di-
necessary. Instead, wire electrodes are placed rection of the right arm, an upward deec-
directly on the skin, held in place by adhe- tion is recorded in lead aVR. However, when
sive tabs, in the standard arrangement shown the electrical forces are heading away from
Fig. 3 in Figure 4.3. The right-leg electrode is not the right arm, the ECG inscribes a down-
used for measurement but serves as an elec- ward deection in aVR.
Tab. 1 trical ground. Table 4.1 lists the standard lo- Similarly, lead aVF is recorded by setting
cations of the chest electrodes. the left leg as the (+) pole, such that a positive


Right arm Left arm

electrode electrode
Chest V1 V6
V2 V5
V3 V4
Right leg Left leg
electrode electrode

Figure 4.3. Placement of electrocardiogram (ECG) electrodes. A. Standard

positions. B. Close-up view of chest electrode placement.
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84 Chapter Four

Unipolar Limb Leads




Bipolar Limb Leads

() (+) () ()


(+) (+)

Figure 4.4. The six limb leads are formed from the electrodes placed on the arms and left
leg. Each unipolar lead has a (+) designated electrode; for the unipolar leads, the () pole is an
average of the other electrodes. Each bipolar lead has specific () and (+) designated electrodes.

deection is recorded when forces are di- By overlaying the six limb leads together,
rected toward the feet. Lead aVL is selected a reference system is established (Fig. 4.5). In Fig. 5
when the left-arm electrode is made the (+) the gure, each lead is presented with its (+)
pole and records an upward deection when pole designated by an arrowhead and the ()
electrical activity is aimed in that direction. aspect by dashed lines. Note that each 30
In addition to these three unipolar limb sector of the circle falls along the (+) or ()
leads, three bipolar leads are part of the stan- pole of one of the standard six ECG leads.
dard ECG recording (see Fig. 4.4). Bipolar in- Also note that the (+) pole of lead I points to
dicates that one limb electrode is the (+) pole
and another single electrode provides the ()
reference. In this case, the ECG machine in-
scribes an upward deection if electrical TABLE 4.2. Limb Leads
forces are heading toward the (+) electrode Lead () Electrode () Electrode
and records a downward deection if the
forces are heading toward the () electrode. A Bipolar leads
simple mnemonic to remember the place-
ment of the bipolar leads is that the lead III LL LA
name indicates the number of ls in the place- Unipolar leads
ment sites. For example, lead III connects the aVR RA *
left arm to the left leg, lead II connects the aVL LA *
aVF LL *
right arm to the left leg, and lead I connects
Tab. 2 the left arm to the right arm. Table 4.2 lists *() Electrode constructed by combining all other electrodes.
how the six limb leads are derived. LA, left arm; LL, left leg; RA, right arm.
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The Electrocardiogram 85

0 and that, by convention, measurement of

the angles proceeds clockwise as +30, +60,
and so forth. The complete ECG recording
provides a simultaneous snapshot of the
hearts electrical activity, taken from the per-
spective of each of these lead reference lines.
Figure 4.6 demonstrates how the magni- Fig. 6
tude and direction of electrical activity are
represented by the ECG recording in each
lead. This gure should be studied until the
following four points are clear:
1. An electrical force directed toward the (+)
pole of a lead results in an upward deec-
tion on the ECG recording of that lead.
2. Forces that head away from the (+) elec-
trode result in a downward deection in
Figure 4.5. The axial reference system is created by that lead.
combining the leads shown in Figure 4.4. Each lead
has a (+) region indicated by the arrowhead and a () re- 3. The magnitude of the deection, either
gion indicated by the dashed line. upward or downward, reects how paral-

Figure 4.6. Relationship of the magnitude and direction of electrical activity to the ECG lead.
A. The electrical vector is oriented parallel to lead I and aimed toward the (+) electrode; therefore, a tall
upward deflection is recorded by the lead. B. The vector is still oriented toward the (+) region of lead I
but not parallel to the lead, so that only a component of the force is recorded. The recorded deflection
is still upward but less tall compared with that shown in A. C. The electrical vector is perpendicular to
lead I. so that no deflection is generated. D. The vector is directed toward the () region of lead I, caus-
ing the ECG to record a downward deflection.
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86 Chapter Four

lel the electrical force is to the axis of the the junction of the right atrium and the su-
lead being examined. The more parallel perior vena cava (Fig. 4.8). The wave of de- Fig. 8
the electrical force is to the lead, the polarization rapidly spreads through the
greater the magnitude of the deection. right and left atria and then reaches the atri-
4. An electrical force directed perpendicular oventricular (AV) node, where it encounters
to an electrocardiographic lead does not an expected delay. The impulse then travels
register any activity by that lead (a at rapidly through the bundle of His and into
line on the recording). the right and left bundle branches. These di-
vide into the Purkinje bers, which radiate
The six standard limb leads examine the elec-
toward the myocardial bers, stimulating
trical forces in the frontal plane of the body.
them to contract.
However, because electrical activity travels in Each heartbeat is represented on the
three dimensions, recordings from a perpen- ECG by three major deflections that record
Fig. 7 dicular plane are also essential (Fig 4.7A).
the sequence of electrical propagation (see
This is accomplished by the use of six elec- Fig. 4.8B). The P wave represents depolar-
trodes placed on the anterior and left lateral ization of the atria. Following the P wave,
aspect of the chest (see Fig. 4.3B), creating the the tracing returns to the at baseline as a
chest (or precordial) leads. The orientation result of the conduction delay at the AV
of these leads around the heart is shown in node. The second deection of the ECG, the
Figure 4.7B. These are unipolar leads and, as QRS complex, represents depolarization of
with the unipolar limb leads, electrical forces the ventricular muscle cells. After the QRS
directed toward these individual (+) electrodes complex, the tracing returns to baseline
result in an upward deection on the record- once again, and after a brief delay, repolar-
ing of that lead and forces heading away ization of the ventricular cells is signaled by
record a downward deection. the T wave. Occasionally, an additional
The standard complete electrocardiogram small deection follows the T wave (the U
prints samples from each of the six limb leads wave), which is believed to represent late
and each of the six chest leads, examples of phases of ventricular repolarization.
which are presented later in the chapter. The QRS complex may take one of several
shapes but can always be subdivided into in-
dividual components (Fig. 4.9). If the rst Fig. 9
deection of a QRS complex is downward, it
is known as a Q wave. However, if the initial
Conduction of electrical impulses through deection is upward, then that particular
the heart is an orderly process. The normal complex does not have a Q wave. The R wave
beat begins at the sinoatrial node, located at is defined as the first upward deflection,

Figure 4.7. The chest (precordial) leads. A. The cross-sectional plane of

the chest. B. Arrangement of the six chest electrodes shown in the cross-
sectional plane.
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The Electrocardiogram 87

Figure 4.8. Cardiac conduction pathway. A. The electrical impulse be-
gins at the sinoatrial (SA) node (1) then traverses the atria (2). After a
delay at the AV node (3), conduction continues through the bundle of
His and into the right and left bundle branches (4). The latter divide into
Purkinje fibers, which stimulate contraction of the myocardial cells.
B. Corresponding waveforms on the ECG recording: (1) the SA node dis-
charges (too small to generate any deflection on ECG), (2) P wave in-
scribed by depolarization of the atria, (3) delay at the AV node, and
(4) depolarization of the ventricles (QRS complex). The T wave represents
ventricular repolarization.

Figure 4.9. Examples of QRS complexes. A. The first deflection is down-

ward (Q wave), followed by an upward deflection (R wave), and then another
downward wave (S wave). B. Because the first deflection is upward, this com-
plex does not have a Q wave; rather, the downward deflection after the
R wave is an S wave. C. A QRS complex without downward deflections lacks
Q and S waves. D. QRS composed of only a downward deflection; this is a
Q wave but is often referred to as a QS complex. E. A second upward de-
flection (seen in bundle branch blocks) is labeled R.
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88 Chapter Four

whether or not a Q wave is present. Any no further net electrical force is generated,
downward deection following the R wave is and the ECG voltage recording returns to
known as an S wave. Figure 4.9 demonstrates baseline in both leads. Thus, in this example
several variations of the QRS complex. In cer- of depolarization in a normal heart, lead aVL
tain pathologic states, such as bundle branch inscribes an initial small Q wave followed by
blocks, additional deections may be in- a tall R wave. Conversely, in lead aVF, there
scribed, as shown in the gure. Study Figure is an initial upward deection (R wave) fol-
4.9 to gain condence in differentiating a Q lowed by a downward S wave.
from an S wave. The sequence of depolarization in the
Fig. 10 Figure 4.10 illustrates the course of nor- horizontal plane of the body is also evident
mal ventricular depolarization as it is on examining the six chest leads (Fig. 4.11). Fig. 11
recorded by two of the ECG leads, aVF and Once again, recall that the rst region to de-
aVL. The recording in aVF represents electri- polarize is the left ventricular aspect of the
cal activity from the perspective of the infe- interventricular septum. The sequence of
rior (i.e., underside) aspect of the heart, and depolarization proceeds from the midven-
aVL records from the perspective of the left tricular septum toward the right ventricle
lateral side. Recall that in the resting state, (which is anterior to the left ventricle), to-
the surfaces of myocardial cells are posi- ward the cardiac apex, and then around to
tively charged compared with the inside, the lateral walls of both ventricles. Because
but these external ECG leads record zero the initial forces are directed anteriorly
voltage, as the sum of electrical forces in that is, toward the (+) pole of V1the initial
each region are canceled by equal and op- deflection recorded by lead V1 is upward.
posite forces. These same initial forces are heading away
The initial portion of ventricular myo- from V6 (which overlies the lateral wall of
cardium that is stimulated to depolarize is the left ventricle), so an initial downward
the midportion of the interventricular sep- deection is recorded there. As the wave of
tum, on the left side. Because depolariza- depolarization spreads, the forces of the left
tion reverses the cellular charge, the surface ventricle outweigh those of the right, and
of that region becomes negative with re- the vector swings posteriorly toward the
spect to the inside, and an electrical current bulk of the left ventricular muscle. As the
is generated (see Fig. 4.10B, arrow). This forces swing away from lead V1, the deec-
initial force heads away from the left ven- tion there becomes downward, whereas it
tricle, toward the right ventricle and inferi- becomes more upright in lead V6. Leads V2
orly. Because the force is heading away from through V5 record intermediate steps in this
the (+) pole region of lead aVL, an initial process, such that the R wave becomes pro-
downward deflection is recorded in that gressively taller from lead V1 through lead
lead. At the same time, forces are heading V6 (see Fig. 4.11E). Typically, the height of
in the direction of the (+) pole region of the R wave becomes greater than the depth
lead aVF, causing an initial upward deflec- of the S wave in lead V3 or V4; the lead in
tion to be recorded there. As the wave of which this occurs is termed the transition
depolarization spreads through the myo- lead.
cardium, the sequence of net electrical charge A normal complete 12-lead ECG is pre-
occurs as depicted by the series of arrows in sented later in the chapter (see Fig. 4.28).
Figure 4.10. The ECG is recorded on a special grid
As the lateral walls of the ventricles are de- divided into lines spaced 1 mm apart in
polarized, the forces of the thicker left side both the horizontal and vertical directions.
outweigh those of the right. Therefore, the Each fth line is made heavier to facilitate
arrow swings further and further toward the measurement. On the vertical axis, voltage
left ventricle (leftward and posteriorly). At is measured in millivolts (mV), and in the
the completion of depolarization, the myo- standard case, each 1-mm line separation
cytes again become homogeneously charged, represents 0.1 mV. The horizontal axis rep-
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The Electrocardiogram 89

Figure 4.10. Normal ventricular depolarization as recorded by leads aVL and aVF. A. In the resting state, the
surface is homogeneously charged so that the leads do not record any electrical potential. B. The first area to depo-
larize is the left side of the ventricular septum. This results in forces heading away from aVL (downward deflection on
aVL recording) but toward the (+) region of aVF, such that an upward deflection is recorded by that lead. C and D.
Depolarization continues; the forces from the thicker-walled left ventricle outweigh those of the right, such that the
electrical vector swings leftward and posteriorly toward aVL (upward deflection) and away from aVF. E. At the com-
pletion of depolarization, the surface is again homogeneously charged, and no further electrical voltage is recorded.
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90 Chapter Four

Figure 4.11. Sequence of depolarization recorded by the chest (precordial) leads. AD. Depolar-
ization begins at the left side of the septum, and then the forces progress posteriorly toward the left ven-
tricle. Thus, V1, which is an anterior lead, records an initial upward deflection followed by a downward
wave, whereas V6, a posterior lead, inscribes the opposite. E. In the normal pattern of the QRS from V1 to
V6, the R wave becomes progressively taller and the S wave less deep.
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The Electrocardiogram 91

resents time. Because the standard recording 6. Abnormalities of the P wave

speed is 25 mm/sec, each 1 mm division rep- 7. Abnormalities of the QRS (hypertrophy,
resents 0.04 sec and each heavy line (5 mm) bundle branch block, infarction)
Fig. 12 represents 0.2 sec (Fig. 4.12). 8. ST segment and T wave abnormalities


ECG machines routinely inscribe a 1.0-mV
Many cardiac disorders alter the ECG re- vertical signal at the beginning or end of
cording in a diagnostically useful way. It is each 12-lead tracing to document the volt-
important to interpret each tracing in a age calibration of the machine. In the nor-
standard fashion to avoid missing subtle ab- mal case, each 1-mm vertical box on the
normalities. Here is a commonly followed ECG paper represents 0.1 mV, so that the cal-
sequence of analysis: ibration signal records a 10-mm deection
1. Check voltage calibration (e.g., see Fig. 4.28). However, in patients with
markedly increased voltage of the QRS com-
2. Heart rhythm
plex (e.g., some patients with left ventricular
3. Heart rate hypertrophy or bundle branch blocks), the
4. Intervals (PR, QRS, QT) very large deections would not t on the
5. Mean QRS axis ECG tracing. To facilitate interpretation in

Paper Speed: 25 mm/sec


5 mm = 0.5 mV
(1 mm = 0.1 mV)


5 mm = 0.2 sec
(1 mm = 1 small box = 0.04 sec)
Figure 4.12. Enlarged view of an ECG strip. The paper travels through the machine at
25 mm/sec, so that each 1 mm on the horizontal axis represents 0.04 sec. Each 1 mm on the verti-
cal axis represents 0.1 mV. Interval measurements in this example are as follows: PR interval (from
the beginning of the P wave to the beginning of the QRS) = small boxes = 0.16 sec; QRS duration (from
the beginning to the end of the QRS complex) = 1.75 small boxes = 0.07 sec; and QT interval (from the
beginning of the QRS to the end of the T wave) = 8 small boxes = 0.32 sec. The corrected QT
interval = . Because the RR interval = 15 small boxes (0.6 sec), the corrected QT interval =
= 0.41 sec.
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92 Chapter Four

such a case, the recording is purposely made which corresponds to the heart rate in beats
at half the standard voltage (i.e., each 1-mm per minute, as illustrated in Figure 4.13. Fig. 13
box = 0.2 mV), and this is indicated on the When the rhythm is irregular, the heart
ECG tracing by a change in the height of the rate may be approximated by taking advan-
1.0-mV calibration signal (at half the stan- tage of the time markers, spaced 3 seconds
dard voltage, the signal would be 5 mm tall). apart, often printed at the top or bottom of
It is important to check the height of the cal- the ECG tracing (see Fig. 4.13, method 3).
ibration signal on each ECG to ensure that
the voltage criteria used to dene specic ab-
Intervals (PR, QRS, QT)
normalities is applicable.
The PR interval, QRS interval, and QT inter-
val (see Fig. 4.12) are measured in the limb
Heart Rhythm
lead recordings. For each of these, it is ap-
The normal cardiac rhythm, initiated by de- propriate to take the measurement in the
polarization of the sinus node, is known as limb lead in which the interval is the longest
sinus rhythm and is present if (1) every in duration (the intervals can vary a bit in
P wave is followed by a QRS; (2) every each lead). The PR interval is measured
QRS is preceded by a P wave; (3) the P wave is from the onset of the P wave to the onset of
upright in leads I, II, and III; and (4) the PR the QRS. The QRS interval is measured from
interval is greater than 0.12 sec (three small the beginning to the end of the QRS com-
boxes). If the heart rate in sinus rhythm is be- plex. The QT interval is measured from the
tween 60 and 100 bpm, then normal sinus beginning of the QRS to the end of the
rhythm is present. If less than 60 bpm, the T wave. The normal ranges of the intervals
rhythm is sinus bradycardia; if greater than are listed in Table 4.3, along with conditions Tab. 3
100 bpm, the rhythm is sinus tachycardia. associated with abnormal values.
Other abnormal rhythms (termed arrhyth- Because the QT interval varies with heart
mias or dysrhythmias) are described in Chap- rate (the faster the heart rate, the shorter the
ters 11 and 12. QT), the corrected QT interval is determined
by dividing the measured QT by the square
root of the RR interval (see Fig. 4.12). When
Heart Rate
the heart rate is in the normal range (60 to
The standard ECG paper speed is 25 mm/sec. 100 bpm), a rapid rule can be applied: if the
Therefore, QT interval is less than half the interval be-
tween two consecutive QRS complexes, then
25 mm/sec 60 sec/min
Heart rate (bpm) = the QT interval is within the normal range.
Number of mm
between beats
Mean QRS Axis
or more simply,
The mean QRS axis represents the average of
Heart rate (bpm) = the instantaneous electrical forces generated
Number of small during the sequence of ventricular depolar-
boxes between ization. The normal value is between 30
2 consecutive beats and +90 (Fig. 4.14). A mean axis that is more Fig. 14
It is rarely necessary, however, to determine negative than 30 implies left axis devia-
the exact heart rate, and a more rapid deter- tion, whereas an axis greater than +90 rep-
mination can be made with just a bit of resents right axis deviation. The axis can be
memorization. Simply count off the num- accurately determined by plotting the QRS
ber of large boxes between two consecutive complexes of different leads on the axial ref-
QRS complexes, using the sequence erence diagram (see Fig. 4.5), but this is te-
dious and rarely necessary. It is generally
300150100756050 sufcient to note whether the axis is nor-
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The Electrocardiogram 93

Method 1
First, count the number of small boxes (1 mm each) between two adjacent
QRS complexes (i.e., between 2 beats). Then, since the standard paper
speed is 25 mm/sec:
Heart Rate (25 mm/sec  60 sec/min) 1,500
(beats/min)  Number of mm between beats  number of mm between beats
In this example, there are 23 mm between the first 2 beats.
23 mm between beats

Therefore, the heart rate  1,500  65 bpm


Method 1 is particularly helpful for measuring fast heart rates (100 bpm)

Method 2
The count-off method requires memorizing the sequence:
300 - 150 - 100 - 75 - 60 - 50
Then use this sequence to count the number of large boxes between two
consecutive beats:
300 100 60
Start 150 75 50

The second QRS falls between the 75 and 60 bpm; therefore, the
heart rate is approximately midway between them  67 bpm. Knowing
that the heart rate is approximately 6070 bpm is certainly close enough.
Figure 4.13. Methods to calculate heart rate.

mal, deviated to the left, or deviated to the ection greater than downward deection),
right. If a more precise measurement is then the mean vector falls within the normal
needed, the simplied approach described range (Fig. 4.15).a If the QRS in either lead I or Ftn. a,
next can be employed. II is not primarily upward, then the axis is Fig. 15
Recall from Figure 4.5 that each ECG lead abnormal, and the approximate axis should
has a (+) region and a () region. Electrical then be determined by the rapid method de-
activity directed toward the (+) half results scribed in the following paragraphs.
in an upward deection, whereas activity to-
ward the () half results in a downward de-
ection on the ECG recording of that lead. Note that some textbooks recommend (and some prac-
titioners prefer) examining leads I and aVF, rather than
To determine whether the axis is normal
leads I and II, to determine if the mean axis is normal.
or abnormal, examine the QRS complexes in This is acceptable, but be aware that a mean axis that
limb leads I and II. If the QRS is primarily falls between 0 and 30 would be erroneously classi-
positive in both of these leads (upward de- ed as abnormal by that method.
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94 Chapter Four

Method 3

ECG recording paper often indicates 3-sec time markers at the top or
bottom of the tracing:
marker marker
3 sec

To calculate the heart rate, count the number of QRS complexes between
the 3-sec markers ( 6 beats in this example) and multiply by 20. Thus,
the heart rate here is approximately 120 bpm.

Its even easier (and more accurate) to count the number of complexes
between the first and third markers on the strip (representing 6 sec
of the recording) and then multiply by 10 to determine the heart rate.

Method 3 is particularly helpful for measuring irregular heart rates.

Figure 4.13. (Continued) Methods to calculate heart rate.

First, consider the special example in Fig- After arrow c, the electrical vector swings
Fig. 16 ure 4.16. A sequence of ventricular depolar- into the positive region of lead I, so that up-
ization is represented in this gure by arrows ward deections are recorded.
a through e. The initial deection (repre- In this special example, in which electri-
senting left septal depolarization) points to cal forces begin exactly opposite lead Is (+)
the patients right side. Because it is directed electrode and terminate when pointed di-
completely away from the (+) pole of lead I, rectly at that electrode, note that the mean
a strong downward deection is recorded by electrical vector points straight downward
the lead. As depolarization continues, the (in the direction of arrow c), perpendicular to
arrow swings downward and to the left, re- the lead I axis. Also notice the conguration
sulting in less negative deections in lead I. of the inscribed QRS complex in lead I.

TABLE 4.3. Electrocardiographic Intervals

Interval Normal Decreased In Increased In

PR 0.120.20 sec Preexcitation syndrome First-degree AV block

(35 small boxes) Junctional rhythm
QRS 0.10 sec Bundle branch blocks
(2.5 small boxes) Ventricular ectopic beat
Toxic drug effect (e.g., quinidine)
Severe hyperkalemia
QT Corrected QTa 0.44 sec Hypercalcemia Hypocalcemia
Tachycardia Hypokalemia ( QT interval owing to AQ1,
T wave) AQ2
Myocardial ischemia
Congenital prolongation of QT
Toxic drug effect (e.g., quinidine)
Corrected QT is negative. AQ3
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The Electrocardiogram 95

Left a
d ev

120 60 Left axis deviation
150 30 Inferior wall myocardial infarction
aVR aVL Left anterior fascicular block
Left ventricular hypertrophy

180 I 0

Right axis deviation

Right ventricular hypertrophy
150 30 Acute right heart strain
(e.g., massive pulmonary embolism)
III Left posterior fascicular block
Ri 120 aVF 60
gh 90
iatio n

Figure 4.14. A normal mean QRS axis falls within the shaded area (between 30 and
+90). A mean axis more negative than 30 is termed left axis deviation, whereas an axis more
positive than +90 is right axis deviation. The figure shows common conditions that result in axis

There is a downward deflection, followed the (+) pole of that lead. If it is predomi-
by an upward deflection of equal magni- nantly negative, then it points away from
tude (when the upward and downward de- the leads (+) pole. In the example, the iso-
flections of a QRS are of equal magnitude, electric complex appears in lead I; therefore,
it is termed an isoelectric complex). Thus, the next step is to inspect the perpendicular
when an ECG limb lead inscribes an isoelectric lead, which is aVF (see Fig. 4.5 if this rela-
QRS complex, it indicates that the mean elec- tionship is not clear). Because the QRS com-
trical axis of the ventricles is perpendicular to plex in aVF is primarily upward, the mean
that lead. axis points toward its (+) pole, which is in
Therefore, an easy way to determine the fact located at +90.
mean QRS axis is to glance at the six limb To summarize, the mean QRS axis is cal-
lead recordings and observe which one has culated as follows:
the most isoelectric-appearing complex: the
1. Inspect limb leads I and II. If the QRS is
mean axis is simply perpendicular to it. One
primarily upward in both, then the axis
step remains. When the mean axis is per-
is normal and you are done. If not, then
pendicular to a lead, it could be perpendicu-
proceed to the next step.
lar in either a clockwise or a counterclock-
wise direction. In the example of Figure 2. Inspect the six limb leads and determine
4.16, the isoelectric complex appears in lead which one contains the QRS that is most
I, such that the mean vector could be at +90 isoelectric. The mean axis is perpendicu-
or it could be at 90, because both are per- lar to that lead.
pendicular. Determining which of these it is 3. Inspect the lead that is perpendicular to
requires inspecting the recording of the ECG the lead containing the isoelectric com-
lead that is perpendicular to the one inscrib- plex. If the QRS in that perpendicular
ing the isoelectric complex (and is therefore lead is primarily upward, then the mean
parallel to the mean axis). If the QRS is pre- axis points to the (+) pole of that lead. If
dominantly upright in that perpendicular primarily negative, then the mean QRS
lead, then the mean vector points toward points to the () pole of that lead.
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96 Chapter Four

If the QRS complex is mainly upward in limb lead I, Similarly, if the QRS is predominantly upward in limb
then the mean axis falls within the + region of that lead II, then the mean axis falls within the + half of
lead, shown as the shaded half of the circle below. lead II, shown as the shaded half here:




+90 +60

If the QRS is predominantly upright in both

leads I and II, then the mean axis must fall
within their common + regions: between
30 and +90.




Figure 4.15. The mean axis is within the normal range if the QRS complex is predominantly upright in limb
leads I and II.

Conditions that result in left or right axis or back from the chest, as it may be in pa-
deviation are listed in Figure 4.14. In addi- tients with chronic obstructive lung disease;
tion, the vertical position of the heart in in such a case, the mean axis is said to be
many normal children and adolescents may indeterminate.
result in a slightly rightward mean axis
Abnormalities of the P Wave
In some patients, isoelectric complexes
are inscribed in all the limb leads. That situ- The P wave represents depolarization of the
ation arises when the heart is tilted, so that right atrium followed quickly by depolariza-
the mean QRS is pointing straight forward tion of the left atrium; the two components
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The Electrocardiogram 97

e component of the P wave is larger than nor-

d mal (taller than 2.5 mm in lead II).
a e Lead I
Left atrial enlargement is best observed in
b d b lead V1. Normally, V1 inscribes a P wave with
c a
an initial positive deection reecting right
atrial depolarization (directed anteriorly),
followed by a negative deection, owing to
Mean the left atrial forces oriented posteriorly (see
axis Fig. 1.2 for anatomic relationships). Left atrial
enlargement is therefore manifested by a
greater-than-normal negative deection (at
least 1 mm wide and 1 mm deep) in lead V1
Lead aVF
(see Fig. 4.17).
Figure 4.16. Sequence of ventricular depolarization
when the mean axis is +90. Because the mean axis is
perpendicular to limb lead I, an isoelectric QRS complex Abnormalities of the
(height of upward deflection = height of downward de- QRS Complex
flection) is recorded by that lead (see text for details).
Ventricular Hypertrophy
Hypertrophy of the left or right ventricle
are nearly superimposed on one another causes the affected chamber to generate
Fig. 17 (Fig. 4.17). The P wave is usually best visual- greater-than-normal electrical activity. Or-
ized in lead II, the lead that runs most par- dinarily, the forces produced by the thicker-
allel to the ow of electrical current through walled left ventricle are more prominent
the atria from the sinoatrial to the AV node. than those of the right. However, in right
When the right atrium is enlarged, the initial ventricular hypertrophy, the augmented

Figure 4.17. The P wave represents superimposition of right atrial (RA) and left atrial
(LA) depolarization. RA depolarization occurs slightly earlier than LA depolarization. In RA
enlargement, the initial component of the P wave is prominent (>2.5 mm tall) in lead II. In LA
enlargement, there is a large terminal downward deflection in lead V1 (>1 mm wide and
>1 mm deep).
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98 Chapter Four

right-sided forces may outweigh those of the leads I and aVL) show taller-than-normal R
left. Therefore, chest leads V1 and V2, which waves. Leads on the other side of the heart (V1
overlie the right ventricle, record greater- and V2) demonstrate the opposite: deeper-
than-normal upward deections: the R wave than-normal S waves. Many criteria have
becomes taller than the S wave in those been proposed for the diagnosis of left ven-
leads, the opposite of the normal situation tricular hypertrophy by ECG. Three of the
Fig. 18 (Fig. 4.18). In addition, the increased right most helpful criteria are listed in Figure 4.18.
ventricular mass shifts the mean axis of the
heart, resulting in right axis deviation
Bundle Branch Blocks
(greater than +90).
In left ventricular hypertrophy, greater- Interruption of conduction through the right
than-normal forces are generated by that or left bundle branches may develop from is-
chamber, which simply exaggerates the nor- chemic or degenerative damage. As a result,
mal situation. Leads that directly overlie the the affected ventricle does not depolarize in
left ventricle (chest leads V5 and V6 and limb the normal sequence. Rather than rapid uni-

A V6



R > S in lead V1
Right axis deviation
4 2




S in V1 plus
R in V5 or V6 35 mm or
1 R in aVL > 11 mm or
2 R in Lead I > 15 mm


Figure 4.18. Ventricular hypertrophy. The arrows indicate the sequence of average electrical forces
during ventricular depolarization. A. Right ventricular (RV) hypertrophy. The RV forces outweigh those of
the left, resulting in tall R waves in leads V1 and V2 and a deep S wave in lead V6. B. Left ventricular (LV)
hypertrophy exaggerates the normal pattern of depolarization, with greater-than-normal forces directed
toward the LV, resulting in a tall R wave in V6 and a deep S wave in lead V1.
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The Electrocardiogram 99

form stimulation by the Purkinje bers, the boxes), an incomplete bundle branch block is
cells of that ventricle must rely on relatively present. If the QRS duration is greater than
slow myocyte-to-myocyte spread of electrical 0.12 sec (3.0 small boxes), complete bundle
activity traveling from the unaffected ventri- branch block is identied.
cle. This delayed process prolongs depolar- In right bundle branch block (Fig. 4.19A; Fig. 19
ization and widens the QRS complex. When see also Fig. 4.29), normal depolarization of
a bundle branch block widens the QRS dura- the right ventricle does not occur. In this
tion to 0.10 to 0.12 sec (2.5 to 3.0 small case, initial depolarization of the ventricular

Figure 4.19. Bundle branch blocks. Interruption of conduction through the right
(RBBB) or left (LBBB) bundles results in delayed, slowed activation of the respective
ventricle and widening of the QRS complex. A. In RBBB, normal initial activation of
the septum (1) is followed by depolarization of the left ventricle (2). Slow cell-to-
cell spread activates the right ventricle (RV) after the left ventricle (LV) has nearly
fully depolarized, so that the late forces generated by the RV are unopposed.
Therefore, V1 records an abnormal terminal upward deflection (R), and V6 records
an abnormal, terminal deep S wave (3). B. In LBBB, the initial septal depolarization
is blocked, such that initial forces are oriented from right to left. Thus, the normal
initial R wave in V1 and Q wave in V6 are absent (1). After the RV depolarizes, late,
slow activation of the LV results in a terminal upward deflection in V6 and down-
ward deflection in V1 (3).
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100 Chapter Four

septum (which is stimulated by a branch of posterior fascicular blocks (also termed hemi-
the left bundle) is unaffected so that the blocks). The main signicance of fascicular
normal small R wave in lead V1 and small Q blocks in ECG interpretation is that they can
wave in lead V6 are recorded. As the wave of markedly alter the mean ECG axis.
depolarization spreads down the septum Anatomically, the anterior fascicle of the
and into the left ventricular free wall, the se- left bundle runs along the front of the left
quence of depolarization is indistinguish- ventricle toward the anterior papillary mus-
able from normal, because left ventricular cle (which is located in the anterior and
forces normally outweigh those of the right. superior portion of the chamber), whereas
However, by the time the left ventricle has the posterior fascicle travels to the posterior
almost fully depolarized, slow cell-to-cell papillary muscle (which is located in the
spread has nally reached the blocked right posterior, inferior, and medial aspect of the
ventricle and depolarization of that cham- left ventricle). Under normal conditions,
ber begins, unopposed by left ventricular conduction via the left anterior and left
activity (because that chamber has nearly posterior fascicles proceeds simultaneously,
fully depolarized). This prolonged depolar- such that electrical activation of the left
ization process widens the QRS complex, ventricle is uniform, spreading from the
and since the terminal portion of the QRS bases of the two papillary muscles. However,
complex represents right ventricular forces if conduction is blocked in one of the two
acting alone, there is a terminal upward de- divisions, then initial LV depolarization
flection (known as R wave) over the right arises exclusively from the unaffected fasci-
ventricle in lead V1, and a downward de- cle (Fig. 4.20). Fig. 20
ection (S wave) in V6 on the opposite side of In the case of left anterior fascicular
the heart. block (LAFB), left ventricular activation be-
Left bundle branch block produces even gins via the left posterior fascicle alone, at
greater QRS abnormalities. In this situation, the posterior papillary muscle, and then
normal initial depolarization of the left sep- spreads to the rest of the ventricle. Because
tum does not occur; rather, the right side the left posterior fascicle rst activates the
of the ventricular septum is rst to depolar- posterior, inferior, medial region of the left
ize, through branches of the right bundle. ventricle, the initial impulses are directed
Thus, the initial forces of depolarization are downward (i.e., toward the feet) and toward
directed toward the left ventricle instead of the patients right side (see Fig. 4.20). This
the right (see Fig. 4.19B; see also Fig. 4.30). results in a positive deection (initial small
Therefore, an initial downward deection is R wave) in the inferior leads (leads II, III, and
recorded in V1 and the normal small Q wave aVF) and a negative deection (small Q wave)
in V6 is absent. Only after depolarization in the left lateral leads, I and aVL. As depo-
of the right ventricle does slow cell-to- larization then spreads upward and to the
cell spread reach the left ventricular myo- left, toward the blocked anterior, superior,
cytes. These slowly conducted forces inscribe and lateral regions of the left ventricle, a
a widened QRS complex with terminally positive deection (R wave) is inscribed in
upward deflections in the leads overlying leads I and aVL, while a negative deection
the left ventricle (V5 and V6), as shown in (S wave) develops in the inferior leads. The
Figure 4.19B. predominance of these leftward forces, re-
Recall from Chapter 1 that the left bundle sulting from the abnormal activation of the
branch subdivides into two main divisions, anterior superior left ventricular wall results
termed fascicles: the left anterior fascicle and in left axis deviation (generally more nega-
left posterior fascicle. Although a left bundle tive than 45 degrees). A complete 12-lead
branch block implies that conduction is ECG demonstrating LAFB is shown later
blocked in the entire left bundle branch, im- (see Fig. 4.34).
pairment can also occur in just one of the Left posterior fascicular block (LPFB) is
two fascicles, resulting in left anterior or left less common than LAFB. In LPFB, ventricu-
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Left axis deviation Right axis deviation

Small Q in leads aVL and I Small R in leads aVL and I
Small R in inferior leads (II, III, aVF) Small Q in inferior leads (II, III, aVF)
Figure 4.20. Left anterior and left posterior fascicular blocks. The schematic at the top of the figure shows the left
ventricle (LV) in the frontal plane. The mitral valve (MV) chordae tendineae insert into the anterior (A) and posterior (P)
papillary muscles, which are important landmarks: the anterior fascicle of the left bundle branch courses toward the an-
terior papillary muscle, whereas the posterior fascicle travels to the posterior papillary (the fascicles are not shown). No-
tice that the anterior papillary muscle is actually superior to the posterior papillary muscle. Left side of figure: In left
anterior fascicular block (LAFB), activation begins solely in the region of the posterior papillary muscle (panel 1) because
initial conduction to the anterior papillary muscle is blocked (denoted by the X). As a result, the initial forces of depo-
larization are directed downward towards the feet, producing an initial positive R wave in lead aVF and a negative Q wave
in lead aVL. As the wave of depolarization spreads toward the left side and superiorly, aVF begins to register a negative
deflection and aVL starts to record a positive deflection (panel 2). Panel 3 shows the complete QRS complexes at the end
of depolarization. Right side of figure: In left posterior fascicular block (LPFB; denoted by the X), LV activation begins
solely in the region of the anterior papillary muscle (panel 1). Thus, the initial forces are directed upward and toward the
patients left side, producing an initial R wave in aVL and a Q wave in aVF. Panels 2 and 3 show how the spread of de-
polarization travels in the direction opposite that of LAFB.
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102 Chapter Four

lar activation begins via the left anterior fas-

cicle at the base of the anterior papillary
muscle (see Fig. 4.20). As that anterosupe-
rior left ventricular region depolarizes, the
initial forces are directed upward and to the
patients left (creating a positive R wave in
leads I and aVL and a negative Q wave in
the inferior leads). As the impulse then
spreads downward and to the right toward
the initially blocked region, an S wave is in-
scribed in leads I and aVL, while an R wave
is recorded in leads II, III, and aVF. Because Figure 4.21. Compared with small Q waves gener-
the bulk of these delayed forces head to- ated during normal depolarization, pathologic
Q waves are more prominent with a width 1 mm
ward the patients right side, right axis devi- (1 small box) and depth >25% of the height of the
ation of the QRS mean axis is expected (see QRS complex.
Fig. 4.36).
LAFB and LPFB do not result in signi-
cant widening of the QRS (in contrast to appear in some leads. For example, initial
right or left bundle branch blocks) because septal depolarization routinely inscribes a
rapidly conducting Purkinje bers bridge small Q wave in leads V6 and aVL. Normal
the territories served by the anterior and Q waves are of short duration (0.04 sec, or
posterior fascicles. Therefore, although the 1 small box) and of low magnitude (<25% of
sequence of conduction is altered, the total the QRS total height). A pathologic Q wave
time required for depolarization is usually is more prominent (Fig. 4.21), having a width Fig. 21
only slightly prolonged. Also note that al- 1 small box in duration and a depth >25%
though left and right bundle branch blocks of the total height of the QRS. The ECG
are most easily recognized by analyzing the leads in which pathologic Q waves appear
patterns of depolarization in the precordial reect the anatomic site of an infarction
leads, in the case of LAFB and LPFB, it is the (Table 4.4; see Fig. 4.22). Tab. 4,
recordings in the limb leads (as in Fig. 4.20) Pathologic Q waves develop in the leads Fig. 22
that are most helpful. overlying infarcted tissue because necrotic
muscle does not generate electrical forces.
Rather, the ECG electrode over that region
Myocardial Infarction
detects electrical currents from the healthy
The hallmark of transmural myocardial in- tissue on opposite regions of the ventricle,
farction (MI) is the pathologic Q wave. Re- which are directed away from the infarct and
call that it is normal for an initial Q wave to the recording electrode, thus inscribing the

TABLE 4.4. Localization of Myocardial Infarction

Anatomic Site Leads with Abnormal ECG Complexesa Coronary Artery Most Often Responsible

Inferior II, III, aVF RCA

Anteroseptal V1V2 LAD
Anteroapical V3V4 LAD (distal)
Anterolateral V5V6, I, aVL CFX
Posterior V1V2 (tall R wave, not Q wave) RCA
Pathologic Q waves in all of leads V1V6 implies an extensive anterior MI usually associated with a proximal left coronary
artery occlusion.
CFX, left circumex coronary artery; LAD, left anterior descending coronary artery; RCA, right coronary artery, TSP1;
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The Electrocardiogram 103

downward deection (Fig. 4.23). Q waves are

permanent evidence of a myocardial infarc- Fig. 23
tion; only rarely do they disappear over time.
Notice in Table 4.4 that in the case of a
posterior wall myocardial infarction (see Fig.
4.22), it is not pathologic Q waves that are
evident on the ECG. Because standard elec-
trodes are not placed on the patients back
overlying the posterior wall, other leads must
be relied on to indirectly identify the pres-
ence of such an infarction. Chest leads V1
and V2, which are directly opposite the pos-
terior wall, record the inverse of what leads
placed on the back would demonstrate.
Therefore, taller-than-normal R waves in leads
V1 and V2 are the equivalent of a pathologic
Q wave in the diagnosis of a posterior wall
MI. It may be recalled that right ventricular
hypertrophy also produces tall R waves in
leads V1 and V2, but unlike right ventricular
hypertrophy, right axis deviation is not usu-
ally a feature of posterior wall MI.
It is important to note that if a Q wave ap-
pears in only a single ECG lead, it is not di-
agnostic of an infarction. True pathologic
Qs should appear in the groupings listed in
Table 4.4 and Figure 4.22. For example, if a
pathologic Q wave is present in lead III but
not in II or aVF, it likely does not indicate an
infarction. Also, Q waves are disregarded in
lead aVR because electrical forces are normally
directed away from the right arm. Finally, in
the presence of left bundle branch block, Q
waves are usually not helpful in the diagno-
sis of MI because of the markedly abnormal
pattern of depolarization in that condition.
In infarctions in which Q waves develop,
appropriately termed Q-wave infarctions,
the entire thickness of a myocardial segment
is usually involved. Therefore, this type of
MI is often called a transmural infarct. As de-
scribed in Chapter 7, infarctions are not al-
ways transmural but may involve only the
Figure 4.22. Relationship between ECG leads and
cardiac anatomic regions. A. The leads listed in paren- subendocardial layers of the myocardium. In
theses are those that reflect infarction of these regions. this case, pathologic Q waves do not usually
B. Miniaturized schematic drawings of a 12-lead ECG develop, because the remaining viable cells
showing the standard orientation of printed samples
from each lead. The major anatomic groupings are indi- are able to generate some electrical activity;
cated. Note that while the presence of pathologic Q waves such MIs are therefore called nonQ-wave
in leads V1 and V2 are indicative of anteroseptal infarc- infarctions. In either case, certain ST seg-
tion, tall initial R waves in those leads are seen in poste-
rior wall infarction. ment and T wave abnormalities evolve dur-
ing acute Q-wave and nonQ-wave infarc-
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104 Chapter Four

Anterior Anterolateral
(V1V6) (V5V6, I, aVL)

Anteroseptal Posterior
(V1V2) (Tall R in

Anteroapical (II, III, aVF)

B Anteroseptal Anteroapical Anterolateral

I aVR V1 V4 I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5 II aVL V2 V5


Figure 4.23. Sequence of depolarization recorded by lead aVL, overlying a lateral wall infarction
(black region). A pathologic Q wave is recorded because the necrotic muscle does not generate electrical
forces; rather, at the time when the lateral wall should be depolarizing (panel 3), the activation of the healthy
muscle on the opposite side of the heart is unopposed, such that forces head away from aVL. The terminal
R wave recorded by aVL reflects depolarization of the remaining viable myocardium beyond the infarct.

tions, as discussed in the next section. The polarization is very sensitive to myocardial
electrocardiographic differences between perfusion, patients with coronary artery dis-
these types of MI are summarized as follows: ease often demonstrate reversible deviations
of the ST segments and T waves during myo-
cardial ischemia.
Acute ST As described in the previous section, pa-
Type of Pathologic Segment thologic Q waves are indicative of an MI but
Infarction Q Waves Deviation
do not differentiate between an acute event
Q-wave MI Yes ST elevation and an MI that occurred weeks or years ear-
NonQ-wave No ST depression lier. However, acute MI does result in a se-
MI (and/or T wave quence of ST and T wave abnormalities that
inversion) permit this distinction (Fig. 4.24). The initial Fig. 24
abnormality during an acute Q-wave MI is
elevation of the ST segment, often with a
ST Segment and T Wave peaked appearance of the T wave. At this
Abnormalities early stage, myocardial cells are still viable
Among the most common important ab- and Q waves have not yet developed. Within
normalities of the ST segments and T waves several hours, however, myocyte death leads
are those that represent myocardial ische- to loss of the amplitude of the R wave, and
mia and infarction. Because ventricular re- pathologic Q waves begin to be inscribed by
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The Electrocardiogram 105

Figure 4.24. ECG evolution during acute Q-wave myocardial infarction (also termed acute ST-elevation MI).

the ECG leads positioned over the infarct ter- charged compared with the normally fully
ritory. During the rst 1 to 2 days following repolarized areas, an electrical current is gen-
infarction, the ST segments remain elevated, erated between the two regions. This current
the T wave inverts, and the Q wave deepens. is directed away from the more negatively
Several days later, the ST segment elevation charged ischemic area, causing the baseline
returns to baseline, but the T waves remain of the ECG leads overlying that region to shift
inverted. Weeks or months following the in- downward. Because the ECG machine Record-
farct, the ST segment and T waves have often ing only relative position, rather than ab-
returned to normal, but the pathologic Q solute voltages, ECG machines do not make
waves persist, a permanent marker of the MI. the downward deviation of the baseline no-
If the ST segment remains elevated several ticeable. Following ventricular depolariza-
tion (indicated by the QRS complex), after all
weeks later, it is likely that a bulging brotic
the myocardial cells have fully depolarized
scar (ventricular aneurysm) has developed at
(including those of the injured zone), the net
the site of infarction.
electrical potential surrounding the heart is
These evolutionary changes of the QRS,
true zero. However, compared with the ab-
ST, and T waves are recorded by the leads
normally displaced downward baseline, there
overlying the zone of infarction (see Table is the appearance of ST segment elevation (see
4.4). Typically, reciprocal changes are seen Fig. 4.25). As the myocytes then repolarize,
in leads opposite that site. For example, in the injured cells return to the abnormal state
acute anteroseptal MI, ST segment elevation of diastolic potassium ion leak, and the ECG
is expected in chest leads V1 and V2; simulta- again inscribes the abnormally depressed
neously, however, reciprocal changes (ST de- baseline. Thus, ST elevation in acute MI may
pression) may be inscribed by the leads over- in part reect an abnormal shift of the record-
lying the opposite (inferior) region, namely ing baseline.
in leads II, III, and aVF. In nonQ-wave myocardial infarctions, it
The mechanism by which ST segment de- is ST segment depression, rather than eleva-
viations develop during acute MI has not tion, that often develops in the leads over-
been established with certainty. It is believed, lying the infarct (see Chapter 7). In this situ-
however, that the abnormality results from ation, the diastolic potassium leak of injured
injured myocardial cells immediately adja- cells adjacent to the infarct generates elec-
cent to the infarct zone producing abnormal trical forces heading from the inner endo-
systolic or diastolic currents. One explana- cardium to the outer epicardium and there-
tion, the diastolic current theory, contends that fore toward the overlying ECG electrode.
these cells are capable of depolarization but Thus, the baseline of the ECG is shifted up-
are abnormally leaky for potassium ions, ward (see Fig. 4.25). Following full cardiac de-
preventing them from ever fully repolarizing polarization, the electrical potential of the
Fig. 25 (Fig. 4.25). Because the surface of such par- heart returns to true zero but, relative to the
tially depolarized cells in the resting (dias- abnormal baseline, gives the appearance of
tolic) state would be relatively negatively ST segment depression.
10090-04_CH04.qxd 8/31/06 5:25 PM Page 106

106 Chapter Four

Transmural MI

Normal baseline Heart fully depolarized

Injured segment is electrode Baseline shifted downward
partially depolarized
prior to stimulation

Nontransmural MI

Heart fully depolarized

Injured segment is Recording

partially depolarized electrode Normal baseline
prior to stimulation
Figure 4.25. ST deviations in acute MI: diastolic injury current. Top. Ionic leak re-
sults in partial depolarization of injured myocardium in diastole, prior to electrical stimu-
lation, which produces forces heading away from that site and shifts the ECG baseline
downward. This is not noticeable on the ECG because only relative, not absolute, volt-
ages are recorded. Following stimulation, when the entire myocardium has fully depo-
larized, the voltage is true zero but gives the appearance of ST elevation compared with
the abnormally depressed baseline. Bottom. In nontransmural MI, the process is similar,
but the ionic leak arises from the subendocardial tissue so that the partial depolarization
before stimulation is directed toward the recording electrode; hence, the baseline is
shifted upward. When fully depolarized, the voltage is true zero, but the ST segment ap-
pears depressed compared with the shifted baseline.

The systolic current theory of ST segment between Q-wave and nonQ-wave myocar-
shifts contends that in addition to reducing dial infarctions, because the critical thera-
the resting membrane potential, ischemic peutic approaches are different. Decisions
injury shortens the action potential dura- about therapy must be made within min-
tion of affected cells. As a result, the is- utes of evaluating the patient, usually while
chemic cells repolarize faster than neigh- acute ST and T wave deviations are present
boring normal myocytes; therefore, a voltage on the ECG but before Q waves would be ex-
gradient develops between the two zones, pected to have formed. Thus, for the pur-
creating an electrical current directed toward pose of such decision making, an evolving
the ischemic area. This gradient occurs dur- Q-wave MI is referred to as an acute ST-eleva-
ing the ST interval of the ECG, resulting in tion MI. Similarly, a nonQ-wave MI is fre-
ST elevation in the leads overlying the is- quently labeled a nonST-elevation MI.
Fig. 26 chemic region (Fig. 4.26). Other common causes of ST segment and
As discussed in Chapter 7, when evaluat- T wave abnormalities caused by alterations
ing a patient with acute chest pain, it is very in myocyte repolarization are illustrated in
important to identify and rapidly distinguish Figure 4.27. Fig. 27
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The Electrocardiogram 107

ST elevation
Ischemic +
Normal +
90 mV +
Ischemic cells
repolarize more Recording
idl th l l t d
Figure 4.26. ST deviation in acute MI: systolic injury current. A. Compared with normal myocytes (solid
line), ischemic myocytes (dashed line) display a reduced resting membrane potential and repolarize more rapidly.
B. More rapid repolarization causes the surface of the ischemic zone to be relatively positively charged at the
time the ST segment is inscribed. The associated electrical current (arrows) is directed toward the recording elec-
trode overlying that site, so that the ST segment is abnormally elevated.

Figure 4.27. Conditions that alter repolarization of myocytes and therefore result in ST seg-
ment and T wave abnormalities.
10090-04_CH04.qxd 8/31/06 5:25 PM Page 108

108 Chapter Four

SUMMARY ple normal and abnormal ECGs, with their

interpretations, are shown in Figures 4.28
The electrocardiogram provides a wealth of through 4.36. Fig. 28-36
information about the structure and integrity Disturbances of the cardiac rhythm iden-
of the heart and is one of the most impor- tied by ECGs are discussed in Chapters 11
tant diagnostic tools in cardiology. With the and 12.
knowledge of this chapter in hand, the reader
should be well prepared to practice analyz-
ing electrocardiograms in any of the com- Acknowledgments
plete ECG texts listed under Additional Contributors to the previous editions of this chapter
Tab. 5 Reading. Table 4.5 summarizes the sug- were Price Kerfoot, MD; Kyle Low, MD; and Leonard
gested sequence of ECG interpretation. Sam- S. Lilly, MD.

TABLE 4.5. Summary of Sequence of ECG Interpretation

1. Calibration
Check 1.0 mV vertical box inscription (normal standard = 10 mm)
2. Rhythm
Sinus rhythm is present if
Each P wave is followed by a QRS complex
Each QRS is preceded by a P wave
P wave is upright in leads I, II, and III
PR interval is >0.12 sec (3 small boxes)
If these criteria are not met, determine type of arrhythmia (see Chapter 12)
3. Heart rate
Use one of three methods:
1,500/(number of mm between beats)
Count-off method: 300150100756050
Number of beats in 6 seconds 10
Normal rate = 60100 bpm (bradycardia <60, tachycardia >100)
4. Intervals
Normal PR = 0.120.20 sec (35 small boxes)
Normal QRS 0.10 sec (2.5 small boxes)
Normal QT half the RR interval, if heart rate normal
5. Mean QRS axis
Normal if QRS is primarily upright in leads I and II (+90 to 30)
Otherwise, determine axis by isoelectric or perpendicular method
6. P wave abnormalities
Inspect P in leads II and V1 for left and right atrial enlargement
7. QRS wave abnormalities
Inspect for left and right ventricular hypertrophy
Inspect for bundle branch blocks
Inspect for pathologic Q waves: What anatomic distribution?
8. ST segment or T wave abnormalities
Inspect for ST elevations:
Transmural infarct pattern
Pericarditis (see Chapter 14)
Inspect for ST depressions or T wave inversions:
Subendocardial ischemia or infarct
Commonly accompany ventricular hypertrophy or bundle branch blocks
Metabolic or chemical abnormalities (see Fig. 4.27)
9. Compare with patients previous ECGs

I aVR V1 V4
5:25 PM

Page 109

V2 V5


Figure 4.28. 12-lead ECG (normal). The rectangular upward deflection at the beginning of each line is the voltage calibration signal (1 mV). Rhythm: normal sinus. Rate: 70 bpm.
Intervals: PR, 0.17; QRS, 0.06; QT, 0.40 sec. Axis: 0 (QRS is isoelectric in lead aVF). The P wave, QRS complex, ST segment, and T waves are normal. Notice the gradual increase in R
wave height between leads V1 through V6.


I aVR V1 V4
5:25 PM

II aVL V2 V5
Page 110


Figure 4.29. 12-lead ECG (abnormal). Rhythm: normal sinus. Rate: 75 bpm. Intervals: PR, 0.16; QRS, 0.15; QT, 0.42 sec. Axis: indeterminate (isoelectric in all limb leads). P wave: left
atrial enlargement (1 mm wide and 1 mm deep in lead V1). QRS: widened with RSR in lead V1 consistent with right bundle branch block (RBBB). Also, pathologic Q waves are in
leads II, III, and aVF, consistent with inferior wall myocardial infarction (an old one, because the ST segments do not demonstrate an acute injury pattern).
5:25 PM
Page 111

Figure 4.30. 12-lead ECG (abnormal). Rhythm: normal sinus. Rate: 68 bpm. Intervals: PR, 0.16; QRS, 0.16; QT, 0.40 sec. Axis: +15. P wave: normal. QRS: widened with RR
in leads V4V6 consistent with left bundle branch block (LBBB). The ST segment and T wave abnormalities are secondary to LBBB.

5:25 PM
Page 112

Figure 4.31. 12-lead ECG (abnormal). Rhythm: normal sinus. Rate: 66 bpm. Intervals: PR, 0.16; QRS, 0.08; QT, 0.40 sec. Axis: +10. P wave: normal. QRS: pathologic Q waves in
leads V1V4, consistent with anteroseptal and anteroapical myocardial infarction (MI). The ST segment and T waves do not demonstrate an acute injury pattern; thus, the MI is old.
5:25 PM
Page 113

Figure 4.32. 12-lead ECG (abnormal). Rhythm: sinus bradycardia. Rate: 55 bpm. Intervals: PR, 0.20 (in aVF); QRS, 0.10; QT, 0.44 sec. Axis: normal (QRS is predominantly upright
in leads I and II). P wave: normal. QRS: voltage in chest leads is prominent but does not meet criteria for ventricular hypertrophy; pathologic Q waves are present in II, III, and aVF, in-
dicating inferior wall MI, and the tall R waves in V1 and V2 are consistent with posterior MI involvement as well. Marked ST segment elevation is apparent in II, III, and aVF, indicating
that this is an acute MI.

5:25 PM
Page 114

Figure 4.33. 12-lead ECG (abnormal). Rhythm: sinus bradycardia. Rate: 55 bpm. Intervals: PR, 0.24 (first-degree AV block; see Chapter 12); QRS, 0.09; QT, 0.44 sec. Axis: 0.
P wave: normal. QRS: left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH): S in V1 (14 mm) ++ R in V5 (22 mm) > 35 mm. Pathologic Q waves in leads III and aVF raise the possibility of an old inferior
MI. The ST segment depression and T wave inversion are secondary to the abnormal repolarization resulting from LVH.
5:25 PM
Page 115

Figure 4.34. 12-lead ECG (abnormal). Rhythm: normal sinus. Rate: 68 bpm. Intervals: PR, 0.24 (first-degree AV block; see Chapter 12); QRS, 0.10; QT, 0.36 sec. Axis: 45 (left axis
deviation). P wave: left atrial enlargement (terminal deflection of P wave in V1 is 1 mm wide and 1 mm deepjust barely). QRS: pattern of left anterior fascicular block (LAFB; see
Fig. 4.20). The abnormally small R waves in leads V2V4 are associated with LAFB resulting from the reduction of initial anterior forces. The ST segment and T waves are unremarkable.

5:25 PM
Page 116

Figure 4.35. 12-lead ECG (abnormal). Rhythm: normal sinus. Rate: 95 bpm. Intervals: PR, 0.20; QRS, 0.10; QT, 0.34 sec. Axis: ++160 (right axis deviation [RAD]). P wave: right
atrial enlargement (P wave in lead II is > 2.5 mm tall). QRS: right ventricular hypertrophy (RVH): R > S in V1 with RAD. The T waves are inverted in the anterior leads, at least in part
reflecting abnormal repolarization owing to RVH.
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The Electrocardiogram 117

I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5


Figure 4.36. 12-lead ECG (abnormal). Rhythm: normal sinus. Rate: 62 bpm. Intervals: PR, 0.14; QRS, 0.10; QT, 0.52
(corrected QT, 0.53, which is prolonged). Axis: +95 (right axis deviation [RAD]). QRS: pattern of left posterior fascic-
ular block, with small R wave in leads I and aVL, small Q wave in leads II, III, and aVF, and right axis deviation (RAD;
see Fig. 4.20). The prolonged QT interval in this patient is the result of antiarrhythmic medication.

Additional Reading Surawicz B, Knilans TK. Chous Electrocardiography

in Clinical Practice. 5th Ed. Philadelphia: Saun-
Dubin D. Rapid Interpretation of EKGs. 6th Ed. ders, 2001.
Tampa: Cover Publishing, 2000. Wagner GS. Marriotts Practical Electrocardiography.
Goldberger AL, Goldberger E. Clinical Electrocardio- 10th Ed. Baltimore: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins,
graphy: A Simplied Approach. 6th Ed. St. Louis: 2001.
Mosby Year Book, 1999.
OKeefe JH Jr, Hammill SC, Freed MS, et al. The Com-
plete Guide to ECGs. 2nd Ed. Royal Oak, Michi-
gan: Physicians Press, 2002.
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Chapter 4Author Queries (tables)

1. AU: Correct?
2. AU: Correct?
3. AU: Edit correct?

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