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1. Concept of ratio.

-->How is it a very important chapter

---> in terms of two variables

--> meaning

-->how to find absolute values if ratio is given.

-->How is it a very important chapter

--------------------------------------First practice set--------------------------------------------------------

Q1. Two numbers are in the ratio 2:3. The difference between their squares is 45.
Find the numbers.

Q2. Divide 343 into two parts in the ratio 3:4.

Q3. Three positive numbers are in the ratio 2:3:4 and the sum of their squares is
equal to 464. Find the numbers.

Q4. The ratio of two numbers is 3:4. If each number is increased by 6, the ratio
becomes 4:5. Find the two numbers.

Q5.The incomes of A and B are in the ratio 3:2 and the expenditures in the ratio 5:3.
If each saves Rs. 2000. What are their incomes?

Q6. The ratio of the prices of two houses was 16:23. Two years later when the price
of the first had risen by 10% and that of the second by Rs. 477, the ratio of prices
became 11:20. What were the original prices?


1. (6,9) or (-6,-9)

2. 147,196

3. 8,12,16

4. 18,24

5. 12k, 8k

6. 848, 1219
2.Concept of Proportion

-->What is a proportion (extremes and means)?

--> Continued proportion

--> Operations on proportions





--------------------------------------Second practice

Q1. If a,b,c,d,e are in continued proportion, prove that a*b*c*d*e=c^4

Q2. If A:B=3:4 , B:C=8:9 , C:D=15:16,

a) find the ratio of A:D

b) find A:B:C:D

Q3. If a/b = c/d= e/f, Prove that

(a+3c-5e)/(b+3d-5f)= a/b=c/d=e/f

Q4. If a/(b+c)= b/(c+a) = c/(a+b), what is the value of each of the fractions? (a,b,c
> 0)

Q5. If x/(b-c)= y/(c-a)=z/(a-b), then prove that ax + by +cz=0.

Ans: 2: a) 5:8 b) 30:40:45:48

Few more questions on applications of ratios

--------------------------------------Third practice
Q1. A dog pursues a cat and takes 5 leaps for every 6 leaps of the cat, but 4 leaps
of the dog are equal to 5 leaps of the cat. Compare the speeds of the dog and the

Before attempting the next problem, we need to understand the concept of


---Investment ratio

--Time ratio

-- Product.

Q2. A and B enter into a partnership. A invested Rs. 2,000 and B invested 3,000. At
the end of the year the profit was Rs. 4,200. How much would A and B get out this

Q3. A and B enter into a partnership. A invested Rs. 2,000 and B invested 3,000.
After 6 months, B withdrew from the business. At the end of the year the profit was
Rs. 4,200. How much would B get out this profit?

Q4.Three people decided to start a partnership firm. The ratio of their investments
at the outset of a project was 1/2: 1/3: 1/4. The amounts were invested for time
periods 1:1/2:1/3. If the profits were shared in the direct proportion to both the time
invested and the time for which it is invested. Find A's share, if B's share is Rs.

Puzzle based ratio question

Q5. Last time I visited a friend's farm near Bangalore he gave me a bag containing
1000 peanuts. From this I took out 230 peanuts for myself and gave away the bag
with the remainder of peanuts to three little brothers who live in my neighbourhood
and told them to distribute the nuts among, themselves in proportion to their ages-
which together amounted to 17 and 1/2 years.

Tinku, Rinku and Jojo, the three brothers, divided the nuts in the following manner:
As often as Tinku took four Rinku took three and as often as Tinku took six Jojo took

With this data can you find out what were the respective ages of the boys and how
many nuts each got?



3. 1800

4. A's share= 60k

5.(6,4.5,7) & (264,198,308)

3. Direct and Inverse proportion

---Direction proportion


a) Distance covered is directly proportional to speed (time remaining constant).

B) Amount of work done is directly proportional to number of men working (rate of

work and time for which worked remaining constant)

c)Expenditure in Rs is directly proportional to the price per unit (number of units

bought remaining same).

If x $ y then x/y = k.

Line passes through origin.

Q. The cost of a picnic is directly proportional to the number of people going on the
picnic. When 20 people go for the picnic, the cost of the picnic is Rs 400. What
would be the cost of the picnic when 50 people go for the picnic?

x $ y^n = x= k y^n

--Direct relation

If x is directly related or a varies directly at y, then as y increases, x also increases.

--Inverse proportion

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