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Pardeep K Gupta, PhD

Associate Professor of Pharmaceutics
Director of BS Program in Pharmaceutical Sciences
University of the Sciences in Philadelphia
Philadelphia, PA
Inorganic Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Clarence A Discher, PhD'
Thomas Medwick, PhD

Inorganic chemicals have been used in pharmacy and medicine atom. In other words, each electron must have a unique set of
for many reasons, ranging from therapeutic agents to nutri- quantum numbers.
tional supplements to pharmaceutical necessities. In this chap- As a result of the above process, all atoms, except hydrogen
ter a review of some chemical principles and properties of ele- and the inert gases, have one or more completely occupied lower
ments is followed by a discussion of the wide variety of useful major quantum groups and have the suborbitals of their high-
inorganic chemicals. est major quantum group only partially filled. The electrons of
this outer, partially filled, energy level give each element its
distinct chemical properties. These are the valence electrons.
BASIS OF CHEMICAL REACTIONS Chemical reactions entail the removal of valence electrons,
adding electrons to a partly filled valence shell, or sharing a
Although many subatomic particles have been identified, only pair of valence electrons between two atoms. Most atoms at-
the protons and neutrons of the nucleus of an atom and the ex- tempt to achieve a rare gas outer shell (ns 2 or its 2 rip') by these
tranu clear electrons will be considered here. processes. The energy required for the removal of the electron
Each atom of an element is described uniquely by two pure of least energy is known as the first ionization potential. It is
numbers: its atomic number and its atomic weight. The atomic unique for each element. The metals have low ionization poten-
number gives the number of protons present in the nucleus tials and, therefore, readily form cations. Nonmetals have high
and, therefore, its positive charge. Because the ground state ionization potentials.
atom must be neutral, this in turn defines the number of ex- The attraction of a nucleus for electrons is termed its elec-
tranu clear electrons. The difference between the atomic num- tronegativity. Metals have low electronegativities (they are
ber and the atomic weight of a given isotope of an element de- electropositive), whereas nonmetals (especially the halogens)
fines the number of ne utrons in the nucleus. (Atomic weights in have high electronegativities. This allows the latter to attract
the tables are not whole numbers because they represent the additional electrons to form anions.
weighted average of the atomic weights of all isotopes present) When atoms with widely differing electronegativities react,
The electrons are arranged in major quantum groups (en- such as sodium, 0.93, and chlorine, 3.98, an electron transfer
ergy levels or orbitals) occupying the space about the nucleus. takes place. The one valence electron of sodium (3s I ) enters the
Each electron is assigned four quantum numbers: incompletely filled (3s 2 3p 5 ) valence shell of the chlorine.
The principle quantum number, n, describes the relative po- Sodium now has an inert gas (Ne) electron structure with a +1
sition of an energy level with respect to the other energy levels charge. The chlorine achieves the argon structure with a-1
pre sent. charge. There is no formal electron-pair bond between the two
The subquantum number, l, describes the different electron entities. A crystal of sodium chloride consists of equal numbers
distributions possible for a given value of n. of sodium and chloride ions held in place by the interaction of
The magnetic quantum number, ml, is best described as the the spherically symmetrical positive cation field and the spher-
magnetic contribution to the angular momentum due to the ically symmetrical negative anion field. These ionic (electro-
movement of the electrons in space. static) compounds are characterized by high boiling and melt-
The magnetic spin quantum number, m, is the magnetic ing points and most are water soluble.
component contributed by the spin of the electron. If two reacting atoms have similar electronegativities, such
The permitted values for n are 1, 2, 3, , for 1 are 0, 1, 2, . as two hydrogen atoms, a sharing of electrons takes place. One
(n-1), for ml are 1, 0, +1, and for m, 1/2. Returning to electron is donated to the bond from an incompletely filled sub-
the subquantum number l, when / is 0 the electrons occupying orbital of each atom. A covalent bond is formed by the overlap
the suborbital are known as s electrons; when I is 1, they're of the two atomic orbitals involved. With the formation of the
known as p electrons; when I is 2, they're known as d electrons; bond a molecule results. The bonding electrons are no longer re-
and when I is 3, they're known as f electrons. Thus if 2 electrons stricted to their atomic orbitals. They now are free to move in a
occupy suborbital 0 of major quantum group 3, they are repre- molecular orbital between the two atoms in what is known as a
sented as 3s 2 . o- molecular orbital.
In assigning electrons to the atom the Aufbau Principle is When the electronegativities of the two atoms involved in
used. It is an application of quantum theory, Hund's rules, and the formation of a covalent bond are not identical the atom with
the Pauli exclusion principle. Simply stated, a given entering the higher electronegativity tends to attract the electrons of the
electron must occupy the lowest unoccupied energy level of the molecule more strongly than its partner. This leads to polariza-


tion of the molecule and a dipole results. The extent of polar- Table 24-1. Nomenclature for Oxygenated Acids
ization is directly proportional to the difference in electronega- and Salts
tivitie s. Such bonds are said to have partial ionic character. CL OXID STATE ACID FORMULA ACID NAME ANION NAME
In practice, only the most electropositive atoms reacting
with the most electronegative atoms result in purely electro- 1 HCI Hydrochloric acid Chloride
static compounds, and only atoms with equal electronegativi- +1 HOD Hypochlorous acid Hypoch I or ite
ties form purely covalent bonds. Those bonds formed from ele-
+3 HCIO2 Chlorous acid Chlorite
ments between these extremes have partial covalent or partial
+5 HCI03 Chloric acid Chlorate
+7 HCIO4 Perch loric acid Perchlorate
electrostatic character.
Atoms with orbitals occupied by an unshared pair of elec-
trons can share this electron pair with an atom lacking two or
more electrons in its valence shell. The bond formed is said to
curie. (Obviously this system breaks down when an element ex-
be a coordinate covalent bond. Once this bond has been formed
ists in more than two oxidation states.) The simple anions are
it cannot be distinguished from an ordinary covalent bond; the
named using the suffix -ide. Although the newer Stock system
difference lies only in the manner of formation.
of nomenclature uses only the English names of the elements,
The formation of the ammonium ion from an ammonia
classical nomenclature uses the stems of the Latin names in
molecule, which has an unshared electron pair, and a hydrogen
identifying the cations of copper, gold, tin, lead, and iron.
ion, which has an empty s orbital, illustrates this type of For the oxygenated anions a system of prefixes and suffixes
re a cti on.
was developed to indicate the oxidation state of the central atom.
Covalent compounds have low melting and boiling points, These are illustrated in Table 24-1 using the chlorine anions.
and usually are insoluble in water. Solubility in water can be
Sometimes one or more oxygen atoms of the anion are re-
induced by introducing an acid or base group into the molecule. placed by another element. The stem of the name of the substi-
Reaction with base or acid will now give a soluble salt.
tuting element is used as a prefix to the name for the fully oxy-
Other types of bonding exist. Those of interest are weakly genated anion, for example, Na 2 S 2 0 s is sodium thiosulfate, or
bonded; the compounds formed decompose more readily than
Na 3 AsS4 is sodium thioarsenate (sodium tetrathioarsenate).
the electrostatic and covalent types. Hydrogen bonding (bridg- In addition to variable oxidation numbers, oxygenated acids
ing) is quite common Dipoledipole bonding also is possible;
(and their salts) present two other nomenclature problems: (1)
very weak associations result. a variation in the degree of hydration of the parent acid anhy-
Complexes are compounds or ions formed when an atom or
dride and (2) the naming of the different salts arising from par-
cation central unit acts as a center about which anions or tial neutralization of polyprotic acids. Table 24-2 shows the pre-
molecules, ligands, arrange themselves. The central unit is said
fixes used for naming the different phosphoric acids (P").
to have a coordination number equal to the number of complex- For salts of diprotic acids, the salt resulting from neutral-
ing ligands. The maximum number of ligands that can arrange
ization of only one proton per acid molecule is named by using
themselves about the central unit is known as its maximum co- the prefix bi- or the words hydrogen or acid with the anion; for
ordination number and is a function of the size of the central
example, NaHCO s is sodium bicarbonate, acid carbonate, or hy-
unit. Usual maximum coordination numbers are 2, 4, 6, or 8. drogen carbonate. The latter form is preferred. Several meth-
The number ofligands that can coordinate with the central unit
ods have been devised for the triprotic acids. These are shown
also is a function of ligand size. Thus, even though the maxi- in Table 24-3. Due to very strongly basic reaction of the solu-
mum coordination number of aluminum is 6, only four of the
tions of Na 3 PO 4 and other tertiary phosphates, the pharmacist
relatively large chloride ions can be accommodated as ligands, must be alert, especially when using containers labeled sodium
for example, lA1FX - versus [A1C14] 1- - phosphate.
The bonding involved in the formation of complexes can be It is evident from Table 24-3 that the numerical Greek pre-
coordinate covalent or electrostatic. Bonds depending on per-
fixes hemi-, mono-, sesqui-, di, tri-, tetra-, penta-, hexa-, hepta-,
manent dipoles are also common, such as with hydrates. octa-, ennea- (nona-), and deca- also are used in naming com-
pounds. In fact there are compounds such as N 2 0 4 , dinitrogen
tetraoxide, that must be named using numerical prefixes be-
NOMENCLATURE cause modern systems of nomenclature are unable to identify
them precisely.
The great advances in chemistry during the past several STOCK NOMENCLATUREClassical nomenclature is
decades have made necessary constant revision of systems of satisfactory for simpler compounds involving atoms with one or
nomenclature, designed to give precise information with re- two oxidation states. It cannot indicate proper stoichiometry
spect to the composition of chemical compounds. Whereas oil of when atoms having three or more oxidation states are involved.
vitriol and lunar caustic at one time were useful names, today The Stock system of nomenclature attempts to overcome the
they must be looked upon as trivial. problem.
CLASSICAL NOMENCLATUREPrior to elucidation of In the Stock system simple cations are named as the ele-
the structure of coordination complexes, the naming of com- ment followed by its oxidation state, expressed in Roman nu-
pounds was handled reasonably well by using nonnumerical pre- merals enclosed in parenthesesfor example, Fe 2+ is iron(II),
fixes and suffixes and Latin or Greek numerical prefixes. In gen- Fe' is iron(III), and Fe' is iron(VI). Simple anions use the
eral the main function of these prefixes and suffixes was to suffix -ide as before. However, complex anions are named using
indicate the oxidation state of elements of variable valence, al- the stem of the name of the central unit and the suffix -ate fol-
though some were intended to connote structural characteristics.
Systematic nomenclature must consider two problems; or-
der of citation and stoichiometry. Order of citation is usually Table 24-2. Nomenclature for the Phosphoric Acids
well defined; for salts and salt-like compounds the most elec-
tropositive element is named first, for example, sodium chlo-
ride. For nonmetals the International Union of Pure and Ap- H2O 1/2P205 F-I P03 iVietaphosphoric acid
plied Chemistry (IUPAC) recommends the following order of Pyrophosphoric acid
citation: B, Si, C, Sb, As, P, N, H, Se, 5, I, Br, Cl, 0, F. 21-1 2 0 + P2 0 5 H4P207 iphosphoric acid
Cations with a single oxidation state simply are named as 31-120 + P205 1-13PO4 Orthophosphoric acid
the element. If a cation has two oxidation states the suffix -ous Phosphoric acid'
is used to indicate the lower oxidation state; for example, mer- 5H20 + 3P205 H513 30ici Triphosphoric acid
curous; the suffix -ic indicates a higher oxidation state: mer- The phosphoric add of commerce and science k orthophosphoric acid.

Table 24-3. Nomenclature of the Phosphate Salts


Preferred name Sodium dihydrogen phosphate Sodium monohydrogen phosphate Sodium phosphate
Other names monobasic sodium phosphate Dibasic sodium phosphate Tribasic sodium phosphate
Primary sodium phosphate Secondary sodium phosphate Tertiary sodium phosphate
OSP 23 monobasic sodium phosphate Dibasic sodium phosphate

lowed by its oxidation state, in Roman numerals enclosed in procedures could be designed for their recovery from atomic
parentheses. The ligand(s) involved are cited before the central reaction products.
unit of the complex. If tw o or more different ligands are present Based on periodic law, the periodic table arranges the ele-
they are cited in alphabetical order, ignoring Greek prefixes. ments into horizontal rows, with the same outermost, partly
The number of each of the individual ligands involved is indi- filled, major quantum groups, and into vertical columns that
cated by the use of Greek numerical prefixes. These latter rules have elements with the same valence electron structures. As a
also govern the citing of ligands associated with complex result, in any given vertical group (family) the members exhibit
cations. The preferred nomenclature for common ligands is similar behavior patterns. Differences are a matter of degree,
given in Table 24-4. depending upon atomic radius and the type of closed shell un-
Stock names are not used for complex anions with well- derlying the valence electron(s).
established classical names. These include sulfate, sulfite, ni- The preferred way of designating columns in the periodic
trate, nitrite, carbonate, phosphate, thiosulfate, cyan ate, and table is controversial. In this chapter the vertical groups of the
thiocyanate. periodic table are identified by the Roman numerals 1 to VIII,
EWENS BASSETT SYSTEMSometimes it is advanta-
- except for the inert gases which are assigned as Group 0. Each
geous to cite the charge on a complex ion rather than the oxi- group divides into two subfamilies, A and B. In this chapter the
dation state of the central unit. The Ewens-Bassett system typical elements will be designated the A subgroupthus, I-A is
gives the charge of the complex ion in Arabic numerals enclosed the alkali metals; the transition element members of the family
in parentheses, after the name. Other than this, the rules for will be designated the B subgroup. Group Viii is not divided
naming a compound are similar to the Stock system. Thus, the into A and B subgroups. It consists of three triads of elements.
common ferrocyanide ion, [Fe(CN) 6 ] 4- becomes hexacyanofer- The members of a given triad are remarkably similar in both
rate(IL using Stock nomenclature, and hexacyanoferrate(-4) physical and chemical properties, such as the first triad of
using the Ewens-Bassett system. Table 24-5 gives some exam- cobalt, nickel, and iron.
ples of modern nomenclature. Hydrogen (ls I ) and helium (1s 2 ) constitute the first row of
A more thorough review of inorganic nomenclature may be the periodic table. Although helium clearly is the first member
found in Discher et al l or Huheey, Reiter, and Keiter. 2 A com- of Group 0, hydrogen customarily is placed at the head of both
prehensive report on the subject will be found in Report of the Group 1-A, the alkalies, and Group VII-A, the halogens. Like
Commission on Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry, issued the alkali metals, it exists as the monovalent cation H, but like
by 1UPAC. 3 the halogens, it also can exist as the monovalent anion H - , the
hydride ion.
Many of the vertical groups of the periodic table have com-
THE PERIODIC TABLE AND FAMILIES mon names. Those already identified are Group 0, the inert
OF ELEMENTS gases; Group I-A, the alkali metals; Group II-A, the alkaline
earths; and Group WI-A, the halogens. Additional named
The periodic table constitutes a valuable tool that systematizes groups are Group V1 A, the chalcogens; Group 1-B, the coinage

the physical and chemical properties of the elements. elements; and Group 11-B, the volatile elements.
The utility of the periodic table lies in its ability to provide Those elements in which a d orbital is filled partially, start-
clues to the physical and chemical behavior of the elements ing at Group III-B and ending at Group II-B, are known as the
and their compounds. Mendeleyev, the chemist who first ar- transition elements. Horizontal similarities exist to a varying
ranged atoms systematically, could predict the existence and degree in the transition elements, especially in the lower oxi-
behavior of elements unknown during his time, such as eka- dation states. As an example, the element palladium, to the left
silicon, now known as germanium. A knowledge of periodic re- of silver, forms an insoluble chloride, PdCl 2 , which is soluble in
lationships enabled atomic scientists to postulate the proper- ammonia.
ties of unknown post-uranic elements successfully so that The lanthanides and actinides (inner transition elements)
are fourteen member families in which f orbitals have 1 to 14
electrons. Each family has very strong horizontal similarities
Table 24-4. Nomenclature for Common Ligands because the electrons in the partly filled external s, p, and d or-
bitals are identical for most.
Because the energy levels of the electrons in the d and f or-
H2O Aqua HS - Mercapto bitals of the transition elements and the inner transition ele-
NH 3 Ammine 5 2- Thio (suifo)a ments, respectively, differ only slightly, these elements give
(sulfido) rise to colored compounds. The energy emitted when an excited
CO Carbonyl 52 2- Disulfido electron falls to a vacant lower level within the d or f orbitals is
F- Fluoro S03 2- Sulfito that of radiation in the visible range of light.
Cl - Ch loro 504
Sulfato Starting at the upper-right corner of the periodic table, as one
5 2 03 2-
Br - Bromo Thiosulfato proceeds down and to the left, the elements assume increasing
1- iodo NO Nitrosyl metallic character; they become more basic, and less elec-
2- Oxo (oxy) 0N0 - Nitrito tronegative (more electropositive). The simple anions become
02 2- Peroxo (peroxy) NO2 - Nitro less stable and the simple cations more stable. Thus, it may be
OH Hydroxo (hydroxy) CN - Cyano
said the nonmetals occupy the upper-right area of the periodic
C 2 0 4 2- Oxalato SCN - Thiocyanato
table and the metallic elements are found to the left and toward
N 20-120-1 2N1 -12 Ethyl enediamine, NCS - Isothiocyanato
or en the bottom. The so-called heavy metals are found in the two bot-
tom rows. Metallic elements, for the most part, are protein pre-
Farms in parentheses are also used. cipitants, the major exception being the alkali metals. Being pro-

Table 24-5. Examples of Modern Nomenclature


K2[H9 1
4] Potassium mercuric iodide Potassium tetra iodomercurate (11) (-2)
[Ag(NH 3 ) 2 1 - Silver ammonia ion Diamminesilver (I) on (+1)
Na3[Au(5203)2] Sodium gold thiosulfate Sodium dithiosulfatoaurate (I) (-3)
[Fe(H20)6]C13 Hydrated ferric chloride Hexaaquairon (III) chloride 1 +3)

BiOCI Bismuthyl chloride Bismuth (III) chloride oxide

[Ni(CO)4 ] Nickel carbonyl Tetracarbonyl nickel (0)
RNH3)5Co02Co(NH3)51 4- Decammine-R-peroxodicobalt (III) ionb (+4)
Na 2 [Fe(CN) 5 0.10)] 21-1 2 0 Sodium nitrobrusside Sodium pentacyanonitrosylferrate (III) ( - 2)
dihyd rate
This number, as shown, substitutes for the Roman numeral of the Stock name.
This ion illustrates the use of 0. to indicate a bridging structure, in this case the peroxo group.
Not applicable.

tein precipitants, metals, especially heavy metals, are toxic. For and and third row triads of Group VIII and the lanthanides and
example Ba, Tl, Pb, and Hg are violent poisons. actinides are not included in these tables because they present
From the above it is obvious there must be an area in the pe- no important applications in pharmacy and medicine.
riodic table where the elements are equally acidic and basic, The orbital electrons are important because they predict the
that is, amphoteric. If a line is drawn diagonally through hy- possible oxidation states, the shielding of the nuclear charge,
drogen and beryllium and through aluminum, germanium, an- and the polarizability for each element. Those oxidation states
timony, and polonium, the elements on the line and some adja- that have been identified for each element also are listed.
cent to it, are amphoteric. Thus, as a base, aluminum forms The atomic radius and the ionic radii give an indication of
compounds such as aluminum chloride; as an acid, it forms the relative size of the members of a family. The negative ions
sodium aluminate equally well. of an element are always larger than the neutral atom; the pos-
In every typical element family the first member of the fam- itive ions are always smaller. Because of the increasing effec-
ily can be quite unlike the other members. It more closely re- tive nuclear charge for a given element, cations of higher charge
sembles the second member of the adjacent group to the right. always are smaller than those with a lower charge. This is im-
These diagonally related elements are known as diagonals or portant because it gives an indication of the effective coordina-
bridge elements. They are tion number of cations and atoms as central units of complexes.
The ionization potential is a measure of the energy required
IA IIA IIIA NA VA VIA VILA to remove an electron by overcoming the attractive force of the
\ Be, A N. CN NN ON F nucleus. Note: This use of the word potential is improper; ion-
l n Si
Na\Mg \ A C1 ization potential is a measure of energy. It is related to atomic
size; removal of the first electron from beryllium and barium re-
Beryllium and aluminum constitute a bridge pair. Beryllium flu- quires 9.3 ev and 5.2 ev, respectively. Because the removal of one
oride is water soluble (but poorly ionized), whereas the fluorides electron effectively increases the nuclear charge by one unit, the
of magnesium and the other alkaline earths are sparingly solu- second ionization potential is about double that of the first, 18.2
ble. Unlike magnesium and the alkaline earths, beryllium read- ev and 9.95 ev for beryllium and barium, respectively.
ily acts as the central ion of complexes, both in the solid state and Electronegativity, discussed previously, gives an indication of
in solution. Like aluminum, beryllium is amphoteric, gives rise the type of bonding resulting when two atoms react. It gives an
to alums, catalyses the Friedel-Craft reaction, and so on. indication of the extent of polarization in covalent compounds.
Tables 24-6 to 24-17 will summarize some useful properties It also is used to determine the order of citation in the naming
and facts concerning the groups of the periodic table. The sec- of binary compounds.


Because the inert gases were unknown at the time, Mendeleyev ferences are reflected in the values of their physical constants
made no provision for them in his proposed atomic table. With (Table 24-6).
their subsequent discovery Group 0 seemed the most appropri- Each inert gas, except helium, is characterized by outer-
ate designation. The group fits very nicely into Mendeleyev's most electron shell of the inert gas structure, ns 2np' (see Table
arrangement. Its presence explains the extreme transition of 24-6). Helium has the 1s 2 structure; the ns structure is
properties in going from the very electronegative halogen fam- achieved in many stable cations, for example, Pia'. Because all
ily to the very electropositive alkali metal family. This shift in electrons are paired, the chemical inertness of the group is pre-
properties in going from halogen to inert gas to alkali metal is dictable and is reflected in terms of peak ionization potentials
shown clearly by the change in the valence electron structures: and various other characteristics. However, under unusual re-
action conditions, there is evidence of hydrate formation. Some
(n 1)s 2 (n 1)p 5 (n 1)s 2 (n 1)p 5 (n 1)s 2 (n 1 )p ions'
relatively stable fluorides, such as XeF 2 , XeF4 , and Xe F6, a crys-
All Group 0 elements except radon occur in the atmosphere. talline sodium perxenate, and possibly a perkryptate, are
Helium also occurs in commercial quantities in certain natural known.
gases in the southwestern US. Argon, neon, krypton, and xenon However, in comparison with other elements, those of Group
are produced from liquid air by fractional distillation. Helium is 0 still are classed logically as chemically inert.
produced similarly from the natural gases named above. Radon Helium, because of its low density and low solubility in blood
is recovered from the natural decay products of radium. is used to prepare synthetic airs.
The inert gases are monoatomic and are colorless, odorless Argon is relatively plentiful as it is a byproduct of the frac-
gases under ordinary conditions of temperature and pressure. tionation of liquid air for the production of oxygen and nitrogen.
They vary widely in atomic mass and atomic volume. These dif- It is used as an inert atmosphere for industrial processes in

Table 24-6. The Elements of Group O a


Symbol He Ne Ar Kr Xe Rn
Atomic number 2 10 18 36 54 86
Atomic weigh -0 4.003 20.18 39.95 83.80 131.3 (222) d
Orbital electrons 1s 2 [He]2s2 p 5 [Ne]3s 2 3p 5 [ Ar]3d 1 4s2 4,3 5 [Kr]4d 10 5s 2 5p 5 [Xe]4f 14
5c1 1 6s 2 6p 5
Atomic radius (A) 1.80 1.60 1.92 2.00 2.20 2.29
ionization potential,' ev 24.6 21.6 15.8 1 4.0 12.1 1 0.7
% by volume in air 5 x 10 -4 15 x 10 -4 0.94 11 X 10 -5 9 x 10 -5
Physical data are from reference 4. Atomic and ionic radii are from Pauling 5 and modified by the work of Shannon and Prewitt. 6 See also reference 7.
Given to four significant figures.
First ionization potential, unless otherwise noted.
Atomic weights in parenthesis are now known exactly.
Note - The above apply to Tables 24-6 to 24-17.

which nitrogen, the usual inert atmosphere, reacts with the Radon is used instead of radium in the treatment of certain
materials present. types of cancer. Sealed tubes containing the gas are embedded
Krypton and xenon have been investigated for possible use as in the tissues to be treated. Both radium and radon emit alpha
anesthetics. However, the sparsity of these elements in nature particles in the first stage of their radioactive decay. Radon is a
imposes severe limitations on such use. 1313)Ce is used for diag- public health concern because it has been found in the base-
nostic studies both by inhalation and intravenous injection. ments of some private homes.

The elements of Group I (Tables 24-7 and 24-8) are character- the salts are neutral to strongly basic, depending on the
ized by having only one valence electron, 718 1 The subgroups. strength of the anion as a Bronsted base. Most distinguishing
differ in that Group I-A has an underlying, stable, inert gas properties of the salts and their solutions are due to the anion
shell, (n-1)8 2 (n-1)p'rts 1 , whereas in Group 1-B this has been present, rather than the cation; if they are colored, the anion is
replaced by a completed d shell, (n-1 )d i 71S 1 . responsible.
These elements are strongly metallic, giving rise to cations, The cations hydrate in aqueous media; the degree of solva-
M . Because electrons can be removed from the underlying d tion decreases with increasing atomic number. In the crys-
shell, Group I-B elements can exhibit higher positive oxidation talline state only lithium and sodium regularly form hydrates.
states, M 2+ and W . Potassium and ammonium salts (below) rarely are hydrated; if
hydrated, the water usually is associated with the anion.

Elements of Group I-A

Group I-A comprises the most reactive of all the metallic ele- Except for those properties due to mass and degree of hydra-
ments, and the activity increases with atomic number. The tion, sodium and potassium compounds are remarkably simi-
cations of these elements are stable chemically; the free ele- lar. Sodium salts are selected more frequently for use on a
ments are not found in nature. The single positive charge of the strictly economic basis. In addition, because of the lower atomic
nucleus is screened effectively by the inert gas shell, thus these weight of sodium, there usually are more reactive units per
cations have little or no polarizing effect on anions and gram when using sodium salts. (However, the greater hydra-
molecules and therefore do not form complexes. tion of the sodium versus the potassium salts may partially or
The hydroxides give alkaline solutions, alkalinity increasing entirely erase this latter advantage.)
with atomic number. Alkali metal salts of common inorganic Despite the foregoing factors, subtle differences often favor
and organic acids are ionic, are usually colorless and, with few use of the potassium salt. Generally, a given potassium salt is
exceptions, are readily soluble in water. Aqueous solutions of more soluble in nonpolar solvents. Potassium salts generally are

Table 24-7. Elements of Group I-A


Symbol l-I Li Na K Rb Cs Fr
Atomic number 1 3 11 19 37 55 87
Atomic weight 1.008 6.94/ 22.99 39.10 85.47 132.91 (223)
Orbital electrons 1s' [ He]2s' [Ne]3s' [Ar]4s 1 [ Kr15s 1 [Xe]fis 1 [Rn]7s'
Oxidation states -1, +1 +1 -i 1 +1 +1 +1 +1
Atomic radius (A) 0.37 1.50 1.86 2.31 2.44 2.62
Ionic radius (A) 1.36 ( -1) 4 0.60 (11) 0.95 ( i-1) 1.33(+1) 1.48 (11) 1.69 (11) 1.76 (+1)
Ionic (hydrated) radius (A) 3.40 2.76 3.32 2.28 2.28
Ionization potential 13.527 5.39 5.14 4.34 4.18 3.89
Electronegativity, b ev 2.1 0.98 0.93 0.82 0.82 0.79 0.7
% of earth's crust 0.127 6.5 x 10 -3 2.8 2.6 3.1 x 10 -2 7 x '10 -4
Hydride ion; figure in parenthesis is the oxidation state.
Pauling scale. 5

Table 24.8. The Elements of Groups I-B and II-B


Symbol Cu Ag Au Zn Cd Hg
Atomic number 29 47 79 30
48 80
Atomic weight 63.54 107.87 196.97 65.38 1 12.4 2 0 0.5 9
Orbital electrons [Ar]3cP O 4s t [Kr- ]4e:1 5s' [Xe]41 14 5c1 10 6s 1 [Ar]3 e4s 2 [Kr]4ci t0 5s 2 [Xlj 1 14 5d"fis 2
Oxidation states +1, +2 +1, +2 +1, (+2), +3 2 +2 +1,
Atomic radius (A) ., 1.40 1.70 1.70 1 A0 1.60 1.50
ionic (crystal) radii (A) 0.96 (1.1) 1.26 (+1) 1.37 (+1) 1.27 (+1)
0.72 (1.2) 0.89 (+2) 0.99 (+3) 0.88 (+2) 1.09 (+2) 1.16 (1 2)
Ionization potential, ev 7.724 7.574 9.223 6.92 8.99 10.42
Electronegativity 1.90 1.93 2.54 1.65 1.69 2.00
% of earth's crust 10 -4 10 -8 10 -9 1.3 x 10 -2 1.5 x 10 -5 ca 10 -6

less deliquescent than the corresponding sodium salt; for exam- potassium and rubidium salts, with which they are commonly
ple, potassium permanganate is used rather than the deliques- isomorphous. The relationship extends to solubilities, as evi-
cent sodium permanganate. Finally, the living cell differentiates denced by the general water solubility of ammonium salts of in-
between the two cations; sodium is the cation of the extracellular organic and organic acids, but the low water solubility of such
fluids, whereas potassium is the cation of the intracellular fluids. salts as the bitartrate, chloroplatinate, and perchlorate.
Sodium compounds are used widely in pharmacy and However, there are important differences. Ammonium hy-
medicine. With a few exceptions, such as sodium chloride in droxide ( mainly a solution of ammonia molecules in water) is
electrolyte replenishers, the therapeutic activity is referable to feebly basic. The equilibrium
the anionic component of the salt. Sodium is commonly the
NH3 + H 2 O NH 4 + +
cation of choice to optimize the pharmaceutical utility of or-
ganic medicaments, as in methiodal sodium, phenobarbital lies strongly to the left unless the hydroxyl ion is removed by
sodium, or sodium citrate. neutralization. Solutions of ammonium salts are acidic rather
Because of the propensity of sodium ion to promote retention than basic.
of water in the tissues, sodium salts are used with caution in Ammonium salts commonly used therapeutically include
the treatment of cardiac and renal conditions in which edema is the carbonate, chloride, and bromide. The bromide is used as a
a problem. Some drugs, such as hydrochlorothiazide, promote central depressant. Both the chloride and carbonate are com-
excretion of potassium ion to an extent requiring auxiliary di- mon ingredients in expectorant preparations.
etary intake of potassium, usually as the chloride or gluconate. In aqueous solution form, ammonia is used in pharmacy as
Potassium ion has a diuretic effect. The thiazides also cause the a mild alkalizer. It often is preferred to the alkali bases because
excretion of magnesium ion. of its volatility, any excess being detected by its odor, and it is
removed readily by heat. The ammonia in household use con-
tains 10% NH,s and is known as 16 ammonia (degrees Baum6,
RUBIDIUM AND CESIUM a concentration term).
Rubidium and its cation are very similar in behavior to potas-
sium. Neither rubidium nor cesium find application in phar-
macy and medicine at this time. Elements of Group I-B

LITHIUM The Group I-B elements have been known since antiquity. Be-
cause they occur in the free metallic state, are relatively easy to
Being a bridge element, the behavior of the element lithium recover from their ores, and they are very malleable, they have
and its compounds often is decidedly different from that of the been used throughout history to make decorative vessels and
other members of the alkali family. At room temperature the jewelry. They have been employed for centuries as a measure of
free metal is much less reactive with water; on burning it forms monetary w ealth and for the fabrication of coins, hence the fam-
the normal oxide rather than the peroxide. Lithium carbonates ily name coinage metals.
and phosphates are only slightly water-soluble. Its chloride is These elements and their compounds are strikingly differ-
soluble in organic solvents. Lithium salts are highly hydrated. ent from those of Group I-A. Colored compounds are numerous.
In all of these properties lithium resembles magnesium, and to The hydroxides and many of the simple salts are insoluble in
some extent calcium, more closely than sodium. water. All readily act as the central unit of complexes. The sol-
Lithium has no normal physiological role. In its former ther- uble compounds of these elements are toxic. A summary of their
apeutic applications (eg, lithium bromide) the activity was in- i mportant characteristics is given in Table 24-8.
herent in the anion. However, because of the toxic character of
the lithium ion, as reve aled by use oflithium chloride in salt sub-
stitutes, continued use of these lithium compounds is not justi- COPPER
fied. Lithium Carbonate USP and Lithium Citrate USP have
been found valuable in the treatment of hypomanic and manic Of the monovalent compounds, copper(I) oxide, Cu 2 0, and cop-
states. However, these patients must be monitored carefully for per(I) chloride, Cu 2 C1 2 , are used most frequently. Important
blood lithium levels because of the toxicity of the cation. copper(II) (cupric) salts are the oxide, CuO, and sulfate,
CuSO 4 -5H 2 0. Copper compounds are toxic.
Copper is an essential trace element. Small quantities en-
AMMONIA AND AMMONIUM hance the physiological utilization of iron. It occurs in the res-
COMPOUNDS piratory pigment hemocyanin, in many enzymes, and is dis-
tributed widely in foods.
Ammonia [NH 3 ] coordinates readily with a proton to form the Copper compounds have been used in a variety of medicinal
ammonium ion1NHA . This ion displays many ofthe properties applications. Copper gluconate, cupric chloride dihydrate, and
of the alkali metal ions. Its salts show a striking resemblance to cupric sulfate pentahydrate are the officially cited copper com-

pounds at this time. The radioactive 'Cu isotope has been em- of the gold ions is improved by complexation. This particularly
ployed in mineral metabolism studies. Copper(11) sulfate is the is true if a sulfur linkage is available. Because of the ease of re-
basis for Fehling's and Benedict's Solutions, the classic test so- duction, gold compounds must be handled with exceptional care
lutions for reducing sugars. Various copper compounds find and, if possible, dispensed separately.
commercial application as fungicides and insecticides, and they At the present time, gold compounds are employed in the
are particularly effective algaecides. treatment of lupus erythematosus and rheumatoid arthritis.
Aurothioglucose and gold sodium thiomalate are listed in the
USP. Because these gold compounds are absorbed poorly when
SILVER given orally, parenteral administration is required.
Dimercaprol (BAL) is used as an antidote if the patient
With the exception of the nitrate and fluoride, the common salts shows signs of gold toxicity. Auranofin, [(2,3,4,6-tetra-O-acetyl-
of silver in the +1 oxidation state are insoluble or only slightly 1-thio- 3-d-glucopyranosato)(triethylphosphine)goldl, is avail-
soluble in water. Many, including the oxide, react with and dis- able in a tablet dosage form and is showing some success in the
solve in ammonia water; the iodide and sulfide are important oral treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.
exceptions. Silver also forms a +2 series of salts. Silver has an The radioactive isotope I 'Au is employed therapeutically in
oligodynamic action. Water distilled in contact with silver the treatment of certain malignancies.
metal remains sterile over long periods of time. Each element in Group II is characterized by the presence of
Because of the ability of silver ion to precipitate protein and two s electrons in the outermost orbital. Subgroup II-A ele-
chloride in the affected tissue, silver compounds such as silver ments have a (n-1)s 2 (n-1)p 6 ns 2 outer electron structure, ex-
nitrate are employed to provide local germicidal action. Silver cept for the small beryllium atom whose structure is 1s 2 2s 2 .

sulfadiazine is used topically as a germicide. Silver is released Subgroup Il-B differs in that its underlying electron structure
slowly from these in situ precipitates to give lasting germicidal is the filled d orbital, (n- 1)d I 718 2 .
action. Cosmetic problems can result because of discoloration
due to the photosensitivity of silver ion.
Preparations containing silver or silver compounds in col-
loidal solution once were used widely as topical antiseptics; eg Elements of Group II-A
Mild Silver Protein, for which there is a renewed interest in
ophthalmology. By increasing their concentration, silver ions Although Group II-A is called the alkaline earth group, there is
may be used to bring about protein precipitation. To reduce some question whether magnesium, and especially beryllium,
brittleness, some silver chloride (5%) is formed in silver ni- should be included under that title. Except for amphoteric
trate by adding hydrochloric acid or potassium chloride; the beryllium, these elements are strictly metallic. Like the alkali
product, Toughened Silver Nitrate, is cast into sticks and used metals, because of chemical reactivity, they do not occur free in
as a styptic. nature. They function uniformly in the +2 oxidation state
The ready reducibility of silver ion to elemental silver gives (Table 24-9).
rise to various instability problems and incompatibilities. Be- The similarity existing between calcium, strontium, and
cause silver compounds are light sensitive, they must be pro- barium is especially striking Calcium, strontium, and barium
tected by the use of light-resistant containers. The soluble sil- react readily with water to form hydroxides with the simulta-
ver salts are toxic. However, the toxicity usually is limited, neous evolution of hydrogen. Magnesium reacts similarly but
owing to local precipitation of adherent layers of silver protein only at elevated temperatures. The hydroxides of beryllium and
and silver chloride. magnesium are insoluble in water; that of beryllium is ampho-
teric. Although less soluble than the alkali hydroxides, the hy-
droxides of calcium, strontium, and barium give strongly basic
GOLD solutions. The carbonates, phosphates, sulfates, and fluorides
are insoluble; they are important in analytical work.
Two series of gold compounds exist: for example, AuCl, gold(I) Except for hydrate formation, the three heavier members of
chloride (aurous chloride); and AuCL, gold(III) chloride (auric the family do not form complex ions. Magnesium forms a few
chloride). Gold readily acts as the center for the formation of crystalline complexes of the type K 2 MgF4 .
complexes, for example, Na ; dAu(S 2 0 3 ) 2 ], sodium dithiosulfa-
toaurate(1), sodium dithiosulfatoaurate(-3), gold sodium thio-
sulfate. BERYLLIUM
Chemically gold salts are characterized by instability to
heat, light, and even very mild reducing agents. Simple gold(I) Being amphoteric, the element beryllium appears both as simple
salts can undergo autoxidation, giving rise to finely divided salts and berylates. The cation complexes readily, as in
metal and the corresponding gold(lll) compound. The stability [Be(H 2 0) 4 P+ or [Be(NH3)4l 2 . As a bridge element, beryllium

Table 24-9. The Elements of Group II-A


Symbol Be Mg Ca Sr Ba Ra
Atomic number 4 12 20 38 56 88
Atomic weight 9.012 24.31 40.08 87.62 137.3 226.03
Orbital electrons [HI e]2s2 [Ne]3s 2 [Ar]4s 2 [Kr]5s 2 [Xe]fis2 [Rn]7s2
Oxidation states 2 2 +2 2 2 2
Atomic radius (A) 0.90 1.70 1.74 1.92 1.98
Ionic (crystal) radius (A) 0.31 0 2)' 0.65 (+2) 0.99 (+2) 1.13 (+2) 1.35 0 2) 1.43 (+2)
(coordination number 6)
Ionization potential, ev OW' 9.3 7.6 6.1 5.7 5.2 5.252
1 8.2 15.0 11.9 11.0 9.95 10.099
Electronegativity 1.57 1.31 1.00 0.95 0.89 0.9
% of earth's crust 6 x 10 2.1 3.6 0.03 0.025 1.3 x 10 i
Coordination number 4.
Second ionization potential.

resembles aluminum in its behavior. This similarity is so strik- past it has been used as the carrier cation for therapeutically
ing that many early workers considered beryllium a lighter active anions, as in strontium bromide.
member of the aluminum family before Mendeleyev correctly
placed it in Group II. Although its ionic diameter is considerably
greater than that of beryllium, the higher +3 charge on the alu- BARIUM
minum ion results in a polarizing ability similar to that of beryl-
hum. Both elements dissolve in caustic alkalis and both form a Chemically, barium is the most active of Group II-A. Its cation
protective coating on their surface when placed in nitric acid. The is stable under all ordinary conditions. Barium hydroxide is sol-
halides of both elements have similar solubilities in organic sol- uble and is a strong base. Because of this, it often finds appli-
vents. Both elements act as Lewis acids and give rise to alums. cation in analytical and synthetic operations.
Beryllium metal and its compounds are extremely toxic In sharp contrast to the lighter members of Group 11-A all
when ingested, inhaled, or absorbed through the skin. None of barium compounds that are soluble either in water or in dilute
its compounds are employed as therapeutic agents. acid are poisonous. The most readily available antidote for bar-
ium ingestion is magnesium sulfate (Epsom Salt).
With the exception of barium sulfate, which finds use as a
radiopaque, barium compounds are not employed as medicinal
MAGNESIUM agents. Barium hydroxide lime is employed as a carbon dioxide
absorber. Artificial radioactive isotopes of barium have been
Magnesium is a relatively abundant element that is chemically
employed in pharmacokinetic investigations.
active. The cation, Mg 2 , is stable under all conditions ordinar-
ily met in pharmaceutical practice. Magnesium compounds are
employed for a variety of purposes in therapeutics. Many of its
insoluble compounds are used as gastric antacids. The hydrox- Elements of Group II-B
ide and sulfate are used as cathartics, and the sulfate as an an-
ticonvulsant. A concentrated solution of the sulfate often is
used topically as a bath so that, by osmotic action of the con- Because zinc, cadmium, and mercury (see Table 24-8) have
centrated sulfate solution, a local infection may be drawn to the comparatively low boiling points, 907, 768, and 357, respec-
surface of the skin and be expelled. tively; they are referred to frequently as the volatile metals.
Toxic manifestations following magnesium administration The common oxidation state is +2, but mercury also exists in
are relatively rare; calcium gluconate given intravenously is an the +1 state. This latter state is achieved by the formation of
effective antidote. The stearate is employed as a lubricant in a covalent, two electron bond between two mercury atoms.
the preparation of compressed tablets. The artificial radioactive Thus the mercury(I) ion (mercurous) is always written Hg 2 2+ .
isotope 27 Mg, has been employed in research involving photo- The filled (n-1)d '1 orbital is stable in this family. Unlike
synthesis. Group 1-B there are no oxidation states involving loss of a d
There is an increasing awareness of the critical importance electron. There is increasing covalent character in the salts of
of magnesium ions in human biochemistry. Because ion- spe- these elements; for example, fused zinc chloride conducts elec-
cific electrode potentiometry now allows measurement of free, tric current whereas the mercury chlorides do not. These ele-
unbound magnesium ions, plasma concentrations may be mea- ments readily complex with most common ligands and con-
sured and the concentration in the cytosol may be inferred. As centrated solutions exhibit autocomplexation. Only zinc is
the second most plentiful cation inside the cell and a natural sufficiently amphoteric to form a stable oxygen complex,
calcium channel blacker, magnesium ions are important in Zn0 2 2- , the zincate ion.
many cardiovascular diseases. Successful absorption from the
gastrointestinal tract appears to depend on the nature of the
magnesium salt that is used. ZINC
All soluble zinc salts show some degree of hydrolysis,
Zn 2+ + 2H 2 0 [Zn(OH)] + + H3 0 +
Thus, all zinc salts of weak Bronsted bases show an acid
Calcium is a relatively reactive metal whose cation is stable.
However, soluble calcium salts undergo metathesis with solu-
Zinc has many therapeutic applications in the treatment of
ble borates, carbonates, citrates, oxalates, phosphates, sulfates,
various external surfaces of the body and in wound healing,
and tartrates to yield insoluble calcium compounds. These re-
taste acuity, and various ophthalmic problems (eg, macular de-
actions often lead to pharmaceutical incompatibilities.
generation). Strong zinc sulfate solution is used as an emetic;
Calcium is indispensable to life. Calcium, and to a much
its emetic action is so rapid that little or no zinc salt is absorbed.
lesser degree, magnesium, is the cation of hydroxyapatite, the
Zinc is present in all living organisms; it is distributed widely
major constituent (98%) of the bones and teeth. Calcium is es-
in foods. It is an essential trace element and an essential com-
sential to many physiological processes. Therapeutic categories
ponent of carbonic anhydrase and many other enzymes.
represented by official calcium compounds include: antacids
Zinc compounds soluble in water or in the gastric fluid, eg,
and calcium replenishers.
ZnO, may be poisonous. There is a relatively wide margin of
Calcium is frequently the cation of choice to carry therapeu-
safety between the required intake and toxic intake. The most
tically active anions, such as calcium aminosalicylate and cal-
readily available antidote is sodium bicarbonate (baking soda).
cium cyclobarbital. In some instances, this is referable to better
Artificial radioactive isotopes of zinc have been employed in
physical characteristics of the calcium compound; in others, it
studies of mineral metabolism.
is a deliberate attempt to avoid an unnecessary intake of
sodium. The artificial radioactive 'Ca isotope has been em-
ployed in studies involving mineral metabolism.
Cadmium is truly intermediate in properties to zinc and mer-
STRONTIUM cury. Soluble cadmium compounds are astringent; CdSO 4 has
been used both as a topical astringent and for eye infections.
The behavior of the element strontium is very similar to cal- Cadmium sulfide has been introduced for the treatment of seb-
cium. Ingested, its distribution is similar to that of calcium. At orrheic dermatitis. In Japan, ltai-Itai disease is believed to be
this time it has no application in pharmacy or medicine. In the caused by drinking water contaminated with cadmium.

Table 24-10. The Elements of Group III-A


Symbol B Al Ga In TI
Atomic number 5 13 31 49 81
Atomic weight 10.81 26.98 69.72 114.8 204.37
Orbital electrons [He]2s 2 2p' [Ne]3s 2 3p' [Arl3d 1 4s2 4p 1 [Kr14rl i0 5s 2 5p 1 [Xe]4f 14 5c/ 1 6s 2 6p 1
Oxidation states +3 (1 1), +3 +1, +2, +3 +1, +3 +1, +3
Atomic radius (A) 0.82 1.25 1.26 1.44 2.0
Ionic (crystal) radius (A) - 1.90 (+ 1) 1.90 (+1) 1.64 (+1)
(coordination number 6) 0.20 (+3)a 0.675 (+3) 0.76 (+ 3) 0.94 (+3) 1.03 (+3)
Ionization potential, ev 8.30 5.95 6.0 5.8 6.1
25.15 18.82 20.4 18.8 20.3
(He 37.92 28.44 30.6 27.9 29.7
Electronegativity 2.04 1.61 1.81 1.78 1.62
% of earth's crust 3 x 10' 8.13 1.5 x 10 - 3 1 0- 5 ca 10 -4
Coordination number 4.
Second and third ionization potential.

MERCURY FDA has now issued guidelines for the over-the-counter use of
mercury compounds. The April 22, 1998 Federal Register con-
Mercury is a true metal. As indicated previously, it alone of the tained an FDA announcement about OTC mercury compounds,
family has two series of salts. Mercury and its compounds are a summary of which is given here.
extremely toxic. Mercury metal, because of its low boiling point, "Since 1980, the FDA has instituted progressively restric-
has an appreciable vapor pressure even at room temperature. tive rules on mercury-containing OTC drug products. Now in
All common mercury salts are poisonous. The best antidote the absence of any components or data from manufacturers
for mercury poisoning, particularly the bichloride, is Sodium supporting the use of the se products, FDA has declared all mer-
Formaldehyde Sulfoxylate NF. Egg albumen may be used in cury-containing drugs for OTC products as 'not generally rec-
an emergency if the poisoning is discovered shortly after in- ognized as safe and effective' or 'misbranded.' Effective October
gestion. The white of one egg should be administered for each 19, 1998, the new rule outlaws well-known products such as
250 mg of mercuric chloride ingested. Emesis should be in- Mercurochrome (merbromin), calomel (mercurous chloride),
duced promptly thereafter. If mercury is spilled it should be and thimerosal for all OTC first-aid antiseptics, diaper rash
recovered immediately. Mercury that falls into cracks and products, and vaginal contraceptives."
other difficult to clean places is removed best by covering with Monographs for Ammoniated Mercury (ointment and oph-
powdered sulfur, allowing several days for conversion to sul- thalmic ointment) and Nitromersol (and topical solution) are
fide, then vacuuming. found in the USP.
In former years, metallic mercury was important therapeu- The radioactive nuclides l 'Hg and 213 Hg are used in a di-
tically as a cathartic and parasiticide, but it has been replaced agnostic capacity.
largely by more efficacious and less toxic medicaments. The


Group III of the periodic table includes some 36 elements book.) The lanthanide cerium, as cerium(IV), is a widely
which, on the basis of external electron structure, divide into used analytical reagent. Because the lanthanides and ac-
the usual Group III-A (Table 24-10) with 5 elements, and tinides have no applications in pharmacy, further discussion
Group 111-B with 31 elements. Subgroup 111-B further di- is unnecessary.
vides into the usual transition elements (Table 24-11), the The members of this family are very reactive and do not ap-
lanthanides (14 elements) and actinides (14 elements). (See pear in nature in the free state. They have no known biological
the Periodic Chart of the Elements in the back of this text- role.

Table 24-11. Transition Elements



Symbol Sc Y La Ti Zr Hf
Atomic number 21 39 57 22 40 72
Atomic weight 44.96 88.91 138.9 47.90 91.22 178.5
Orbital electrons [ArI3c1 1 4s2 [Kr14d 1 5s 2 [Xe]5ci t 6s2 [Ar13d2 4s2 [Kr14d2 5s 2 [Xe14f 14 5cP6s 2
Oxidation states 3+ 3+ 3+ 2+, 3+, 4+ 2+, 4+ (2-0, 4+
Atomic radius (A) 1.51 1.8 1.87 1.36 1.45 1.44
Ionic radii (A) 0.81 (3+) 0.93 (3+) 1.15 (3+) 1.00 (2+) -

(coordination number 6) 0.75 (4+) 0.86 (4+) 0.85 (4+)

Ionization potential, ev 6.7 6.5 5.6 6.82 6.84 ca 5.5
Electronegativity 1.54 1.53 1.3
of earth's crust 0.44 0.022 4.5 x 10 -4 0.629 0.028

However, some dietary mineral formulas include boron in some

Elements of Group III-A form, such as amino acid chelate, because boron appears to be
involved in bone metabolism.
In this family of elements an electron appears in the p orbital of Boric acid and the borates have no germicidal activity and,
the valence shell for the first time; each element has the struc- at best, are feebly bacteriostatic. On the basis of their toxicity
ture Its 2np l . Theoretically two oxidation states are possible. and negligible antiseptic value the use of these compounds is
The first, +1, arises by the loss of the single p electron. The re- unwarranted.
sulting helide structure, Its', has sufficient stability to give rise Boric acid in various dosage forms is employed as a topical
to stable ions such as Ga + , hi t , and T1 . Aluminum has this ox- anti-infective; in solution it is used as an eye wash. Sodium bo-
idation state only at elevated temperatures and it is not evident rate is bacteriostatic and is a frequent ingredient of cold
with B, Sc, Y, La. creams, eye washes, and mouthwashes. Sodium perborate is an
With the loss of all three valence electrons the +3 oxida- oxidizing type of local anti-infective. Various borate buffers are
tion state appears in all the elements of the family. With in- used in collyria. A common incompatibility in the use of these
creasing atomic number the +3 state becomes more elec- buffers is the precipitation of insoluble borates from neutral or
trovalent in character. Boron trichloride is a covalent alkaline buffers. All common metals, except the alkalies, pre-
compound, aluminum chloride is for practical purposes cova- cipitate as insoluble borates.
lent, and gallium(III) chloride has some covalent character. Boric Acid and Sodium Borate (borax) are cited in the NF.
Because a normal octet is not achieved in these compounds,
an electron deficient structure results. As there are only
three electron pairs in the valence shell the electron-pair re-
pulsive forces are weaker, and the molecules become electron-
pair acceptors. Aluminum is the most abundant of the metals and the third
Due to the weaker repulsive forces, these MX3 molecules most abundant element, being exceeded in natural occurrence
give rise to triangular structures with hybrid sp 2 orbitals. The only by oxygen and silicon. The metal and its hydroxide are am-
metal occupies the center of the triangle. By accepting a fourth photeric, but only those compounds in which it acts as a base
electron-pair the octet is completed and sp' hybrids form. The are pharmaceutically important. As a result of its high charge,
addends rearrange to give tetrahedral structures with the small diameter, and electron-pair deficiency, the aluminum
metal ion in the center of the tetrahedron. (III) ion is incapable of independent existence in polar solvents.
Because the initial compounds, such as AlC1 3 , are electron- Due to the very high field strength surrounding this ion, corn-
pair deficient, they are Lewis acids. As such, they act as cata- plexation always takes place.
lysts for the Friedel-Crafts synthesis. Many insoluble aluminum compounds find use as gastric
Members of this family give rise to an interesting series antacids. Due to their astringency, soluble aluminum salts
of double salts, the alums. The common formula is M 2 are used for various skin conditions and in antiperspi-
+ +
M3+ 2(S 04)4'241120, where M is a monovalent ion (eg, Na , K , rants and deodorants. Kaolin is used as an adsorbent and
Rh + , NH4 + , Tl + ) and 111P + is a trivalent ion (eg, + Tr+, Cr3+ , demulcent, and bentonite is useful as a suspending agent. In
or Fe' ). The prototype of these double salts is alum, K 2 Al 2 paste form, elemental aluminum is employed topically as a
(SO 4 ) 4 -24H 2 0. protective.
There is some concern about chronic aluminum toxicity and
its effect on the brain, possibly manifesting itself in the elderly.
BORON The use of aluminum sulfate at very low levels in water purifi-
Boron appears only in the +3 oxidation state and is a nonmetal. cation and the presence of aluminum in baking powder is being
Several oxyacids are known. Metaboric acid, (11130 2 ), and the questioned.
metaborate ion do not exist as monomers. Orthoboric acid,
(1-1 3 130 3 ), exists as a hydrogen-bonded layered structure,
which explains the flaky form in which it is available. Discrete GALLIUM, INDIUM, AND THALLIUM
H3 130 3 molecules exist in the gaseous state and in solution. It
is a weak acid, ionizing in solution. The remaining elements of Group III-A, gallium, indium, and
thallium, are not of interest in pharmacy except for the use of
H 3 130 3 + 2H 2 0 H3 0 + [B(OH)4] their radioactive isotopes as diagnostic aids, 'Ga, "'In, "'In,
The pH of a 0.1M solution is 5.3. In addition there is a tetrabo- and 2 '1'1.
rate, available as borax, usually formulated as Na 2 13 4 0 7 . Thallium compounds are among the most toxic and are ab-
10H 2 0. In water the tetraborate ion reacts as sorbed from the intestine and through the skin from oint-
ments and creams. Its action is somewhat similar to that of
[13 4 0 5 ( OH) 4 ] 2- + 5H 2 0 2[B(OH) 3 ] + 2[B(OH) 4 ] - arsenic. Deaths have been recorded from a thallium cosmetic
The strong alkalinity of solutions of all borates is due to the re- use. Thallium compounds have been used in insecticides, es-
action pecially ant poisons. Thallium(I) is similar to potassium ion in
that T1011 is a strong base and their salts are isomorphous.
[13(OH) 4 F [B(OH) 3 ] +
Thallium(III) is similar in behavior to aluminum(Ill) and
Boric acid is soluble in polyhydroxy compounds such as glyc- gold(III).
erol. In anhydrous media esterification takes place to fonnglyc- Gallium is interesting because, except for mercury, it has
eroborate. In aqueous media glyceroboric acid forms an acid the lowest melting point of the metals (29.75 0 ). It also is un-
that is valuable in the analytical determination of boric acid. usual for its +2 oxidation state. Because this requires an odd
Since it is a bridge element, certain properties of boron re- electron it is difficult to explain because gallium(II) compounds
semble those of silicon, its diagonal neighbor in Group IV-A. are not paramagnetic. It has been postulated that equal num-
The boron hydrides and boranes resemble the silanes. The boro- bers of gallium(I) and gallium(III) ions may exist in these com-
hydride ion, [3H 4 ] - , is available commercially as the sodium pounds to give a formula MIMX 4 r. Gallium(III) has proper-
salt, which is a valuable reducing agent. ties very similar to iron(III). In fact, gallium (III) binds to
Boron and its compounds are toxic, both by ingestion and by transferrin, an iron transport protein, and appears to be useful
absorption through broken or inflamed skin Numerous fatali- in treating cancer-related hypercalcemia.
ties have occurred; especially depressing are infants deaths as Indium is quite similar to both aluminum and gallium. It
a result of the use of dusting powders containing boric acid. too, under very special conditions, exists as a divalent chloride.

pendent on the increasing atomic radius. As scandium is the

Elements of Group Ill-B smallest, it has the greatest polarizing power and most readily
forms complexes of the type K9 SCF6. Yttrium has properties ap-
proximately midway between scandium and lanthanum. This
Some properties of the Group III 13 elements are given in Table
- gradation of properties is shown nicely with the three hydrox-
24-11. These three elements exhibit only the +3 oxidation state ides: Sc(OH) 3 is a weak base, Y(OH) 3 is stronger, and La(OH) 3
and are quite similar. The differences are mostly of degree, de- is a very strong base.


The elements of this group are similar in that each has four va- classical division of the field of chemistry into inorganic and or-
lence electrons, two of which are s electrons. However, the re- ganic disciplines.
maining two valence electrons enter different orbitals to give Silicon also is unique for the extensive range of complex, in-
the structure ns 2 np 2 for Group N-A and (n-1)ens 2 for Group soluble alumino-silicates it forms.
IV-B. Because of this there is a strong tendency for all members
of the family except carbon and silicon to form inert pair ions.
Except for the larger atoms, many of the compounds are cova-
lent or predominantly covalent. All elements of the family show CARBON
the +4 oxidation state. Important characteristics of these
Carbon appears widely distributed in nature, both in the free
elements are found in Tables 2441 and 2442.
and combined states. The free element is produced in various
forms, such as coke, lampblack, or charcoal. Activated char-
coals are prepared from ligneous materials (sometimes pre-
Elements of Group IV-A treated with a dehydrating agent) by carbonization in the ab-
sence of air. This is followed by heat and/or chemical treatment
Of the Group IV-A elements (Table 24-12), carbon and silicon to increase surface area and porosity. Activated charcoal is
usually are considered apart from germanium, tin, and lead be- available in two forms: finely powdered (300 to 350 mesh) for
cause of their nonmetallic character and property of catenation. use in liquid media; and coarse, hard, porous particles for gas
Boron, with which silicon forms a bridge element pair, is quite absorption. The fine form is official in the USP, and is used as
similar to silicon. The +2 oxidation state rarely is encountered an adsorbent in the treatment of diarrhea.
in carbon and silicon. The bonding in carbon is covalent; corre- Carbon dioxide usually is obtained as a byproduct from ei-
sponding silicon bonds have a somewhat greater electrovalent ther the production of alcohol by fermentation or by recovery
character. Simple carbon compounds are either linear (CO 2 ), from the stack gases of power plants. Unlike carbon monoxide,
planar triangular (CO 3 2- ), or tetrahedral (CC1 4 ). Because the its toxicity is not due to interaction with hemoglobin, but
radius of the carbon atom is small, and it lacks d orbitals to ex- through suffocation. Carbon dioxide is an effective respiratory
pand its valence shell, carbon never increases its coordination stimulant, cited in the USP.
number beyond four. Unlike carbon, because of its available d Under appropriate conditions, carbon forms many binary
orbitals, silicon can achieve sp 3 d 2 hybridization and appears in compounds, such as cyanogen, carbon disulfide, carbon tetra-
the octahedral configuration, Sire - , with a maximum coordi- chloride, and numerous carbides. Its important inorganic acids
nation number of six. Similarly, germanium, tin, and lead have are carbonic, percarbonic (peroxocarbonic) and the pseudobi-
a maximum coordination number of six. nary hydrocyanic acid (HCN). All are weak acids and are avail-
Carbon is exclusively nonmetallic. Metallic properties ap- able primarily in the form of salts.
pear with silicon and germanium and become predominant in Sodium bicarbonate and the slightly soluble carbonates or
tin and lead. The oxides of carbon and silicon are acidic, basic carbonates of calcium, magnesium, and aluminum find ex-
whereas those of the other elements of the group are ampho- tensive use as gastric antacids. Potassium bicarbonate is used
teric. The characteristics such as electron configuration, atomic as a source of potassium ion in electrolyte replenishers. Bismuth
size, and electronegativity of the carbon atom combine to give subcarbonate is an astringent and protective Ammonium car-
the chemistry of carbon a uniqueness that is the basis for the bonate is an effective reflex stimulant and expectorant.

Table 24-12. The Elements of Group IV-A


Symbol C Si Ge Sn Pb
Atomic number 6 14 32 50 82
Atomic weight 1 2.01 28.08 72.59 118.69 207.2
Orbital electrons Li-lei2s22p2 Nej3523p2 t 2
[A 13 d 4s 4p
[Kr]4c1 1 5s2 5p 2 [Xe]4f 14 5d 6s 2 6p 2
Oxidation states 4- to 4+ 4 - to 4+ 2+, 4+ 2+, 4+ 2+, 4+
Atomic radius (A) 0.77 1.17 1.22 1.41 1.54
Ionic {crystal) radii 2.60 (4-) 2.71 (4-) 0.87 (2+) 0.93 (2+) 1.20 (2+)
(coordination number 6) 0.30 (4+) 0.54 (4+) 0.67 (4+) 0.83 (4+) 0.91 (4+)
Ionization potential, ev 11.264 8.149 8.09 7.30 7.38
Electronegativity 2.55 1.90 2.01 1.58 1.87
% of earth's crust 2.7 x 10 2 27.7 7 x 104 6 x 10 4 1X103
Coordination number 4.

SILICON widespread among the silicates. Because of this, empirical for-

mulas based on analytical data are meaningless. The illustra-
Next to oxygen, silicon is the most abundant element on earth. tive formulas used in the following discussions are ideal formu-
It does not appear free in nature. Silicon forms an inert oxide, las. Because of isomorphous replacement, the actual formula of
silicon dioxide (silica), which occurs abundantly in nature in a given silicate may differ somewhat from the ideal.
both amorphous and crystalline states such as sand, quartz, Before discussing specific insoluble silicates it must be said
opal, or siliceous earths. that all are chemically inert. The properties that distinguish
Siliceous earth (diatomaceous earth, Fuller's earth, Kiesel- them and determine their use are structural or related to sur-
guhr, Celite) and infusorial earth are the siliceous skeletal re- face phenomena.
mains of diatoms and infusoria. The deposits are in the form of Chain silicates are unidimensional arrangements of sili-
spicules, rods, and stars of silica. Because of their shapes, these cate tetrahedra sharing two oxygens per tetrahedron; in effect
materials act as excellent, inert, nonadsorbent filter aids. Be- each chain is a macroanion. Because these chains consist of
cause of their moderate hardness they are used as mild abra- Si-0 bonds having 50% covalent character, they are difficult
sives. Purified Siliceous Earth is official in the NE. to break. Electrical neutrality is maintained by placing a suf-
Synthetic amorphous silicas are manufactured by two meth- ficient number of cations, usually and/or Ca', between
ods. Silica fume is prepared by condensation of silica from its the chains. Electrostatic forces being weaker than covalent
vapor phase. Silica gel is prepared by hydrolysis of inorganic or forces, these crystals cleave readily to give rise to the typical
organic orthosilicates. Structurally, both forms may be consid- fibrous structure of asbestos, such as serpentine asbestos,
ered condensation polymers of the silicic acids. They are avail- (H0)6Mg6(Si401,)-H20. These asbestos chains are useful as
able in various commercial grades, differing in such variables filter aids and as insulation. Note: Asbestosis is a pulmonary
as particle size, degree of hydration, surface type (silanol and/or condition similar to silicosis.
siloxane), porosity, and hardness. By selection of the product Attapulgite, Mg5(Si302o)(OH)2.8H20, is a double-chain
having the desired properties, amorphous silicas find employ- structure with rather large open spaces between the chains.
ment as gas adsorbents, desiccants, carriers, fillers, thickeners, These spaces are occupied by water molecules, which provide
and abrasives. Colloidal Silicon Dioxide (fumed form) is official hydrogen bonding to hold the chains together. It has adsorptive
in the NE; Silicon Dioxide, a more general monograph title, re- properties similar to kaolin.
places the title Silica Gel and now provides for both forms of The layer silicates include talc (talcum, soapstone), the mi-
SiO 2, silica gel and precipitated silica. cas, the chlorites (no relationship to C10 2 - ) and the three clay
Silicosis, a lung condition resembling chronic tuberculosis, minerals, the montmorillonites (bentonites), kaolins, (kaolin-
develops after long exposure (7 years or more) to respirable dust ite) and the Mites.
(silica particles 5m or less in mean diameter). Talc, Mg3(OH)2Si4010, is the softest mineral known. There
Silicon forms numerous silicic acids, such as metasilicie acid are no cementing cations or molecules between silicate layers;
1H 2 SiO 3 1, orthosilicic acid 1H 4 SiO 4 1, or disilicic acid 1I-I 6 Si 2 0 7 1. they are held together by van der Waals forces. Consequently,
These and others occur in nature as silicates. Except for the al- the talc layers cleave easily to give the characteristic smooth,
kali salts, silicates are insoluble in water or acids, but they are unctuous feel. Talc adheres readily to the skin, is chemically in-
attacked readily by hydrofluoric acid, forming gaseous silicon ert, and has very low adsorptive powers. It is used in dusting
tetrafluoride. The alkali silicates do not occur in nature, but powders as a protective and lubricant, to prevent irritation due
rather are prepared by fusion of finely divided silica with the to friction. It also is used in medicated dusts and used widely in
desired alkali base or carbonate. cosmetic applications. There are no problems in its use on in-
The insoluble silicates have structural arrangements tact skin, but talc must not be used on broken skin, wounds, or
dominated by the large diffuse oxide ion. Because cations surgical incisions. This precludes its former use as a dusting
of high charge, such as Si`t or Al, are small and compact, powder and lubricant for surgical gloves.
they have only a secondary role in determining the struc- Because ofits inertness and nonadsorptive character, talc is
tures. Physical properties such as density, hardness, and a useful filter aid. Only particles which are passed by a No 80
refractive index are determined almost completely by the sieve, but retained by a No 100 sieve, should be used. Finer par-
oxygen-packing arrangement. ticles suspend and are not removed easily by subsequent filtra-
There are two close-packed oxide ion arrangements, cubic tion. Talc is official in the USP.
and hexagonal. In each, the oxygen arranges in identical layers; In mica, Al 2 1(OH) 2 (Si 3 0 1 ,-,)1 K, and chlorite, Mg3[(011)2
the difference arises from the placement of the layers with re- (5401A, negatively charged silicate layers are bound together
spect to one another. Two types of openings are possible be- by cations. Thus, these silicates cleave readily along the cation
tween neighboring spheres. The smaller openings are occupied layer because the electrostatic forces are weaker than the cova-
by small cations, such as Si 4 , resulting in a tetrahedral ar- lent bonds within the silicate layer. Neither has pharmaceuti-
rangement of four oxide ions around each cation. The larger cal applications.
openings between adjacent oxide ions are occupied by some- The claysmontmorillonite (Smectite), A14ROH)4(Si5020)1-
what larger cations, such as Lit, Mg', or Fe'. Six oxide ions 3.1120 and kaolinite, ROH)6Al4][(OH)2(Si40iii)lare layer
surround each cation in an octahedral arrangement. The alu- structures built of alternating layers of aluminum oxide (hy-
minum ion, which is intermediate in size, can occupy either drargillite) and silicate. The montmorillonites have higher
tetrahedral or octahedral spaces. Si0 2 :Al 2 0 3 ratios with much isomorphous replacement of alu-
When cations too large to occupy either of the inter-oxide ion minum. Magnesium never is present in the kaolins.
spaces, such as NH4 + , Na + , K , Ca', are present, the oxide The distinguishing feature of the bentonite (montmoril-
structure opens in one of two ways. Groups of the oxide ion lonite) clays is the insertion of up to three distinct layers of
layers separate to give an overall layered structure with the hydrogen-bridged water molecules between the aluminosili-
large cations forming a new layer between. The clays have this cate layers. Not all water hydrogens are needed to bond the
structure. Or the oxide ions may spread in a three-dimensional water molecules within their layer; the unused hydrogens
manner to give room-like cavities within the structure. The bind the layers to each other and to the aluminosilicate layers.
cavities are occupied by the large cations. Feldspars and These water layers may be removed, one at a time, by heat.
zeolites have this latter structure. The thickness of the individual crystals decreases in steps as
A persistent problem preventing early workers from suc- each water layer is removed. By treating with water, the wa-
cessfully elucidating silicate structures was their failure to rec- ter layers are restored, one at a time, with a return to the
ognize that ions of the ideal structure may be substituted to original thickness. This may be repeated indefinitely. Because
some extent by other ions of the same radius, irrespective of of this phenomenon, bentonite clays are known as swelling
charge. This phenomenon, isomorphous replacement, is clays.

The bentonites have gelling properties that make them GERMANIUM

useful suspending agents, as well as ion-exchange properties
and detergent properties. Bentonite and Bentonite Magma The properties of the element germanium are intermediate
are official in the NF, as is Purified Bentonite, a colloidal to those of silicon and tin. Germanium, found in bis-13-
montmorillonite. carboxyethyl germanium sesquioxide, is purported to have im-
Kaolins are found always in the form of micromystals of col- mune system enhancing and antitumor effects. Germanium
loidal dimensions. The properties are somewhat similar to ben- also has remarkable electrical properties, which make it valu-
tonite. They are used as clarifying agents and are good excipi- able in the manufacture of semiconductors and other micro-
ents for inorganic salts. They find employment as intestinal electronic parts.
adsorbents and protectives. Externally they are used as dusting
powders. Kaolin is official in the USP.
The three-dimensional or lattice silicates have been de- TIN
scribed previously. In the feldspars, KAISi 3 0 3 , the most com- Tin forms compounds in both +2 and +4 oxidation states. The
mon rock, the large cations (eg, li + ) are trapped in enlarged lower oxidation state is somewhat electrostatic but the higher
cavities within the aluminosilicate network. On the other state is largely covalent in character. Both oxides are ampho-
hand, in the zeolites, CaAl 2 Si 4 0 12 .6H 2 0, and in the synthetic teric, giving rise to stannate(II) (stannite) [Sn0 2 ] 2- , and stan-
molecular sieves, these cavities have connecting openings, or nate(IV) (stannate) [SnOd'ions.
hallways, between one another and to the exterior of the crys- The only official compound is stannous fluoride tin(II) fluo-
tal. Thus the cations (and water molecules) in these cavities ride, applied topically as a dental prophylactic. Experimental
are free to move about within the crystal and may be ex- evidence demonstrates the superiority of this fluoride over
changed with external cations. These latter silicates are valu- other soluble fluorides for this application. The ready suscepti-
able as ion exchangers, desiccants, carriers for catalysts and bility of tin(II) fluoride to oxidative and hydrolytic decomposi-
for the separation of organic gases, as with ethylene from tion causes problems in the preparation and storage of suitable
ethane. Certain forms of molecular sieves have been tried as dosage forms. Various tin dioxide [tin(IV) oxide] preparations
antacids. have been used externally for their germicidal effect, particu-
Pumice is a porous rock of volcanic origin, usually found in larly against staphylococcal organisms that are often resistant
the vitreous state. Being a three dimensionally linked sodium to other germicides.
aluminosilicate it is a hard, chemically inert, nonadsorptive
material. In the powdered form it is used as a filter medium and
dispersing agent. It is found in dental preparations as an abra- LEAD
Magnesium trisilicate is prepared by precipitation, using a Lead is the most metallic element of the group. However, some
soluble silicate and a soluble magnesium salt. Although it has residual amphoteric character is present, particularly in the +4
an analytical composition approaching disilicate, it is actually oxidation state. At one time, lead compounds found employ-
a mixture of magnesium hydroxide, hydrated magnesium ox- ment in pharmacy and medicine, usually as astringents. How-
ide, and silica gel. The insoluble magnesium compounds are re- ever, because of its highly toxic nature as a cumulative poison,
sponsible for the antacid action; the silica gel acts as a protec- it is no longer used. It is absorbed readily in the intestinal tract
tive. Magnesium trisilicate also is employed as a suspending and broken skin, and is deposited in the bone.
GLASSGlass is a generic term used to identify vitreous
silicate materials prepared by fusing a base, such as Na 2 CO ;3 Elements of Group IV-B
and CaCO 3 , with pure silica. On cooling, a clear vitreous mass
results. There is no clearly defined melting point; a gradual Because of their minor importance, a detailed treatment of
softening takes place on heating as a result of the somewhat Group IV-B elements is unnecessary. Some important charac-
haphazard arrangement of the siliconoxygen bonds. teristics are given in Table 24-11. All members of the group occur
Certain other cations may be included, such as manganese in nature only in the combined state. The +2 and +4 oxidation
dioxide, to hide the blue-green color of the iron usually present states are common to all. All members of the group possess am-
in silica; borates, to reduce the coefficient of expansion; and photeric properties and their cations readily form complexes.
potassium ion to give a brown and light-resistant glass.
Since the surface of the glass is an exposed oxide network, it
can be reactive. On standing in contact with aqueous solutions, TITANIUM
alkali will leach from it. This leaching is accelerated by heat, as
occurs with sterilization. The surface of glass also has adsorb- Titanium forms three oxides (TiO, Ti 2 0 ;3 , and Ti0 2 ) and corre-
ing powers, but this can be a problem only in extremely dilute sponding binary salts. The soluble salts of divalent and trivalent
solutions. The compendia usually specify the type of glass con- titanium are violet or red and are powerful reducing agents.
tainer to be used for certain materials and include tests for four The most important compound is the dioxide, Ti0 2 , which is
types of glass. official in the USE'. It is used as a solar-ray protective. As such,
SILANES AND SILOXANESThe close relationship be- it is a popular ingredient in various lotions and creams for the
tween carbon and silicon has prompted much interest in the prevention of sunburn. This action is the result of its high cov-
organic chemistry of silicon. The compounds involved are ering power as a white pigment, a consequence of its high re-
analogs of carbon compounds or compounds in which silicon fractive index.
functions in place of one or more of the carbon atoms. Simple
silanes and their derivatives, such as silane [SiH 4 ], silanol ZIRCONIUM AND HAFNIUM
[SiH 3 OH], and disiloxane [H3 SiOSiHd, have been known for a
long time. The present interest is in complex compounds that Hafnium occurs in small quantities in zirconium ores. As a con-
contain both carbon and silicon. The silicones (alkylsiloxanes), sequence, unless highly purified, zirconium compounds include
condensation polymers of various types of alkylsilanols, repre- varying percentages of hafnium. Zirconium as the hydrous ox-
sent a field finding extensive commercial application. Sime- ide or carbonate has been used as a lotion or cream for contact
thicone USP, a polymeric dimethylsiloxane, is employed as an dermatitis. There are a number of basic aluminumzirconium
antifoaming agent. It has found use as an antiflatulent in gas- compounds used as antiperspirants. However, the prohibition
tric bloating and in postoperative gaseous distention in the against the use of zirconium in aerosols where inhalation is
gastrointestinal tract. possible is still in effect.

Table 24-13. The Elements of Group V-A


Symbol N P As Sb Bi
Atomic number 7 15 33 51 83
Atomic weight 1 4.01 30.97 3 74.92 121.75 208.98
Orbital electrons [He]2s 2 2p 3 [Ne]3s2 3p [Ar]3d 18 4s2 4p 3 [Kr]4c1 18 5s2 5p 3 [Xe]Lif 14 5d 1 6s 2 6p 3
Oxidation states 3-, 1+, 3+, 5+ 3-, 3+, 5+ 3 -, 3+, 5+ 3-, 3+, 5+ 3-, 3+, 5+
Atomic radius (A) 0.70 1.06 1.21 1.41 1.5
Ionic (crystal) radii (A) 1.32 (3+) 0.58 (3+) 0.72 (3+) 0.90 (3+) 1.17 (3+)
(coordination number 6) 0.27 (5+) 0.52 (5+) 0.60 (5+) 0.74 (5+) 0.90 (5+)
Ionization potential, ev 1 4.48 11.10 1 0.5 8.5 8.0
E lectronegativity 3.04 2.19 2.18 2.05 2.02
% of earth's crust 4.6 x 10 -8 0.12 5 x 10 -4 104 2 x 10 -5

The elements of this group have five valence electrons. Two of Therapeutically inactive, elemental Nitrogen NF is em-
the electrons occupy s orbitals. The three remaining electrons ployed pharmaceutically as an inert atmosphere in ampules
are in different orbitals in the A and B subgroups, giving the and other containers of substances that would be affected ad-
structures Its 2np' and (n-1)c 3 ns 2 , respectively. versely by air. Nitrogen(1) Oxide (nitrous oxide) USP, is an in-
halatory general anesthetic. Sodium Nitrite USP is used as an
antidote to cyanide poisoning; it also is a vasodilator but is
slower acting than the organic nitrite and nitrate esters com-
Elements of Group V-A monly used for this purpose. The nitrate ion frequently is used
as an anion for medicinally active cations, such as silver nitrate
This group displays strikingly regular gradations in proper- and thiamine mononitrate.
ties, ranging from exclusively nonmetallic nitrogen to almost Very significant work has shown that the simple, paramag-
exclusively metallic bismuth (Table 24-13). Oxidation states netic molecule, nitric oxide, NO, is an important neurotrans-
of +3 and +5 are common to all. Bismuth functions primarily mitter produced by neurons and other cells, causing responses
in the +3 state. All members except bismuth also exist in a-3 such as vasodilation by acting as a ligand for iron in a heme
oxidation state. Hydrides are of the covalent MI-1 3 type, char- group with a resulting lowering of blood pressure. This knowl-
acterized by an unshared electron pair. This allows these edge rationalizes the action of drugs such as the organic nitrites
hydrides to form coordinate covalent bonds. The oxides of ni- and sodium nitroprusside.
trogen and phosphorus are acidic. Those of arsenic and anti- Nitrite ion is toxic; it reacts with hemoglobin to form methe-
mony are amphoteric, but are sufficiently acidic for the ele- moglobin. Nitrites are also potentially dangerous because they
ments to be classified as nonmetals. The common oxide of can form N-nitroso derivatives of amines and amides, which
bismuth, Bi 2 0 3 , is basic; the less-important pentoxide is may be carcinogenic. Nitrate ion is reducible to nitrite in the in-
acidic. testine and may cause methemoglobinemia. For the above rea-
sons the use of nitrates and nitrites as food preservatives has
been questioned.
Nitrogen occurs free in the atmosphere (78%) and combined in PHOSPHORUS
nitrates and organic compounds. It is a colorless, tasteless, and
odorless inert gas. It is nonflammable and does not support Phosphorus exists in two common allotropic forms, yellow
combustion. Due to its stable triple-bond structure, the N2 and red. Yellow phosphorus (white phosphorus) has a dis-
molecule shows little reactivity with other elements. The free tinctive, disagreeable, ozone-like odor. On exposure to air, or
nitrogen atom is very reactive. when heated at about 50 0 , it ignites spontaneously. It is al-
The inertness of nitrogen is the result of the bonding exist. most insoluble in water, but is soluble in chloroform, benzene,
ing in the molecule. There is a o- bond between the atoms and or carbon disulfide. It is poisonous, and on the skin it causes
two 7 bonds, which fuse to form an electron cloud (doughnut) severe, slow to heal burns. Copper(11) sulfate is used as an
encasing the entire molecule. This electron cloud effectively antidote.
prevents breaking of the o- bond for reaction with other ele- Red phosphorus is a brown to red amorphous powder. It is
ments. The cyanide ion and carbon monoxide have electron nonpoisonous and nonflammable in air, except at high temper-
structures similar to that of the nitrogen molecule and also atures. It is insoluble in any common solvent.
show an extraordinary stability. The use of inorganic phosphorus compounds in modern
Nitrogen is prepared primarily by the fractional distillation medicine is restricted primarily to the orthophosphates. Trib a-
of liquid air. At the temperature of the electric arc it combines sic calcium, magnesium, and aluminum phosphates are used as
with oxygen forming nitrogen(V) oxide, which is converted into gastric antacids, and the monobasic alkali phosphates are ef-
nitric acid. In the presence of catalysts and at great pressure fective urinary acidifiers. Dibasic sodium phosphate is the ac-
and elevated temperature, it combines with hydrogen to form tive ingredient in various saline cathartics and enemas.
ammonia. Phosphoric Acid NF, is used to form soluble salts of insolu-
Unlike phosphorus and the other members of the family, ni- ble medicinal bases. The dihydrogen phosphate-mon ohydr ogen
trogen does not expand its coordination sphere beyond three. phosphate system is a valuable buffer in physiological ranges.
The nitric acid of chemistry is the meta acid. There is no ortho Hypophosphorous Acid NF is an antioxidant, used primarily
acid (hypothetically H 3 N0 4 ). Nitrogen in the +5 state is too with iodide and iron(l) salts. The radioactive isotope, 'ID, is
small to accommodate four oxygen atoms. employed therapeutically.

Table 24-14. Transition Elements



Symbol V Nb Ta Cr Mo w
Atomic number 23 41 73 24 42 74
Atomic weight 50-94 92.91 180.95 52.00 1 83.85
Orbital electrons [Ar] 3 d3 4s 2 [Kr]4d4 5s' [Xe]4f 14 5d3 6s 2 [ Ar]3d 5 4s' [Kr)944d5 5s 1
[Xe]4f ' 4 5d4 6s2
Oxidation states 2 , 3+, 4+, 5+ 23 A-, 4-F, 5+ 2 , 3 i , 4+, 5 i 2 , 3 , 4+, 6+ 2 .6+ 2 6
Atomic radius (A) 1-22 1.34 1.34 1.18 1.30 1.30
Ionic (crystal) radii (A) 0-40 (5+) 0.70 (5+) 0.73 (5+) 0.76 (3+) 0.79 (4+) 0.80 (4+)
(coordination number 6) 0.58 (6+) 0.73 (6+) 0.74 (6+)
Ionization potential, ev 6.71 679 ca 6 6.77 7_38 7_98
Electronegativity 1.33 1.66 2.2 2.36
% of earth's crust 0.021 2 x 10 2 ca 5 x 10 -4 ca 1.5 x 10 -4

Phosphorus is essential to plant and animal life. A complex BISMUTH

basic calcium phosphate, called hydroxyapatite, constitutes the
main inorganic component of bones and teeth. Dihydrogen With the exception of sodium bismuthate, NaBiOd in which
phosphate and monohydrogen phosphate ions constitute the the bismuth functions an ionic ally in the +5 oxidation state, the
ion pair of one of the buffer systems of the blood and body fluids. i mportant bismuth compounds of commerce are the BP+ vari-
The phosphate moiety has important roles in the metabolism of ety. The basic saltsbismuth subcarbonate, bismuth subgal-
various organic materials, such as carbohydrates. late, and bismuth subnitrateare employed for their astrin-
gent, mildly germicidal, and antacid properties.
Bismuth Subnitrate, Bismuth Subgallate, and Milk of Bis-
muth are official in the USP. Milk of Bismuth owes its antacid
ARSENIC properties to the hydroxyl and carbonate ions present. Because
Inorganic arsenic compounds rarely are employed in modern of the adherent properties, it provides protective action. The
medicine. There no longer are official compounds; arsenic tri- small amount of dissolved bismuthyl ion present exerts a mild
oxide and potassium arsenite were the last; they were used as antiseptic effect. Colloidal bismuth subcitrate is used clinically
alteratives, tonics, and antileukemics. In the past, Potassium in the treatment of peptic ulcer disease.
Arsenite Solution (Fowler's Solution) was used as an an- Hydrogen sulfide, from the breakdown of proteins in the gut,
tileukemic agent. There is available an arsensic trioxide reacts with bismuthyl ion to form the insoluble, dark brown, bis-
injection (1 mg/mL) that has been used to treat promyelo- muth(III) sulfide. As a result stools appear black. Soluble bis-
cytic leukemia. The treatment must be carefully supervised muth compounds are poisonous; intramuscular dimercaprol is
owing to possible serious side effects that include ECG an effective antidote.
abnormalities. Sodium arsenate, ( 74As), has been used as a di-
agnostic aid.
Arsenic compounds are poisonous. If they are still in the gas- Elements of Group V-B
trointestinal tract, a freshly prepared mixture of iron(III) and
magnesium hydroxides is administered orally as an antidote. if Unlike previous transition elements, the valence electron struc-
the arsenic has already been absorbed, dimercaprol by intra- ture of the Group V-B elements is not identical. Vanadium and
muscular injection is effective. tantalum have a (n-1)c:Ons 2 structure, whereas niobium has the
structure (n 1)ens 1 (Table 24-14). The difference has no
apparent effect on their chemistry. In addition to the Group V
oxidation states, +3 and +5, these elements also appear in a +2
ANTIMONY and +4 oxidation state. The 3 oxidation state does not occur.
Antimony compounds have physiological reactions resembling There is a close similarity between niobium and tantalum. Tan-
those of arsenic. The compounds are potentially toxic. Except talum, because of its size, has a maximum coordination number
for Antimony Potassium Tartrate (antimonyl potassium tar- of eight and the compounds of these elements are colored.
trate, tartar emetic) USP, and for Antimony Sodium Tartrate The Group V-B elements are of little pharmaceutical impor-
USP, antimony compounds are no longer in common medical tance; only tantalum metal is employed therapeutically. Be-
usage. Both antimony potassium and antimony sodium tar- cause tantalum is unaffected by the body fluids, it is used in
trates are used in the treatment of schistosomiasis, a parasitic sheet form for the surgical repair of bones. Muscle tissue will
disease involving flukes. attach itself to tantalum as though it were bone.


The members of Group VI have six valence electrons.

Although theoretically a-2 oxidation state is possible for all, Elements of Group VI-A
2 and 1 appear only in the subgroup A elements. The
common positive oxidation states are +4 and +6; +1 and +2 There is a very clear gradation of properties in the Group VI-A
also exist. family (the chalcogens). Oxygen is nonmetallic in character

Table 24-15. The Elements of Group VI-A


Symbol 0 S Se Te Po
Atomic number 8 16 34 52 84
Atomic weight 16.00 32.06 78.96 127.6 (209) 0
Orbital electrons [He]2s 2 2p 4 [Ne]3s 2 3p 4 [Ar]3d 10 4s2 4p4 [Kr]4d 10 5s 2 5p 4 [Xe]4f 14 5cP 6s 2 6p4
Oxidation states 2 -, 1 2, 2+, 6+ 2, 4+, 6+ 2, 4+, 6+ 4+, 6+
Atomic radius (A) 0.66 1.04 1.16 1.37 1.53
Ionic (crystal) radii (A)
(simple anion) 1.26 (2) 1.70 (2 .) 1.84 (2) 2.07 (2) 1.08 (4+)
(coordination number 6) 0.43 (6+) 0.56 (6 i-) 0.57 (6+) 0.81 (6+)
Ionization potential, ev 13.61 10.36 9.75 9.0
Electronegativity 3.44 2.58 2.55 2.1 2.0
% of earth's crust 46.6 0.052 10 -7 10 -7 10 - ' 4

whereas polonium is metallic; the other members show both Hydrogen peroxide is available as the 3, 6, 30, 70, and 90%
characteristics. Polonium is further distinguished by its natu- solutions. Concentration also is expressed as volume strength,
ral radioactivity. the volume of oxygen gas released from one volume of solution;
The sulfurseleniumtellurium triad displays especially ten volume is 3%. Hydrogen Peroxide Concentrate USP is the
strong family relationships. Allotropic varieties of each element 30% solution. It is a powerful oxidant and must not be used on
in the triad are numerous. Although there are quantitative dif- the skin. Hydrogen Peroxide Topical Solution USP is the 3% so-
ferences, each functions generally in the 2, +4, and +6 oxida- lution. It is a mild, fast acting, oxidizing germicide that will de-
tion states, forming many analogous compounds. Some of the stroy most pathogenic bacteria. Hydrogen peroxide, 6%, is the
more important characteristic properties of Group VI-A ele- only common bleach mild enough for use on hair.
ments are presented in Table 24-15. Hydrogen peroxide is available as a solution in anhydrous
glycerine (L5%) and as urea peroxide, a stable crystalline 1:1
compound, usually in 4 to 10% solution in anhydrous glycerine.
OXYGEN A monograph for Carbamide Peroxide is found in the USP, and
the monograph for Carbamide Peroxide Topical Solution USP
In free form, oxygen constitutes about one-fifth of air, by weight. has a generic purity rubric statement. These preparations are
The primeval atmosphere of the earth probably had no oxygen. preferable to hydrogen peroxide in treatment of oral and ear in-
In combined form, it constitutes about seven-eighths, by weight, fections. Zinc peroxide and sodium perborate, a compound that
of water and important fractional parts of minerals such as has a hydrogen peroxide molecule in its hydration complement,
CaC O s or Fe 2 0 s . The industrial process for preparing oxygen is have been listed in past compendia.
the fractional distillation ofliquid air. When liquid air is allowed
to evaporate under controlled conditions, the nitrogen and inert
gases escape initially, followed by nearly pure oxygen. SULFUR
The weighted atomic mass of the mixture of naturally oc-
curring oxygen isotopes formerly was the standard for all chem- Sulfur is an element that exists in several allotropic forms. At
ical atomic weights. This standard has been replaced by the room temperature a-sulfur (rhombic sulfur) is the stable form.
most abundant carbon isotope, ' 2 C. The isotopes of oxygen have At the equilibrium point, 96, [3-sulfur (monoclinic sulfur) be-
been separated and introduced into specific molecules as tracer comes the stable form. Other allotropes exist. Commercial, Sub-
elements. limed Sulfur USP and Precipitated Sulfur USP are a-sulfur.
Oxygen USP is employed as a therapeutic gas in the treat- Precipitated sulfur has a smaller particle size than sublimed;
ment of conditions involving hypoxia. Ozone, O s , an allotropic therefore, it is more reactive.
form of oxygen, is a powerful oxidizing agent. Ozonized air (air As an ointment, precipitated sulfur is used as the scabicide.
treated to convert some of its oxygen into ozone) is used in var- Sulfur ointments and lotions are used in dermatological appli-
ious disinfecting and bleaching operations. cations as keratolytics. Elemental sulfur also has fungicidal ac-
Chemically, oxygen is very reactive, combining directly, un- tion. Sublimed sulfur is used as a cathartic.
der appropriate conditions, with all elements except mercury, Sulfur appears in three series of compounds. The first, based
silver, gold, and members of the platinum family. It is elec- on the 2 oxidation state, gives rise to hydrogen sulfide and the
tronegative with respect to all elements except fluorine. The ox- sulfides. The second and third series, based on +4 and +6 oxi-
ides of nonmetallic elements are acidic, while those of metals dation states, give rise to the two sulfur oxides and their acids
are basic. The oxides of many elements, such as antimony and and salts.
tellurium, are amphoteric. In all, oxygen has the 2 oxidation Hydrogen sulfide and soluble sulfides in solution react read-
number. ily with suspended, finely divided sulfur to give rise to mixtures
Hydrogen peroxide and the peroxides are a series of oxygen of polysulfides, 5 2 2- , 5 3 2- , S4 2 S5 2- usually written S. 2- .

compounds in which oxygen has an oxidation number of 1. Sulfurated Potash consists largely of potassium polysul-
They are valuable oxidizing and reducing agents. fides, sulfate, and thiosulfate. It is prepared by careful heating
Hydrogen peroxide is prepared by the electrolysis of a con- of a mixture of potassium carbonate and sublimed sulfur. The
centrated solution of either sulfuric acid or ammonium sulfate. compound is very soluble in water, giving an alkaline reaction.
Persulfate, [S 2 0 s forms in the anode compartment. After The polysulfide component is soluble in ethanol. Sulfurated
electrolysis the analyte is reacted with water and the hydrogen potash is used in the form of lotions, ointments, and aqueous so-
peroxide formed is separated by distillation under reduced lutions for the treatment of psoriasis and other chronic skin
pressure. conditions and has parasiticidal activity.
Pure concentrated hydrogen peroxide is stable. However, Sulfurated potash must be stored in tightly sealed contain-
commercial preparations must be stabilized; usually, a preser- ers to prevent reaction with carbon dioxide and oxygen. It is in-
vative is added such as acetanilid. Traces of mineral acid (eg, compatible with acid.
phosphoric acid) often are added, as the stability increases in White Lotion USP is prepared by adding freshly prepared,
acid medium. filtered, sulfurated potash solution to zinc sulfate solution.

Table 24-16. The Elements of Group VII-A


Symbol F CI Br At
Atomic number 9 17 35 53 85
Atomic weight 19 35.45 79.90 126.90 (210)
Orbital electrons [He]2s 2 2p 5 [Ne]3s2 3p 5 [Ar]3cP 4s2 4p 5 [Kr]4ci t0 5s 2 5p 5 [Xe]4f ' 4 5e6s 2 6p 5
Oxidation states,. 1 1 -, 1+, 3+, 5+, 7+ 1 , 1+, (3+), 5+ 1 , 1+, (3+), 5+, 7+
Atomic radius (A) 0.64 0.99 1.14 1.33
Ionic (crystal) radii (A)
(halide anion) 1.19 1.67 1.82 2.06
(coordination number 6) 0.022 (7+) 0.41 (7+) 0.53 (7+) 0.67 (7 i-) 0.76 (7+)
Ionization potential, ev 17.42 13.01 11.84 10.44
Electronegativity 3.98 3.16 2.96 2.66 2.2
% of earth's crust 8 x 10 -2 3 x 10 - 2 1.6 x 10 -4 3 x 10 5

The order of mixing is important. It is an astringent and SELENIUM AND TELLURIUM

Selenium Sulfide (and Lotion) USP is employed as a 2.5% sus- In general, selenium and tellurium compounds are analogous
pension in the topical treatment of seborrheic dermatitis (dan- to those of sulfur. Observed differences are largely those to be
druff). Care is essential to prevent introduction into the eyes or expected in terms of relative atomic size and electronegativity.
mouth. In addition, the hands must be cleansed thoroughly after Although selenium is toxic in large doses, it is an important
using because selenium is toxic. Cadmium sulfide also is used in trace element. It is absorbed very slowly through the skin. Tox-
the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis. Although it is less irri- icity usually is not a problem if it is applied to small areas of un-
tating, it requires the same precautions as selenium sulfide. broken, unirritated skin. Prolonged contact with the skin re-
Sulfur Dioxide NF usually is prepared industrially by burn- sults in contact dermatitis. The use of selenium sulfide, the only
ing sulfur. It is the acid anhydride of sulfurous acid and its official compound, is described in the section on sulfides. Se-
salts, the sulfites. All are used in pharmaceutical practice as lenomethionine Se 75 Injection USP is used in the diagnosis of
antioxidants and preservatives. pancreatic tumors and growths.
Attempts to crystallize sodium bisulfite yield, instead, nor- Tellurium has no medicinal applications at this time.
mal sodium sulfite crystals. If the crystallization is carried out
under a sulfur dioxide atmosphere crystals of the metabisulfite,
Na 2 S 2 O 5 , form. On dissolving metabisulfite in water, a solution
of bisulfite results Elements of Grou VI-B
S 2 0 5 2- + H 2 O > 2HS0 5 -
The Group VI-B elements are metallic in behavior. The lower
So dium Metabisulfite NF should be used when sodium bisulfite oxidation state oxides are basic, whereas those of the higher ox-
is specified. It is used as an antioxidant. A monograph for idation states are acidic, giving rise to the chromates, molyb-
Potassium Metabisulfite is included in the NE. dates, and tungstates. The cations of high oxidation numbers
Sodium Thiosulfate USP is prepared from the sulfite by re- have a tendency to unite with oxygen to give stable -y1 cations,
action with sulfur. Because the sulfite ion has an unshared such as CrO' chromyl. These elements show great similarity
electron pair, and elemental sulfur lacks one electron pair for in behavior to their horizontal neighbors in Groups V-B and
completion of a stable octet, a coordinate covalent bond forms Vu -B. Some properties are given in Table 24-14.
easily, giving the thiosulfate ion. It is used as an antidote for Chromium and molybdenum are essential trace elements.
cyanide poisoning. It is a valuable analytical reagent for the de- Monographs for Chromic Chloride (and Injection) and Ammo-
termination of iodine. nium Molybdate (and Injection) are found in the USP and
In the +6 oxidation state sulfur gives rise to sulfuric acid Chromium Picolinate is listed in the NF. Chromium has a wide
and the sulfates. Sulfuric acid is an important acid and is listed margin of safety between amounts usually ingested and those
in the NF. Several sulfates are cited officially but with the ex- showing adverse effects. The radioactive isotope, 'Cr, is em-
ception of sodium sulfate (saline cathartic), all applications are ployed as a biological tracer in certain hematological proce-
ascribed more appropriately to the cation present, such as bar- dures. Their compounds are important in analytical pharma-
ium sulfate or bleomycin sulfate. ceutical operations.

The elements of Group VII subdivide into Group VILA (Table

24-16), members of which have an outer electron configuration Elements of Group VII-A
Its 2 rtp 5 , and Group VII-B (Table 24-17) with the (n-1)crns 2 va-
lence electron configuration. Examination of the valence electron structure of Group VILA el-
The halogens are nonmetallic in character; the transition ements suggests 1, +1, +3, +5, and +7 as possible oxidation
elements of the family are metallic. Except for the higher oxi- states. Fluorine, the most electronegative element, appears only
dation states of +5 and especially +7, the elements of the as the simple fluoride ion (which readily acts as a ligand). Only
subgroups and their compounds are quite dissimilar. The free chlorine forms compounds in all five oxidation states.
halogens are colored, but almost all of their compounds The halogen binary compounds may be ionic and/or covalent,
are not. depending on electronegativity differences. All halogens unite

Table 24-17. Transition Elements



Symbol Mn Tc Re Fe Co Ni
Atomic number 25 43 75 26 27 28
Atomic weight 54.94 2
(98) 1 86.2 55.85 58.93 58.71
Orbital electrons [Ar]3d5 4s [Kr]4c1 5 5s 2 [Xe]4f 14 5c 5 6s 2 [Ar]3d 6 4s 2 [Ar]3d7 4s 2 [ Ar]3(1 8 4s2
Oxidation states 21, 3 i-, 4+, 6+, 7+ 2 i , 3+, 4+, 6+, 7-i 3 , 4+, 5+, 6+, 7+ 2+,3+ 2-1,3+ 2 3+
Atomic radius (A) 1.17 1.27 1.25 1.17 1.16 1.15
Ionic (crystal) radii (A) 0.81 (2+) 0.81 (3+) 0.75 (2+) 0.79 (21-) 0.83 (2+)
(coordination number 6) 0.40 (6+) 0.56 (7+) 0.69 (5+) 0.69 (3+) 0.69 (3 1) 0.70 (3+)
Ionization potential, ev 7.43 7.23 7.87 7.83 ca 8.5 7.6
Electronegativity 1.55 1.9 1.9 1.85 1.88 1.91
% of earth's crust 0.085 zero CI 10 -7 5 2.3 x 10 -3 8 x 10 -3

with hydrogen to form covalent gaseous hydrogen halides. These soluble. The oxygenated chlorine compounds are mostly water
gases are extremely soluble in water, giving rise to very strong soluble.
acids such as hydrochloric acid. The ionic binary compounds Hydrochloric acid NF is a pharmaceutical necessity for pur-
show a displacement series: a halogen of lower atomic weight poses such as neutralizing, stabilizing, or solubilizing other sub-
will displace a halide ion of higher atomic weight, stances. In diluted form, it is a gastric acidifier but other com-
pounds, more readily amenable to administration, usually are
2I - + C1 2 -> 2C1 - + 1 2 preferred. Sodium, potassium, and calcium chlorides are em-
Thus, of the halogens, fluorine is the strongest oxidizing agent ployed in electrolyte replenishers; the first named is the sole in-
and iodine the weakest. Conversely, iodide is the strongest re- gredient ofphysiological salt solution. Ammonium chloride is an
ducing agent, and fluoride the weakest. In fact, the fluoride ion expectorant and a systemic acidifying agent. The chloride ion is
is the most stable of all simple anions. frequently the carrier of choice for other metal cations such as
Chlorine, bromine, and iodine form well-defined oxides, oxy- those of zinc, aluminum, and mercury, but with these the medic-
acids, and their salts in most of the positive oxidation states. inal value is referable to the metal rather than the chloride.
The stability of the higher oxidation states increases with in- Sodium Hypochlorite Solution USP (Dakin's Solution) is an
creasing atomic weight. (For the nomenclature of these acids effective germicide, viricide, and deodorant because of the oxi-
and salts, see Table 24-L) dizing power of hypochlorous acid, but is too alkaline and con-
centrated to be used on wounds. The hypochlo rite ion is reduced
rapidly by organic matter.
Sodium Hypochlorite Topical Solution contains 0.025%
FLUORINE sodium hypochlorite, has a pH of 8 (close to plasma pH of 7A),
Fluorine is the most reactive of the electronegative elements. and, with the use of a phosphate buffer system, has an osmolal-
With the exception of gold and platinum it attacks all metals at ity that is very close to that of human plasma. This solution al-
ordinary temperatures. It combines directly with all non- lows tissue to regenerate, as noted by tissue culture studies, as
metals, including the other halogens. Beryllium fluoride is one when burns are healing but it is also antiviral and antimicrobial.
of the very few fluorides not ionized completely. Fluorine is an Sodium hypochlorite is prepared by electrolysis of sodium
essential element and is present in the teeth and bone. chloride solutions under conditions such that the chlorine
Sodium Fluoride, Sodium Fluoride Tablets, Sodium Fluo- formed at the anode reacts with the hydroxyl ion resulting from
ride Oral Solution, Stannous Fluoride (Tin(11) Fluoride), Stan- removal of hydrogen ion as hydrogen gas at the cathode
nous Fluoride Gel, Sodium Fluoride and Phosphoric Acid Gel, C1 2 + 20H - -> C10 - + H 2 O + Cl -
Sodium Fluoride and Phosphoric Acid Topical Solution and
Sodium Monofluorophosphate are listed in the USP. Sodium chloride is always an impurity in the resulting solu-
Stannous fluoride is oxidized easily by oxygen of the air to tion. To improve its stability the pH is adjusted to 10 or greater.
give the tin(IV) ion, which is ineffective as a dental prophylac- Bleaching powder, calcium hypochlorite, is one of the most
tic. For this reason solutions of this salt must be prepared effective and least expensive disinfectants. The product is
freshly at the time of use. A developing cloudiness of the solu- formed by passing chlorine gas over moist, slaked lime. Its com-
tion indicates that the oxidation is proceeding, as the tin(IV) ion position is variable, but hydroxide, hypochlorite, and chloride
formed is precipitated as the insoluble hydroxide. ions are present in the mixture.
In addition to its use over several decades as a dental pro- Potassium chlorate occasionally is present in mouth washes,
phylactic, fluoride also has found use, in larger doses, in the vaginal douches, and other local cleansing preparations; how-
treatment of osteoporosis. However, in spite of its officially ever, its antiseptic value is too weak to be of any value.
sanctioned addition to some drinking water, controversy over
the advisability and safety of ingesting fluoride at the 1 ppm
level for long periods persists. BROMINE
The use of fluoride to prevent, halt, or reverse osteoporosis
is questionable because studies have been reported in which a Bromine is a dark reddish brown, fuming liquid with a suffo-
positive correlation exists between the use of fluoridated water cating odor. The fumes are highly irritating to the mucous
and an elevated risk of hip fracture. membranes and they burn and blister the skin. It attacks most
metals and organic tissue. Chemically, bromine resembles chlo-
rine with slight differences referable to the comparative size of
CHLORINE the two atoms and their electronegativities.
Bromine is a powerful caustic and germicide but is not em-
Elemental chlorine is a very reactive nonmetallic element. ployed as such. It is a common chemical reagent.
Most common chlorides are water soluble, the main exceptions Utmost care should be exercised in handling bromine. All
being Agel, Hg 2 C1 2 , and Cu 2 C1 2 . A few, eg, PbC1 2 , are slightly work with bromine should be done under ideal conditions of

ventilation. If the skin is exposed to bromine, the area should sulfuric acid to the sodium salt, preparation of X2 by adding
be washed immediately with a solution of sodium bicarbonate Nin0 2 and concentrated sulfuric acid to the sodium salt, the for-
and treated with glycerine. Caution: Bromine containers mation of polyions, etc.
should be opened only after they have been cooled thoroughly. The most striking difference is the very weak acidic charac-
Bromine has no known biological role. In proper dosage the ter of the pseudohalogen hydrides; for example, the pK of HCN
bromide ion provides central depressant action. Sodium, potas- is 8.9, whereas that of HCl is about 10.
sium, and ammonium bromides are employed commonly. Exces- The pseudohalogens have no pharmaceutical applications.
sive continued dosage may elicit a toxic condition, brominism.

I ODINE Elements of Group VII-B

Except for astatine, iodine is the most metallic of the halogens. The elements of Group VII-B are metallic in character. The
Its oxo-salts are very stable while the simple anion is oxidized higher oxides give rise to very stable oxo-salts with the +6 and
slowly by the oxygen of the air. When reacting with the other +7 oxidation states, such as manganate (111n0 4 2- ) and pertech-
halogens it assumes the cationic role, such as IC1 9 Many work- netate (Teat - ). A summary of important properties appears in
ers consider 10H the hydroxide of iodine. Iodine is an effective Table 24-17. Compounds of these elements are colored.
Iodine solutions include potassium or sodium iodide to en-
hance the solubility of the iodine by the formation of polyiodide MANGANESE
ions. Loss of the element to air is reduced greatly because
polyiodide solutions have a lower iodine vapor pressure. Iodine, Pharmaceutically, manganese is the most important element in
Potassium Iodide, Sodium Iodide, and various iodine solutions this group. Potassium Permanganate USP is categorized as a
are cited in the USP, as is Povidone-Iodine and its dosage local anti-infective of the oxidizing type and is also an astrin-
forms. Povidone is a synthetic polymer that has a special affin- gent and a powerful deodorant and cleanser. It is used in the
ity for iodine molecules. The advantages of povidone-iodine are form of dilute (0.01 to 1.00%) solutions. As the compound re-
reduced volatility of the iodine and a decreased irritation on ap- acts, manganese(IV) oxide precipitates on the skin causing a
plication. Iodine also is available in the form of cationic and temporary darkening of the surface. Gastric lavage using dilute
nonionic surface active salts, used as sanitizing agents. permanganate solutions is antidotal for various alkaloids and
Iodine is essential for proper thyroid functioning and is uti- other toxic substances that have been ingested in small
lized physiologically either in the elemental form or as potas- amounts and are readily susceptible to oxidation.
sium or sodium iodide. In proper dosage, iodide ion exerts ex- Caution must be exercised to keep permanganate from con-
pectorant action; examples are hydrogen iodide (as hydriodic tact with organic and other easily oxidized compounds either
acid syrup) and potassium iodide. Potassium iodide (in solu- in the dry state or in solution. Dangerous explosions may oc-
tion) is used to protect the thyroid when the possibility of acci- cur.
dental exposure to 'I is anticipated as, for example, in a nu- Manganese is an essential trace element, being necessary
clear power plant failure. The radioactive isotopes, 125 1 and 13 '1, for the activation of a variety of enzymes such as pyi - uvate car-
have diagnostic and therapeutic applications. boxylase. Manganese Chloride, Manganese Gluconate, and
Elemental iodine is toxic; corn starch and sodium thiosulfate Manganese Sulfate are listed in the USP. It is included in min-
are effective chemical antidotes. eral supplements, but there are no well-defined deficiency
states in humans.

Astatine is a synthetic radioactive element. It resembles iodine
but is more metallic. It has no pharmaceutical applications. Technetium (from Greek technetos, meaning "artificial") was so
named because it was the first element produced artificially.
Radioactive technetium, 'Te, is used diagnostically in various

Inorganic anions such as CN - , CNO CNS - , N 9 - , and

Te(CN) 6 P - resemble the halide anions and are known as pseu- RHENIUM
dohalogens. The similarity of the cyanide ion especially is
marked; it has properties intermediate to those of the chloride Rhenium is a very rare element and finds few technical appli-
and bromide ions. Similarities include insoluble silver salts sol- cations. Alone and in combination with other metals, it has
uble in ammonia, preparation of HX by adding concentrated been employed as a catalyst for dehydrogenation.


Group VIII of elements represents those in which the single osmium, iridium, and platinum. The elements of these latter
electron already present in each of the five d orbitals is be- two triads are known as the platinum metals; the term noble
ing paired with a second electron of opposite spin. The group metals also is used. The platinum metals are characterized by
consists of three elements (triads) in each of the long rows their extreme inertness to chemical reaction.
and fills the space between the elements of Groups VII-B and These elements are definitely metallic and all participate
I-B. readily in the formation of coordination complexes. The com-
The first triad follows manganese and includes iron, cobalt, pounds of the first row triad are stable under most conditions
and nickel (see Table 24-17), known as the ferrous metals. They whereas those of the second triad are moderately stable.
are characterized by their strong ferromagnetism. The second However, osmium, iridium, and platinum compounds are un-
triad follows technetium and includes ruthenium, rhodium, stable and easily revert to the free element. All form colored
and palladium. The third triad follows rhenium and includes compounds.

None of the elements of the second triad have compounds of rendered anhydrous they are blue. Because of this color change
medicinal value, but platinum, a member of the third triad, is anhydrous cobalt(II) chloride is included in dehydrating agents
used in cancer chemotherapy as cisplatin, cis-diaminedichloro- for gases to indicate when they are spent.
platinum(11); monographs for Cisplatin and Cisplatin for Injec- There is evidence that the presence of traces of cobalt may
tion are found in the USP. Carboplatin, cis-diamine (1,1- catalyze the physiological utilization of iron. This has led to the
cyclobutanedicarboxylato)platinum, is another compound used introduction of medicinal specialty products containing iron in
in cancer therapy. association with cobalt designed for use in the treatment of iron
deficiency anemias. Cyanocobalamin (vitamin B 12 ) is the only
cobalt compound officially cited. The radioactive isotopes, 'Co
and 'Co, are used diagnostically and therapeutically.
Elements of the First Tria
The important oxidation states are +2, achieved by the loss of NICKEL
the two s electrons, and +3 in which an additional d electron
is lost (see Table 24-17). The stability of the +2 oxidation state The important nickel compounds are in the +2 oxidation state.
increases from iron to nickel. The free metals and the +2 There are no nickel compounds of medical importance.
cations are important reducing agents. The cations have a
tendency to form both cationic and anionic complex ions of
high stability. WATER
Water is omnipresent. About 75% of the earth's surface is cov-
IRON ered with liquid water. Land masses in polar regions are cov-
ered with thick sheets of ice. In vapor form, water is an impor-
Iron is distributed widely in nature. It functions in divalent and
tant constituent of the earth's atmosphere. In combined form,
trivalent states to form iron(II) ferrous and iron(III) ferric com-
water occurs abundantly in many minerals, such as gypsum
pounds, respectively. Iron(II) compounds are usually green in
( CaSO. E 2H 2 0). In addition, water occurs in all animal and
the hydrated state and white in the anhydrous state. Iron(III)
vegetable tissues; it constitutes some 70% of the human
salts are usually yellow to brown in the hydrated state but vary
body and over 90% of vegetables such as cucumbers and
in color when anhydrous. Aqueous solutions of iron(III) salts
hydrolyze strongly to give acid solutions. Iron(II) salts undergo
Together with ammonia and hydrogen fluoride, water is dis-
slight hydrolysis and are oxidized easily in solution. The be-
tinguished from other covalent hydrides by the strong hydrogen
havior of the iron(III) ion is similar to that of aluminum(III).
bonds existing between adjacent molecules. Despite the ability
Iron, in either oxidation state, readily forms soluble coordi-
of fluoride ion to form stronger hydrogen bonds than oxide, hy-
nation complexes with ligands such as phosphate, citrate, tar-
drogen bonding reaches its peak in water because two protons
trate, and amines. Iron does not precipitate from many of these
are available per molecule. Hydrogen fluoride has only one
complexes with the usual iron precipitants.
available proton per molecule and ammonia has only one open
Iron is an essential trace element. It is the important ele-
site per molecule for hydrogen bonding.
ment in the transportation of oxygen by hemoglobin. It func-
Because of the extensive hydrogen bonding, the physical
tions in various cytochromes, which are essential oxidative en-
properties of water are unique among the other hydrides. Most
zymes of the body cells.
obvious is the existence of water as a liquid under normal con-
A study carried out in Finland has cast doubt on the advis-
ditions. All other covalent hydrides are gases. The heat of fu-
ability of the routine use of hematinics because men with
sion and melting point, heat of vaporization and boiling point,
higher levels of ferritin (an iron storage protein) were found to
specific heat, surface tension, viscosity, and dielectric constant
be more prone to heart attacks. Interpretation of the results in-
of water are all much higher in absolute value than those of
cluded speculation about iron's ability to give rise to free radi-
other covalent hydrides. The world as we know it would be im-
cals after reaction with oxygen. The caveat that persists is that
possible without these unusual properties of water.
ferritin levels must be measured and found to be low before an
Water is a chemically stable compound. Even at 2000 K, less
iron deficiency is pronounced requiring use of a hematinic. The
than 1% is dissociated into its elements. The I for water
use of hematinics without substantiated need is not advised.
is only 10 '. Despite this relative nonreactivity it acts as a
Numerous iron(II) and iron(111) compounds, complexes, and
solvent, especially for ionic compounds, as a ligand, as an acid
solutions have been used as hematinics in the past. However,
or base, and as an oxidizing or reducing agent. In traces, wa-
because of their greater gastrointestinal irritation and poor ab-
ter is frequently a catalyst. The acidbase properties are
sorption, iron(III) compounds and their preparations are used
discussed later.
rarely today. Ferrous 1' umarate (Tablets and, together with Do-
Because of its strong permanent dipole, water often acts as a
cusate Sodium, Extended Release Tablets), Ferrous Gluconate
ligand in complex substances. Almost all cations form one or
(Tablets, Capsules, and Elixir), Ferrous Sulfate (Oral Solution,
more hydrates, divalent cations being more highly hydrated than
Syrup, and Tablets) and Dried Ferrous Sulfate are official in
the monovalent because of their stronger electrostatic fields.
the USP. Iron Dextran Injection, a colloidal iron(III) hydroxide
Having reduced field strengths because of their greater size,
with partially hydrolyzed dextran, and Iron Sorbitex Injection,
large cations (eg, cesium) do not hydrate. Many anions hydrate;
a complex of iron with sorbitol and citric acid, are cited in the
for example, CuSO 4 .5H 2 0 is actually [Cu(H20)4][SO4H20].
USP as injectable forms for patients with poor gastrointestinal
Water acts as a solvent for an unusual range of substances.
tolerance or poor absorption of iron. Reduced iron formerly was
This solvent action results from one or more of its properties:
used as a hematinic; it survives today in the fortification of
small size, strong permanent dipole, high dielectric constant,
foods such as flour.
and availability of protons for hydrogen bonding.
Iron(III) compounds are astringent. Sodium nitroprusside
USP, Na 2 [Fe(CN) 5 (NO)]2H 2 0, is a vasodilator. A monograph
for Sterile Sodium Nitroprusside is provided in the USP.
COBALT Naturally occurring waters contain dissolved minerals indige-
nous to the region. Such waters are described variously as min-
The important cobalt salts of commerce are those of cobalt(II). eral waters, lithia waters, sulfur waters, and so on. Owners of
Most contain water of hydration and are red in color, but when springs or other sources of such waters often claim fanciful

therapeutic effects but, in general, these claims have not been PURIFIED WATER AND OTHER WATERS
sub stanti ate d
Natural waters contain varying amounts of suspended mat- USED IN PHARMACY
ter, such as clay, sand, microorganisms, and fragments of Purified water is prepared by distillation, ion-exchange
plants and animals. Commonly, they are a very dilute solution (deionized, demineralized), reverse osmosis, or other methods.
(parts per million or ppm) of calcium, magnesium, iron(III), Potable water, meeting EPA standards, is used in its prepara-
sodium, and potassium ions, having bicarbonate, sulfate, and tion. The object is the removal of dissolved solids. Ion-
chloride as counterions. exchange and reverse osmosis are particularly effective in
The dissolved bicarbonate constitutes temporary hardness removing electrolytes. Distillation is not effective in the
whereas sulfate and chloride constitute permanent hardness. removal of weak electrolytes and nonelectrolytes if they are
In addition, natural water contains traces of dissolved atmo- volatile.
spheric gases, ammonia, and metabolic decomposition prod- Purified water may be rendered sterile and pyrogen-free by
ucts. Waters in inhabited areas often include dissolved miner- repeated distillation.
als such as nitrate, phosphate, and organic compounds from Primarily because of its solvent powers and physiological in-
homes, industry, and farms. Detergents and dissolved traces of ertness, water is an extremely important pharmaceutical
insecticides and herbicides are proving especially troublesome.
agent. It is official in six different monographs: Purified Water,
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has water-quality
Sterile Purified Water, Water for Injection, Bacteriostatic Wa-
criteria for a number of priority pollutants.
ter for Injection, Sterile Water for Inhalation, Sterile Water for
Injection, and Sterile Water for Irrigation. General Chapter
<1231> in the USP is an excellent summary of the various wa-
POTABLE WATER ters and a guide to their use.
Potable water is water that is fit to drink. Providing potable wa-
ter is one of the most important functions of modern communi-
ties. The overall process involves the removal of insoluble matter HEAVY WATER
through appropriate coagulating, settling, and filtering pro-
cesses; destruction of pathogenic microorganisms by aeration, The isotopes of hydrogen have been named deuterium (two neu-
chlorination, or other methods; and improvement of palatability trons) and tritium (three neutrons). The presence of three neu-
through aeration and filtration through charcoal. trons in tritium results in an unstable nucleus. However, like
Activated charcoal also removes some harmful trace impuri- hydrogen, deuterium is stable and gives rise to deuterium ox-
ties (eg, trihalomethanes) not removed or destroyed by previous ide, D 2 0. This compound occurs in ordinary water in a few
operations. In regions where water is excessively hard, soften- parts per million. Because of its greater molecular weight, the
ing is effected by adding lime or ammonia to partially remove physical properties of deuterium oxide differ from those of wa-
dissolved salts by precipitation as carbonates (Ca' and Mg') ter (eg, by 10L4, sp gr 1.10).
and hydroxide kron(111)]. To assure an adequate provision of Deuterium oxide has no known therapeutic role. It has been
the essential element fluorine, fluoridation is accomplished by used as a research tool in biological and pharmacological inves-
adding sodium fluosilicate. Standards for potable water are is- tigations. Use of deuterium oxide for drinking purposes has
sued by the EPA. caused retardation or stunted growth in experimental mam-
In emergencies water may be purified (rendered free of vi- mals. It is available commercially and finds use as a moderator
able microorganisms) by boiling for 15 to 20 minutes, or by in nuclear reactors and as a solvent in nuclear magnetic reso-
treatment with halazone or iodine. nance studies.


ACIDS AND BASES of a proton, and are known as a conjugate pair. The transfer of a
proton from the acid of one conjugate pair to the base of another
Acidbase theories range from the limited, classic Arrhenius conjugate pair is neutralization. Some conjugate pairs of phar-
theory to the comprehensive theory of Lewis. In between are maceutical interest are given in Table 24-18. It is evident that
the Franklin solvent system of acids and bases and the Broil- acids and bases may be cations, neutral molecules, or anions.
ste d proton donor theory. Some structures may be members of two different conjugate
As the body functions with aqueous media and pharmaceuti- pairs, as an acid in one and as a base in the other.
cals frequently are dispensed in aqueous solution, the Bronsted A strong acid is an acid that loses its proton easily; a weak
theory is convenient for use in pharmacy. A molecule or ion that acid holds its proton tenaciously. The conjugate base of a strong
can provide a proton (proton donor) is an acid; one that can ac- acid is a weak base, whereas that of a weak acid is a strong base.
cept a proton (proton acceptor) is a base. On accepting a proton, In neutralization, the proton goes to the strongest of the bases
a base becomes an acid; on losing its proton, the acid becomes a present. The percent ionization and the ionization constant are
base. An acid and its base are related by the presence or absence measures of the strength of a given acid.
Acids and bases are used in pharmacy for analytical proce-
dures, as buffer systems, and to dissolve insoluble medicinals. To
Table 24-18. Conjugate Acid-Base Pairs accomplish the latter the insoluble compound must have a func-
ACID BASE ACID BASE tional group capable of acting as a strong base or as an acid. Li-
docaine Hydrochloride Injection USP and Niacin Injection USP
are examples. The former is prepared by reacting lidocaine with
H30 - H2O HSO 4 - 504 2-
hydrochloric acid; the diethylamino group is a stronger base than
NH4' NH3 H3PO4 H2PO4
HPO4 2 -
either the water molecule or the chloride ion. Lidocaine goes into
RN H3' RNH2 H2R04 -
HCI CI - [A](H20)61 3- [ A](H20)5(OH)1 2+
solution as a cation. Niacin Injection is prepared by reacting
H2CO3 HCO3 - [A](H20)5(OH)1 2- [ A](H20)4(0E-1)21 - niacin with either sodium carbonate or sodium hydroxide; the
HCO3 - CO3 2- H31303 H2O LB(OH)4] - carboxyl group loses its proton to the carbonate or hydroxyl ion
and the niacin goes into solution as an anion.

In neutralization, as above, the pharmacist must be cog- Some acids and bases listed in the compendia at present are
nizant of two requirements that are not important in ordinary Calcium Hydroxide, Potassium Bicarbonate, Potassium Hy-
chemical neutralizations. The counterion being introduced droxide, Sodium Bicarbonate, Sodium Carbonate, Sodium Hy-
chloride ion and sodium ion, respectively, in the above exam- droxide, Strong Ammonia Solution, Acetic Acid, Hydrochloric
plesmust be compatible physiologically with the body fluids. Acid and Diluted Hydrochloric Acid, Nitric Acid, Sulfuric Acid,
Also, because strong acids or bases are being used, there can be Phosphoric Acid and Diluted Phosphoric Acid.
no excess acid or base because of the corrosive nature of these Stability and storage problems of these compounds must be
reagents. considered. All strong bases are subject to reaction with carbon
Acids and bases are also necessary for the preparation of ef- dioxide if proper closures are not maintained. Volatile com-
fervescent mixtures, a medicinal dosage form sometimes used pounds, such as ammonia and hydrogen chloride, must be
to render a medicinal more palatable for oral administration. sealed tightly at all times, as must hygroscopic compounds such
Sodium bicarbonate is used as the carbon dioxide source. Solid as sodium hydroxide.
acids such as citric acid, tartaric acid, or sodium dihydrogen
phosphate are used, frequently in combination. Reaction rate is
very important in these formulations. Sodium bicarbonate
must have the correct particle size; if too fine, the reaction is too
violent, and if too coarse, the reaction is too slow. To lower the Buffers are used to maintain the pH of a medicinal at an op-
activity of the acid, a normal salt of the acid is included in the timal value. A buffer is a solution of a weak acid and its con-
mixture as a diluent. jugate base, the base being provided by one of its soluble salts.

Bronsted acids and bases have been used to maintain and ad- Magnesium Oxide Capsules (and Tablets); Basic Aluminum
just the pH of body fluids for many years. By far the greatest in- Carbonate Gel; Dried Basic Aluminum Carbonate Gel Capsules
terest has been in development of gastric antacids. However, an (and Tablets); Alumina and Magnesium Carbonate Oral Sus-
adequate number of suitable reagents are available for sys- pension (and Tablets); Alumina, Magnesium Carbonate, and
temic pH adjustments. Magnesium Oxide Tablets; Alumina, Magnesia, and Sime-
thicone Oral Suspension (and Tablets); Calcium Carbonate
Oral Suspension; and Magaldrate and Simethicone Oral
GASTRIC ANTACIDS Suspension (and Tablets). A monograph for Magnesium Hy-
droxide Paste, which contains about 31 g of magnesium hy-
The present official magnesium antacids include Magnesium droxide per 100 g, describes a suspension that is an intermedi-
Hydroxide, Milk of Magnesia, Magnesia Tablets, Alumina and ate in the manufacture of Milk of Magnesia and other
Magnesia Oral Suspension (and Tablets), Magnesium Carbon- suspensions of magnesium hydroxide.
ate, Magnesium Carbonate and Sodium Bicarbonate for Oral
Suspension, Magnesium Oxide, Magnesium Phosphate, and
Magnesium Trisilicate (and Tablets). The official aluminum SYSTEMIC ALKALIZERS AND ACIDIFIERS
antacids include Aluminum hydroxide Gel, Dried Aluminum
Hydroxide Gel (and Capsules and Tablets), Aluminum Phos- Sodium Bicarbonate USP and Potassium Bicarbonate USP are
phate Gel, Dihydroxyaluminum Aminoacetate (and Magma, used as systemic alkalizers. Because the bicarbonates are un-
and Capsules and Tablets), Dihydroxyaluminum Sodium Car- stable to heat, chemical problems arise in the sterilization of bi-
bonate (and Tablets), Alumina, Magnesia, and Calcium Car- carbonate solutions,
bonate Oral Suspension (and Tablets), Alumina and Magne-
2HCO 3 - CO 3 2- + CO 2 + H 2 O
sium Trisilicate Oral Suspension (and Tablets), and the
Alumina and Magnesia preparations already listed. The cal- To depress the forward reaction the solution can be saturated
cium antacids include Precipitated Calcium Carbonate (and with carbon dioxide. To prevent the loss of the gas, which would
Tablets), Calcium Carbonate and Magnesia Tablets, and Cal- result in the permanent formation of the strong carbonate base,
cium and Magnesium Carbonates Tablets. Magaldrate, an the ampules used must be sealed tightly before sterilization,
aluminum magnesium hydroxide sulfate, is official, as is its and must be made of glass sufficiently strong to withstand the
Oral Suspension and Tablets. Miscellaneous official antacids gas pressure developed during sterilization. On cooling the re-
include Milk of Bismuth, Sodium Bicarbonate, and Potassium verse reaction becomes dominant.
Bicarbonate. Ammonium Chloride USP, Monoba sic Sodium Phosphate
There are other gastric antacid dosage form monographs, USP, and Calcium Chloride USP are employed as systemic
some including simethicone, an antiflatulent, and they are acidifiers.


The roles and behavior of inorganic elements in the electrolyte states. In most cases the shift between two electron states is
and essential trace elements categories are discussed else- relatively easy; for example,
where in this book, but it is instructive to review the physical
Fe 2+ Fe+ + e -
and chemical properties that make possible their respective
roles. Examination of orbital electron structures, ionic radii, ox- As a result, the transition elements can act as electron sinks
idation states, etc, as given in Tables 24-7 through 2447, can and are active in those systems involved in oxidation or reduc-
yield valuable clues to their behavior. tion reactions.
The transition elements have incompletely filled 18-electron On the other hand, an element such as zinc achieves a com-
outer shells and each can exist in several different oxidation pletely filled outer 18-electron shell on becoming zinc ion. In

the 2+ oxidation state this shell becomes stable. Unlike the a choice of carbohydrate nutrient from invert sugar and dex-
tightly held spherical 8-electron shell the 18-electron shell trose. These monographs indicate an awareness of the impor-
is mushy and deformed or polarized easily by external fields. tance of inorganic cations (including magnesium) and anions
In turn, it can cause polarization of other moieties. This ion and provide a variety of choices to allow treatment of patients
is not found in redox systems, but rather in systems such as on an individualized basis.
carbonic anhydrase, which aid in the splitting or forming of In addition to providing official standards for various infu-
molecules. sions used as parenteral rehydration solutions or electrolyte re-
Unlike the incompletely filled shells of the transition ele- plenishers, USP has a generic monograph for Oral Rehydration
ments or the 18-electron shell of the zinc ion, 8-electron shell Salts, a dry mixture of sodium chloride, sodium bicarbonate (or
ions ordinarily are stable and are not deformed easily by ex- sodium citrate), potassium chloride, and dextrose to be dis-
ternal fields. Those 8-electron outer shell ions with a high solved and used to treat chronic diarrhea.
charge (eg, calcium) have intense charge densities in the vol- In recent years there has been an increased awareness of the
ume surrounding the ion. This results in strong interactions importance of minerals in the diet and of the value of mineral
with the fields of other moieties to form strong permanent as- supplements. Generally, gluconates, like other organic salts,
sociations. However, an 8-electron shell effectively screens the are less irritating to the gastrointestinal tract; thus, the follow-
single charge of ions such as sodium. They are, therefore, ing metal gluconates are found in the USP: Zinc, Sodium, Cop-
chemically inert with very weak interactions with other ions. per, Magnesium, and Manganese. The USP includes a mono-
This explains their simple roles in the body fluids as osmotic graph USP for Selenious Acid Injection, which can provide a
regulators, etc. source of selenium as a mineral supplement.
There are a number of monographs for parenteral infusions In a new USP section entitled Nutritional Supplements are
intended to supply electrolytes, water, and carbohydrates as monographs for Mineral Capsules and Mineral Tablets. The
nutrients. In addition to monographs in the USP for Ringer's minerals present in these dosage forms are potassium, calcium,
and Dextrose Injection and Lactated Ringer's and Dextrose In- magnesium, phosphorous, zinc, iron, manganese, copper, molyb-
jection (with Half-Strength and Modified variations), a series of denum, fluorine, chromium, iodine, and selenium.
monographs are found with the designation Multiple Elec- When it is necessary to administer trace elements pa renter-
trolytes in each title; these monographs offer choices of cations ally, the monograph entitled Trace Elements USP describes a
from Na t , Ca', Mg', and NH 4 ; of anions from chloride, sterile solution that may be used to administer zinc, copper,
acetate, citrate, lactate, gluconate, phosphate, and sulfate; plus chromium, manganese, selenium, iodine, and molybdenum.


OXIDIZING GERMICIDES the excellent astringent (and deodorant) properties of the alu-
minum ion, but the pH of the solutions approximates neutral-
Hydrogen Peroxide, Sodium Hypochlorite, Iodine, and/or ity (5 to 6).
their various solutions are cited in the USP. Hypochlorous Aluminum Sub acetate Topical Solution USP is essentially a
acid, the active moiety in sodium hypochlorite solution, owes solution of the above ions prepared from aluminum sulfate us-
its germicidal activity to both oxidizing and chlorinating ing carbonate ion (CaCO ;i ) as the base. Aluminum Sulfate and
activity. Ammonium Alum and Potassium Alum are found in the USP
and also are used as astringents. Alum may be either the potas-
sium or ammonium form. It is shaped into a pencil form to be
Silver Nitrate, Silver Nitrate Ophthalmic Solution, and Tough- Iron(III) and aluminum ions are very similar. Iron(III) is
ened Silver Nitrate are listed in USP, as is Ammoniated Mer- astringent, and preparations of ferric salts for such use
cury. Zinc Acetate, Zinc Chloride, Zinc Sulfate, and Zinc Unde- formerly were recognized. Although it is efficient in this
cylenate also are official. Only two boron compounds are cited capacity, its staining property is a major disadvantage.
in NE: Boric Acid and Sodium Borate. The antimony com- Lime water, a saturated solution of fresh calcium hydroxide,
pounds listed are Antimony Potassium Tartrate USP and Anti- is used as a local astringent. Bismuth subnitrate and the
mony Sodium Tartrate USP. other bismuth sub-salts are used as astringents and pro-

Aluminum ion in solution is an excellent local astringent over PROTECTI VE5
wide concentration ranges. It also is mildly antiseptic. Alu-
In order to possess good adhering properties, protectives must
minum Chloride USP once was used in this application, but the be in very finely powdered form. They also must be relatively
high acidity of its solutions caused problems. The acidity re-
inert, insoluble compounds. A wide range of compounds are
sults from ionization of the hexaa quo ion suitable as protectives. They usually are used externally, but
lAl(H 2 0) 6 r + H 2 O [Al(OH)(H 2 0) 5 ] " + H 3 0 + some applications involve the gastrointestinal tract. Some are
slightly soluble (eg, ZnO) and give some astringent action; oth-
and is about that of acetic acid. Today, the mixture of two com-
ers (eg, kaolin) have adsorbent action.
pounds (aluminum hydroxychloride, aluminum chlorhydrate,
Zinc Oxide, Calamine (and Calamine Lotion and Phenolated
aluminum chlorhydrol) obtained by partial neutralization of
Calamine Lotion), and Zinc Stearate (all USP) are used for
aluminum chloride is used.
their protective and slightly astringent properties. Calamine is
lAl(H 2 0) 6 r + OH - -> [Al(OH)(H 2 0) 5 l 2+ + H 2 O the calcined native zinc oxide ore. The iron oxide impurity gives
calamine a flesh color that is cosmetically more appealing. Zinc
lAI(OH)(H 2 0) 5 l 2+ + OH - -> [Al(OH) 2 (H 2 0) 4 ] + + H 2 O
stearate, a mixture of fatty acid zinc soaps, has an unctuous
The reaction is stopped before complete conversion to the dihy- feel. White Lotion USP is used for its astringent and protective
droxy hydrate. The resulting solution (or dried product) retains powers.

Magnesium trisilicate, basic aluminum carbonate, and INORGANIC PIGMENTS

chalk are used as protectives, as are the various insoluble
bismuth sub-salts. Talc is used because of its smooth, unctuous The most important innocuous pigments are the iron oxides.
feel. Kaolin and bentonite are used as they also have some They give colors throughout the visible spectrum. Three vari-
absorptive properties; titanium dioxide is used as a solar ables are involved: particle size, oxidation state, and degree of
screen. hydration.


ARTIFICIAL ATMOSPHERES pressed. Carbon dioxide also is used as an inert gas in the
headspace over medicinals in sealed containers.
Five gases are official: nitrogen, oxygen, helium, carbon diox- Ammonium Carbonate NE is used as a respiratory stimu-
ide, and nitrogen(I) oxide (nitrous oxide or laughing gas). Ni- lant. The name is a misnomer, as it is a mixture of ammonium
trogen is used as a diluent for oxygen and may be used as a pro- bicarbonate and ammonium carbamate. At room temperature
tective atmosphere for easily oxidized medicinals. it decomposes to ammonia and carbon dioxide, two respiratory
Helium, because of its low density compared to nitrogen, is stimulants.
used to prepare a gaseous mixture composed of 20% oxygen and
helium. This mixture is used to alleviate respiration difficul- NH 4HCO 3 + NH2CO2N114 > 3N1-13 + 2CO 2 + H 2 O
ties. Because of the low solubility of helium in blood, the same
The substance must be stored in tightly sealed containers.
mixture is used as an atmosphere for those performing under
Aromatic Ammonia Spirit USP is prepared from ammonium
high atmospheric pressures (deep-sea divers, caisson workers).
carbonate, strong ammonia solution, various aromatic oils, al-
When ordinary air is used, rapid decompression causes bubbles
cohol, and water. Light-resistant containers must be used.
of gaseous nitrogen to form in the blood; the resulting painful,
and sometimes fatal, condition is known as the bends.
Oxygen is used when respiratory problems exist. Ordinar-
ily, it is diluted with nitrogen or helium; 100% oxygen should EXPECTORANTS
not be used continuously. In hyperb attic oxygen therapy, oxy-
Water vapor, an excellent expectorant, is currently considered
gen is breathed inside a tank at up to 3 atm (atmospheres)
the best Ammonium chloride and carbonate, and ammonium
of pressure. Although the amount of oxygen carried by the
and potassium iodides are used commonly as expectorants. Hy-
hemoglobin is little affected, the higher oxygen pressure
driodic acid syrup was official at one time. If the iodides are
increases the amount of dissolved oxygen in the plasma
used in solution, they must be protected by an antioxidant such
(Henry's law).
as sodium thiosulfate.
It is possible to produce oxygen that is medicinally useful on
site, as in a hospital or nursing home, by the use of oxygen con-
centrators. There are two types of membranes that are used in
the concentrators, permeable plastic membranes and molecular LAXATIVES, ENEMAS, AND IRRIGATION
sieves. The monograph for Oxygen 93% USP sets standards for SOLUTIONS
the oxygen produced by the molecular-sieve process.
Nitrogen(I) oxide usually requires 20 to 25% oxygen during Cathartics are divided into classes according to mode of action.
administration. It is used for surgical operations of short dura- With the exception of sulfur, the inorganic cathartics are saline
tion. Xenon has a general anesthetic action but is too rare for (osmotic, bulk) laxatives. For laxative action one or both of the
use. Magnesium ion has anesthetic action; however, the anes- ions of the salt must not be absorbed, or be absorbed with diffi-
thetic dose and the toxic dose of magnesium are too close for use culty. This sets up an osmotic imbalance in the intestinal tract
as a general anesthetic. Magnesium Sulfate Injection USP is that the body attempts to correct by secreting water into the in-
used as an anticonvulsant and central depressant. testine. The large volume of fluid in the intestine acts as a me-
chanical stimulus for peristalsis.
The commonly used salts of the monohydrogen phosphate,
monohydrogen tartrate, tartrate, and citrate ions are absorbed
CARBON DIOXIDE ABSORBERS slowly, but in laxative doses their osmotic action is rapid and ef-
When, as in general anesthesia, a patient rebreathes air, dan- fective. They are swept out of the intestinal tract before appre-
gerous levels of carbon dioxide build up. To prevent this carbon ciable absorption can take place. Sulfate ion is relatively non-
dioxide absorbers are used. Soda Lime NE is prepared by fusing absorbable and is used either as the magnesium or sodium salt
calcium hydroxide with sodium hydroxide and/or potassium (Epsom Salt and Glauber's Salt, respectively).
hydroxide with sufficient diatomaceous earth to yield a hard, Insoluble laxatives, such as Milk of Magnesia, must be dis-
nonfriable product. For Barium Hydroxide Lime USP, barium solved in the stomach before they can exert a laxative effect.
hydroxide is substituted for the alkali hydroxide. The particles The soluble magnesium sulfate and citrate of magnesia are
formed must be large enough to allow free passage of air, but used widely as laxatives. However, soluble magnesium salts
small enough to give a large surface area for absorption. The frequently are not recommended as laxatives because of the
particles must be hard to prevent dust formation with han- danger of absorbing free magnesium ion. Dibasic Sodium Phos-
dling. Entrainment of absorber dust in the breathed air could phate, Sodium Phosphates Oral Solution, Sodium Citrate and
cause serious alkali burns in the respiratory tract. A colored in- Citric Acid Oral Solution, Potassium Sodium Tartrate, Milk of
dicator is included in the preparation to indicate when the car- Magnesia, and Sodium Sulfate are cited officially.
bon dioxide capacity is depleted. PE G 3350 and Electrolytes for Oral Solution USP (Polyethy-
lene- glycol 3350, NaHCO 3 , NaCl, Na 2 SO 4 and KCl) is a dry
mixture that is to be dissolved at the time of use and then con-
RESPIRATORY STIMULANTS sumed within a prescribed time in order to function as a cathar-
tic and accomplish oral colonic lavage in preparation for a bar-
Carbon dioxide is used as a respiratory stimulant, usually with ium enema or a colonoscopic examination.
5 to 7% oxygen. Because it is the normal respiratory stimulant Sulfur, when ingested, has an irritant laxative effect. The el-
it is of no value where the respiratory center is already de- ement is thought to be reduced to hydrogen sulfide by reducing

agents present in the intestinal fluid. Hydrogen sulfide is a but this venerable use of mercury is being questioned because
mild intestinal irritant. of possible chronic toxicity. Zinc-eugenol cement also is used for
Sodium Phosphates Enema USP is a mixture of dibasic and dental fillings.
monobasic sodium phosphates or dibasic sodium phosphate and Plaster of Paris is used for temporary support structures, es-
phosphoric acid in water to give a pII of 5 to 5.8. pecially for broken bones. The formula, CaSO 4 .1/2H 2 0, sug-
Some solutions are used for irrigating various parts of the gests a hemihydrate, but there is experimental evidence indi-
body. For example, Citric Acid, Magnesium Oxide, and Sodium cating the existence of local gypsum (CaSO 4 .2H 2 0) nuclei in
Carbonate Irrigation USP is defined as a sterile solution that, anhydrous calcium sulfate.
after the chemical reactions between citric acid and the other Plaster of Paris also is used for taking dental impressions;
two compounds are completed and the resulting solution is ster- because it expands slightly on setting, it fills all spaces com-
ilized, is suitable for use as a urinary bladder irrigant; its acidic pletely to give a true surface replica.
pH is conducive to dissolving any bladder calculi in patients
such as those using an indwelling catheter.
Because of space considerations, many less important and
RADIOPAQUES AND IMAGING AGENTS older inorganic medicinals have been omitted. The chemistry
Radiopaque compounds are capable of interfering with the pas- given necessarily is abbreviated. For further details of basic
sage of x-rays. This interference is directly proportional to chemistry and omitted uses and products see Discher et al.'
atomic number. The soft tissues of the body are composed of For more thorough discussions of the etiology and treatment
atoms of very low atomic number (1, 6, 7, 8, 15, and 16) that do involving inorganic substances, see the appropriate chapters
not interfere sufficiently to be discerned. To make the soft tis- of this text or of Block et a1. 8 For the chemistry and use
sues, the lumen of organs, and body channels show, high atomic of many products no longer in general use or entirely aban-
number atoms must be used. doned, refer to one of the older editions of Rogers, Soine, and
Because of the toxicity of these elements, the choices are lim- Wilson .'
ited. Only two, barium and iodine, atomic numbers 56 and 53, An excellent text by Rayner-Canham 1 " considers the basic
have proved useful. Barium Sulfate USP and Barium Sulfate properties and descriptive aspects of many inorganic com-
for Suspension USP are used for studies of the intestinal tract. pounds and includes some biochemical and biological informa-
Iodine is incorporated into organic molecules designed to con- tion. In addition, Emsley's excellent book' gives information
centrate in the organ or cavity to be studied, such as lopanoic about the presence of elements in humans and provides the
Acid USP designed for visualization of the gall bladder. Each background and history for the use of inorganic compounds for
molecule of the acid has three iodine atoms. medicinal purposes .

The introduction and development of magnetic resonance

imaging (MRI) as a means of getting images of parts of the body
by noninvasive methods has made medical diagnoses simpler REFERENCES
and more scientific. The use of gadolinium (element 64) in var- 1. Discher CA, Medwick T, Bailey LC. Modern Inorganic Pharmaceuti-
ious complexes such as a cationic diethylenetriamine pen- cal Chemistry, 2nd ed. Prospect Heights, IL: Waveland Press, 1985.
taacetic acid complex with a meglumine anion has dramatically 2. Huheey HE, Keifer EA, Keiter RL. Inorganic Chemistry Principles
facilitated the visualization of intracranial lesions by paramag- of Structure and Reactivity, 4th ed. New York: Harper Collins, 1993.
netic enhancement. 3. Leigh GJ, ed. Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry, IUPAC, 3rd ed.
Oxford: Blackwell Science, 1990.
4. Bailar JC, ed. Comprehensive Inorganic Chemistry. New York: Perg-
amon, 1973.
STRUCTURAL REPAIRS 5. Pauling L. Nature of the Chemical Bond, 3rd ed. Ithaca, NY: Cornell
University Press, 1960.
Occasionally, temporary or permanent replacement of support 6. Shannon RD, Prewitt CT. Acta Ciystallogr 1969; B25: 925.
structures is necessary. The materials used should be chemi- 7. Lido DR, ed. Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 71st ed. Boca Ra-
cally inert and insoluble in the body fluids, they must be non- ton, FL: CRC Press, 1990.
toxic, and they must have the strength to withstand any phys- 8. Block JH, et al. Inorganic Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry.
Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger, 1974.
ical stress to which they are subjected. Tantalum has been used
9. Rogers CH, Soine TO, Wilson CO. A Textbook of Inorganic Pharma-
as a bone replacement for temporary braces of long bones, and ceutical Chemistry. Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger, 1952.
to close openings in the skull. Silver has found similar applica- 10. Rayner Canham G. Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry. New York: WH

tions. It reacts slightly with body fluids, but as insoluble silver Freeman, 1996.
chloride is the principal product, this is not a serious threat. 11. Emsley J. Nature's Building Blocks. Now York: Oxford University
Mercury amalgams of gold and silver are used for dental fillings Press, 2001.
Organic Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Alfonso R Gennaro, PhD

It is not the purpose of this chapter to provide a fundamental as types of compounds in this classification. A separate, more
treatment of organic chemistry. Readers are expected to have detailed presentation of these is provided in Chapter 26.
pursued the usual basic courses in organic chemistry and be Although a few heterocyclic types such as imines (azacyclic),
cognizant of the various advanced texts and other readily avail- anhydrides of dibasic acids (oxacyclic), lactides (dioxacyclic) au-
able works of reference. (See Bibliography) Accordingly, this tomatically enter into the listing, it will be observed that parent
chapter is restricted primarily to a listing of the more promi- heterocycles in general (eg, thiophene, pyridine, dioxane) are
nent structural types of organic compounds, a brief presenta- not included. Heterocycles represented in official drugs are
tion of the various nomenclature systems and of the major listed later in the chapter.
chemical classes of official (UST/NT) pharmaceuticals, followed In type formulas, such as in Appendix A, the symbol R is
by a discussion on the identification of organic functional employed conventionally to denote a hydrocarbon radical. Un-
groups and the possible assignment of an approximate acidic, less otherwise specified, it may be aliphatic, alicyclic, or aro-
basic, or neutral value to these groups. A detailed treatment of matic, and its valence varies to satisfy the requirements of its
the individual pharmaceuticals is provided at other locations in attachment to the rest of the molecule. The degree of saturation
this book (refer to the index). in R does not enter into the scheme. When a formula contains
more than one R, the radicals may be either identical or
different. In a few instances it is possible, that even if two
TYPES OF ORGANIC COMPOUNDS monovalent Rs are replaceable by a single divalent R, the same
A comprehensive understanding of organic chemistry would be type of compound is retained, as with aliphatic ketones
extremely difficult were it not for the fact that the hundreds of (R 2 C=O) and cyclic ketones (R=C=0).
thousands of known compounds fall conveniently into a very The type formulas assume a useful broader meaning if R, in-
much smaller number of general types based on molecular stead of being restricted to designate only a hydrocarbon radi-
structure. Similarities and differences among the physical and cal, is permitted to (1) be a residue from a heterocycle and (2)
chemical properties of the diverse compounds thus become carry substituent groups. The latter definition automatically
more apparent and understandable, and this is useful both in extends the listing to embrace polyfunctional compounds, but it
providing explanations for observed phenomena and in making also introduces the complicating feature of the order of prece-
predictions for possible applications of known compounds and dence of functional groups. This matter is discussed later in the
compounds projected for synthesis. chapter.
Organic compounds may be classified in many ways, the de- Unless otherwise specified, the symbol X stands for a mem-
sired intricacy of any particular scheme depending on the pur- ber of the halogen family. In addition to the type formulas, one
pose of performing the classification. Thus, for one purpose it or more specific examples of each type of compound also are
may suffice to construct a single, broad class of hydroxy com- provided, showing how the formulas usually appear in some-
pounds, while for other purposes it is desirable to subdivide this what condensed form and illustrating the manner in which the
broad class into alcohols and phenols and perhaps even subdi- type names become parts of individual compound names How-
vide these further into subclasses of alcohols and phenols. It is ever, it should be remembered that, although correct, such
appropriate here, for purposes of convenient reference, to list names are not always the preferred names in modern nomen-
those types of compounds most commonly encountered in the clature practice.
systematic study of organic chemistry and to display their A linear formula with a horizontal line above the symbols in-
general (type) formulas. The types of compounds that are perti- dicates a ring structure; the line is a bond joining the two atoms
nent, especially to pharmacy, are treated in greater detail later at each end. For example, CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 COO is 8 - valerola c-
in the chapter where examples of official drugs belonging to tone. The oxygen atom on the right end is bonded to the carbon
each class also are provided. atom on the left end, forming a 6-membered ring.
To enhance the utility of this chapter as a reference tool, the The only formulas and structures that will be depicted will
listing in Appendix A is alphabetical rather than by any be those of pharmaceutical interest.
chemical classification scheme. Prefatorily, the following ex-
planatory notes are provided.
Unless otherwise specified, the formulas shown are for com- NOMENCLATURE OF ORGANIC
pounds containing only one of the particular functional groups COMPOUNDS
involved. Formulas for compounds containing more than one of
the same functional group can be derived easily. In the early decades of organic chemistry, newly discovered
Naturally occurring classes of compounds such as carbohy- compounds commonly were provided with names which indi-
drates, proteins, alkaloids, glycosides, or lipids are not treated cated either the source or some outstanding property of the


compound. Thus, marsh gas, wood alcohol, salicylic acid, ca- appeared as an introduction to the subject index of volume 56
daverine, morphine, chlorophyll, and thousands of other simi- of Chemical Abstracts, has undergone very extensive revision
lar names were invented. As more and more compounds were and enlargement. The introduction to the subject index of vol-
isolated or synthesized, it became apparent, however, that ume 66 provides a useful summary treatment. The publication
some systematic manner of naming organic compounds in of the American Chemical Society, The Ring Index, also offers a
terms of their structure would have to be devised. Early sys- very detailed systematic presentation of closed-chain systems
tems of nomenclature, while adequate for the period in which identified through the literature up to 1963.
they were invented, soon required modification as the number Because of major changes in nomenclature and indexing
of known compounds increased. The result has been that the procedures, mainly dictated by computerization of nomencla-
system (or rather the combination of systems) now in use ture and two-dimensional structures, each quinquennial index
represents an evolution covering many decades. to Chemical Abstracts is accompanied by an index guide that al-
That a truly effective system of nomenclature is bound to be lows the user to follow the transition between the old and new
very complex becomes obvious when one reflects that it must (or modified) nomenclature.
not only discriminate, unequivocally, among the many millions Three general features common to both systems deserve spe-
of compounds already known, but also must allow adequate cial comment, specifically the employment of trivial names, the
provision for encompassing new compounds, which are being order of precedence of functional groups, and permissive ambi-
synthesized by the thousands each year. Fundamentally, there- guity.
fore, such discrimination means that each specific name coined TRIVIAL NAMESA trivial name is one that does not de-
through the system must account for (1) the quantitative ele- scribe a compound rigidly in terms of the absolute structure no-
mentary composition (molecular formula) and (2) all of the tations embodied in the system, but rather has earned world-
structural features for one, and only one, specific compound. wide recognition as being specific for that compound. Acetic
acid (for ethanoic acid), purine (for 7H-imidazol4,5-dlpyrimi-
dine), and pregnane (for 10[;,13[;rclimethy1-17[3-ethyl-904,14a,
513,83-perhydrocyclopentalalphenanthrene) are common exam-
The IUPAC and CAS Systems of ples. Without allowing for the judicious employment of such
Nomenclature trivial names, any scheme of nomenclature would be hopelessly
complex and of little, if any, practical use. On the other hand,
Of the various comprehensive systems which had been pro- the wholesale, indiscriminate admission of trivial names to a
posed, and used to a varying extent, the two most widely em- system equally is disastrous.
ployed and most thoroughly updated through revision and Arriving at a satisfactory compromise between these two ex-
enlargement are those devised by the International Union of tremes obviously requires detailed deliberation, and the com-
Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) and the Chemical promise po sition t aken by IUPAC also has been a dopte d by CAS:
Abstracts Service (CAS). Each of these systems represents an trivial names admitted by IUPAC are also those admitted by
implementation of the rules devised by the IUPAC Commission CAS. However, with the advent of computer techniques, long or
on the Reform of the Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry, unwieldy names are handled with relative ease. Thus, trivial
which has been engaged actively and continuously in the sub- and systematic names are assuming equal importance, because
ject for many decades. a trivial-name index cannot be computer-searched to locate frag-
The two systems are identical in many respects. The CAS ments of tw o-dimensional structures as these fragments are not
system intentionally departs from that of IUPAC wherever evident in the name. But with long, systematic names, every
such departure contributes to the main purpose of Chemical portion of a parent molecule, substituent, functional group, and
Abstractsindexing the world's chemical literature. Recogniz- so on is apparent in the name and will yield to the computer
ing the desirability to maintain compatibility between the two search.
systems, however, CAS identifies each such departure and dis- PRECEDENCE ORDER OF FUNCTIONAL GROUPS
plays the alternative IUPAC treatment. An order of precedence (priority) for functional groups is neces-
Because of the difficulty in converting many structural for- sary to manage polyfunctional compounds systematically. As a
mulas into unique, descriptive names, CAS now assigns a simple example, in the absence of a systematic method, the
Registry Number to every chemical compound (organic and compound NH 2 CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 OH could be named either as an
inorganic). All editions of the USAN (see Chapter 27) and com- aminopropanol or as a hydroxypropylamine. But in the order of
mencing with USP XIX and NF XIV, all monographs for pure precedence, hydroxyl is higher than amino and, because the
chemical entities carry the CAS Registry Number, which system requires that only the function of highest priority shall
uniquelyidentifies every compound. In the same editions of USP be represented by the suffix part of the name, the systematic
and NF, "New Chemical Abstracts Names" were assigned. Also, name becomes 3-amino-1-propanol. The order of precedence of
CAS has completely revised the older system (which parallels functional groups is described clearly (see Table 1 of the intro-
IUPAC rules) so that computer searches may be made using duction to the subject index of Chemical Abstracts, volume 66,
nomenclature fragments, rather than topological features, to lo- or the 11th Collective Index, volumes 96 to 105, Appendix IV,
cate molecular fragments as well as complete molecules. Chemical Substance Index Names) and is identical in both the
It obviously is inappropriate and space-prohibitive to in- IUPAC and CAS systems.
clude in this text a discussion of the multiplicity of details in PERMISSIVE AMBIGUITYAmbiguity (lack of complete
either of these two systems. Suffice it to state that, from a struc- structural specificity) is permitted to the extent that it reflects
tural viewpoint, each system adequately must describe for each structural features of a compound that either are unknown or
compound the following: have not yet been incorporated into the system. Prohibition of
Composition and configuration of the carbon skeleton such ambiguity would disallow the cataloging of a very signifi-
Interruptions of the carbon skeleton by heteroatoms cant percentage of known compounds, especially among those
State of hydrogenation of the skeleton that involve features of stereoisomerism.
Presence and location of substituents, ie, atoms or groups of atoms
(radicals) functioning in place of hydrogen
Features of stereoisomerism
Compendia! Nomenclature
The reader desirous of the details of the systems should consult
the continuing series of reports issued by the IUPAC Commis- The lack of adherence to the principles of systematic nomencla-
sion on the Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry, and the CAS ture, in both the commercial and academic worlds, has led to a
publication entitled The Naming and Indexing of Chemical multiplicity in the types of chemical names in actual use. It is not
Compounds from Chemical Abstracts. The latter, which first at all unusual to find a specific compound referred to by several

different names, each of which is correct chemically. This, of sible either a prediction or an explanation of the chemical
course, creates a very confused state that, if it persists in the in- properties of compounds because, in general, the chemical prop-
dexing literature, often renders searching via nomenclature ex- erties of a compound are completely or partially the combined
tremely difficult, and frequently, impossible. It is for this reason properties of the radicals present in the molecule.
that, wherever possible, Chemical Abstracts translates the non- Several hundred different radicals have been recognized,
systematic nomenclature of the author into its CAS equivalent. named, and classified. A comprehensive list ordered by both
Recognizing the advantages of adhering to a standard sys- names and formulas is published periodically as part of the
tem of nomenclature, the official compendia (USP/NF) elected Collective Index to Chemical Abstracts, as Appendix IV, in the
to adopt names preferred by CAS. The principle of operation is Chemical Substance Index Names found in the index guide for
simply that either the title or one of the subtitles of an official volumes 96 to 105 of Chemical Abstracts.
chemical must be the currently preferred CAS name. It is well For purposes of convenient reference, a list of radicals and
to observe that the structural relationships established on the groups frequently encountered in pharmaceutical chemistry is
basis of the principal functional group automatically may hide provided in Appendix D. Classification into chemical types has
relationships involving functional groups of lesser priority (eg, been sacrificed in favor of an alphabetical arrangement. In-
amphetamine is named as a derivative of phenethylamine, cluded in the list are many inorganic radicals that frequently
whereas hydroxyamphetamine becomes a derivative of phenol; are present in organic combination.
similarly, sulfamerazine is named as a derivative of sulfanil-
amide, whereas phthalylsulfacetamide becomes a derivative of
phthalanilic acid). Beginning with USP XIX and NF XIV each Chemical Notation Systems
monograph carries the "new CAS name" along with the CAS
preferred name currently in use. Also included is the Chemical The complexity and the cumbersome nature of modern organic
Abstracts System Registry Number, which provides a unique chemical nomenclature have encouraged attempts to develop
identifier and simplifies locating a specific compound or drug in "shorthand expressions," variously referred to as notations,
the literature, especially using a computer search. ciphers, codes, and alphamerics, which for certain purposes
would be more convenient to use than the chemical names.
Several systems have been proposed (eg, the NAS-NRC provided
a comprehensive review of the history of the various systems),
Chemical Syllables although none have fully survived. In general, they involved
In addition to whatever numbers, numerical syllables, and in- assigning chemical meanings to the characters usually
dividual Greek and English letters are required, systematic available on, or readily adapted to, a standard typewriter or
chemical names consist of a collection of syllables, each of which computer keyboard and devising rules for their use in
carry a chemical connotation of some sort. Many, such as constructing the notations. A recent addition to the nomencla-
chloro-, hydroxy-, and methyl-, clearly indicate specific ele- ture/notation foray is SMILES, an acronym for Simplified
ments or radicals. Molecular Line Entry Specification. This is a valence model of a
Many others, such as andro- (from the Greek, "man"), tauro- structure, not a computer data structure, and is relatively
(Latin, "bull"), neo- (Greek, "new"), or pseudo- or ils (Greek, simple to master. (A tutorial is available at
"false"), are of no chemical significance from a structural view-
point, but often are very useful in forming the so-called trivial Final assessment of the overall utility of notations has yet to
or common names for complex molecules such as androsterone, be made; they particularly are appealing because their brevity
taurocholic acid, neoantergan, pseudoglobulinthe correct (compared with descriptive chemical nomenclature as illus-
chemical names for these structures are often extremely cum- trated in Table 25-1) greatly increases storage efficiency in
bersome. Because of their lack of structural chemical signifi- printed indexes and computer memories and facilitates com-
cance, however, these will not be discussed further here. puterized searching. In addition, they automatically avoid the
The third group of these syllables consists of miscellaneous troublesome "trivial name feature" encountered in practical
prefixes and suffixes and is of sufficient importance to warrant nomenclature. However, they are not pronounceable words and
abbreviated treatment, because, like those of the first group, do not eliminate the need for descriptive chemical nomencla-
these have structural significance and often constitute a neces- ture in the written and spoken word.
sary part of systematic chemical names. A list of the more com- Several of these notations have been found useful for re-
monly encountered ones of this group is provided in Appendices trieving compounds on a structural basis from specialized files
B and C. Many of these have multiple meanings, and the defi- of compounds stored in computers using the same notations. The
nitions given herein represent the most common sense in which extent to which techniques for accomplishing such retrieval may
they are used in organic chemistry. Those shown in italics are be applied usefully to a file comprising the universe of chemical
used commonly in italicized form and/or enclosed in parenthe- compounds is the subject of considerable interest and study.
ses when used in organic nomenclature. It also must be re- Special typewriters have been devised whereby structural
membered that the precise meanings shown here do not always formulas may be coded directly on punched tape and also stored
apply to trivial names (eg, the meaning of -ene or of -ylene does in the memory of a computer in the form of a matrix (a connec-
not apply to acetylene; similarly, the meaning of -ol (alcohol) tion table of atoms) that can be searched at any future time on
does not apply to benzol). Caution always must be exercised in an atom-by-atom basis. This technique permits retrieval of
attempting to attach significance to the various parts of such compounds on a highly intimate structural basis that need not
common names. involve either nomenclature or the above-mentioned notations.
The systematic treatment of cyclic systems uses a generous Auxiliary devices exist for regenerating the actual structural
miscellany of syllables with specific meanings; for listings and formulas of retrieved compounds either by actual printout or by
explanations, consult the Ring Index and Appendix E. display on a computer monitor screen.


Table 25-1. Illustrations of Notation Brevity
Through the concept and use of radicals and groups, a logical
1-Chloro-3-methylbutane CICCC(C)C
and very helpful classification of the huge number of organic Nc1 ccc(C(=-0)0)CCI
4-Aminobenzoic acid
compounds is possible. Furthermore, knowledge of the chemi- 1-Na phtha len em eth anoi OCci c2ccccc2ccl
cal properties of commonly used individual radicals makes pos-

Organic Chemical Literature in the early 1930s as the beginning of the modern era of syn-
The constantly accelerating rate of research and development The great majority of new basic drugs are distinct organic
during the past five decades has created severe literature prob- chemical compounds. Most of these are products of synthetic or-
lems, not only in the areas of basic chemistry but also in the ganic chemistry, although some, such as taxol, ACTH, and
other fields of science and technology where chemical informa- many of the antibiotics, hormones, and anticancer drugs are
tion is primarily applied, rather than generated. The history of products of natural origin. Even with drugs of the latter group,
Chemical Abstracts (CA) illustrates the magnitude of this so- however, the chemist has played a very important role in de-
called "information explosion." Commencing in 1906, the vising processes to produce them economically, not only in the
Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) required 32 years for CA to large quantities required, but also in a sufficient state of purity.
produce its first million abstracts (1938), but only 17 years for He also has succeeded in the deliberate chemical alteration of
the second million (1955), 8 years for the third million (1963), 6 these naturally occurring compounds and produced derivatives
years for the fourth million (1969), 5 years for the fifth million that are either more potent or superior in some other respect
(1974), and somewhat less than 5 years for the sixth million (eg, dehydrocholic acid, dihydroergotamine, fluorocortico-
(1979). By late 1983 the seventh million was surpassed, and the steroids, semisynthetic penicillins, rnethyltestosterone).
8-million mark was reached in early 1987. Over 10 million Such molecular modification of known pharmacodynamic
abstracts were published by the end of 1992. One prediction compounds, both natural and synthetic, constitutes one of the
suggests 20 million abstracts will be achieved by the year 2005. main kinds of research effort in the field of chemotherapy. Al-
Currently, the volume of chemical literature is so great that though it is true that such effort frequently results in cluttering
many libraries simply do not have enough shelf space to accom- the market with drugs that may not be superior to those being
modate bound volumes and have resorted to microfilming, mi- imitated, nevertheless, a critical review of the results achieved
crofiche or, more drastically, cancellation of hardcopy in favor of over the past half century provides abundant evidence that the
electronic journals. More important is the fact that selective re- effort yields a gratifying percentage of new, highly beneficial
trieval of information from the hardcopy literature has become drugs (see Chapter 28). Many of the new admissions to the offi-
an extremely arduous task. As a consequence, various indus- cial compendia are of such genesis.
trial, academic, and governmental institutions (several phar-
maceutical firms actually pioneered the effort) have developed
computerized systems of storage and retrieval of those kinds of
chemical information pertinent to their specific interests. Chemical and Pharmacological
Currently, Chemical Abstracts maybe searched via SciFinder Classifications
or SciFinder Scholar and information may be found at the web-
site w This facility allows a very rapid and thor- During the early years of the modern era of synthetic organic
ough search of CAS to date; the current information is available pharmaceuticals, it was common to classify these new drugs on
on computer even before the printed copy reaches the subscriber. a chemical basis. This was logical, not only because they were
The Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) in Philadelphia also fundamentally the products of chemical research but also be-
has computerized its abstract journal, Index Chemicus, a text cause the sciences of pharmacology and biochemistry were still
and substructure searchable database which has several million in their early stages of development. Indeed, the ever-increas-
compounds in its registry, and is adding new compounds at a rate ing need for more precise knowledge concerning the efficacy
of about 200,000 per year (See .) Computer pro- and safety of new drugs has fostered, to a significant degree, the
grams are available to customers that provide the capability to rapid growth of these sciences to their present impressive sta-
search and retrieve compound data either on the basis of struc- tus, and will undoubtedly continue to do so in the future. The
tural features, or properties, applications, and bibliographic most comforting result is that these complementary efforts con-
information. tinuously are providing medical science with better tools and
The huge and continuing flood of published literature also knowledge to the end that effective prevention and treatment of
has taxed severely the abilities of abstracting services to keep human physiological and psychological ills constantly are be-
current. The magnitude of the task is illustrated by the coming more and more of a science and less and less of an art.
experience of CA, which shows that the approximate number of The guiding hypothesis underlying all efforts to classify or-
papers and patents abstracted annually increased from 50,000 ganic pharmaceuticals on a chemical basis is simply that some
in 1950 to 120,000 in 1959; 230,000 in 1968; 400,000 in 1973; correlation will exist between the chemistry of the compounds
over half a million in 1978; approached 750,000 in 1983; and ex- and their actions and uses as medicinal agents. E arly efforts to
ceeded 1 million in 1988. The lag between publication of original discover useful correlations were based largely on gross struc-
articles and that of their abstracts has been sufficiently severe tural considerations with particular emphasis on the presence
to foster the production of various so-called "current awareness and location of chemically active (functional) groups. In a more
tools" and specialty publications such as Index Chemicus and sophisticated form, such efforts continue today, and the net
Current Contents of ISI and Chemical Titles, Chemical-Biologi- result has been the accumulation of a very large body of
cal Activities ( CBAC), Polymer Science and Technology (POST), knowledge on the broad subject of drug action. This knowledge
Basic Journal Abstracts (BJA), and CA Condensates of CAS; materially strengthens the belief that the pharmacodynamics
which also are computer-based publications. of drugs ultimately will be explicable in terms of their chemical
characteristics. It also points indisputably to the fact that a
complete understanding of the mechanisms of drug action is far
ORGANIC PHARMACEUTICALS in the future and that it will involve much more information
than presently can be visualized from structural formulas and
The contrast between the drugs of today and those of yesterday molecular models. (Refer to Chapter 28, Structure-Activity
is a dramatic one in several respects. A century ago, humans re- Relationships and Drug Design.)
lied almost exclusively on nature to produce the organic drugs It has become clear that the pharmacological actions of
they needed, and the contributions of pharmacy were confined drugs must be viewed as functions of the total molecules. For
largely to the preparation of extracts, tinctures, or other dosage example, all barbituric acids contain the malonylurea frag-
forms of the crude drugs, and to the isolation of active princi- ment, but the relative actions of the different barbiturates vary
ples, especially alkaloids and glycosides. widely with respect to quantitativeness, onset time, and dura-
Synthetic drugs began to appear at a noticeably accelerated tion, depending upon substituents at the 1, 3, and 5 positions
rate in the 1920s, and this generally is attributed to the very (Chapter 80, Sedative and Hypnotic Drugs). The official sulfa
large expansion of the American chemical industry fostered by drugs provide another example. The antibacterial portion com-
World War I. Many observers view the advent of the sulfa drugs mon to all sulfas is the parent compound sulfanilamide, but

chemical alterations at the N' and N4 positions produce deriva- graphic formulas and Ring Index names' of the individual hete-
tives that differ importantly in their actions and chemothera- rocycles and, in italics, one or more examples of official drugs (or
peutic applications. the portions of them) containing these heterocycles.
Dependence of pharmacological activity on total molecular Structures and numbering schemes' are according to the
structure commonly is evident with drugs that are polyfunc- Ring Index and thus do not portray any inherent features of
tional from a chemical viewpoint. The sulfa drugs provide a good stereospecificity.' It will be observed that some of the names for
example ofthis as elimination of either the amino or sulfonamido the heterocycles are trivial (eg, pyrimidine, nortropane) while
portions, or even a change in their relative positions, results in others are rigidly systematic. Trivial names are employed in the
loss of bacteriostatic activity. Similarly, aspirin loses its anal- table wherever advisable; ie, wherever, through continued use,
getic action if either its carboxyl or acetoxy group is removed they have become recognized by chemists (as reflected by IUPAC
completely or if the relation of these groups is other than ortho. adoption and Chemical Abstracts indexing) as denoting the
Similar dependence is common in the area of stereochem- structures to which they refer. In all other instances, systematic
istry. Thus, the trans form of diethylstilbestrol is estrogenically names must be used to distinguish between the heterocycle of in-
potent whereas the cis form is not. This is reminiscent of the n- terest and its isomeric forms. Presentation is exclusively on the
and 0-forms of estradiol, the latter being about ten times as po- basis of the most complex ring "system" containing the hetero
tent as the former. As an example involving diastereoisomers, atom or atoms; the term "system" meaning either a single ring or
the widely different mydriatic and pressor potencies of a combination of rings of the fused, bridged, or spin) types. For
ephedrine and pseudoephedrine might be cited. Similar differ- example, quinine is presented only as a quinoline derivative and
ences in physiological activity also are commonly observed be- not also as a pyridine derivative, even though quinoline also is a
tween enantiomorphs. Thus, the D- and L-ephedrines differ benzopyridine. Similarly, caffeine is presented only as a purine
markedly in mydriatic and pressor potencies; the n- forms of derivative and not as either a pyrimidine or an imidazole deriva-
the 04-amino acids are vastly inferior to the L- forms as nutri- tive, even though purine also is an imidazopyrimidine.
ents, and ()-epinephrine is more than 20 times as potent a In a complete presentation of this type, drugs containing two
sympathomimetic agent as the (+)-form. or more separate hetero ring systems would appear under each
From the preceding discussion, it is clear that difficulties of the systems; eg, quinine would emerge both as a quinoline
may be encountered whenever one attempts to classify organic and quinuclidine derivative. Wherever possible, only that por-
drugs on a chemical basis and obtain a system that simultane- tion of the official title is used that embraces the heterocycle;
ously separates these drugs on a pharmacological basis. As will eg, thiamine is used instead of thiamine hydrochloride.
be seen in subsequent parts of this text, drugs that fall into the The final volume (IV) ofthe Ring Index was published in 1964
same chemical category often display, collectively, quite a num- and index numbers are no longer assigned to ring structures by
ber of different actions. Conversely, drugs of widely different CAS. Identifiers for all compound types (including ring systems)
chemical characteristics frequently provide the same kind of ac- have been organized into a Parent Compound Handbook, pub-
tion when used as medicinal agents. Since, from a practical lished by CAS, which consists of the following index categories.
viewpoint, these agents are important because of the actions Parent NameThis includes the names of all parent compounds
they provide (irrespective of their chemical composition), in and undefined natural products arranged in alphabetical order. Com-
subsequent chapters of this text drug monographs are grouped plex parent names are permuted so that root terms, buried in the
names, may be located.
and presented on a pharmacological basis.
Parent Formula Compounds are arranged according to the Hill

system (carbon first, hydrogen second, with other elements following in

alphabetic order), but omitting hydrogen atoms in the molecular for-
HETEROCYCLES PRESENT IN OFFICIAL mula. Ring systems are grouped in the same fashion as the Ring Index
(see Appendix E) under the appropriate molecular formula.
PHARMACEUTICALS Registry Number These are arranged in ascending CAS registry

number order with associated Parent Compound Identifiers. 4

Many important biochemical compounds and drugs of natural
Stereoparent This consists of CAS Index Parents whose names

origin contain heterocyclic ring structures. Numerous exam- i mply stereochemistry and whose structures are known. The arrange-
ples occur, among the carbohydrates, essential amino acids, vi- ment is alphabetical with CA references for undefined or partially de-
tamins, alkaloids, glycosides, and antibiotics. The presence of fined natural products.
heterocyclic structures in such diverse types of compounds is
indicative strongly of the profound effects such structures exert
on physiological activity, and recognition of this is reflected
abundantly in efforts to find useful synthetic drugs. Examples
'Heterocyclic structures often are synthesized actually or theoretically by rel-
include researches leading to a wide variety of modern drugs atively simple chemical operations such as condensation or dehydrogenation
such as chlordiazepoxide (tranquilizer), methazolamide (car- of aliphatic structures. Because of this, many authors prefer to name such
bonic anhydrase inhibitor), guanethidine (antihypertensive), compounds in a manner designed to disclose the relationship to the aliphat-
stanozolol (anabolic), dapsone (lepro static), cyclophosphamide ics, rather than employ Ring Index or CAS nomenclature, as is used in
and thiotepa (antineoplastics), hydrochlorothiazide (diuretic Appendix D
and a ntihyp ert en siv e) , im ipramine (a nt i d ep re s sant), lu c an- Extreme caution must be exercised in interpreting position numbers (lo-
thane (antischistosomal), and many others. cants) as given the same compound by different texts, reference works or au-
As is to be expected, this trend in research is reflected in the thors. The situation often exists in which two different numbering schemes,
through long-continued usuage, have become established firmly for a partic-
changing character of the contents of official drug compendia. ular ring system. This leads to the use of different numbers as locants in an
Intensive research in diverse hetero areas continues to yield otherwise identical pair of names for the same compound. Also, authors fre-
new medicinal agents, and Appendix E is designed to portray quently indulge in the reprehensible practice of inventing their own num-
partially the spectrum of heterocycles presently represented in bering schemes.
USP/NF drugs. The classification is patterned after that em- a
The Ring Index ed, Washington DC: American Chemical Society, 1960
ployed in the Ring Index and in Chemical Abstracts. The rings and supplements. Also, for each annual, quinquennial and decennial Index
are presented in the order of increasing complexity. The boldface to Chemical Abstracts.
figures show the total number of atoms in the rings, and the 'An identifier consists of a 5-letter code through which an entry may be
number of b oldfac e figures indicates the number ofrings present found in the Parent Compound File. Each section of this file is assigned a
in the systems. As an example, the notation 5, 6 indicates a sys- range of identifiers bt which the type of parent may be recognized. The
ranges are:
tem composed of two rings, one of which contains five atoms BBBBB to BPZZY Cage parents
while the other one contains six atoms. The notations, such as BQBBR to BZZZP Acyclic stereo parents
C 3 NS-C, portray the kind and number of atoms present in the CBBBC to DZZZR Cyclic stereo parents
ring or rings. Associated with each of these formulas are the FBBI3F to 7,72ZK Ring pa rents

Ring AnalysisThis includes ring systems only, arranged by the Kb

classical Ring Index system and states the CA name and Parent Com- :NH3 +11 9 NH:
pound Identifier.
Ring SubstructureRings are listed by; base conjugate
A component ring formula for each individual ring system listed acid
in the Ring Analysis Index, arranged according to the Hill sys-
tem, but not including hydrogen atoms. All entries are per- Ammonium ion (+1 charge) is the conjugate acid of ammonia;
muted to allow searching on any atom. water (0 charge) is the conjugate acid of hydroxide ion. The equi-
The current CA index name of a ring parent and cyclic librium constant for base dissociation is called the lib of the base.
stereoparent; a Parent compound Identifier. In water, the plit, scale extends from 0 to 14 with low values rep-
resenting the strongest bases. There is a relationship between
the pK a of an acid and the Oil-, of its conjugate base in water.
ACIDS AND BASES pK a (acid) + pK h (conjugate base) - 14
Organic pharmaceuticals are often complex molecules that A similar relationship holds for bases and their conjugate acids.
have a variety of acidic and basic functional groups. The be-
havior of these groups in an aqueous environment will influ- pK h (base) + pKa (conjugate acid) = 14
ence the activity of the drug, its transport through the body Acids are in equilibrium with their conjugate base forms. One
and its passage from one body compartment to another. There of these species will be charged and the equilibrium ratio,
are two main theories of acids and bases, the Bronsted theory therefore, will determine the extent to which the molecule is
and the Lewis theory. According to the Bronsted theory an ionized in solution. This has profound implications in medicinal
acid is a group that can donate a proton (a hydrogen ion), and chemistry because the extent of ionization of a drug in the body
a base is a group that can accept (bond to) a proton. Because will affect its transport from one compartment to another. Ex-
a proton has no electrons, the base must be able to provide a amination of the expression for acid dissociation shows that the
pair of electrons to form a new bond. A Lewis acid is a group equilibrium constant
that can accept an electron pair and therefore must have an
empty orbital. Groups that can donate an electron pair are K a -= [A - ][H + V[HA]
termed Lewis bases. In this chapter the discussion will focus
Taking the logarithm of both sides of the equation gives
on Bronsted acids and bases. See also Chapter 17 Ionic Solu-
tions and Electrolytic Equilibria. log Ka = log [A - ] + log [H + ] - log [HA]
Groups which function as acids must have a proton that can
be removed in the presence of a base. In the laboratory ex- Multiplying both sides of the equation by -1 gives
tremely strong bases can be used in nonaqueous solvents to re-
-log Ka = -log [A - ] - log [H] + log [HA]
move protons from alkyl groups and aromatic rings. Although +
such reactions are extremely important for drug synthesis, the Substitution of pK for -log K and pH for -log [H ]
a a
concern of this chapter is with drugs in an aqueous environ-
ment. In water, the strongest base that can exist is hydroxide pK a = pH + log [HA]I[A - ]
ion, OH - , while the strongest acid is the hydrated proton or hy- This is known as the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation and
dronium ion, H ;3 0 . Although there are several exceptions, gives the relationship between the pK a of an acid' and the ratio
most hydrogen atoms bonded to carbon are not sufficiently of its acid form to conjugate base form at a given pH. It is im-
acidic to be removed in aqueous solution. In general hydrogen portant to remember that while pK is a property of the molecule,
atoms bonded to 0,N, 5, and sometimes P (in general, any elec- pH is a property of the medium (solvent). In this case (for elec-
tronegative atom) are potentially removable in aqueous solu- trically neutral acids) the ratio [HA]I[A - ] is the ratio of [non-
tion. When an acid donates a proton, a new species called the ionized]I[ionized] species.
conjugate base of the acid is formed. A more general form of the equation can be expressed as
xa pK a = pH + log [acid form]/[conjugate base form]
CH3COOH CH 3 C006 +
This is easy to remember because the base goes in the base -
acid conjugate ment. For charged acids, such as conjugate acids of amines, the
base equation appears as
pKa = pH + log [BH]/[B]
which has a charge one unit less than that of the acid from
which it is derived. Thus, acetic acid, which is electrically neu- Here, the ratio [BH ]/[B] equals the ratio of [ionized]/
tral, dissociates to a proton and its conjugate base, acetate ion, [nonionized] species.
which has a charge of -1. An equilibrium is established be- The Henderson-Hasselbalch equation allows for calculation
tween the acid and its conjugate base. The equilibrium con- of the percent ionization of an acid at a given pH. This can be
stant, which is known as the acid dissociation constant (K a ), is calculated as
a property of the acid in question. Because Ka values generally
are exponential numbers, it is convenient to use -log K a which % ionization = 100 [ionized]I[(ionized + non-ionized)]
is referred to as the pK a of the acid. In water, the pK a scale runs An example of a Henderson-Has selbalch calculation using phe-
from 0 to 14 with the lowest values corresponding to the nol as the acid at pH 7.
strongest acids. Refer to Chapter 17 for a more extensive treat-
ment of this concept.
Basic groups require a pair of electrons, which are used to
bond with a proton. This electron pair can be either an un- Ka
shared pair or a formal negative charge. Bases such as ammo-
nia or amines bond with protons using the lone unshared pair
of electrons on the nitrogen atom. Other bases, such as hydrox-
ide, use the electron pair made available by dissociation of the phenol phenolate ion
cation, to bond with protons. When a neutral base accepts a pro- 'In medicinal chemistry only pli a is recognized to eliminate confusion. Those
ton its charge increases by one unit and a new species is formed, compounds with a pKa greater than pK,,, are bases; the greater the pKa, the
called the conjugate acid of the base. stronger the base. Henceforth, only pKa will be used.

pK a (phenol) = 9.9 Polarizability is the ease of distortion of the electron cloud. At-
9.9 = 7 + log aphOHMPh0 - ] tachment of a highly electronegative atom to a system will draw
2.9 = log [PhOH]I[Ph0 - ] electron density toward that atom, thereby rendering other por-
794 = [PhOH]/[Ph0 - ] tions of the molecule positively charged. Field effects tend to de-
crease with increasing distance. Inductive effects are the polar-
Thus, the ratio of phenol to phenolate ion (Ph0 - ) at pH 7 is ization of bonds as a result of electronegativity differences.
794:1, the compound is largely non-ionized. The percent ioniza-
tion is calculated to be
% ionization = 100[1/(1 + 794)] w 6*

% ionization = 0.126% at pH 7 inductive effect

A second example is provided for the extent of ionization of ani-
line at pH 7. Aniline (PhNH 2 ) is a base with a pii of 4.6 for the Thus an electronegative atom polarizes the bond attached to
anilinium ion (PhNH2). Using the HendersonHasselbalch it by increasing the electron density in its vicinity. The opposite
equation gives side of that bond acquires a degree of positive charge. This in
turn polarizes the adjacent bond, and so on. These effects,
which are transmitted through bonds, also decrease with dis-
H, tance from the electronegative atom.
Resonance effects involve the actual movement of electrons
+ H9 through a Tr-bond system. The Tr-bond system acts as a conduc-
tor of electrons, much as wires conduct the flow of electricity,
which can be moved in either direction depending on the needs
of the system. This is especially prominent in conjugated sys-
aniline ailinium ion
tems (those with alternating double and single bonds). The
movement of electrons through a conjugated system allows for
charges to be dispersed over several atoms (delocalization).
4.6 = 7 + log [PhN11:314PhNH 2 l This lowers the energy of the system relative to an isolated
2A = log [PhNH:314PhNH 2 l charge. In contrast to field and inductive effects, resonance ef-
0.004 = [PhNH;314PhNH 2 l fects decrease much more slowly with distance. Stabilization
increases as the number of atoms over which the charge is dis-
The ratio of ionized to non-ionized aniline at pH 7 equals 1:251.
persed increases. Resonance effects generally contribute more
The percent ionization at pH 7 is
extensively to the overall electronic effect of a functional group
% ionization = 100 [11(1 + 251)] than do field or inductive effects.
Among the functional groups which are classified as being
% ionization = 0. 4% at pH 7 electron-withdrawing are the carbonyl-based groups (aldehy-
des, ketones, esters, carboxylic acids, amides, etc), nitro, nitrile
Some compounds have several acidic or basic groups or a com-
(cyano), sulfinyl, sulfonyl, halo, quaternary ammonium, triflu-
bination of acidic and basic groups. In these cases, the pli a of
oromethyl, vinyl, ethynyl, and phenyl. The relative contribu-
the strongest acid is used for HendersonHa sselbalch calcula-
tions of field, inductive, and resonance effects to the overall
tions because this is the group that will dissociate most readily.
electronic effect of these functional groups is discussed below.
It also should be recognized that compounds that possess qua-
The carbonyl group (=C O) is an integral part of a large
ternary ammonium groups (N attached to four alkyl or aryl
number of functional groups such as ketones, carboxylic acids,
groups but not hydrogen) have a permanent +1 charge which is
amides, esters, and carbamates. Field and inductive effects
unaffected by the pii of the medium. Such compounds will
within this bond system arise because of the electronegativity
always be 100% ionized and calculation of the extent of ioniza-
difference between oxygen and carbon. Electrons in both the Gr-
tion of the molecule is unnecessary.
a nd Tr-bonds are polarized so that the greater density occurs
It was stated previously that in an aqueous environment hy-
near oxygen. The carbon atom acquires a partial positive
drogen atoms attached to 0, N, 5, or P may be acidic and that
charge which can attract excess electrons from neighboring
an equilibrium is established between the acid form and its con-
groups. If a negative charge develops adjacent to a carbonyl
jugate base. Groups that stabilize (lower the energy of) the con-
group, that charge is stabilized not only by electrostatic effects,
jugate base will drive the equilibrium farther to the right and
but also by resonance, which can delocalize the negative charge
thereby increase the strength of the acid. Such groups stabilize
onto the carbonyl oxygen.
the conjugate base by providing a mechanism for the dispersal
of any developing negative charge. Electronic effects from func-
tional groups will therefore have an effect on the strength of O
nearby acidic and basic sites. II } 6-/
The electronic effects of functional groups can be divided
into field, inductive, and resonance effects. The nature of these
effects and how they are balanced, is the deciding factor for the
,O 09
type of electronic effect expressed by an individual functional
group. Field effects are through-space effects on polarizability e
due to electronegativity differences. +
8 -

6+ Another powerful electron-withdrawing group is the nitro

group (NO 2 ). Although this group is electrically neutral over-
all, the nitrogen always carries a positive charge that is
balanced by a negative charge on one of the oxygen atoms. Two
resonance structures can be drawn which distribute the nega-
tive charge over both oxygen atoms. The positively charged ni-
trogen can stabilize an adjacent negative charge by electro-
field effect static attraction as well as by resonance.

0 O 11


08 '0
aci form

A nitrile possesses a carbonnitrogen triple bond. The elec- Functional groups such as quaternary ammonium and tri-
tronegativity difference between carbon and nitrogen results in fluoromethyl exert their electronic effects primarily through
carbon having a partial positive charge. The larger effect of this field and inductive effects. The quaternary ammonium group
functional group however, comes from resonance stabilization has a permanent positive charge on nitrogen, which stabilizes
of an adjacent negative charge onto the nitrogen. an adjacent negative charge electrostatically. Because there are
no lone-pair electrons or vacant orbitals, resonance with this
group is not possible. Direct resonance with a trifluoromethyl
R 2 C R 2 C-=C-=N: group does not occur. The three highly electronegative fluorine
atoms exert multiple field and inductive effects on the carbon
The difference between a sulfinyl and a sulfonyl group is atom to which they are attached, which can then in turn stabi-
that the former has one and the latter two bonds. A ma- lize an adjacent negative charge in a similar fashion.
jor resonance form of the sulfinyl group has a S-0 single bond Unsaturated groups such as phenyl, vinyl or ethynyl can
with a formal positive charge on sulfur and a negative charge function as electron withdrawing groups by delocalizing any ex-
on oxygen. Sulfonyl has two such resonance structures. The cess electron density throughout the Tr-system.
preference for these structures over those with double bonds is Functional groups, which are classified as being electron
a result of the relative inefficiency of p-orbital overlap due to donating, include alcohols, ethers, amines, and alkyl groups.
the difference in size between sulfur and oxygen. Despite this, Each of these will stabilize a developing positive charge and,
however, resonance stabilization of an adjacent negative when attached to basic atoms, tend to increase the association
charge does contribute to the electron-withdrawing capability constant.
of these functional groups. Alcohols and ethers have similar inductive effects to those
present in carbonyl groups but experience decreased field ef-
fects due to the lack of a polarizable Tr-bond. Although carbonyl
0 Oe groups have the ability to delocalize excess electron density
II I onto the oxygen, this is not possible for alcohols and ethers. Un-
S - sE p shared electrons on the oxygen, however, can be delocalized by
sulfinyl resonance to help stabilize a developing positive charge. In the
process a new C=O bond is formed and the charge is delocal-
o.) O ized onto oxygen. Although it is unfavorable to place a positive
charge on an electronegative atom, this is compensated by the
11 formation of a new bond. The predominance of resonance over
1 C1 field and inductive effects is observed by the fact that alcohols
0 Coe and ethers behave as electron-donating groups.

sulfonyl e -
The halides (F, Cl, Br, I) are much weaker electron withdraw-
ing groups than might be expected. Fluorine, which is the most A similar situation exists for amino groups where the lone-
electronegative element, exerts strong field and inductive ef- pair electrons can be donated to form a C=N bond and thereby
fects on an adjacent carbon atom. Additional electron density delocalize an adjacent positive charge onto the nitrogen. Be-
cannot be withdrawn by resonance because there are no avail- cause nitrogen is less electronegative than oxygen, it can better
able vacant orbitals. The lone-pair electrons on fluorine can tolerate the charge. Amino groups are generally stronger elec-
however, be donated by resonance. As a result of this pushpull tron donating substituents than either alcohols or ethers.
effect, the resonance and field (+ inductive) effects nearly can-
cel and fluorine usually exerts only a small electron-withdraw- 9 9
ing effect. R2C NR2 R2 C=NRI
electron-withdrawal by
field and inductive effects Alkyl groups, unlike alcohol or amino groups, do not have
lone-pairs of electrons to donate. Instead, 6-bonding electrons,
especially those from CH bonds, can be donated in a process
known as hyperconjugation, or no-bond resonance. Hyperconju-
gation allows an adjacent positive charge to be delocalized by
resonance onto a proton. Such effects are greatest for methyl
electron-donation by groups because the charge can be delocalized onto three differ-
resonance ent hydrogens. Methylene groups (CH 2 ), in contrast, allow for
charge delocalization onto only two hydrogens.
Chlorine is less efficient at donating electrons by resonance be- ip
cause of its size relative to carbon. It does exert substantial field H H
and inductive effects, and therefore behaves as an electron- 9 CI
withdrawing group. The electronegativity difference between R2C - C H R)C= C
carbon and bromine is small, and electron-donation by reso- 1
nance is inefficient. As a result, bromine generally behaves as H
a weak electron-withdrawing group. Iodine is weaker still be-
cause of decreased field and inductive effects.

It has been observed that in the absence of other factors, certain that they have no hydrogen to donate. In contrast, unsubsti-
electron-withdrawing groups affect pli. values of oxygen- and tuted phenols behave as moderate to weak acids in aqueous so-
nitrogen-based functional groups in a predictable manner. A lution with pK a values in the range of 9 to 10. Replacement of
knowledge of such effects allows first-order predictions to be H by an aryl group increases acid strength relative to water by
made of acid and base strength for a wide range of functional 4 to 5 pIC. units. Substitution by an alkyl group however, has a
groups. negligible effect on pK a . If one of the hydrogens of water is re-
Some functional groups can be thought of as being derived placed by an acyl group (carbonyl), a carboxylic acid is formed.
from water by replacement of one or both hydrogens. Alcohols, Such compounds typically have pK a values in the range of 4 to
for example, can be derived from water by replacement of one 5. An acyl group therefore lowers the pli a by 9 to 10 pK a units.
hydrogen by an alkyl group. Replacement of hydrogen by an Substitution of a sulfonyl group for H increases acidity by 14 to
aryl group (aromatic ring) gives a phenol. If both hydrogens are 15 pK a units. The resulting compounds, called sulfonic acids,
replaced by alkyl or aryl groups, an ether is formed. Water and are nearly as acidic as sulfuric acid in aqueous solution. A list-
simple alcohols are neutral (pli 14) with respect to their ing of the approximate pli. values for a number of organic com-
acidbase properties. Ethers are neutral by virtue of the fact pounds is presented below.

ether H3 C C H3 neutral
alcohol 14,3 C 0H neutral
water HOH neutral
phenol PhOH pli 9-10 acid
carboxylic acid CH 3 C-0H pli. 4-5

sulfonic acid CH 2 S 0 H PIC < 1

ammonia HNH 2 pK 5
1 amine H3 CNH 2 pli 10 base
2 amine Rs CNHC11,5 pKa 10 strength
arylamine PhNH2 Plia 5 decreases

di aryl amine PhNH--Ph pKa 1-2


0 acid
amide CH 3 CNH 2 neutral

N- aiylamide CH 3 CNHPh pK, 12-13

0 0
i mide CH 3 CNHCCH 3 Plia 9
0 acid
I strength
sulfonamide CH3 SNH 2 pli 9 increases

N- arylsulfonamide CH 3 SNHPh pli 6-7

0 0
sulfonimide CI-13 SNHCC H3 pK a 4

Electron-withdrawing substituents, when attached to a basic tion of how readily the lone-pair is shared, it is reasonable that
group, will decrease base strength by making it more difficult amines would be the most basic, and nitriles the weakest bases,
to donate lone-pair electrons for bonding with protons. Some ni- within this series. Aromatic nitrogen atoms, such as found in
trogen-containing functional groups can be thought of as being pyridine and pyrimidine, are also sp 2 hybridized and are similar
derived from ammonia by replacement of one, two, or three hy- to imines with regard to their base-strength (pKa ------ 4).
drogen atoms Ammonia has a pK a of about 9 and behaves as a
moderately strong base in aqueous solution. Primary, sec- pK a 9 pK a 4 pKb- 1
ondary and tertiary alkyl amines can be formed from ammonia
by replacement of one, two or three hydrogens, respectively, by
alkyl groups. Such compounds have approximately the same N r,R N=CC
base strength as ammonia in aqueous solution, indicating that R R
the alkyl groups have little effect on pK a .
Replacement of one hydrogen of ammonia by an unsubsti- amine imine nitrile
tuted aryl group gives a very weak base with a pK a ----- 4. A sec-
ond aryl group further lowers the pK a to about 2. A single aryl
substituent therefore has an effect (------ 5 pK units), while a sec-
ond such group displays an effect that is half again as great (2
to 3 pK units). The effect of a third group is not as easily quan-
pH. 4
tified because of nonlinear effects such as steric hindrance.
Replacement of one of the ammonia hydrogen atoms by an
acyl group gives an amide. Such compounds are virtually neutral
in aqueous medium, suggesting that the acyl group decreased pyridine pyrimidine
the pK by 3 to 4 units, the same magnitude as it increased acid
strength in the water model. The electron withdrawing carbonyl Two functional groups that are common in pharmaceuticals are
group restrains the lone pair electrons of the nitrogen atom to amidine and guanidine. Refer to Appendix A of this chapter for
such an extent that it can no longer abstract protons. a listing of functional groups and names. These can be consid-
Substitution of a second acyl group on ammonia gives an ered as amino derivatives of imines. Amidines, which have a
imide. lmides behave as acids in aqueous solution with pK a val- single amino group attached to the imine carbon, are strong
ues of about 9. The second electron withdrawing group not only bases with pli, values near 11. Guanidines are even more basic
makes donation of lone pair of electrons difficult, but weakens (pK,, ---- 13) and have two amino groups attached to the imine
the NH bond to the point that dissociation can occur. The re- carbon. The higher basicity of these functional groups as com-
sulting conjugate base is stabilized by the two carbonyl groups. pared to imines is due to two factors: (1) the effect of the elec-
It is to be noted that the second acyl group had about half the tron-donating amino nitrogen(s), which can increase electron
effect (5 pK units) of the first. A sulfonyl group, when substi- density at the imino nitrogen by resonance, and (2) the conju-
tuted for hydrogen on ammonia, gives a sulfonamide, which is gate acid form is stabilized by charge delocalization among
acidic with a pK a of 9 to 10. A single sulfonyl group therefore al- each of the nitrogens again as a result of resonance. These ef-
ters the pK by 14 to 15 units. fects are more pronounced for guanidines, which have an addi-
Estimates of pK values can be made for functional groups tional resonance structure available. In these functional groups
derived from the water and ammonia systems. The data seen in it is the doubly-bound nitrogen that serves as the basic site.
Table 25-2 are useful. When two different substituents are at- The single-bonded nitrogen is neutral due to the electron-with-
tached to nitrogen, the group having the larger effect is taken as drawing effect of the double bond and the lack of resonance sta-
the first group and that with the smaller effect as the second bilization for the conjugate acid form of this nitrogen. It is im-
group. Thus, N-methylaniline is calculated to have a pK a of portant to note, however, that if the amino nitrogen carries at
about 4 (using the first group value for the aryl substituent) and least one hydrogen, tautomeric structures are possible in which
not pK a of 5 to 6, as would be obtained if the methyl group were either nitrogen can. be bonded to hydrogen, with the other then
taken for the first group. It is important to realize however, these becoming the basic site.
estimates exclude steric and other electronic effects and may vary Tautomers are structures that differ in the placement of
from the actual (experimental) values by several pK units. one small group or atom, usually hydrogen. In amidines, hy-
Hybridization also can affect base strength as observed in the drogen can shift rapidly back and forth between the two ni-
series amine, imine, nitrile where the hybridization of nitrogen trogen atoms (with the consequent relocation of a pair of elec-
changes from sp a to sp 2 to sp. Although amines function as mod- trons) unless structural features favor a particular tautomeric
erately strong bases (pli, ---- 9), imines are much weaker with pK a structure.
values near 4. Nitriles are essentially neutral (pKb 1). The ef-
fect of hybridization is to shorten the bond length and the gen-
eral trend is that bond length decreases and electronegativity in- pK a ll pK a l3
creases as the percent of s-character of the bond increases (25% R^ . J
for sp a ; 33% for sp 2 ; and 50% for sp). The shorter bond lengths N
and higher electronegativity associated with the nitrogen atom
of nitriles results in the lone-pair being held much closer to ni-
trogen than it is for imines or amines. Since, basicity is a func- amidines guanidines

r R H
Table 25-2. pi( Effect of Functional Groups as
Substituents on H 2 O and NH 3 CI II

Hi,Alkyl 0 0
R /Th
Aryl, vinyl 4 2-3 ii n,
I ,.
Acyl 10 5 1?" C NR' R"CNR'9
5ulfonyl 15 7-8

Another situation where tautomerization occurs involves pro- SUMMARY

tons on carbons adjacent to a carbonyl group. Ketones, for ex-
ample, have two tautomeric structures known as the keto and With the ability of the modern computer to manipulate millions
enol forms. In the enol form, a hydrogen from an adjacent car- of bits of data in a trice, the prediction of many physical and
bon migrates onto the carbonyl oxygen, with concomitant for- chemical constants for known and potential chemical entities,
mation of a new C=C bond. The resulting hydroxyl group is solely based on data available in a library of known information
acidic (when viewed as water with one hydrogen substituted has really come to the fore. There exist programs that predict
by a vinyl group, a pK of 9 would be predicted). For ordinary quite accurate values for log P (octanolwater partition co-
ketones however, the equilibrium constant heavily favors the efficient), fragmentation patterns for compounds in mass spec-
keto form and in aqueous solution ketones behave as neutral tra, the interpretation of IR and NMR spectra, and so on, cou-
compounds. If a second carbonyl group is attached to a carbon pled with extensive databases of experimentally derived
with at least one hydrogen the situation changes. In such com- constants. (One such program may be viewed at http://www.
pounds the equilibrium constant favors a much higher per- a cdlabs .com/.)
centage of the enol tautomer due to stabilization by hydrogen
bonding with the second carbonyl group. Such 1,3-dicarbonyl
compounds behave as weak acids in aqueous solution. BIBLIOGRAPHY
Hart H, Craine LE, Hart DJ. Organic Chemistry: A Short Course, 11th
ed. (With CD-ROM), New York: Houghton Mifflin College, 2002.
H Morrison RT, Boyd RN. Organic Chemistry, 7th ed. Boston: Prentice-
Hall, 2002. Also available on CD-ROM.
CH 3 C CH,.- CH3 C-7-7 CH 2 Survey of Chemical Notation Systems. Publication no 1150. Washington
DC: National Academy of ScienceNational Research Council,
keto enol 1964.
PIC 9 Chem Eng News 1955; 33: 2838.
Chem Eng News, Unique labels for compounds, 2002; 26: Nov
: 0: H : 0: : 0: Solomons TWO. Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry, 6th ed. New York:
1--) II I Wiley, 1998.
C--CH. CH3 C CH=CCH. Smith MB, March J. Advanced Organic Chemistry, 5th ed. New York;
Wiley, 2000
keto enol - stabilized by Weininger J. J Chem Inf Comput Sci 1988; 28:31.
intramolecular www. 1 publications 1 ci / 2002 / 2404 X11.11...html
hydrogen bonding I projects / 2000 I 2000-025-1 -800.html

Appendix A ypes of Organic Compounds


Ac eta Is Aldehydes
RC(H or R)(OR)2 Ketals) CH3CH(OCH3)2 acetaldehyde RCHO CH 3 CHO acetaldehyde
dimethyl acetal (1,1- Alkoxides (see Alcoholates)
dimethoxyethane)(CH3)2 Alkylhalosilanes
C(OC2H5) R(SiH2)d< CH35i1-12C1
acetone diethyl acetal (2,2 where one or more H's methylchlorosilane
-diethoxypropane) may be substituted by
Acid Anhydrides additional R's or X's
1. Of Monocarboxylic Acids Alkylsilanes
RCOOCOR (0-1 3 C0) 2 0 acetic (acid) R(SiH2)H CH35i
anhydride where one or more H's may methylsilane
2. Of Dicarboxylic Acids be substituted by C 2 H 5 S1H 2 SiH 7 C 2 H 5
RCOOCO CH2CH2COOCO succinic (acid) additional R's sym-diethyldisilane
anhydride Alkylsilanols
Acid Halides (Aryl Halides) Types here illustrated are limited to derivatives of silane; le,
RCOX CH3COCI acetyl chloride ( mono)-silane, SiH4. There are similar derivatives of the di-,
Acids (Carboxylic) (other acids tri-, etc, silanes.
are listed under their
characteristic names, eg, RSiH2OH RSiH(01-1)2 RSi(OH)3
Sulfonic Acids, Thio Alkylsilanols alkylsilanediols alkylsilanetriols
Acids, etc) R 2 SiHOH R2Si(OH)2
RCOOH CH3COOH acetic acid dialkylsilanediols dialkylsilanols
Acyloins (a-Hydroxy Ketone) R 3 SiOH
RCOCH(OH)R CH3COCH(OH)CH3 acetoin trialkylsilanols
C 6 H 5 COCH(OH)C 6 H 5 benzoin Alkylsiloxanes
Alcoholates (Alkoxides) Various linear and cyclic 1-1 0(5iR20)r,5iR201-1
ROMetal C 2 1-1 5 0Na types. (see Silicones).
where R is aliphatic or sodium ethylate sodium A common linear
alicyclic ethoxide type consisting of
Alcohols condensation polymers of
RCM C2I-150 H dialkylsilanediols is shown.
where 13 is aliphatic or ethyl alcohol (ethanol) Amides
a licyclic RCON H2 CH3CONH2 acetamide
CH2(CH2)4CHOH cyclohexyl Amidines
alcohol (cyclohexanol) RC(=NH)NH 2 CH 3 C(NH)NH 2 acetamidine



Amines Diazoamino Compounds

RN(H or R)(H or R) RNH2 CH3NHz methylamine (Triazene Derivatives)
types = Amino (C21-15)2NH RN=NNHR C 6 H 5 N=N NHC 6 I-1 5
Compounds diethylamine CH3N(C2I-15)C31-17 diazoaminobenzene or 1,3-
methylethylpropylamine diphenyltriazene
Amino Acids Diazo Compounds
R(NH2)COOH CH2(N1-12)COOH aminoacetic Type A RNNX C6H5N=NCI
acid where X OH or a salt benzenediazochloride
Ammonium Derivatives anion
[RH3N] - RCH3)4Nr1 - Type B RN=NOMetal C61-1sN=NONa sodium
where X OH or a salt tetramethylammonium (diazoates) benzenediazoate
anion and any oral' H's iodide Type C C(I-1 or R)(H or R)- CH2=i-N - =N - diazomethane
may be Ws. if Nis a ring [(C2H5)2N - 1-121CI - =N - =N -
member, specific "ium diethylammonium chloride Diazonium Compounds
nomenclature is (diethylamine hydrochloride) R N2 - X [C6H5N2 -10H
employed to denote the [C1-1=C1-1C1-1=C1-1C1-1=N - - where X OH or a salt benzenediazonium hydroxide
heterocycle. (CH3)]Br - ,1-methyl anion
pyridinium bromide epoxy Compounds
Anilides RCONHR' CH2(0-12),,CH20 CI-120-120
where NHR" is derived CH3CONHC6I-15 acetanilide where n zero or greater epoxyethane
from aniline and any or all H's may be
NoteIf NHR' is derived Compounds are termed: R's
from: CH3CHCH2CH(CH3)0
toluidine toluidides 2,4-epoxypentane
xylidine xylidides Esters (of Carboxylic Acids)
anisidine anisidides RCOOR CH3C00C21-15 ethyl acetate
phenetidine phenetidides Esters (of Inorganic Oxy
An ils (Schiff bases) Acids)
RCH=NR C6H5CH=NC6H5 The listing here is intentionally limited to esters of the more impor-
N-Benzylideneani line tant oxy acids of nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur, boron, silicon, and
Azides (Aryl Azides) carbon. In each instance, the type formula shown is for the ester
R CO N=N - =11 CH3CON=N - =N acetyl azide which results from the replacement of all acidic H's by R's. Where
Azido Compounds more than one R is present, acid esters (ie, esters still containing
RNI'=N C21-15N=N - =N - azidoethane one or more unreplaced H's) are possible.
Azine5 Nitrates RONO 2 C 2 H 5 NO 3 , ethyl nitrate
R2C=NN--CR2 (CH3)2C=NN=C(CH3)2 acetone Nitrites RONO C21-150N0, ethyl nitrite
azine ( Ortho)phosphates (R0) 3 13 0 (C2H5)3PO4, (tri)ethyl
Azo Compounds phosphate
RN=-NR C61-15N=-NC61-15 azobenzene m etaphosphates ROPO2 C21-151, 03, ethyl
Azoxy Compounds metaphosphate
- C61-15N=N(0)C61-15 Pyrophosphates (R0)2P0-0- (C2H5)4P207,
azoxybenzene PO (0 R) 2 (tetra)ethyl
Benzi Is (Aromatic pyrophosphate
cii-Diketones) ( Ortho)phosphites P(OR)3 (C2H5)3P03, (tri)ethyl
RCOCOR p-CI-1 3 C 6 H 4 COCOC 6 H 4 CH 3 -p phosphite
where R is aromatic p,p'-dimethylbenzil Hypophosphites cf H2P(0)(0R) C2H5H2P02, ethyl
Benzoins (Aromatic Phosphonic Acids hypophosphite
rx-Hydroxy Ketones) Sulfates (R0)2502 (C2H5)2504, (di)ethyl
RCH(0 H)COR p-C1-13C6RICH(OH)CO-C6I-I40-13-p sulfate
where R is aromatic p,pr dimethylbenzoin or Sulfites (R0)250 (C2I-15)503, (di)ethyl
p-toluoin sulfite
Betaines Orthoborates B(OR) 3 (C 2 H 5 ) 3 13 0 3 , (tri)ethyl
R3N (012)C00 - ( 0-13)3N - CH2CH2C00 orthoborate
p-alanine, trimethylbetaine Metaborates ROBO C21-15002, ethyl
Borates (see Esters) metaborate
Carbonates (see Esters) Orthosilicates Si(OR)4 (C2H5)45iO4,
Carbylamines (see (tetra)ethyl
isocyanides; Isonitriles) orthosilicate
R NC C6I-15NC m etasi licates (R0) 2 SiO (C 2 H 5 ) 2 510 3 , (di)ethyl
{ carbylamine, metasilicate
phenyl isocyanide Orthocarbonates C(OR)4 (C2H5)4C04,
or isonitrile (tetra)ethyl
Cynates orthocarbonate
ROCN C61-150CN phenyl cyanate Carbonates (R0) 2 C0 (C 2 H 5 ) 2 CO 3 , (di)ethyl
Cyanides (see Nitrites) carbonate
Cyanohydrins Ethers
RC(CN)(OH)(H or R) CH 3 C(CN)(OH)C1-1 3 ROR CH30C2H5 ethyl methyl ether
acetone cyanohydrin


Fluorophosphates (see Phosphorofluoridates) iodoso Compounds

Glycerides RIO C61510 iodosobenzene
RCOOCH2CH(OCOR)CH2- C31-15(C2H302) or (CH3C00)3- lod xy Compounds
000R C3H5glyceryl triacetate RIO2 C6H5102 iodoxybenzene
or triacetin Isocyanates
Glycols RCNO C6-15NCO phenyl isocyanate
HOCH2(CH2),CH2OH CH2(OH)CH2OH Isocyanide Dichlorides
where n = zero or greater ethylene glycol (I midocarbonyl Chlorides)
CH2(OH)CH2CH201-1 RN C12 C2H5NCCl2 ethyl isocyanide
tri methylene glycol dichloride, ethylimid -
Guanidino Compounds carbonyl chloride
N112( NFI)N1IR N H2(C=NH)NHC2H5 isocyan ides (see
1-ethylguanidine Ca rbylamines)
Ha loalkylsilanes Isonitriles (see Carbylamines)
xR(SiH 2 )H CICH2SiH3 isothiocyanates
where one or more of the (chloromethyl)silane (isosulfocyanates;
H's inR maybe Thiocarbimides; Mustard
substituted by additional Oils)
X's and one or more of RNCS CH3NC5 methyl isothiocyanate,
silicon hydrogens may be etc
substituted to additional Keta Is
RX groups R2C(OR)2 (Commonly (CH3)2C(0C2H5)2 acetone
Ha lohydrins treated as Acetals, qv diethylketal
XCH2CH2OH CICH2CH2OH above) (2,2-diethoxypropane)
where either or both of the ethylene chl rohydrin Ketones
CH2's may be CHR or CR2 RCH or R)=C=0 (C113)2 0 dimethyl ketene
Herriiacetals K et0 Acids (monobasic)
RC(H or R)(0R)(OH) CH 3 CH(OC 2 1-1 5 )0H acetaldehyde H(CH2)nC0(0 -12)nC00 H CH3COCH2COOH
ethylhemiacetal where n zero or greater 3-oxobutyric acid or acetoacetic
(1-ethoxyethanol) and any or all H's may acid HOOCCH2COCOOH
Hydrazides be R's. May also be ketosuccinic acid or
RCO NH NH? CH3CONHNH2 acetic acid polybasic. oxalacetic acid
hydrazide Ketones
Hydrazines RCOR CH 3CO C2 H 5
RN(H or R)N(H or R)- C 6 -1 5 1\11-1 N phenyihydrazine where R's are aliphatic ethyl methyl ketone or
(H or R) or alicyclic. If one or both 2-butanone
Hydrazones R's are aroma tic, C 6 H 5 COCH 3 acetophenone
R2(or RH)C=NNH2 (C I-13)2C=N N H2 acetone compounds are termed
hydrazone C6-15CH=NNH2 Phenones.
benzaldehyde hydrazone Lactams
Hydrocarbon Halides (Alkyl, CH2(CH2)r;CONH CH 2CH 2CH 2CH 2C0 NH
Alkylene, Alkylidene, Alkenyl, where n =2 or more and 5-va lerolactam (2-piperidone)
Aryl, Arylene, etc Halides) any or all H's may be R's.
R X CH3C1 Lactides
where n valence of 13 methyl chloride CH2COOCH2C00 CH3CHCOOCH(CH3)C00
(chloromethane) where any or all of the H's 2-hydroxypropionic acid
CH2=CHBr vinyl bromide may be R's lactide "lactide"
CH3CHC12 ethylidene chloride Lactims
C 6 -1 5 1 phenyl iodide as per lactams except CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 C(OH)=N
(i odobenzene) CH2(CH2)CONH becomes 1-va lerolactim
Hydroxamic Acids CH 2 (CH 2 C(OH)=N
RC(=NOH)OH CH 3 CH 2 C(=N01-1)01-1 Lactones
pr pionohydr xamic acid CH2(CH2) 0 C00 CH2CH2CH2CH2C00
Hydr xy Acids where n = 2 or more and s-valer lactone
RCH(OH)COOH C F-13C H(0 H)C0 OH any or all H's may be R's
u-hydr xypr pionic acid or m ercaptans (see Thiols)
lactic acid Mercaptides
Hypophosphites (see Esters) RSMetal C2H5SNa sodium
I mides (Carboximides) ethylmercaptide
RCON(1-1 or R)C0 CH2CH2CONHCO succinimide mercaptoles
1,2-ethanedicarboximide R 2 C(SR) 2 (CH3)2C(SC2H5)2 acetone
I midic Acids diethylmercaptole
RC(NH)OH CH3C NH)OH acetimidic adds Morpholides
R=N 1-1 CH3CH2=NHethylideneimine acetomorpholide
CH2CH2NH ethyleneimine (4-acetylmorpholine)
lodonium Compounds Nitrates (see Esters)
[R21] - )C - [(C6-15)21] - 13r - Nitriles (Cyanides;
where X OH or a salt diphenyliodonium bromide Carbonitriles)
anion RCN CH3CH2CN propionitrile,
ethyl cyanide

Appendix A


Nitrites (see Esters) Phosphorofluoridates

Nitro Compounds (Fluoro phosphates)

RNO2 CH3NO2 nitromethane FPO(OR)2 FPO[OCH(CI-13)212 diisopropyl

C6H5NO2 nitrobenzene phosphororfluoridate or
Nitroso Compounds diisopropyl
RN() C61-15NO nitrosobenzene fluorophosphate
Organometallic (Metallo- Phosphorus Compounds (General)
organic) Compounds In addition to the compounds in this listing, phosphorus forms a
NoteRestricted here to very large number of types of compounds containing direct link-
compounds having a ages between the phosphorus atom and halogens, cyanogen,
direct metal-carbon nitrogen, and sulfur. many of these contain also phosphorus-
li nkage. oxygen linkages. For a comprehensive presentation of organic
Commonest types are: compounds containing phosphorus, see the report entitled Or-
MRv and RN_ ufSA X (CH3)2Zn dimethylzinc ganic Compounds Containing Phosphorus, which is available
where (C 2 I-1 5 ) 4 Pb from Chemical Abstracts Service.
M = metal functioning tetraethyl lead Phthaleins, si mplest type only
with valence v RC(13'011)2000 o-C61-14C(p-C6H40 H)2000
R = univalent C H3 MgBr where R is o-phenylene, R' phenolphthalein
unsubstituted, or, methylmagnesium bromide is p-phenylene and
substituted, hydrocarbon either or both may be
radical substituted.
X univalent anion C61-15HgNO3 phenylmercuric Piperidides
nitrate; Ag2C2 silver acetylide RCO N(CH2)40-12 CH3CONCI-120-120-120-120-12
Osazones acetopiperidide (i-
[Bis(phenylhydrazones)] acetylpiperidine)
( H or R)C(=NNHPh)- C 6 11 5 C(=NNHPh)C(=-NNI-1- Quaternary Ammonium
C(=NNHPh)(R or Ph)C61-15 Compounds
where Ph phenyl benzil osazone [Benzi I [R 4 1\1] - X - [[CH 3 ) 4 N]
bis(phenylhydrazone)] where X - OH or a salt tetramethylammonium
Oximes an ion chloride
RC(H or R)=NOH CH 3 CH=NOH acetaldoxime
(CH3)2C=N01-1 0 p-0 61-14=0
dimethylketoxime where R is a quinoid cycle p-benzoquinone
(acetone oxime) Salts (Metal) Formulas as for the acids
Oxo Compounds (see
except that the acidic H's are
Aldehydes, Ketones,
replaced by metal
Quinones, Keto Acids) equivalent.
r- 0 -1 r- 0-1 RC(H or R)=NNHCON H2 (0-13)2C=-NN HCON H2 acetone
RCH-0-0-C1-1-R CI-13CHOOCHC1-13
2-butene ozonide
Silicates (see Esters)
Peptides (Polypeptides)
Silicon Compounds (General)
NI I-12(RCON H)RC00 NI-12(0-12CONH)2C1-12C00
Because of its position in Group IV of the Periodic Table, it is
glycine tripeptide
not surprising that silicon enters freely into organic-type chemi-
cal combinations. Like carbon, although to a much lesser extent,
silicon forms stable chain compounds containing SiSi link-
ROO(R or H) C2HSO0C2115 ethyl peroxide
ages. Compounds which contain hydrogen as the only other ele-
Peroxy Acids
ment are termed silanes: eg, Si H4, si l ane (silicane, silicomethane);
RC(0)00 CI-13C(0)00 I-1 peroxyacetic acid
Phenolates (Phenoxides)
disilane (disilicoethane) and Si3I-18, trisilane. Cyclosilanes,
ROmetal SiH 2 (SiH 2 )Si H2 are also well-known. These silicon-hydrogen com-
C 6 H 5 ONa
pounds are analogous to the a lkanes and cycloalkanes in the car-
where R is aromatic sodium phenolate
bon family of compounds. They form various types of derivatives:
sodium phenoxide
Phenols eg, SiH3OH, H2Si0, HSiO0H, HOSiH2SiI-120H, SiHCI3, H2Si=NH,
(SiH3)2NH, etc. These structures are analogous to carbon com-
where R is aroma tic p-methylphenol (p-cresol) pounds. Silicon also shows a strong tendency to form stable-chain
Phenones (see Ketones) compounds containing SiOSi linkages which are the silox-
Phenoxides (see Phenolates) anes: eg, H3SiOSi H3, disiloxane, H 3 SiOSi-H 2 0Si H3, trisiloxane; etc.
Phosphates (see Esters) Analogous compounds containing the imino group instead of
Phosphites (see Esters) oxygen, are also well-known. These are the silazanes: eg,
Phospho Compounds H 3 SiNHSi H 3 , disi la zane; H 3 5iN1-15i H 2NH-Si H3, trisi la zane; etc.
RP0 2 C 6 1-1 5 P0 2 phosphobenzene It will be noted that none of the above types of compounds
Phosphonic Acids contain carbon and, in this sense, they are not organic com-
RPO(OH)2 C1-13P0(OH)2 methylphosphonic pounds. However, the alkyl derivatives, which are very numerous,
acid or methanephosphonic are organic in the same sense as alkyl derivatives of hydrogen
acid compounds of other elements such as nitrogen and sulfur. Since


the alkyl groups in the deriv atives also may contain substituent [CH2CH2CH2CH2CH25 - -
functional groups, it readily is apparent that there are a great (C2H5)]PtC16 -
many types of organic silicon compounds. Only a few of the bet- 1-ethylhexahydrothia-
ter known types are included in this listing. pyrylium chloroplatinate
Silylalkanols (Silicoalcohols) Sulfonyl Halides
Alcohols in which one (or (C21-15)3SICH2CH2OH RSO2X C61-15502C1 benzenesulfonyl
more) of the 0-1 2-(triethylsilyl)ethanol chloride
hydrogens is replaced by Sulfoxides
silyl (Si1-1 3 ) or substituted RSOR (C2H5)250 diethyl sulfoxide
silyl groups. In contrast to Sultams
the silanols, compounds of Analogous to Lactams, qv
this type contain hydroxyl with 50 2 replacing
in true organic CO-
combination. Sultones
There are many subtypes. Analogous to Lactones, qv
Sulfamic Acids with 502 replacing
RNH(or R2N)5020H CH3NHS020H methanesulfamic CO-
acid; (C 2 1-1 5 ) 2 NS0 2 0H Thetins
diethylsulfamic acid R2S - CH2C00 (CH3)25 CH2C00 -
Sulfates (see Esters) 5,5-dimethyltheti n
Sulfenamides Thio Acids
RSNH2 C61-155NH2 benzenesulfenamide 1. Thiolic RCO5I-1 CH3CO5H thioloacetic add
Sulfenic Acids ethanethiolic acid
RSOH C61-1550H benzenesulfenic acid 2. Thionic RCSOH CH3CSOH thionoacetic acid
ethanethionic acid
Sulfenyl Halides
RSX C61-15SCI benzenesulfenyl 3. Thionothiolic RCSSH CH3CSSH thionothioloacetic
chloride (Dithioic) acid
ethanedithioic acid
Sulfides (Thio Ethers)
Thio Aldehydes
R SR (CH 3 ) 2 5 (di)methyl sulfide
RCHS CH 2 CHS thioacetaldehyde
(di)methyl thioether
Thiocyanates (Sulfocyanates;
Sulfimides Rhodanates)
RSCN C6H5SCN phenyl thiocyanate,
o-benzosulfimide (saccharin)
Sulfinamides Thio Ethers (see Sulfides)
RSONH2 C6H5SONH2 Thiols (Mercaptans, Acid
benzenesulfinamide Sulfides, Hydrosulfides;
Sulfinic Acids Sulfhydryl Compounds)
RSOOH C6-15500H benzenesulfinic acid RSH C21-1551-1 ethanethiol
Sulfinyl Halides mercaptan
RSOX C 6 1-1 5 50C1 benzenesulfinyl ethyl acid sulfide
chloride hydrosulfide
Sulfites (see Esters) Thiones (Thio Ketones)
Sulfonamides RCSR CH3CSCH3 propanethione
R SO 2NI -12 C61-15502N1-12 dimethyl thioketone
benzenesulfonamide Thionium Compounds (see Sulfo mum Compounds)
Sulfones Thioureides-Ureides (qv) with th e urea oxygen replaced by sulfur.
RSO2R (C21-15)2502 diethyl sulfone Ureides, simplest types only
Sulfonic Adds acyclic RCONHCONH CH3CONHCONH2 acetic acid
RS020H C6H550201-I benzenesulfonic (H or CDR) ureide; acetylurea
Sulfonium Compounds acid
[R3S] [(CH3)35] - 1 - ureide (ma lonylurea);
where X is OH or a salt trimethylsulfonium iodide (barbituric acid)
anion, ifs is a ring Urethanes (Carbamate Estes)
member, specific "ium" NH2COOR NH2C00C2H5 ethyl urethane
nomenclature is employed (ethyl carbamate)
to denote the heterocycle.

Appendix B Prefixes

ald- (or aldo-) refers to aldehyde, as a Idoxime and C 2 11 5 /

a ldohexose
alio- signifies a close (usually isomeric) C=C
\ (E)-3-methy1-2-pentenoic acid
relationship, as allocholesterol
(coprostenol) is an isomer of
cholesterol C 3 11, COOH
anhydro- denotes abstraction of water, as / ( 4-3-methyl-2-pentenoic acid
anhydrohydroxyprogesterone C=C
anti- equivalent to trans, qv, in certain CH,
geometric isomers, eg, anti-
benzaldoxime epi- (or ep-) connotes a difference in steric
apo- usually signifies formation from the configuration, as epicholesterol is
compound whose name is attached, the 30.-hydroxy epimer of
as apomorphine may be formed cholesterol; also used to signify a
(produced) from morphine bridge, as in epichlorohydrin and
ar- abbreviation for aromatic, as aryl 1,3-epoxybutane.
as- abbreviation for asymmetric epoxy- see epi-
bis- used instead of di-, meaning two, gem- refers to two groups attached to the
before complex expressions, as in same carbon atom, as the gem-
bis(m-nitrophenyI)- dimethyl grouping in 2,2-
cis- refers to that geometric isomer in dimethylpropane or camphor
which the two groups are on the hetero- means different or not all the same,
same side of a plane produced as in heterocyclic
through rigid bonding, preventing hom- (or homo-) indicates a homolog of another
free rotation (eg, unsaturation, ring compound, as homatropine
formation, etc) hydro- (or hydr-) refers to hydrogen, as
hexahydrobenzene and hydracrylic
C2H5 acid
hypo- signifies a lower state of oxidation in
relation to another compound, as
i- sometimes used instead of iso-
/ iso- (rarely, i-) denotes an isomer of another
HO compound, as isobutane and
isopropyl alcohol
cyclo- indicates a cyclic structure, as levo [or I- or ()-] signifies /evorotatory form, as
cyclopropane l-ephedrine
d- see dextro- L- signifies a structural relationship to
D- signifies a structural relationship to L-glyceraldehyde without any
o-glyceraldehyde without any reference to direction of optical
reference to direction of optical rotation, as L-glucose
rotation, as o-glucose m- see meta-
de- (or des-) denotes removal of something, as meso- signifies optical inactivity due to
hydrogen in dehydrocholic acid, and internal compensation, as
oxygen in desoxyephedrine mesotartaric acid
(the capital Greek used to indicate, or focus attention meta- (or m-) indicates the 7,3-positions in benzene,
on, as in m-dihydroxybenzene
letter delta) double bonds, as in -butene n- abbreviation for normal, as n-butyl
[ 0-1 3 C1- CHCI-1 3 1 alcohol
dehydro- see de- N a locant, indicating substitution on a
desoxy- see de- nitrogen atom, as in N-methylaniline
dextro- [or d- or (+)-] signifies dextrorotatory form, as
d-glucose H
dl- (or d,I-) see racemic
E and z E (entgegen), Z (zusammen);
descriptors used to distinguish
stereoisomers differing in the spatial CH,
distribution of groups about a nor- indicates a relationship, usually
doubly-bonded atom pair. E signifies through alkylation or isomerization,
that the group of higher priority (by between the compound whose
the Cahn-ingold- Prelog sequence) name carries the prefix and the
on one of the atoms and the group compound whose name does not.
of higher priority on the other atom Examples: ephedrine is an
are on opposite sides of the double N-methylated norephedrine;
bond. Z signifies that these higher camphane is a trimethylated
priority groups are on the same side norcamphane; and leucine
of the double bond. For further (2-amino-4-methylpentanoic acid) is
discussion, see I Am Chem Soc 90: an isomer of the normal form
509, 1968. Examples: represented by norleucine
(2-aminohexanoic acid).

Appendix B

o- see ortho- sym- (or 5-) abbreviation for symmetrical, as in

ortho- (or -) signifies the 1,2- positions in benzene, sym- dichloroethane, CICH2CH2C1;
as in o-hydroxybenzoid acid specifically signifies the 1,3,5
P- see para - positions in benzene, as in
para- (or p-) signifies the 1,4- positions in benzene, sym-trinitrobenzene
as in p-aminobenzoic add syn- equivalent to cis, qv, in certain
per- signifies maximum state of geometric isomers, eg,
substitution or addition, as in syn-benzaldoxime
perch loroethane, C2C16; t-see tert-
perch loroethylene, Cl 2 C=CC1 2 ; tert- (or t-) abbreviation for tertiary, as in
perhydrobenzene, C6I-112. Sometimes tert-butyl alcohol and tert-amines
used synonymously with peroxy, qv tetrakis- used instead of tetra, meaning four,
poly- indicates a union of several identical before complex expressions (see bis-)
molecules or molecular fragments, trans- (or anti) refers to that geometric isomer in
as in polymers and polysaccharides which the two groups are on
R and .5 R (rectus), 5 (sinistere); notations used opposite sides of a planar bond
in the Cahn-Ingold-Prelog (see cis)
convention to describe
about a chiral center. The system
utilizes a set of rules to establish a
priority rating for the substituent
groups around a center and the
rating is then applied to the
structure to describe the
configuration. Unlike the D-L system,
the convention does not involve tris- used instead of tri-, meaning three,
comparisons with reference before complex expressions (see
compounds. For further discussion, bis-)
see 1 Chem Ed 47 (Mar): 116, 1964. uns- see unsym-
racemic [or dl- or ()- signifies optical inactivity due to unsym- (or uns-) abbreviation for unsymmetrical,
equimolecular mixture of ( )- and as in
(- )- forms unsym- dichloroethane, CH 3 CHCl 2 ;
s- see sym- specifically signifies the 1,2,4
S and R see R and S positions in benzene, as in
sec- abbreviation for secondary, as in unsym-trihydroxybenzene
sec-butyl alcohol and sec-amines v- see vic-
sub- denotes a basic salt, as in aluminum vic- for v- or a dj- or a-) signifies the 7,2,3 positions in
subacetate benzene as vic-trimethylbenzene
Z and E see E and Z

Appendix C 1 1=IMMI
-al indicates an aldehyde, as methana I, HCHO -oyl characteristic ending for acyl radicals, as ethanoyl
-ane indicates saturated hydrocarbon or saturated hete- (for acetyl), carbamoyl, etc
rocycle as ethane, androstane or furane -yl indicates a group or radical, especially a univalent
-ase characteristic ending for enzymes, as zymase, amy- hydrocarbon radical, as methyl, phenyl, etc
lase, polypeptidase, etc -ylene signifies a bivalent hydrocarbon radical or group
-ate characteristic ending for salts and esters of acids with the free bonds on different carbon atoms,
ending in -ic, as acetate, phosphate, etc as in ethylene [CH20-12] and o-phenylene
-en e denotes one double bond, as ethane, butadiene,
etc (see also -ylene)
-ine characteristic ending for various basic nitrogen
compounds such as amines or alkaloids, as his- 0
3 ; used also to indicate a double bond in
tamine, epinephrine, morphine, etc
-ite characteristic ending for salts and esters of acids
ending in -ous, as phosphite, nitrite, etc
olefin hydrocarbons, as in ethylene [CI-12=0-12]
-oic refers to the COOH group, as in ethanoic, ben- -ylidene signifies a bivalent hydrocarbon radical or group
zoic, etc, acids
with the free bonds on the same carbon atom, as
-ol characteristic ending for alcohols, phenols, naph- in ethylidene [CH 2 C1-1=] and benzylidene
thols, etc, as in ethanol, cyclohexanol, etc

-one indicates a ketone, as in propanone, acetophe-
none, etc H
-osan generic ending for polysaccharides, as pentosans,
hexosanes, etc
-ose characteristic carbohydrate ending, especially for
sugars, as dextrose, sucrose, etc
-oside generic ending for glycosides, as glucoside, rham- -yn e denotes one triple bond, as in ethyne fCH C1-11,
noside, etc ethynyl [CI-I C], etc

Appendix D rganic Groups and Radicals'

acetamid CH 3CON H carb meth xy see methoxycarbonyl

acetate CH 3C00 or C2H302 carbonyl =C0
acet nyl CH3COCH2 carboxyl (carb xy) COON
acet xy see acetate cetyl see hexa decyl
acetyl CH3CO- chl r (chloride) CI
acridinyl C T3 H 8 N (5 isomers)
chl r mercuri C1Hg
acyl generic term signifying an acid cinnamoyl C6H5CH=CHCO
minus its OH group or groups as cinnamyl C6H5C1-1=CHCH2
acetyl, CH 3 -CO or carbonyl, =CO citrate 00CCH2C(OH)(C00)CH2C00
^ 3-
or C6F15...),
adipoyl CO(CH2)4C0
alanyl CH3CH(NH2)C0 cresyl CH 3 C 6 H 4 0 (3 isomers)
alkoxy generic term signifying a radical cyanato (cyanate)
consisting of an alkyl joined to cyan (cyanide) CN
oxygen as methoxy, CH 3 0 and cyclohexyl
ethoxy, C2HSO cyclOpentyl C5H5
alkyl generic term signifying a saturated CyClopropyl C3 H
hydrocarbon radical with a valence n-decyl (decyl) CH3(CH2)5 or C1nH2I -
of one as methyl, CI-13 or ethyl, dialkylamino R 2 N wherein Ws are alkyls
CH diazo N N)
alkylamino generic term signifying RNI-1 diaz amino N=NNH=
wherein R is an alkyl diazonium N ( N)
allyl CH-CHICH2 dimethylamino (CH3)2N
amide (amid ) CONH2, see carbamoyl dimethylarsin (CH3)2As
amidino H2NC(-=NH) diphenylmethyl (C6H5)2CH
amine (amino) NH 2 dodecyl CH3(CH2)11
am inoacetate H 2 NCH 2 C00 epoxy 0 oxygen united to two
aminobenzoate H2NC6H4C00 (o-, m and p-- different atoms already united in
is mers) some other way
n-amyl (amyl) see pen tyi ethenyl see vinyl
tert-a my I see tert-pentyl ethoxy C21150
anilin C6H5NH- ethoxycarbonyl C2HSO00
anthryl Ci4H9 , from anthracene (3 isomers) ethyl C211
ethylamin C2H5NH -

aryl generic term signfying an aromatic
hydrocarbon radical as; phenyl ethylene - C1-12CH2
ethylenedioxy OCH2CH20
CH3 ethylidene CH3C1-1=
ethylthi CH3CH25
; o-tolyi ;e ethynyl
fluor (fluoride) F
flu r ph sphate see phosphorofluoridate
f rmamido HC(=0)NH-
aur Au - formate FIC00 or CHO
azido - N=N =N f rmyl CHO
azo N=N- furfuryl OCH=CHCH=CCH2 (two isomers,
az xy - N(0)=N buts used unqualified to refer
benza I see benzylidene specifically to the 2-form)
benzamido C6H5CONH furfurylidene OCH=CHCH=CCH= (two isomers,
benzenesulfonamido C 6 H 5 50 2 NH but used unqualified to refer
benzenesulf nyl C6I 15502
- specifically to the 2-form)
benzhydryl see diphenylmethyl furyl C4 H 3 0 (2 isomers)
benzoate C6H5C00 or C7HSO2 gluc syl C6Fill 05
benzyl C61-15C0
benzoyloxy (benzoxy) see benzoate glyceryl CH2CHCH2 or C3H
ben zy l C6H5CH2 g lycinate NH2CH2COO
benzylidene C61-15CH= g lycyl NH 2 CH 2 CO
biphenylyl C6H5C61-I4 (3 isomers) guanidin H2NC(=NH)NH
bisulfate HOS020=- or SO41-1 - n-heptyl (heptyl) CH3(CH2)5
bisulfide SH; see thiol hexadecyl CH3(CH2)15
bisulfite HOS00 or SO3H hexamethylene CH2(CH2)4CH2
borate (orthoborate) 0 n-hexyl (hexyl) CH 3 (CH 2 ) 5 or C61-113
or B03 3 hydrazin H2NNH-
`0 hydraz - N HNH-
br m (bromide) Br hydr xy (hydroxyl) - OH
br syl p-bromobenzenesulfonyl hydroxyamin HONH-
n-butyl (butyl) CH 3 (CH 2 ) 3 hydroxyimin HON=
sec-butyl CH3CH2CH(CH3) hydr xymethyl HOCI-12
tert-buty I (CH3)3C- ( methylol)
butyrate (butan ate) CH3CH2CH2C00 or C4H702 i mide -=NH, as in succinimide (cyclic)
cac dyl see dimethylarsino i mino HN=
carbamate H 2 NIC00 ind lyl CHM (several isomers)
(carbam yl xy) i d (iodide) 1
carbamoyl H2NCO , see amide
is amyl see isopentyl
carbeth xy see ethoxycarbonyl isobutyl (CH3)2CHCH2

Appendix D

isocyanato (isocyanate) N- picrate 2,4,6-0102)3C6H20

isocyano (isocyanide) - NC picryl 2,4,6-010 2 ) 3 C 6 H 2
isonitrile (isonitrilo) see isocyano piperidino Cii2CH2CH2CH2CH2N-
isopentyl (CH3)2CHCH20-12 piperidyl 2-, 3-, or 4-051-110N
isopropoxy (CH3)20-10 pivaloyl (CH3)3CCO
isopropyl (CH3)20-1 propenyl CH3CH=CH
isothiocyano 5=C=N or NCS - propionate CH 3 CH 2 C00 or C 3 H S O 2
(isothiocyanato, (propanoate)
isothiocyanate) propionyl CH 3 CH 2 C0
keto see oxo propoxy CH3CH2CH20
lactate CH3CH(OH)C00 or C31-1503 n-propyl (propyl) CH3CHfCH2
ma lonyl COCH2CO-
mandelate C6H5CH(OH)C00 propylene CH3CHCH2
menthyl C10H19 (several isomers) pyranyl C 5 H S O (3 isomers)
mercapto (mercaptan) SH; see Mb/ pyrazolidinyl C3H7N2 (many isomers)
mercuri Hg- pyridyl C5H4N (3 isomers)
mesityl 2,4,6-(CH3)3C6H2 pyrimidinyl (pyrimidyl) C4H3N2 (3 isomers)
methenyl see methylidene quinolyl C9H6N (7 isomers)
methoxy CH 3 0 salicyl o-C 6 H 4 ( OH)CO-
methoxycarbonyl CH30C0 sa licy late o-C6H4(OH)C00 or C7HSO3
methoxyphenyl CH30C6H4 o-, m- and p-isomers 5 41 Si I3
methyl CH3 stearate CH3(012)15C00 - or CI 8 1-1 35 0i
methylene CH2= stibo 02Sb-
methylenedioxy OCH 2 0 styryl C6H5CH=CH -
methylidene CH2 succinate - 0 0C0H2CH2C0 0 - or C4H404'
methyl idyne HC succinoyl OCCH2CH2C0
methylol see hydroxymethyl su Ifamoyl H2N502
methylsulfonyl CH3S02 sulfanilamido p-H2NC6H4502NH-
( methanesulfonyl) sulfanilyi p-H 2 NC 6 H 4 S0 2 2-
methylthio CH3S sulfate 05020 or 504
morpholino CH 2 CH 2 OCH 2 CHT1
2 sulfhydryl see thiol
naphthyl C10H7 (from naphthalene; cx and p sulfide 5; characteristic of thioethers as
isomers) (dr)ethyl sulfide (ethyl thioether),
neopentyl (CH3)3CCH2 C2H5SC21-15
nitramino 0 2 NNH- sulfinyl 50 2-
nitrate - ONO? sulfite 0500 or 503
nitrile see cyano sulfo see sulfonic acid
nitrilo sulfonamido 502N HI-
nitrite ONO sulfonate - 5020

nitro NO7 sulfone see sulfonyl

nitroso NO sulfonic acid 50 2 0
n-nonyl (nonyl) CH3(CH2)2 sulfonyl (sulfone) 502

n-octyl (octyl) CH3(CH2)7 sulfoxide see sulfinyl

oleate CH3(CH2)7CH=CH(CH2)7C00 or sulfuryl see sulfonyl
CisH3302 tartrate 00CCH(OH)CH(OH)C00 or
oxalate (oxalato) OOCCOO or C204 2- C 4 H 4 0 6 2-
oxalyl COCO- tetradecyl CH3(CH2)12CH-
oxo 0= tetramethylene - CH 2 (CH 2 ) 2 CH 2
oxy 0 as a connective tetrazolyl CHN4 (isomers)
palmitate CH3(CH2)14C00 or C161-13102 thenyl C4H3SCH2 (2 isomers)
n-pentyl (pentyl) CH 3 (CH 2 ) 3 CH 2 thiazolyl C 3 H 2 NS (3 isomers)
tert-pentyl CH3CH2C(CH3)2 (1,1- thienyl C4H3S (2 isomers)
dimethylpropyl) thin see sulfide
perchlorate 03C1-0 or C104 thiocarbonyl C5
perchloryl 03C1 thiocyano (thiocyanato, SCN
peroxy 0-0 thiocyanate)
phenethyl C6i-I 50-12CH 2 thiol (thiolo, mercapto) S
phenoxy C E, H S O thionyl see sulfinyl
phenyl toloxy (tolyloxy) CH3C6F140 (0-, m- and p-isomers)

phenylene C6H4= (0-, m- and p-isomers) toluenesulfonyl CH3C61-14502 (0-, m- and p-forms)
phenylsulfonyi see benzenesulfonyl tolyl CH3C6H4 (0-, m- and p-isomers)
phosphate PO4 3- tosyl = tolylsulfonyl, qv
(orthophosphate) trimethylene 01 2 01 2 01 2
phosphino H2P- trityl (C6F-15)3C
phospho - P02 ureido H7NCONH
phosphono (10)20P- valerate (pentanoate) CH3(CH2)3C00 or C51 -19 02
phosphoro - PP- vinyl CH2=CH-
phosphoroso - P0 xanthenyl (xanthyl) C I 3 H 9 0 (5 isomers)
phtha late o-C61-14(C00)2 xenyl see biphenyly1
phtha loyl o-C61-14(CO)2 xylyl (C1-1 3 ) 2 C 6 1-1 3 (6 isomers)
'Anionic radicals have slightly d ifferent names than given here when present as ligands. Examples: acetate versus acetato; nitrite versus nitrito; thiol versus

11.11L Appendix E Heterocycles in Official Drug

3 C7N 2,5-Dihydrofuran (145)

Aziridine (11) a Examples: Ascorbic Acid; Digitoxin.
Example: Thiotepa
Tetrahydrofuran (145)
5 C 3 05 Examples: Polysorbate; Sorbitan;
1,3-0xathiole (133) Streptomycin; Sucrose.
4,5-dihydro form C4 5
Example: Nivirapine Thiophene (149)
5 C4N Example: Cefoxitin
1 H-Tetrazole (61)
Examples: cefamandole; Cefazolln. Sr N , 6 C3NOP
4N N3 Tetrahydro-2H-1,3,2-oxazaphosphorine
C2N125 (7746)
1,2,5-Thiadiazole (89) Example: Cyclophosphamide.
Example: Timolol.
s-Trioxane (222)
1,3,4-Thiadiazole (90) Example: Paraldehyde. ,
Examples: Acetazolamide; Cefazolin; ( 6
2 50
Sulfa methizole. 1
4N N:
1,3,4-Thiadiazoline (90) C4 NO
Example: Methazolamide. Morpholine (239)
Examples: Pramoxine; Timolot
4N N
Oxazolidine (119)
6 CaN2
Example: Paramethadione

Isoxazole (118)
r N.
Pyrimidine (249)
Example: Pyrimethamine.

Examples: Cioxaciiiin, lsocarboxazid; 4

Sulfisoxazole. 1,2,3,4-Tetrahydropyrimidine (249)
Isoxazolidine (118) Example: Propylthiouracil.
Example: Cycloserine.
1,4,5,6-Tetrahydro form (249)
Thiazole (122) Example: Oxyphencyclimine.
Examples: Thiabendazole; Thiamine.
N3 Hexahydropyrimidine (249)
C3N2 Examples: All barbituric and thiobarbituric
I midazole (127) acids; Primidone.
Examples: Azathioprine; Histamine; Ir
Pilocarpine. a" Pyrazine (250)
2-Imidazoline (127) Example: Amiloride.
Example: Phenytoin 1
Piperazine: Hexahydropyrazine (250)
I midazoline (127)
Example: Prochlorperazine.
Example: Narofurantorn
3-Pyrazoline (124) Iv C5N
Example: Antipyrine. Pyridine (277)
Examples: Cetylpyridinium Chloride; 6

Pyrazolidine (124) Niacinarnicie, S

Examples: Phenylbutazone; Suffinpyrazone.
5r" -
rr 1,4-Dihydropyridine (4H-Pyridine) (277)
Example: Propyliodone.
C3 0 2
1,3-Dioxolane (136)
Examples: Ketoconazole; Propylene Carbonate.
Piperidine; Hexahydropyridine (277)
Example: Meperidine.
Pyrrole (142)
Example: Pyrvinium Pamoate. Tetrahydropyran (278)
Examples: Lactose; Streptomycin.
Pyrrolidine (142)
Example: Methsuximide
7 C6N
Hexahydroazepine (355)
Example: Tolazamicie.
Furan (145)
Example: Nitrofurantorn

Appendix E

8 C7 N C 3 N 2 -C 4 N 2
Octahydroazocine (414) 1 H-Pyrazoloi3,4-cilpyrimidine (1174)
Example: Guanethidine. Example: Allopurinol.
Purine (1179)
14 C!30 Examples: Caffeine; Dimenhydrinate.
Oxacyclotetradecane (534) 2 -
Example: Erythromycin.
CH,(CH,)(11 ; C3N2-C6
Benzimidazole (1213)
1 5 C I3 NO
Examples: Cyanocobalamin;
1-Oxa-6-azacyclopentadecane 10
Dropericiol Thiabendazole. 5 N3
Example: Azithromycin. 9 12 14
1,4-Dioxaspiro[4.5]decane (1238)
1 6 CtINs Example: Guanadrel.

1,4,7,10,13-Pentaazacyclo- 3
Example: Capreomycin. C30S-C6
3H-2,1-Benzoxathiole (1222)
Example: Phenolsulfonphthatein.
23 Ci6N2
Nortropane (1281) or 8-azabicyclo-
Examples: Colistin; [31,1]octane
Examples: Atropine; Cocaine.
Colistimethate Sodium.
3,5 C3-C4N C4NCE,
Indole (1286)

3-Azabicyclo[3.1.0]hexane (690) 2
Example: Trovafloxacin Example: indomethacin. a

4,5 C 3 N-C 3 NO Indoline (1286) 7

Example: indigotindisulfonate

r rh 3
Example: Cfavulanate Potassium. Sodium. 5

5 s 04
Isoindoline (1290) 7

C3N-C3N5 Example: Chlorthalidone.

heptane (774) 7E7
Example: Penicillins. 6 1
s 54 C40-05
Phtha Ian; (1,3-Dihydroisobenzofuran)
4,6 C3N-05N (1330) 6
1-Azabicyclo [4.2.0] octane (810) Example: Phenolphthalein.
A 23 -form 1,14 }n!...
Example: Loracarbef 6,6 C3N25-C6
2H-1,2,4-Benzothiadiazine (8074)
Example: Cefotaxin
Example: Chlorothiazicie.
6 loo
3,4-dihydro form (8074)
Examples: Hydrochlorothiazide;
5,5 C3N2-C45 Polythrazick.
1 H-Thieno[3,4-d]imidazole, C4N2-C4N2
hexahydro form (945) 5s Pyrimido[5,3-d]pyrimidine (1585) a
Example: Biotin. Example: Dipyridamole.
C 5 0-0 5 0 4
Furo[3,2-b]furan, hexahydro
form (996) Pteridine (1587)
Example: Meth otrexa te.
Example: Isosorbide Dinitrate.

1,4,5,6,7,8-hexahydro form.
Example: Leucovorin.
Benzothiazole (1152) Phthalazine (1628)
Example: Ethoxzofamide. Example: Hydralazine.

1,2-Benzisothiazole, 2,3-dihydro Quinazoline (1626)

form (1150)
Example: Saccharin.
N. Example: Methaqualone.


CaN5-05 5,5,5 C3N2-C45-C45

2H-1,2-Benzothiazine (1577) I midazo[4,5-c]thieno(1,2-althiolium 4
Example: Piroxicarn. or thieno[1`,2`:1,2]thieno[3,4-d]
i midazol-5-ium, decahydro N3
form (2215)
C 5 N-0 5 N Example: Trimethaphan Camsylate.
1,8-Naphthyridine, 1,4-dihydro
form (1683)
Example: Nalidixic Acid.
2 5,5,6 C3NO2-C4N-C4N2
pyrazine, perhydro form (2319)
Example: Ergotamine.

Quinuclidine (1690)
Examples: Clidinium Bromide;

3H-lmidazo[2,1-a]isoindole, 2,5-
CB dihydro form (2384)
Example: Mazindol.
5 3

C5N-05 C4N-C4N-C6

Quinoline (1707) 8
Pyrrolo[2,3-b]indole, 1,2,3,3a,8,8a- S 1

Examples: Chloroquffie; Quinine. hexahydro form (2442)

Example: Physostigmine. 5
40 3a

5,6,6 C302-C4N2-05
Isoquinoline (1708)
Example: Papaverine.
1,2,3,4-tetrahydro form
Example: Emetine.
1,4-dihydro form (2806)
Example: Cinoxacin, n I 'N2

C 5 0-0 5 C 3 0 2 -0 5 N-C 6
2H-1-Benzopyran (1727) [1,3]-Dioxolo[4,5-g]isoquinoline,
Examples: Dicumarol Warfarin. 5,6,7,8-tetrahydro form (2810)
40 2

Example: Noscapine. ON

Chroman (Dihydrobenzopyran)
1 H-Benz[e]indolium (2933)
(1727) 7

Example: Vitamin E Example: indocyanine Green- N;

6,7 C5-05N 2
3H-1,4-Benzodiazepine (1829)
Example: Chlordiazepoxicie.
7H-Furo[3,2-g][1]benzopyran (2988)

2H-1,4-Benzodiazepine, 9
Examples: Methoxsa len; Trioxsalen.
1,3-d ihydro form (12067) C40-C6-C6
Examples: Diazepam; Oxazepam. 5piro[benzofuran-2(3H),1`-[2]-
N 0
cyclohexene] (3028)
C5-05N5 Example: Griseofulvin.

1,5-Benzothiazepine (1825)

1,2,3,4-Tetrahydro form 5,6,7 C 2 N 3 -C 6 -0 5 N 2
Example: Difitiazem 4H-[1,2,4]Triazolo[4,3-a][1,4]
benzodiazepine N
Examples: Alprazolam, Triazolam.
6,36 C50-C3402
1 4,39-Dioxabicyclo[33.3.1 ]
Example: Amphotericin,
Example: Olanzapffie
36 25

3,5,6 C20-C4N-05N 6
3-Oxa-9-azatricyclo[ 2 ' 4 ]
nonane (2072) 6,6,6 C3N3-C3N3-C3N3
,e No
Examples: Methscopolamine
Bromide; Scopolamine. z Hexamethylenetetramine (3237) or
1,3,5,7-Tetraazatricyclo [3.3.1 3 7 ]
3,6,24 C20-050-C2202 Example: Methenamine.
6,11,28-Trioxatricyclof22.3.1.0 5 7 1 26
27 Z5
octacosane 24 C4N2-05N-C6
Example: Natamycin. 4H-Pyrazino[2,1-a]isoquinoline,
1,2,3,6,7,11b-hexahydro form (10470)
10 Example: Praziquantel.
, 10
12 'S

Appendix E . ntinued

C4NO-Cs-05 1 0,11-dihydro form (3689)

3H-Phenoxazine (3289) Examples: Desipramine; imipramine,
Example: Dactinomycin.

C 6 C 6 -0 5 NO
C 4 N5-C 6 -C 6
Dibenz[b,f][1,4]oxazepine (3697)
Phenothiazine (3314) Example: Loxapine
Examples: Chlorpromazine; 8 2

Proch lorperazine.
Phenazathionium (3315) or to
Dibenz[b,e]oxepine, 6,11-dihydro
Example: Methylene Blue.
form (3697)
Example: Doxepin.
0 4 0 2 -0 5 0-C 6
decahydro form (12687) 3,5,5,6 C2N-C4N-C4N-C6
Example: Spectinomycin. Azirino[2`,3`:3,4]pyrrolo[1,2-a]indole
C 4 N 2 -C4 N 2 -C 6 form
Benzo[g]pteridine, 2,3,4, Example: Mitomycin.
1 0-tetrahydroform (3340)
5,6,6,6 C4N-05N-C6-C6
Example: Riboflavin.
hexahydro form (4550)
C5N-05N-C6 Examples: Ergonowne; Ergotamine.
2H-Benzo[a]quinolizine, 1,3,4,6,7,-
11b-hexahydro form (3487) llb
Example: Emetrne.
pyran, perhydro form (4760)
C 5 N-C 6 -0 5
Example: Oxandrolone.
Acridine b (3523)

Examples: Acrisorcin; Quinacrine.

5,6,6,9 C4N-CsN-C6-C6N 14
CC 114

1,2,3,4,5,6-hexahydro form (3535)

Example: Pentazocine. 4

8 5
1 OH-3,7-Methanoaza-
9 9


7 6
C 5 0-C 6 -C 6

octahydro form (13276)
Xanthene 6 (3571) Examples: Vinblastine; Vincristine.
Example: Propantheline.
5,6,6,24 C40-C6-C6-C22NO 2 rtl6

3H-lsoxanthene 6 (3569) naphtho[2,1-b]]furan
Examples: Fluorescein Sodium; Example: Rifampin.
Rose Bengal Sodium. 5 6 5 1 .
4 NH (CH 2 X, CH
6H-Dibenzo[b,d]pyran, 6a,7,8,
1 Oa-tetrahydroform (3581) 6,6,6,6 C5N-C6-C6-C 5
Example: ronabinot 4H-Dibenzo[cie,fg]quinoline,

9 11
5,6,6a,7- to
tetrahydro form (5171)
Example: Apomorphine. ij
C 5 5-0 5 C 5
2H-10,4a-Iminoethanophenan- 5
Thioxanthene b (3607) N
threne, b cis-1,3,4,9,10,10a-
Example: Thiothixene.
40 hexahydro form; morphinan

6,6,7 C5N-05N-05N2 Examples: Dextromethorphan;

Dipyrido[3,2-b:2`,3`,e][1,4]diazepine LevorphanoL
5,11-dihydro form
6,6,6,7 C4 N 2 -C 6 -C 6 -C 6 N
Example: Nivirapine
benzazepine, 1,2,3,4,10,14b-
hexahydro form
C5N-C6-C7 Example: Mirtizapine
5H-Benzo[5,6]cyclohepta [1,2-b]-
pyridine 6,11-dihydro form
Example: Azatadine. 5,5,5,5,15 C4N-C4N-C4N-C4N-C1t1-14 r
Corrin b (5475) 14 5

5H-Dibenz[b,f]azepine (3689) Example: Cyanocobalamin.
B 10(
Example: Carbamazepine.
7 0 1
15 N

111.16._ Appendix Continued

5,5,6,6,6 C3NO-C6-C6-C6-C6 12 C40-05N-C6-C6-05

1 H-Cyclopenta[7,8]phenanthro- s 4aH-8,9c-Iminoethanophenan-
[3,2-d]-isoxazole, 2,3,3a,- thro-[4,5-bcd]furan, 5922)
3b,4,5,10,10a,10b,11.12.12a- 76
5,7a,8,9-tetrahydro form
dodecahydro form (11036) Examples: Codeine; Morphine;
Example: Danazol. Nalorphine. 9b
C3N2-05-C6-C6-C6 5,6,7,7a,8,9-hexahydro form 7
8H-Cyclopenta[7,8]phenanthro- 9 10
Examples: Hydrocodone Oa
[3,2-c]-pyrazole, 1,2,3,3a,3b,- Hydromorphone.
4,5,5 0,7,10,10a,10b,11,12,- 7
N ,
12a-tetradecahydro form Spiro[phthalan-1,9`-xanthene] (5935)
(FKRBA) or Spiro[isobenzofuran-1-(3H), 9`]

Example: Stanozolol. 9H]xanthene]
C4 N-C4 N-0 5 N-C 6 -C 6 Example: Fluorescein.
1H-Indolizino[8,1-cd] N 6,6,6,6,6,6,18 C5N-C6-C6-C6-C6-C16-02
carbazole, 3a,4,5,5a,6,11,12, Octahydro form of 29 3n2 4
13a-octahydro form (11605) Ring Index No 7408.
Examples: Vinblastme; Vincristme. Examples:
5,6,6,6,6 C4N-05N-05N-C6-C6 Tubocurarine; 26

Benz[g]indolo[2,3-a]quinolizine, Metocurine.
dodecahydro form (5784)
Example: Reserpine.

Characters in parentheses are either the Ring Index number or the Parent Compound Identifier.
Exception to the numbering rule.
Natural Products
Bill J Bowman, PhD, RPh
Robert Jordan
Natural products are used for a variety of purposes. This chap- anesthetics (novocaine, lidocaine) developed from cocaine, and
ter will focus on those natural products that have a pharmaceu- the various ephedrine derivatives originally discovered in
tical importance (Table 26-1). Records show that in practically Ephedra species.'
every country, certain foods and plants were the basis of early This transition from the use of subtle foods and herbals to
medicine.' More than 5,000 years ago, the Sumerians described rapidly acting and specific synthetic vitamins and drugs in dis-
well-established medicinal uses for such plants as laurel, car- ease management, which took place primarily in the United
away, and thyme.' The first Chinese "herbal" book dates back to States, occurred for several reasons. First, these new agents
2700 BC and lists 365 medicinal plants and their uses, in- were more effective at curing and managing many diseases.
cluding ma-huang, the source of ephedrine.' A substantial Second, there was much disdain for "old-fashioned or folkloric
record of the use of herbs as medicine comes from the first Code medicine," especially after the hucksterism and quackery that
of Hammurabi (-1770 BC), which is a series of tablets carved took place at the turn of the century. Many fortunes were made
under the direction of the King of Babylon and mentions medic- during this era (known as the patent-medicine era) by those
inal plants such as henbane, licorice, and mint' The ancient proclaiming that certain foods or herbs could "cure all ills."
Egyptians treated their sick by giving them what they thought This ultimately led to the formation of the FDA and later laws
to be suitable foods. For example, they prescribed liver, a rich that regulate dietary supplements and pharmaceuticals based
source of vitamin A, for night blindness and used moldy upon sound scientific evidence. Third, there was a belief that
breads on wounds.' Among the ancient Greeks, Hippocrates human trial and error over the past centuries had discovered
( -460-377 BC), who is considered the father of medicine in the most of the plants having medicinal value and little was left to
Western cultures, based most of his protocols for the prevention be discovered. Lastly, many pharmaceutical companies felt
and treatment of disease on what his patients ate and quoted the that it was too costly to screen plants for useful drugs given the
famous aphorism, "Food be thy friend and enemy.' However, low success rate, especially once advances in science had made
the most significant Greek contribution is often considered to be it easier and cheaper to design synthetic drugs, which are more
the five-volume work entitled De Materia Medic(' written by easily patentable.'
Dioscorides (AD 40-90). This work described the preparation of However, by the end of the past century, we saw another ma-
approximately 1,000 simple drugs primarily from medicinal jor revolution in health care. Millions of people have begun eat-
plants and is consider the prototype for future pharmacopoeias.' ing healthier and using dietary supplements and herbal prod-
As advances in science continued to improve man's under- ucts to prevent disease and promote good health. A marketing
standing of physiology and the pharmacological effects of survey reported that near the end of the 20 1 century "nu-
foods and herbals, these products remained an essential com- traceutical" (ie, foods, vitamins, supplements, herbal
ponent in the management of disease around the world. By medicines, phytonutrients, etc.) sales were at $5.7 billion and
the early 1900s, it was well understood that many diseases that at least 40% of the population was paying for these prod-
were caused or aggravated by poor nutrition. In addition, the ucts "out of pocket' There are a number of reasons for the
vitamins were discovered during studies on deficiency dis- resurgence in popularity of these products: (1) it is now well rec-
eases such as pellagra (nicotinic acid, a B-vitamin, deficiency) ognized that diet and exercise alone can manage many disor-
and rickets (vitamin D deficiency). By the mid-1900s, vitamins ders such as mature onset diabetes (Type 11), cardiacvascular
were being isolated and synthesized and subsequently used as disease, and those of inborn errors of metabolism (eg, gout,
additives in other foods or to prepare vitamin supplements. In galactosemia, phenylketouria) 5 ; (2) many diseases have been
addition, most people in industrialized countries had achieved conquered and only old age, degenerative disorders, which tra-
an adequate and nutritious food intake. Therefore, deficiency ditional medicine has had limited success with, remain', (3)
diseases all but disappeared, and as a result, there was little people are realizing that, although highly successful, tradi-
continued emphasis on the importance of foods and diet in tional medicine, with its scientific basis, is emotionally hollow,
health. At the same time, most industrialized nations also saw esthetically meaningless, and spiritually empty; (4) many indi-
a rapid rise in drug development. Initially, many of these viduals have lost faith in science, which is being blamed for
modern drugs had their origins in some herbal product. Most many ills such as pollution due to pesticides, carcinogens, and
were just isolated, purified products from plant extracts that other environmental toxins; and (5) rising medical costs and
had been used for centuries such as morphine from the opium managed health care have caused the public to lose trust in
plant and digitalis leaf glycosides. Medicinal chemists then their health care providers, drug manufacturers, and the gov-
began to modify these extracted compounds producing new ernment.' As a result, people are taking a more active role in
synthetic medications. Examples of these synthetic drugs in- managing/preventing disease and searching for alternative
clude the opiate derivatives such as meperidine, the local ways to attain full health.


Table 26-1. Examples of Natural Products Having a Pharmaceutical Importance


Caffeine Tea (the leaves of Thea sinensis- Stimulates mental activity

Ternstroemiaceae), cocoa beans (the
seeds of Theobroma cacao-
Stercu liaceae), and coffee beans (the
seeds of Coffea spp. - Rubiaceae)
Morphine Opium poppy, Papaver somniferum Analgesia
(Papa veraceae)
Pilocarpine Pilocarpus spp. (Rutaceae) Parasympathomimetic
Ephedrine Ephedra spp. (Ephedraceae) Peripheral vasoconstrictor
Th eophy Hine Tea (the leaves of Thea sinensis- Bronchodilator
Ternstroemiaceae), cocoa beans (the
seeds of Theobroma cacao-
Stercu liaceae), and coffee beans (the
seeds of Coffea spp. - Rubiaceae)
Codeine Opium poppy, Papaver sommferum Cough suppressant
(Papa veraceae)
Senna anthraquinones Cassia senna and Cassia angustifolia Laxative
Ergometrine Ergot, a morbid growth formed when Uterine stimulation
the fungus Ciaviceps purpurea develops
on various plants of the Gramineae
Cyperacea families.
Capsaicin Capsicum spp. (Solanaceae) Counter-irritant
Ern etine Cephaelis ipecacuanha (Rubiaceae) Amoebic dysentery

While this trend toward self-awareness and increased par- active principles with known activity, to determine actual effi-
ticipation in ones health is surely a good thing, there are also cacy, and to devise appropriate claims.' In addition, there ap-
several concerns. Some individuals are abandoning traditional pears to be a trend toward decreasing consumer confidence,
medicine completely, which ultimately leads them into irra- which has been fuelled by the many negative outcomes por-
tional modes of thought such as occultism and mysticism. There trayed in the media with these products, especially those of
is also much lacking, unsupported, and misinformation about false labeled claims.
herbals and other dietary supplements, and individuals have a Although there are many concerns, modern research has
tendency to be less than discerning or are not adequately edu- strongly supported and further developed the idea that certain
cated to appropriately evaluate information regarding these foods and herbals can help maintain good health or serve as
therapies. Since the reemergence of herbals and dietary sup- medicines (Tables 26-2 and 26-3). The FDA also defines spe-
plements is primarily consumer driven and lacks much scien- cial classes of foods including Medical Foods, which have ex-
tific evidence, many health professionals have regarded it as act concentrations of nutrients and appropriate labeling for
mere faddism.' Unfortunately, this has caused many health use in certain medical conditions (eg, certain hyperalimenta-
care professionals to completely dismiss these products even tions preparations), 14 and Foods for Special Dietary Uses
though many of their patients use them for legitimate and use- (FSIJU), which includes hypoallergenic foods, weight-reduc-
ful reasons. This has resulted in a communication breakdown tion foods, foods for diabetics, reduced sodium foods, and in-
between patients and their health care providers. One study re- fant formulas.' In addition, 80% of the world's population
ported that 75% of individuals using nutraceuticals neglect to (primarily in developing countries) still rely on plant-derived
share this information with their physicians.' This is most con- medicines.' Therefore, quality health care needs to be a com-
cerning in light of the building evidence of serious herbal-drug bination these "alternative" approaches with traditional ther-
interactions such as with St. John's Wort. apies; both have a great utility in maintaining proper health
There is also major safety concerns with these products and treating disease. With these factors in mind, it is cer-
themselves. For example, early in 1998, a USP expert advisory tainly worthwhile for all of those in the health care arena to
panel determined that consumer use of comfrey could be harm- be aware of and take advantage of the fast flowing informa-
ful due to a lack of scientific evidence to support its safety and tion regarding natural products to help decide which findings
dispel the information on its hepatic toxicity.' An additional can be used to provide quality health care to all patients.
concern with the use of supplements or supplemented foods is In addition to the use of natural products, such as foods and
that they tend to undermine the idea of healthy eating, which herbals, to prevent and manage disease, twenty-five percent of
focuses on the whole diet and not just single ingredients. all drugs prescribed today are still based upon substances de-
Healthy foods commonly contain several compounds with ther- rived from plants or plant-derived synthetic analogs. In fact, in
apeutic activity or contain compounds that modify the effect of the former Federal Republic of Germany, six phytochemicals
their active constituents on the body. Therefore, eating an or- were among the top one hundred of the most prescribed drugs
ange is typically more beneficial than taking a vitamin C tablet. in 1990. Some 4.23 million prescriptions were written for stan-
In addition, supplements may provide nutrients and active dardized Ginkgo biloba preparation alone.' This maybe at-
components in a potentially unbalanced and concentrated form, tributed to the Commission E, which was established in 1978
different than that used in research studies.' However, many by a German federal agency (Bundesgeundheitsamt) to deter-
of the functional compounds within foods are at too low of a con- mine the safety and efficacy of herbal products. So far, the Com-
centration to exert a significant effect and the only rational way mission E has produced about 400 monographs on various
of getting the recommended amount is in supplement form or phytopharmaceuticals and combination products. These com-
as a food additive, such as the stanol esters in the Benecol prod- pendia probably represent the most complete and accurate
ucts. There are also legal and regulatory concerns on how to modern body of scientific information on the subject today. Na-
promote and market these products, to determine exactly ture remains an extremely rich source of molecular diversity,
which ingredients have a pharmacological activity, to stan- and therefore, natural products continue to be used for drug
dardize these products so that they will have known amounts of discovery. In the past, collecting and processing natural coin-

Table 26-2. Current FDA Qualified Health Claims


Dietary supplement containing Some scientific evidence suggests that consumption of

selenium selenium may reduce the risk of certain forms of
cancer or Some scientific evidence suggests that
consumption of selenium may produce anticarcino-
genic effects in the body
Dietary supplements containing Some scientific evidence suggests that consumption of
vitamin E and/or vitamin C antioxidant vitamins may reduce the risk of certain
forms of cancer.
whole or chopped almonds, Scientific evidence suggests but does not prove that
hazelnuts, peanuts, pecans, some eating 1.5 ounces per day of most nuts [such as
pine nuts, pistachio nuts, and name of specific nut] as part of a diet low in
walnuts saturated fat and cholesterol may reduce the risk of
heart disease.
Dietary supplements containing the Consumption of omega-3 fatty acids may reduce the
omega-3 long chain polyunsaturated risk of coronary heart disease.
fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid
(EPA) and/or docosahexaenoic acid
(DH A)
Dietary supplements containing As part of a well-balanced diet that is low in saturated
vitamin efi, e12, and/or folic acid fat and cholesterol, folic acid, vitamin 86, and
vitamin el 2 may reduce the risk of vascular disease.
Dietary supplements containing soy- Consumption of phosphatidylserine may reduce the
derived phosphatidylserine risk of dementia in the elderly or Consumption of
phosphatidylserine may reduce the risk of cognitive
dysfunction in the elderly
Dietary supplements containing folic 0.8 mg folic acid in a dietary supplement is more
acid effective in reducing the risk of neural tube defects
than a lower amount in foods in common form.

pounds was both difficult and costly, especially for compounds number of carbon atoms they contain. For example, xylose may
present in very low concentrations. However, this has been be considered an aldopentose (containing an aldehyde function
made easier by continued advances in extraction, concentrat- and a total of five carbon atoms); similarly, fructose may be con-
ing, and identifying processes. Since natural products already sidered a ketohexose (containing a ketone function and a total of
have a function in nature, and therefore, typically already dis- six carbon atoms).
play pharmacological activity, they are seen as improving the The carbon skeleton of the common monosaccharides is un-
odds of synthesizing a good drug compared to starting with a branched and each carbon atom contains a hydroxy group ex-
completely new structure. Such compounds are proving to be cept for the one containing the carbonyl oxygen that is com-
very useful as starting points for combinatorial chemistry and bined in an acetal or ketal linkage The total scheme for the
the synthesis of lead drug compounds. aldoses and the ketoses is shown in Table 26-4 with the inter-
The remaining portion of this chapter will focus upon the ac- mediate CH(OH) groups represented by horizontal lines
tive constituents of natural products such as foods and herbals drawn on the side to which the OH group is attached. Starting
and provides a discussion of the fundamental characteristics of with the aldotrioses, the insertion of each CH(OH) group
the following, essentially chemical, classes of naturally occur- introduces a chiral center (asymmetric carbon atom), giving
ring products: rise to an increasing number of stereoisomers. The enan-
tiomorphs of each stereoisomeric pair are distinguished by the
Carbohydrates and Glycosides
Proteins, Peptides, and Amino Acids
configurational notations n- and I.-, referring respectively to
Lipids (Fixed Oils and Fats, Waxes, Phospholipids, and Prostaglandins) whether the OH of the last inserted CH(OH) is on the right
Sterols and Saponins or left of the vertical axis when the formulas are drawn in the
Alkaloids stick configuration as shown in Table 26-4. It is important to re-
Phenols member that the D- and r. notations have nothin g to do with the
Volatile Oils, Resins, and Miscellaneous Isoprenoids direction of optical rotation and also that the actual demon-
stration of whether a given stereoisomer is D- or is a matter
of extensive laboratory experimentation. It also should be noted
that the prefixes n- and I. refer to the asymmetric carbon atom
CARBOHYDRATES AND GLYCOSIDES farthest removed from the carbonyl carbon atom. Two sac-
chrides differing only in the configuration around the carbon
Composition and Structure atom adjacent to the carbonyl group are called epimers of each
Carbohydrates consist of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen and other. For example, n-glucose and n-man_nose are epimers with
include numerous aliphatic polyhydric alcohols and their con- respect to the second carbon atom.
densation products. The aliphatic polyhydric alcohols are fre- Measurements of various characteristics, such as the
quently termed monosaccharides (sometimes simply saccha- propensity to function as reductants, the ability to form acetal
rides or simple sugars) and have either the primary alcohol derivatives, mutarotation, etc., have demonstrated conclu-
function oxidized to an aldehyde or the secondary alcohol func- sively that the open-chain formulas shown above do not rep-
tion oxidized to a ketone. They have the empirical formula resent the true structure of at least the higher monosaccha-
(CH 2 0), where n  2 for aldehydes and  3 for ketones. rides such as the pentoses and hexoses. For example, in
Monosaccharides may be subclassified into aldoses and ketoses aqueous solution, many of the higher monosaccharides behave
according to whether they contain an aldehyde or a ketone as if an additional chiral center is present. In reality, the
group and into dioses, trioses, tetroses, etc. according to the structures are cyclic and may be looked upon as internal

Table 26-3. Popular Herbal MedicinesTheir Bases and Source


Bilberry Vaccinium Vitamins A & C, I mprove eyesight, None known Studies have indicated an
myrtilius flavonoids, increase bloodflow, i mprovement in eyesight, due
anthocyanin, and and treatment of mainly to the effects of
glucoquinine. diabetes vitamin A.
Black Actaea Remifemin (brand Menopausal Overdose: nausea, Studies have shown measurable
Cohosh racemosa name of symptoms, dizziness, visual effect on reproductive
aka. standardized peripheral artery disturbances, hormones. Studies have also
Cimicifuga extract) disease, and nervous system shown that established breast
racemosa hypercholesterolemia abnormalities, tumor cell lines were not
increased sti mulated, leading scientists
perspiration and to consider Black Cohosh for
brachycardia. Large studies as a substitute for
doses may induce hormone replacement therapy.
Cat's Uncaria Several alkaloids Inflammation, as an Few to none. Studies have verified; some anti-
Claw tormentosa including: astringent, gastric cancer claims, as well as some
rhynchophylline, ulcer, rheumatism, i mmunostimulant properties.
mytraphylline, contraception, and The major effective ingredient,
gambirine, and cancer rhynchophylline may decrease
hirsutine, also six blood pressure to the point of
quinovic acid being hypotensive at certain
glycosides doses.
Chamomile Matricaria Bisabolol and Inflammation, GI Persons allergic to the Anti-inflammatory and
recutita flavanoids spasms, and as a Compositae family antipyretic claims are
sedative may experience supported in animal models.
anything from Its main active ingredient,
contact dermatitis rhynchophylline, has also been
to anaphylaxis. shown to decrease blood
pressure to the point of being
hypotensive at certain doses.
Chaste Tree Vitex agnus- monoterpene menstrual irregularities, GI symptoms, rash, Progesterone/Estrogen balance
castus derivatives hormone imbalance, itching, headaches, was improved in studies. Its
(li monene, 1,8- breast pain, uterine and menstrual inhibition of prolactin release
cineol, bornyl pain, and decreased abnormalities can has also been supported, this
acetate, cw- and (3 - sex drive in males occur. can aid in the correction of
pinene, sabinene), lutea I phase defects.
(castican, orientin,
isovitexin), and
iridoid glycosides
Cranberry Vaccinium Hippuric acid, Treatment, or GI symptoms, such as Significant decrease in urinary
macrocarpon although recent prevention, of urinary diarrhea, can occur pH has been observed in
studies have tract infections at very high doses. studies. However, treatment is
suggested other still unproven as bacterial
alternatives. susceptibility and minimum
effective dose were unclear.
Echinacea Echinacea isobutylamides TO decrease the length Those allergic to the Some evidence points toward a
auguStifolia of cold or prevent its daisy family should shortening of duration for the
(common); contraction avoid due to common cold; however,
E. purpuree i mmune response prevention has been shown to
(commerce) symptoms. be doubtful at best.
Evening Oenothera Gamma-linolenic Breast disorders, PMS, None Known Cholesterolstudies have shown
Primrose biennis acid (GLA) breast pain, that the active ingredient is
cardiovascular disease, successful in significantly
rheumatiod arthritis, lowering blood cholesterol;
multiple sclerosis, however, in the concentration
atopic eczema, and found in primrose oil, such a
other dermatologic decrease is substantially less, if
disorders any.
Breast cancerstudies have
indicated only a slight
decrease in recurrence in those
patients who have recovered
from breast cancer.
Premenstrual syndromestudies
have indicated a decrease in
symptoms associated with
primrose oil.

Table 26-3. Popular Herbal MedicinesTheir Bases and Source (continued)


Rheumatiod arthritisstudies
have indicated a drop in NSA1D
usage among those taking
primrose oil, suggesting some
level of efficacy; however,
disease modification has not
been shown.
Feverfew Tanacetum Parthenolide Fever, migraine Abrupt Severity and incidence of
parthenium prophylaxis, arthritis, discontinuation can migraine headaches has been
manstrual pain, result in a shown to be decreased in
asthma, and withdrawal those taking feverfew.
dermatitis syndrome; increased
heart rate has also
been reported.
Should not be used
in children < 2 years
old, or in pregnant
or lactating women.
Garlic A Ilium Alliinf(+)-5-allyl-L- High blood sugar, None known Garlic has been shown clinically
sa tivum cysteine hypercholesterolem ia, to increase HEIL, decrease !_DL
sulfoxide] and hyperlipidemia and total cholesterol. It has
also been shown to have
antioxidant properties and to
decrease platelet aggregation.
Ginger zingiber Gingerols; shogaol Prevent motion sickness, in large amounts, CNS Ginger has been shown to
officina le for cough, depression may dramatically increase the
stomachache, and occur. may affect amount of time needed to
gallbladder disease. cardiac function and reach a state of motion
anticoagulant sickness. It also decreases
activity. cardiac workload by increasing
vasodilation. It has a strong
antimicrobial effect.
Ginkgo Ginkgo blioba Flavonol and Raynaud's disease, stress, Rare, but may include Ginkgo has been shown to
flavone glycosides tinnitis, dementia, heart palpitations, increase cerebral blood flow
(eg, of quescetin cerebral insufficiency, dizziness, headache and decrease cerebral
and kaempferol); anxiety, asthma, and and dermatological deficiency. It has also been
rutin circulation problems reactions. shown to decrease
inflammatory response in the
lungs reducing severity of
asthma attacks. It also
increases microcirculation and
i mprovement in pathologic
blood flow diseases has been
Ginseng Panax Ginsenosides Decreased energy, Nervousness is the An increase in CNS sti mulatory
quinque- (triterpenoid cancer, immune most common side and inhibitory effects has been
folius saponin support, and effect; also some observed in patients taking
glycosides) cardiovascular breast nodulation Ginseng. An increase in overall
problems and vaginal bleeding cognitive function has been
have been reported. established as well. However,
no studies to date have linked
ginseng and improved physical
Goldenseal Hydrastis Isoquinolone Topical infections and Side effects are rare, Clinically, it has been shown to
canadensis alkaloids as an anticatarrhal but contraindicated have modest antimicrobial
(hydrastine, in patients with activity, most effective
canadine, and hypertension or topically.
berberine) pregnancy. In very
high doses, can
cause nausea,
anxiety and seizures.
Grape Seed Vitus vmifera Essential fatty acids Nutritional supplement Hepatotoxicity in Clinically, it has been shown to
and tocopherois (fatty acid) animal studies. have anti-enzyme properties
resulting in a decrease in
breakdown of compounds
i mportant for tissue structure,
such as collagen, elastin, and
hyaluronic acid.


Table 26-3. Popular Herbal MedicinesTheir Bases and Source (continued)


Green Tea Camellia Catechins and Cancer, hyperlipidemia, Caffeine in green tea Clinically, it has been shown to
sinensis polyphenol prevention of dental may cause decrease total cholesterol;
components carries, as an nervousness and however, trig lycerides and HDL
antimicrobial, increased heart rate, were unchanged. Also,
antimutagenic, and and should be antimicrobial activity has been
an antioxidant avoided during shown especially against
pregnancy. mouth flora. It also has been
shown to inhibit the growth of
some harmful GI pathogens,
although the dose was 9 cups
per day.
Hawthorn Crataegus Oligomeric Hypertension, abnormal Hypotension and Studies have shown that
laevigata procyanidins heart rate, sedation can be hawthorn increases
(epicatechin and artherosclerosis, experienced at high vasodilation and coronary
flavonoids) angina pectoris, and doses. May interfere artery flow, as well as to
as an antispasmodic with digoxin blood stabilize heart rate. It has also
and a sedative. levels. been shown to decrease lipid
Horse Aesculus Aesculin Edema, inflammation, Use should be avoided Increased vascular resistance and
Chestnut hippo- and venous due to classification tone has been indicated. A
castanum insufficiency as an unsafe herb by decrease in complaints and
the FDA because of edema measures was shown in
toxicity. Topical patients with peripheral
products containing edema. Anti-inflammatory
this herb may also properties have also been
be carcinogenic. supported.
Kava Kava Piper Kava lactones Mild to moderate Should not be used Studies have supported Kava's
methys anxiety and as a during pregnancy positive effect on patients with
ticum sedative or by patients with mild to moderate anxiety. It
depression. Use has also been demonstrated as
should be limited to an effective anticonvulsant. In
3 months to avoid addition, kava has an
habit-forming antithrombotic effect on
tendancies. Also, platelet aggregation.
problems with
vision and a
condition similar to
pellagra have been
Licorice Glycyrrhiza Carbenoxalone GI complaints Lethargy and Licorice has been shown to
uralensis quadriplegia may increase the lifespan of gastric
result from long- epithelial cells. It has been
term daily demonstrated to be less
consumption. effective than Cimetidine at
treating gastric and duodenal
Milk Thistle Sifybum Silymarins (flavano- Liver damage Mild allergic reactions Milk thistle has been shown to
mananum li gnanssilybin, prophylaxis, and mild GI normalize liver enzymes;
isosilybin, dehy- antitoxin symptoms. however, improvement in the
drosilybin, evolution and mortality of
silydianin, and cirrhosis is not supported.
Saw Serenoa Probable active Symptoms associated Should be avoided Clinically, several symptoms
Palmetto repens compounds are: with benign prostatic during pregnancy, associated with benign
phytosterols, hyperplasia but no other side prostatic hyperplasia have
fatty acids and effects aside from been shown to decrease in
their ethyl esters, mild GI symptoms. those taking saw palmetto. It
and monoacylgly- has not been shown to have
cerides. any effect on prostate size or
presence of prostate specific
antigen in the blood.
St John's Hypericum Hypericin, Depression and viral Rare, but may include Clinical trials have shown that
wort perforatum hyperforin, and infection constipation, other patients taking St. John's wort
related naptho- GI symptoms, dry have a significant decrease in
dianthrones mouth, dizziness serotonin reuptake as well as
and photosensitivity. an increased dopamine
mania and sexual function. Also, several viruses
disturbance occur (i nfluenza, herpes simplex 1 &
even more rarely. 2 and some retroviruses) have
susceptibility to this
compound. St. John's Wort has
also demonstrated potent
antimicrobial activity.

Table 26-3. Popular Herbal MedicinesTheir Bases and Source (continued)


valerian valeriana valepotriates, Restlessness and sleep Few to none. valerian has been demonstrated
officinalis valerenic add, disorders to improve sleep disorders very
and valeranone effectively. Also, antianxiety
studies have indicated efficacy
in treating those symptoms.
Data from erMarderosian A, 0 al. Guide to Popular Natural Products, 2nd ed. St. Louis, MO: Facts and Comparisons, 2001; and United States Pharmacopeia
and National Formulary (USP27NF 22) Rockville, MD: The United States Pharmacopeia! Convention, Inc., 2001

hemiacetals formed by condensation of the carbonyl oxygen

atom and one of the alcoholic hydroxyls. Although such a re- CH 2 OH
action can involve any of the hydroxyl groups, theoretical con-
siderations suggest that the and 8-hydroxyl groups are sit- HAT C1\1-1
r 4 1-1
uated more ideally to participate in the cyclization, thus V1111-1/ OH H'
giving rise to furanose (containing a furan ring) and pyranose 014
1 H ON
- e OH
(containing a pyran ring) structures. Experimental evidence
11 OH 14 OH
indicates that the aldohexoses, in their normal monosaccha-
ride states, exist largely in the more stable pyranose form. For .-D-Glucose ,x-D-GIueose
fn-o-Glucopyranosal (o-o-Glueofuranose
example, the open-chain formula (A) for n-glucose gives way
to the corresponding cyclic structures (B):

A 4
0H HO/
1 1 -D - Glucose a-D-Fructose
1-1 COH H C OH H C OH (0-D-Glueopyrarlose) -D-Fruc t ivy r anose:
1 1
HOC-- H HOO -li HOCH 0
I-1 C-01 1 H OH H C OH
1 1 H/s H HO
1-1--C H C
C.201-1 CH 2 OH CI-320H HO OH OH
er-form 0-form
eg-o-Mannose a-o-Galactose
fa-xi-Mann pyranuse) {.2n-Galactopyranoge)

The two stereoisomeric forms of (B), conventionally distin- The Haworth projections are somewhat misleading, however,
guished by 04- and nomenclature, arise because the cycliza- because they suggest that the five and six-member furanose
tion automatically renders the former aldehyde carbon atom and pyranose rings are planar, which is not the actual case. The
asymmetric. This isomerization occurs spontaneously in aque- pyranose rings exist in two conformations, the chair form and
ous solution and causes the specific rotation to change until a the boat form. The chair form of the pyranose ring, which is rel-
final equilibrium value is reached. This process is termed mu- atively rigid and much more stable than the boat form, pre-
tarotation. Incidentally, both the cit- and -forms of n-glucose dominates in aqueous solutions of hexoses. The substituent
are well known with the commercial form (dextrose) being the groups in the chair form are not equivalent geometrically or
cx- variety. Isomeric forms of monosaccharides that differ from chemically; they fall into two classes, axial and equatorial. The
each other only in configuration of the chiral carbon atom de- equatorial hydroxyl groups of pyranoses are esterified more
rived from the carbonyl group are anomers and the newly readily than axial groups.
formed asymmetric carbon atom is termed the anomeric
The two-dimensional representations of cyclic structures as H
in (B) have largely been superseded by the Haworth Projection
models. In these models, the ring is usually represented as pla- HO
nar (although strict planarity is not implied), and the disposi-
tion of hydrogen atoms and substituents is portrayed by a ver-
tical assignment upward or downward from the ring plane.
Haworth structures for some selected hexoses are shown below,
along with the conventional ring numbering. Note that the edge Boat
of the ring nearest the reader is represented by bold lines; thus,
the plane of the ring is perpendicular to the page. For compari-
son, both the furanose and pyranose structures are shown for cit- The condensation products of the monosaccharides, whose fun-
n-glu case. damental structural units are either aldoses or ketoses, are

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sometimes referred to as saccharide anhydrides. They are sub- tematic names of carbohydrates are considered cumbersome
classified into disaccharides, trisaccharides, etc. according to and consequently find little use in ordinary chemical practice.
the number of monosaccharide units present. Polysaccharides Recognizing this, both IUPAC and Chemical Abstracts admit
contain many monosaccharide units joined in long linear or the commonly used trivial names
branched chains. Most polysaccharides contain recurring
monosaccharide units of either a single or alternating type. The
term polysaccharide may be used broadly to embrace all of the Physical and Chemical Properties
condensation products including the disaccharides or more re- The common monosaccharides, namely the pentoses and hex-
strictively excluding the disaccharides and sometimes the tri- oses, are white, crystalline solids that usually melt rather
and tetrasaccharides. In this case, the di- to decasaccharides sharply but with simultaneous decomposition. They are readily
may be grouped under the term oligosaccharides (from the soluble in water, much less soluble in methanol or ethanol, and
Greek, oligo, a few). relatively insoluble in ether. The common disaccharides, all
The structures and systematic names of the four best-known hexoses, also display these characteristics. The soluble, lower
disaccharides are shown below. The systematic bracketed molecular weight carbohydrates are also characterized by a
names identify precisely the location of the oxygen bridge join- sweet taste but their relative sweetness varies considerably.
ing the two monosaccharide residues. Also note that, in the case For example, lactose is only about 1/, maltose about VI, and glu-
of sucrose, the stable furan conformation is shown as being cose about Y.. as sweet as sucrose. Fructose, on the other hand,
dominant for the fructose portion of the molecule. is about L7 times sweeter than sucrose. The higher polysac-
charides such as starch, cellulose, and inulin are amorphous, do
611201-1 not melt sharply, and are much less water-soluble; however,
4120H they typically have the capacity to absorb significant amounts
0 0- H of water and often form gels.
4 5 All carbohydrates are optically active, and their specific ro-
OH H H HO tations serve as one means of differentiation. Many display the
2 4
HO C,1-1,0H
phenomenon of mutarotation, a continuing change in the value
H OH OH 1-I of the rotation until a final fixed value is attained. For example,
Sucrose a freshly prepared aqueous solution of a-n-glucose has an la
[0-o-Fructofuranusyl-.-D-glucopyrattoside] of +113, but gradually changes to a final value of +52. It has
been frequently demonstrated that such changes in rotation are
CH2oH CH2OH due to structural shifts and that the final value is quantita-
H 0 /T Thio %s tively characteristic of the components present in the equilib-
rium mixture. In the case of glucose, this ultimate equilibrium
OH OH H value is derived from an aqueous solution containing about of
3 2
H OH the 04 -D-form ( [odn 20 -= +112.2) and about 2/3 of the 3.-n-form
1-1 OH Gall) 20 = +18.7). The attainment of the equilibrium state is
Lactose (a-'Lactose] hastened by acid and especially base. However, hastening the
[4.(04-D-GalactoPyraaesyl]-a-o-glucopyranoside] action of the equilibrium should be done with very dilute solu-
tions of acids or alkali such as ammonia. Concentrated acids
C.H2o14 CH 2 OH will yield other compounds such as 5-hydroxymethylfurfural
/ yr 0\H R14 from n-glucose and high concentrations of alkali or strong alkali
4H themselves cause n-glucose to form n-fructose and n-mannose
kOH 11) OH through enediol structures in an equilibrium reaction.
3 2
HONalma 014 The chemical properties of the carbohydrates are, in gen-
H OH H OH eral, those expected based upon their structural features previ-
ously described. They display all the chemical reactions char-
14-(0-a-b-Giscopyranosyi)-a-n-glucopyranosidel acteristic of alcohol and carbonyl groups. The aldehyde group of
an aldose and the terminal hydroxyl group are each capable of
(61-120H I!'1-1 20H being oxidized to the corresponding mono- or dicarboxylic acid.
0 H5 OH The carbonyl function can also undergo reduction to a primary
4 F1
or secondary alcohol. Both aldoses and ketoses exhibit the
014 H OH H usual addition reactions typical of the carbonyl function. For
HO H 2 H identification purposes, the carbonyl and adjacent alcohol func-
tions will form phenylhydrazine derivatives known as osazones,
which give characteristic melting points and exhibit definite
[1-(0-0-U-Glucopyranosyl)-0-D-glucopyrsseside] crystalline structures. It should be noted that glucose, fructose,
and mannose yield the same osazone because the differences in
The naturally occurring polysaccharides (eg, the starches, cel- structure and configuration about carbon atoms 1 and 2 are
lulose, glycogen, and inulin) are formed primarily from pen- abolished. Also, reactions with copper or silver ions under
toses and hexoses but vary considerably in size and structure. proper conditions, in which the metal ion is reduced in valence
For example, inulin is a relatively small polymer composed of and the carbohydrate is oxidized, are employed to distinguish
approximately 30 fructose (fructofuranose) units; whereas, cel- reducing from nonreducing sugars (as is the strong acid/
lulose is a relatively large polymer probably containing no less substituted furfural reaction described above). The hydroxyl
than 1000 glucopyranose units. In some polysaccharides, such groups can be esterified or etherified, a process often used to de-
as cellulose, evidence is strong that the polymers are purely lin- crease the polarity and thus increase volatility for identifica-
ear; in others, such as starch and glycogen observed experi- tion and separation purposes, especially in gas and liquid chro-
mental data requires that considerable branching is present matography and mass spectrometry.
along the chain. Polysaccharides often are classified on the ba- All polysaccharides can be hydrolyzed to the simple
sis of their monomers; for example, pentosans are polymers of monosaccharides of which they are composed. Either chemical
pentoses and hexosans are polymers of hexoses. Frequently, (boiling with dilute acid) or enzymatic procedures can be em-
such classification is rendered more specific. For example, cel- ployed with the latter showing much more specificity. In some
lulose is a glucosan (the hexose unit is n-glucose) and inulin is instances, it is possible to hydrolyze only a-linkages or even
a fructosan (the hexose unit is n-fructose). The complete sys- cleave at a specific monosaccharidic linkage within the polymer

chain Many microorganisms possess the ability to hydrolyze as a demulcalent for cough, diarrhea, and throat problems; and
carbohydrates to simple alcohols, ketones, or acids, usually the sodium salt of alginic acid, a polysaccharide from brown
resulting in the production of carbon dioxide, by the seaweed, is used for the treatment for GERD.
process known as fermentation. Ethanol, acetic acid, citric acid,
2-butanone, and butyl alcohol are several of the products de-
rived from sucrose by such a procedure. There are specific mi-
croorganisms used in quite efficient fermentation processes to Glycosides
transform 1-sorbo se, a glucose derivative, into ascorbic acid (vi- COMPOSITI ON AND STRUCTUREGlycosides may be de-
tamin C), which is actually the -y-lactone of a hexanoic acid hav- fined broadly as condensation products of saccharides with var-
ing an enediol structure at carbon atoms 2 and 3. ious kinds of organic hydroxy, and occasionally thiol com-
pounds (usually noncarbohydrate in nature), with the added
restriction that the OH of the hemiacetal portion of the carbo-
Occurrence and Uses hydrate must participate in the condensation. It is obvious that
Carbohydrates are the first products to arise from photosyn- the polysaccharides also are encompassed in this broad defini-
thesis, and therefore, occur abundantly in nature. It has been tion. The nonsugar portion is termed an aglycone (or aglycon),
estimated that more carbohydrate material occurs naturally or a genin, and a majority have cyclic structures. From a struc-
than all other organic material combined. Although they are tural viewpoint, the glycosides may be looked upon as internal
preponderantly important within the vegetable kingdom, car- acetals. In modern terminology, the glycosides are usually clas-
bohydrates also occur abundantly and have very important nu- sified according to their sugar moiety. For example, in gluco-
tritional and biological roles in the animal world. Glucose and sides, the sugar moiety is glucose; in fructosides, it is fructose;
fructose are the only monosaccharides that occur in the free in galactosides, it is galactose, and so on (Table 26-5). The sugar
state to any important extent. They are present in the juices of in a large number of glycosides is n-glucose; therefore, in older
many ripe fruits. Among the disaccharides, only sucrose (cane literature, the term glucoside is used in a generic sense and is
or beet sugar) and lactose (milk sugar) occur in important quan- synonymous with the modern term glycoside. Classification ac-
tities. Prominent, naturally occurring, hexosan polysaccharides cording to the complexity of the sugar moiety is also employed
include cellulose (the primary structural material in the veg- frequently; for example, monosides are monosaccharide sugars,
etable world), starch (the primary carbohydrate fuel reserve in biosides are disaccharides, and triosides are trisaccharides.
the vegetable world; found primarily in seeds and underground Classification on the basis of the aglycones, while feasible, is in-
roots in the form of granules or grains), and glycogen (the pri- tricate because of the large variety of aglycones; however, with
mary carbohydrate fuel reserve in the animal world; often certain classes of glycosides (such as the cardiotonics) such sub-
dubbed as animal starch and found primarily in the liver). Pen- classification is occasionally encountered in the literature.
tosan polysaccharides occur abundantly in cereal straws and Two series of stereoisomeric glycosides are known, the r-
beans and yield the industrially important furfural upon suit- and 13 - glycosides Taking the methyl-n-glucosides as a simple
able treatment with sulfuric acid. example, they are represented by:
Carbohydrate derivatives (chemical combinations with non-
carbohydrate substances or slightly altered carbohydrates) oc-
cur plentifully in nature. The monosaccharide phosphate es- HCIOCH, CH:0CH
ters, n-ribose and a-deoxyribose, are pentose constituents of
RNA and DNA, respectively. Other classes include the gums HCOH
H ['OH

and mucilages (in which the terminal groups have been oxi- I
dized forming uronic acid), pectins, glycoproteins, and glycol- HOCH 0 HO( 'H 0
ipids (cerebrosides). Chitin, a condensation polymer of I I A.
N-acetyl-n-glucosamine (which contains NH 2 instead of OH in FICoH HCOH
the 2 position), comprises the skeletal material of crabs, lob- I i3 I
sters, and insects of the arthropoda class. This same acetylglu- HO CH,(I: H HO C H, CH
cosamine is also present in hyaluronic acid, an important con-
stituent of connective tissue. M any bacteria have been shown to a - Methyl -D-glucoside ti-Methyl-D-glueoside
produce complex carbohydrate materials and some are known
to have immunological importance. A special class of deriva-
The glycosidic linkage is formed by dehydration involving a hy-
tives, the glycosides, is discussed in a following section.
droxyl group of the aglyc one (in the above example, methanol)
Due to their sweet taste, the soluble low molecular weight
and the hydroxyl group on the hemiacetal carbon of the sugar,
carbohydrates are often used as sweeteners by the food and
thus forming an acetal type of structure. if the OR (in the
pharmaceutical industries. Fructose, due to its significantly
above example, OCH 3 ) group is in the same steric sense as the
sweet taste, may be used as a sweetener in smaller quantities
CH 2 OH group on C-5 (for D-family sugars), the glycoside con-
than other sugars; and therefore, is often used as a substitute
figuration is designated as r3-; if it is in the opposite steric sense,
for sucrose to lower the caloric content of certain foods. For this
it is designated as a-. The great majority of naturally occurring
reason, fructose is frequently used to manufacture candies for
glycosides are of the variety. For an illustration of how this
persons suffering from diabetes. Lactose is commonly used as
relationship is reflected in the Haworth-type formulas, see
diluent for the preparation of solid dosage forms such as tablets
amygdalin below, which is a typical glycoside, and therefore,
and capsules. The ability of many polysaccharides to absorb wa-
the formula is written with the linking oxygen on the same
ter is a physical property that has found numerous uses. For ex-
plane as the CH 2 OH group on C-5.
ample, cotton fibers (primarily cellulose) are used for various
types of surgical dressings, starch is used as dusting powder,
pectin and carrageen (a mixture of polysaccharides from algae) CH 2 OH
are used as gelling agents, and dextran (a,1,6-glu can) is used as
a blood plasma replacement and matrix for column chromatog-
H 0 r-0 'T1 2
raphy. Polysaccharides are also commonly used as suspending H H 0, r 0 C (0)
agents, tablet binders and disintegrants, emulsifiers, and film H
HO 1
formers in the preparation of various pharmaceutical dosage
forms. In addition, several polysaccharides may be used as
therapeutic agents. For example, psyllium, from plantago seed, H OH
is commonly used as a laxative; acacia gum is used in lozenges Amygdalln

Table 26-5. Selected Glycosides


Amygdalin Seeds of Amygdalaceae, D-Mandelonitrile Gentiobiose 2

C201-127N011 Drupaceae, and Pomaceae; Benzaldehyde HCN D-Glucose
principally from almonds
Arbutin (Ursin) Leaves of plants of the Ericaceae Hydroquinone D-Glucose
C121-11607 and Rosaceae
Coniferin (Abietin; Plants of the Coniferae (ie, pine, Coniferyl alcohol [4-Hydroxy- D-Glucose
Laricin) C i6 H 22 0 8 spruce, and fir) 3-methoxycinnamyl alcohol]
Cymarin C301-14409 Various species of Apocynum Strophanthidin (a steroid) Cymarose (3 - Methyl-
Cymarose digitoxose)
Daphnin C 15 1-1 16 0 9 Bark and flowers of varieties of 7,8-Dihydroxycoumarin D-Glucose
Digitoxin C41 1-1 64 0 13 Leaves of Digitalis lanata and Digitoxigenin (a steroid) 3 Digitoxose
purpurea (Digitoxose is a
Digoxin C44164014 Leaves of Digitalis lanata or Digoxigenin (1 2-Hydroxydigit- 3 Digitoxose
Digitalis orientalis oxigenin) (a steroid)
Frangulin C211-12009 Seeds and barks of various 4,5,7-Trihydroxy-2- Rh am nose
species of Rhamnus, especially methylanthraquinone
alder buckthorn
Lanatoside A Leaves of Digitalis Jan ata Digitoxigenin (a steroid) 2 Digitoxose +
C49H76019 Acetyldigitoxose
1 D-Glucose
Lanatoside B Leaves of Digitalis Janata Gitoxigenin (1 6-Hydroxy-digit- 2 Digitoxose +
C49H7602o oxigenin - a steroid) Acetyldigitoxose
+ D-Glucose
Lanatoside C Leaves of Digitalis Janata Digoxigenin (a steroid) 2 Digitoxose
C49 H760 20 Acetyldigitoxose
+ D-Glucose
Ouabain (G- Seeds of Strophanthus gratus Ouabagenin (a steroid) Rh am nose
Strophanthin) and varieties of Acokanthera
Phlorizin Roots and leaves of various Phloretin [[3-(p-HydroxyphenyI)- D-Glucose
(Phlorhizin; plants of the Rosaceae 2,4,6-trihydroxypropiophenone]
C21 H24 0 10
Prunasin C141-117N06 various parts of many Prunus D-Mandelonitrile - D-Glucose
plants Benzaldehyde HCN
Rutin (Melin, Eldrin, Occurs in many plants. Chief Quercetin [3,3%4%5,7- Rutinose -
and others) source is the buckwheat plant, Pentahydroxyflavone] L-Rhamnose +
C27H30016 Fagopyrum esculen turn D-Glucose
Salicin CI3H1807 Various Salix and Populus plants, Saligenin [o-Hydroxybenzyl alcohol] D-Glucose
especially the bark
Scillaren A Bulbs of Urginea maritima Scillaridin A (a steroid) Scillabiose -
C361-152013 L-Rhamnose
Sinigrin (Potassium Seeds of Brassica nigra, Brassica CH2=-CHCH2N=C(51-1)0503K - D-Glucose
Myronate) juncea, and other plants of the CH2 ^ HCH2NC5 + 01504
C lo H t6 K NO 9 5 2 Cruciferae
K-Strophanthin-13 Seeds of Strophanthus komb6 Strophanthidin (a steroid) Strophanthobiose -

C30-154014 Cymarose i-
Shown as the anhydrous forms. As isolated, many glycosides are hydrated.
Typical and well known, but not exclusive.
Produced upon complete hydrolysis unless otherwise indicated.

This compound, like all other glycosides, contains several often able to hydrolyze different glycosides, but the ot- and [3-
asymmetric carbon atoms and is optically active. In this in- stereoisomers of the same glycoside cannot usually be hy-
stance the aglycone is also optically active due to the asymmet- drolyzed by the same enzyme. For instance, E m ul sin has been
ric carbon to which the phenyl, nitrile, hydrogen, and gentio- found to hydrolyze only 13 glycosides; therefore, those glycosides

biose residues are attached. that are attacked by emulsin, such as amygdalin, are regarded
The carbohydrate component of glycosides is frequently a di- as [3-glycosides. Maltase hydrolyzes only 04-glycosides.
or polysaccharide, such as amygdalin, digitoxin, and rutin PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIESThe
(Table 26 5). In many instances it is possible, under carefully
- greater portion of the known glycosides, when pure, are color-
controlled hydrolysis, to cleave only a portion of the aglycone less or white, optically active, and soluble in alcohol or diluted
moiety of the natural (primary) glycoside to yield a derived sub- alcohol. The aglycones of the majority of glycosides are cyclic
stance that is still glycosidic. Amygdalin, for example, hy- structures, and therefore, many have aromatic properties. The
drolyzes under the influence of the enzyme amygdalase to yield most characteristic chemical property of the glycosides is their
glucose and prunasin (Table 26-5). Such derived glycosides are susceptibility to hydrolysis, whereby they yield their sugar and
often referred to as secondary glycosides. The same enzyme is nonsugar moieties. There are no simple identifying tests for

glycosides. It is through identification of the hydrolytic decom- NR 0 H 0

position products that the composition of glycosides is com- I 1 II !--- --; 1 1 11 :-
monly revealed. Methods for the detection of glycosides and for
etc H-HNC C-914 H-hNCCPOH etc
their quantitative determination involve the estimation of re- i-i H
ducing sugars before and after hydrolysis by boiling with dilute
acids or by the action of enzymes. Acid hydrolysis of glycosides In addition to the 20 standard amino acids in Table 26-6, sev-
is non-specific and occurs for both alpha- and beta-glycosidic eral others of relatively rare occurrence have been isolated from
linkages. On the other hand, enzymatic hydrolysis is often hydrolysates of some specialized types of proteins. All are
quite specific, as mentioned previously. It should be noted that derivatives of a standard amino acid. Hydroxylysine, the
there are two enzymes, namely emulsin of almond kernels and 5-hydroxy derivative of lysine, is present in collagen (as is hy-
myros in of black mustard seeds, each of which has the ability to droxyproline). Desmosine and isodesmosine occur in the fibrous
hydrolyze a considerable number of different glycosides. protein elastin. As noted below, desmosine can be visualized as
OCCURRENCEGlycosides are distributed widely in the being formed from four lysine molecules with their side-chain
plant kingdom but rarely found in animals. Many fruits and moieties joined to form a substituted pyridine ring. Certain
other plant parts (ie, seeds, barks, and leaves) contain them. muscle proteins have been found to contain several e-N-methy-
In addition, the pigments of flowers (anthocyanins) are of gly- toted analogs of lysine and histidine. ot-aminobutyric
cosidic character. Glycosides are extracted from the plant ma- acid, homocysteine, homoserine, citrulline, ornithine, cana vi-
terial by water, alcohol, or a mixture of the two. They occur in nine, djenkolic acid, and 13 - cyanoalartine are some naturally pc-
small amounts, and their isolation in a pure state is usually culling amino acids that are not found in proteins. Some amino
difficult and laborious. In addition, the enzymes responsible acids such as y-aminobutyric acid, a-aminoadipic acid,
for hydrolyzing a particular glycoside frequently occur in the pipecolic acid, and 8-acetylornithine exist only in the free state.
same plant along with the glycosides but usually in different
cells. When the structure of the plant is destroyed by grinding
or other means, the enzyme contacts the glycoside and soon
exerts its hydrolytic action. Therefore, it is necessary to de- NH,CH,CHCH,C1-1,CHCOOH
stroy any enzymes that are present before attempting to iso-
late glycosidal constituents. As a result, the processes used for
glycoside production and purification vary according to the na-
ture of the material and the glycoside. Many naturally occur-
ring compounds not usually classed among the glycosides ac- H
tually contain glycosidic linkages in their structures.
Examples include gentamycin, amikacine, netilmicin, to- HO C I.
bramycin, novobiocin, and streptomycin among the antibi-
, 3

otics, solanine and various other alkaloids (glucoalkaloids), "N.
and nucleosides (consist of a purine or pyrimidine base linked
with n-ribose or n-2-deoxyribose). Certain glycosides will be H
covered in more detail within the following sections that per-
tain to their aglycone portion.

(CH ! ),
Composition and Structure Hi NT
CH(CH,), (CH,),C T./NHI
Unlike carbohydrates, proteins vary widely in composition, not /
only from one species to another but also among the various tis- HOOC # nn 2 COON
sues and cellular fluids within a given species. These differ-
ences in composition result in different physical and chemical (CH,),
properties that are reflected in the diverse biofunctions in
which proteins participate. The intimate roles these compounds CH
play in the fundamental processes of tissue formation, regener- /
ation, and function makes this class of substances the primary
component of all living matter, and hence, the term protein
(from the Greek, first). All proteins contain carbon, hydrogen,
oxygen, and nitrogen. Nitrogen constitutes approximately 16%
of most proteins, which leads to the rough factor of 6.25 gener- CH,NHCH,CH,CH,CH,CHCOOH
ally employed to convert the amount of protein nitrogen found NH,
by analysis to the amount of total protein. Other elements such
as sulfur, phosphorus, iodine, copper, iron, and occasionally
zinc may be present.
The fundamental structural units of proteins are a-amino
acids, about 20 of which prominently participate in protein for- ii C CCNCHCOOH
mation (Table 26-6). These building-block molecules contain at CH3 N N NH,
least one carboxyl group and one a-amino group, but differ in
the structure of the remainder of the molecule. All except the
simplest one, glycine, are capable of existing in both n- and
I. configurations with respect to their o-carbon, but proteins
contain only the T-enailTiomers. The actual protein molecule
consists of long-chain polymers that have resulted from con-
densation of the amino acids, thus producing amide or peptide Proteins are macromolecules that differ from each other pri-
linkages: marily in the number, type, and sequence of amino acid

Table 26-6. Prominent Protein Amino Acids

Neutral Aliphatic
Glycine (G ly) CH2(NH2)COOH
aminoacetic acid
Alanine (Ala) CH3CH(NH2)COOH
2-aminopropanoic acid
5erine (Ser) CH2(0 H)CH(NI-12)C001-1
2-amino-3-hydroxypropanoic acid
Threonine (Thr) CH 3 CH(OH)CH(NH 2 )COOH
2-amino-3-hydroxybutanoic acid
valine (Val) CH 3 CH(CH 3 )CH(NH 2 )COOH
2-am ino-3-methylbutanoic acid
Leucine (Leu) CH3CH(CH3)CH2CH(NH2)COOH
2-amino-4-methylpentanoic acid
isoleucine (Ile) CH3CH2CH(CH3)CH(NH2)COOH
2-amino-3-methylpentanoic acid
Neutral Thioalrphatic
Cysteine (CySH) CH2(51-1)CH(N1-12)CO0F1
2-amino-3-mercaptopropanoic acid
Cystine (CyS-SCY) SCH2CH(NH2)C00H
3,3r-dithiodi(2-aminopropanoic add)
methionine (Met) CH2(5CH3)CH2CH(N H2)COOH
2-amino-4-(methylthio)butanoic acid
Neutral Aromatic
Phenylalanine (Phe)
2-amino-3-phenylpropanoic acid (0)CH 2 CH(NH 2 )COOH
Tyrosine (Tyr)
2-amino-3-(p-hydroxyphenyl) propanoic acid HO-0---CH 2 CH(NH 2 )COOH

Neutral Heterocyclic
Proline (Pro)
2-pyrrolidinecarboxylic acid - 'i-COOH

Hydroxyproline (h-iyp)
4-hydroxy-2-pyrrolidinecarboxylic acid ) COON
Tryptophan (Trp)
u-aminoindole-3-propanoic acid
0 CH 2 C11(NH 2 )COOH

Aspartic Acid (Asp) OOCC H 2 C H(N 1-1 2 )C0 0
aminosuccinic acid
Glutamic Acid (Glu) HOOCCH2CH2CH(NH2)COOH
2-aminoglutaric acid
Histidine (His)
a-amino-4-1m idazolepropanoic acid

Lysine (Lys) CHAN H2)CH2CH2CH2CH(N H2)C00 H

2,6 diaminohexanoic acid

Arginine (Arg) NH 2 C(=NH)NHCH 2 CH 2 CH 2 CH(NH 2 )COOH

2-amino-5-guanidinopentanoic acid

residues present in the polymer chain. The number of amino of amino acid residues but usually do not involve a distinct up-
acid molecules within proteins ranges from perhaps as few as per limit of residues. For example, the polypeptide hormone
30 and up to tens of thousands. The term peptide is used in ref- prolactin carries 199 residues. The simplest naturally occur-
erence to very small hydrolytic fragments of proteins (generally ring peptides are the dipeptide penicilliris and cephalosporirts.
having a MW less than 10,000). They typically contain any- The MW of proteins may be determined by various methods,
where from 2 to possibly 20 or so amino acids joined via amide such as diffusion, sedimentation, viscosity, x-ray analysis,
linkages and are commonly subdivided into di-, tri-, etc, pep- light-scattering, ultracentrifugation, electron microscopy, and
tides according to the number of amino acid residues they con- gel permeation. MW values for common proteins range from
tain. Collectively, higher molecular weight peptides are often about 10 4 to about 10 7 ; the value found for a given protein often
termed as polypeptides. Various individual peptides have been varies depending upon the determination method used.
isolated from protein hydrolysates or synthesized, such as oxy- As for the elucidation of protein composition, two funda-
tocin. With regard to classification or categorization, there is mental problems exist, the quantitative assay of the individual
little distinction between peptides and polypeptides, except amino acids and the determination of the amino acid sequence
that the latter usually refers to compounds that carry a number in the chain. Each is a highly specialized field of endeavor and

Table 26-7. Amino Acid Composition of Selected Proteins'


Al a nine Ala 9.2 3.0 6.2 7.4 4.5 3.9

Argi nine Arg 8.8 4.2 4.1 6.0 4.8 3.7 3.1 4.6
Aspartic Acid Asp 6.3 7.1 10.3 8.8 10.6 6.8 20.1
Cystine Cys-Scy 0.1 1.0 0.3 6.5 3.1 1.0 12.5 0.8
Glutamic Acid Glu 11.7 21.5 22.4 17.0 11.8 8.2 18.6 15.6
Glycine Gly 30.5 2.3 2.7 2.0 4.2 5.6 4.3 1.4
Hi sti sd in e His 0.7 2.8 3.1 4.0 2.5 8.7 4.9 1.0
Hydroxyproline Hyp 1 4.5 0 0 0? 0? 0?
I so I eu ci ne Il e 1.9 7.5 6.1 3.0 2.7 0? 2.8 11.9
Leucine Leu 3.2 11.0 9.2 12.0 9.3 15.2 13.2 10.3
Lysine Lys 5.1 8.7 8.2 12.7 8.1 8.5 2.5 7.7
Methionine Met 0.9 3.2 3.4 1.3 1.1 1.0 0 1.1
Phenyla lanine Ph e 2.1 5.5 5.0 7.0 4.6 7.7 8.1 1.2
Pro line Pro 6.3 113 5.1 8.1 8.5 2.5 2.6
Serine Ser 3.8 43 63 7.0 11.4 5.8 5.2 4.4
Th reon in e Thr 2.2 4.7 4.9 7.1 8.4 4.4 2.1 8.5
Tyrosine Tyr 0.7 6.0 6.3 5.5 6.8 3.0 13.0 13.5
Tryptophan Trp 0 1.5 1.2 1.0 2.9 1.7 0 1.9
Va line Va I 2.1 7.0 7.2 6.0 9.7 9.0 7.8 5.3
The data in this table were taken from a more comprehensive table by Hawk et al. Practical Physiological Chemistry, 13th ed. New York: Blakiston, 1954.
All values are in g/100 g of protein except those marked * which are in g/16 g total nitrogen.

relies upon modern techniques such as selective adsorption Simple proteins are naturally occurring proteins that
(ion- exchange, paper, thin-layer, high-performance liquid, and yield only a-amino acids or their derivatives upon hydrolysis.
gas-liquid chromatography), electrophoresis, countercurrent They may be of several types and include:
distribution, and isotope-dilution methods. The amino acid
Albumins, which are soluble in water and coagulated by heat; examples
composition of various selected proteins is presented in Table include ovalbumin in egg white and serum albumin in blood.
26-7. Is In view of the diverse analytical methods employed, Globulins, which are insoluble in water but soluble in dilute salt solu-
slight variations in reported values are expected and often en- tions and coagulable by heat; examples include serum globulin in
countered in the literature. With simple (nonconjugated) pro- blood.
teins, the total mass of the amino acids exceeds the mass of the Glutelins, which are insoluble in water or dilute salt solution but solu-
source protein because of the water that becomes fixed during ble in dilute acid and alkali; examples include glutenin in wheat.
hydrolytic cleavage of the peptide linkages. The precise se- Prolamines, which are insoluble in neutral solutions but soluble in 80%
quence of amino acid residues is now known for a considerable alcohol; examples include rein in corn and gliadin in wheat.
Albuminoids, which are dissolved only by boiling in strong acids; exam-
number of proteins, including insulin, ribonuclease, tobacco
ples include keratin in hair and horny tissue, elastins in tendons
mosaic virus, and many of the hemoglobins, immunoglobulins, and arteries, and collagens in skin and tendons.
and other specialized proteins. Histones, which are basic in reaction, soluble in water but insoluble in
Protein structure is typically divided into four levels: dilute ammonia, and not easily heat-coagulable; examples include
thymus histone and hemoglobin.
Primary-The amino acid sequence, as determined by sequencing tech- Protamines, which are strongly basic in reaction and soluble in water,
niques. dilute acid, and ammonia; examples include salmin and sturin in
Secondary-The folding of polypeptide chains into coiled structures as fish sperm. They precipitate many other proteins.
determined by X-ray diffraction, optical rotatory dispersion, and
electron photomicrography. Conjugated proteins are proteins that are combined in na-
Tertiary-The arrangement of chains into specific layers and/or fibers. ture with some nonprotein substance. They are classified ac-
Quaternary-The organization of many monomeric units, each display- cording to the nature of the prosthetic (nonprotein) group. The
ing primary, secondary, and tertiary structure, associated to fbrm a
classes, which are not mutually exclusive, include:
quaternary structure.
Phosphoproteins, which contain a phosphoric acid moiety as the pros-
A fifth level is believed to consist of aggregates of different pro- thetic group; examples include casein in milk and ovovitellin in egg
teins, each composed of the four fundamental structural levels. yolk.
These macromolecular complexes are believed to be involved in Nucleoproteins, which contain a nucleic acid as the prosthetic group; ex-
fatty acid synthesis and electron transport. amples include nuclein in cell nuclei.
Glycoproteins, which are simple proteins united to a carbohydrate
group; examples include mucins in vitreous humor and saliva.
Chromoproteirts, which contain a colored prosthetic group; examples in-
clude hemoglobin in blood and flavoproteins.
Physical and Chemical Properties Lipoproteins, which contain lipid materials, such as sterols, fatty acids,
A satisfactory practical classification of proteins based solely or lecithin.
Metalloproteins, which contain a metal as the prosthetic group; exam-
upon either composition or structure has not been achieved,
ples include enzymes such as tyrosinase, arginase, and xanthine ox-
partly because of their wide diversity and partly because of in- idase.
complete knowledge. Classifications in terms of occurrence and
function are encountered frequently in the literature but these In general, pure proteins are relatively odorless and tasteless
are designed for special purposes and usually do not embrace and have varying colors. Many proteins have been obtained in
all proteins. A classification based primarily upon physical and crystalline form, but unlike crystalline substances in general,
chemical properties such as solubility, coagulability, conjuga- this is not necessarily evidence of homogeneity as some have
tion, denaturation, and hydrolysis characteristics and having been further resolved into two or more components through
some practical utility has evolved gradually over the years and chromatographic, electrophoretic, and other procedures. Upon
is presented below. heating, proteins decompose with or without simultaneous liq-

uefaction and emit the characteristic odor of singed hair. In first isolated, proteins are frequently mixtures. Separation into
their normal biological environment, they are highly hydrated. individual components was formerly accomplished only by
Because proteins are polyelectrolyte macromolecules with mul- means of tedious fractional precipitation operations. Currently,
tifunctional groups, they typically differ greatly in their physi- it is achieved much more conveniently and completely through
cal properties such as solubilities in water, salt solutions, chromatographic procedures using ion-exchange resins or vari-
monohydric and polyhydric alcohols, and dilute acids and ous cellulose derivatives and preparative HPLC.
bases. Proteins often form colloidal solutions from which heat In addition to their role in nutrition and as building blocks
usually precipitates the protein in a coagulated form. Precipi- of proteins, the amino acids are precursors of many important
tation in an unaltered form is frequently accomplished, espe- biomolecules, including various hormones, vitamins, coen-
cially at their isoelectric point, by means of salt solutions such zymes, alkaloids, and porphyrins. The aromatic amino acids
as sodium chloride and ammonium sulfate or by diluted are particularly versatile as precursors for many alkaloids,
ethanol. Dilution with a cetonitrile is often sufficient to precipi- such as morphine, codeine, and papaverine and a number of
tate protein from extracted serum samples. hormones such as the thyroid hormone, thyroxine; the plant
The exceptional vulnerability of proteins in general to chem- hormone, indoleacetic acid; and an adrenal hormone,
ical attack often requires careful control of reaction conditions; epinephrine.
nevertheless, their chemical characteristics are quite in accord Hormonal polypeptides are produced in the mammalian hy-
with those to be expected from the functional groups present. pothalamus and are stored in the posterior pituitary. Examples
Peptides are readily soluble in water, noncoagulable by heat, include the partially cyclic octapeptides oxytocin, vasopressin,
and are not precipitated by saturation with ammonium sulfate. argitocin, argipressin, and lypressin. The polypeptides ACTH
Precipitates are formed with amino acids on the addition of var- (adrenocorticotropic hormone), lipotropin, prolactin, and soma-
ious reagents such as heavy metal salts, and certain acids such totropin also originate in the pituitary. The hypothalamus pro-
as picric, phosphotungstic, trichloroacetic, or sulfosalicylic duces the polypeptide hormones or factors corticoliberin (CRF),
acids. gonadorelin (GnRH), protirelin (TRH), and somatotropin-
In addition to the modern chromatographic, ele c- releasing factor (GHF), which are transported to the anterior
trophoretic, and other procedures mentioned previously, the pituitary. Glutathione is a peptide hormone that is present in
advent of post-column-derivatization techniques in which nearly all living cells. Other peptides (nonhormonal) in the hy-
peptides and amino acids are made chromophoric by the use pothalamus network are neurotensin (anorexiant), a tride-
of such fluorescent derivatives as the fluorescamine deriva- capeptide, and substance P, an undecapeptide. The nerve tissue
tive, the PTH amino acid derivatives, the derivative formed by prevalent calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) (37 residues)
reaction in the orthophthaldehyde method, and the dansyl is 1000 times more potent than acetylcholine or substance P.
and dapsyl derivatives makes it possible to determine the con- Cyclic polypeptides such as bacitracin and polymixin from
centration of individual amino acids and small peptides in Bacillus sp. act as antibiotics, as do the penicillins and
mixtures in the nanomole and picomole range. In addition, the cephalosporins mentioned previously.
hydrolysis of proteins yields amino acids that, upon treatment
with nitrous acid, liberate nitrogen. This reaction along with
other techniques forms the basis of Van Slyke's nitrogen dis- LIPIDS
tribution method, which has important uses in clinical chem-
istry. Amino acids and the free amino groups in proteins react Lipids, also known as lipids or lipoids, are fat or fat-like sub-
with ninhydrin resulting in either yellow, pink, or violet color stances that occur widely in plants (mainly fruits and seeds)
depending upon the amino acid. The presence of peptide link- and animals (special deposits and in complex, active tissues
ages can be shown by means of the Biuret test. Numerous such as the brain and liver). They contain only carbon, hydro-
color tests are available for individual amino acids, including gen, and oxygen atoms except for complex lipids such as phos-
the Ehrlich and Hopkins-Cole tests for tryptophan, the Sak- pholipids. Like the carbohydrates and proteins, the lipids con-
aguchi test for arginine, the nitroprusside test for cystine and stitute a very important group of organic substances from a
cysteine, the Millon test for tyrosine, the xanthoproteic test for physiological standpoint. However, unlike the carbohydrates
tyrosine and phenylalanine, the Pauly diazo test for histidine and proteins, the lipids comprise a rather heterogeneous group
and tyrosine, and the basic lead test for the sulfur-containing of substances in terms of chemical composition. In general,
acids. lipids are hydrophobic in nature, which is very important to
their physiological/pharmacological activities, and are soluble
in solvents such as ether and chloroform and insoluble in wa-
ter. They may be divided into the following classes according to
Occurrence and Uses their chemical structure:
Fixed Oils and FatsEsters of glycerol and fatty acids. An exam-
Proteins are synthesized by the ribosomes in the cytoplasm and ple is olive oil. Fixed oils that are solid at ordinary temperatures are
especially those associated with endoplasmic reticulum. Al- commonly called fats. An example is lard.
though proteins are present in all living matter, important dif- WaxesEsters of high-molecular-weight, monohydric alcohols and
ferences in their distribution are clearly evident. In plants, for high-molecular-weight fatty acids. An example is spermaceti.
which the structural parts are essentially carbohydrate in na- Phospholipids (Phosphatides)Esters consisting of glycerol in
ture, protein concentration is usually very much higher in the combination with fatty acids, phosphoric acid, and certain nitrogenous
compounds. Pharmaceutically, the most important members of this
seed than in any of the other plant parts. No similar gross vari-
group are the lecithins.
ation is observed in the animal world, but different tissues vary ProstaglandinsEssential fatty acids derived from prostanoic
considerably in the approximate percentage of protein they con- acid and having cyclic structures.
tain (ie, skin-27%, skeletal muscle-21%, brain-11%, adi-
pose tissue-5%).
Insoluble proteins are usually isolated simply by removing
Fixed Oils and Fats
contaminating material bymeans of a suitable array of solvents.
Deb ridement is often facilitated through the appropriate use of COMPOSITION AND STRUCTUREFixed oils and fats
enzymes. Soluble proteins are usually obtained first as crude ex- are mixtures of glyceryl esters of the higher-molecular-weight
tracts in aqueous solutions and after subjecting the solution to aliphatic acids, especially oleic, palmitic, and stearic acids. The
dialysis to remove contaminating solutes, the protein is ob- natural fatty acids are nearly all straight-chain and contain an
tained either through precipitation by means of salt solutions or even number ofc a rbon atoms (C 4 to C 26 ). The individual glyceryl
organic solvents or through lyophilization techniques. When esters themselves are frequently referred to as glycerides.

Mono-, di-, and triglycerides containing one, two, or three main sticky to the touch for an indefinite period, and therefore,
molecules of fatty acid esterified with one molecule of glycerol, cannot be used in paints and varnishes. Olive oil and expressed
respectively, have been prepared synthetically, but only the almond oil are examples. The drying quality of fixed oils is
triglycerides occur commonly in nature. Three glycerides, olein caused by the presence of characteristic unsaturated fatty
(glyceryl trioleate [C3H5(Cisit3:302)3]), pal mitin (glyceryl tri- acids, such as linoleic and linolenic acids.
palmitate [C31-15(ClaHs102)d), and stearin (glyceryl tristearate When heated strongly, fats undergo decomposition with the
[C ;3 H r,( C g11 35 0 2 ) 3 ])
, are common to many fixed oils. Olein has a production of acrid, flammable vapors; when ignited, they burn
mono-unsaturated structure with the double bonds having a cis with a sooty flame. The acridity of an overheated fixed oil or fat
configuration. Palmitin and stearin have saturated structures. is largely due to the formation of acrolein (propenal). The prop-
The glycerides in a fixed oil may be simple or mixed. In sim- erty common to all fats and fixed oils is their propensity to un-
ple glycerides, such as olein, palmitin, or stearin, all three fatty dergo hydrolysis to yield glycerol and the fatty acids represen-
acid groups are identical. In the more frequently encountered tative of the fat or oil. Uncatalyzed, the reaction proceeds very
mixed glycerides, more than one type of fatty acid is present. slowly; however, it is usually accelerated by employing high
Because of the many possible combinations in the mixed glyc- temperatures and pressures and by the presence of either acids
erides, different fats having entirely different physical proper- or alkalies. If alkalies are employed, the liberated acids are con-
ties often show the same chemical analysis. The following for- verted automatically into their corresponding metallic salts. Be-
mula illustrates a mixed glyceride: cause such salts ordinarily are referred to as soaps, the alkali-
catalyzed hydrolysis of fats and fixed oils is known as
C 15 1-13 1 COOCH 2 af saponification. Many naturally occurring enzymes also catalyze
fat and fixed oil hydrolysis. Such enzymes are termed lipases;
C171135COOC H 3 steapsin in human pancreatic juice is an important example.
The analytical factors of greatest importance in identifying
C17H33000C H a fixed oils and in judging their quality are:
(or 1-oleo-3-nainaito-2-stearin Iodine Value (the number of grams of iodine monochloride, expressed as
iodine, absorbed by 100 g of sample under prescribed conditions)
PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIESFixed measures the degree of saturation. Iodine is taken up at the double
oils and fats are rather distinctive in their physical properties. bonds, and therefore, unsaturated oils, such as the drying oils, typi-
They are greasy to the touch and leave a permanent oily stain cally have higher iodine values.
upon filter paper. They are all lighter than water and insoluble Saporuficatzon Value (the number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide
required to neutralize the free acids and saponify or hydrolyze the
therein, but are soluble in ether, chloroform, and some other esters in 1 g of sample).
water-immiscible solvents. A few of them, such as castor oil, are Acid Value (the number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide required
soluble in alcohol. When purified, they are nearly colorless and to neutralize the free acids in 1 g of sample).
have a bland odor and taste that has little distinctiveness. The
yellow color of fats is usually due to the presence of carotene, The refractive index, specific gravity, color, odor, and congeal-
which is one of the provitamins A. Glycerides of unsaturated ing point of fixed oils and fats are of little value in determining
fatty acids have lower melting points than those of saturated their purity or quality. Some oils, such as cottonseed and
acids with the same number of carbon atoms. Although most sesame, are identifiable using specific tests, but the identifica-
vegetable oils are liquid at room temperature and most animal tion of most fixed oils is only inferentially possible after taking
fats are solids, there are notable exceptions, such as cocoa but- many physical and chemical factors into account. Gas chro-
ter (solid) and cod liver oil (liquid). The difference in consistency matography (the FAME methods) is a useful means by which
between fixed oils and fats is caused by the relative proportions the identification of fixed oils may be accomplished. There are
of liquid and solid glyceryl esters that are present. Fixed oils many gas chromatographic methods that bring about the sepa-
contain a relatively high proportion of liquid glycerides (polyun- ration of free fatty acids or fatty acid methyl esters and the re-
saturated glycerides), such as glyceryl ole ate; whereas, fats are sulting chromatographic pattern may be used to identify the
relatively rich in solid glycerides (mostly saturated), such as fixed oil. Near IR spectroscopy may also determine the degree
glycer371stearate. For example, olein is a liquid at ordinary tem- of saturation because the value is directly related to HC=CH
peratures but palmitin is a solid (melting point, 60C). Stearin stretch bands at 2130 nm.
melts at 71C. When heated moderately, fats liquefy and oils OCCURRENCE AND USESGenerally, the biosynthesis
become less viscous. Upon aging, fixed oils often develop a pre- of fatty acids requires acyl-CoA or fatty acyl carrier protein
cipitate of stearin that will reliquefy on warming. (ACP). In plants, this occurs in the mitochondria and chloro-
Olein and glyceryl esters of other unsaturated acids may be plasts; in animals, this occurs in the cytoplasm. Of all the fatty
converted into stearin in the presence of a catalyst such as acids, oleic, palmitic, and stearic are the most widely dis-
finely divided nickel by hydrogenation. Liquid oils such as cot- tributed. Ste aric acid is mostly found in animal fats, but it is oc-
tonseed, corn, soybean, and peanut are transformed (hardened) casionally an important constituent in vegetable oils. Satu-
by this process into solid fats for commercial use. The propri- rated fatty acids lower than C12 are found in the milk of
etary cooking fat, Crisco (Procter & Gamble), is a well-known mammals; however, butter fat contains all of the even-num-
example. Through partial hydrogenation, the consistency of bered fatty acids from C4 to Cis as well as oleic acid. Olein is the
such hardened oils may be widely varied. However, this pro- predominating constituent in many vegetable oils and the more
cess, used in making many margarine preparations, is a mixed fluid animal oils Palmitin predominates in palm and coconut
blessing because it produces some trans unsaturated fats, oil and stearin predominates in many of the solid fats.
which may have unwanted health effects. Most fixed oils and fats are obtained from the plant or ani-
Fixed oils are to be distinguished sharply from volatile oils, mal tissues in which they occur by expression and can be frac-
also known as ethereal or essential oils. From a composition tionated to some extent into glycerides. Generally, the source
viewpoint, the volatile oils differ from fixed oils in that they do material is first ground and subsequently submitted to hy-
not contain glyceryl esters. Physically, fixed oils are nonvolatile draulic pressure. Heat may also be used when necessary. The
under ordinary conditions (hence the name fixed oils). Fixed oils obtained by the first expression are usually of the highest
oils may be classified into drying and nondrying oils. The dry- commercial value. For example, virgin olive oil results from the
ing oils, when exposed to the air, undergo oxidation and resinify first pressings of olives. Olein is separated and purified by cold
forming a tough, hard film. Linseed oil is an example of this expression; the other constituents are retained due to their lack
class, which find their greatest use in the manufacture of paints of fluidity at low temperatures. Stearin may be separated by
and varnishes. The nondrying oils, when exposed to the air, re- expression under controlled temperature conditions that re-

move the olein and palmitin. Sometimes the expressed oil from temperatures. This is particularly critical for plants, which
plant tissues is of crude quality and requires subsequent pu- have no way of controlling their temperature. The only phos-
rification, as in the case of cottonseed oil. Fixed oils and fats are pholipids having pharmaceutical applications are the lecithins
frequently bleached by treatment with Fuller's earth or similar When completely hydrolyzed, each lecithin molecule yields
clays and subsequently filtered. Some oils used for technical two molecules of fatty acid and one molecule each of glycerol,
purposes are obtained by extraction using volatile solvents phosphoric acid, and a basic nitrogenous alcohol compound
rather than expression. Animal fats and oils are usually sepa- (usually choline). The fatty acids obtained from lecithins are
rated from tissues by a process known as rendering, which con- usually oleic, palmitic, and stearic. The phosphoric acid may be
sists of heating the tissues until the fat melts and separates. attached to glycerol in either a a- or s-position forming
Fats and fixed oils contain certain unsaturated fatty acids a-glycerophosphoric acid or Pwlycerophosphoric acid, respec-
that are essential to human nutrition. Their absence in the diet tively, and producing the corresponding series of lecithins
produces eczematous skin conditions and, in experimental ani- known as a- and 13-lecithins. The representations below are in
mals, has resulted in scaly skin, emaciation, necrosis, and pre- the zwitterion (internal salt) form; the naturally occurring
mature death. Evidence exists to support the view that fats lecithins are of the a-variety. Choline, a very strong base, is a
(oils) such as safflower, corn, cottonseed, and soybean, which member of the vitamin B complex. It functions in the body to
are rich in lineoleic acid and other unsaturated acids, play an prevent accumulation of fat in the liver; also, as the acetylated
i mportant role in the mobilization and utilization of serum derivative acetylcholine, it is released at parasympathetic
cholesterol. It has been hypothesized that olive oil and canola nerve endings when these nerves are stimulated and thus con-
oil (rapeseed) are even more effective in providing a favorable trols the transmission of impulses across cholinergic synapses.
high-density lipoprotein/low-density lipoprotein (HOULDL)
ratio. Combined with a controlled dietary fat intake, these oils 0 0
can also ensure a favorable total serum cholesterol/HDL ratio.
This is of particular interest in hypercholesterolemia, which is CILOCRI C 11 2 0CR,
observed commonly in atherosclerosis. Peanut, almond, and
sesame oils are used extensively as vehicles in the preparation 0 0-
of intramuscular injections. Theobroma oil found in cocoa but-
ter is frequently used for the preparation of suppositories. Some CH 2OCR 2 C HOPO C H2C H (CHO a

derivatives of glycerides are soaps and related surface-active

compounds, which are employed as detergents and germicides.
0- O
A few oils are used medicinally. For example, castor oil is used E
CH 2 OPOCH a CH a N (CH 3 ) 3 C1120CRa
as a cathartic, cod liver oil as an antirachitic, and olive oil as an
emollient. Salts of several of the fatty acids are fungicidal, such 0 0
as zinc undecylenate, which is prepared from the undecylenic Ei-Lecithin g-Leci thin
acid in castor oil.
CH a
Waxes [ H0CH 2 CH 2NCH3 OH -
Waxes, like fixed oils and fats, are esters of fatty acids. How- CH3
ever, they differ in that the alcohol represented is not glycerol. Choline
In place of this trihydric alcohol is a sterol or one of the higher,
- U CH s
even-numbered, monohydric alcohols from C16 to C36. There-
fore, they are typically solids and poorly water-soluble. In addi- ll I+
tion, unlike fats, which are primarily esters, waxes often con-
tain significant amounts of free alcohols, sterols, and fatty acids CH3
(C 24 to G36 ); some of the waxes obtained from plants also con- Acetylcholine
tain paraffin hydrocarbons. The sterols and hydrocarbons pre-
sesnt in waxes are unsaponifiable. In addition, the esters are Lecithins oxidize readily and darken in color upon exposure to
usually much more resistant to saponification than the glyc- air. Commercially, lecithin is obtained by extraction processes.
erides of fats and fixed oils; they may only be saponified using Ovolecithin (vitellin) from egg yolks, vegilecithin from soy-
alcoholic alkali. Therefore, waxes typically have high saponifi- beans, and purified lecithin from calves brains are used as
cation values. Also, as a result of their free fatty acid content, emulsifiers, antioxidants, and stabilizers in foods and pharma-
they typically have high acid values. Conversely, iodine values ceutical preparations.
are typically low. These characteristics have been exploited as
a way to determine if waxes have been adulterated with fats.
Waxes are frequently used to prepare pharmaceutical dosage
forms. For example, wool fat is used as an emollient base for Prostaglandins
creams and ointments and beeswax and spermaceti are used to CLASSIFICATION AND STRUCTUREThe natural
stiffen ointment preparations. prostaglandins are unsaturated, hydroxylated fatty acids. They
are derivatives of the parent compound, prostanoic acid, with
nine principal groups or series of modifications being recog-
Phospholipids (Phosphatides) nized, as listed in Table 26-8.


lipids include all lipoidal constituents that contain phosphorus R 3
.. 1..., COOH
in their molecules and have been categorized as lecithins,
cephalins, and sphingomyelins. Their chemical composition in zu
all cases is revealed through quantitative measurement of the
products resulting from hydrolysis under various conditions. Prostanoic acid
5-OctvlevelooentaneheOtanoir acid
They appear to be essential components of every plant and an-
i mal cell. The cis-double bond in the polyunsaturated fatty The abbreviations in Table 26-8 often are sh ortened to the last
acids allows membrane lipids to remain mobile at relatively low letter, by dropping the PG prefix. A subscript following the ab-

Table 26-8. Prostaglandins



PGA/ 10,13E 9 1 55
PGRI 8(12), 13E 9 155
PGC1 11, 13E 9 1 55
PGD1 13E 11 9a, 155
PG Et 13E 9 1 lot, 155
PGF1 13E 9a, 11 oe, 155
PGG I 13E 155
PG HI 13E 15S
PGI2 5Z, 13E 1 lot, 155 6, 9rx

breviation pertains to the prostaglandin depicted in Table 26-8 During the early stages of prostaglandin development, phar-
or the following modifications: macological studies were the major consumer of the natural
materials. The small amounts required were supplied fairly
Subscript 3Two additional double bonds, at C-5 (Z) and C-17 (Z)
rapidly by biosynthesis. The need to find compounds that were
Subscripts a or 0indicate the configuration at C-9 and the same des-
ignation used for the steroids is employed; a is down and 13 is up. At more selective and more stable than the natural prostaglandins
C-15 the CahnPrologIngold convention defines the chirality and led to an overwhelming outburst of synthetic activity in the late
the S configuration (a or dotted lino) is found in most natural sub- 1960s that continues today. Currently, prostaglandins are
stances. on the market or are under clinical investigation for potential
applications in treating fertility problems, as oxytocic agents,
Thus, the compound FGF 2 ., or simply, F 2 . (dinoprost, prostin as bronchodilators, and in a variety of uses in animal hus-
F 2 alpha) is: bandry. In addition, prostacyclin is used to prevent blood clot-
ting in cardiopulmonary bypass operations and to protect the
OH stomach mucosa against rebound ulceration during the use of
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents (NSAIDs) employed for
CO011 arthritis.
H Fl It was thought for a long time that the mechanism of action
is of the prostaglandins in anti-ulcer therapy was the inhibition of
gastric acid secretion. However, a recent study shows that the
OH anti-ulcer effect may result from both antisecretory and cyto-
PGF2,, protective properties of the prostaglandins. PGE I has been in-
troduced for a rare but frequently life-saving application. In
certain instances of congenital heart disease, the normal clo-
The subscript 2 depicts a trans (E) configuration at C43 and cis
sure of the ductus arteriosus is undesirable until corrective
(Z) at C-5, alpha hydroxyl at C-9, and a cis (a) diol at C-9 and
surgery has guaranteed the passage of blood to the lungs. Such
surgery is more likely to be successful if PGE I is infused into
Prostaglandins are formed from the 20-carbon straight-chain
the blood of the infant to prevent closure of the ductus until af-
carboxylic acid arachidonic acid and closely related fatty acids
ter successful surgery. Although the general implication is that
such as dihomo--y-linoleic acid. The enzymatic process using
prostaglandins are too irritating to be used as potent ocular hy-
vesicular extracts from sheep or bulls yields mainly the E series.
pertensive agents for glaucoma by direct ocular application,
Employing lung homogenates as the enzyme source, F com-
some success has been obtained with latanoprost.' Table 26-9
pounds have been formed by a similar process. It has been sug-
shows the structures of some representative prostaglandin
gested that the biological activity of the prostaglandin molecule
derivatives currently marketed and under investigation.
is associated with a right-handed chirality, best visualized as a
right-handed wedge in which all the hydrophilic functional
groups are oriented to one side and the hydrophobic groups to the
other side of the molecule while both ends are hydrophilic. STEROLS AND 5APONIN5
OCCURRENCEProstaglandins are associated with most
mammalian tissues and have also been established as compo- Sterols
nents of some higher plants. They can be extracted from most The sterols are alcohols structurally related to the steroids, nat-
animal tissues with human seminal fluid containing the high- urally occurring compounds obtained from plants and animals
est concentration and the greatest number of prostaglandins that contain the partly or completely hydrogenated 17H-cy-
(31). However, the total prostaglandin production in the adult clopentalalphenanthrene nucleus. Typical examples include the
human is only of the order of 1 to 2 mg/24 hours. Many familiar cholesterol and ergosterol. In addition to the sterols, the
pro staglandins are characterized by both their generally short naturally occurring steroids include various other substances,
lifetime and multiplicity of effects. Metabolism occurs by hy- such as compounds of adrenal origin, certain alkaloids, antira-
droxylation, oxidation, and/or degradation of the carboxylic chitic vitamins, bile acids, cardiac glycosides, saponins, sex hor-
acid chain. The prostaglandins are perhaps the most versatile, mones, and toad poisons. The general formula for the basic
ubiquitous, and powerful substances found in humans. They structure of these compounds may be represented below.
are involved in platelet aggregation, blood pressure, gastroin-
testinal motility, gastric acid secretion and cytoprotection, relief R 20 , 21 7 22, etc
of glaucoma, pain and inflammation, nerve conduction, fetal 18
development, uterine contraction (abortifacients and induce 19 C 13
labor), thermoregulation and fever production, food intake,
vasodilation and vasoconstriction, bronchodilation and bron-
choconstriction, topical vasodilation, baldness, and the move-
ment of fluid and electrolytes across membranes. General mteraid formula

Table 26-9. Structures of Representative Prostaglandins

Alprostad i I C20H3405 11a, 15a 13-14 OH n-C4H9 9-oxo
Carboprost (Prostin/15 M) C21H3505 9a, 11a, 151:44 5-6 cis, 13-14 OH n-C4H5 150-CH3
(Tromethamine salt)
Cloprostenol Sodium C22H2BC I Na 06 9a, 11a, 1504 5-6, 13-14 OH m-CIC6H40
oinoprost (Prostin F 2 ) CzoH3405 9a, 11a, 151:44 5-6, 13-14 OH n-C4H5
oinoprostone (Prostin E2) C20H3205 9a, 15o4 5 6, 13-14 OH n-C4H9- 9-oxo
E nprosti I C23H2B06 11a, 15a 4 5-6 (al lene) 00-13 0 C6I-15 9-0x0
Epoprostenol Sodium C201-131Na05 11a, 15a 13 14" 0Na n-C4H9- 1513-CH3
Latanoprost C25H4005 9a, 11a, 15a 5-6 cis OCH(CH3)2 CH2C6H5 -
misoprostil C22H3505 11a, 16[3 13-14 -0CH3 n-C4I-19 9-oxo, 1613-CH3
Nocloprost C22H37C104 11a, 15a 5-6 cis, 13-14 OH n-C4H9 16-di-CH3
R ioprosti I C21H3804 11a, 1613 (1 -0H)b 13-14 (footnote') n-c,H9 9-oxo
Rosoprostol Sodium Ci5H33Na03 913 0Na -C21-15 -
vapiprost HCI C301-139N04 11[3 4-5 -OH n-C4H9 (footnote')
Viprostol C23H3505 11a, 16[3 5-6 cis, 13-14 00-13 n-C4H9 9-oxo, 16[3-vinyl

10 cr COONS
la 6-1 ,J OH
14 ti

In actual conformation, however, the structure is not planar. Sex HormonesC-17 bears a ketonic or hydroxyl group and frequently
The rings are lettered and numbered conventionally as indi- carries a two-carbon side chain.
cated. Usually one or more rings are completely saturated and Cardiac GlycosidesR is a lactone ring. The glycosides also contain car-
bohydrates linked through oxygen in other parts of the molecule.
several centers of asymmetry are present. This, plus restricted
Hydrolysis yields this carbohydrate and the cardiac aglycone.
rotations due to ring fusions, results in rather complex stereo- Bile AcidsR is a five-carbon side chain terminating in a carboxylic
chemical relationships. In the naturally occurring compounds, acid group.
substitutions in the rings occur most frequently on C-3, C-17, SapogeninsR contains an oxacyclic (ethereal) ring system.
and C-11; C-18/C-19 may or may not be present (ie, Ca 3 ). The
direction in which a substituted group located at centers of The parent hydrocarbon of natural sterols is cholestane, which
asymmetry projects from the plane of the ring system is com- exists in two forms depending on the configuration of the hy-
monly indicated by the use of a- and [3-. A a -substituent is drogen atom at C-5. These are drawn below and labeled with
viewed as projecting beneath the ring plane and is represented their standard (IUPAC) names and, in parentheses, their triv-
by a broken line; a 0-substituent is viewed as projecting above ial names:
the ring plane and is represented by a solid line.
The prefixes cis and trans are often employed (but not in
standardized nomenclature) to distinguish the a- and 0- mem-
bers of a pair of compounds that are otherwise stereochemically
identical. However, this requires the selection of a substituting
group to serve as a reference point in the steroid molecule; a
rule frequently used is that the nearest angular (branching off
at a ring fusion) methyl group is selected. For example, in the
case of the sterols, the angular methyl group nearest to the 3-
hydroxyl group is the one at C-10 and is represented as having
the 13-configuration. Thus, 3-0-hydroxycholestane becomes cis- 5a-Cholestane
3-hydroxycholestane and 3-o-hydroxycholestane becomes ( Cholestane)
trans -3-hydroxycholestane. Most naturally occurring sterols
have the 3-hydroxyl group in the [3-, or cis - , position. The prefix
epi - is often employed to specifically designate the correspond-
H3 C CH3
ing epimers. In this case, the epimer contains the 3-hydroxyl
group in the a- or trans- position; examples are epicholesterol H 3C
and epic opro sterol. CH,
Different investigators use slightly different methods of
classifying the steroids. One method is to divide them into five
classes according to the type of substituent group at carbon 17
(ie, group R):
SterolsR is an aliphatic side chain. They contain one or more OH 545-Cholestano
groups attached in an alicyclic linkage. (Coprostariel

As mentioned previously, the characteristic function of natural compounds that display antirachitic (vitamin D) activity. For
sterols is the 3-hydroxyl in the beta- orientation. Thus, 504- example, ergosterol, a mycosterol occurring abundantly in
cholestan-3[3-ol and 5[3-cholestan-3-ol are looked upon as the yeast and ergot, is readily converted with good yield to ergoc al-
parent sterols. Other sterols may be named as derivatives of ciferol (vitamin 0 2 ). The structure shown below emphasizes the
them, although most have commonly accepted trivial names locus of scission of the cyclic nucleus.
such as cholesterol, ergosterol, and stigmasterol. These parent
sterols are shown below along with their various names. The CH3
two cholesterols are also illustrated. Note that in the cholest-
5-enols, there is no H at C-5 and thus no ot- or accompanies
the numeral 5. H 3C
21. 26
H 3C
CH3 72 21 CH,
H3 C
19 --H Ergosterol

H3C 1
110 6,7,22E-Ergostatrien-3 -01

Ti H 3C
32'41yd roxy-lia -cholestane
(Cholestanol) H2C

H3 0 23 25 cu-3 Ergocalciferol (vitamin D2)
19 -H 27 9.10-Seco-5Z.7E.10(121.22E-ergostatetraeo-32-01

In a similar fashion, the natural vitamin 13 ;3 metabolite, lot,25-

dihydroxycholecalciferol (calcitriol), is formed by ultraviolet
HO conversion, hydrolysis, and heat isomerization from 104,25-
diacetoxy-7-dehydrocholesterol. Calcitriol (Rocaltrol, Roche) is
2A-Chol es t
E-Hydroty-211-ctiolestano used for the hypocalcemia associated with chronic renal
CCoprostmnol) dialysis.
CH, CI-13
H30 CNa

Cholest-G-on-3,3-ol ,
3/3-Elydroxyc hol e s t -5- ene
( ChoIegterol)
1 CH2
CH3 CH 3

10 IH
1-1 3 C (1a,213,5Z7E)-9,10-secoeholesta-
5,7,10(19)-triene- r in }

H0 - CH, OAc
Cholest - 5 -en -3.-01 CH3
3a-Hydroxycholebi-5-ene AcO CH

Several empirical color reactions have been developed for HO

steroid identification. Most prominently cited are the
Salkow ski, LiebermannBurchard, and Rosenheim reactions. 142,25-diacetoxy-7-dehydrocholestero1
For discussion of these, consult reference texts in biochemistry.
Sterols occur abundantly in nature and often constitute a siz-
able fraction of the total u_nsaponifiable portion of lipoidal ex-
tractive matter from animal and vegetable tissue. The 313-
hydroxysteroids readily form sparingly soluble molecular The saponins are a group of amorphous, colloidal glycosides
complexes with the glycoside digitonin. These complexes are re- that are readily soluble in water and that produce froth when
ferred to as digitonides, and they find extensive application in the aqueous solution is agitated. Two general types are well
various research operations involving isolation and characteri- known, namely steroid (typically tetracyclic triterpenoids) as in
zation of the individual steroids. digitonin, and pentacyclic triterpenoids as in aesculin. Both of
Several sterols undergo intramolecular rearrangement un- these types have a glycosidic linkage at C-3 and are biosynthe-
der the influence of controlled ultraviolet radiation resulting in sized via mevalonic acid and isoprenoid units. Saponins have a

high molecular weight and polarity with many conforming to kaloids contain carbon, nitrogen, and generally oxygen (a typi-
the general formula CH 2,.,_ 8 0 10 . The aglycones, usually freed cal exception is nicotine) but members of this group are classi-
by acid-catalyzed hydrolysis, are termed sapogenins. 22 The fied as alkaloids based upon chemical properties of a basic ni-
saponins are distributed widely in the botanical kingdom with trogen, which confers their alkali-properties. However, the
the steroidal type less distributed than the penta cyclic triter- group is very varied in regards to their physiological role, tax-
penoid types. Steroidal saponins are found in both mono- and onomy, and biogenesis. In addition, there is no clear-cut dis-
dicotyledons and the pentacyclic triterpenoid saponins are tinction between alkaloids and naturally occurring complex
abundant in dicotylendonous plants but rare in monocotylen- amines because they typically contain one or more nitrogen
dons! Pentacyclic triterpenoid saponins are typically classi- atoms, usually wholly or partly in a hetercyclic ring. Therefore,
fied into three groups, oi-amyrin, 3-amyrin, and lupeol. alkaloids have been classified in a variety of ways such as botan-
Saponins are generally acrid in taste and in powder form ical source, chemical structure, and pharmacological action. Any
cause sneezing. They are excellent emulsifying agents, and the attempt at comprehensive chemotaxonomic classification is far
aqueous solutions of some of them, such as quillaja bark, were beyond the scope of this text; for such a treatment, consult the
used formerly as detergents to replace soap. In addition, many continuing encyclopedic work of Brossi (see the bibliography).
of the saponins are markedly toxic (sapotoxins) and usually ex- A partial classification that includes most of the more im-
ert a powerful hemolytic action on red blood corpuscles. How- portant pharmaceutical alkaloids is presented in Table 26-10.
ever, when taken orally they are comparatively harmless. For As in all such condensed classifications, caution must be exer-
example, sarsaparilla is rich in saponins but is widely used in cised in interpreting the entries under Nucleus. Different hy-
the preparation of nonalcoholic beverages. Steroidal saponins drogenated forms of a given nucleus are often present in differ-
are of great pharmaceutical importance due to their relation- ent alkaloids; thus, nicotine contains a pyridine ring; whereas,
ship with other steroidal compounds such as the sex hormones, piperine contains a hexahydropyridine ring (piperidine). Also,
cortisone, diuretics, and vitamin D. Much of the research con- some alkaloids contain more than one nucleus. For example,
ducted on the saponin-containing plants was motivated by the quinine contains both quinoline and quinuclidine. In many in-
attempt to discover precursors for cortisone. It would appear stances, the nuclei shown in Table 26-10 are merely the best-
that the most outstanding plant steroids for cortisone produc- known fragment of the total fused ring system actually present
tion are diosgenin and botogenin from the genus Dioscorea and in the alkaloid. For example, while it is true that each of the er-
hecogenin, manogenin, and gitogenin from a species of Agave. got alkaloids contains an indole ring in its nucleus, the indole is
In addition, some naturally occurring steroidal saponins are actually a fragment of the fused tetracyclic ring system, in-
used therapeutically themselves. For example, the roots of dolo[4,3-fg]quinoline, which constitutes the total nucleus. In
Panax ginseng (Aralia ce ae) contain numerous steroidal and addition to their basic nitrogen moiety, alkaloids usually con-
triterpenoid saponins classified as ginsenosides and panaxo- tain one or more chemically functional groups. For example, co-
sides that are responsible for its therapeutic activity. Ginseng caine contains two ester functions, quinine contains both a sec-
has gained popularity in the West in recent years for improve- ondary alcohol and aromatic methoxy functions, and
ment in concentration and as an adaptogenic (resistance to ergonovine contains a substituted amide function. Some alka-
stress and disease). loids such as solanine and tomatine actually occur as glyco-
A very important group of steroidal glycosides, character- sides.
ized by their physiological action, are the cardioactive glyco-
sides. Numerous Angiosperm plants contain C23 and C24
sterodial glycosides that exert a slowing and strengthening ef- Physical and Chemical Properties
fect on the heart. Two types of cardioactive glycosides, cardeno- Most of the nonvolatile alkaloids are solid and mainly crystal-
lides and bufadienolides, have been distinguished based upon lizable, though a few are amorphous. The volatile ones, such as
the presence of a five or six membered ring, respectively. The nicotine, are mainly liquid under ordinary conditions and these
cardenolide group is most pharmaceutically important. Digi- often contain no oxygen. They are generally white. However,
talis, the dried leaves of Digitalis purpurea (Scrophulariaceae), berberine is yellow and sanguinarine, itself colorless, yields red
has been the most extensively studied natural source of carde- salts. They are either insoluble or sparingly soluble in water,
nolide cardiac glycosides. Digitoxin and gitoxin are the main ac- with a few exceptions, such as caffeine and colchicines, but sol-
tive components of the dried leaves. The leaves of Digitalis uble in alcohol, chloroform, benzene, some in ether, and a few
lanata (Scrophulariaceae) have been almost exclusively used in petroleum ether. Their salts, formed by reaction with acids,
for the preparation of digoxin, one of the most widely used behave conversely in the matter of solubility. Alkaloids unite
drugs for the treatment of congestive heart failure. Cardiac gly- with acids to form substituted ammonium salts. The stability of
cosides similar to those of digitalis are also found in the olean- these salts toward hydrolysis and formation of the free base
der plant (Nerium oleander) and the lily of the valley (Conual- varies with the basic strength of the alkaloid and the nature of
laria majalis). the acid used. With the exception of the xanthine alkaloids,
The commercial product saponin is a mixture of pentacyclic most have ply values less than 7. The alkaloids are freed from
triterpenoid saponins prepared from the yucca plant or from their salts by the addition of alkali. In the same manner, alka-
the bark of species of Quillaja ( Rosaceae). Licorice, which con- line salts such as the acetates, carbonates, citrates, benzoates,
sists of the dried unpeeled roots and stolons of Glycyrrhiza salicylates, and basic phosphates of sodium, potassium, and
glabra ( Leguminosae), contains glycyrrhizin (the potassium ammonium will precipitate the free alkaloid or, in some in-
and calcium salts of glycyrrhizinic acid, a pentacyclic triter- stances, will convert it to a less-soluble salt. As a general rule,
penoid saponin). These compounds are responsible for the alkaloids are incompatible with oxidizing agents, some under-
sweet taste and use of licorice as a flavoring agent. Gly- going oxidation readily upon exposure to air. Various antioxi-
cyrrhizinic acid has also been shown to possess deoxycorticos- dants such as sodium metabisulfite are effective in retarding
terone effects thus enabling its use to treat rheumatoid arthri- this deterioration. Oxidation is more rapid in alkaline solution
tis, Addisons's disease, and various inflammatory conditions.' and buffers are commonly used to maintain a suitable pH to
prevent degradation. The rate of hydrolysis of ester and glyco-
sidic alkaloids is also pH dependent.
ALKALOIDS Various kinds of tests have been devised to identify known
alkaloids. Their effective use, however, usually requires some
Composition and Structure relevant knowledge of the history of the sample under exami-
nation. In general, these tests involve combinations of two or
These basic compounds at first were called vegetable alkalies; more of the following: melting points of the alkaloid and at least
later these were renamed alkaloids, meaning alkali-like. All al- one of its salts or other derivatives; specific rotation; solubility

Table 26-10. A Partial Classification of Alkaloids


Benzazulene Aconitum, Delphinium Aconitine, delphinine, delsoline

Diterpenoid Taxus Cephalomannine p-hydoxybaccatn, taiwanxan, taxagafine,
taxine, taxol
I midazole Pilocarpus Pilocarpine, pilocarpidine, pilosine, pseudopilocarpine,
pseudojaborine, isopilocarpinea
Indole Peganum, Psilocybe, Stropharia, Evodia, Brucine, ergonovine, ergotamine, harmine, physostigmine,
Corynanthe, Claviceps, Physostigma, psi locybin, reserpine, strychnine, yohimbine
Strychn os, Ra uwolfia
Isoquinoline Hycirastis, Pa paver, Corycialrs, Berber's, Anhalonine, bebeerine, berberine, cephaeline, codeine,
Chondodendron, 1pecawanha, corydaline, cotarnine chloride, emetine, erythramine,
Sanguinaria erythroidine, hydrastine, menispermine, morphine, pa-
paverine, sanguinarine, tubocurarine chloride
Phenylalkylamine Ephedra, Lophophora E ph edrine
Purine Guarana, Cola, Coffea, rhea, Theobroma Caffeine,' theobromine," theophyl li nea
Pyridine Ana basrs, Areca, Corium, Lobelia, Piper, Anabasine, aphylline, arecaidine, arecoline, confine, gu-
Punica, Ricinus, Nicotiana vacine, lobeline, nicotine, pelletierine, piperine, ricinine,
Quinoline Cinchona, Cusparia Cinchonine, cinchonidine, cusparine, ethylhydrocupreine,
quinacrine, quinine, quinidine
Quinolizine A nagyris, La burnum Lupinus, Sophora
, lupanine, lupinine, matrine, sparteine
Anagyrine, cytisine,
Spirobenzylisoquinoline Fum aria, Corydalis Corpaine, fumaricine, fumariline, fumaritine, ochrobirine,
ochrotensimine, ochrotensine, sibiracine
Steroidal' Solanum, Veratrum, Lycopersicon, Cevadine, cevine, conessine, jervine, rubijervine,solanidine,
Holarrhena, Schoenocaulon solanine, tomatidine, veratramine, eratridine
Tropane Erythroxylon, Atropa, Datura, Hyoscyamus, Atropine, benzoylecgonine, cocaine, eucatropine, homat-
Scopola ropine, hygrine, hyoscyamine, scopolamine
Some authors do not classify these relatively feebly basic compounds as alkaloids.
Various nuclei are represented in this group. In general, they have some resemblance to the steroid (cyclopentanophenanthrene) nucleus.

in various solvents; color producing reactions with specified countered, such as quinic with cinchona alkaloids, and meconic
reagents; and microscopic examination of the crystals obtained with opium alkaloids.
by the action of suitable precipitants under controlled condi- Alkaloids may be recovered from their parent plant material
tions. Closely related alkaloids such as morphine and codeine by extraction. In a representative type of processing, the crude,
do not differ sufficiently in their absorption of ultraviolet light milled plant material is moistened with an aqueous alkali such
to permit differentiation on the basis of their respective spec- as sodium carbonate, sodium bicarbonate, or lime to liberate
trograms. However, the infrared spectrum of an alkaloid is in- the alkaloids from their salts and percolated with benzene,
dividual and identification can be made with certainty. Modern ether, or some other suitable water-immiscible solvent. The sol-
high-resolution NMR techniques make possible even more vent layer is extracted with dilute acid to convert the alkaloids
definitive identification. into salts and to bring them into the aqueous phase. The free al-
kaloids are precipitated by the addition of alkali and separated
by appropriate means. The specific operations involved are
Occurrence and Uses based upon the physical and chemical properties of the alka-
The building blocks of the alkaloids are presumed to be amino loids sought. Purification is usually accomplished by the crys-
acids and their metabolic degradation products. Formaldehyde tallization of the alkaloidal salts but distillation and other pro-
sources (ie, glyoxylic and formic acids) are also available and bi- cedures may also be employed. In some cases, when the
ological processes of deamination, decarboxylation, and oxida- alkaloid content of a plant is low and large volumes of dilute
tion are operative. Various genera of 158 botanical families aqueous solutions are obtained, it is advantageous to adsorb
have yielded compounds with alkaloidal properties. A few are the alkaloids on ion-exchange resins. If the alkaloids adsorbed
obtained from cryptogams (flowerless plants) but the majority onto a resin differ sufficiently in basicity, it may be possible to
are extracted from the phanerogams (flowering plants), most of effect at least a partial separation of the alkaloids during the
them being from dicotyledons. Among the monocotyledons, course of the elution from the resin. An excellent example of the
some useful alkaloids are found in species of the Amarylli- problems encountered and of some of the techniques employed
daceae and Liliaceae families. Alkaloids are also found in some in the separation of a complex mixture of alkaloids is provided
fungi (ie, lysergic acid derivatives), the skins of amphibians, by the review of researchers on the Vinca
and some mammals (ie, indole and isoquinoline). Most alkaloids are physiologically active, some being ex-
Phytochemists estimate that less than 5% of the known tremely poisonous, although typically harmless to plants. In
flowering plants have been investigated for possible alkaloid the majority of instances, they are responsible for the phar-
content. Specific alkaloids of complex structures are ordinarily macological actions of the plants from which they are derived.
confined to specific plant families (ie, hyoscyamine in Notwithstanding the many extremely valuable synthetic
Solanaceae and colchicine in Liliaceae). However, the occur- medicinal and antibiotic agents that have been added to the
rence of ergot alkaloids in the fungus Claviceps purpurea and list of weapons against disease, the alkaloids still constitute
certain Ipomoea species (Convolvulaceae) is an exception, an indispensable and most potent group of substances for the
which may be attributed to either parallel or conversion evolu- treatment and mitigation of functional disturbances and relief
tion of certain complex biochemical pathways. In their native from suffering. It is for this reason that some of the larger
environment, alkaloids usually exist in the form of salts, fre- pharmaceutical firms maintain continuing programs for the
quently of the simple organic acids such as lactic, malic, tar- pharmacological screening of alkaloids, both new and old. For
taric, or citric. Unusual, often distinctive, acids are also en- example, reserpine, much valued for its antihypertensive and

psychotherapeutic actions, emerged from such a program in rally relevant alkaloids based upon their biosynthesis from a
the 1950s, and an intensive effort with the Vinca (Catharan- particular amino acid derivative and discuss each of the follow-
thus) alkaloids yielded some oncolytic drugs of value in the ing classes individually:
treatment of certain types of cancer. A number of naturally
Ornithine-derived alkaloidsThe ornithine derivatives, pro line
occurring alkaloids are made synthetically and there are also
and putrescine constitute the basic structures
a number of synthetic drugs having an alkaloidal character.' Phenylalanine-, tyrosine-, and dihydroxyphenylalanine-derived
Distinction should be made between total synthesis, in which alkaloids
the end product is the result of chemical processes that em- Tiyptophan-derived alkaloids
ploy only materials that can be built up from the elements Miscellaneous alkaloidsNot biosynthesized from amino acids or
(carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, etc), and partial synthesis in which biosynthesis has not been fully established,
the end product is produced from a naturally occurring com-
plex substance that is already closely related structurally to
the desired end product (ie, the synthesis of ergonovine from
lysergic acid). The tropane alkaloids will be considered in two groups: (1)
atropine and related alkaloids and (2) cocaine. They are
grouped together because all are derivatives of tropane. The al-
Major Classes of Alkaloids kaloids of the atropine group are closely related chemically
As mentioned previously, various alkaloidal classification sys- (Table 26-11). Most of the natural alkaloids are esters of man-
tems have been employed. Each system has its advantages and delic acid or tropic acid with tropine or scopine. Scopine is
disadvantages and more needs to be learned about the occur- epoxytropine, the only difference being the 6,7-oxygen bridge.
rence, composition, and physiological actions of the alkaloids Esters of tropine are called tropeines (ie, tropine mandelate is
before a comprehensive classification having maximum practi- mandelyltropeine). Atropine is a racemic variety of tropine
cal utility can be produced. We will classify the pharniaceuti- tropate, hyoscyamine is the levorotatory enantiomorph of

Table 26-11. Atropine and Related Alkaloids and Derivatives

CH 3 N

0 0 0
H Ph
0C\ it


.CH 2 OH CH ,OH Ph
Atropine HYoseyamine B enztropine
(Tropirle( ) - Tropate) (Tropine(-)-Tropate)

CH 3 N CH 3N


0 0 ph
\ .%
C Ph
( -
. 0OH

Homa tro pine Novatropine

(Homatropine Methylbromide)


"\ CH 2 OH


Sco polamine Meths Co P OiaMine

(68,7,6-E poxylayos cyamine) Bro mide

tropine tropate, and scopolamine is scopine tropate. These es- Table 26-12. Ecgonine Derivatives
ters may be hydrolyzed by heating in water. NAME OF DERIVATIVE

8 H H Ecgonine
CH 3 N CH3 C6H5C0-(benzoyl) Cocaine
CH3 methylecgonine
H C61-15CI CHCO-(cinnamoyl) Cinnamoylecgonine
H C6H5C0 Benzoylecgonine

7 atic alkaloids, characteristic of the Solanaceae family. There

Tro pane are also many other plants of this family that are being used
largely in the manufacture of the various alkaloids. Atropine

CH 3 N rarely occurs as such in any of the plants but is always the prod-
uct of the racemization of the levo-isomeride hyoscyamine,
OH which is converted into atropine by the action of weak alkalies
This racemization involves the conversion of the ()-tropic acid
CHCOOH moiety of hyoscyamine to ()-tropic acid. The most characteris-
tic physiological property of the Solanaceous alkaloids is their
mydriatic effect (pupil dilation of the eye). This property is the
OH basis for their most sensitive identification test. As little as one
Mandelic Acid
drop of a 1 in 25,000 solution will cause a distinct dilation of the
Tropine (en d o-8-Methyl-8-
azabicyclor 3.2.1 ]octane-3-oly pupil of a cat's eye. Atropine also simulates the CNS and causes
a decrease in secretions; hyoscyamine does not stimulate the

CH 3.N CNS and is used as a sedative for motion sickness.
The cocaine group of tropane alkaloids is distinguished
chemically from the atropine group by the presence of an exo-
ca rboxyl (or esterified carboxyl) at the 2-position and by the exo-
CHCOOH configuration (instead of endo-) of the 3-ester function.
Therefore, they become derivatives of ecgonine ([1R-(exo,exo)]-
3 -hyd roxy- 8 -m ethyl-8- a z ab cycl o[ 3. 2 1 lo ctane -2- c arb oxyli c
OH acid) having the general structure:
&opine ([7(S)-(1a,20.40,50470)1-9-Methyl- Tropic Acid
CH 3
3-oxa-9-azatricyclo[ 2,4 ] nonan-7-oly

Eumydrine is also related closely; it is 8-rnethylatropinium ni- 40OR

trate, a quaternary ammonium salt. Homatropine is tropine
mandelate and novatropine is 8-methylhomatropiniurn bromide.
Benztropine is the benzhydryl ester of tropine (Table 26-11).
Atropa belladonna (nightshade), Hyoscyamus niger (hen- OR'
bane), and Datura stramonium (jimson weed) all yield mydri-

Table 26-13. Classification of Opium Alkaloids

Benzyilsoquinoline Group Codamine [C 20 1-1 25 N0 4 ]' Narcototine [C 2/ 1-1 21 19 0 7 ]'i`
Gnoscopine [C22H23NO7P'` 1-Narcotine [C22H23NO7] b i`
Laudanidine [C20H25N04] a Oxynarcotine [C221 -123N08] 1'
dl Laudanine [C20H25Nail] a
- Papaverine [C201-121NO4]ee
Laudanosine [C211 -127N04] a Xanthaline [C2oH19NO5]
Narceine [C231 -127NOs]`1
Phenanthrene Group Codeine [CisH211\103] f Neopine [CisH211403] 9
Morphine [C17H19NO3] f Thebaine [C191-121NO3] h
0-Morphine [(Ci7HisNO3)2] f
Tetrahydroisodu rT 0 line Group Hydrocotarnine [C12H15NO3] b
Quinoline Group Aporeine [Cisiii7NOZ
Cryptopine Group Cryptopine [C211-123N05] , Protopine [C20H19N05] h
Alkaloids of Unknown Structure Lanthopine [C23H25N04] Papaveramine [C21H25N06]
meconidine [C211-123N04] Rhoeadine C211-121N06]
Derivatives of Natural Alkaloids Apomorphine k metopon (methyldihydromorphinone)
Dionine (ethylmorphine) Na lorphine ( N-al ly In orm orph ine)
Heroin (diacetylmorphine) Naloxone
Hydrocodone (dihydrocodeinone) Oxymorphone
Hydromorphone (dihydromorphinone) Oxycodone
1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinoline; (1708).
5,6,7,8-tetrahydro-1,3-dioxolo[4,5-g]isoquinoline; (2810).
`1,3-dihydroisobenzoturan (phthalan); (1330).
2,3-dihydr obenzolur an (coumaran); (1328).
isoquinoline; (1708).
5,7a,8,9-tetrahydro-4a1-1-8,9c-iminoethanophenanthro[4,5-bcci]furan; (5922).
g 5,6,8,9-tetrahydro-4a1-/- 8,9c- iminoethanaphenanthro[4,S - bcci]furan; (5922).
8,9-dihydro-4a1-/-8,9c-iminoethanophenanthro[4,5-bai]furan; (5922).
r 6,7,7a,8-tetrahydro-51-i-benzo[g]-1,3-benzodioxolo[6,5,4-delquinoline; (5846)
6,7,12,13,14,15-hexahydrobenzo[e]-1,3-dioxolo[4,5-11121benzazecine; (4874).
41-1-dibenzoicie, glquinoline; (5171).

Table 2642 portrays the identities of R and R.` for the common Natural Alkaloids (Table 2643). It will be observed that the
ecgonine derivatives. Alkaloids within this group are commonly pharmaceutically important alkaloids displayed in Table 26-14
found in cocoa leaves. They have local anesthetic properties but derive from the so-called benzylisoquinoline (papaverine) and
also have highly addictive properties, and therefore, they are phenanthrene (morphine/codeine) groups. The parent heterocy-
only used for ophthalmic, ear, nose, and throat surgery. cle of the phenanthrene group is 4aH-8,9c-iminoethanophenan-
The tobacco alkaloids derived from ornithine are repre- thro[4,5-bcd]furan. In the hexahydro state characteristic of
sented by nicotine, which consists of a pyridine moiety associ- codeine and morphine, its Ring Index (IUPAC) orientation and
ated with a pyrrolidine ring. Nicotine is derived from the genus numbering are shown below. The specific stereoisomer present
Nicotiana and is present in tobacco smoke and some insecti- in these alkaloids is shown at the right in Chemical Abstracts for-
cides. Nicotine has also been used in chewing gums, nasal mat, which treats it as a 4,5u-epoxymorphinan and numbers it
sprays, and transdermal patches for smoking cessation. by the familiar CahnRobinson sequence.



OPIUM ALKALOIDSOpium is the latex obtained by incision

of the unripe capsules of the opium poppy, Papaver somniferum
(i'apaveraceae). The many alkaloids obtained from the opium 4
poppy are divided into the following chemical groups: Benzyliso- 0- '
quinoline, Phenanthrene, Tetrahydroisoquinoline, Quinoline, H
Cryptopine, Alkaloids of Unknown Structure, and Derivatives of IUPAC Chemical Abstracts

Table 26-14. Opium Alkaloids and Derivatives

TH3 ?H 3 ?E1 3

NCH2 N C1-12 NCH2

OH OH Oa% 0 OCJ1 5 'OH

Morphine Codein e Ethylmorphine


N CH r
ISH--- CH2


OH 0 0 OCH3 OH OH 0
Hydromorphone Hydrocodone Oxymorphorte Naloxone

Ha H30H=CH2

N -CR2 T

CH3OCC 0/ OCOC113 or
Heroin Nalorphine


CH3 0

CH3 0

0 L-0
CH3 0
Papaverine Apomorphine Noacapine (1-Narcotine)

Papaverine is a very weak base and slightly toxic. Morphine is N

a stronger base, alkaline to litmus, and highly toxic. Morphine
and codeine have been used to treat pain, as hypnotics, and to CH,
treat diarrhea. Codeine has also been used as a cough suppres-
Additional pharmaceutically relevant, phenylala nine-, tyro-
C Hz
sine-, and dihydroxyphenylalanine-derived alkaloids include Ouirtuclidine QuirtoIirte
the following:
Ephedrine and pseudoephedrine are derived from various species By altering the side chains attached to these rings and by es-
of Ephedra ( Ma-huang) (Ephedraceae) and used for a variety of terifying and/or oxidizing the alcohol group, a large number of
therapeutic actions including the relief of asthma. compounds have been produced and investigated.
n Colchicine is derived from the seed or corn of Colchicum witum- Both Quinine and quinidine have a methoxy group attached
nale (Liliaceae). It is an amorphous, yellowish-white solid that
to the quinoline ring and a vinyl group attached to the quinu-
darkens upon exposure to light. It is a weak base that results in a
yellow color when mixed with strong mineral acids. It is soluble in
clidine ring. Each has the same four chiral centers, but the di-
water, alcohol, and chloroform and slightly soluble in ether. It is astereoisomerism involves only the configurations at the
used therapeutically to relieve gout. carbinol and 2-quinuclidine carbon atoms. Cinchonine and cin-
Emetine is derived from the root of Cephaelis zpecacuaniza (Rubi- chonidine differ from these two alkaloids in that they do not
aceae) and used as an expectorant and emetic. have a methoxy group on the quinoline ring. Quinidine and cin-
Tubocurarine is derived from Chondrodendron tomentosum chonine are dextrorotatory; whereas, quinine and cinchonidine
( Menispermaceae) and used as a muscle relaxant. Such "curare' are levorotatory. Hydroquinine, obtained from quinine by re-
alkaloids are found in South American arrow poisons.
duction with hydrogen and a catalyst, has the same structure
as quinine except the vinyl group is reduced to an ethyl group.
TRYPTOPHAN-DERIVED ALKALOIDS Cupreine, another naturally occurring Cinchona alkaloid, has
an OH group in place of the methoxy group and hydrocupreine
Cinchona Alkaloids, such as the quinoline alkaloids (quinine is cupreine with an ethyl group instead of a vinyl group. There-
and quinidine, a pair of diastereoisomers) and their 6- fore, quinine is the 6-methyl ether of cupreine and hydroqui-
demethoxy derivatives (cinchonine and cinchonidine), are de- nine is the corresponding ether of hydrocupreine. Woodward
rived from the dried bark of the stem or root of various species and Doering first synthesized quinine in 1944 but the process is
of Cinchona (Rubiaceae). The structural formulas in Table 26- too costly for commercial use.
15 indicate the close relationships between the various mem- The salts of the alkaloids are typical amine salts. Since there
bers of this group of alkaloids. Examination of the formulas of are two nitrogen atoms present in the molecules of the Cin-
these compounds shows that they all contain a quinoline ring chona alkaloids, it is possible to form salts containing one or
attached through a hydroxymethylene group to a quinuclidine two equivalents of acid, such as mono- and dihydrochlorides.
ring. Quinine and its diastereoisomer, quinidine, are characterized

Table 26 15. Cinchona Alkaloids and Derivatives











C -

Quinine Et hylearbonare

c11= CH,CH3 CH2CH3

14,k =




'a "


by the blue fluorescence of their solutions in dilute sulfuric or is commercially available both as the natural alkaloid and as a
other oxyac ids and by the thalleioquin reaction. The addition of synthetic compound. It is soluble in water and dilute alcohol.
two drops of bromine TS to 5 mL of a saturated solution of qui-
nine or quinidine or a 1:1000 solution of their salts, followed by COOH
1 mL of ammonia TS, produces an emerald green color due to
the formation of thalleioquin. Quinine and quinidine are differ- 7
entiated by their optical rotations and by their behavior toward 6
N CI-12
alkali tartrate. In neutral or slightly acid solutions, quinine is
precipitated by this reagent, but quinidine is not. On the other H
hand, quinidine, in moderately dilute solutions, is precipitated
by soluble iodides but quinine is not affected. The same differ-
ences are exhibited by cinchonidine and its diastereoisomer,
Lysergic Acid
cinchonine; the former is levorotatory and, like quinine, is pre- (9,10-Didehydro-S-rorthylergolins-0-carboxylic Acid)
cipitated by alkali tartrates but cinchonine is dextrorotatory
and unaffected by the reagent.
Other than quinine, quinidine, cinchonine, and cinchoni-
dine, 18 other alkaloids have been isolated from cinchona
barks. Some of these, such as cupreine, are found in only one
kind of bark and some are doubtlessly split products (ie, not ex- CONH--R
isting naturally in the bark but the result of the action of chem-
ical agents upon them). The acids present are quinic acid (hex- CH2OH
ahydro-1,3,4,5-tetrahydroxybenzoic acid), quinotannic acid,
and quinovic acid (313-hydroxyurs-12-ene-27,28-dioic acid). Also H
present are o-quinovin (a glycoside), cinchona-red, other color-
ing matter, and a volatile oil. The quinine and total alkaloid HN
content is highest in the bark from the cultivated variety. Java Ergonovine CI-4)
bark, representing a highly cultivated plant, contains 7 to 10% Methylergonovine (R CH2CH3)
of total alkaloids, of which about 70% is quinine. In the bark An understanding of the ergot alkaloids requires knowledge of
from the uncultivated plant, cinchonine and cinchonidine pre- the isomerism oflysergic acid, which exists in two diastereoiso-
dominate. meric forms depending on the spatial configuration of the
Quinine was used as a treatment for malaria until the ad- carboxyl group relative to the 5{3-hydrogen. In the normal
vent of synthetic anti-malarials during WWII. Quinidine also lysergic acid (commonly called lysergic acid), this relative
has anti-malarial properties and is used as a prophylaxis for configuration is of the cis variety (carboxyl in 13-configuration);
cardiac arrhythmias and a treatment for arterial fibrillations. in the isolysergic acid, it is of the trans type (carboxyl in 04-
Java bark is infrequently used in the US but is employed else- c onfiguration). Chemical Abstracts treats lysergic and isolyser-
where as a cheap substitute for quinine. It shares the anti- gic acid compounds as derivatives of ergoline, which is the
malarial, antipyretic, and analgesic actions of quinine, but the 4,6,6a43,7,8,9,10,10aot-octahydro form of indolol4,3-fglquino-
alkaloidal salts are to be preferred to the galenical prepara- line, Ring Index No 4550.
tions. One of the principal difficulties in preserving its galeni- N,N-Diethyl-n-lysergamide, a compound of considerable in-
cal preparations arises from the alteration and precipitation terest, does not occur in nature. The physiologically active iso-
that the cinchotannic acid and its compounds undergo on stor- mer is the ( +)-enantiomorph of the N,N-diethylamide of normal
age. Glycerin has proved to be very useful by dissolving and lysergic acid and is commonly referred to as LSD-25 or simply
holding these in solution, and hence it is present in nearly all of LSD. Methods for its synthesis from lysergic acid have been de-
the preparations. veloped. In normal subjects, LSD elicits a temporary combina-
Ergot Alkaloids are derived from Ergot, a morbid growth tion of physiological and psychological effects that collectively
formed when the fungus Claviceps purpurea develops on vari- mimic syndromes characteristic of psychotic states such as
ous plants of the Gramineae (grass) and Cyperaceae (sedge) schizophrenia. LSD has been the subject of intense clinical in-
families such as rye, wheat, oats, barley, and rice. If the infes- vestigation since the mid-1960s. There are no established ther-
tation of the plant occurs naturally, the resulting ergot is called apeutic applications at present but it has found some applica-
natural ergot; if the infestation is brought about artificially (ie, tion as a tool in psychopharmacology and in psychiatric
wholly or partly by human intervention), the resulting ergot is diagnosis. Discovery of the psychotogenic activity of LSD has
referred to as cultivated ergot. Ergots from different plants vary led to extensive research with various types of lysergic acid
in composition, and therefore, they are not medicinally equiva- derivatives. It also has given rise to serious social problems.
lent. It is for this reason that rye is stipulated as the source of
official ergot. Ergot has yielded 12 different, well-defined alka- H- CON(C 2 H 5 )2
loids, each of which is an N-monosubstituted amide of either
normal or isolysergic acids. The substituting group on the
amide nitrogen is commonly referred to as the peptide moiety of N---CH,
the alkaloid because it always contains one or more peptide H
(amide) linkages. In addition to alkaloids, ergot contains vari-
ous carbohydrates, glycerides, sterols (ie, ergosterol and fungis-
terol), amino acids (ie, histidine, leucine, and tyrosine), amines HN
(ie, histamine and tyramine), quaternary ammonium com- N 181-Diethyl-D-lysergamide (LSD)
pounds (ie, choline and betaine), and coloring principles.
As mentioned, ergot alkaloids are all substituted amide Rauwoifia Alkaloids, such as reserpine, are obtained from
derivatives oflysergic acid, which is shown below along with the several Rauwolfia species. Interest in the remarkable thera-
official compounds and the important, but unofficial, diethy- peutic properties of these powerful agents became so keen that
lamide. It is the lysergic acid group that is their important reserpine alkaloid injections and tablets were admitted to the
medicinal constituent. Ergometrine, known in the US as er- US P XV (by the 1959 supplement). Rescinnamine soon followed
gonovine, produces an oxytocic effect (induces/assists with la- in NF XI in 1960 and syrosingopine gained NF XII recognition
bor) and has been used as an analgesic for migraine headaches. in 1965. Currently, only reserpine has official status. The gen-
Ergonovine, simpler by far than any of the other ergot alkaloids, eral structure of these three alkaloids is shown below. Chemi-

cal Abstracts uses the familiar Barger-Scholz numbering. It

will be observed that they are all esters of methyl reserpate
with the only difference being in the identity of the acyl repre-
sented in the ester group at locus 18 of the heteronucleus. By
the Chemical Abstracts system, methyl reserpate is the methyl
ester of 1 Whydroxy-11,17u-dimethoxy-3,200t-yohimban-16[3-
carboxylic acid and yohimban is the 4a,13bot,14au stereoiso-
mer of the 1,2,3,4,4a,5,7,8, 13,13b,14,14a-dodecahydro form of
Ring Index No 5874, benziglindolo[2,3-0quinolizine. Reserpine
and rescinnamine occur naturally; syrosingopine is synthetic.

CRP off '000CH,

CH 30 H
15 COOCH,(R."
13 18
Vioblastiae (viricaleukohlastiae), R CHe
CHDOC OAcyl Vineristine (lenraeristine), R = CHO
Vinglyeinate, R C133, R' OCOCH2N(CH31[2
OCH 3 Vindesine, R CH3,11! = OH, CONH2
Alkaloid Acyl
Reserpine 3,4,54 rimer hoxybenzoy I The costliness of vinblastine and vincristine provided increased
Res cinnamine 3,4,5-trim r thoxy cinnamoyl
SvroningnPi ne carbethox ysyringoyl interest in producing them synthetically. The five-ring indoline
system is known to be available from other natural alkaloid
The genus Rauwolfia, natural order Apocynaceae, contains al- sources. Vinglycinate and vindesine are additions wherein the
most 50 species that grow in tropical and semitropical regions structure has been modified synthetically.
(India, Burma, Ceylon, Java, etc). The most extensively investi- An additional pharmaceutically relevant tryptophan-
gated species are Rauwolfia serpentina Benth, R canescens derived alkaloid is physostigmine, which is derived from cala-
Linn, Ruomitoria Afzel, and R heterophylla Roem. In ancient lit- bor seeds, the dried ripe fruit of Physostigma venenosum (Legu-
erature, mention is made ofthe use ofRauwolfla as a remedy for minosae) and used to contract pupils and oppose the effect of
snakebites and scorpion stings, as a febrifuge, and as a cure for mydriatics.
dysentery. The sedative action of the drug was also noted, for it
was considered useful in moon's disease (lunacy), to induce sleep MISCELLANEOUS ALKALOIDS
in children, and in hypochondria. Despite this long history, very
few pharmacological and chemical studies were undertaken on The purine base alkaloids, better known as the xanthine
Rauwolfia until the Indian investigators Bose and Sen reported alkaloids, have three medicinal important agents. They are
successful clinical trials with the drug in 1941; the Indian secondary metabolites and are all methylated derivatives of
chemists Siddiqui and Siddiqui isolated the first crystalline al- 2,6-dioxypurine (xanthine). Three alkaloids, caffeine (1,3,7-
kaloid from the plant in 1931. At present, at least 25 substances trimethylxanthine), the ophylline (1,3-dimethylxanthine), and
have been reported from Reserpentina alone, which, when as- theobromine (3,7-dimethylxanthine), comprise the bulk of this
sayed as directed, contains not less than 0.15% of reserpine- group. The structural relationships of the purine or xanthine
rescinnamine group alkaloids, calculated as reserpine. Rau- alkaloids are portrayed in Table 2646; purine is the parent
wolfia preparations (known collectively as Rauwolfia) are molecule of each. The common practice of portraying the two-
available in the form of powdered whole root, extracts, selected dimensional structure in box form is still primarily used. For
alkaloidal fractions, the pure crystalline alkaloids reserpine and example, the xanthine structure can be represented by:
rescinnam.ine, and the synthetic syrosingo pine. The most promi-
nent actions of its alkaloids are upon the cardiovascular and cen- 0
tral nervous systems. They are widely employed as antihyper-
tensive agents and as adjuncts in psychotherapy. HNC
Vinca AlkaloidsDuring the late 1950s, pharmacological 16
inquiries into the purported antihyperglycemic activity of 0=- C 2 5 C NU
principles contained m Vinca rosae Linn (Madagascan peri- . II 'XII
winkle of the Apocynaceae family) led to the initial discovery
that two of the alkaloidal constituents, vincaleukoblastine
(vinblastine) and leurocristine (vincristine), possessed certain Other bases closely related to purine are hypoxanthine, ade-
demonstrable kinds of oncolytic (antitumor) activity. The over- nine, and guanine, all of which are found normally in animal
all result of these discoveries has been that the plant has been tissues. The primary significance of the last two bases is the
the subject, for several decades, of one of the most intensive fact that they are constituents of nucleic acids and nucleopro-
phytochemical studies on record. Over 70 different alkaloids teins that are found in cell nuclei and that hypoxanthine is pro-
have been demonstrated to be present and more than half of duced in the body during the first stage of adenine oxidation.
these were recognized as new chemical compounds. The com- Subsequent oxidation yields xanthine and, finally, uric acid. In
plete structure for most of the isolated compounds has been humans, the end product of protein metabolism is urea. In cer-
determined. An excellent review of the accomplishments dur- tain animals, the end product is allantoin, which is formed by
ing the first 7 years of intense research on the Vinca alkaloids further oxidation of uric acid. The two-dimensional structures
is available.' of these compounds are illustrated in Table 26-16. The oxygen-
The therapeutic efficacy of vincaleukoblastine and leuro- containing compounds are depicted here in keto form but they
cristine as antineoplastic agents has been established. The often are shown in texts in enol form, as illustrated below with
structures of these two closely related alkaloids are portrayed xanthine. The presence of oxygen in several of these structures
below. The four-ring heterosystem is a stereospecific hydro- also causes a slight alteration in the position of unsaturation
genated form of 10H-3,7-methanoazacycloundecino[5,4-Min- because of the tautomerization that can occur. The enol forms
dole, Ring Index No 13276, and the five-ling system is a similar often are named specifically to reflect the hydroxyl groups, such
form of 1H-indolizino[8,1-cd]carbazole, Ring Index No 11065. as purine-2,6,8-triol or 2,6,8- trioxypurine for uric acid.

Table 26-16. Xanthine Alkaloids

0 0 CH 3 o CH 3
0 H CH, CH N
2 Izr4 IT 0
CH 3 CH/ CH,
Xanthine Theophylline Theo b omine Caffeine
(3j-Dihydro-1H-purine-2,6-diene) (1,3-Dimeth yIxan thine) (3,7-Di ni thyl liabthine) (1,3,7-Trimethylx a nth ine)

0 0 0
`-'kyN 0

N L.N . N N H2N )N 0 ).6' N - 0

1H-Purine Adenine Hypoxanthine Guanine Uric Acid Allantoin

(1H-Purin-6- I,7-Dihydro-FH- (2-Amino-1,7-dihydro- (7,9-Dihyd ro- 1 H - (2,5-Dioxo-i-imidax-
arnine) purine-8-one) 6H-purine-6-one) purine-2,6,8(3H )-trione) olidinyOurea

The xanthines are very weak bases having a pH], of approx- Phenols are biosynthesized through the shikimic acid pathway
imately 13 to 14. They form readily hydrolysable salts with the and may have aromatic rings derived through acetate conden-
stronger acids. By ta utomeric shift of hydrogen from nitrogen to sation. They are frequently used as coloring agents, flavorings,
keto oxygen (enolization), a weakly acidic H of about 9) is aromatizers, and antioxidants. Phenols may be divided into
formed on the resulting OH group. Thus xanthine, along with several classes. Those of pharmaceutical importance are the
various other oxopurines and their derivatives, forms salts with simple phenolic compounds, tannins, anthraquinones, and
the stronger bases. Having no NH group to participate in eno- flavonoids.
lization, caffeine is an exception. Simple phenolic compounds consist of a single phenolic ring
and often possess alcholic, aldehydic, and carboxylic acid
0 OH groups. Examples include vanillin, a phenolic aldehyde, and
salicylic acid, a phenolic acid. Vanillin is found in the unripe
HN o w-
0 fruits of varius species of Vanilla ( Orchidaceae). It exists as the
N Fi* HO glycoside, glucovanillin, which yields vanillian and glucose
0 N " upon hydrolysis. It has been used widely in both the food and
keto st ructure enol structure perfume industries. Capsaicin (the vanillyl amide of isode-
cenoic acid) is found in the dried ripe fruit of different species of
The xanthines are characterized by the murexide reaction, Capsicum (Solanaceae). It has been used internally for atonic
which involves evaporating a nitric acid solution of the test dyspepsia and flatulence. Externally, it is frequently used as a
sample to dryness and treating the residue with ammonia, c ounterirritant.
whereupon a purplish-red color develops. The color is due to the Tannins are more complex phenol compounds. They gener-
formation of murexide, an ammonium salt of purpuric acid. ally have molecular weights ranging from 1000 to 5000 and
Uric acid and various other purine derivatives also respond to typically consist of a substantial number of phenolic groups
this test. (-- 1.5 per 100 MW), which are associated with an o-dihydroxy
Xanthine alkaloids are present in numerous plants includ- and o-trihydroxy orientation. Tannins having lower molecular
ing tea leaves obtained from Thea sinensis (Ternstroemiaceae), weights are considered as pseudotannins. "True" tannins may
cocoa seeds/beans obtained from Theobroma cacao (Sterculi- be classified as hydrolysable, condensed, or complex. Hy-
aceae), and coffee seeds/beans obtained from Coffey arabica drolysable tannins exist as glycosides with a glucose molecule
and other Coffey species (Rubiaceae). A significant quantity of and may be hydrolysed by acids or enzymes such as tan_nase.
caffeine is present in tea and coffee and is responsible for their Their solutions turn blue with iron salts. Condensed tannins or
CNS stimulatory and diuretic effects. Theobromine has less proanthocyanidins have polymeric flavan-3-ol like structures.
CNS stimulatory and diuretic effects than caffeine. Theo- They are not associated with a sugar molecule, and therefore,
phylline is similar to caffeine except that is has a shorter and are not readily hydrolyzed by acids or enzymes. Instead, they
stronger diuretic effect and more significantly relaxes involun- are usually precipitated as red insoluble compounds known as
tary muscles. phlobaphenes. Complex tannins are formed from the joining of
The im idazole alkaloid, pilocarpine, is derived from vari- a hydrolysable and a condensed tannin.
ous species of Pilocarpus ( Rutaceae). It may be biosynthesized Taimins are soluble in water, dilute bases, alcohol, glycerol,
from histidine or threonine. It is an ophthalmic cholinergic and acetone but generally sparingly soluble in other organic
drug used to contract the pupil and act as an antagonist to at- solvents. They occur widely in plants and are found in greatest
ropine. It also increases irrigation and decreases ocular pres- quantity in dead or dying cells. Their inhibitory effects upon
sure in the treatment of glaucoma. enzymes may contribute to the protective effects of bark. Tan-
nins are also used commercially by the leather industry and
have been used for dying and manufacturing ink. They have
PHENOLS also been used therapeutically as a hemostatic agent and as a n-
tidiarrheals. Their ability to precipitate heavy metals, alka-
Phenols are very widespread in nature and are probably the loids, and glycosides has resulted in their use as antidotes in
largest group of secondary plant metabolites. They range from such poisonings. However, their use has recently been limited
simple structures having a single aromatic ring to highly com- to topical astringents due to the discovery that tannic acid may
plex polymeric structures and often exist in glycosidic forms. cause severe necrosis of the liver.

Anthraquinones may exist in the free state or as glycosides appears to a colorless solution upon the addition of acid. The
with the sugar attached in various locations. The derivatives of flavones are most commonly found in the cell sap and young
anthraquinones may be di-, tri- (emodin), or tetrahydroxy tissue of higher plants (particularly Polygonaceae, Rutaceae,
(carminic acid) phenols. There may also be additional groups Leguminosae, Unbelliferae, and Compositae) but are widely
present such as methyl, hydroxymethyl (aloe-eroodin), and distributed in nature. Their therapeutic activity may result
carboxyl (carminic acid). Anthraquinones derivatives are often from their effect upon arachidonic acid metabolism.' They
orange-red in color and soluble in hot water or dilute alcohol. posses anti-inflammatory, anti allergic antithrombitic, and

This class also includes reduced derivatives of anthraquinones, vasoprotective (decreased capillary fragility) effects. They also
the anthranols and anthrones, which are isomers and may ex- prevent tumor promotion and protect the gastric mucosa.
ist in either form in solution. Anthrone is pale yellow, non- Some flavonoids also have antibacterial and antifungal activ-
fluorescent, and insoluble in basic solutions; whereas, anthra- ity and flavonoligans such as silybin (a 1,4-dioxan produced
nol is brownish-yellow and strongly fluorescent in basic from the oxidative combination of taxifolin and coniferyl alco-
solutions. Anthranol derivatives are commonly found in aloes. hol and found in one of the milk-thistles, Carduus marianus
Oxanthrones are intermediate products between an- (Compositae)) have anti-hepatoxic properties.
thraquinones and anthranols and may be converted to an-
thraquinones upon oxidation. They are found in cascara bark.
Dianthrones are compounds formed by the combination of two VOLATILE OILS, RESINS, AND
like or unlike anthrone molecules resulting from mild oxida-
tion. Two chiral centers are found in dianthrones, and there- MISCELLANEOUS ISOPRENOIDS
fore, a dianthrone consisting of two identical anthrone
molecules may exist in two forms in addition to a m.eso form. Di- Composition and Structure
anthrones are found in species of Cassia, Rheum, and Rhamnus Volatile, or essential, oils differ from the other classes previ-
with the sennidins (aglycones of sennosides) being the best- ously discussed in that they are complex mixtures of a variety
known examples. Anthraquinones and their derivatives gener- of hydrocarbons and oxygenated compounds. In some countries
ally have dyeing and purgative properties. The laxative action they are called olea aetherea. In some instances they are called
occurs only in the large intestine, and therefore, their thera- essences, a name that conflicts with our ordinary use of the
peutic effect may take up to 6 hr to occur. word to designate an alcoholic solution of a volatile oil. The fol-
A variety of anthraquinone and anthrone derivatives have lowing groups of compounds occur in the volatile oils: hydro-
been isolated from senna pods, which consist of the dried, ripe carbons, alcohols, acids, esters, aldehydes, ketones, phenols
fruits of Cassia senna and Cassia angustifolia (Leguminosae). and phenol ethers, la ctones, and various nitrogen and sulfur or-
Senna has been used for its purgative effects and remains to be ganic compounds. In some cases, such as mustard oil and bitter
a very important pharmaceutical laxative. Cascara bark is the almond oil, they are derived from glycosides. The hydrocarbons
dried bark ofRhamnus purshianus ( Rhamnaceae) and contains of chief importance are the terpenes ( CH-016) and the sesquiter -
a variety of anthracene derivatives present as both 0- and C- penes (e l 51124; literally, one and one-half terpenes). The ter-
glycosides. The primary glycosides are more active than the penes have the formula CH 2 _4 and typically occur in the fol-

aloins whereas the free anthraquinones and dimers have less lowing configurations:
purgative activity. The cascarosides have a sweet and more
pleasant taste than the aloins. Cascara is available as a liquid Three double bonds and no ring, such as myrcene (found in Myr-
cia Oil) and ocimene. (found in the volatile oil from the leaves of
extract, elixir, or tablets and has a purgative active very simi-
Ocimum gratissimum)
lar to senna. Various types of anthraquinones and anthrones Two double bonds and one ring, such as limonene (widespread oc-
are found in the dried, underground parts of rhubarb, particu- currence but especially in the citrus oils)
larly Rheum palmatum and R. officinale (Polygonaceae), and One double bond and two rings, such as either a-pinene or 13-
are responsible for the purgative effects of these plants. Ear- pinerze. (the first of which is of very widespread occurrence; to-
balion, the 10-glucopyranosyl glycosidic derivative of aloe- gether, these two terpenes comprise at least 90% of the bulk of
emodin-anthrone, is found in all commercial varieties of aloes, turpentine oil).
which are the solid residue obtained by evaporating the liquid
that drains from the cut leaves of various species of Aloe (Lili-
aceae). This resin of aloes has been used for its purgative effects
and should not be confused with "aloe vera," which is a mu- Terpenes
cilage found in the parenchymatous cells of the Aloe vera leaf. CH, CH 2
The red, dianthrone pigment, hypericin, is found in the dried,
flowering, aerial parts of Hypericum perforatum ( Guttiferae) or
CH, CH ;
St. John's Wort. It has sedative and antiseptic properties. It
also acts as a photosensitizer in mammals. Carminic acid is a
C-glycoside anthraquinone derivative found in cochineal, which
is a colorant derived from the dried female insects of Dactylop- a-Pinene 0-Pinene
ius coccus.
Flavonoids constitute the largest group of naturally occur-
ring phenols and have been receiving much attention re-
cently.' Flavonoids may exist in both the free and glycosidic CH3
state (typically the O-glycosoide form). They are formed from
three acetate units and a phenylpropane unit and are distin-
guished by the state of oxygenation of the C3 unit. The
dimeric forms, biflavonyls, are also well known. Flavonoids
may be grouped into a number of classes such as flavones,
flavonols, flavonones, xanthones, and isoflavones. Specific ex- Hac CH 2
amples include hesperidin (the rhamnoglucoside of hesperetin Limonene
or methyl eriodictyol) and rutin (the rhamnoglucoside of
quercetin). The glycoside forms are typically soluble in water CH 3--C , CHCH 2CH 2CCH=CH
and alcohol but insoluble in organic solvents. Flavonoids dis-
solve in basic solutions resulting in a yellow color, which in- CIL CH 2
creases with pH and the number of hydroxyl groups but dis-

The sesquiterpenes have the formula C f,H 2,.,_ 6 , and therefore, Ketones

occur in even more varied configurations. Sesquiterpenes are
biosynthesized from farnesyl pyrophosphate and may have lin- CH3 CH3 C H3
ear, monocyclic, or bicyclic structures.' They are secondary
metabolites with some being formed as the result of some stress 0 o
or injury to the plant. Although a number of these hydrocar-
bons have been isolated, many of their structures are not defi-
nitely known. Among those of known structure are zingiberene C CH
(from Ginger oil) and bisabolene (from Bisabol myrrh oil). 143C CI-12 I-I 2 C CH 3 H3C
Hydrocarbons other than the terpene types are sometimes Car vone Thujone Pulegone
present. An example is the saturated hydrocarbon n-heptane
(C 7 H which occurs in the volatile oil obtained from the oleo-

Phenols and Phenol Ethers
resin of Pinus sabiniana and P je ffreyi and from the fruits of Pit-
tosporum resiniferum (the so-called petroleum nut of a tree CH3 OH
growing in the Philippines). However, many of the essential oils
owe their character and their value to constituents other than OH
hydrocarbons. Among these are organic acids such as acetic,
benzoic, cinnamic, and phenylacetic; alcohols such as benzyl al-
cohol, borneol, cinnamyl alcohol, citronellol, geraniol, linalool,
menthol, phenylethyl alcohol, and terpineol; aldehydes such as CH CH2CH=CH2
anis aldehyde, cinnamaldehyde, benzaldehyde, citral, piperonal
or heliotropin, salicylaldehyde, and vanillin; ketones such as car- 113C CH,
vone, camphor, thujone, and pule gone; esters such as bornyl ac-
Carvaerol Chavicol
etate, methyl salicylate, benzyl benzoate, geranyl acetate, and

linalyl acetate; phenols such as thymol, carvacrol, and chavicol;
phenol ethers such as anethol, eugenol, and safrol; and many OCH3
other more complex compounds such as co umarin and indole.

0-Methylchavieo1 Safrot
CH 3 CH3
C H3--C=C H---CH 2 CH 2--CHC 11 2 CH 2 0H Physical and Chemical Properties
CH3 CH3 The properties of volatile oils differ greatly from those of fixed
Citronella) oils. Most of the volatile oils are colorless when pure and fresh
or can be made colorless by redistillation. Upon exposure to the
CH 3 air, they acquire various colors, becoming green, as in oil of
wormwood; yellow, as in oil of peppermint; red, as in oil of orig-
,OH a num; and brown, as in oil of cinnamon. The blue color of oil of
chamomile is an inherent property of the oil even when freshly
distilled and is due to the highly unsaturated hydrocarbon
ehamazulene (COI, g). Their volatility results in their aromatic
properties. The odors and tastes of volatile oils are determined
by their oxygenated compound content, and therefore, they are
Borneo! extremely variable and their most characteristic feature. The
odor of an oil is modified by exposure to the air. Oil of turpen-
tine may be rectified by redistillation in an atmosphere of car-
bon dioxide, or in vacuo, so that it will be almost odorless or
Aldehydes have an agreeable, fragrant odor. However, a very slight expo-
sure to the air is sufficient to restore its well-known unpleasant
C FLC=C HC14 2C 11 2C=C HCHO
odor. Other terpene-containing oils are quickly oxidized and the
CH 3 CHs delicacy and fineness of their flavor and odor are seriously im-
paired. This is especially true of orange and lemon oils. Some
(cis-Nera1) volatile oils are sweet; others have a mild, pungent, hot, acrid,
{bans-Geranial) caustic, or burning taste.
The specific gravity of official volatile oils also varies (from
CH3C=CHC 142C C HCH2C El 0
0.842 to L172) with the majority of them being lighter than wa-
CH 3 CH3 ter. Optical activity is used to determine the purity of many

oils. Refractive index serves as a delicate test for both the iden-
tity and purity of oils. Because most volatile oils consist of com-
CHO 0 Cr plex mixtures of many types of compounds, their boiling point
is of little significance. In general, the terpenes and sesquiter-
OH 0 penes are practically insoluble in water but soluble in alcohol,
ether, chloroform, benzene, petroleum benzin, and the fixed
and volatile oils. Even though water is a poor solvent for
volatile oils, it acquires a decided odor and flavor when brought
CHO in contact with the oil in a finely divided state, as in the prepa-
Salicylaldehyde Heliotropin (Piperonal)
ration of medicated waters. Alcohol, ether, chloroform, glacial

acetic acid, petroleum ether, benzene, and many other organic Podophyllum resin is derived from the dried rhizome and
solvents will dissolve volatile oils. Alcohol is a better solvent for roots of Podophyllum peltatum (Berberidaceae) also know as
oxygenated oils than for terpenes. Many official oils are re- May-apple or Wild Mandrake. Its chief active constituents are
quired to meet specific solubility tests in 70%, 80%, or 95% al- lignans, which are C18 compounds biosynthesized from the
cohol. Volatile oils freely dissolve fixed oils, fats, resins, cam- dimerization of two C6-C3 units, such as coniferyl alcohol, at
phors, and usually sulfur and phosphorus. the 3-carbon of the side chains. The most important lignans
Exposure to light and air impairs the quality and destroys present in this resin are 3-peltatin and oi-peltatin." The
the fragrance of volatile oils. Peroxides frequently develop in resin also contains smaller amounts of the closely related
oils containing terpenes and, after extended exposure, the oils 4'-demethylpodophyllotoxin. Podophyllum resin has cytotoxic
thicken and become resinified, or deposit crystalline com- activities and is used in the treatment of soft warts. Etoposide
pounds. The whitening of corks after insertion for a long time in (4'-demethylepipodophyllotoxin ethylideneglucoside) is a lig-
bottles containing certain volatile oils is caused by the bleach- nan derivative obtained semisynthetically from podo phyllo-
ing action of the peroxides that are gradually produced during toxin and has been used in the treatment of small-cell lung can-
the oils decomposition. This is only true for oils containing no- cer, testicular cancer, lymphomas, and leukemias.
table amounts of terpenes. Therefore, such volatile oils should
be kept in well-filled, tightly stoppered, amber-colored bottles
in a cool place. A suggestion has been made to replace the air in Miscellaneous Isoprenoids
the original packages with nitrogen to prevent oxidation. Stor-
In addition to the isoprenoids mentioned previously, several
age in metal cans causes pronounced deterioration in odor and
others are of pharmaceutical importance. Valeranone is a
the development of color. In some volatile oils, such as thyme, a
sesquiterpene component of the volatile oil from valerian,
separation into a solid and a liquid portion occurs upon stand-
which consists of the rhizome, stolons, and roots of Valeriana
ing in the cold. The solid portion is frequently known by the
officinalis ( Valerianaceae) and is responsible for the herbs
name stearoptene and the liquid portion is called eleoptene.
sedative properties.' The sesquiterpene lactones, parthenolide
Some stearoptenes are of commercial importance (eg, thymol,
and 33-hydroxyparthenolide, are used to standardize feverfew,
camphor, and menthol).
which is derived from various species of Parthenium (Composi-
tae) and has been used for the treatment of fever, arthritis, mi-
graine, and other disorders.' The leaves of Ginkgo biloba
Occurrence and Uses ( Ginkgoaceae) contain several diterpene lactones (ginkgolides
Volatile oils are found in various plant organs and tissues. A, B, C, J, and M) that are platelet-activating factor antago-
They usually constitute the savory and odorous principles of nists. They have been characterized to consist of a tertiary
the plants in which they exist and they either preexist in the butyl group and six 5-member rings. Carotenes are C40
tissues or are produced by the reaction of certain constituents tetraterpenoids often associated with chlorophyll and partici-
when the tissues are brought into contact with water, which pate in photosynthesis. They may also be found in other plants
results in hydrolysis of their glycosides. Volatile oils are often organs. Carotenes are yellow or orange-red in color. For exam-
associated with other substances such as resins and gums, ple, the carotenoids, lycopene and citraurin, are responsible for
and as mentioned previously, they typically resinify them- the color of re 11 tomatoes and oranges, respectively. As a result,
selves upon exposure to air. They are generally obtained from carotenes have been used extensively as colorants. They also
plants by distillation with steam, distillation per se (or with- possess vitamin A activity, which is a diterpenoid produced in
out the use of water), expression, and extraction. Volatile oils animal livers by enzymatic hydrolysis of 3-carotene. The tax-
are sometimes actually formed through destructive distilla- ane diterpenoid derivative, taxol, is derived from the bark of the
tion (ie, the oils of tar and amber). These are occasionally re- pacific yew, Taxus brevifolia, ( Taxaceae). Taxol consists of a
ferred to as pyrolea or empyreumatic oils. Volatile oils are four-membered oxetane ring and a complex ester side-chain.
commonly used for flavoring and perfuming Many volatile These structures provide taxol with its anti-cancer activity.
oils also have additional therapeutic effects. For example,
camphor is used as an external rubfacient, clove and thyme REFERENCES
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Drug Nomenclature United States
Adopted Names
Pardeep K Gupta, PhD
Advances in the scientific disciplines continue to occur at such Rorer). The letter(s) generally represent an abbreviation of the
an accelerated rate that the processing of information has be- research laboratory name; the numbers are assigned by the firm
come a separate and distinct discipline in its own right. Precise in an arbitrary manner or following some internally created con-
and current terminology is an important tool of science, and vention. Codes may be acronyms or letter combinations derived
nowhere is it more important than in medicine and pharmacy. from portions of the chemical or common name (eg, AZT for azi-
Drug nomenclature, particularly, would become confusing, dothymidine or TPA for tissue plasminogen activator).
meaningless, and incomprehensible without a well-developed Code designations usually are considered as convenient
system of rules. "shop labels" and are meant to be discarded when a more ap-
It is not unusual for each drug entity to be known by several propriate name is selected. However, many of these codes ap-
chemical names, more than one code number, several trivial pear in early scientific literature dealing with investigative
designations, a formally selected nonproprietary name, and one work prior to the selection of a nonproprietary name. Fre-
or more trademarks. Therefore, it is essential that a logical, quently they are used in clinical studies in the absence of a non-
well-defined nonproprietary nomenclature system is available proprietary name to identify the chemical entity. Code desig-
to facilitate the exchange of drug information. nations, therefore, must be considered a part of drug
This chapter describes the mechanisms for creating nonpro- nomenclature, but they are not acceptable for general use. In
prietary drug names that are used in the US. It includes his- themselves, these codes give no information about the com-
tory, scope, function, and operation of the nomenclature system pound they represent.
devised by the United States Adopted Names (USAN) Council. The use of acronyms instead of the proper nonproprietary
A brief introduction of the policies of the World Health Organi- names may also be dangerous because many contractions are
zation (WHO) International Nonproprietary Name (INN) pro- extremely similar, such as DDI (didanosine) and IJDC (zal-
gram and its relationship to the USAN Council have been citab ine). Similarly, AZT, is commonly used for the antiviral zi-
added. dovudine (derived from azidothymidine, its shortened chemical
name). However, AZT can just as readily represent the im-
munosuppressant azathioprine. Medication errors due to use of
DRUG NAME TYPES acronyms have been reported both by the Institute for Safe
Medication Practices and the USP Medication Errors Reporting
The term drug nomenclature implies that drugs may have sev- Program.
eral types of names, each having its own function, and indeed Trivial names occasionally are assigned to a new compound,
this is the case. Although some names are scientifically precise, usually by the researchers working on it. Nomenclature agen-
others may be ambiguous or misleading cies strongly discourage the use of trivial names as generally
The first type of name, usually applied to compounds of they are coined haphazardly and are usually not suited for
known composition, is the chemical name. Among the several adoption as official nonproprietary names Too frequently triv-
conventions that exist for creating chemical names, the most ial names are confusingly similar to existing names, which may
widely established is the American Chemical Society's Chemical lead to confusing them with established nonproprietary names.
Abstracts Services (CAS) Index naming system. Use of this sys- When a new drug has successfully survived the successive
tem results in the creation of systematic (CAS Index) names for research stages and testing to the point where it appears it may
chemical entities that serve as a key to the chemical literature of become a marketable product, a trademark is developed by the
the world. The CAS system is used by the USAN program. manufacturer. Properly registered trademarks become the le-
For substances of plant or animal origin that cannot be clas- gal property of their owners and cannot be used freely in the
sified as pure chemical compounds, scientific identification is public domain. Selected for their brevity and ease of recall,
given in terms of precise biochemical, botanical, or zoological trademarks usually give little or no scientific information about
names. Such designations are also scientifically exact, but like the drug.
their chemical counterparts, they tend to be complex, unwieldy, Each type of name described thus far aims to serve its spe-
and generally not useful to the physician, pharmacist, or other cific purpose; however, none fulfill the need for a single, simple,
users of drug nomenclature. informative designation available for unrestricted public use.
Most developing drug materials while being investigated ac- The nonproprietary name is the only name intended to function
quire a code designation as a convenient means of referring to the in this capacity. The nonproprietary name often is referred to
compound before it has been assigned either a nonproprietary as the generic name, but this practice is inaccurate, as each
name or a trademark. Such codes are generally a letter and num- nonproprietary name is specific for a given compound, even
ber combination, eg, SC-40230 (bidisomide, Searle), Ro 4-3780 though it may possess a stem that is common to a related group
(isotretinoin, Roche), or RP 56976 (docetaxel, Rhone-Poulenc of drugs.


Throughout this chapter, the term nonproprietary name ap- The United States Pharmacopeia ( USP) has been supplying
plies to those names that have been selected by the formal pro- standards for pharmaceutical preparations since the first edi-
cess of negotiation between the drug manufacturer and the tion appeared in 1820. Because there was a need for titles for
USAN Council. monographs included in the USP that described the drugs for
which standards were being prepared, the USP was one of the
first publications to recognize the necessity for a standardized
THE USAN COUNCIL system of drug nomenclature and the first to take action to es-
tablish such a system.
The agency responsible for the selection of nonproprietary The American Pharmaceutical Association began publica-
names for single-entity drugs marketed in the US is the United tion of a second compendium, the National Formulary (NE) in
States Adopted Names (USAN) Council. This expert committee 1888 and established quality standards for drugs included in
on drug nomenclature is jointly sponsored by the American the NE. The editor of the NE quickly became involved with pro-
Medical Association (AMA), the United States Pharmacopeial viding nonproprietary names for the monographs published in
Convention Inc (USPC), and the American Pharmaceutical As- the NF.
sociation (APhA). All three agencies were involved in the selec- In 1906, the US government legally recognized the signifi-
tion of drug names for many years prior to the establishment of cance of the work being done by the USP and the NF by declar-
the USAN Council in the 1960s. The aim of USAN is the global ing both publications official compendia. Since that time, mono-
standardization and unification of drug nomenclature and re- graph titles have had the status of official nonproprietary
lated rules to ensure that drug information is communicated names.
accurately and unambiguously. The Council conducts its nego- As new pharmaceutical products increased in number, other
tiation activity by correspondence. Twice a year, the Council organizations recognized the need for formally approved names
convenes to discuss nomenclature policy, liaison activity, and while the drug entity was still in its investigational stages. The
new nomenclature strategies. AMA Council on Pharmacy and Chemistry (CPC), later known
The USA Council Secretariat is located at the AMA head- as the Council on Drugs, was created in 1905 as an advisory
quarters in Chicago, Illinois. The agency works closely with the body to the Board of Trustees to encourage rational drug use by
World Health Organization (WHO) International Nonpropri- physicians. In conjunction with screening and evaluating new
etary Name (INN) Committee, and various national nomencla- remedies, the CPC initiated a nomenclature program to provide
ture groups. In addition, USAN program has liaison organiza- nonproprietary names for individual drugs available commer-
tions all over the world. As of 2003, these organizations include cially under more than one trademark. This activity continued
the following: until the early 1940s when the Council on Drugs began to re-

Chemical Abstracts Service BELGIUM

2540 Olentangy River Road L'Inspecteur en chef-Directeur
PO Box 3012 Ministere de la Sante Publique et de l'Environementlnspection
Columbus, OH 43210-0012 generale de la Pharmacie
Attn: Sabine P. Kuhn, PhD WHO INN Committee Secretariat Pharmacie Cite administrative de l'Etat
World Health Organization Cite administrative de l'Etat Quartier Vesale 333 B1010
1211 Avenue Appia Bruxelles
Geneva 27-Switzerland
Attn: Raffaella Balocco-Mattavelli, PhD
The Deputy Chief DCF Denominations
Drug Standard Division II Pharmacopeia Commission Communes Francaises Agence du Medicament
Ministry of Health Agence du MedicamentDirection des Laboratoires
Temple of Heaven et des Controles
Beijing 100050 Unite Pharmacopee
People's Republic of China
DCE Commission - Denorninazione JANJapanese Accepted Names
Communi Italiane Japanese Ministry of Health and Welfare
Director-General New Drugs Division
Pharmaceutical Division Pharmaceuticals Affairs Bureau
Ministero della Sanita 1-2-2, Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku
Viale della Civilta Romana 7 Tokyo 100
1-00144 Roma
Director Ministerio de Sanidad Y Consumo
Pharmedinfo Direction General de Farmacia
Ministry of Health Centro Instit de Info de Medicamentos,
PO Box 195 CINIMEPaseo del PrDO 18-20, Planta 15
Moscow 103051, Russian Federation 28014 Madrid
BAN British Approved Names

The Secretary
British Pharmacopoeia Commission
Market Towers
1 Nine Elms Lane
London SW8 5NQ

quire a nonproprietary name for every active compound listed member-at-large who must be approved by the three sponsor-
in all AMA publications. ing organizations. Council members are nominated by their
The 1938 Food, Drug and Cosmetic (FD&C) Act stipulated sponsoring organization annually. Every year their nomination
that the common or usual name should be used as part of drug must be approved by the boards of trustees of the other spon-
labeling to identify the drug entity. In the absence of such a soring organizations, who also approve the nominees for the
name (or until a name attained such status), a chemical name FDA liaison and the member-at-large positions. Council mem-
was to be used. bers may serve for up to 10 consecutive years. The council mem-
The Drug Amendments of 1962 replaced the "common or bers for 2003 are:
usual" terminology with the more meaningful requirement that
Daniel L Boring, PhD (FDA)
nonproprietary names must be "simple and useful." Also, for the Everett Flanigan, PhD (USP)
first time, the Commissioner of the Food and Drug Administra- William M Heller, PhD (Member-at-Large)
tion (FDA) was given the authority to designate the official name John E Kasik, MD, PhD (AMA)
if he determined that such action was necessary or desirable. Anthony Palmieri, III, PhD, (APhA)
Despite the nomenclature activities of the AMA, USP, and
APhA, large numbers of drug products did not become the sub- At an early stage in the development of the USAN Council, it
ject of either the NF, the USP, or the Council on Drugs mono- was anticipated that occasional disagreements might arise be-
graphs and continued to be identified by their chemical names, tween the Council and a manufacturer over the selection of a
trivial names, or trademarks selected by the manufacturers. As particular nonproprietary name. In the majority of such cases,
medicine and pharmacy advanced and drugs became more spe- the Council and the firm can, in time, work out an acceptable
cific in their actions and structurally more complex, other compromise; however, in rare instances, an impasse may de-
nomenclature-related needs were recognized that made it ap- velop that needs adjudication by someone not directly involved
parent that each new drug needed a nonproprietary name se- with the USAN Council or the drug manufacturer. The USAN
lected early in its development. A systematic approach to as- Review Board was established as the final arbitrator of nomen-
sure drug name appropriateness and acceptability to AMA, clature disputes when normal procedures have failed. Each
USP, NF, and the drug manufacturer now became more obvi- sponsoring organization nominates two members to the Review
ous. Each new drug also needed a global nameone name used Board annually; nominations must be approved annually by
and accepted worldwide. the Boards of Trustees of the other sponsoring organizations.
A significant step toward supplying this need was taken in No term limits have been placed on member's participation on
June 1961, with the formation of the AMA-USP Nomenclature the Review Board. Members of the Review Board for 2003 are
Committee. The names adopted by this committee were Donald R. Bennett, MD, PhD (AMA), ( Chair)
deemed acceptable as potential compendia monograph titles, Jordan Cohen, PhD (USP)
and the acronym USAN ( United States Adopted Name) was Stuart Feldman, PhD (APhA)
coined to designate names formally processed and approved by Alice Jean Matuszak, PhD (APhA)
the Committee. The APhA participated in the program from its Lauren A Woods, MD, PhD (AMA)
inception but did not become a full and official sponsor until Gary L. Yingling, JD (USP)
January 1964, at which time the name of the committee was Joseph G. Valentino, JD, USP, s eries as the Review Board Secretary
changed to the USAN Council. The USAN Review Board secretariat is supported by the USP.
The FDA and the USAN Council conducted an unofficial li- Joseph G Valentino, JD, serves the Board as Secretary. At the
aison until early 1967 when it was determined that a formal co- time of any appeal to the Board, representatives of the drug
operative effort in the development of nonproprietary names firm involved in the specific case can participate in the deliber-
would be more beneficial to both. In June 1967 an official agree- ations, but they have no voting privileges. The Secretary of the
ment was signed between the sponsors of the USAN Council USAN Council becomes the spokesperson for the Council. The
and the FDA that required the FDA to appoint annually one determination of the USAN Review Board is final and not sub-
voting member to the Council. This contract stipulated that the ject to appeal.
FDA would accept as the "official or established" name any
drug name the USAN Council adopted. In this agreement, the
Commissioner of the FDA reserved the right to select the offi- PROCEDURE FOR OBTAINING A USAN
cial name in those instances in which the USAN Council could
not reach consensus. It should be noted that the designation of The negotiation of a USAN originates with a drug manufac-
a name as an official or established name by the FDA did not turer, a licensee of that firm, or its legal representative. On rare
follow automatically, but rather was accomplished by publica- occasions, a formal request for a nonproprietary name will be
tion, subject to public comment, in the Federal Register. All par- initiated by an individual who has developed a substance of po-
ties upheld this agreement until it was modified 17 years later. tential therapeutic usefulness to the point where there is a dis-
On November 26, 1984, the Commissioner of Food and tinct possibility of the compound being marketed in the US. Oc-
Drugs and the Secretary of Health and Human Services pub- casionally, the initiative for the development of a USAN is
lished in the Federal Register an amendment to the FD&C Ad assumed by the FDA or the USP. The criteria set by the Coun-
that stated in part that cil for initiating the negotiation process states that the drug
must have progressed in its development to the point where
"the Food and Drug Administration agrees with 'Guiding Prin-
clinical studies have been started. At that time an Investiga-
ciples for Coining US Adopted Names for Drugs', published in
tional New Drug (IND) application must have been approved by
USAN and the USP Dictionary of Drug Names. [, and that]
the FDA.
the established name ... will ordinarily be either the compen-
The USAN application form was standardized in the early
dial name of the drug or, if there is no compendia' name, the
1970s. Currently, each nomenclature request must be submit-
common or usual name of the drug. Interested persons, in
ted on this form and accompanied by detailed chemical, phar-
the absence of the designation of an official name, may rely on
macological, and manufacturing information and reprints of
the USAN listed in USAN and the USP Dictionary of Drug
clinical studies or other published information. Use of this form
Names as being the established name in accordance with the
facilitates handling data and ensures that pertinent items have
Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act."
not been omitted. Requests for USAN are expected to conform
Today, the USAN Council is comprised of five members: one to the established Guiding Principles for the Selection of Non-
member is appointed by each of the three sponsoring organiza- proprietary Names for Drugs and to be reasonably free from
tions, one is a liaison member from the FDA, and one is a conflicts with other names, including both trademarks and

nonproprietary names. Forms can be obtained by writing to signed in the shortest possible time if the principals involved can
USAN Secretariat at the AMA Headquarters, 515 N State reach agreement with minimal negotiations.
Street, Chicago, IL 60610, or by photocopying the forms ap- USAN adoptions are scheduled for the last Wednesday of
pearing in the current edition of the USAN Handbook. each month. A Letter of Adoption and a Nomenclature State-
A description of how a proposed name eventually becomes ment formally notifies the applicant that the negotiation pro-
an adopted USAN will illustrate the process. Assume that a cess has been completed and that a USAN has been issued for
submission for a new single-entity drug has been received by the compound.
the USAN Secretariat. Under ideal circumstances, inspection After the applicant has reviewed the Nomenclature State-
of the submitted material indicates that timing of the negotia- ment, the USAN is submitted for publication in the journal Clin-
tion is correct relative to clinical investigation, information ical Pharmacology and Therapeutics (New Names column), and
supplied is properly entered on the USAN submission form, the Pharmacopeial Forum (Nomenclature Column), and posted
and adequately substantiated by CAS information and scien- in the "What's New" section of the USAN Web site. Reprints of
tific data, and that the suggested names include the proper "New Names" column are distributed to the drug manufactur-
stem for the class of compounds being considered. The negotia- ers, libraries, and pharmaceutical press representatives.
tor assigned to the USAN application will begin processing the USAN Nomenclature Statements are published for each de-
submission without delay. Obviously, if information is missing finable chemical substance and is identified by two chemical
or incomplete, valuable time will be lost contacting the appli- names: the first name is the Chemical Abstracts (CA) Index
cant for the needed data. name; the second is a systematic name developed in accordance
The initial step undertaken by the USAN staff coordinator with rules devised by the International Union of Pure and Ap-
is a review of the chemical information including the chemical plied Chemistry (IUPAC). Occasionally, a third chemical name
name, structural and molecular formulas, and the molecular may be added, one that has become firmly established through
weight listed on the application. The coordinator verifies the ac- extensive use. In conjunction with use of CA nomenclature, a
curacy of the CA Index name and Registry number against the CAS Registry number is included in the published entry. Struc-
CAS Registry File database. The chemical information then is tural and molecular formulas and the molecular weight are
forwarded to the USAN Council's chemical consultant for as- listed where applicable. The manufacturer supplies the in-
signment of the IUPAC name and an expert review of the struc- tended therapeutic classification. The name of the manufac-
tural and molecular formulas as listed by the firm. turer, brand name, manufacturer code designation, and trivial
The main work on the submission involves a detailed check name formerly used are included to further identify the new
of the suggested names for conflicts with other names; verifica- USAN. Reprints of the monthly "New Names" column are avail-
tion of the assignment of the proper stem based on a study of able on request from the USAN Council Secretariat.
the new compound relative to similar compounds, pharmaco- After reviewing the complex USAN negotiation process, one
logical action, therapeutic indication, formal ballot polling of can appreciate that the time required to approve a USAN
the Council for an informed opinion on the suitability of the varies considerably depending on a number of factors. The time
suggested names; publication of the names under consideration between submission of an application and adoption of a USAN
on the USAN Web site (, and the averages about 8 months and ranges from 4 to 26 months. A sig-
USP Pharmacopeial Forum to allow other manufacturers the nificant portion of this time, about five months or longer, may
opportunity to examine all suggested names for possible con- be required for processing by WHO. The time required may be
flict; and communication with the submitting firm to obtain its appreciably shorter when adopting a USAN for a compound
approval of a tentatively adopted name or the reaction to coun- that already has INN status (ie, a compound already marketed
terproposals from the Council. Verifying chemical structure outside the United States) or when the name does not have to
and support for therapeutic indication/method of action re- be considered by the INN Committee (EG, contact lens plastics,
quires utilization of the CAS Registry File, Prouse Trilogy, STN surgical sutures). The negotiation time is shortest when the
database, Medlines, MedScape and other pertinent databases. name being suggested is for a new salt or ester of a compound
In addition, the USAN and USP Dictionary of Names, the WHO that already has an adopted USAN (ie, for a USAN modified).
INN list, Merck Index, and Martindale may be used to verify Such names are routinely processed by the USAN Secretariat
that the proposed name is not in conflict with an existing non- and adopted following completion of review of chemical infor-
proprietary or trade name. mation. Such negotiations may take only 3 to 4 months.
Selecting even a tentatively adopted USAN often requires The process chart for the process of approval can be found in
considerable negotiation between the Council and the appli- Chart 27-1.
cant. The Council conducts its negotiation activities by corre-
spondence. It is important to note that generally a name will not
achieve the first level of tentative adoption until it has been
found unanimously acceptable to all members of the USAN LIAISON RELATIONSHIP WITH THE US
Council and to the submitting firm. FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION
Once a tentatively adopted USAN has been selected, the
USAN Secretariat forwards this name and appropriate back- The FDA and the USAN Council conducted an unofficial liaison
ground information to the WHO INN Committee Secretariat lo- until early 1967 when it was determined that a formal cooper-
cated in Geneva, Switzerland. Names under review by the ative effort in the development of nonproprietary names would
USAN Council are forwarded to nomenclature agencies of sev- be more beneficial to both. In June 1967, an official agreement
eral countries. Input from other countries helps avoid selection was signed between the sponsors of the USAN Council and the
of a USAN that has an unacceptable and unintended negative FDA to appoint annually one voting member to the Council.
or pejorative connotation in another language. The INN Com- This contract stipulated that the FDA would accept as the "of-
mittee undertakes an evaluative procedure not unlike that con- ficial or established" name any drug name the USAN Council
ducted by the USAN Council, and this process takes approxi- adopted. In this agreement, the Commissioner of the FDA re-
mat ely fiv e months, but may extend longer. A formal negotiation served the right to select the official name in those instances in
is initiated to accept the tentative USAN or to consider an INN which the USAN Council could not reach consensus. It should
counterproposal if there is a problem with use of the original be noted that the designation of a name as an "official or estab-
name in other countries. Only when it becomes apparent that the lished" name by the FDA did not follow automatically but was
tentative name is acceptable to the USAN Council, the submit- accomplished by publication, subject to public comment, in the
ting manufacturer, and, in most cases, the INN Committee will Federal Register. All parties upheld this agreement until it was
it be formally adopted as a USAN. Therefore, a USAN will be as- modified 17 years later.

Adopt name as a USAN

Manufacturer submits
proposed names to Alternate nam
USAN Secretariat NO accepted by YES
with appropriate WHO?
fee-for-secs ice

Background research
and verification
completed by Alternate nam
USAN staff YES accepted by YES

Compile background
data for USAN
Council members and Alternate Name
send letter/ballot with name accepted NO accepted
proposed names, by firm? by WHO?
including staffs
alternative suggested
Send alternative
suggested names
to manufacturer
Staff submits
application to WHO
on behalf of
Prepare new ballot manufacturer with
including alternative name selected by the
unanimously NO
suggested names and USAN Council
send to Council


USAN negotiator
YES notifies manufacturer
of Council's decision

Chart 27 1. Process Chart for Approval Process.


On November 26, 1984, the Commissioner of Food and USAN and the USP Dictionary of Drug Names as being the
Drugs and the Secretary of Health and Human Services pub- established name in accordance with the Federal Food, Drug,
lished in the Federal Register an amendment to the FD&C Act and Cosmetic Act."
that stated in part that " the Food and Drug Administra- The FDA also plays a role when a manufacturer seeks to reg-
tion agrees with "Guiding Principles for Coining US Adopted ister a trademark (proprietary name) for a drug entity that has
Names for Drugs," published in USAN and the USP Dictio- been assigned a USAN. Within the Center for Drug Evaluation
nary of Drug Names "and that the established name and Research (CDER) of the FDA, the Labeling and Nomencla-
will ordinarily be either the compendia name of the drug ture Committee (LNC) provides recommendations on the ac-
or, if there is no compendia name, the common or usual name ceptability of proposed proprietary names. One of the criteria
of the drug. Interested persons, in the absence of the designa- for rejection is use of USAN syllables or stems in the proposed
tion of an official name, may rely on the USAN listed in trademark.

INTERNATIONAL NONPROPRIETARY prietary Names (pINN)." From the date ofpublication, 4 months
are allowed for member states or other interested parties to sub-
NAMES mit comments or objections to any proposal. An objection gener-
The USAN Council functions primarily to serve the health pro- ally reflects a belief that the proposal is confusingly close to (ie,
fessions in the US. however, at a time when drug manufactur- conflicts with) a name already in use. If no objection is received,
ers market their products in many countries and medical and the proposed INN will attain the status of recommended INN.
pharmaceutical literature is widely translated around the Subsequently, WHO will publish the name as a "recommended
world, the need for cooperation in nomenclature activities International Nonproprietary Name (rINN)." The WHO pub-
among the major drug-producing countries clearly is evident. lishes lists of rINN on a biannual basis. Many member states
In addition to the USAN Council, nomenclature agencies ex- then recognize the rINN as the sole or preferred nonproprietary
ist in Great Britain, France, Italy, Japan, Spain, the Nordic name for use in their respective countries.
countries, and Switzerland. These agencies function at varying A cumulative list of INN and the guidelines for coining an
levels of authority and work with their pharmaceutical indus- INN (INN for Pharmaceutical Substances) can be obtained
tries to select appropriate nonproprietary names for drugs mar- from the World Health Organization in Geneva, Switzerland.
keted within their borders. These agencies maintain liaisons The INN Cumulative List now contains more than 7000 names
with each other and coordinate the approval of identical for drug entities. The INN Committee adds 120 to 150 new des-
nomenclature rules and the selection of identical nonpropri- ignations each year.
etary names Guidelines on the Use of International Nonproprietary
To prevent the confusion that arises when several nonpro- Names (INN) for Pharmaceutical Substances is available, on
prietary names used for a single drug, either in the same coun- CD-ROM, for public distribution.
try or in different countries, the WHO has assumed the respon-
sibility for coordinating drug nomenclature at the international
level. Through its Committee on Nonproprietary Names, whose PHILOSOPHY OF THE USAN PROGRAM
members are drawn from representatives of the national
nomenclature agencies, WHO has developed procedures and A closer examination of nonproprietary names for drugs will
formulated guiding principles for the selection of International likely result in an inaccurate understanding of present nomen-
Nonproprietary Names (INN). National nomenclature agencies clature practices Many drug names for products on the market
usually act as agents for the drug manufacturers by referring were coined prior to the creation of systematized nomenclature
mutually selected designations (usually prior to national adop- procedures, principles, and drug classifications. Indeed, many
tion) to the WHO with a request that these names be selected of the older names demonstrate the obvious need for selection
as INN. of useful, simple, and appropriate nonproprietary names for
A drug manufacturer located in a country without a nomen- drugs. Existing names, therefore, reflect a mixture of old and
clature agency is permitted to make a direct submission for a new nomenclature practices and philosophies. In many in-
nonproprietary name to the INN Committee or, alternatively, stances, poor naming of drugs was due to the now discarded
to an established nomenclature agency in another country, practice of condensing the full chemical name into a chemically
preferably a country in which the pharmaceutical preparation oriented nonproprietary name, eg, (1) amphetamine was as-
is likely to be marketed. signed to the parent central stimulant, and methamphetamine
INN are selected for substances that can be characterized to its methyl analog; and (2) the large perazine antipsychotic
unequivocally by a chemical name or formula, and exceptions to seriesbutapera zine, pro chl o rp era zine le ompa zine trifl u op-
this rule are rare. The INN is designated for the active part of erazine [Stelazine]have very close names, represented by
the molecule only. The INN program does not select names for chlorpromazine [Thorazine] and triflupromazine [Vesprin].
mixtures or herbal substances. Names for each new member in the perazine or promazine se-
ries were devised by adding a structure-based prefix, such as
but- (butyl group), prochlor- (propyl- and chloro-), trifluo-
THE WHO NOMENCLATURE PROGRAM uoro-) to the base name -perazine. At the time this practice
came into being, the chemistry of most drugs was not too com-
In 1915 the International Pharmaceutical Federation estab- plex, nor were there that many drugs on the market. The
lished a Committee on International Nomenclature and as- nomenclature confusion was lessened because each of these
signed it the responsibility for identifying each pharmaceutical agents was marketed under a short, memorable trademark.
substance by a globally available and unique nonproprietary With advancing chemical complexity of drug entities, however,
name. The WHO Constitution in 1946 relegated the duty of nonproprietary names so derived became increasingly long and
drug nomenclature to the WHO. By 1953, the WHO initiated difficult to spell, pronounce, or remember. Using the above pre-
the selection and publication of International Nonproprietary sented perazine series as an example, one can see that it be-
Names (INN) for pharmaceutical substances. The present INN comes increasingly more difficult to distinguish one perazine
program is administered by the Secretariat (Dr. Raffaella from the others.
Balocco-Matavelli) located in Geneva, Switzerland. Nonpropri- In addition to the problems caused by the complexity of the
etary names are selected biannually by members of the WHO word itself, chemically derived names have been criticized be-
Expert Advisory Panel on the International Pharmacopoeia cause they fail to provide useful information to anyone but a sci-
and Pharmaceutical Preparations, Nomenclature Section. This entist involved in drug development.
advisory panel is comprised of representatives from national Nonproprietary nomenclature is intended primarily for
nomenclature groups (ie, the USAN Council Secretary, the physicians, pharmacists, and those in related health profes-
British Approved Names (BAN) Committee Secretary, the sions. A physician is not concerned with the sometimes subtle
French, Japanese, and Spanish nomenclature Secretariats, and structural manipulation of molecules that produce a potential
representatives from Nigeria, Tunisia, and Poland. The process new drug. His or her primary concern is to understand the
of INN selection is similar to that utilized to select a USAN. Af- drug's pharmacological and therapeutic properties. Therefore,
ter the manufacturer submits an application, review and objec- it must be emphasized again that nonproprietary names should
tions periods are followed by selection of the INN. Details of the be coined in such a way as to be most useful to the health pro-
process are explained below. fessionals who are their primary users.
Under its charter, the WHO is empowered simply to recom- A well-coined nonproprietary name should be distinctive.
mend specific actions or procedures to its Members States. The How many hundreds of drug names begin with the familiar let-
WHO INN Committee initially publishes in WHO Drug Infor- ters di-, tri-, meth-, chlor-, oxy-, or phen-? Repetitious use of
mation the selected names as "proposed International Nonpro- chemical prefixes leads to similar, look-alike, and sound-alike

names, so this practice has now been discarded. By abandoning

strict adherence to chemical antecedents, names can be made CH., pH
not only simpler but also unique. H
To assign meaningful nonproprietary names to new drug C CH H
compounds, it is necessary to indicate through the name any re- HOHC
lationship that exists between the new entity and established
drugs. Conversely, inappropriate names suggesting nonexis-
tent relationships are misleading and must be avoided. The No,
USAN Council has used standardized prefixes, infixes, or suf-
fixes in nonproprietary names to classify and relate new chem- Figure 27-2. Illustrative of poor practice in nomenclature are the com-
ical entities to existing drug families. These standardized syl- pounds fluorometholone (A) and oxymetholone (B). The compounds are
lables collectively are called stems, and they can emphasize a not as closely related as the names suggest.
special chemical nucleus, a pharmacological property, or a com-
bination of both these attributes.
Chemically derived stems Council increasingly has developed this principle, which is typ-
cef- (cephalosporins) ified by the examples in Figure 27-3.
cefotetan, cefmetazole, cefixima
Figure 27-3 depicts a basic glucocorticoid structure (gluco-
-nab- (c annabinols)
dronabinol, tinabinol corticoids, in themselves, being a division of the broader cate-
-con azole s ( antifunga 1 i midazoles) gory of steroids) in which the R groups indicate the positions at
ketoconazo/e, fluconazo/e, cisconazobe which the principal differences in the subseries occur. There is
Pharmacologically derived stems no common suffix for the entire glucocorticoid series, but the
-stat- (enzyme inhibitors) suffixes ol one, sone, and onide are indicative of this series and
- - -

a lrestatin , lovastatin are used in the stems of the various subseries.

-vir- (antivirals) A more recent example of stem subdivision is represented by
aciclovir, ribavirin, viroxime
the various subgroups formed based on the stem vir: the vir
-astine (antihistaminic s)
stem represents drugs exhibiting antiviral properties, which
acrivastine., temelastine, zepastine
Combination Stems was further subdivided to form the subclassification amivir for -

-olol (propranolol-type beta-blockers) antivirals capable of inhibiting the enzyme neuraminidase, -ci-
timo/o/, ateno/o/ clovir for acyclovir-type antivirals, -virsen for antisense antivi-
-profen (ibuprofen-type anti-inflammatory/analgesic agents) rals, navir for antiviral HIV protease inhibitors, plus other

ibuprofen, flurbiprofen lesser known subclasses of antivirals.

-tecan (camptothecine antineoplastics) The use of common stems to indicate particular classes of
topote can, irinotecan drugs is reexamined constantly by the USAN Council. The de-
The USAN recommended list of stems (see Appendix A) is re- velopment of nomenclature for the tetracycline series of drugs
vised and updated regularly to keep pace with the changing (Fig 27-4) demonstrates the review and revision processes by
chemical and pharmacological nature of new drugs. which the Council's principles are assessed to ensure their va-
Again, a random survey of names for drugs currently in use lidity in the light of current nomenclature requirements. The
will show a mixture of "old" and "new" nomenclature practices. first drugs in this series were chlortetracycline and oxytetracy-
In fact, such a survey, presented below, should illustrate effec- cline, both of which can be converted chemically to the parent
tively the principles behind the newer nomenclature approach. compound, tetracycline. Further research led to still another
Figure 27-1 presents a pair of compounds named many variant, demethylchlortetracycline, which, in keeping with the
years ago, meprobamate and carisoprodol, that are related both standard practice of the time, was named in strict accordance
chemically and pharmacologically; despite these similarities,
the drugs have dissimilar names.

The opposite situation is illustrated in Figure 27-2; the rela-
tionship between fluorometholone and oxymetholone is limited
to the classification of both agents as steroids: fluorometholone CH
is an anti-inflammatory corticostero id, and oxymetholone is an
anabolic 17u-alkylated testosterone derivative used as an ery- CH-
thropoietic. This class of compounds, however, is so large and so
diverse that the common ring nucleus alone is hardly sufficient
to warrant the use of a common stem ( metholone). -

The steroids are, in fact, typical of several large groups of

compounds that (within each group) exhibit somewhat similar
chemical and pharmacological properties. B ecause of diversity Figure 27-3. The R groups indicate the position on the glucocorticoid nu-
within the group, however, it is desirable to establish subseries cleus where the principal modifications occur. Such changes give rise to
of names based on the nature of the substituent groups and on various structurally defined subseries differentiated by means of the fol-
the placement of such substituents. In recent years the USAN lowing stems:
-cinolone triamcinolone
H3 -cortolone fluocortolone
NH,CDOC hi,? CH g 00CHH,
H3 -sone cloticasone
NH p COOCH, C C H ,00c NH CHICHA ticabesone
-met(h)asone dexamethasone
Figure 27-1. Meprobamate (top) and carisoprodol (bottom) are closely -onide (16,17-acetal)
related chemically and pharmacologically; the assigned names, however, -cinonide arricinonide
do not indicate this relationship. fluocinonide

OH O OH - vastatin subgroup
If 01i
CONH2 1. mevastatin


C1 HO CH, N CH Or. H
41 OH
Figure 27-4. Chlortetracycline. Other names in this series include rolite- H5C2O00 (CH2)2
tracycline, meclocycline, and amicycline.
CH 3

with its chemical derivation to represent the desmethyl variant

of chlortetracycline. The next member of this series to require a 2. lovastatin
nonproprietary name was characterized by a distinctive pyr -ro-
lidine group and, following traditional patterns, the name H
might have become pyrrolidinotetracycline. Instead, the first S
step was taken toward simplifying names in this series by H5,02
C Co (cH,-.) 2
shortening the prefix, and the resulting name became rolite- T CH-
tracycline. The logical next step taken by the USAN Council
CH di
members was to drop the syllables tetra from the suffixes of
newer nonproprietary names for drugs in this group, thus yield- H3C
ing simpler and more useful designations. Examples of such
designations are amicycline, sancycline, and doxycycline; the 3. sim vastatin
series stem became cycline. -

Although it is a very difficult thing to do for several valid rea- CH 3 0
sons, occasionally the need and the opportunity arise to go back 1
H 5 C 2 --1) OH
and change the poorly coined name of a well-established drug.
Such was the case with demethylchlortetracycline. The name of CH
this compound, which is commercially available as the hy-
drochloride salt, was changed to demeclocycline hydrochloride.
Captopril and the subsequently named angiotens in-convert-
ing enzyme inhibitors (enalapril, spirapril, quinapril, etc) were 4. pra vastabil O
assigned names using the pril stem derived from proline, a com-
mon structural feature present in members of this series (Fig HO HO " OH

27-5). The second member, enalapril, a tripeptide derivative, is
a substituted alanylethyl ester. Later, when the di-acid form of V*.)2
enalapril was made available, the pril stem was modified to pri- CH
tat (eg, enalaprilat) to accommodate this structural change .111
from the ethyl ester to the acid.
The stat stem has been used to identify various enzyme in- HO
hibitors. As the series developed, it became apparent that sub-
division was needed to group chemically related agents inhibit- -restat- subgroup
ing a specific enzyme. Two very prominent subgroups in this
1. a irestatin 2. tolrestat
series are (1) vastatinfiMG CoA reductase inhibitors (mevas-
- -

tatin, lovastatin, simvastatin, pravastatin), and (2) restat for - -
the aldose-reductase inhibitors (alrestatin, tolrestat) as seen in
Figure 27-6.
0 T

/0C 2 H 5
CH 3 0
.CH3 CF:%
;C\ Figure 27-6. The -vastatin and -restat subgroups within the large stat
- CH2C1-1.,] N C=0
HSH,C 0 (enzyme inhibitors) series.
r.1 GOOr
L, H
H These examples illustrate the USAN Council's developed
enalapril policy of coining meaningful nonproprietary names. Its aim is
to select short, unique names that are informative and useful to
the primary health providers, the medical and related health
professionals. These examples also illustrate the Council's pol-
icy of establishing classifications of stems based on chemical
T C)H 171 ifrCH 3 and/or pharmacological similarities and of subdividing stem
classifications by the addition of, usually, structurally based in-
; G\ fixes to create a taxonomy of drug nomenclature useful to the
CH7CH 2 N o intended primary target of this nomenclature system, the vari-
N ,C001-- ous health practitioners.
Figure 27-5. The pril series of related angiotensin-converting enzyme in- After adoption of a USAN, the entry is submitted for publica-
hibitors. Hydrolysis of the ethyl ester of enalapril produced the modifica- tion in the "New Names" column in the journal of Clinical Phar-
tion from pril to prilat. macology and Therapeutics and is transmitted to the USP for

publication in the annually released USP Dictionary of USAN designation for such drug ... to encourage manufacturers to rely on
and International Drug Names. The 35th edition of the USP their corporate name and the international nonproprietary names,
dictionary contained 8713 nonproprietary drug name entries, rather than on trademarks, to promote and market multisource
products introduced after patent expiration."
with more than 4115 trademarks.
With the growing number of USAN/INN and brand names, The USAN Council also recognizes that trademarks constitute intellec-
the possibility of conflicts between nonproprietary names, be- tual property fbr their holders. USAN Council encourages manufactur-
tween trademarks, and between trademarks and nonpropri- ers of multisource prescription drug products, other than those who ob-
tained the original NDA approvals, to rely on the USAN and their
etary names has increased significantly. A frequent source of
corporate names in marketing such products instead of creating addi-
conflict in the latter category is the practice of piggybacking on tional trademarks. Nevertheless, USAN Council recognizes that the use
the USAN/INN or the incorporation of a nomenclature stem in of trademarks is common and valuable in marketing over-the-counter
the trademark. If trademark registration is obtained for names drug products and is often useful in special cases with prescription drug
containing an officially reserved stem, this may diminish the products. Such special cases may arise when, fbr example, (1) there are
freedom of the USAN and the INN programs in the selection of differences in bioavailability between a drug product marketed by an in-
further nonproprietary names in the same series of substances. novator firm and a later version introduced by the same or another firm,
To inhibit this practice at the WHO INN level, the issue of and (2) drug products, containing the same drug substance but with dif-
piggybacking and incorporation of the official stems into trade- ferent uses, are introduced "to develop policy guidelines on the use and
protection of international nonproprietary names, and to discourage the
marks was taken up in a resolution of the World Health As-
use of names derived from INNs, and particularly names including es-
sembly WHA46.19. Based on recommendations made by the tablished INN stems as trade-marks." The USAN Council discourages
WHO Expert Committee on the use of Essential Drugs, resolu- the use in trademarks of substantial portions of USAN and established
tion WHA46.19 on Nonproprietary Names for pharmaceutical USAN stems. This practice is an infringement on USAN and an imped-
substances was adopted in May 1993, during the 46th World i ment to the work of USAN Council in establi shing new USAN in a class
Health Assembly. of drugs. It should be noted that USAN Council attempts to avoid es-
WHA resolution WAH46.19 was discussed by the USAN tablishing USAN that are in conflict with US and foreign trademarks as
Council, and on January 22,1996, the USAN Council approved well as other nonproprietary names of drugs. Furthermore, the USAN
Council is cognizant of the US FD&C Act, Section 508(A), which states,
the following statement as part of its nomenclature policy.
in part, "[I]n no event ... shall the secretary establish an official name
Co-Existence of Nonproprietary Names and Trademarks so as to infringe a valid trademark."
In devising the Guiding Principles fbr coining USAN for drugs, the pro-
gram originators included a rule stating that a USAN "should he free
from conflict with other nonproprietary names and with established The USAN Council was established to serve the health professions in
trademarks and should be neither confusing nor misleading." Through the US by
its various name-screening procedures, the Council Staff attempts to
1. Selecting simple, informative, and unique nonproprietary names for
comply with this requirement. Unfortunately, the same kind of protec-
tion is not afforded to nonproprietary names by many drug manufac-
2. Establishing a logical nomenclature classification based on pharma-
turers. The USAN Council, WHO INN Committee, and other nomencla-
cological and/or chemical relationships.
ture committees have actively discouraged the undesirable practices of
3. Formulating nomenclature rules for selecting appropriate nonpro-
devising trademarks from the nonproprietary names or incorporating
prietary names for drugs.
into trademarks the s tems used by the nomenclature committees to cre-
ate new nonproprietary names. The USAN Council, other national nomenclature groups, and the WHO
Nomenclature Committee aim for global standardization and unifica-
USAN Statement on WHA Resolution 46.19
tion of drug nomenclature and related rules to ensure that drug infor-
As the designated drug nomenclature agency of the US, the USAN mation is communicated accurately and unambiguously.
Council is responsible fbr the Se l ction of simple and useful nonpropri-
etary names for drugs and such related substances as pharmaceutic
aids, contact lens plastics, surgical materials, diagnostic agents, carri-
ers, and excipients. The USAN Council cooperates and works with the GUIDING PRINCIPLES FOR COINING
WHO in devising nonproprietary names for drugs, in standardizing
drug nomenclature, and in establishing rules governing the classifica- UNITED STATES ADOPTED NAMES
tion of new substances. FOR DRUGS
In 1993, the WHO Executive Board placed Resolution WHA46.19 be-
fore the World Health Assembly (WHA) seeking to encourage the WHO By definition, nonproprietary names are not subject to propri-
member states to intensify their effbrts to discourage manufacturers etary trademark rights, but exist entirely in the public domain.
from devising trademarks derived from recommended International This feature distinguishes them from the trademarked names
Nonproprietary Names (rINN) and from including INN stems in trade- that have been registered for private use. A USAN is a nonpro-
marks. Resolution WHA46.19 was adopted by the 46th WHA on May 12,
prietary name selected by the USAN Council according to prin-
1993. Resolution WHA46.19 was discussed by the USAN Council on
January 28, 1994. The USAN Council agreed in principle with the res- ciples developed to ensure safety, consistency, and logic in the
olution statements and supported the premises stated in the resolution. choice of names. These principles take into account practical
The expression of general support for WHA Resolution 46.19, al- considerations, such as the existence of trademarks and the
though in keeping with the historical support by the USAN Council for fact that the intended uses of substances for which names are
harmonization of global drug nomenclature policies, has led to a misap- being selected may change. These guidelines are and must be
prehension of USAN Council views in some US-based and multinational sufficiently flexible to be revised if this is considered to be de-
pharmaceutical corporations and associations. A statement of the sirable and/or necessary.
USAN Council's views is provided below.
General Rules
WHO Resolution WHA46.19: Nonproprietary Names for
Pharmaceutical Substances 1. A nonproprietary name should be useful primarily to health practi-
tioners, especially physicians, dentists, pharmacists, nurses, educa-
The Forty-sixth World Health Assembly Requests Member States:
tors, and veterinarians.
"... to enact rules or regulations, as necessary, to ensure that inter- a. The primary criterion for judging usefulness is suitability, in-
national nonproprietary names (or the equivalent nationally ap- cluding safety for use in the routine processes of prescribing, or-
proved generic names) used in labeling and advertising of pharma- dering, dispensing, and administering drugs throughout the
ceutical products are always displayed prominently.' United States.
b. The second criterion is suitability for use in educational programs
The principle that the USAN should be prominently displayed is not an
for students in medically oriented professions and for use in sci-
issue in the US, as this has been required by the FD&C Act for more
entific and lay publications.
than three decades. Section 502(E) requires, for labeling, that
c. The third criterion is suitability for use internationally for drug
"[t]he established name ... is printed prominently and in type at identification, for the exchange of information and translation
least half as large as that used thereon fbr any proprietary name or into different languages.

2. Attributes that contribute to usefulness are simplicity (brevity and 2. Additionally, these letter combinations are restricted until further
ease of pronunciation), euphony, and ready recognition and recall. notice. Please avoid the following prefixes:
a. The name for the active moiety of a drug should be a single word, a. the beginning letter "z"
preferably with no more than four syllables. b. the beginning letter combination of "me"
b. The name fbr the active moiety may be modified by a single term, c. the beginning letter combination of "str"
preferably with no more than four syllables, to show a chemical d. chemical connotations such as, "hen", "bun "cat", "cell', "fen", "flu",
modification, such as salt or ester formation (eg, cortisone acetate "giro"
from cortisone, cefamandole sodium from cefamandole, ery- e. Chemical symbols unless present in the compound, "al", "ba",
thromycin acistrate from erythromycin). "can, "li", "ni"
c. Only under compelling circumstances is a name with more than
In order to facilitate the development of names that will be accepted
one modifying term acceptable (eg, pharmaceuticals containing
on an international level please note:
radioactive isotopes, the different classes of interferons).
d. Acronyms, initials, and condensed words may be acceptable in A. The fbllowing letter combinations pose pronunciation problems in
otherwise appropriate terminology. several languages:
3. A name should reflect characteristics and relationships that will be
of practical value to the users. -rs-
a. A common, simple word element (a "stem") should be incorpo-
rated in the names of all members of a group of related drugs
when pertinent, common characteristics can be identified (eg, B. The letter sequence "-m" and "-n" followed by consonants may be re-
similarity of pharmacological action). When pharmacological sim- garded as difficult.
ilarity is found in drugs of distinctly different chemical nature, 1) "m" before a consonant other than "p", "n", or "b"
stems should differ (eg, the antipsychotics, promazine and 2) -nb-, and -np- should be avoided
haloperidol; the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents [NSAID], C. The letter sequence "-vr" should be avoided.
ibuprofen, etodolac, and isoxicam). D. In addition, it should be kept in mind that there is, in some lan-
b. Distinctive terminology should be used for specific drugs or guages, no distinction between:
groups (eg, insulin I 131, dextran 40, interferon alfa-2a and in- "b" and "v" or "p"
terferon alfa-nl; licryfilcon A and licryfilcon B; epoetin alfa and "1" and "r"
epoetin beta). before "e" and "i": "z" and "g"
4. A name should be free from conflict with other nonproprietary
names and with established trademarks and should be neither con- 3. Isolated letters, numbers, or hyphenations are restricted to those
fusing nor misleading. groups of substances for which such usage fulfills a clearly demon-
a. Prefixes that imply "better,' "newer,' or "more effective,' or evoke strable purpose (eg, interferon alfa-2b, paflufocon A, technetium Tc
the name of the manufacturer, dosage form, duration of action or 99m siboroxime).
rate of drug release should not be used. 4. Group relationships in a name preferably should be indicated
b. Prefixes that refer to an anatomical connotation or medical con- by use of syllables or stems; conversely, use of the stem for other
dition are not acceptable. than the appropriate group should be avoided. When multiple
c. Prefixes that indicate a chemical element or compound (Ca, Ni, stems are available, the stem conveying the most information
and Stannous) are not acceptable. should be used.
5. Preference should be given to names of established usage provided 5. Esters, salts, chelates, and complexes ordinarily require a two-word
they confbrm to these guiding principles and are determined to be name to indicate the inactive as well as the active portion.
free from conflict with existing nonproprietary names and trade- 6. The preferred order for the name of an inorganic salt is cation-an-
marks. ion (eg, sodium bromide). The same order is preferred for well-
6. Identical negotiations submitted by two or more manufacturers will known salts of simple organic acids (eg, sodium lactate, magne-
be conducted in accordance with the Council's practice of maintain- sium citrate, potassium acetate). However, for more complex
ing confidentiality. The applicants involved will not be notifi ed of the organic compounds, the pharmacologically active portion should be
multiple sources of the submission. However, the name selected by identified first (eg, oxacillin sodium, ibuprofen piconol, dexibupro-
the USAN Council will need to be accepted by each manufacturer in- fen lysine).
volved in the negotiation process. 7. A name for a salt or ester generally should be derived from the name
7. A request for a USAN should be made after the drug manufacturer of the pharmacologically active moiety or corresponding acid (eg,
or sponsor has submitted an Investigational New Drug (IND) appli- sodium acetate or ethyl acetate, derived from acetic acid). When a
cation to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to obtain per- nonacid suffix is used, as in the penicillin series, a salt should be
mission to initiate studies on humans. named without modification of the parent acid name (eg, oxacillin
8. Deferred Negotiations: sodium, derived from oxacillin). Names for different salts or esters of
a. The USAN Council Secretariat will defer an ongoing negotiation the same active moiety should differ only in the name of the inactive
for 6 months plus one additional 3-month extension upon receipt portion; exceptions are permissible when the salt and ester forms
of a written request from the manufacturer. If the USAN Council possess pharmacologic activity.
has selected a name candidate and recommended this name to 8. A name for the salt form of the pharmacologically active moiety is
the manufacturer, the maximum deferral is one 6-month period. specific to the number of molecules used to react with the active moi-
b. The negotiation will be canceled after the maximum 9-month de- ety (eg, balsalazide dzsodium, gusperimus trzhydrochloride). If only
ferral has lapsed. one molecule is used to react with the active moiety, the designation
c. If the negotiation is to be reopened at a later time, it will receive for the salt name is used without reference to the mono- prefix (eg,
a new USAN file number and will be treated as a new application. besipirdine hydrochloride, afbvirsen hydrochloride). [This rule was
The manufacturer will be expected to submit a new USAN nego- formulated and approved in January 1993; different requirements
tiation form, update the background information, and submit the were applied prior to this date.]
appropriate user's fee. 9. A name for a quaternary ammonium substance should designate the
cation and anion separately (eg, octonium bromide, not octonine
Specific Rules methylbromide). The name assigned to the cation must contain the
1. Because of the international exchange of drug information, specific -aim suffix stem.
guidelines have been formulated to ensure appropriate translation 10. A name fbr a complex of two or more components should list the
of nonproprietary names into other languages. The following rules of name of the principal active ingredient followed by a coined desig-
preferred spelling should be used when coining USAN designations: nation for the second component ending with an "-ex" " suffix to
a. the letter "f" should be used instead of "ph" indicate "complex" " (eg, bisacodyl tann ex, doxycycline fosfatex).
b. the letter "t" should be used instead of "th" Complexes formed from sulfonated diethenylb enzene-ethenylben-
c. the letter "e" should be used instead of "ae" or "ae" zene copolymers and an active ingredient should list the name of the
d. the letter "i" should be used instead of "y" principal active ingredient followed by "polistirex" (eg, chlor-
e. the letter "h" should be avoided pheniramine polistirex, codeine poli stirex).
f. the letter "k" should be avoided. 11. A name for a drug containing a radioactive atom should list, in the
g. the letter "j" should be avoided. order given: (1) the name of the drug containing the radioactive
h. the letter "w" should be avoided. atom, (2) the element symbol, (3) the isotope number, and (4) the
i. "ar", "rac", "lev", "dex", or "es" are reserved for stereachemical name of the carrier agent, if any (eg, rose bengal sodium I 131,
configurations cyanocobalamin Co 60, potassium bromide Br 82, technetium Tc

99m butilfenin, technetium Tc 99m medronate, indium In 111 The first member of a series is assigned a unique nonproprietary
oxyquinoline, indium In 111 satumomab pendetide). name containing the proper filcon or -focon suffix stem. A separate cap-
12. A name for a substance generally should not indicate the state of hy- ital letter "A" is added after each parent designation. Subsequent des-
dration, the morphology, or the mode of preparation. Reference to ignations for polymers consisting of identical monomers receive the
the water of hydration is retained in the chemical information same parent name but a different appended letter ( B, C, D, etc). These
(chemical names, formulas, weight) but is excluded from the non- letters are needed to differentiate between polymers of identical
proprietary name. The degree of hydration becomes a part of the monomeric units but with different ratios of units that have different
chemical entity identified by the USAN. physiochemical properties, as determined by water content, oxygen per-
13. Under the terms of the Orphan Drug Act of 1983, the development meability [Dk] value, specific gravity, refractive index, surface charge,
and marketing of drug products that are of limited commercial ap- wetting angle, elasticity, and toughness of the lens.
plication but that are potentially useful in relatively rare disease A contact lens material having the same repeating monomeric units
conditions are encouraged. The selection of a name for an orphan as a named substance but made by a different manufacturing process
drug may be based on special considerations. Therefore, when the (eg, lathe-cut versus cast-molded) is not required to obtain a new USAN
name for an orphan drug appears to follow a more chemically ori- if the lens material has the same water content and oxygen permeabil-
ented terminology style than is customary for drug nomenclature ity as the initially named polymer.
generally, this is not to be regarded as a basis or a precedent for a fu- The addition of a surface treatment to an existing lens material that
ture selection of a USAN. has been assigned a USAN does not require a new USAN.
14. A name coined for a new chemical entity routinely does not specify
the stereoisomeric form of the molecule in the nonproprietary name. a. A new USAN will not be assigned to contact lens materials contain-
If the stereachemical configuration has been determined, this infor- ing chemically bound or physically entrapped color additives. The
mation is presented in the chemical name(s) and is reflected in the USAN Council defers to FDA labeling rules to identify color addi-
structural formula. A USAN can, therefore, identify the racemic tives used to make tinted lenses.
mixture (eg, carnitine, ibuprofen, tetramisole), the levo isomer (eg, b. A new USAN will not be assigned to contact lens materials contain-
remoxipride, quadazocine), or the dextro form (eg, butopamine). ing either chemically bound or physically entrapped ultraviolet ab-
Subsequently, if a name is needed for a different enantiomer or for sorbers. The USAN Council defers to the Food and Drug Adminis-
the racemic form, the following prefixes should be added to the ex- tration labeling rules to identify UV absorber used to make these
isting name: lenses.
a. For the racemate, the rac-h- ace- prefix is used (eg, racemethion- A revision of the guiding principles regarding the publication time-
ine, racepinephrine, ractopamine). frame of USAN for contact lens materials, was approved by the USAN
b. For the levorotatmy form, the "(S)" isomer, the lev-/levo- prefix is
Council at their February, 10, 2003, meeting. Therefore, information on
used (eg, levocarnitine, levamisole, levcromakalim, levdobu- USAN for contact lens materials, will not be published until the manu-
tamine). facturer files a Premarket Approval Application (PMA) with the FDA's
c. For the levo rotatory form but for the "(R)" isomer, ["11(-)n-isomer],
Center for Devices.
the "ar-" prefix is added to the base name. Contact lens materials are not assigned nonproprietary names
d. For the dextrorotatcay form, the "(li)" isomer, the dex-Idextro- by the World Health Organization International Nonproprietary
prefix is used (eg, dexamisole, dexibuprofen, dextroam-
Names Committee. Names for contact lens polymers have USAN
phetami ne, dexverapa mil, dexrazoxane , dexfosfoserine, status only.
e. For the dextro rotatory fbrm but for the "(S)" isomer ["S(+ )"-iso- Specific Nomenclature Rules for Biological Products
mer], the "es-" prefix is added to the base name. The USAN Council has been involved in coining names for various bio-
15. Official names have been selected for a number of radicals and logical products: the insulins, interferons, interleukins, growth hor-
adducts used to form salts or esters of the pharmacologically active mones, colony-stimulating factors, cytokines, and monoclonal antibod-
moiety. In a majority of cases, these names represent contractions of ies. With increasing development of highly purified biological extracts
the chemical name assigned to the radical or adduct. In four specific and recombinant materials, the Council expects to have an increasingly
cases, the official name identifies a multicomponent adduct: greater role in developing nomenclature rules for these agents.
austrate identifies the 2r-acetate (ester) and octadecanoate (salt) Listed below are specific guidelines created by the USAN Council, in
(eg, erythromycin acistrate). conjunction with the FDA, the US FDA Center for Biologics Evaluation
probutate identifies the double ester 1-oxobutoxy and 1-oxo- and Research (CBER), and the WHO INN Committee.
propoxy (eg, hydrocortisone probutate). InterferonsThe following multi-tiered style for creating nonpro-
estolate identifies the double salt propanoate and dodecyl sulfate prietary names for new interferons was adopted by the USAN Council:
(eg, erythromycin estolate).
hydrate identifies the monohydrochloride salt, hemiethanolate, 1, The word interferon is the first element in the name. Interferon is
hemihydrate combination (eg, doxyclin hycl ate). defined as the class name for a family of species-specific proteins
(or glycoproteins) that are produced according to information en-
The complete list of official names for radicals is presented under Ap- coded by species of interferon genes, and exert complex antineo-
pendix B. plastic, antiviral, and immunomodulating effects. The three main
forms of interferon used in therapy are interferon alfa (formerly
Specific Nomenclature Rules for Contact-Lens Materials
leukocyte or lymphoblastoid interferon), interferon beta (formerly
The USAN Council began its involvement i n the area of polymer nomen- fibroblast interferon), and interferon gamma (formerly immune
clature in 1971 and formulated the first nomenclature rules for assign- interferon).
ing nonproprietary names to contact lens materials in 1972. Based on 2. The appropriate Greek letter (spelled out) is the second word of the
then-available polymer technology and input from the Food and Drug name: alfa, beta, gamma.
Administration, lens polymers were divided into the filcon (hydrophilic) 3. An appropriate Arabic numeral and letter are appended to the
and the focon (hydrophobic) series. Greek letter by a hyphen (no space) to delineate subcategories. The
The following nomenclature rules, approved by the USAN Council in numbers conform to the recommendation of the Interferon Nomen-
1994, represent several expansions and revisions of the initial guide- clature Committee. The lowercase letter is assigned by the drug
lines: nomenclature agencies to differentiate one manufacturer's inter-
feron from another's. Examples of pure interferon substances are
General Rules
For nomenclature purposes, contact lens materials are divided into hy- interferon alfa-2a
drophilic and hydrophobic groups, depending on their water content. interferon alfa-2b
The hydrophilic lens materials with water content equal to or more than interferon beta-la
10% by weight at ambient temperature are assigned "filcon" names. interferon beta-lb
"Focon" names are assigned to hydrophobic lens materials with water interferon gamma-la
content less than 10%. 4. For mixtures of naturally occurring interferons, the lowercase letter
In addition to water content, nomenclature for contact lens materi-
n precedes the number. Examples of names of mixtures of interfer-
als depends primarily on the polymeric composition, ie, the repeating ons obtained from a natural source, whether the exact percentage of
monomer units comprising the lens material. These repeating units in- a mixture is known or not, are
clude linear monomers, and crosslinking entrapped color additives or
ultraviolet absorbers are excluded in establishing the polymeric compo- interferon alfa-nl
sition of the contact lens material for nomenclature purposes. interferon alfa-n2

InterleukinsThe suffix -leukin is used in naming interleukin 2 Disease or Target Class

(IL-2) type substances, eg, Viral oir-

aldesleuldn Bacterial bac-


eelmoleuldn Immuno (immunomodulator)

teceleukin Tumor s
colon -col-
Somatotropins The following guidelines have been developed for
melanoma - m.el-
somatotropin analogs: mammary - mar -
I. The s:om.- prefix is used for growth hormone derivative, eg, gonad
testis -got-
somatropin for human growth hormone ovary -goo-
somatrem for methionyl human growth hormone prostate -pr(o)-
2. The s om.- prefix and the -hone suffix are required for bovine soma- miscellaneous -tam-
totropin derivatives, eg, Cardiovascular
4. In order to create a unique name, a distinct, compatible syllable
somidobove should be selected as the starting prefix.
Boman hove 5. Sequence of stemsthe order for the key elements is as follows:
somagrebove a. Infix representing the target disease state, the source of the
3. The s:om.- prefix and the -por suffix are required for porcine soma- product.
totropin derivatives, eg, b. The monoclonal root -mab used as a suffix (eg, biciromab, satu-
momab, nebacumab, seuirumab, and tuvirumab),
somalapor c. When combining a target or disease infix stem with the source
somenopor stem for chimeric (xi) or humanized (zu.) monoclonal antibody,
sometripor the last consonant of the target/disease specific syllable is
Somfasepor dropped, eg,
Colony-Stimulating FactorsThe following guidelines have targe source abb stem USAN
m.. a
been selected fbr recombinant colony-stimulating factors: -cir- -xi- i m. a b
1. The suffix -grastim is used for granulocyte colony-stimulating fac- -Urn- - mab daclizum.ab
tors (G-CSF), eg, These modifications were deemed necessary to facilitate pronuncia-
lenograstim tion of the resultant designation.
filgrastim 6. If the product is radiolabeled or conjugated to another chemical such
2. The suffix -gm.m.ostim is used for granulocyte macrophage colony- as a toxin, identification of this conjugate is accomplished by use of
stimulating factors (GM-CSF), eg, a separate, second word or other acceptable chemical designation.
For monoclonals conjugated to a toxin, the -tax stem must be in-
molgramostim cluded as part of the name selected for the toxin (eg, in zolimomab
regramostim aritox, the designation aritox was selected for ricin A-chain). For ra-
sargramostim diolabeled products, the word order is: name of the isotope, element
3. The suffix -m.os:tim is used for macrophage colony-stimulating fac- symbol, isotope number, and name of the monoclonal antibody, eg,
tors (M-CSF), eg, technetium Tc 99m biciromab, indium In 111 altumomab pentetate.
7. A separate, distinct name must he assigned to any linkerkhelator
mirimostim used to conjugate the monoclonal antibody to a toxin, isotope, or for
4. The suffix -plestim is used for interleukin 3 (IL-3) factors classified pegylated monoclonal antibodies, eg, telimomab aritox, indium In
as pleiotropic colony-stimulating factors, eg, 111 satumomab, pendetide, and enlimomah pegol. For the USAN
Council to initiate the selection of a name for a monoclonal antibody
muplestim or fragment, the nomenclature application must provide the follow-
daniplestim ing relevant information:
Erythropoietins The word epoetin is used for recombinant hu-
1. The immunoglobulin class and subclass and the type of associ-
man erythropoietin, followed by the appropriate Greek letter (spelled ated light chain. Identity of the fragment of the immunoglobulin
nut). The word epoetin describes eiythropoietin preparations that have used (if applicable).
an amino acid sequence identical to the endogenous cytoldne; the words 2. Identity of the fragment of the immunoglobulin used (if
alfa, beta, gamma are added to designate the preparations that differ in applicable).
the composition and the nature of the carbohydrate moieties. Erythro- 3. Species source from which the coding region for the immunoglob-
poietins assigned USAN are ulin originated and specific, complete origin of all parts of
chimeric, humanized, or semi-synthetic immunoglohulins.
epoetin alfa 4. The antigen specificity of the immunoglobulin, including its
epoetin beta source.
epoetin gamma T
ti h
5. The m o,clone designation (specify if vector or vector-cell combina-
Monoclonal Antibodies The following guidelines have been de-

vised for monoclonal antibodies: 6. For conjugated monoclonal antibodies, the identity of any linkers,
chelators, toxins, and/or isotopes present in the product.
1. The suffix -m.ab is used for monoclonal antibodies and fragments. 7. Identity of other modifications to the antibody, eg, reduction of
2. Identification of the animal source of the product is an important disulfide bonds, glycosylation or deglycosylation, amino acid mod-
safety factor based on the number of products that may cause ification, or substitution.
source-specific antibodies to develop in patients. The following let-
ters were approved as product source identifiers: u = human, e
hamster, o mouse, primate, a = rat, xi = chimera, and zu BIBLIOGRAPHY
humanized. The identifiers are used as infixes preceding the -mab
suffix stem, eg, Guidelines on the Use of International Nonproprietary Names (INNS) for
Pharmaceutical Substances. Geneva, Switzerland: WHO, 1998.
-umab (human)
International Nonproprietary Names (INN) for Pharmaceutical Sub-
-omab ( mouse)
stances (Cummulative List No 9). Geneva, Switzerland: WHO, 1996.
-ximab (chimera)
SAN Handbook 4 Chicago: AMA, 1995.
-zumab (humanized)
Trademark Bulletin. Washington, DC: PhRMA, published monthly.
3. The general disease state subclass must be incorporated into the USAN Council: New Names. J Clin Pharmacol Therap, published
name by use of a code syllable. The following disease state sub- monthly.
classes were approved based on products currently before the Coun- USP Dictionary of USAN and International Drug Names 1998.
cil. Additional subclasses will he added as necessary. Rockville, MD: USPC.

Appendix A Stems Used by the USAN Council


-abine (see -arabine, -citabine)

-ac anti-inflammatory agents (acetic acid derivatives) bromfenac
-acetam (see -racetam)
-actide synthetic corticotropins seractide
-adol or analgesics (mixed opiate receptor agonists/antagonists) tazadoiene
-add- spiradoiene
-ad ox antibacterials (quinoline dioxide derivatives) carbadox
-afenone antiarrhythmics (propafenone derivatives) alprafertone
dipra fenonex
-afil Po E5 inhibitors tadalafif
-aj- antiarrhythmics (ajma line derivatives) lorajmine
-aldrate antacid aluminum salts magaldrate
-algron alpha,-adrenoreceptor agonists dabuzalgron
-alol combined alpha and beta blockers labetaioi
-amivir (see -vir)
-andr- androgens narldrolone
-anib angiogenesis inhibitors semaxanib
-anserin serotonin 5-HT2 receptor antagonists altanserin
ad atanserin
-antel anthelmintics (undefined group) carbantel
-arabine antineoplastics (arabinofuranosyl derivatives) fazarabine
aril-, -aril, -aril- antiviral (arildone derivatives) pleconarif
-arit antirheumatics (lobenzarit type) lobenzarit
-arol anticoagulants (dicumarol type) dicumarol
-arot- arotinoids etarotene
- arotene arotinoid derivatives bexarotene
li narotene
arte- antima laria Is (artemisin derivatives) arteflene
-ase enzymes alg lucerase
dornase alfa
-dismase superoxide dismutase activity (exception: orgotein) sudismase
-teplase tissue-type plasminogen activators alteplase
du teplase
-uplase urokinase-type plasminogen activators saruplase
-ast antiasthmatics/antia Ilergics
(not acting primarily as antihistamines; leukotriene
biosynthesis inhibitors)
-lukast leukotriene receptor antagonists cinalukast
- mi last type Iv phosphodiesterase inhibitors piclamilast
-trodast thromboxane A2 receptor antagonists seratrodast
-zolast benzoxazole derivatives eclazolast
-(a)tadine tircyclic histaminic-Hi receptor antagonists, desloratadine
loratadine derivatives rupatadine
- astine antihistaminics (histamine-H 1 receptor antagonists) ebas e
- atadine tricyclic antiasthmatics olopatadine
- azeni I benzodiazepine receptor bretazenif
agonists/antagonists flu mazenif
-azepam antianxiety agents (diazepam type) lorazepam



-azepide cholecystokinin receptor antagonists devazepide

-azocine narcotic antagonists/agonists (6,7-benzomorphan derivatives) quadazocirre
-azoline antihistamines/local vasoconstrictors (antazoline type) antazofine
-azosin antihypertensives (prazosin type) doxazosirt
-bactam beta-lactamase inhibitors sulbactam
-bamate tranquilizers/antiepileptics (propanediol and meproba ate
pentanediol groups) felbamate
-barb or barbituric acid derivatives phenobarbital
-barb- secobarbita I
-begron beta 3 adrenoreceptor agonist talibegron
-bendazole anthelmintics (tibendazole type) cambertdazoie
-bersat anticonvulsants; antimigraine (benzoylamino-benzpyran carabersat
derivatives) tidembersat
bol- or anabolic steroids boiandiol
-bol- miboierone
-bufen non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents, fenbufen derivatives indobufen
-bulin antineoplastics (mitotic inhibitors; tubulin binders) mivobufirt
-butan antiseptics (dapabutan type) dapabutan
I opobutan
-butazone anti-inflammatory analgesics (phenylbutazone type) mofebutazone
-Caine local anesthetics dibucakte
calci- or vitamin D analogues cakipotriene
-calci- tacalcitol
-camra antivirals (intracellular adhesion molecules, icam-1 tremacamra
-camsule camphorsulfonic acid derivatives used as UVA sunscreens ecamsuie
-casan caspase (interleukin-i b) converting enzyme inhibitors pralnacasan
-castat (see stat)

-carbef antibiotics (carbacephem derivatives) I oracarbef

-cavir (see -vir)
cef- cephalosporins cefazolin
-cept receptors alvirrept
-facept lymphocyte function-associated with alefacept
antigen 3 (LFA) receptor
-farcept interferon receptors pifarcept
-lefacept lymphocyte function-associated antigen 3 fea pt
-nercept tumor necrosis factor receptors
-vircept antiviral receptors alvirrept
-cet receptors (small molecule)
-calcet calcium tecaket
-cetrapib cholesterol ester transfer protein inhibitors torcetrapib
-cic hepatoprotectives (timonacic type) li mazoric
-ciclovir (see vir-)
-cidib cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor alvocidib
-cidin natural antibiotics (undefined group) gramicidin
-ciguat guana line cyclase activator atadguat,
-cillin penicillins ampiciffirt
-citabine antivira Is (nucleosides) gemcitabirte
-clidine muscarinic agonists (various indications) vedadidine
-clone hypnotics/tranquilizers (zopiclone type) pa godone
-cog blood coagulation factors
-eptacog blood coagulation factor VII eptacog alfa
-nonacog blood coagulation factor IX nonacog alfa
-octocog blood coagulation factor VW moroctocog-
a Ifa
octocog alfa
-cogin blood coagulation cascade inhibitor tifacogirt
-conazole systemic antifungals (miconazole type) fluconazoie
-cort- cortisone derivatives hydrocortisone

Appendix A


-coxib cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors celecoxib

-cridar (see -dar)
-crinat diuretics (ethacrynic acid derivatives) brocrinat
-crine acridine derivatives amsacrine
-cromil antiallergics (cromoglicic acid derivatives) nedocromii
-curium neuromuscular blocking agents (quaternary atracurium
(also -curonium) ammonium compounds) alcuronium
-cycline antibiotics (tetracycline derivatives) minocycline
-dan positive inotropic agents (pimobendan type) prinoxodan
-dapsone antimycobacteria Is (diaminodiphenylsulfone derivatives) acedapsone
-dar multidrug resistance inhibitors
-cridar acridine carboxamide derivatives elacridar
-icodar pipecolic acid derivatives biricodar
-quidar quinoline derivatives la miquidar
zozu quidar
-spodar ciclosporin D derivatives valspodar
-denoson selective Ai adenosine receptor subtype agonists tecadenoson,
-dermin (see -ermin)
dii-, -dil- vasodilators (undefined group) fostedil
or -dil
-dipine phenylpyridine vasodilators (nifedipine type) darodipine
-dismase (see -ase)
-distim (see -stim)
-ditan antimigraine (5-HT, receptor agonists) alniditan
-dopa dopamine receptor agonists levodopa
-dralazine antihypertensives (hydrazine-phthalazines) hydra fazine
-dronate calcium metabolism regulators etidronate
-dutant (see -tant)
-ectedin ecteinascodin derivatives monectedin
-ectin antiparasitics (ivermectin type) doramectin
-elestat (see stat)

-elvakin (see -kin)

-emcinal erythromycin derivatives lacking antibiotic activity mitemcinai
-entan endothelin receptor antagonists bosentan
-eptacog (see -cog)
-eptakin (see -kin)
-erg- ergot alkaloid derivatives pergolide
-eridine analgesics (meperidine type) anileridirte
-ermin growth factors
-bermin vascular endothelial growth factors telbermin
-dermin epidermal growth factors murodermin
-fermin fibroblast growth factors ersofermin
-nermin tumor necrosis factors sonermin
to sonermin
-plermin platelet derived becapiermin
growth factors
-sermin insulin-like growth factors mecasermin
-termin transforming growth factors cetermin
-otermin bone morphogenetic proteins diboteratin alfa
estr- or estrogens estrone
- estr - fenestrel
- estrant estrogen antagonists fulvestrant
-etanide diuretics (piretanide type) bumetanide
-exakin (see -kin)
-ezolid oxazolidinone antibacterials eperezofid
li nezofid
-farnib farnesykltransferase inhibitor tipifarnib


-fenamate "fenamic acid" ester or salt derivatives etofenamate

-fenamic acid anti-inflammatory agents (anthranilic acid derivatives) flufenamic
-fenin diagnostic aids aphenylcarbamoypmethyl arclofenin
i minodiacetic acid derivatives)
-fenine analgesics (fenamic acid subgroup) floctafenine
-fentanil narcotic analgesics (fentanyl derivatives) alfentanii
-fentrine phosphodiesterase inhibitor puma fentrine
-fermin (see -ermin)
-fiban fibrinogen receptor antagonists lam ifiban
(glycoprotein ii E diii, receptor antagonists) tirofiban
-fibatide (see -tide)
-fibrate antihyperlipidemics (clofibrate type) bezafibrate
-filcon hydrophilic contact lens materials alpha fikon A
xylofikon A
mipafikon A
-fingol sphingosine derivatives cedefingol
-flapon 5-lipoxygenase-activating protein (FLAP) inhibitors quifiapon
-flurane general inhalation anesthetics (halogenated a lkane en flurane
-focon hydrophobic contact lens materials trifocal A
pas foam B
satafocon A
-formin hypoglycemics (phenformin type) bv ui r if t:ice n
-fradil calcium channel blockers acting as vasodilators mibe :arfradi f
-fu lven antineoplastic, acylfulven derivatives
-fungin antifungal antibiotics (undefined group) kalafungin
-fylline theophylline derivatives enprofylline
-gab- gabamimetics fengabine
gado- gadolinium derivatives (principally for diagnostic use) gadodiamide
-gapil neuronal apoptosis omigapil
-gapit neuronal apoptosis omigapit
-ganan antimicrobial, bactericidal permeability iseganan
increasing polypeptide pexiganan
-gatran thrombin inhibitors (argatroban type) efegatran
-gest- progestins megestrol
-giline MAO inhibitors, type B selegifine
antibiotics (Aspergillus strains)
gli- hypoglycemic agents (glipizide type) g i iflugm
ill in
id e
-gliptin antidiabetics, didpeptidyl aminopeptidase-1V inhibitors vildagiiptin
-glitazar antidiabetics, PPAR agonists (not thiazolidene derivatives) farglitizar
-glitazone antidiabetics (thiazolidene derivatives) englitazone
pi ogfitazone
trogfitazon e
-glumide CCK antagonists, antiulcer, anxiolytic agent am igiumide
-golix GnRH receptor antagonists (nonpeptide) rupugofix
-gosivir (see -vir)
-gramostim (see -stim)
-grastim (see -stim)
-grel- or platelet antiaggregants (primarily thromboxane
r i
it a z ige
-grel synthetase inhibitors) d i m et ag rei
guan- antihypertensives (guanidine derivatives) guanoctine
-ibat ileal bile acid transport inhibitor barixibat
-icam anti inflammatory agents (isoxicam type)
- enolicam
-icodar (see -dar)
-ifen(e) antiestrogens of the clomifene and tamoxifen groups nitromifene
-ilide class III antiarrhythmic agents ibutifide

Appendix A ontinued


-i mepodib inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase inhibitors merimepodib

-i mex i mmunostimulants forfenimex
-i mib- acycloA:cholesterol acetyltransferase (ACAT) eldacirrtibe
enzyme inhibitors lecimibide
-i mod i mmunomodu lators ivarimod
- mapimod mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase inhibitors dormapimod
-i mus i mmunosuppressives tacrolimus
lo- iodine-containing contrast media iodamide
-irudin anticoagulants (hirudin type) desirudin
-isant histamine H3 receptor antagonists cipralisant
-isomide antiarrhythmics (disopyramide derivatives) bidisomide
-ium (also quaternary ammonium derivatives clidinium
-onium) disiquonium
-kacin antibiotics obtained from Streptomyces amikatin
kanamyceticus (related to kanamycin)
-kalant potassium channel antagonists almokalant
ter ikalant
-kalim potassium channel agonists cromakatim
apr ikalim
-kalner opener of large conductance calcium-activated flindokalner
( map-k) K channels
-kef- enkepha lin agonists (various indications) metkephamide
-kin interleukin type substances
-decakin interleukin-10 analogues and derivatives il oderakin
-dodekin interleukin-12 analogues and derivatives edodekin alfa
-elvekin interleukin 11 analogues and derivatives opreivekin
-eptakin interleukin 7 analogues and derivatives
-exakin interleukin 6 analogues and derivatives atexakin alfa
-leukin interleukin 2 analogues and derivatives teceieukin
-nakin interleukin 1 analogues and derivatives
-onakin 1-u analogues and derivatives pitonakin
-benakin 1-13 analogues and derivatives mobenakin
-nonakin interleukin 9 analogues and derivatives
-octakin interleukin 8 analogues and derivatives emodakin
-penkin interleukin 5 analogues and derivatives
-trakin interleukin 4 analogues and derivatives bin etrakin
-kinra interleukin receptor antagonists
-nakinra interleukin 1 (IL-1) receptor antagonists anakinra
-kiren renin inhibitors ditekiren
za nkiren
-lazad li pid peroxidation inhibitors tirilazad
-leptin leptin derivatives metreleptin
-leukin (see -kin)
-lipim li poprotein lipase activators ibrolipim
-lubant leukotriene receptor antagonists (treatment of ticolubant
inflammatory skin disorders)
-lukast (see -ast)
-lutamide antiandrogens bicatutamide
-lutril neutral endopeptidase inhibitors possessing da OATH
additional endothelin
- mab monoclonal antibodies i mcirornab



- mantadine or antivirals/antiparkinsonians rimantadine
- mantine (adamantane derivatives) doparnantine
- mastat (see -stat)
- meline cholinergic agonists (arecoline derivatives xanorneline
used in treatment of Alzheimer's disease)
- mer polymers cadexomer
- mesine sigma receptor ligands igrnesine
- mestane antineoplastics (aromatase inhibitors) plomestane
- metacin anti-inflammatory agents (indomethacin type) zidometadn
- micin antibiotics ( Micromonospora strains) maduramicin
- monam monobactam antibiotics gloximonam
ox i monam
- morelin (see -relin)
- moren non-peptidic growth hormone secretagogues ibutamoren
- mostim (see -stim)
- motine antivira Is (quinoline derivatives) f arrtotine
- moxin monoamine oxidase inhibitors benmoxin
(hydrazine derivatives) dorm:min
- mustine antineoplastics (chloroethylamine derivatives) carmustine
- mycin antibiotics (Streptomyces strains) li ncornycin
nab - or cannabinol derivatives nabazenil
-nab- dronabinol
-nakin (see -kin)
nal- narcotic agonists/antagonists (normorphine type) naimefene
-navir (see vir-)
-nercept (see -cept)
-nermin (see -ermin)
-nertant neurotensin receptor antagonists rem nertant
-netant (see -tant)
-neurin neurotensin receptor antagonists; neurotropins abrineurin
-nicline nicotinic acetylcholine receptor agonists altinidine
-nidap nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents (tenidap type) il onidap
-nidazole antiprotozoal substances (metronidazole type) tinidazoie
nifur - 5-nitrofuran derivatives nifuratel
nifuratron e
-nixin anti-inflammatory agents (ani1inonicotinic acid derivatives) clonixin
-nonacog (see -cog)
-nonakin (see -kin)
-octacog (see -cog)
-octak in (see -kin)
-viol beta-blockers (propranolol type) timotoi
-olone steroids (not prednisolone derivatives) minaxotone
-onide topical steroids (acetal derivatives) amcinonide
-opilone epothilone filopilone
-orex anorexiants fludorex
-orphan narcotic antagonists/agonists
dextro- (morphinan derivatives) methorphan
-osuran urotensin receptor antagonists pa losuran
-otermin bone morphogenetic proteins dibotermin a lfa
-otilate hepatoprotectants, di-isopropyl-1,3-dithiol-malonate derivatives mivotifate
-oxacin antibacteria Is (quinolone derivatives) difloxacin
-oxan alpha-adrenoceptor antagonists (benzodioxane derivatives) i miloxan
-oxanide antiparasitics (salicylanilide derivatives) bromoxanide
-oxef antibiotics (oxacefalosporanic acid derivatives) flomoxef
-oxetine antidepressants (fluoxetine type) dapoxetine
-pafant platelet-activating factor antagonists apafant
lex pa fant
-pamide diuretics (sulfamoylbenzoic acid derivatives) alipamide

Appendix A ontinued


-pamil coronary vasodilators (verapamil type) tiapaniii

-pamine dopaminergics (butopamine type) fosopamine
-panel AMPA receptor antagonists fan apanel
to I a mpanei
-parch antithrombotics beciparcii
-parcin glycopeptide antibiotics avoparcin
-parin heparin derivatives and low molecular heparin
weight (or depolymerized) heparins tin zaparin
da lteparin
-parinux antithrombotyic indirect selective synthetic fondaparinux
factor Xa inhibitors
-paroid antithrombotics (heparinoid type) danaparoid
su 1paroid
peg- PEGylated compounds pegcaristim
-penem antibacterial antibiotics (carbapenem derivatives) 1 m penern
-penkin (see -kin)
perflu- blood substitutes and/or diagnostics perflubron
(perfluorochemicals) perfiunafene
-peridol antipsychotics (haloperidol type) ha loperidol
-peridone antipsychotics (risperidone type) risperidone
il operidone
-perone antianxiety agents/neuroleptics duoperone
(4r-fluoro-4-piperidinobutyrophenone derivatives)
-pezi I acetylcholinesterase inhibitors used in the icopezii
treatment of Alzheimer's disease donepezii
-pidem hypnotics/sedatives (zolpidem type) zolpidem
-pirdine cognition enhancers li nopirdine
si bopirdine
-pirox antimycotics (pyridone derivatives) ciclopirox
-pitant (see -tant)
-plact platelet factor 4 analogs and derivatives iroplact
-pladib phospholipase A2 inhibitors ecopiadib
-planin antibacterials (Actinopianes strains) mideplanin
-platin antineoplastics (platinum derivatives) cispiatin
-plermin (see -ermin)
-plestim (see -stim)
-plon non-benzodiazepine anxiolytics, ocinaplon
sedatives, hypnotics za lepton
-poetin erythropoietins epoetin alfa
epoetin beta
-porfin benzoporphyrin derivatives verteporfin
ternopor fin
-pramine antidepressants (imipramine type) lofepramine
-prazan acid pump inhibitors, not dependent on acid activation omidaprazan
-prazole antiulcer agents (benzimidazole derivatives) omeprazole
- maprazole acid pump inhibitors pumaprazole
pred-, -pred- prednisone and prednisolone derivativesprednicarbate
or -pred cl opredno I
ox i sopred
-pressin vasoconstrictors (vasopressin derivatives) desmopressin
-pride sulpiride derivatives remoxipride
za copride
-pril antihypertensives ( ACE inhibitors) enalaprii
-prilat antihypertensives ( ACE inhibitors) enalapriiat
(diacid analogs of the -pril entity) spirapriiat
-prinim nootropic agents, purine derivatives leteprinim



-prim antibacterials (trimethoprim type) orm et oprim

-prisni I selective progesterone receptor modulators (SPRM) a soprisnif
-pristin antibacterials, pristinamycin derivatives quinupristin
-profen anti-inflammatory/analgesic agents (ibuprofen type) flurbiprofen
-pros-t- prostaglandin derivatives rioprosti I
or -prost dinoprost
-protafib protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B inhibitors ert iprota fib
-pultide (see -tide)
-punil mitochondria I benzodiazepine receptor (MRR) emapunif
selective antagonists (purine derivatives)
-projet nonsteroida I ligand for the progesterone receptor tan aproget
-queside cholesterol sequestrants (glycosides) pamaqueside
-racetam nootropes (piracetam type) piracetam
-racil uracil type antineoplastics eniluracif
-relin prehormones or hormone-release nafarelin
sti mulating peptides
- morelin growth hormone-release stimulating peptides durnOrefirk
-tirelin thyrotropin releasing hormone analogues protirefin
-relix hormone-release inhibiting peptides detireiix
-renone aldosterone antagonists (spironolactone type) canrenone
-restat (see -stat)
-retin- or retinol derivatives etretinate
-retin pelretin
-ribine ri bofuranil derivatives (pyrazofurin type) I oxoribin e
-rifa- antibiotics (rifamycin derivatives) rifapentine
-rinone cardiotonics (amrinone type) milrinone
-rozole aromatase inhibitors (imidazole/triazole derivatives) letrozoie
-rsen antisense oligonucleotides a licaforsen
-rubicin antineoplastic antibiotics (daunorubicin type) esorubicin
sal-, -sal- anti-inflammatory agents mesaiamine
o -sal (salicylic acid derivatives) diflunisai
ba Isaiazide
-sartan angiotensin II receptor antagonists losartan
-semide diuretics (furosemide type) azosemide
-sermin (see -ermin)
-serod serotonin receptor antagonists piboserod
-serpine Rauwolfia alkaloid derivatives reserpine
-setron serotonin 5-HT 3 antagonists ondansetron
-siban oxytocin antagonists ba rusiban
-sidomine antiangina Is (sydnone derivatives) pirsidomine
li nsidomine
som- growth hormone derivatives somatrem
som- -bove bovine somatotropin derivatives sornetribove
som- -por porcine somatotropin derivatives sometripor
soma grepor
-sonan 5-HTle receptor antagonists elzasonan
-spirone anxiolytics (buspirone type) zalospirone
-spodar (see -dar)
-sporin i mmunosuppressants (cyclosporine type) geclesporin
-stat-, -stat enzyme inhibitors
or -stat-
-castat dopamine p-hydrola se (DBH) inhibitors nepicastat
-elestat elastase inhibitors sivefestat

Appendix A


-inostat inhibitors of histon acetylase dacinostat

- mastat antineoplastics (matrix meta lloproteinase inhibitors) bat imastat
-(a)mostat proteolytic enzyme inhibitors nafaniostat
-restat- or aldose-reductase inhibitors ponalrestat
-restat tolrestat
-vastatin antihyperlipidemics (HMG-CoA inhibitors) atorvastatin
(other series members) urease inhibitor benurestat
renal dehydropeptidase inhibitor cilastatin
pepsin inhibitor pepstatin
-ster- steroids (androgens, anabolics) testosterone
-steride testosterone reductase inhibitors epristeride
fen asteride
-stigmine cholinesterase inhibitors (physostigmine type) quilostigmine
-sti m colony-stimulating factors
-distim conjugates of two different types of milodistim
colony-stimulating factors
-gramostim granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating molgramostim
factors (GM-CSF) regramostim
-grastim granulocyte colony-stimulating factors (G-05F) filgrastim
-most m macrophage colony-stimulating factors (M-05F) mirimostim
-plestim interleukin 3 derivatives; pleiotropic danipiestim
colony-stimulating factors
-stinel NMDA receptor antagonists (glycine recognition site) licostinel
-sulfa- antimicrobials (sulfonamides derivatives) sulfasalazine
-sulfan antineoplastics, a lkylating agents busuffan
(methanesulfonate derivatives)
-lind pro-apoptotic cG mP phosphodiesterase inhibitors
-sulind sulfone metabolite ractalind
-tant tachykinin (neurokinin) receptor antagonists
-dutant NK 2 receptor antagonists saredutant
-netant NK 3 receptor antagonists osanetant
-pitant NK, receptor antagonists dapitant
zi n apitant
la n epitant
-tapide microsoma I triglyceride transfer protein (MTP) inhibitors i mplitapide
-tecan antineoplastics (camptothecine derivatives) topotecan
-tepa antineoplastics (thiotepa derivatives) azetepa
-teplase (see -ase)
-termin (see -ermin)
-terol bronchodilators (phenethylamine derivatives) albuterof
-tesind thymidilate synthetase inhibitors (benzindole derivatives) metesind
-texafin tesaphyrin derivatives motexafin
-thiazide diuretics (thiazide derivatives) chlorothiazide
-tiapine antipsychotics (dibenzothiazepine derivatives) quitiapine
-tiazem calcium channel blockers (diltiazem type) diltiazem
-tibant antiasthmatics (bradykinin antagonists) icatibant
-tide peptides and glycopeptides octreotide
-fibatide platelet aggregation inhibitors (glycoprotein eptifibatide
lie/Illa receptor antagonists)
-pultide peptides used as pulmonary surfactants sinapuitide
-tidine I-12-receptor antagonists (cimetidine type) lupitidine
ran itidine
-tinib tyrosine kinase inhibitors canertinib,




-tirelin (see -relin)

-tirome antihyperlidaemic, thyromimetic derivatives an itirome
-tocin oxytocin derivatives oxytocin
-toin antiepileptics (hydantoin derivatives) albutoin
-tox(a)- toxins urtoxazumab
-traposin aP2 inhibitors seltraposin
-trexate antimetabolites (folic acid derivatives) methotrexate
-trexed antineoplastic thymidylate synthase inhibitors pemetrexed
-tricin antibiotics (polyene derivatives) mepartricin
-triptan antimigraine agents (5-I-ITT receptor agonists) naratriptan
-triptyline antidepressants (dibenzo[a,d]cycloheptane derivatives) amitriptyfine
-troban antithrombotics (thromboxane A2 receptor antagonists) daltroban
su I otroban
-trodast (see -ast)
- -Vane antipsychotics (dopamine D2 carvotrofine
trop- or atropine derivatives benztropine
-uplase (see -ase)
-uracii uracil derivatives used as thyroid fluorouratil
antagonists and as antineoplastics
-uridine antivirals; antineoplastics (uridine derivatives) idoxuridine
-vaptan vasopressin receptor antagonists con ivaptan
- vastatin (see stat)

- verine spasmolytic agents (papaverine type) mebeverine

yin- or vinca alkaloids vinepidine
-vin- apovincamine
vir-, -vir- antiviral substances (undefined group) ganciclovir
or -vir enviradine
-amivir neuraminidase inhibitors zanamivir
-cavir carbocyclic nucleosides loburavir
-cyclovir/ antivirals (acyclovir type) s cc/ iccitoovvi irr
-gosivir glucosidase inhibitor celgosivir
-navir HIV protease inhibitors (saquinavir type) droxinavir
-virdine antivirals (non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase atevirdine
inhibitors; pyridine derivatives) delevirdine
- virenz antivirals (non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors; efavirenz
benzoxazinone derivatives)
-virsen antivirals (antisense) afovirsen
-vircept (see -cept)
-virdine (see vir)
-virenz (see vir)
-vudine antineoplastics; antivirals (zidovudine group)
s ta vu din e
(exception: edoxudine) la m ivu d in e
-xaban antithrombotic; factor x inhibitor tamixaban
-xanox antiallergic respiratory tract drugs (xanoxic add derivatives) tixanox
- (x)antrone antineoplastics, mitoxantrone derivatives pixantrone
aza-anthracenedione class of antitumor agents
-zolamide carbonic anhydrase inhibitors brinzoiamide
-zolast (see -ast)
-zomib proteozome inhibitors bortezomib

The following USAN stems have received official approval by the USAN Council at the July 14, 2003 USAN Council meeting:


-afgron alphai-adrenoreceptor agonists dabuzafgrori

-taxon caspase (interleukin-1 b) converting enzyme inhibitors pralnacasan
-gfiptip didpeptidyl aminopeptidase-IV inhibitors vilda gliPtin
neutral endopeptidase inhibitors possessing additional (lag/Writ
-imod mitogen-activated protein ( MAP) kinase inhibitors dormapimod
-nertant neurotensin receptor antagonists rem inertant
-piadib phospholipase A2 inhibitors ecopiadib
-punif motochondria I benzodiazepine receptor (MAR) selective emapunif
antagonists (purine derivatives)
-proget nonsteroidal ligand for the progesterone receptor tanaproget
-osuran urotensin receptor antagonists pa losuran
-otermirt bone morphogenetic proteins dibotermin alfa
-tirtib tyrosine kinase inhibitors canertinib,
i ma tinib,

This list represents common stems for which chemical and/or pharmacologic parameters have been established. These stems and their def-
initions have been approved by the USAN Council and are recommended for use in coining new nonproprietary names for drugs that
belong to an established series of related agents. The list is not exhaustive in that it does not include all stems used by the Council and
other national or international nomenclature groups. It is the nature of the nomenclature process that new, potential stems are con-
stantly being created and that definitions of older stems may need to be modified as new information becomes available.

1111101111MAppendix B ontractions for Radicals and Adducts


aceturate N-acetylglycinate closylate p-chlorobenzenesulfonate

CH 3 CONFICH 2 C00 -
acistrate 2'-acetate (ester) and octadecanoate (salt)
ci ) so, -
0-1300 and cyclotate 4-methylbicyclo[2.2.2]oct-2-ene-1-
0-13(C-12)1600 --COO -
CH 3
axetil 1-acetoxyethyl
cypionate cyclopentanepropionate
0 13COCH-
CH 2 CH 2 C00 -

0-1 3
dapropate N,N - dimethyl - p - alanine
503 H 3C _

camsylate camphorsulfonate CH 3

CH 50 3 - diolamine diethanolamine

CH 2 CH 2 OH
CH,CH 2 0 H

edamine ethylenediamine
caproate hexanoate
CH3(C1-12)4C00 -

Appendix B


edetate* ethylenediaminetetraacetate hyclate monohydrochloride, hemiethanolate

NCH2CH2N isethionate 2-hydroxyethanesulfonate
(All anions derived from edetic acid;
edetate sodium is portrayed here.) OH

edisylate 1,2-ethanedisulfonate meglumine N-methylglucamine

CH2503 - H H OH
1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1
enanthate heptanoate OH OH H OH
CH3(CH2)5C00 mesylate methanesulfonate
epolamine 1-pyrrolidineethanol CH3503
mofetil 2-(4-morpholinyl)ethyl
01 2 CH 2 -0H

erbumine 2-methyl-2-propanamine
napsylate 2-naphthalenesulfonate
50, -
estolate propanoate and dodecyl sulfate (salt)
CH3CH2C00in ester linkage plus
CI 2 H230503
esylate ethanesulfonate olamine ethanolamine

etabonate (ethoxycarbonyl)oxy pamoate 4,4'-methylenebis[3-hydroxy-2-naphthoate]
fostedate tetradecyl hydrogen phosphate OH
CH )

g luceptate

0 0-
0 COO -

pendetide A 6 -[N-12-112-[bis(carboxymethyI)-
COO - amino]ethylllcarboxymethyl)amino]-
ethyl]-N-(carboxymethyl)glycy1]-N 2 -(N-
HCOH g lycyl-L-tyrosyl-L-lysine-tyrosyl)

HO CH l '01; N

H 0
HCO H "\ /CH'

H --- COON
0 H
''CH, ,IH

hybenzate o-(4-hydroxybenzoyl)benzoate phenpropionate 3-phenylpropionate

COO - ( 11
OH 0 CH2CH2C00-

Appendix B ontinued


pivalate tri methylacetate tebutate tertiary butyl acetate

1 1
CH3C000 - CH3CCH2C00 -
1 1
CH 3 CH 3
pi voxeti I 1-(2-methoxy-2-methyl-1-oxopropoxy)ethyl tosylate p-toluenesulfonate
CH30 CH3
1 II 1
C 1-13 -( 0)- S03

CH3 triflutate trifluoroacetate
pivoxil (2,2-dimethy1-1-oxopropoxy)methyl 0

1 II
CH3CCOCH2 trolamine triethanolamine
.....CH 2 CH 2 OH
HOCH z (H,N.,,,
probutate (1 -oxobutoxy) (ester) and (1 -oxopropoxy) CH 2 CH 2 OH
xinafoate 1-hydroxy-2-naphthalenecarboxylate

a n

CH3 0 OH3
1 1 1
Structure-Activity Relationship
and Drug Design
Randy J Zauhar

For centuries humans have observed not only that natural sub- ANALOG APPROACH
stances could be used for their nutritional value and for treat-
ment of diseases, but they could also bring about toxic or lethal The most frequent approach to obtaining drugs to treat a par-
effects. The Chinese Emperor Sheng Nang in 2735 ilcE ticular disease is to synthesize analogs of drugs that are known
compiled a book of herbs and employed Chang Shan in the to be effective in the treatment of the disease. The pharma-
treatment of malaria. Although the majority of the drugs used cophore is a chemical segment of a molecule that is responsible
from antiquity to the 19th century came from natural sources, for biological action. Normally, it is found that the specific type
in the past century a new era was brought about by treatment of biological activity of a molecule depends on more than just
of diseases with synthetic drugs. Also, the modification of one functional group. Consequently, the addition of a single
natural products, through various synthetic processes, has functional group to an inert organic substance ordinarily does
provided useful semisynthetic drugs. not imbue a molecule with a specific biological activity because
The field of medicinal chemistry has evolved from an em- more than one functional group normally is required for potent
phasis on the synthesis, isolation, and characterization of drugs activity, and in addition these must usually be arranged with a
to an increased awareness of the biochemistry of disease states specific geometry.
and the design of drugs for the prevention of diseases. An im- Drug activity depends on the size, shape, and degree of ion-
portant aspect of medicinal chemistry has been to establish a ization of the drug molecule. These parameters are studied
relationship between chemical structure and biological activity. by making analogs or molecular modifications of a parent
An increased consideration in recent years has been to correlate molecule. In those instances where a molecule has a known bio-
the chemical structure with chemical reactivity or physical logical action, this substance serves as a prototype or lead
properties and these correlations can, in turn, be related to molecule for the synthesis of analogs for further biological test-
their therapeutic actions. ing. In the past this process has produced a greater number of ac-
Although there has been a great deal of success in under- five analogs than just preparing and testing molecules obtained
standing the relationship between chemical structure and through a random process. In addition, structureactivity rela-
biological activity in a number of areas, especially for antibacte- tionship studies often are used to determine the pharmacophore
rial drugs, there are still many human afflictions that require and also to obtain drugs with increased potency, greater selec-
new and improved drugs. Cancer, viral infections, cardiovascu- tivity, increased or decreased duration of action, low toxicity, and
lar disease, and mental disease need new agents and approaches increased stability.
for treating and preventing these maladies. As more informa- Finally, economics may be a prime reason for the search for
tion is gained as to causative factors of different diseases, the analogs if a natural product is too difficult to obtain or if a syn-
move will be from the empirical approach to the rational design thetic molecule is too expensive to prepare in quantities needed
of new drugs. General principles of drug design have been and for the manufacturing process.
are continuing to be developed in medicinal chemistry.
In developing drugs with specific activities, several ap-
proaches are used. The effects of natural products or synthetic
drugs are determined on various biological systems (or screens)
to identify lead compounds with specific biological activities. A homologous series refers to a series of analogs that differ in
Once the effect of the drug is known, the medicinal chemist and structure by a simple increment in the molecular formula. For
pharmacologist work together to improve the activity of a known example, these may be produced by sequential chemical change
active molecule or "lead molecule." This process normally goes that includes increasing or decreasing the length of a carbon
through a synthesisbiological testsynthesisbiological test chain. A series of homologs of this type is used to provide insight
cycle until a drug with the desired activity is obtained. Today, into the relationship of biological activity and chemical changes
the structure of receptors and function of enzymes, which may that involve only the number of methylene groups. This type of
be involved in the pathogenesis of a disease, are understood bet- determination has provided valuable information as to the im-
ter. These molecules, in turn, are used as targets for the design portance of the partition coefficient and biological action. Often,
of drugs that act as agonists or antagonists of receptors or in- the compounds with short, alkyl chains are low in activity; as the
hibitors of the enzymes. Thus, this information adds a new chain length is increased, the biological activity increases to an
phase to the cycle, which is now drug designsynthesis- optimum point, and as more methylene groups are added, ac-
biological activitydrug design, and so on. tivity decreases. An interesting example of this phenomenon is


the activity of the n-alkylresorcinols in which the optimum bio- anesthetics. The carbomethoxy group of cocaine is not required
logical activity, as measured by phenol coefficients against B ty- for local anesthetic action, as can be seen with tropacocaine,
phosus, is hexylresorcinol (1) which lacks this group (5).


(CV, CH 3

hexylresoroinol (n = 5)
1 F
. i 6

with six carbon atoms (n = 5) in the side chain. If the alkyl tropacocaine
chain is lengthened or decreased, a decrease in activity is
observed relative to hexylresorcinol.
There are times in which changing the number of methylene
groups may lead to a change in the type of biological activity The synthesis of ri-eucaine (6)
rather than its intensity. For example, it is known that 3
alkyltrimethylammonium analogs (2)
CH 3
CH 0
CH3=IiiICH 2 / n CH 3 CI -
CH 3
2 and subsequent biological testing showed that a tropane ring
system also was not a prerequisite for local anesthetic activity.
possess different types of activity depending on the length of The synthesis of procaine (7)
the alkyl group.
If the alkyl group is up to six carbons (n = 5), as in 2, the
compounds are muscarinic agonists. Thus, these compounds
have activity similar to acetylcholine (3)
0 7
CI -
CH 3COICHd 3 N 4-I,CH,I,

acetylcholine chloride demonstrated that the critical part of the molecule required for
activity was the hydrophilic amine segment attached to an
intermediate chain, which in turn was attached to a lipophilic
ester function. Many analogs of procaine have potent local anes-
on muscarinic receptors. With seven carbons (n = 6) to eight
thetic activity. The amine section of procaine can be removed to
(n = 7) carbons, these compounds are partial agonists; when
give benzocaine (8),
the length is greater than nine carbons (n = 8), these com-
pounds are muscarinic antagonists.

Molecular Fragmentation
The synthesis and biological evaluation of molecular fragments a substance known to possess local anesthetic activity. How-
of a lead compound often is used in structureactivity studies. ever, the mechanism of action of benzocaine in the produc-
This process also may be called molecular simplification, molec- tion of local anesthesia is different from that of procaine.
ular dissociation, or disjunction. Often, this process is used Therefore, one must be cautious in relating chemical changes
when the structure of a natural product is elucidated and the to activity, particularly because the drug may retain activity
molecule has an important and possibly new biological action. but the mechanism by which the activity is produced may
When the natural product may be too difficult or expensive to change.
obtain for drug use, the process of trial and error is used to Vitamin K 1 (9)
determine which portion of the molecule is required for a de-
sired biological activity. Several illustrations of the molecular 0
fragmentation approach will be given in which the starting
point is a natural product.
CH3 CH 3
Cocaine (4), I
0 C =0 CHs CH3
I I I l
CH j H CH2 CH CH 2 - C---ICH3/3---C --ICH d 3C H (CNA.

GOOCH, vitamin ICI


is a natural product (phytonadione) composed of a naphtho-
cocaine quinone bearing a 2-methyl group and a side-chain phytyl
4 group at the 3 position. It is known that vitamin K is useful in
preventing hemorrhage and attempts have been made to pre-
an alkaloid obtained from Erythroxylon coca, has served as the pare drugs that were less complex but maintained vitamin K
prototype molecule for the development of a number of local activity.

Menadione (10) a bicyclic, meperidine (15);

CH 3

\ ><
Ce11 C 0002 H 5

monadic:ma meperidine

10 15

and to (16), methadone,

is a highly active, vitamin Klike drug that can be prepared
by the oxidation of 1-methylnaphthalene with chromic acid. It cH 2CH 3
is an analog of vitamin K that lacks the phytyl side chain at CO CH3
the 3 position. A bisulfite-addition product, menadione sodium
bisulfite (11),

ty scoH3Na

0 which has only the A ring of morphine remaining, but still re-
menadione sadfem bisulfite tains potent analgesic activity. Certainly, the amine and aro-
11 matic ring play an important role in the production of analgesic
activity. The intermediate carbon atoms between the amine
and the phenyl ring do not have to be in a specific configuration
is available as a water-soluble anticoagulant. The substance is
known to decompose under appropriate conditions to liberate for the molecule to possess analgesic activity.
menadione, the free quinone (10).
Another area in which molecular fragmentation has led Addition of Functional Groups
to the development of a number of useful drugs is with the
analgesics related to morphine. The structure of morphine was Another approach often used in structureactivity relationships
determined in 1925; subsequently, many analogs were pre- is to add functional groups to a molecule with known biological
pared and examined for analgesic activity. In most instances activity. This approach was used by Bently and Hardy' to see if
new analogs were prepared with the goal of possibly separat- a molecule more complex than morphine could be synthesized
ing the analgesic effects from the undesirable effects of that would interact with the analgesic receptor but, because of
dependence liability, nausea, constipation, and respiratory its complex structure, would not interact with the receptors that
depression. produced side effects. One of the analogs, etorphine (17),
It can be seen that, through molecular fragmentation, one
N CH 3
can reduce the number of ring systems from the pentacyclic,
morphine (12)
CH 3
CH s

H )(CH 2 1 2 CH 3

C etorphine
HO 'OH 2

is some 1000 times more potent than morphine and is used pri-
marily in veterinary medicine to immobilize large animals. Of
major importance is the fact that etorphine and related agents
have enhanced potency, suggesting that etorphine may bind to
to a tetracyclic, levorphanol (13), an additional site that dramatically enhances the analgesic
activity of morphine.
cH 3
It also is known that replacement of the N-methyl group
with the larger N-phenethyl group to give N-phenethylnor-
morphine (18)

HO cH 2 2

levo rpha n Di HI

and a tricyclic, pentazocine (14),

Ho ,o8
/,, N.,CH 2 cH=C(CH 3 1 2 N-phenethylnarmar ph i ne
produces a compound six times as potent as morphine. An im-
&i 3
portant observation is that not only may a quantitative change
pentazocine be brought about by modifying the N-methyl group of morphine
14 but also a qualitative change in activity is observed if it is

changed to an N-allyl group as shown in 19, Table 28.1. Isosteric Replacements

11 2 CH=C H 2 CLASS 1 2 3 4 5
1N CH2
F, CI, Br, I
0- N= =C=
0 H, SH
5- P= =Si= 5
NH2, PH ? Se- As= 0
0 \
CH3 Tc- 5b= =P= N HI
CFI= =As=
=SID - =

to produce N-allylnormorphine (nalorphine), a morphine an-

tagonist. This finding has stimulated a great deal of study of
structureactivity relationships with the N-substituents to find
potent ago nists, antagonists, and mixed agonist-antagonists of
opioid receptors. to give 5-fluorouracil (23), a very useful anticancer drug; and
In other drug categories, it has been shown that tolazo- the replacement of the carbonyl oxygen in hypoxanthine (24) to
line (20) give 6- mercaptopurine (25),

CH,CH 2 CH 2 N1C11 3 1,

LI N C) Cl

6-morcaptopurine chlorpromazine
25 26
is an antagonist of 04-adrenergic receptors, while the addition of
another phenyl ring produces naphazoline (21),
a potent antitumor antimetabolite. The replacement of oxy-
H gen by sulfur in chlorpromazine (26) to give the oxygen
iso stere (27)


a a
1 Cl

O (
oxygen isostere of chlorpromazine
which is an 0! -adrenergic agonist. This is a rather unusual
transformation of an antagonist into an agonist by the addition
of a functional group.
produced a compound with 1/10 the tranquilizing activity of the
parent molecule.
Isosteric Replacements The replacement of the ester function of procaine (7), a
The concept of isosterism or bioisosterism has been used for a local anesthetic, with an amide function produced pro-
number of years in the search for new drugs. This has been an cainamide (28),
extremely important approach in the design of antimetabolites.
In 1919, Langmuir''' first define d isosteres as those molecules or
NH 2 CONHCH, CH 2 N(C0-1,12
groups of atoms that have the same number and types of elec- 4c4
trons. For example, N2 and CO or N ;3 - and NCO - are examples
of isosteres. These substances have similar physical properties.
Later, Friedman' introduced the concept of bioisosteres, com- 28
pounds that fit the broadest definitions for isosteres and have a
similar type of biological activity. This concept included drugs which has found an important role in the treatment of cardiac
with agonist or antagonist activity. When a substance is found arrhythmias. An important difference between the two drugs is
that does possess promising therapeutic activity, the medicinal that the amide function, which allows for similar biological
chemists will attempt to prepare closely related compounds with activity, is more stable chemically, can be given orally, and is
improved properties such as greater potency or fewer side ef- not affected by the esterases that catalyze the hydrolysis of
fects. In the past, a considerable amount of intuition had been procaine.
used by medicinal chemists in selecting bioisosteric replace- The antibiotic puromycin (29),
ments. The standard isosteric replacements are divided into five
N{CH 3 1,
classes, as illustrated in Table 28-1.
A variety of nonclassic bioisosteric replacements also are
known and include paired examples such as H and F, CO 2H
and S0 3 1-1 and CO and SO 2. HOCH,
Some of the examples of isosteric replacement that have
provided useful drugs are a fluorine replacement of the hydro-
gen in uracil (22) Ch 3 0 CH 2 --C CO NH OH
NH 2
N o
'11 purcmycin
HN 29
II n
which has antibacterial, antitumor, and antitrypanosomidal
uracil 5-fluorouraeil hypoxanthine activity, inhibits protein synthesis by interfering with the uti-
22 23 24 lization of transfer-RNA. Puromycin is the isosteric analog of

the arainoacyl-t-RNA (30); and amobarbital (37), both of which belong to the barbitu-
rate family. These positional isomers differ only in the
makeup of the 5-carbon side chain attached to the barbitu-
rate ring system. The former compound has a short duration
of action while the latter has an intermediate duration of
a cti on.
lr Another example of positional isomers is N-(tert-buty1)-
norepinephrine (38)
NH 2 0 0H
HO CH -C 0
HO 1-10

terminus of tyrosinyl-t-IINA

c p
CHCH,N HC (CH 3 )2

after puromycin is taken up, it blocks the subsequent protein N-terflary-butyl norepinephrine terbutatine
synthesis. 3B 39
The isosteric replacement of ester groups does not always
produce compounds with significant biological activity, as the
modification of acetylcholine ester (3) with an amide function and terbutaline (39). The resorcinol portion of 39 has served
resulted in the amide analog (31) as a biologically effective replacement of the catechol group
in 38. The resorcinol analog (39), in contrast to the cate-
0 chol (38), is not a substrate for catechol-O-methyltransferase
Cl -
CH,CNKCH 2 12 N'ICH 31, (COMT), an important metabolic enzyme; therefore, it has
a longer duration of action. Terbutaline is a useful selec-
amide analog of acetylcholine
tive 2 -adrenergic stimulant for the treatment of bronchial
31 asthma and related conditions, and it can be administered
that does not show significant agonist or antagonist activity. One Geometrical isomers are another important set of mole-
of the oldest nonclassic isosteric replacements that provided an cules in which a possible difference in biological activity
important class of antibacterial agents was the replacement of between isomers may exist. The trans, or E, isomer of tripro-
carboxylic acid group of p-aminobenzoic acid (PABA, 32) lidine (40)


CH 3 C

H2 - N
p-amrnobenzaic acid sulfanilamide
C C =C
32 32 in
H2 - N
with a sulfonamide group to give sulfanilamide (33).
A final illustration of bioisosteric replacement in drug de- (trans or E-isorner) (cis or 2-isomer)
sign is the replacement of the thiourea functional group of triprolidine triprolidine
metiamide (34), 40 41

X S. metiamiclu
is over 1000 times as potent as the cis, or Z, isomer (41)
as a H i -histamine antagonist. Another example of a set of ge-
r I )(
= NCN, clmetidinE
ometrical isomers is the cis and trans-2-acetoxycyclopropy-
CH 2 SCH 2 CH 2 NHCNHCH 3 35 ltrimethyl ammonium iodides (42 and 43),
a histamine H 2 - Mocker, with the cyanoguanidine group to pro-
duce the popular antiulcer drug cimetidine (35). This bioisos-
teric replacement overcame the granulocytopenia toxicity that
had been observed with metiamide. Cisc r4(cH ) 3
* le 3

(cis-isomer) (z)
Stereochemistry cis-2-acetoxycyclopropyltrimethyl ammonium iodide
An important consideration in drugreceptor interactions is 42
the stereochemistry of the drug and the proper positioning of
functional groups so that they will interact optimally with an
enzyme or receptor. Four types of isomeric drugs will be con-
sidered: positional isomers, geometrical isomers, optical iso-
mers, and diastereomers.
With positional, or constitutional, isomers the compounds
(trans-isamer) (E)
have the same empirical formula but the atoms of the molecule
are rearranged in a different order. To illustrate positional iso- traris-2-aceioxycyciopropoirimeihyi ammonium iodide
mers, one can consider the relationship of pentobarbital (36) 43


C211 5

CH 3 CH 2
0, N
H respectively. The trans isomer is much more potent as a mus-
carinic agonist than the cis isomer and also is a good substrate
for the enzyme acetylcholinesterase.
CI-1 3 (C H,} 3 CH NH
r II (CH 3 ) 2 CHCH 2 CH 2 The term absolute configuration refers to the arrangement
CH , 0
0 of atoms in space of a chiral compound. In a number of in-
pentobarbital arnobarbftal stances there is a distinct difference in biological activity of
36 37 the optical isomers (enantiomers). For example, the R()

isomer of epinephrine (44) can exist in an infinite number of conformations about the side-




chain carboncarbon bond. Two such conformations are illus-
trated [0 = 60 0 gauche and e = 180 0 trans conformation (49E
and C)].
Apomorphine (50)

I  ',,

C1-1 3 CH,
I "- HO
R () isomer S (+) isomer apornorphine
epinephrine epinephrine epinine 50 51
44 45 46

and 6,7-dihydroxy-2-aminotetralin (ADTN) (52)

is more potent on both a- and 3-adrenergic receptors than the
S(+) isomer (45). The binding of the isomers of epinephrine and HO NH,

epinine (46) (the desoxy analog of epinephrine) is illustrated. The

three points of binding on the receptor are the catechol binding no
site (A), hydroxy binding site (B), and anionic binding site ( C). 6,7-dihydroxy-2-aminotetralin (ADTN:
According to the EassonStedman theory,'' the relative 52
order of activity of the isomers on adrenergic receptors are R
S deoxy. Only the R isomer can bind to all three sites,
are two potent dopamine D I and D2 agonists that exist in the
whereas both the S isomer and the deoxy isomer, which show
trans conformation, whereas the selective D 1 agonist SKF
similar activity, can bind only to two of the sites. Refer to Chap-
38393 (51) does not exist in a similar conformation. Apomor-
ter 13 for a discussion of isomerism.
phine, a conformationally rigid molecule, can bind to both D I
Although enantiomers have the same chemical and physical
and 02 dopamine receptors.
properties, except for the direction of rotation of polarized light,
In other instances, a drug molecule may need conforma-
diastereomers have different physical properties. Diastere-
tional flexibility for proper binding to the receptor to produce
omers are compounds with two or more chiral centers. While
biological activity in an induced-fit receptor model. Thus, con-
1R,2S()-ephedrine (47)
formational flexibility may in some instances be a prerequisite
CH 3 CH, for drug agonist activity.

1 R,2S (-1-ephedrine
1 R,2R (-y-0-ephedrine
Many of the substances used as drugs are weak acids or weak
bases. Therefore, an important question is whether the charged
47 IA or uncharged form of the drug binds to the receptor. Also of im-
portance is the degree of ionization and the effect ionization
has direct activity on both a- and 0-adrenergic receptors, may have upon absorption and distribution. In general, the ion-
the 1R,2R ()-Ilt-ephedrine (48) shows o-adrenergic blocking ization can be demonstrated as
activity. Both diastereomers show indirect adrenergic activity.
An important strategy often used in drug design is to take [Weak Acids] AH A- + H4
a conformationally flexible molecule and to convert it into a con- (nonionized drug) (ionized drug)
formationally rigid molecule in order to find the optimum
[ Weak Bases] BH* B + H+
conformation for binding to a drug receptor. This approach may (ionized drug) (nonionized drug)
be used to introduce selectivity for receptors, eliminate unde-
sired side effects, and learn about the spatial relationships of
functional groups for receptors. It is very difficult to know which molecular form of the
Dopamine (49A) drug is active if the charged and uncharged forms are in equi-




librium in physiological solution; for example, with dopamine
the pK,, of the amine is 10. Thus, although most of the drug
in solution is in the ionized form (49D), the un-ionized form of
the drug molecule still may be the active form.
The quaternary salt of dopamine (53)

NH 2 NH 3


NH 2


Ai I C'
N[CH 3],

quaternary salt of dopamine

has been prepared and exhibits agonist activity on D 2 -recep-

NH 2
e =is0 tors, indicating that the ionized form of the drug is an active
molecular species. However, it is almost impossible to deter-
mine if a primary, secondary, or tertiary amine is active as the
dopamine un-ionized forin of the drug because these amines are always in
49 equilibrium under physiological conditions.

It has been shown that the permanently charged dimethyl- colligative properties all affect the transport process. Other fac-
sulfonium analog (54) tors that complicate the transport process include complexation

or protein-binding. Most drugs move through a membrane by a
simple diffusion mechanism (passive transport); a few com-

pounds that resemble normal body substrates may bind to
transport molecules and are carried via an active-transport
process in which drugs can move against a concentration gra-
dientthat is, they can be transported from a compartment of
dimethylsulfonium analog permanently uncharged sulfide
low concentration to one of higher concentration.
54 55
METABOLISMAs soon as a drug enters the body, it be-
comes susceptible to a variety of metabolic processes that
is active as a D 2 -dopamine agonist, whereas the permanently usually detoxify the foreign substance. In addition, through
uncharged sulfide (55) is inactive as a D 2 -dopamine agonist. 6 oxidation, reduction, hydrolysis, esterification, or conjugation
This suggests that the uncharged form of a dopamine agonist is the drug usually is made more water soluble, to enhance its
unlikely to produce D 2 -dopamine activity. It also has been found excretion from the body. However, there are instances when a
using this approach that both charged agonists and antagonists drug metabolite actually may be the active compound, having
are responsible for binding to and activating dopamine D 2 -re- activity similar to the original compound. Usually, after several
ceptors. This work, along with observations made using agents biotransformations, the modified form is excreted.
that interact with carboxyl groups that block dopaminergic re- The liver is the primary site of detoxification, but enzyme
ceptors, indicates an ionic attraction between dopamine D 2 -ag- processes also may occur in the stomach, intestine, and other
onists and D 2 -antagonists and their target receptor. areas in the body. The metabolic reactions occurring in the liver
In order to improve on the pharmacological activity of a drug traditionally are separated into two categories.
or to enhance metabolic stability, various replacements of acid
and basic groups have been attempted. One of the bioisosteric 1. The drug undergoes what might be termed functional group -

replacements of an acid functional group often employed is that changes, such as ring or side-chain hydroxylation, nitrogroup re-
of the tetrazole group, which has a pli a -- 4.9. It was found that duction, aldehyde oxidation, dealkylation, or deamination.
the tetrazole analog (56) 2. The drug undergoes what is called conjugation, in which the me-
tabolized compound combines with solubilizing groups such as
glucuronic acid or glycine to form excretable conjugates.
OH Because drugs can undergo such a wide variety of chemical
changes in the body, the specifics of which are unpredictable,
the medicinal chemist must at least be aware of these metabolic
tetrazole analog of nicotinic acid nicotinic acic
processes. At some point in the development of a new drug, the
56 57
molecular structure of the drug may have to be altered in order
to change the way in which it is metabolized.
of nicotinic acid (57) was more active as an antihyperlipidemic INTERACTION WITH ACTIVE SITESEhrlich' first
than the parent molecule, nicotinic acid. introduced the concept that a drug must first combine with a re-
ceptor (active site) to produce an effect. A receptor is considered
to be a cellular substance on which a drug acts to produce its ef-
Drug Disposition fects. A receptor may be composed of protein, RNA, or DNA.
It should be recognized that a number of factors can affect the Proteins are an important set of receptors, and drug action may
interaction of a drug with a receptor, including interatomic dis- be a consequence of the influence of a drug on an enzyme. Of-
tances, shape, size, absolute configuration, rigidity, flexibility, ten, the drugs reserved for cancer and viral diseases interact
and charge distribution. Some or all of these factors play a part with DNA.
in the consideration of drug design. Normally, by starting the An enzyme system is composed of a coenzyme, usually non-
drug-design process at the level of receptors or enzymes, the protein in nature; an apoenzyme (the protein portion), which
variables such as absorption, transportation, metabolism, and also may enjoin a nonprotein prosthetic group; and cofactors, of-
excretion are set aside temporarily in order to optimize affinity ten inorganic metallic ions and the substrate, which is acted
and potency. Regardless of how the medicinal chemist chooses upon by the enzyme. The active site on the enzyme may consist
to modify the structure, the process of developing a drug is very of an anionic, cationic, acidic, basic, and/or neutral sites. In ad-
complex and the additional factors that must be considered in dition, the physical shape of the site is such that the contour of
obtaining a useful drug will be discussed below. the molecule that interacts with the receptor must have a
ABSORPTIONMost drugs are administered orally and proper shape to insure a fit on the receptor.
pass through the stomach, small intestine, and colon; they may BINDING AND STORAGEIt is known that other sub-
be absorbed at any location. During their passage through the stances, including mucins and proteins, bind drugs. If the bind-
gastrointestinal (GI) tract, drugs will experience a range of pH ing force is strong, the drug may combine quickly with the
changes starting at about 1.5 in the stomach and reaching as macromolecules and thus be removed from the transport sys-
high as pH 8 in the colon. Additionally, drugs are subjected to a tem, metabolized, and excreted. Besides complexation to
variety of enzymes and complexing agents, all of which tend to macromolecules, storage also can occur by partitioning in the
reduce the effective concentration of the compound. body lipids or chelation by bony tissue. hi any case, the location
For a drug to be absorbed (through lipid membranes), it must and degree of storage is a factor influencing the potency, toxic-
be present in the fat-soluble un-ionized form. The pIC of the ity, and duration of action of a drug. For example, the short-
drug and the pH of the absorption site determine the ease of ab- acting barbiturates are thought to be bound very rapidly by
sorption. Acidic drugs (eg, aspirin) are absorbed best from the body tissues, and thus the active species is removed quickly
stomach, whereas basic compounds (eg, ephedrine) are absorbed from the transport system and its action ceases. Yet suramin
preferentially in the small intestine. Permanently ionized sodium has an extremely long biological half-life, with notice-
molecules (eg, quaternary ammonium salts) la ck lipid solubility able concentrations evident months after cessation of dosing
and usually are absorbed poorly from any region of the GI tract. with the drug.
TRANSPORTThe blood is the primary carrier of drugs EXCRETIONThe excretion process is coupled closely to
throughout the body. Independent of the method of adminis- metabolism and results in the removal of the drug from the
tration, the drug must pass through several membranes on its body Elimination may occur via the kidney, liver, skin, lungs,
way to the active site. Solubility, degree of ionization, and other or GI tract. The route of excretion used is determined largely by

the drug; the volatile compounds (ether, alcohol) excrete via the without the necessity of synthesizing and measuring P. of the
lungs, poorly absorbed or insoluble substances through the GI actual compound. An example was the calculation of P. values
tract with the feces, and very few through the skin The main for a series of substituted benzeneboronic acids. The values of 7
route of elimination is through the kidney. The biochemical as- were taken from the known series of substituted benzoic acids
pects relating to the complexity of the biosystem that the drug and, when added to the log PH value for benzeneboronic acid,
must survive are intricate and little understood. gave values of log P. for the substituted boronic acids (58).

RELATIONSHIPS substituted boronic acid
A long-standing goal of workers in the area of quantitative 58
structureactivity relationships (QSAR) has been the develop-
ment of quantitative methods of determining the activities of When these values were used in a Hansch equation to predict
a series of compounds. One of the earliest hypotheses that drug penetration into brain tissue, excellent correlation with
attempted to relate activity to a physicochemical parameter experimental values was obtained.
was the MeyerOverton narcosis theory.' In 1901, both men Another feature of Hansch's work is the use of the technique
working independently observed that, for general anesthetics, of regression analysis. In seeking structureactivity correlation
activity was related to the lipid/water partition coefficient; it often is not necessary to include all of the defined parameters
cyclopropane with a value of 65 was far more effective than in the equation to obtain good results. In effect, what has been
nitrous oxide with a coefficient of 2.2. done is to fit the data to several forms of the equation using the
In the field of theoretical chemistry, Hammett' was the first method of least squares, to determine which equation is statis-
to demonstrate that the pli values of substituted benzoic acids tically the best. Thus, if good correlation can be obtained by in-
could be predicted as a function of the various substituents at- cluding only 7 values, it is probable that the electronic effect of
tached to the ring and their abilities to either donate or with- the sub stituent is not critical for drug activity in that series.
draw electrons from the carboxyl group. These results then Postulates as to specific drug mechanisms thus can be made
were extended to other reactions and other series of compounds when activity dependence, or lack thereof, is found for a given
using the same substituent constants derived from the benzoic parameter. Further expansions of the equation also permit
acid series. In the Hammet equation, mechanistic considerations to be formulated. The po- term (ac-
tually a log k term) can be expanded to include a steric param-
log k/k o = (1) eter (E s ) or electron-density parameters for various parts of a
where k is the rate constant for the reaction of a substituted molecule. Thus, if inclusion of a steric substituent constant
aromatic compound, k o is the rate constant for the unsubsti- leads to improved correlation, the steric requirements of the
tuted aromatic compound, p is the reaction constant, and r is drug/enzyme interaction can be better understood. Several ex-
the substituent constant. Later work led to substituent con- amples are given below for derived equations in which excellent
stants in which the electronic effect is separated into inductive correlation with experimental results is found when one or
and resonance terms; in the Taft equation, a term Es is defined more parameters are omitted.
as a measure of the steric requirements of a substituent. For the antibacterial effects on gram-negative bacteria of a
In more recent times there have been numerous mathemat- series of diguanidines, the structures of which are shown in 59,
ical attempts to correlate molecular structure with drug activ-
ity. Many of these attempts were destined to fail because they NI-I

grossly oversimplified what is now known as a very complex NH C NR2 t 2 HO

problem, even more so than simple chemical reactivity. Moder-
diguanidines Substituted phenols
ate success has been achieved within narrow limits of drug
type, but a universal equation has yet to find expression. 59 60
One of the most successful investigators in this field is Han-
sch,'" who derived a general equation based on linear free-en- the equation
ergy considerations. Inherent in this equation is the ability to
log 1/C = 0.081 Tr 2 + 1.4837 L578 (4)
incorporate parameters that encompass the full range of known
biological requirements for drug activity. Among these are predicts quantitative activity very accurately. Substituent ef-
terms for biological transport, drug/enzyme binding energies, fects are neglected here because molecular modification in-
substituent effects (both electronic and steric), and electron volves only a change in the number of methylene groups.
densities of possible active sites on the drug molecule. For the antibacterial activity of substituted phenols of the
The most general form of the Hansch equation usually is structure indicated by 60, the equation
log 1/C = 0.684 log P 0.9210- + 0.268 (5)
log 1/C = a(log P) 2 + b log P + po- +c (2)
fits the data best.
Activity is expressed as 1/C, where C is the concentration of a It would seem that substituents that donate electrons (
drug required to elicit a given response and P is the octanollwa- values) would have the highest activity, but in the series stud-
ter partition coefficient, a measure of the hydrophobic bonding ied, these compounds have relatively small values of log P, and
power of the drug. Its magnitude is indicative of the constant, this offsets much of the substituent effect. Thus, the most active
p, which is characteristic of a given molecular type; and cr is the compounds were those that had the best balance between par-
Hammett substituent constant, which is a measure of the elec- tition coefficient and electronic effect.
tronic effect on the rate of reaction. For a series of phosphonate esters known cholinesterase
The equation also is expressed as inhibitors (61),
log 1/C = aTr 2 + bTr + prr + c

substituted molecule, and PH is the partition coefficient of the

parent unsubstituted molecule. The particular benefit of the TT
term is the observation by Hansch that 7 values are additive
and thus numerous partition coefficients can be calculated
where 7 = log P log PH. P. is the partition coefficient of the

o P OCH 2 CH 3

phosphonate esters

the equation that gave the best correlation was activity of a series of indane nucleosides based on molecular
- surface area and the energy of the LUMO (lowest unoccupied
log K = 0.1527 1.68o + 4.053 E, + 7.212 (6) molecular orbital); Clare and Supuran' built successful QSAR
where K is the inhibition constant, 0- is the substituent con- models for the activities of a series of 36 carbonic anhydrase in-
stant for aliphatic systems, and E, is the Taft steric constant. hibitors using as descriptors various quantities derived from a b
Here is a series in which the steric effect of the substituents initio quantum calculations, including partial atomic charges,
plays an important role. The bulkier groups cause a decrease components of molecular dipole moment projected along key
in cholinesterase inhibition. chemical bonds, and molecular surface area.
These are just a few of the many structureactivity corre- Perhaps the most ambitious technique for directly correlat-
lations that Hansch has been able to formulate. A study of ing molecular structure with activity is CoMFA (Comparative
those equations of best-fit also can give an indication of how Molecular Field Analysis). In this approach a three-dimensional
to modify a structure to affect biological activity. In a study of grid is superimposed on a set of aligned molecules (usually a con-
thyroxine derivatives, it was predicted (and substantiated) generic series, but not necessarily so), and electrostatic and
that the replacement of iodine by a t-butyl group should lead steric potentials for the molecules are computed at each vertex
to a more active molecule. To date, the Hansch equation is one of the grid. A multiple regression model is then constructed to
of the most ambitious attempts to explain drug activity in relate experimental activities with the variations in the fields
terms of structural variations. measured on the grid. The method can be used to create predic-
To obtain a good statistical correlation in fitting data to an tive models which have the added benefit of highlighting
equation that should lead to the prediction of the most active portions of the grid associated with large variations in activity
compound in a series, the more compounds that are prepared, (for example, regions where high positive electrostatic potential
the better the results. At least five compounds should be pre- is correlated with high activity). It is possible to generate color-
pared for each variable on the right side of the equation; and coded graphical displays that can serve as a guide in modifying
the greater the number of compounds synthesized, the more molecules so as to realize increased activity. CoMFA has been
likely an optimum compound will be found. successfully applied to a wide range of molecular targets, in-
Topliss' devised an operational scheme (62), cluding HIV protease inhibitors, l ''' ' androgenic compounds, 17
and opiaids."


4 cl 4 C1 4 C1
Theories of drug design have evolved from the concept of drug-
I I 114
receptor interactions. In a viable biosystem, a variety of sub-
IL strates are known to be metabolized through the intervention
4 0CH
3 4 TX H
3 4 0C1I
3 4 C11
3 4 CH 3 4C" 3
3,4C1 3,4 3 ,4C1 of enzyme systems. A large proportion of drugs are believed to
act by altering the ability of the substrate to interact with the
4CII 81 3 Y
4 CF30 C1
enzyme or receptor. Without attempting to be comprehensive,
extensions of the drug-receptor concept that have some experi-
3 C1 3 01
mental verification will be discussed.
The theory of metabolite antagonism, or antimetabolites, is
4 MCH31 3 4 NIC V 3 4111.0-1,13 one that has gained credence. An antimetabolite can, through
structural or functional group similarity, compete with a
Topliss decision tree appraoch metabolite by blocking a site on an enzyme at which the
62 metabolite ordinarily acts. This latter mechanism, enzyme
inhibition, probably has been studied more than any other sin-
which shows the beginning steps in this decision-tree approach) gle mechanism. In its most recent version the theory postulates
for the optimization of compounds using the substituent con- that there are sites of particular conformation on the surface of
stants 7 and o- values used in the Hansch method. However, the enzyme. Spacing and chemical affinity are such that only a
this approach avoids the mathematical and statistical require- molecule having a shape that is the mirror image of the enzyme
ments of the Ilansch equation. For optimum aromatic substitu- surface and has the correct chemical groups can interact with
tion a p-chloro analog is prepared; if this is more (M) active than the enzyme.
the parent, unsubstituted compound (H), a positive 7 and o- The classic example of metabolite antagonism by a drug is
value is thought to be important, and the next type of substitu- sulfanilamide (33) and its derivatives. In work carried out by
tion would be a 3,4-dichloro analog. Ifthe p-chloro analog is less Woods,' sulfanilamide was shown to be antagonistic to p-
active (L), a 4-methoxy substituent would be the next com- aminobenzoic acid (PABA), a biological precursor of dihydrofolic
pound to be prepared and tested; if equally (E) active, a 4- acid. A fascinating feature of these studies was the demonstra-
methyl substituent would be tried. Using this selection-grid tion that PABA would reverse the effect of sulfanilamide on a
approach, the optimum compound normally can be found with bacterial culture, an example of metabolite antagonism in
a fewer number of synthesized compounds than with the Han- reverse. Because the two compounds are isosteres, it is easy to
sch approach. A similar type of scheme has been devised by see why they are mutually antagonistic.
Topliss for side-chain substitutions. Either the metabolite or its antagonist can attach itself to
In recent years, advances in computing power have made the critical area of the dihydrofolate synthetic enzyme surface.
possible QSAR studies that do not rely solely on experimentally- If the former occurs, PABA begins its transformation into dihy-
derived parameters that describe substituent effects, but in- drofolic acid, but if the latter happens, the metabolic process
stead compute various descriptors (HOMO and LUMO energies, ceases and, in the case of bacteria, multiplication is inhibited.
partial atomic charges, molecular dipole moment, polarizabil- The degree of inhibition depends on the relative concentrations
ity) directly from the molecular wavefunction using both a b ini- of the substrate and the inhibitor. Selective toxicity is shown for
tio and semiempirical methods. For example, Olivero-Verbel bacteria because mammals do not need to synthesize dihydro-
and Pacheco-Londono' 2 successfully modeled the cytotoxic and folic acid, but obtain it in their diets.
anti-HIV activity of 29 flavono ids using regression models based Another mode of drug action involves enzyme deactivation
on descriptors such as atomic partial charges and total dipole without actual competition. Here, the drug can react with the
moment computed using the Gaussian quantum-chemical pack- enzyme or even the enzyme-substrate complex and, in some
age; Ya a et al l ' constructed predictive models of the anti-cancer manner, prevent the metabolism of the substrate. The nitrogen

mustards, and other alkylating agents used for cancer

1-1 0 HO
chemotherapy, act in this fashion. These drugs are relatively C1-1 2 F
nonspecific inhibitors that act by forming irreversible bonds HO
I _._.. ARAD
CH 2
CH 2 CCO2H HO CH2 CC.< \
with enzyme and nucleic acid molecules. In doing so they may 1N1 1-
not block necessarily a particular site, but rather many active 2

sites; in this way, they inactivate enzymes and react with base CH

residues of DNA, to form cross-links. Nitrogen mustards can

prevent replication, and thus arrest cell division.
One of the recent advances in the treatment of hypertension
came about through a better understanding of the mechanism
of angiotension. The reninangiotensin system (RAS) (63),

ANGIOTENS11400EN HO Enz Nu HO Ent Nu: 4

Renln CH, co CH 2
CH 2C )


Ancicitensin CH
Converling {ACE).


ALOOSTEHONE ft\ fr a.s H

HSczi 2 Figure 28-1.
Vasoconstrin liar)
N .. coori
Nat Relenlion H

renin-angiotensin system captopri l

fi 3 64
Enzymes using pyridoxal phosphate have been used a great
plays a key role in the maintenance of sodium and fluid vol- deal with this approach. An example is monofluoromethyl
ume, resulting in the regulation of blood pressure. The system dihydroxyphenylalanine (Fig 284), which inhibits the enzyme
is composed of two important enzymes: renin and angiotensin- aromatic amino acid decarboxylase (AAAD). The inhibition of the
converting enzyme (ACE). Renin converts angiotensinogen enzyme is shown with the cofactor in Figure 28-1. There
to the decapeptide angiotensin I; ACE acts upon angiotensin I are many examples of 14 t inhibitors, but at this time one of
to give the octapeptide angiotensin II, which is responsi- the most-used classes of drugs therapeutically are the propargy-
ble for the peripheral effects leading to an elevation of blood lamine derivatives, which inhibit monoamine oxidase (MAO).
pressure. The inhibitors form a covalent bond with the flavine portion
Although ACE was identified in the mid-1950s, it wasn't of MAO.
until 1977 that Cushman and Ondetti 2 reported a new drug,
captopril (64), that competitively could inhibit ACE. This
provided a major advance in the treatment of hypertension. COMPUTER USE IN DRUG DESIGN
Based on the concepts learned from a knowledge of the bind-
ing points of captoprilthat the mercapto group binds to Zn One of the early uses of computer-assisted drug design
ion, the amide carbonyl to a hydrogen-bonding site, and the (CADD) 21 was in the QSAR approaches of Hansch, as previ-
carboxylate to a positive center on the enzymenew inhibitors ously discussed. Other uses of the computer have been to ap-
have been synthesized. One of the most successful of these new ply computational chemistry to learn about the shape of
analogs is enalaprilat (65), molecules. In conformational studies, molecular mechanics
and quantum mechanics calculations are carried out to pro-
H H vide insight as to the preferred conformations of a molecule. A
I I I f"--- variety of approaches are used to carry out such computations.
CH 2 CH 2 - C N C- -CN
2H 2 C
Molecular mechanics calculations are fast, but require exten-
caoH CH 3
H C0011 sive lists of atom types and detailed sets of parameters, and
erla /8 prliSit
will fail when confronted with novel chemical structures.
On the other hand, high-level quantum calculations provide
high accuracy and can be applied to any chemical structure,
but are time-consuming and limited to relatively small com-
which has the advantage of oral activity and lacks central pounds. Fast semiempirical quantum methods ranging from
effects. Modern approaches at preparing new drugs that will CNDO to PM3 fill an important gap, being applicable to a
affect the RAS include inhibitors of renin and the preparation wide range of compounds and fast enough to be used with
of angiotensin receptor antagonists. relatively large molecules. Although a preferred-conformation,
Besides substrate analogs, the design of transition-state low-energy form of a drug may be calculated using these con-
inhibitors also is an important approach to drug design. Tran- cepts, this may not be the conformation required to produce
sition-state analogs are intended to resemble the substrate in drug activity.
transition from substrate to products, and they should be stable Molecular modeling and molecular graphics have shown
substances. In designing this inhibitor, a very good under- dramatic growth and are becoming an integral part of the
standing of the specific enzyme mechanism and the chemical drug-discovery process. Molecular modeling is the generation,
nature of the transition state is needed. Another approach that manipulation, and representation of the three-dimensional
is being used is to prepare loot or suicide-substrate inhibitors. form of molecules; m.olecular graphics refers to the use of com-
In designing these types of inhibitors, the mechanism of the puter graphics to represent the molecular structure. In the
enzyme should be known; it is important to generate a reactive past, synthetic chemists have used molecular models, but
intermediate that, in turn, undergoes an irreversible reaction computer modeling has enhanced the detailed display of
with the enzyme. molecular structures.

An important use of CADD is in the design of hypothetical REFERENCES

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introduction of new computing and chemical automation pro-
cesses, along with the merging of the combinatorial chemistry
with biology via high-throughput screening.
Two basic combinatorial processes are currently used.' BIBLIOGRAPHY
Parallel Synthesis This process was invented in the 1980s by H
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Natoff IL, Redshaw S. Drugs Future 1987; 12:475.
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Nogrady T. Medicinal Chemistry. A Biochemical Approach, 2nd ed. New
Split and Mix Synthesis This methx1 24 was used in the late 1980s
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by Arpad Furka. The parallel synthesis affords a single product per
Roberts GCK, ed. Drug Action at the Molecular Level. Baltimore: Uni-
reaction vessel, but a split and mix synthesis produces a mixture of com-
versity Park Press, 1977.
pounds in each reaction vessel. This reduces the number of vessels
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lions of compounds for a library. Split and mix synthesis has several Chemistry in Drug Research. New York: Academic Press, 1985.
Silverman RB. The Organic Chemistry of Drug Design and Drug Action.
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to keep track of the compounds in a given vessel. Furthermore, decon-
Smith HJ, Williams H, eds. Introduction to the Principles of Drug De-
volution of the mixture to identify the active component(s) of a mixture
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Fundamentals of Medical Radionuclides
Jeffrey P Norenberg, MS, PharmD, BCNP, FASHP, FAPhA
William B Hladik III, MS, FASHP, FAPhA
For years the alchemist sought the secret of transmutation industry, medicine, pharmacy, agriculture, and other disci-
without success. Today, this nuclear processconverting one plines where the atom is used for the benefit of humanity.
element into anotheris commonplace, but the knowledge of The purpose of this chapter is to review some fundamental
nuclear processes is of recent origin. It was not until 1896 that properties of radionuclides, including their nature and source,
Becquerel observed the fogging of his photographic plates by a and methods for their detection and measurement. This basic
uranium salt. His observation aroused the curiosity of the information should facilitate a better understanding of how and
Curies concerning the uranium ore, pitchblende, from which when they can be applied to the disciplines of medicine and
they isolated the elements polonium and radium. Research over pharmacy.
the next few years bythe Curies, Becquerel, Schmidt, Debierne,
and others soon resulted in the discovery and isolation of still
other new elements from uranium and thorium ores. These el- APPLICATIONS OF RADIONUCLIDES IN
ements, too, were found to fog photographic plates. MEDICINE AND PHARMACY
It was known that the fogging of photographic plates was
caused by some sort of radiation. By 1899 Rutherford concluded Radium has the distinction of being the first radionuclide used
that this radiation was of two types, which he called alpha and in medicine, employed as early as 1901. This nuclide was the
beta. The next year Pierre Curie and Villard observed a third, most important medical radionuclide in use up to about 1946
very penetrating, type of radiation, which they called gam m when artificially produced radionuclides became available in
The theory of radioactive disintegration was proposed by quantity. Since that date, growth in the medical applications of
Rutherford and Soddy in 1903. They suggested that atoms of radionuclides has been very rapid as their usefulness has be-
radioactive elements undergo spontaneous emission of alpha come more and more apparent in medical diagnosis, therapy,
and beta particles with the formation of atoms of a new ele- and research and as greater numbers of physicians and other
ment. These deductions were amazing when one considers the scientific personnel have been trained in their use. Current
status of atomic knowledge of that day. medical procedures employ more than 50 radionuclides in a
The electron, later found to be physically identical with the wide variety of chemical and physical forms.
beta particle, had been discovered by Thomson in 1897. In 1909 Other than for basic research, radionuclides are used in
Rutherford and Royds identified the alpha particle as a helium medicine and pharmacy in two different ways: as (1) sealed ra-
nucleus; in 1911, data on alpha particle scattering provided the diation sources or (2) radiopharmaceuticals.
evidence needed for Rutherford to propose the nuclear theory of As sealed radiation sources, their principal roles are in (1)
the atom, that the positive charge of an atom is concentrated in therapy and (2) calibration of radiation detection instrumenta-
a centrally located nucleus rather than being interspersed with tion. For therapy, the choice of the radionuclide for a given ap-
the negatively charged electrons. plication is governed largely by the properties of the radiation
Two years later, Bohr published his theory of atomic struc- required for treatment; the type and energy of the radiation
ture, based upon Rutherford's nuclear theory and the quantum and range in tissues are prime considerations. For therapeutic
theory of Planck. The same year (1913) Soddy proposed the applications, the radiation sources are either (1) externally
name isotope (from the Greek, for "same place"). Aston had just beamed into cancerous tissue (teletherapy) or (2) implanted in
separated two isotopes of neon by fractional diffusion in confir- the form of seeds, wires, or ribbons (or other physical forms)
mation of Thomson's discovery of these two forms of neon in within, or in proximity to, cancerous tissue for specified periods
1912. of time (brachytherapy). For these purposes the chemical prop-
Rutherford was the foremost nuclear scientist of his time. hi erties or chemical form of the radionuclide are relatively unim-
1919 it was he who first observed and identified transmutation portant. Likewise, for calibration purposes, the nature of the
of one element into another. It was achieved by bombarding ni- radiation emitted is usually pertinent whereas the chemical
trogen with alpha particles. In the process, the nitrogen was properties are not.
converted into an isotope of oxygen with a mass of 17. Ruther- A radiopharm.aceutical is a preparation, intended for in
ford died in 1937 believing that nuclear power would never be vivo use, that contains a radionuclide in the form of a simple
achieved. This was achieved only 5 years later when Fermi salt or a complex. It may exist as a solid, liquid, gas, or pseu-
built the first nuclear reactor in Chicago. dogas. The chemical and physical identity and form of a ra-
Constructive research on the nucleus of the atom has re- diopharmaceutical is very important because in each case,
sulted not only in the means to harness this tremendous power once administered, the radiopharmaceutical is intended to
for the production of electricity and other forms of useful en- target certain tissues, binding sites, and/or biochemical path-
ergy, but also has provided scientists with more than 2500 dif- ways. Depending on its specific physicochemical and radiation
ferent species of atoms. These find innumerable applications in properties, a radio pharmaceutical can be used for either diag-


nostic or therapeutic purposes, and in a few cases for both. For ADI
diagnostic applications, a radiopharmaceutical should not be POWER RADIO WAVES / INFRARED ?;,' i ) RAYS r GAMMA
pharmacologically active in that it should not produce a phys-
iologic effect. It is administered in extremely small (tracer) 1 0 81
0.-8 10.4 10 2 I 10 4 10 8 108

quantities so that it does not alter the physiologic or patho- PhOlon Energy rev)

physiologic process which is being measured. The nature of

the radiation emitted by a diagnostic radiopharmaceutical is Figure 29 1. Electromagnetic spectrum.

important primarily for its ease of detection (ie, to obtain an

image or other diagnostic data). On the other hand, for a ther-
apeutic radiopharmaceutical, the type and energy of the radi- Gamma radiation is different from alpha and beta radia-
ation as well as its range in tissues are very important con- tion. Gamma radiation is electromagnetic, whereas alpha and
siderations, as was the case with sealed sources used for beta radiation are particulate. Gamma rays are radiated as
therapy. A radiopharmaceutical preparation designed for photons or quanta of energy at a velocity c of 3. 0 x 10 12 m/sec.
therapeutic purposes must contain enough radioactivity to They are often emitted as a result of nuclear deexcitation, which
produce the intended tissue effects. is required when nuclei produced in nuclear reactions are in an
The development, evaluation, preparation, testing, and clin- excited state rather than in the ground state. When excited, nu-
ical use of radiopharmaceuticals have led to the introduction of cleons occupy high-energy quantum levels. They tend to lose ex-
the specialty disciplines known as nuclear medicine and nu- cess energy, returning to the ground quantum state by gamma
clear pharmacy. In the US alone, practitioners in these special- ray emission. Gamma radiation differs from X-rays, ultraviolet
ties are responsible for the care of approximately 40,000 to rays, and visible light only in wavelength (or frequency), as il-
50,000 patients each day on average. lustrated in Figure 29-1.
Gamma rays are the most penetrating of all types of radia-
tion emitted by radionuclides (except neutrinos) and can pass
easily through more than 25 cm of tissue or several centimeters
RADIOACTIVITY AND RADIATION of lead, again depending on the specific energy of the gamma
Radioactivity is defined as the phenomenon by which one nu- ray. Radiotracers typically contain radionuclides that emit
clide is spontaneously transformed into another nuclide with gamma rays. Gamma-emitting radionuclides are particularly
the emission of energy in the form of radiation. Therefore, a nu- useful for diagnostic radiopharmaceuticals; once the radiophar-
clide that undergoes a spontaneous nuclear reaction is said to maceutical has distributed within the body, the photons can
be radioactive. Such elements are radioactive because the con- penetrate the tissues and be detected externally using specially
figuration of protons and neutrons in the nucleus produces an designed imaging equipment.
unstable structure. During the process of spontaneous trans-
formation (decay) the ratio of neutrons to protons changes. Af-
ter one or more decay processes, a stable nucleus is formed. Be- EXTRANUCLEAR RADIATION
cause of its special importance in nuclear pharmacy and There is a certain probability that, instead of emitting a gamma
nuclear medicine, radioactive decay is discussed in detail in a ray during nuclear deexcitation, the excited nucleus may trans-
subsequent section. There are several types of radiation that fer its excitation energy to an electron in an electron shell of its
may be emitted from radionuclides, each of which has found own atom. In this case, the electron is ejected from its shell pro-
usefulness in some medical application. vided that the excitation energy exceeds the electron binding
energy. The ejected electron is called a conversion electron, and
RADIATION FROM RADIOACTIVE NUCLEI this entire process is referred to as internal conversion. When
an electron is emitted from its electron shell, the vacancy will
Three types of radiation are emitted most frequently from ra- be filled with an electron from a more distant orbital shell. The
dioactive nuclei: alpha, beta, and gamma. energy difference between the two shells will be emitted as an
Alpha particles, which constitute alpha radiation, are com- x-ray. Because this process may result in multiple electron
pound particles consisting of two protons and two neutrons. shell vacancies, a cascade effect may induce the emission of
The alpha particle is identical with the helium nucleusthat multiple x-rays.
is, a helium atom, less two orbital electrons. As an alpha parti- Atomic deexcitation is a process that of necessity must follow
cle loses energy, its velocity decreases. It then attracts electrons any change in the identity of a nucleus. The daughter produced
to its K-shell and becomes an ordinary helium atom. The range in a radioactive decay process is a different element. Orbital
of alpha particles in air is about 5 cm; the range in tissue is less electrons find themselves in excited states and proceed to lose
than 100 iLm in tissue. energy, either as fluorescence radiation or as Auger electrons,
Beta radiation exists as two types because there are two until a stable configuration is achieved.
kinds of electrons, the negative electron (or negatron), and the Conversion electrons and Auger electrons are particulate ra-
positive electron (or positron). The positron is identical with the diation and thus are useful for therapeutic applications; x-rays
negatron in all respects except for its charge of +1 instead of are electromagnetic radiation, and hence are more applicable to
1. The positron also is known as the antiparticle of the elec- radiotracer methodologies.
tron. When these electrons are emitted from radioactive nuclei,
they are called beta particles. That is, the two particles and
13+ are the same as e and e+, respectively, except for their ori-
gin. Beta particles may have a range of over 3 m in air and up THE ATOM
to about 1 mm in tissue (or more), depending on the specific en- To better understand the concepts of radioactivity and radia-
ergy of the beta particle.
tion, it is helpful to review selected properties of the atom.
Because alpha and beta particles release large amounts of
energy over a short distance (path), they are locally destructive
to tissue. As a result, radionuclides that emit these particles are ATOMIC STRUCTURE
useful as therapeutic agents if deposited internally or placed
strategically in proximity to lesions (eg, therapeutic radiophar- A neutral atom consists of a positively charged nucleus (com-
maceuticals or sources for brachytherapy). To date, beta-emit- posed of protons and neutrons) with which orbital electrons are
ting radionuclides have been used more commonly than alpha- associated. The number of orbital electrons is equal to the num-
emitters in medicine, although several radiopharmaceuticals ber of protons in the nucleus, and the number of protons in the
containing the latter are currently under investigation. nucleus defines the atomic number, Z. The neutron number, N,

is the number of neutrons in the nucleus, and the mass number, other hand, 'H and He are isobars, and 311 and 'He are iso-
A, is equal to the sum of the protons and neutrons. Thus, A = Z tones.
+ N.
The radius of an atom is approximately 10 ' m or 1 A. The
nucleus is roughly 1/100,000 the size of the atom. For example, NUCLEAR NOTATION
the radius of the oxygen nucleus is about 3 x 10 " m and that
of the lead nucleus is about 7 x 10 -15 m. To gain some appreci- In writing the symbol for a nuclide, the atomic number is writ-
ation of the smallness of the nucleus, let us suppose that the ten as a subscript preceding the symbol for the element, and the
oxygen nucleus is magnified until it appears to be the size of a mass number is written as a superscript. Thus, the symbol 7 14 N
golf ball. The golf ball, similarly magnified, would appear to describes the nitrogen nucleus whose atomic number, Z, is 7
have a diameter of about 100 million miles, or roughly the dis- and whose mass, A, is 14.
tance from the earth to the sun. Av
Atoms are quite empty. The nucleus and orbital electrons oc-
cupy but a very small fraction of space in matter. Further, most
of the mass of matter is concentrated in the nucleus, which has NUCLEAR EQUATIONS
a density of 2A x 10 14 g/mL. For example, 1 mL of the sub-
stance of which nuclei are made would weigh over 200 million A nuclear equation is a representation of a nuclear reaction. A
tons. It is with this very unusual material of the nucleus that nuclear reaction occurs when there is a change in the configu-
we are concerned in nuclear reactions and radioactivity. ration of the nucleus of an atom. Nuclear reactions may occur
spontaneously, as occurs during the decay of radionuclides; or
they may be induced, as occurs during the production of artifi-
NUCLIDES AND ISOTOPES cial radionuclides. The nuclear equation expressing the first ar-
tificial transmutation observed by Rutherford is expressed by
In 1912, Thomson developed an analytical process known as
the notation:
positive ray analysis by which he could measure the mass of
particles such as atoms. When he attempted to determine the + tHe > IH + '40
mass of the neon atom, two lines appeared on the screen of his
apparatus, indicating two types of neon atoms having masses of In this reaction, nitrogen of mass 14 is bombarded with a he-
20 and 22, respectively. Using a process that would be the fore- lium nucleus of mass 4 (ie, an alpha particle) to produce oxygen
runner of mass spectrometry, Thomson demonstrated the exis- of mass 17 and a proton.
tence of nuclei possessing the same number of protons (and, It will be noted that nuclear equations must balance. The
hence, of the same chemical element) but a different number of sum of the masses on the left (14 + 4 -= 18) must equal the sum
neutrons (and, hence, of different mass). Soddy later called of the masses on the right (1 + 17 = 18). Also, the sum of the
these isotopes. atomic numbers on the left (7 + 2 = 9) must equal the sum of
The atomic number, Z, of neon is 10. From the relationship the atomic numbers on the right (1 + 8 = 9). This same nuclear
A = Z + N, we can deduce that the difference between these two reaction also may be represented by a shorthand notation:
forms of neon lies in the number of neutrons, N, in the nucleus: 14N(ot, p)'70
A = 20 = 10 + N.. N = 10
Target Nuclide (In, Out) Product Nuclide
A = 22 = 10 + N.. N = 12
Today, at least eight isotopes of neon are known. These are il-
lustrated in Figure 29-2. RADIOACTIVE DECAY
Isotopes are species of nuclides that possess the same num-
ber of protons but a different number of neutrons. That is, iso- STATISTICS
topes are nuclides of the same chemical element and, therefore, As stated previously, unstable nuclei that undergo a sponta-
have the same chemical properties but differ in mass. They also neous nuclear reaction are said to be radioactive. If a single ra-
may differ in stability. Certain mass numbers may represent dioactive atom could be separated for observation, there would
stable nuclei, whereas other mass numbers may represent ra- be no way to predict at which moment the decay of its nucleus
dioactive nuclei. A nuclide is any one of the more than about would occur. lf, however, a large number of similar radioactive
2500 known species of atoms characterized by the number of atoms is considered, it becomes possible to predict how many
protons and the number of neutrons in the nucleus. Nuclides will decay within a certain interval of time. This problem can be
that have the same mass are called isobars. Nuclides which understood if a comparison is made to the similar situation ex-
possess the same number of neutrons are called isotones. The isting with life insurance. Although the insuring company can-
nuclides illustrated in Fi ure 29-3'H, 2 H (deuterium), and 'H not predict when a particular policy holder will die, the fraction
(tritium)are isotopes; He and 'He are isotopes also. On the of a large group of policy holders who will die within a given
time interval can be predicted. The larger the group considered,
the more accurate the prediction. Such is the case with nuclei
the greater the number of nuclei considered, the more accurate
lOp the measurement of decay rate.
The need to recognize the influence of random decay upon
7N e
analytical results is extremely important. When radioactivity is
"Ne I 9
Ne. "Ne
measured, the value the true count, is required. Because ra-
Radioactive Radioactive Radioactive Stable
13+ Decay 13 + Decay 13 + Decay 90.9% Abundance
dioactive decay is random, p. cannot be measured. It is expected
that replicate measurements of count n, of the same sample will
give a range of values on either side of p.. The best estimate of
p, is given by the average:

"Ne 'Ne "Ne 21

Ne n = n/N
Stable Stable Radioactive Radioactive
0.3% Abundance 8.8% Abundance i t Decay trDecay where N is the number of replicate observations. The precision
with which the decay rate can be measured is expressed by the
Figure 29 2. Isotopes of neon
- standard deviation 0-, which is a measure of the spread of data


F.:F .1: 7;- g

R v.
= 2
ER cn
N n'

OP 0, W,

a 6 Hn

T i
cao 32 6 %I z
it Iv dr- t LL- = d
b 1.7;9.
0F,I. 2
8 00

. cc, 7".

6 lit a

`33 ".1
E 0.0
Z !CD `11;
N Z. = CD N
en L.;
C+1 W cr.) g
Z 0
- 5) 6 9a
N in=
:41 8 7; b 16

o 8
L.L. 0. c, .6; 0.

CPI 00


z K)'1'
c E
1 ti la

00 Q) oi
o b

I p-
LO an
co 41-2
0 s b 6


Table 29-1.


1 00 trin% of
50 7.07 14.14%
100 10.00 10.00%
500 22.36 4.47%
1000 31.62 3.16%
5000 70.71 1.41%
10000 100.00 1.00%
50000 223.60 0.44%

on either side of the mean. For radioactive decay, an estimate r,

of o- is given by Vh. There is a 68% chance that a particular time
measurement will fall within the range n tr. About one-third
of the observations result in values of n lying outside the range Figure 29-4. Energy-level diagram for the decay of phosphorus-32.
n tr. The significance is illustrated by the statistical analysis
in Table 29-1 and the normal probability curve depicted (refer
to Chapter 12). The rate of decay, dNIdt, sometimes called the activity, is
Assume that a radioactive sample is decaying at the rate of represented by the symbol A. Because the activity A is propor-
exactly 500 atoms per minute. If the number of decaying atoms tional to the number of atoms N, the following useful relation-
during each of 100 different 1 minute intervals were measured, ships also can be derived:
for 68 of these intervals the data would lie between 500 N&O,
or between 478 and 522. Data for the other 32% of the measure- A = XN
ments will fall either below 478 or above 522, or greater than one
standard deviation from the mean. Such variations, if truly of a 1nAJA 0 = At or A, = Ao e'
statistical nature, should not be interpreted as indicating faulty
equipment, faulty technique, or inaccurately calibrated sam- or
ples. An increase in counting time to record a greater number of In = ln A o
decay processes will result in an increase in counting accuracy.
When radionuclides are used in analytical procedures, the The last relationship is shown in Figure 29-5.
overall error in the measurement is due not only to random de- The absolute activity usually is expressed as disintegrations
cay but also to instrument error, pipetting, weighing, and other per sec (dls or dps) or disintegrations per minute (dlm or dpm).
procedural errors. The overall error can be estimated in terms The observed activity, which is less than the absolute activity by
of the sample standard deviation, s, where: a factor equal to the efficiency of the counting system, is ex-
pressed in counts per second (c/s or cps) or in counts per minute
j)2 (c/m or cpm).
s= The half-life of a radioactive species is the time required for
N 1
one-half of a given number of atoms to decay. The half-life, t v2 ,
is related to the disintegration constant, X, by
If the only source of error is that due to random decay, the value
of s should approach it as N, the number of observations, ap- t 112 0.693/X
proaches infinity.
where 0.693 = In 2.
Consecutive, sequential, or series decay results when a par-
KINETICS OF DECAY ent nuclide A decays to produce a radioactive daughter or
Decay rate is the time rate at which atoms undergo radioactive progeny B, which, in turn, decays to C:
disintegration. It is expressed by dArldt, where dN is the A XA ) B AB C
change in the number of atoms N, and dt is the change in the
time t. The negative sign indicates merely that the number of
atoms is decreasing in time. The rate of decay ( dNIdt) is pro-
portional to the number of atoms N, present at any time t. 100
Therefore, the rate of decay is expressed as: so
dNIdt = XN
where X is a proportionality constant usually called the decay
constant. The decay of radioactive atoms, therefore, is a first-or-
der reaction. 40

Integration of the equation above results in the useful

relation: "a

ln N, /No =
where No is the number of atoms present at zero-time and N, is
the number of atoms present at time t. This relationship some-
times is used more conveniently in the exponential form, the
"Common Radioactive Decay Equation":
= No e ' t4ives

which is illustrated graphically in Figure 29-4. Figure 29-5. Radioactive decay curve.

If only atoms of A are present initially, the number of atoms of sap

B present at time t is given by: E,
ant e -AB 9 JE = E,
A /AB AA NA0 (e

Of particular interest in nuclear medicine are combinations E2

where the parent radionuclide has a relatively long half-life
and the daughter radionuclide a short half-life, for example: Figure 29 6. Energy level diagram.

99 gg
'Mo 67 h '7c 6.0 h Te a proton has been produced, but because a neutron has been
consumed, there is no change in the mass number and thus the
After a time equal to many half-lives of the daughter, a state of
reaction is isobaric. This is explained by the particle reaction:
secular equilibrium or transient equilibrium. is achieved. At this
time, in-growth of the daughter has reached a maximum. This on >113 +e +v
process of series decay is used in radionuclide generators as a
source of short-lived radionuclides. This topic is discussed fur- which shows the decay of a neutron into a proton, a negative
ther in the section on production of radionuclides. electron and a neutrino.
The beta particles emitted during the decay of a given ra-
dioactive species do not all possess the same energy but are
UNITS OF RADIOACTIVITY emitted with a continuous energy distribution extending from
zero to a specific maximum value, E,,. This posed an enigma
One gram of radium was selected as the unit of radioactivity and for some time. The decay of phosphorus-32 of energy E, to
was called the curie. It has been extremely difficult to measure sulfur-32 of energy E2 should be associated with the release of
the absolute decay rate (dps) of a curie of radium, although the energy equal to AE, where E = E, E2 (see Fig 29-6). A new
average of many measurements, using a variety of methods, is particle, the neutrino, was postulated to explain the energy
approximately 3.7x 10 10 dps. In view of these discrepancies, the change not associated with the beta particle. Thus, the sum of
International Radium Standards Commission has recom- the energies of the beta particle and its associated neutrino is
mended the use of the arbitrary value of exactly 3.7 x 10 until equal to AE or E. (Fig 29-7). Moreover, the average energy of
the third significant figure is agreed upon. Although originally a beta particle is equal to 1/3 E, a .
defined in terms of radium, the curie has been used as a stan- If the ratio of neutrons to protons is too low for stability, a
dard for the disintegration rate of any radionuclide. For exam- nucleus may decay by positron emission (ie, positron decay):
ple, 1 curie of carbon-14 means that amount of carbon-14 neces-
sary to provide 3.7 X 10 10 dps. Despite its continued use on a > 1 A13 + 13+ +
limited basis in the US, the curie has generally been replaced by
the becquerel, Bq, named for Henri Becquerel, which is equal to In this instance the particle reaction that illustrates the change
an activity of one disintegrating atom per second (Table 29-2). is:
) + e++

MODES OF RADIOACTIVE DECAY Again, no change in mass number occurs (ie, the reaction is iso-
baric), since the decay of 'C to "13 is accompanied by the
When it is necessary to measure the absolute decay rate of a change of a proton into a neutron. The energies of the positrons
particular nuclear species, one must establish its mode of de- extend from zero to E, a in a manner analogous to the energy
cay, or decay scheme, in order to determine the relationship of distribution of negative beta particles because the neutrino is
the number of particles or gamma rays emitted to the number required to account for the balance of the energy.
of atoms actually undergoing decay. There are several impor- An alternative to positron emission for increasing the
tant modes of decay. neutron-to-proton ratio to a more stable condition is a process
Alpha decay is illustrated by the decay of polonium-210 to known as electron capture. In this process, an orbital electron
20I is
lead-206: captured by the nucleus. An example is the decay of T1 to
12Po > the + Pb
e- (K)
In this example, the nucleus oflead-206, which contains 82 pro-
tons and 124 neutrons, is stable and does not undergo further The corresponding particle reaction is:
decay. The majority of nuclides that undergo alpha decay have
atomic numbers greater than 82. e - +;p-) nn
There are three types of isobaric decay: negatron emission,
positron emission, and electron capture. If the ratio of neutrons
to protons is too high for stability, a nucleus may decay by nega-
tron emission (negatron decay). Decay by negatron emission is
illustrated by the decay of phosphorus-32 to sulfur-32 (Fig 29-6):

P > Ns + 13 - + v
Note that the atomic number of the daughter, sulfur-32, is
greater than that of the parent, phosphorus-32. In this process co
Table 29-2. Becquerel Units a)
Becquerel Bq 1 2.7 x 10 -1 ' Ci
Kilobecquerel kBq 10 3 2.7 x 10 -8 Ci
megabecquerel MBq 10 2.7 X 10 -9 Ci
Gigabecquerel GBq 10 9 2.7 X 10 -2 Ci Energy (mev)
Terabecquerel TBq 10 12 27 Ci
Figure 29 7. Typical beta spectrum

32p Slit o
of the 2.5 neutrons produced is used to sustain the reaction, the
\ 13- 1.71 mev
100% 1.48 mev
0" 0.314 mev 10096 reaction is said to be critical.
The following illustrates one of many combinations of fission
0.01% , 1.173 mev reactions that are possible:
1 1 U + ('A > 1 g4Sn +
i Mo + (1)n + (1)n.
1 2s

./ 2 1.332 mev The '''Sn and the 1 'Mo are very radioactive and have very
short half-lives. They immediately decay by a series of beta de-
"K cay processes:
13 . 1 36 mev 1
U,Sn > > 1 RATe >
1 1
ry 1 46 mev '2aMo > '22Tc 22Ru 221ih
Both 'I and are available . commercially as fission-pro-
duced radionuclides, although l Itu is not routinely used for
A r
medical applications.
Figure 29 8. Modes of decay. Radioactive atoms may decay by any one
- Before use, the desired nuclide must be chemically sepa-
of numerous processes. Negation decay is shown by an arrow slanting to rated from a large number of other fission-produced radionu-
the right, electron or K-capture by an arrow slanting to the left and clides. For many of the radionuclides produced by fission, sepa-
gamma emission by a vertical arrow. ration of the desired nuclide from the mixture of fission
products is too difficult or costly.
Electron capture also has been called K-capture because the
electron captured in the process is usually from the K shell.
However, the electron may also come from the L or M shell.
The mode of decay is often represented by an energy-level di- Many radioactive nuclides used in radiopharmaceuticals are
agram (Fig 29-8). Three different modes of decay are illus- prepared by neutron activation (n, -y) or transmutation (n, p) re-
trated. The first is the simple beta decay of phosphorus-32. In actions by placing a suitable target material in a nuclear reac-
this instance, each decaying atom of ' 2 P emits one beta particle. tor where it is bombarded by neutrons. By means of (n, -y) and
Thus, if the number of beta particles is measured, the number (n, p) reactions, reactors produce radionuclides having a high
of decaying atoms also is known. The decay of an atom of cobalt- neutron-to-proton ratio that typically decay by emission of a
60 also results essentially in the emission of a single beta par- negatron. For example, radioactive phosphorus ( 12P) can be
ticle, but two gamma rays are also emitted. Thus, if the decay prepared from stable phosphorus ( 1H P) by neutron capture:
rate is measured by counting the number of beta particles emit-
ted, a 1:1 ratio exists. If, on the other hand, the decay rate is de- i'rP + An >
termined from the number of gamma rays emitted, it must be
The disadvantage of this method is that the radioactive phos-
remembered that the number of decaying atoms is equal to only
phorus ( 32 P) is highly diluted with stable '1 ' P. Phosphorus-32 of
one-half the number of gamma rays (neglecting a small correc-
low specific activity can be used for certain purposes, such as
tion for internal conversion). In the third example, the decay of
the investigation of phosphate fertilizers, but would be less use-
K results in the emission of beta particles in 88.5% of decay
ful for many biological and medical applications.
events. The other 11.5% of decay events are by electron capture.
Radioactive phosphorus can be made by transmutation if
Thus, a microcurie of 401.( does not emit 3.7 x 10 4 beta particles
high specific activities are required:
per second, but only 0.885 x 3.7 x 10 4 beta particles. Decay
schemes for several radionuclides used in medicine are shown isS+ ( )n. > lap
in Figure 29-9.
In this case, the radioactive phosphorus can be separated from
the unreacted sulfur by chemical procedures. Where ' 2 1D is
made from ' 1 P, such chemical separations are not practical.
PRODUCTION OF RADIONUCLIDES Transmutation is useful for the preparation of many ra-
Most, if not all, radionuclides used in medicine and pharmacy dioactive nuclides, especially those of low atomic number. As
are produced artificially. Table 29-3 is a compilation of medical the atomic number increases, (n, -y) reactions are favored over
radionuclides along with their physical properties. These ra- (n, p) reactions. For example, cobalt-60 is produced by the reac-
dionuclides are produced by three general methods: (1) in a nu- tion 59 Co(n, -y) &1 Co because the reaction '1Ni(n, p) 5" Co does not
clear reactor as a fission by-product, (2) as the product of a occur with sufficient frequency to make the process commer-
neutron reactioneither by activation or transmutation, and cially feasible.
(3) by use of a particle accelerator such as a cyclotron. 125
1(t i p2 = 60 d) is produced from '24Xe:


Xe(n, y) 12 ')Ce EC _> 1251
Fission is a radioactive process in which a relatively heavy nu- Secondary neutron capture results in the side reaction ' 25 I(n,
cleus is divided into two new nuclei of nearly equal size with the -y) 12
'1. Because I25 l(t i p2 = 14 d) is an undesirable impurity in
simultaneous emission of two or three neutrons. Fission may be 1, it is removed through its own decay.
spontaneous, but normally the reaction is induced by bombard-
ment of the parent nucleus with a neutron:
where X and Y are fission products (new nuclei) with a Z value Certain radionuclides are cyclotron-produced. The cyclotron
of between 30 and 65 and a sum of 92. Fission reactions may be and similar particle accelerators can be used only with charged
self-sustaining. For each neutron consumed, an average of 2.5 particles such as electrons, protons, alpha particles, or
new neutrons are produced that may initiate the fission of other deuterons because the operation of such machines depends
nuclei. Such a reaction is called a chain reaction. If at least one upon the interaction of magnetic and/or electrostatic fields with

"Na(15.0h) 42
K 112.4h1

p 114.3d)

)11 `Nig (stabia)

5 (stable)

0a (stable)

Ca (4-79)

"Fe (458)
Cr {27.911)
0.809 or

EC 1.289

0 EC
4 1.098

Se (3 49)

- 44 1
V (stable)
p\ \:14 0.16
Co (stable)

Ti stable)

Sr (648)
r (35.3h)

2.648 //E;
2 094
1.621 0.514


0 0 0
NI (stable) Rb (StibleJ
" 2 Kr ( stable)

0.142 Mar Terr 1/2 6.0 hours) 111

9n (115d) 125
1 ( 60.2d)

0.140 Mery 98.8%


0.0 2.1 x 10 years) 0.393 (1 714

Te (stsbla)

Ru (Stable) 18 (stable)

1 ( 8.05d) Br
Hg (85h)

0.724 xe issm EC
2.26d 0.233 0.268
0.364 0 081
or 0.155 0.0773
0.164 0
9 133
'Au (stable)
Xe (stable)

Figure 29 - 9. Decay schemes for nuclides commonly used in medicine.


Table 29-3. Physical Characteristics of Radionuclides Commonly Used in Medicine

11c -
N(p, 0/) 11 C 20.4 minutes 13 0.97 p (100%) 5.9
0.511 'y (200%)
. -
N 16
0(p, 0) 13 N 10.0 minutes 0 1.2 p (100%) 5.9
0.511 y (200%)
14c 14N( n, 014(
5730 years 0 0.156 13 - (100%)
0 14
N(d, n) 15 0 2.05 months 0' 1.74 13 - (100%) 5.9
0.511 y (200%)
F 18
0(p, n) 18 F 110 minutes p - , EC 0.635 13 - (97%) 5.7
0.511 y (194%)
32p -
5(n, p) 32 P 14.3 days 13 1.71 13 (100%)
Cr 50
Cr(n, -y) 51 Cr 27.8 days EC 0.320 y (9%) 0.18
57 0.014 y (9%) 0.57
Co 56
Fe(p, -y) Co 271 days EC
0.122 y (86%)
0.136 -y (10%)
Co "
Co(n, y) 6D Co 5.27 years 13 0.31 13 - (99%) 13.2
1.173 y (100%)
1.332 y (100%)
Ga 68
Zn(p, 2n) 67 Ga 78.3 hours EC 0.093 y (38%) 1.6
0.184 y (20%)
0.300 y (16%)
0.394- y (5%)
Ga "Ge daughter 68.3 minutes 13', EC 1.9 ri (88%) 5.4
0.511 y (176%)
mKr 81
Rb daughter 13 seconds IT 0.191 y (66%) 1.6
Rb 82
Sr daughter 75 seconds fr, EC 3.15 13 - (96%) 6.1
0.511 y (192%)
5r 88
5r(n, y) 89 5r 50.5 days 13 1.46 13 - (100%)
90y 90
Sr daughter 64 hours 13 - 2.27 13 - (100%)
Mo fission 2.75 days 13 0.45 13 - (18%)
1.23 13 - (82%) 1.8
0.181 -,/ (6%)
0.740 y (13%)
0.778 y (5%)
mTc 99
Mo daughter 6.02 hours IT 0.140 -y (89%) 0.7
" 1 In 112
Cd(p, 2n) 1 "In 67.3 hours EC 0.171 y (90%) 3.2
0.246 y (94%)
1231 127
1(p, 5n)' 23 Xe daughter 13.2 hours EC 0.159 y (83%) 1.6
0.027 x (71%)
1251 124
Xe(n, -y) 125 Xe daughter 60.2 days EC 0.036 y (7%) 1.4
0.027 x (110%)
1311 fission 8.04 days 0 0.61 13- (90%) 2.2
0.284 -y (6%)
0.364 y (82%)
0.637 y (7%)
0.35 13 - (100%)
Xe fission 5.25 days 0 0.5
0.081 y (36%)
0.031 x (39%)
Cs fission 30 years 3 0.51 p - (94%) 3.3
1.18 13 - (6%)
0.662 sii (84%)
5m Sm(n, -0 153 SM 46.3 hours 13 0.640 13 - (30%) 0.9
0.710 13 - (50%)
0.810 p (20%)
0.103 y (29%)
Re 185
Re(n, y) 186 Re 3.72 days 13 - , EC 1.07 13 - (77%) 0.08
0.93 r3 - (23%)
0.137 y (9%)
T1 203
TI(p, 3n) 201 Pb daughter 73 hours EC 0.135 y (3%) 0.47
0.167 -y (10%)
0.070 x (74%)
0.080 X (20%)
Data from Madsen MT, Po nto JA. Medical Physics Handbook of Nuclear Medicine, Madison, \NI: Medical Physics, 1992; and individual product package

the charge (either + or ) of the particle undergoing accelera- RADIONUCLIDE GENERATORS

tion. When the particles have been accelerated to a high veloc-
ity, even approaching the velocity of light and representing When clinical procedures require that a radionuclide be admin-
enormous energies, they are caused to strike a target contain- istered internally, it is advantageous to use a nuclide with a
ing the atoms to be bombarded. Sodium-22 is prepared in this short half-life to minimize the radiation dose received by the
way, by the interaction of high-velocity deuterons with magne- patient. It is evident, however, that the shorter the half-life, the
sium. The nuclear equation is: greater the problem of supply. One answer to this problem is
the radionuclide generator, which uses the phenomenon of se-
24mg(d, 0) 22Na
quential decay. A radionuclide generator provides a mechanism
for separating a clinically useful, short half-life daughter nu-
Cyclotrons produce neutron-deficient isotopes; that is, the clide from a long-lived parent nuclide. Radioactive decay of the
neutron-to-proton ratio is low. These nuclides usually decay by long-lived parent results in the production of a short-lived ra-
positron emission or electron capture. Cyclotron-produced ra- dioactive daughter nuclide that is eluted or milked from the
dionuclides are generally carrier-free because they are nor- generator by means of an appropriate elu ant. Characteristics of
mally produced by transmutation. a number of parentdaughter systems that have been used in
The following reactions are typical for the cyclotron produc- radionuclide generators are found in Table 29-4.
tion of some medically useful nuclides: The molybdenum-99/technetium-99m generator (Fig 29-10)
13(cl, n)] 'C consists of an alumina (Al 2 0 3 ) column on which molybdenum-
99 is adsorbed as ammonium molybdate. Radioactive decay of
1113( p, n )1 1c
o produces which is eluted from the 991column with0.9%
sodium chloride, USP. Upon elution, the "Tc is in the form of
"B(d, 2n)" C sodium pertechnetate (Na'n'Te0 4 ). Elution repeated every 24
i-tN(p, a) ] ] c hours provides a satisfactory balance between concentration
and quantity of eluted If a high activity of '''Tc is not re-
lo B(ot, n) '3N quired, the generator can be eluted more frequently. A typical
elution curve for a "Moe'n'Tc generator is shown in Figure 29-
'2 C(d, n) 1.3N
11. Normally the generator must be replaced about once a week
due to the decay of 'Mo.
] 6 0(p, ot) 13 N
n) ]5. 0
1'N(p n)1'0
18 0(p, n) i.sF
20Ne(d, ot) ].sF
For medical and pharmaceutical purposes, some radionuclides
can be used in their elemental or salt forms, and thus do not re-
Zn(p, 04) 67 Cu
quire extensive processing beyond their separation and purifi-
` Zn(d, n) 67 Ga cation following production. However, most radionuclides must
be incorporated into some molecule or compound to form a use-
'3 Zn(p, 2n) 67 Cra ful radiotracer or radiopharmaceutical. There are several ways
that radionuclides are incorporated into the final radiopharma-
Ga(p, 2n) 6s Ge ceutical, a process known as radiolabeling. Some of the more
31 common methods of radiolabeling include the following.
Kr(p, 2n) Rb > niCr
Introduction of a Foreign LabelFor example, " 1 "Tc is not a
cd(p, n) n.ln natural part of any medically useful compound, and thus a
method must be developed to chelate '''Tc to various com-
12 cd(p, 2n) w in pounds of interest.
zo3 Thp, 3n)zo1ph 201rr1
Usually a nuclide can be made by more than one reaction. For Table 29-4. Selected Radionuclide Generators
example, 'I can be prepared either directly or indirectly. Di -

rect reactions include: PARENT DAUGHTER MODE OF

' Te(p, n) "I
23 68
Ge 271 d 'Ga 68 m
4 123
Rb 4.7 h 81
rnKr 13 s
Sla( He, 2n) 1 82
Sr 25 d 82
Rb 1.3 m
87y 87rns r
Te(d, n) 125
1 80 h 2.8 h
90y 64 h
5r 28y
991m 67 h
Te(p, 2n)' "I 99m
Tc 6.0 h
109MA g
Cd 453 d 39.2 5
Indirectly, the intermediate "Xe (or 'Cs, which decays to 113Mi n
Sn 118d 1.7 h
12 ] 1159 n
' Xe) is prepared, which then decays to 1231: 118
Cd 53.4 h 4.5 h
122 x e 1221
3n) ]2:3 xe _> 123 / 20 h 3.6 m
'22Te(4He, 1
"Te 3.2 d 1321 2.3 h
137rno a
122 Th ]23 3
Cs 30y 2.6 m
T 2n) Xe > ' 1 144p r
"Ce 285 d 1 7.3 m
'Te( He, 3n) "Xe > 1 123
1 21.5 d 178
Ta 9.4 m
1910 5 1911 r
]23 1 6d 4.9 s
1(p, 5n) Xe > 'I 195MH g 195MA u
41 h 30.6 5
Ac 10d 213 BI 45.6 m n. Y.
Xe(p, 2n) ] "Cs > 'Xe > 123

computer modeling can quite often be helpful. It is not always

easy to match a radionuclide that has appropriate physical
SALINE SOLUTION properties with a candidate compound for a particular diagnos-
tic or therapeutic purpose. It is important to make sure that the
chemistries are compatible and that the resulting molecule has
the desired biodistribution pattern.
With radiodiagnostic agents, structuredistribution rela-

I tionships (SDR) are used to design candidate molecules. The

SDR are similar to using structureactivity relationships for de-
signing pharmacologically active drugs. The goal of SDR are to
optimize target site delivery of the candidate radiopharmaceu-
tical. This involves predicting, investigating, and determining
changes in the biokinetics of a candidate radiopharmaceutical
LEAD ALUMINA by effecting small changes in its structure, such as through the
SHIELD COLUMN addition of functional groups to the compound. The newly al-
tered candidate is tested for its pharmacokinetic behavior and
9 s Ho
compared with the prototype. Eventually, the most effective ra-
diopharmaceutical candidate is selected for animal and human
to sting.

F 1 Technetium 99m (''''Tc) is the most commonly used metal
atom in radiopharmaceuticals; over 75% of all radiopharma-
ceuticals include "'"Tc as the radionuclide. Technetium-99m
STERILIZING has desirable physical properties for imaging purposes. It has a
FILTER 6-hour half-life and a 140 keV gamma photon that is emitted
with high abundance and it lacks particulate alpha and beta
j emissions. It also has a versatile chemistry that allows it to be
m TG chelated with a variety of compounds (but certainly not all com-
TN FI llATF pounds).
Figure 29 10. Schematic diagram of a radionuclide generator for the

production of technetium-99m by elution from molybdenum-99 ab-

sorbed on an alumina column.
991,1 0

Isotope ExchangeThis process occurs when a radioactive

isotope is substituted for a stable atom of the same element that
is already a natural part of the molecule. An example would be
substituting 123 1 for stable ' 27 1 in some iodine containing
Labeling With Bifunctional ChelatesA bifunctional chelate
is a molecule used to link another molecule with a radionuclide.
An example would be linking ` e . to a peptide without direct at-
tachment to the peptide by using a compound such as 1,4,7,10-
tetraazacyclododecane-1,4,7,10-tetraacetic acid (ROTA). -5
BiosynthesisThis reaction occurs when a radionuclide is 99 rnrc
incorporated into a molecule through some biosynthetic pro- C

cess. An example is when radioactive 'Co is placed in the

growth media of the bacteria that produces cyanocobalamin, vi-
tamin 812, as a metabolic by-product and yields radioactive vi-
tamin 812 for use in the Schilling test. Ca .06-

Not all radiopharmaceuticals use metal atoms as the radionu-
clide, but many do. When a molecule is radiolabeled with a
metal atom, sometimes the metal atom does not change the bi-
ologic properties of the molecule into which it is incorporated;
but sometimes it changes the biologic properties considerably.
The result of the former instance is sometimes classified as a
metal- tagged radiopharmaceutical, and the latter as a metal es-
sential radiopharmaceutical. In the case of metal essential ra- .01
0 10 20 30 40 5 60 7C
diopharmaceuticals, the radioactive metal atom is absolutely Time (hours)
essential in determining where that molecule will distribute in
the body. Therefore, when designing a new radiopharmaceuti- Figure 29 11. Elution curve. The lower solid lines show the theoretical

cal, one must be aware of how the addition of a metal atom activity of 99 mTc in the generator as a result of ingrowth followed by elu-
(such as ''''Tc) will affect the molecule in question. tion of 99 mTc at 24-hour intervals. If the generator were not eluted, in-
In the design of radiopharmaceuticals, it is obviously impor- growth would follow the broken line and a transient equilibrium would
tant to select compounds that are likely to distribute to the be established. The upper solid line represents decrease in activity of
organs or tissues of interest. As with nonradioactive drugs, 99
Mo, the parent nuclide, due to radioactive decay.

Table 29-5. Radiopharmaceutical Names


Albumin, aggregated macroaggregated albumin 1131 MAA Albumotope-LS;

iodinated 1131 serum" M acroscan-131
Albumin, chromated Cr 51 HSA Tomatope
Cr 51 serum"
Albumin, iodinated I radio-iodinated serum albumin; 1 125 RISA; 1 125 IHSA Albumotope 1125;
1 25 serum iodinated human serum albumin Jeanatope 1125
Albumin, iodinated I radio-iodinated serum albumin; i 131 RISA; i 131 IHSA Albumotope 1131;
1 31 serum iodinated human serum albumin Megatope 1131
Ammonia N 13 4 N 13 NH3
Carbon monoxide C 11' C 11 CO
Carbon C 14 urea C 14 urea PYtest
Chromic phosphate P 32 P 32 colloid Phosphocol
Cyanocobalamin Co 57 vitamin B 12 Co 57 612 Rubratope
Cyanocobalamin vitamin 812/instrinsic factor Co 58 612/Co 57 B12 IF
- Dicopac
Co 58/Co 57 6
Ferrous citrate Fe 59 4 Fe 59 citrate Ferrutope
Fibrinogen I 125 4 1 125 fibrinogen Ibrin
Fludeoxyglucose F 18' 2-fluoro-2-deoxy-o-glucose F 18 fluorodeoxyglucose;
Fluorodopa F 18 fluoro-levodopa F 18 fluorodopa
Gallium citrate Ga 67 Ga 67 citrate Neoscan
1 131 radiolabeled B1 iodinated lgG anti-B1 murine 1 131 anti-B1 Bexxar
monoclonal antibody" monoclonal antibody
Indium In 111 capromab IgG 1 murine monoclonal 7E11-053 In 111 CYT 356 ProstaScint
pendetide conjugated with DTPA [antiprostate
carcinoma monoclonal antibody]
Indium In 111 chloride In 111 Cl3 Indictor
Indium In 111 imciromab IgG 2a murine monoclonal R11 D10 Fab in 111 antimyosin Myoscint
pentetate" conjugated with DTPA [antimyosin
monoclonal antibody]

Indium In 111 immune i mmunoglobulin G (human polyclonal), In 111 IgG Macroscint

globulin intravenous disulfide with light chain, dimer,
pentetate" N, N-b [2-[bis(carboxymethyl)
am ino]-ethyl] glycine conjugate
Indium In 111 oxyquinoline 8-hydroxyquinoline In 111 oxine
Indium In 111 pentetate diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid In 111 DTPA
Indium In 111 pentetreotide octreotide D Phe DTPA
- - - In 111 octreotide OctreoScan
Indium In 111 satumomab IgG1 murine monoclonal In 111 CYT 099; OncoScint OR/OV
pendetide" 8723 conjugated with CYT 103
DTPA [anticolorecta I/ovarian
carcinoma monoclonal antibody]
lobenguane sulfate 1 12? meta-iodobenzylguan id ine 123 MIBG
lobenguane sulfate 1131 meta-iodobenzylguanidine 131 MIBG
iocanlidic acid 1123 4 iodobenzenepentadecanoic acid;
(p-iodophenyl)pentadecanoic acid
iodocholesterol I 131" 1 9-iodocholest-5-en-3p-ol 131 iodocholesterol
iodohippurate sodium 123 4 ortho-iodohippurate 123 OIH Nephroflow
iodohippurate sodium 131 ortho-iodohippurate I 131 01H Hippuran 1131; Hipputope
iodomethylnorcholesterol 6-p-iodomethyl-19-norcholesto- NP 59
I 131 4 m 5(10)en-3p-ol
iofetamine hydrochloride N-isopropyl-p-iodoamphetamine 1 123 IMP Spectamine
I 123 4
iothalamate sodium 1125 1 125 iothalamate Glofil
Krypton Kr 81m Kr 81m
mesiperone C 11' N-methylspiperone C 11 NMSP
methionine C 11 4 C 11 methionine
Raclopride C 11 4 C 11 raclopride
Rhenium Re 186 etidronate" ethylene hydroxydiphosphonate Re 186 EHDP
Rubidium chloride Rb 82 Rb 82 Cardiogen-82
Samarium Sm 153 lexi- ethylenediamine tetramethylene Sm 153 EDTMP Quadramet
dronam pentasodium phosphonic acid
Selenomethionine Se 75' Se 75 selenomethionine
Sodium acetate C 11' C 11 acetate
Sodium chromate Cr 51 Cr51 Na2Cr04 Chromitope
Sodium fluoride F 18 4 F 18 NaF
Sodium iodide 1123 I 123 Nal
Sodium iodide 1131 1131 Nal lodotope
Sodium pertechnetate Tc 99m product from Mo-99/Tc-99m generator Na Tc04 generators: Minitec;
Sodium phosphate P 32 P 32 Na313 04/Na2HPO4
Stannic pentetate Sn 117 4,6 tin (IV) diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid Sn 117 DTPA

Table 29-5. Radiopharmaceutical Names (continued)


Strontium chloride Sr 89 Sr 89 M eta stron

Technetium Tc 99m albumin Tc 99m NSA
Technetium Tc 99m albumin macroaggregated albumin Tc 99m MAA Pulmolite; Macrotec
Technetium Tc 99m albumin Tc 99m AC M icrolite
Technetium Tc 99m antimony 5b253 Tc 99m ASC Lymph-Scan
trisu lfide colloids

Technetium Tc 99m apcitide GP IIb/Illa receptor peptide Tc 99m P280 Accutech

Technetium Tc 99m IgG murine monoclonal I MM L1 4 - Tc 99m anti-CEA Fab CEA-Scan
arcitumomab Fab[anti-CEA monoclonal
antibody fragment]
Technetium Tc 99m bectumomab 4 IgG 2a murine monoclonal IMMU- Tc 99m IMMU-LL2 I mmuRaid LL2-

LL2 Fab [anti-non-Hodgkin's

lymphoma monoclonal
antibody fragment]
Technetium Tc 99m biciromab 4 IgG murine monoclonal T2Gls Tc 99m antifibrin Fab Fibroscint
Fab [antifibrin monoclonal
antibody fragment]
Technetium Tc 99m bicisate ethyl cysteinate dimer Tc 99m ECD Neurolite
Technetium Tc 99m depreotide
Technetium Tc 99m disofenin diisopropylacetanilidoiminodi- Tc 99m DISIDA Hepatolite
acetic acid

Technetium Tc 99m etidronatea ethylenehydroxydiphosphonate Tc 99m EHDP

Technetium Tc 99m exametazime hexamethylpropyleneamineoxime Tc 99m HMPAO Ceretec
Technetium Tc 99m furifosmin" ethylenebis(nitri lom ethyl idyne)bis Tc 99m Q-12 TechneScan Q-12
bis(tris[methoxypropyl] }-phosphine)
Technetium Tc 99m gluceptate glucoheptonate Tc 99m GH; GHA Glucoscan; Techne5can
Technetium Tc 99m lidofenin dimethylacetanilidoimino diacetic acid Tc 99m HIDA TechneScan HIDA
Technetium Tc 99m mebrofenin trimethylbromoacetanilidoimino- Tc 99m BR IDA Choletec
diacetic acid
Technetium Tc 99m medronate methylenediphosphonate Tc 99m MDP Osteolite;
TechneScan MDP
Technetium Tc 99m mertiatide mercaptoacetyltriglycine Tc 99m MAG3 TechneScan MAG3
Technetium Tc 99m nofetumomab IgG murine monoclonal NR-1_U-10 Fab Tc 99m NR-W-10 Verluma
merpentan [anti-small cell lung cancer mono-
clonal antibody fragment]
Technetium Tc 99m oxidronate hydroxymethyldiphosphonate Tc 99m HDP; HMDP Osteoscan-HDP
Technetium Tc 99m pentetate diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid Tc 99m DTPA Techneplex
Technetium Tc 99m pyrophosphate Tc 99m PYP Phosphotec; Techne-
Scan PYP
Technetium Tc 99m {gyro- and Tc 99m PYP Pyrolite
trimeta-) phosphates
Technetium Tc 99m red blood cells Tc 99m RBC [in vitro] UltraTag RBC
Technetium Tc 99m sestamibi hexakis(methoxylsobutyl)isonitrile Tc 99m MIBI; hexamibi; Cardiolite; Miraluma
RP 30A
Technetium Tc 99m succimer dimercaptosuccinic acid Tc 99m DMSA
Technetium Tc-99m sulesomab IgG 1 murine monoclonal imm1J-M N3 Tc 99m IMMU-MN3 LeukoScan
Fab [anti-NCA-90 granulocyte cel
antigen monoclonal antibody
Technetium Tc 99m sulfur colloid Tc 99m SC TechneColl; Tesuloid; TSC
Technetium Tc 99m teboroxime boronic acid adduct of technetium SQ-30217; CDO-MEB; BATO Cardiotec
dioxime; bis-cyclohexanedione
dioxime methylborato-
Technetium Tc 99m tetrofosmin 1,2-bis[bis(2-ethoxyethyl)phos- Tc 99m P53 Myoview
phino] ethane
Tha llous chloride TI 201 TI 201
Water 0 1 5 4 015 H2O
Xenon Xe 127' Xe 127
Xenon Xe 133 Xe 133
Not commercially available (investigational, discontinued, or extemporaneously compounded).
Official generic name not yet established.
Source: Table courtesy of lames A Panto.

Technetium-99m is derived from the decay of 'Mo. Since -N1 1 3 , CN, SH, 000, CO, and OH, among

` Ma is a decay product of 'Tc, it is chemically separated and others. The radiolabeling of certain '''Tc radiopharmaceuti-
used to make various 99 n1 Te radiopharmaceuticals. This sepa- cals involves the formation of an intermediate compound with
ration process occurs in what is known as a "Mo/"'nTc ra- a subsequent ligand exchange process (which usually requires
dionuclide generator system, as was discussed in a previous a heating step) to form the final product.
section. The '''Tc is eluted from the generator in the form of Technetium, in its various oxidation states, has a variety of
sodium pertechnetate in the +7 oxidation state. As such, it is coordination numbers. Compounds will complex with tech-
not very chemically reactive and will not bind to other com- netium in specific ways, depending on the oxidation state of
pounds. The oxidation state of technetium must be reduced to a technetium and the associated coordination number. Figure 29-
lower value in order to make it chemically reactive. This is typ- 12 illustrates how isonitrile molecules are complexed with
ically done by using a reducing agent such as stannous ion. `19 inTc in the +1 oxidation state.
Manufacturers develop compounds that can be labeled with
`17c and used for imaging various organ systems or tissues.
These compounds are frequently available in what are known
as reagent kits. The reagent kits are vials containing the par- Some radiopharmaceuticals are prepared in their final form at
ticular compound, usually in freeze-dried form, along with the the manufacturing site, whereas others are compounded at a
stannous ion and any other necessary ingredients such as nuclear pharmacy or nuclear medicine department. There are
buffers or preservatives. The radioactive as pertechne- several levels of sophistication in compounding these agents,
tate, is added to the reagent kit vial and the stannous ion re- ranging from simple addition of radiopertechnetate to the
duces the technetium, allowing it to chelate with the compound. reagent kit vial, to radiolabeling of autologous blood cells, cus-
Binding occurs through coordinate covalent bonds with certain tom radiolabeling of peptides and antibodies, and rapid hot lab
moieties on the compound molecule, known as ligands. Some of chemistry compounding of short-lived positron-emitting radio-
the more common ligands that bind to technetium are NH 2 , pharmaceuticals. Different diagnostic and therapeutic needs
require the use of different preparation techniques. Table 29-5
CH 2 CICH 3 ) 2 0C1-1 3 includes a list of radiopharmaceuticals currently in use.

Fi3C0(H,C),CCH,, ,,CH 2 C1C1-1 3 i 2 OCH 3
C N Baum S, et al. Atlas of Nuclear Medicine, New York: Appleton & Lange,
C.. C Merrick MV. Essentials of Nuclear Medicine, 2nd ed. New York:
Tc Springer-Verlag, 1997.
C Emram AM. New Trends in Radiopharmaceutical Synthesis and Qual-
C 14%.

ity Assurance and Regulatory Control. Baltimore, 1991.

N'"'" c N Sampson GB. Textbook of Radiopharmacy Theory and Practice. The
1-1,C0(11,C1,CCH, I CH2C(CH,),OCF-13 Netherlands: Gordon and Breach, 1999.
Sorenson JA, et al. Physics in Nuclear Medicine. Philadelphia: WB
1 Saunders, 1987.
CH 2CKI-1 3 1 2 0CH 3 Kowalsky RJ, et al. Radiopharmaceuticals in Nuclear Pharmacy and
Nuclear Medicine. West Virginia: American Pharmaceutical Associ-
Figure 29-12. Tc-hexakis-2-methoxyisobutyksonitrile (Tc-sestamibi). ation, 2004.

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